Gospel 9 Rom 5 - 11 Handout 110710

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Career Ministry Fellowship

...making a career of living for
the Lord!


Soulwinning: The Bridge of Relationships — Romans 5:11

DEFINITIONS Point 3. No matter what else is Point 6. Since you dare to care,
•__________________ (at-one- right, if your relationships are you dare to __________ and
ment) means a reconciling so going wrong life is a mess, and if establish a redemptive
complete it restores us to divine you are a believer who is not relationship.
favor bearing fruit, you are not
•Soulwinning is __________. Point 7. God puts some people in
____________________ love our lives specifically so we can
Point 4. Relationships are the ________ them what God has
context in which you done for us.
Point 1. It is only as we bring _____________ God’s mission.
men and women to Christ that AN EXPERIENTIAL EXEGESIS OF YOUR
they become subjects of his Point 5. If you are a believer by RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS
______________. being born again, you should 1. Relationships are ▇▇▇▇▇
be concerned about
2. No good relationship
Point 2. The story of the Bible is establishing, cultivating and
“relationship by happens ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
nourishing relationships with
____________________.” other people that will get them 3. No one ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇
the ____________ and bring
us how to build redemptive
them to God.

The God who created you and acted to redeem you wants to
have a ________________________ with you
Fast Facts

A seminar on soulwinning Get Discipled! Report to the signup

table and see what Directions is all
from Romans about!
Tuesday Raytown Bible Study New
How to utilize your location! 9816 E. 67th Terr. (the
relationships to build a new Genesis Plumbing, one block
west of Raytown Rd. off 67th St.)
bridge to Christ
Romans 5:11 Gym Setup for Career Class, Sundays
Message Nine

See and download Alan’s “How to

Meet My Master” plan of salvation
tract at http://su.pr/1Oh3NV

SIX PRINCIPLES FOR BUILDING REDEMPTIVE The Jesus Rule: Treat every person you meet as if
RELATIONSHIPS they were ___________.
1. Be __________________
2. Refuse to wear a ________
3. Identify ____________ ground
 Listen  Ask questions
4. ______________________ God’s love


 Acceptance  Affirmation  Assistance

5. ____________________ their feelings and fears

6. ____________ God to use you


Salvation’s Bridge, Romans 5:12-21 ALIGNING YOUR LIFE TO YOUR WITNESS
www.kcbt.org/career Sunday, Nov 21 Salvation: The Bridge of Christ, Rom 5:12-21
 Prayer Diary  Sermon Audio Sunday, Nov 28 Sanctification: The Bridge of Baptism, Rom 6:1-11
Facebook.com WHO IS HE?
“Join” KCBT Career “group page” ADVENT STUDY
Rev. W. Alan Shelby
Sunday, Dec 5 Wonderful Counselor
www.facebook.com/ashelby Sunday, Dec 12 Mighty God
Sunday, Dec 19 Prince of Peace

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