Unit/ Theme/ Week/ Learning Outcome/ Objectives Specification Grammar/ Vocabulary CCTS/ Moral Values

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Week 1-2 Transition


Week 3 - 4 By the end of the lesson , 1.2.1. Listen to and Grammar

pupils should be able to :- repeat the She is Siew Ling.
UNIT 1 1.1 Listen to and pronunciation of He is Kumar.
World of family discriminate similar and monosyllable words. I am Amir.
and friends different sounds of the
( Greetings / English Language 1.2.2. Listen to and Vocabulary
Personal Details ) Hello
In words. repeat correctly
phrases and Good morning
2.1 Speak clearly by expression Good afternoon
pronouncing words Good evening
accurately. 2.1.1. Pronounce Good night
monosyllable words Goodbye
3.1. Acquire word correctly. Thank You
recognition and word
attack skills to recognize 2.7.1. Exchange CCTS
words on sight. greetings. Identifying
4.1. Copy correctly. 3.1.1. Master letters
of the alphabets. Moral Values
3.1.2. Learn Politeness
individual letters Friendliness
sound of the alphabet.

3.2.1. Recognize
complete words.

4.1.1. Write letters of

alphabet in clear and
legible print.( small/

4.3.1. Complete
missing letters in

4.5.1. Spell common

sight words.
Week 5 By the end lesson , pupils 1.2.2. Listen to and
should be able to :- repeat correctly
UNIT 2 1.1. Listen to and phrases and
discriminate similar and expressions.
World of family different sound of the
and friends
English Language. 2.1.1. Pronounce
( Personal Details
monosyllable words
2.1. Speak clearly by correctly.
pronouncing words
accurately. 2.1.2. Repeat
exclamations with the
3.1. Acquire word correct intonation and
recognition and word stress.
attack skills to recognize
words on sight. 2.3.1. Responding
with Yes/No replies.

4.1. a) Copy correctly 2.7.1. Exchange Grammar

greetings. Good morning
4.1 b) Write at mother.
word.phrase,sentence and 2.7.2. Talk about Good afternoon
paragraph level in clear , oneself. teacher
legible print and cursive Good evening, Puan
writing. 3.1.1. Master letters Liza.
of the alphabet. Goodbye, Amir

3.1.2. Learn Vocabulary

individual letters Good morning
sound of the alphabet. Good afternoon
Good evening
3.1.3. Identify letter Good night
shapes by their
3.2.1. Recognise Identifying
complete words. Matching
Making association
4.1.1. Write letters of and connections
the alphabet in clear
and legible print
(Combination of Moral Values
small and capital Politeness
letters). Friendliness
4.1.3. Copy words Love
and phrases in clear
and legible print.

4.3.1. Complete
missing, letters in
4.5.2. Spell seen

Week 6 -9 By the end of the lesson, 1.2.4. Listen to and Grammar

pupils should be able to :- repeat simple rhymes What number is this?
UNIT 2 and songs paying It is number ……..
World of 1.2. Listen to and repeat attention to Is this number one?
knowledge accurately the correct pronunciation stress Yes/ No replies.
( Numbers )
pronunciation of words and intonation
and the correct intonation correctly. Vocabulary
and word stress of One, two, three, four,
phrases, expressions and 1.3.2. Listen to and five, six, seven, eight,
sentences. understand the nine, ten.
numbers 1-5.
2.2. Ask questions CCTS
politely to obtain 1.3.2. Listen to and Identifying
information and understand the Matching
clarification. numbers 1-5 Sequencing/
3.2. Acquire key words at 1.4.3. Listen to and Grouping
various stages of follow simple
development. instructions Moral Values
4.2. Match words to 1.6.1. Listen to and Friendliness
linear and non-linear enjoy rhymes and
representations. children’s songs.
i. word to word.
ii. Word to phrases. 2.2.2. Ask question
iii. Word to pictures, pertaining to
symbol. numbers.

