Chapter 4 Thesis

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In this chapter, all the questions presented on chapter 1 must be answered by

the researchers. To come up with a valid analysis, the researcher was able to
interpret the data that he gathered, and accurately interpret them using the
parameters that he has established earlier in chapter 3. Here, the researcher is
expected to make a descriptive analysis based on the result on his survey.
The following data were assessed by the respondents of the study. These
respondents are the Grade 10 students at Calaca Academy, Inc.

1.Profile of the respondents


Distribution if the respondents according to Age.

Age Respondents Percentage %

15-16 39 98%
17-18 1 2%
Total 40 100%

Table 1 show the distribution of the respondents according to age.

There are Thirty nine (39) or Ninety eight (98) percent of the respondents from
the ages 15-16. While, One (1) or Two (2) percent of the respondents from the
ages 17- 18.

So this table stand for the number of the respondents that there are
more respondents that the ages is 13-14 among all the respondents.

Distribution of Respondents according to Gender.

Gender Respondents Percentage %

Male 20 50%
Female 20 50%
Total 40 100%

Table 2 show the distribution of the respondents according to the Gender.

There are Twenty (20) or Fifthy (50) percent of the respondents are male.
While, Twenty (20) or Fifthy (50) percent of the respondents are female.

So this table represent for the number of the respondents that the male and
female is same.
Table 3.

Distribution of respondents according to Section.

Section Respondents Percentage %

Narra 20 50%
Molave 20 50%
Total 40 100%

The table 3 show the distributions of the respondents according to section. There are
Twenty (20) or Forty (40) percent of the respondents are Narra. And then, Twenty (20) or
Fifty (50) percent of the respondents are Molave.
Table 4

S1. How procrastination

Weighted Verbal
affect the academic Mean Interpretation
performance of the 5 4 3 2 1
a. May received low grades 19 15 4 1 1 4.25 Agree

b. Experience stress or 15 14 9 1 1 4.03 Agree

c. Lose self-confidence on 16 13 9 2 4.43 Agree
performing task
d. Experience higher levels 16 14 9 1 4.13 Agree
of Frustration
e. Low self-esteem 18 14 8 4.25 Agree

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