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Convergence of Missions and Prayer: IHOP-KC's Role to Serve Others


A. In terms of our journey at IHOP-KC, I recognize two prophetic seasons that are connected:
May 1983: beginning of the season when God gave us prophetic promises for the nations
May 2010: beginning of the season of the Spirit setting the stage to release what was promised

B. In 2010, the Body of Christ is entering a new season of convergence of three movements: the
missions, prayer, and church planting movements. Convergence speaks of bringing together the
strengths of many movements. In 2010, the Lord is stirring senior spiritual fathers and mothers
(most are in their 70s and 80s) to declare this convergence to young people across the nations.

C. Premise: The Lord will change the expression of Christianity in the earth in one generation. (I
received this in Cairo in Sept. 1982). The main work force in the end-time revival will be a
global young adult movement like the Student Volunteer Movement in the early 20th century.

D. At the heart of this movement is night and day prayer for justice, from Great Commission prayer
watches operating in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David. This is foundational to doing works
of justice (missions, healing the sick, and helping the oppressed, etc.). This will deal aggressively
with spiritual forces resisting the gospel in order to accelerate Great Commission activity.

E. We are praying: “Jesus, establish 10 million prayer watches across the nations with 10 people
and at least one singer and instrument.” Most of these prayer watches will be connected to their
local church and others will be hosted in regional prayer rooms. Some will gather one hour a day
and others will continue 24/7. In some regions, 24/7 prayer will come from one building and in
other places it will come from the collective efforts of many prayer watches in that area.

F. A catalyst for this convergence will be the spiritual fathers and mothers calling forth a global
young adult movement to start more prayer watches. This increases as fathers see and say this.
This will result in changing the spiritual atmosphere of cities and the culture of the Church.

G. IHOP-KC’s role: Tell part of the story of a few spiritual fathers and build a “boot camp” to
train intercessory missionaries to join and serve other ministries. We do not want to start houses
of prayer that have our name, but rather to send (release/bless) our staff to join other ministries.
YWAM’s 50 year anniversary lines up with IHOP-KC’s ten year anniversary in which we
committed to combine the 24/7 prayers for justice with 24/7 works of justice until Jesus returns.

H. Five things for the fathers to declare to validate and release young adults to lead prayer watches:
1) Build prayer watches: 10 people with at least one instrument and singer
2) Pray for missions: ask the Lord for laborers, wisdom, and power during part of the meeting
3) Magnify God’s love: in some of the worship songs to cultivate intimacy with God
4) Holy Spirit ministry: receive from the Spirit’s ministry by praying for each other
5) Culture of honor: work with and honor those from different backgrounds in the Body

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A. Sign #1: Jesus linked the evangelizing of every nation to His return. Top missions leaders say
that all 12,000 different ethnic groups will have the gospel preached to them by the year 2020.
This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations
[ethnos] and then the end will come. (Mt. 24:14)

B. Sign #2: Jesus linked unity in the church to the evangelizing of the nations.
That they all may be one…that the world may believe that You sent Me. (Jn. 17:21)


A. The highest identity of the redeemed throughout eternity is to be a “House of Prayer”. God
speaks and moves our heart. Then we speak and move His heart to release His resources
For My house shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations. (Isa. 56:7)

B. In March 2004, Mark and Karen Anderson each received a prophetic word on the same day
saying “My house is a House of Prayer, if it is not a House of Prayer then it is not my house.” On
Dec. 25, 2006, Mark Anderson had a prophetic dream in which the Lord revealed to him that the
missions movement and the prayer movement are the same movement in God’s heart.

C. Allen Hood’s prophetic dream (Dec. 2007): The Lord will connect international movements

D. A historic meeting of international missions leaders, prayer leaders, and church planters was held
in January 2008 called the Call2All-Orlando led by Mark Anderson and attended by 600 leaders
including the CEOs of 170 of the primary mission organizations in the world. Highlights
include the missions leaders and prayer leaders recognizing the Lord's hand in establishing them
together in strategic alliances in completing the task of bringing the gospel to every nation.