2.3.3. Give replies

pertaining to numbers

2.7.4. Give simple


3.2.3. Recognise and

read aloud the
numbers in nit’s
numeral and word

3.7.1. Looking at the

pictures of simple
factual texts.
4.1.2. Copy legible
numbers in both
numbers and words

4.6.2. Spell seen

(words given to be
memorized )

1.3.3. Listen to and

understand the
numbers 6-10.

2.3.5. Give replies

pertaining to numbers

2.3.6. Refute
statement and give
the correct name or

Week 10 By the end of the lesson, 1.2.1. Listen to and Grammar;

Unit 2 pupils should be able to :- repeat the It is a triangle.
World of pronunciation of It is a circle.
Knowledge 1. 2. Listen to and repeat monosyllable words . It is rectangular
( Shapes ) It is a square.
accurately the correct
pronunciation of words 1.2.2. Listen to and
and the correct intonation repeat correctly Vocabulary
and word stress of phrases and Circle, Triangle,
phrases, expressions and expressions. Square, Rectangle
1.4.3. Listen to and CCTS
2.3 Give relevant follow simple Identifying,
information politely in instructions. matching, grouping
response to inquires
made. 1.7.1. Listen to Moral Values
simple short stories Cleanliness,
3.3 Read and understand and respond verbally. Harmony,
phrases, sentences Friendliness
paragraph and whole text. 2.1.3. Ask questions
with the correct
4.2 Match words to linear 2.3.6. Refute
and non-linear statement and give
representations; the correct name or
i. words to words co lour.
ii. words to phrase
iii. words to pictures, 2.4.4. Retell stories
symbols heard before.

3.1.6. Compare
words for similar and
different sounds.

3.3.2. Read and

understand simple
sentences by
matching them to

3.5.1. Understand the

meaning of words by
looking at pictures

3.8.1. Read simple

poems and simple

4.1.4. Copy three

words sentences in
clear print.

4.2.2. Match phrases

to pictures.

4.3.2. Complete
simple construction.

Week 11-13 By the end of the lesson, 1.3.1 Listen to and Grammar
UNIT 3 pupils should be able to:- understand key words This is my nose.
World Of 1.6. Listen to end enjoys in stories heard. These are my eyes.
Knowledge songs, rhymes and These are my feet.
Parts Of The children songs. 1.4.3 Listen to and
Body Vocabulary
follow simple
2.4 Tell stories based on instructions. Parts of the body.
pictures and other stimuli, (eye, nose)
and recite poems.
3.1 Acquire word 1.5.3 Listen to stories Identifying,
recognition and word and answer to matching,
attack skills to recognize questions Making associations.
words on sight. on details of people
and animals in Moral value
stories. Cleanliness, respect,
4.2 Match words to linear 1.7.2 Listen to simple
and non-linear short stories and
representations: answer questions on
i. word to word details on people and
ii. words to phrases animals in stories.
iii. Words to pictures,
symbols. 2. 1.3 Ask questions
with correct

2.3.4 Give longer

replies when
identifying: naming
parts of the

2.3.6 Refute
statements and give
the correct name or

3.2.2 Read and learn

the meaning of 5
keywords for each

3.3.1 Read and

understand phrase by
matching simple
phrases to pictures.

3.4.2 Read aloud


4.2.1 Match words to


4.3.1 Complete
missing letters in

4.7.2 Spell seen

Week 14 -15 By the end of the lesson, 1.2.4. Listen to and Grammar
pupils should be able to; repeat simple rhymes This is a classroom.
UNIT 4 I learn in the
ad songs paying
World Of classroom
1.4 listen and follow attention to
Knowledge This is a field.
(Places in my simple instructions and pronunciation, stress
directions accurately and intonation I play in the field.
1.5 Obtain information Vocabulary
from text; listen to in 1.7.1 Listen to simple Classroom, field,
relation to main ideas short stories and toilet, library,
specific details and response non- canteen.
sequence. verbally.
Moral Values
1.6 Listen to and enjoy 2.2.1 Ask simple Cleanliness,
the rhyme, rhythm and question requiring responsibility,
sounds of poetry, jazz yes/no replies. respect.
chants and songs.
2.3.1 Responding
Identifying, making
2.2 Ask questions politely with yes/no replies.
to obtain information and
clarification. 2.3.6 Refute
statements and give
2.3 Give relevant the correct names
information politely in
response to inquiries 2.6.1 Give non-verbal
made. response to stories
heard or read.
3.1 Acquire word
recognition and word 3.3.2 Read and
attack skills. understand simple
sentences by
4.1 (b) Write at word, matching them to
phrase, sentence and pictures.
paragraph level in clear,
legible print and cursive 3.4.2 Read aloud
writing phrases

3.4.3 Read aloud

sentences in signs,
notices and simple

4.2.1 Match words to


4.3.1 Complete
missing letters in text.

4.7.2 Spell seen

Week 16-17 By the end of the lesson, 1.3.1. Listen to key Grammar
pupils should be able to:- words in stories This is Sunita.
UNIT 4 heard. She has seven rulers.
World Of 1.3. Acquire vocabulary This is Kumar.
Knowledge and understand the 1.3.2. Listen to and He has four erasers.
(Things in the
meaning of words and understand all the
phrases in context. words in the word Vocabulary
list. Chair
1.5. Obtain information Cupboard
from texts listened to in 1.3.4. Listen to and Duster
relations to main ideas, understand simple Pencils
specific details and spoken phrases and Bag etc.
sequence. sentences.
2.2. Ask questions 1.5.2. Listen to Matching
politely to obtain simple descriptions Identifying
information and and answer simple
clarification. ‘wh’ questions on Moral Values
details. Responsibility
2.3 Give relevant
information politely in 2.2.1. Ask simple
response to enquiries questions requiring
made. Yes/No replies.

3.4. Read aloud 2.3.1. Responding

expressively and fluently with
pronouncing words Yes/ no replies.
correctly and observing
correct stress and 2.3.2. Give a one-
intonation and sentence word replies when
rhythm. identifying, naming
objects etc.
3.6. Acquire a wide range
of vocabulary. 2.3.6. Refute
statements and give
4.2. Match words to the correct name or
linear and non-linear number.
i. word to word. 3.3.1. Read and
ii. Word to phrase. understand phrases
iii. word to picture, by matching simple
symbol phrases to pictures.

4.3. Complete texts with 3.4.1. Read aloud

the missing word, phrase words in lists and
or sentence. labels.

3.4.2. Read aloud

4.2.2. Match phrases
to pictures.

4.3.1. Complete
missing letters
( words ) in texts




WEEK 21-23 By the end of the lesson , 1.1.1. Listen to and Grammar
UNIT 5 pupils should be able to :- repeat What is your father’s
World of family (b) Consonants in the name?
and friends 1.1. Listen to and initial position. Who is your mother?
My Family Who is your sister?
discriminate similar and
different sounds of the 1.1.2. Listen to
English Language. identify and group : Vocabulary
a) Vowels in the Father, mother, sister,
1.3. Acquire vocabulary initial position. brother, grandmother
and understand the
meaning of words and b) Consonants in the CCTS
phrases in context. initial position. Recalling,
identifying, listing
2.2. Ask questions c) Vowels in the
politely to obtain medial position. Moral Values
information and Love, respect,
clarification. 1.3.2. Listen to and harmony
understand all the
2.3. Give relevant words in the word
information politely in list.
response to enquiries
made. 2.2.1. Ask simple
questions requiring
3.1. Acquire word Yes/ No replies.
recognition and word
attack skills to recognize 2.3.1. Responding
words on sight. with Yes/ No replies.