E. In 36 months of Call2All congresses (Jan. 2008 to May 2010), we have seen demonstrations of
unity in the commitments made: 5,000,000 new church plants and 600,000 new houses of prayer
by 2020. Missions, prayer, and church planting movements and marketplace ministries are
working together for the first time in history for the gospel in all seven spheres of society.


A. In May 1983 the Lord said audibly: “I will establish 24-hour-a-day prayer in the spirit of the
Tabernacle of David.” This was a prophecy for Church in the nations about God’s determination
to establish 24/7 prayer in the cities of the earth. It was not mostly a reference to IHOP-KC
which is but a tiny subunit of this global end-time prophecy.

B. We must not reduce the spirit of the tabernacle of David to prayer meetings led by worship
teams. It is more. It is a summary statement of the new expression of Christianity. There are
three biblical promises to restore David’s tabernacle (Isa. 16:5; Amos 9:11-12; Acts 15:16-17).

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C. In 750 BC, Amos prophesied of the restoration of David’s tabernacle. He linked the timing to the
generation in which Israel was restored to the land to never be pulled up. This time frame began
in May 1948. This is the only time frame in history in which this prophecy can be fulfilled.
However, the generation the Lord restores Israel to the land signals a new measure of the spirit of
the tabernacle of David reality being restored in connection with the great harvest (Acts 15:17).
I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will
raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old; 12 that they may possess the remnant of
Edom [Islam] and all the Gentiles [nations, Mt. 24:14]...called by My name…14 I will bring
back the captives of My people Israel [1948]; they shall build the waste cities…15 I will plant
them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land… (Amos 9:11-15)

D. One result of the tabernacle of David is that Jesus may possess the remnant of Edom. Edom
speaks of the Arab nations, specifically the Islamic nations. Therefore, a key to winning Islam is
for the Church to function in the spirit of David’s tabernacle. We are in that hour of history.

E. In about 50 AD, James quoted Amos’ prophecy about David’s tabernacle being restored.
After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down; I
will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up; 17 So that the rest of mankind may seek the LORD,
even all the Gentiles [nations, Mt. 24:14] who are called by My name… (Acts 15:16-17)

F. The fullness of God’s promise to restore the tabernacle of David speaks of the full release of
Jesus’ government across all the nations in context to prophetic worship with intercession. It will
only be completely restored in Jesus’ millennial government based on 24/7 Davidic worship.

G. After Jesus returns as a Jewish king, the Son of David, He will rule all nations from Jerusalem
and operate in all the facets of the tabernacle of David. This is more than a prayer movement, but
a governmental movement fueled by prayer. The spirit of David’s tabernacle is operating now.

H. The spirit of the tabernacle of David includes:

1. Prayer for the harvest or for the “rest of mankind.” The first application in the Scripture
of the restoration of David’s tabernacle was related to Gentiles receiving salvation.

2. Prayer led by prophetic worship or by singers and musicians with a prophetic spirit
(1 Chr. 23:5; 25:7). The key to enjoyable prayer is to mix it with prophetic worship.

3. Prayer energized by intimacy with God and fascinated with God (beholding His beauty).
…To behold the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in His temple. (Ps. 27:4)

4. Prayer that values prophetic revelation (to inquire of the Lord) with strategic prayer.

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5. Prayer that contends for the fullness of God’s purposes. David vowed to contend for the
fullness of God’s purposes (Ps. 132:1-5). We pray that the Church is filled with glory
(Eph. 5:27) as the nations are won to Jesus and the kingdom is on earth as in heaven. This
goes far beyond only focusing our prayers on getting a breakthrough for personal needs.

6. Prayer that values the manifestation of God’s glory or the Spirit’s power (2 Chr. 5:13-14;
7:1-3; Hab. 2:14; Isa. 2:2-4). When Solomon’s temple was dedicated, God’s glory fell on
the priests including 120 trumpeters as a prototype of 120 intercessors in Acts 2 when
God’s manifest presence (Spirit’s wind, fire, and wine) was released through the church.