3.2. Acquire key words at 2.3.6. Refute

various stages of statements and give
development. the correct name.
3.3. Read and understand 2.7.2. Talk about
phrases by matching oneself.
simple phrases to
pictures. 3.1.5. Read and group
words according to
4.2. Match words to word families.
linear and non-linear
representations. 3.2.2. Read and learn
the meaning of 5 key
words for each

3.3.1. Read and

understand simple
phrases by matching
them to pictures.

3.3.2. Read
understands simple
sentences by
matching them to

3.3.3. Read and

understand simple
paragraph of 2-3

4.1.4. Copy 3 words

sentences in clear
legible print.

4.2.3. Match phrases

to pictures.

4.2.4. Match words to

other words.
Week 24-27 By the end of the lesson , 1.2.2. Listen to and Grammar
UNIT 6 pupils should be able to :- repeat correctly I wear a shirt.
World of phrases and I wear a pair of
1. 2. Listen to and repeat expressions. trousers.
accurately the correct I wear a pinafore
pronunciation of words 1.2.4. Listen to and
and the correct intonation repeat simple rhymes Vocabulary
and word stress of and songs paying Shirt, shorts, trousers,
phrases, expressions and attention to blouse, pinafore
sentences. pronunciation, stress
and intonation. CCTS
1.6. Listen to and enjoy Identifying,
the rhyme, rhythm and 1.6.1.Listen to and matching,
sounds of poetry, jazz enjoy songs ,rhymes
chants and songs. and children Moral Values
Cleanliness, harmony
2.3. Give relevant 2.3.2 Give one word
information politely in replies when
response to enquiries identifying, naming
made. objects, plants and
3.3. Read and understand
phrases, sentences, and 2.3.6 Refute
paragraph and whole statements and give
texts. the correct name or
3.4. Read aloud
expressively and fluently 3.3.1 Read and
pronouncing understand phrases
words correctly, and by matching simple
observing correct stress phrases to pictures.
and intonation and
sentence rhythm. 3.4.1 Read aloud
words in list and
4.2. Match words to labels
linear and non-linear
representations: 3.4.2 Read aloud
4.3. Complete texts with
the missing words, phrase 4.2.2 March phrases
or sentence. to pictures

4.3.1 Complete
missing letters
(Words) in texts.

4.8.1 Write list for

various purposes.
WEEK28-30 By the end of the lesson , 1.1.1. Listen to and Grammar
UNIT 7 pupils should be able to :- repeat (b) consonants Turn left
World Of 1.1. Listen to and in the initial position. Turn right
Knowledge Go straight
discriminate similar and
different sounds of the 1.1.2. Listen to
English Language. identify and group :
a) Vowels in the Left, right,
1.3. Acquire vocabulary initial position. straight,
and understand the b) Consonants in the
meaning of words and initial position.
phrases in context c) Vowels in the
medial position. Moral Values
2.2. Ask questions Respect, harmony
politely to obtain 1.3.2. Listen to and
information and understand all the
clarification. words in the word
2.3. Give relevant
information politely in 2.2.1. Ask simple
response to enquiries questions requiring
made. Yes/ No replies.