7. Prayer for justice in mercy is foundational to David’s tabernacle being restored.

In mercy the throne will be established; and One will sit on it in truth, in the tabernacle
of David, judging and seeking justice and hastening righteousness. (Isa 16:5)

8. Prayer with an attitude of generous openhandedness with God’s blessing. David’s reign
was characterized by investing in the kingdom not just his personal sphere of influence.
We use resources that God gives us to build the kingdom not just our personal ministry.

9. Prayer that results in divine protection (Ps. 91:1-14; Phil. 1:19). Nearly all of Psalm 27 is
about David receiving God’s protection. A key part of the end time prayer movement is
to walk in the place of immunity from judgment that I refer to as “Goshen principle.”

10. God’s purpose for Israel to exalt Jesus in the nations (Isa. 2:3; 4:4-6; 24:23; 62:1, 7;
65:18; 66:20; Jer. 3:17; Joel 3:17; Mic. 4:2; Zech. 6:12-13; 8:2-3; Mt. 5:35). The spirit of
the tabernacle of David emphasizes the son of David reigning in Jerusalem and being
exalted over all nations.


A. The Lord spoke to IHOP-KC leaders about making YWAM our primary missions organization to
cover in prayer (January 2004). At this time I made a commitment to stand with John Dawson.

B. Loren and I both received the prophetic word “convergence” before we met.

C. YWAM has over 1,400 locations in nearly 200 nations and 600 locations for the University of
the Nations (UofN) in 140 countries. In 2010, over 400,000 people will be involved in their
training and ministry events (over 4,000,000 have been involved in the last 50 years). YWAM
has emphasized hearing from God (prophetic) with strategic prayer (intercession) and intimacy.

D. Today, there are about 300,000 missionaries from all the nations in about 10,000 small missions
organizations. There are about ten very large missions organizations that represent 90% of the
missions activity. Campus Crusade and YWAM each have nearly 25,000 staff. Every Home for
Christ, the Southern Baptists, Assemblies of God, and Wycliffe each have about 5,000 on staff.

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E. On April 28, 2010, I gave a prophetic word to Loren about his role in the nations as the Body of
Christ functions in the fullness of grace that was given to Antioch. Their multi-ethnic leadership
team emphasized worship, prayer, fasting, prophetic ministry, and missionary sending.
…At Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called
Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and
Saul. 2 As they ministered to the Lord [worshipped] and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, "Now
separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." 3 Then, having
fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away. (Acts 13:1-3)

F. In 1960, when Loren started YWAM, the Lord gave him a leadership calling to the nations with
parallels to King David. The Lord called him to confront a giant and put five stones in his pouch
(1 Sam. 17:40). The number five may also speak of the 5-fold ministry. YWAM is the first stone
that Loren used. For 50 years they have stood against many giants in mobilizing world missions.
David defeated the giant with the first stone. Israel celebrated his victory, singing, “David has
slain his ten thousands” (1 Sam. 18:7), in a similar way God’s people have celebrated YWAM’s
victories. About 20 years after David killed Goliath, he was promoted to king over Israel, thus,
having a premier governmental position among God’s people.

G. YWAM is Loren’s first and favorite stone. The Lord has given four more stones to Loren. There
are four other stones or international ministries (representing many more ministries that are
relationally connected to them) that will serve the Antioch assignment given to Loren.

H. The Body of Christ globally is approaching “Antioch hour” in church history. The Lord has
called Loren to a new measure of authority. He will be catalytic in helping the missions
movement cultivate the spiritual culture that was in Antioch. No one has more authority with
international missionary leaders than Loren Cunningham. No one is afraid of his agenda. No one
fears that he will call people to prayer that is disengaged from the harvest.

I. In the summer of 2004, prior to the 50 days of intercession in Colorado Springs, the Lord spoke
to Lou Engle about YWAM's role and its strategic place to fill the earth with prayer.

J. IHOP is not joining YWAM nor seeking to be like YWAM. The strength in this convergence is
in maintaining the real distinctions in the many ministries who are involved.


A. In April 1984, I heard the audible voice of God say, “I have a revelation for you. Call Bob
Jones.” He said to Bob Jones, “It will begin in 10 years with the wine of the Spirit and it will
require great humility.” For years, I thought “it” meant a youth movement in Kansas City.

B. The Lord showed Bob that He would bring an increase of humility by releasing His wine. God’s
purpose for releasing the “wine of the Spirit” is to renew hearts and impart the Father’s love. The
Lord uses wine to create a context for pride and/or humility to surface.

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C. God’s manifest presence includes the Spirit’s wind, fire, and wine (Acts 2:1-13). They are a
stumbling block to many, but are essential to God’s plan to release healing and humility. The
Lord wanted us to know that He insists on the wine. Paul Cain received a prophetic warning in
1994: some would resist the wine and others would exaggerate it as expressions of their pride.

D. Jesus’ ministry began with wine (Jn. 2) and the Church’s public ministry began with wine (Acts
2). The end-time prayer movement begins with wine.

E. The prophetic word started in Cairo in September 1982, the next installment was in May 1983,
and the third part of was given in April 1984. These three words are really one message: I will
change the expression of Christianity by establishing 24/7 prayer in the spirit of the tabernacle
of David. It will begin in 10 years with wine and it will require great humility!” It was like the
Lord paused for a year between each installment of this one prophetic paragraph.

F. In January 1994, the Lord began to release the wine of His Spirit to the nations from Toronto. It
was ten years after the spring of 1984.

G. In October 1996, Frank Damazio spoke a prophetic message at Toronto connecting this “wine”
to intercession. That night was the first public declaration of the transition to start IHOP-KC.

H. Patricia Bootsma, a leader with John sent me a prophetic word (Nov. 16, 2010, "The River and
the tabernacle of David are going to meet and cause a beautiful 'spontaneous combustion.'"

I. John and Carol Arnott lead the Partner in Harvest network of churches with 10,000 in 25 nations
(mostly SE Africa). John Arnott has great credibility with renewal leaders around the earth. John
recently called all 10,000 of Partner in Harvest network churches to establish houses of prayer.

J. John has great respect in the renewal movement as Loren has in the missions movement.

K. God has chosen Toronto to have a special prophetic role in His worldwide purposes. It is the
most multi-ethnic city on earth alongside London. Yonggi Cho prophesied in the 1977’s that
God was raising up Canada to prepare the nations for the end-time move of God.


A. I know of no one on earth who is more consistent or bolder than Dick Eastman in calling for
prayer watches in the spirit of the tabernacle of David connected to the Great Commission.
Summary: Every Home for Christ (EHC) is a ministry that mobilizes multitudes in evangelism,
prayer, discipleship and church planting. Its vision is to present the gospel to every home on
earth by systematically going home to home in every nation. Their staff includes 4,000 full-time
and 16,000 part time workers. They form alliances with many ministries to train national leaders

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B. EHC initiatives have been conducted in 205 nations. Over 75 million decisions for Christ have
been made forming nearly 150,000 Christ Groups (home churches) and sending out 80 million
discipleship courses. They have given out 2.8 billion gospel booklets in their 64-year history.
Currently, they average 35,000 decisions each day. Over the last five years they have received
reports of approximately 40 million decisions for Christ with 12 million in 2009. On an average,
each day they share the gospel with 900,000 individuals in 180,000 homes and have started over
10,000 Walls of Prayer (mostly in Asia). A Wall of Prayer is like a prayer chain made up of
many committing to one or more hours in the 168 hour week.

C. Murray and Deborah Hiebert, senior leaders at IHOP-KC during our first seven years, are
responsible to mobilize prayer for the harvest in Colorado Springs and for EHC in the nations.

D. Jericho Center is their HQ and prayer center with state-of-the-art facilities to host consultations
that seek to unite many prayer and evangelism efforts. They broke ground September 19, 1999
the very day that IHOP-KC began 24/7 prayer with worship.

E. Dick Eastman, Joy Dawson, and Leonard Ravenhill impacted me and Lou Engle greatly in our
prayer life in our early years,

F. In July 2004, Lou Engle had a prophetic dream of being in Dick’s living room and the Lord
showed him that Dick’s ministry of birthing sixteen international movements that would join
prayer and evangelism. In the dream, Dick was radiating in the glory of God as he asked Lou and
Brian Kim to take a walk with him. The Lord said to Lou, “TheCall prayer movement sprung out
of Dick Eastman’s ministry and is connected to his calling.”


A. South Korea is smaller than the state of Missouri and was ranked as the second poorest nation in
the world following the Korean War (1950-1953).

B. What Korea has done in the last 50 years in prayer is unprecedented in history. It has the largest
prayer ministry from any one nation in history happened in South Korea

C. For about 50 years (1960-2010) they have had a corporate prayer ministry second to none in
history. South Korea is the mightiest corporate prayer ministry in history for its size. There are
two large prayer mountains one with a 10,000 seat sanctuary and the other with a 3,000
sanctuary. Both sanctuaries have usually been full on a daily basis for 20 years since about 1990.
There are over 200 prayer mountains. I see the prayer ministry in Korea as having taken the lead
in the spirit in birthing the prayer movement that we are witnessing in the nations in this hour.

D. The praying church in Korea has taken the lead in birthing the prayer movement across the earth
in the last 20 years. There is nothing like it in history. South Korea is the mightiest corporate
prayer ministry in history for its size.

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E. The intense prayer in 1960-90 was in response to the Korean War that left so many orphans and
widows in poverty. They were motivated by injustice and the pain of loss and destitution after
the Korean War. The Koreans prayed out of desperation and not in the spirit of the tabernacle of
David. The message on the love of God is new and radical to many. When they get it, they will
fill Asia and the Middle East with prayer watches in the spirit of the tabernacle of David.

F. China will have the mightiest spiritual army in all history before Jesus returns by virtue of its
size and the 60 years of difficulty (since 1949) plus the Lord’s calling on China. China will be
the mightiest force before the Lord returns.

G. The prayer movement in this generation has bookends in Asia. In other words, two of the largest
prayer movements in history are in the same generation and are both in Asia. They will both
have significant leadership worldwide in the prayer movement.


A. When a small number of spiritual fathers call forth this convergence, then many leaders will also
say it. Their influence is far greater than just on the people in their organizations. The fathers
need to say it boldly and regularly. They do not need to organize events together or share data
bases or conferences or anything, but just say it on the platform that God has given them.

B. The fathers will proclaim to young adults that it is biblical, doable, and essential to establish.
It is doable: with 10 people and at least one musical instrument
It is biblical: the fathers will validate intercessors giving them dignity and honor
It is essential: justice will not go forth to the same measure without night and day prayer


A. Over 100 years ago, God raised up the Student Volunteer Movement out of North America and
Europe that touched the ends of the earth. The Student Volunteer Movement mobilized 20,000
students to preach the gospel in foreign lands and to evangelize the world in one generation.

B. We believe that the Lord is again raising up a young adult movement committed to unrelenting
prayer and aggressive missions so that the Lamb may receive the reward of His suffering.

C. In July 1886, the Mt. Hermon conference birthed the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign
Mission. The movement was strong for 50 years (1885-1935). John R. Mott was its main leader.
Over 20,000 missionaries were launched into foreign mission fields within 50 years (1890-1920)
with another 100,000 ‘mobilized to pray for missions. A climatic moment for this movement was
the 1910 World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland when 1200 delegates committed
themselves to finishing the task of world evangelization.

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FREE Resources
Online Teaching Library
This library comprises a wealth of resources from over 25 years of Mike’s teaching ministry
and provides access to hundreds of resources in various formats including streaming video,
downloadable video, and audio, accompanied by study notes and transcriptions, absolutely
free of charge.

24/7 Prayer Room Webstream
The International House of Prayer of Kansas City is an evangelical missions organization
centered around the 24/7 prayer room, open to the public day and night. It is a place where
we never cease worshiping the Lord and interceding for our world. Join us live via the free
24/7 webstream from the prayer room.

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