2.6. Express thoughts and 2.3.1. Responding

feelings and give opinions with Yes/ No replies.
on things read, seen,
heard and viewed in 2.6.1. Give non-
simple language. verbal response to the
story heard or read.
3.3. Read and understand
phrases, sentences, 3.3.2. Read and
paragraphs and whole understand simple
texts. sentences (3-5 words)
by matching them to
3.4 Read aloud pictures.
expressively and fluently
pronouncing words 4.1.4. Copy 3 words
correctly and observing sentences in clear
correct stress and legible print.
intonation and sentence
rhythm. 4.2.2. Match phrases
to pictures.
4.2. Match words to
linear and non –linear 4.3.1. Complete
representations. missing letters in
4.3. Complete texts with
the missing words, phrase
or sentence.
WEEK 31-33 By the end of the lesson , 1.2.4. Listen to and Grammar
UNIT 8 pupils should be able to :- repeat simple rhymes There are seven days
World of and songs paying in a week.
Knowledge 1. 2. Listen to and repeat attention to Today is Monday.
Days of the week Tomorrow is
accurately the correct pronunciation, stress
pronunciation of words and intonation Tuesday.
and the correct intonation correctly. Yesterday was
and word stress of Sunday.
phrases, expressions and 2.2.1. Ask simple
sentences. questions requiring Vocabulary
Yes/ No replies. Days of the week.
2.2. Ask questions Help
politely to obtain 2.2.2. Ask question Learn
information and pertaining to Play
clarification. numbers.
2.3. Give relevant 2.3.1. Responding Sequencing
information politely in with Yes/ No replies. Matching
response to enquiries
Moral Value
made. 2.3.2. Give a one-
word replies when Politeness
2.4. Tell stories based on identifying, naming Responsibility
pictures and other stimuli objects etc.
and recite poems.
3.1.3. Identify letter
3.1. Acquire word shapes by their
recognition and word sounds.
attack skills to recognize
words on sight. 3.2.1. Recognise
complete words.
3.2. Acquire key words at
various stages of 3.2.4. Learn another 5
development. key words for each
topic and use these
3.3. Read and understand key words in
phrases by matching sentences of their
simple phrases to own.
3.3.3. Read and
4.1.(a) Copy correctly understand a simple
paragraph of 2-3
4.1 (b) Write at word, sentences.
phrase, sentence and
paragraph level in clear, 4.1.4. Copy 3 words
legible print and cursive sentences in clear
writing. legible print.

4.3. Complete texts with 4.3.1. Complete

the missing words, phrase missing letters in
or sentence. texts.

4.6. Punctuate
4.9. Give accurate 4.6.1 Use capital
information when writing letters for the days of
messages, instructions, the week.
and simple reports and
when filling in forms. 4.9.3. Write simple
sentences based on a
picture with little
Week 34--36 By the end of the lesson , 1.2.4. Listen to and Grammar
UNIT 9 pupils should be able to :- repeat simple rhymes I use my arms to hug
World Of and songs paying my mother.
Knowledge I walk with my legs.
1. 2. Listen to and repeat attention to
Parts of the limbs
accurately the correct pronunciation, stress
pronunciation of words and intonation Vocabulary
and the correct intonation correctly. Arms
and word stress of Leg
phrases, expressions and 2.2.1. Ask simple Hands
sentences. questions requiring Feet
Yes/ No replies.
2.2. Ask questions CCTS
politely to obtain 2.2.2. Ask question Matching
information and pertaining to Making association
clarification. numbers.
Moral Value
3.1. Acquire word 2.3.1. Responding Cleanliness
recognition and word with Yes/ No replies. Responsibility
attack skills to recognize
words on sight. 2.3.2. Give a one-
word replies when
3.2. Acquire key words at identifying, naming
various stages of objects etc.
3.1.3. Identify letter
4.3. Complete texts with shapes by their
the missing words, phrase sounds.
or sentence.
3.2.1. Recognise
4.5. Spell correctly and complete words.
take dictation.
3.2.4. Learn another 5
key words for each
topic and use these
key words in
sentences of their

4.3.1 Complete
missing letters in

4.5. 1.Spell common

sight words.
Week 37-39 By the end of the lesson , 1.3.4. Listen to and Grammar
pupils should be able to :- understand simple In the morning
UNIT 10 spoken phrases and In the afternoon
World of At night
1.3. Acquire vocabulary sentences.
stories/World of
and understand the
Knowledge Vocabulary
(Colours) meaning of words and 1.7.1. Listen to
phrases in context. simple short stories, Blue, red, (name of
fairy tales and colours)
1.7. Listen to and enjoy respond verbally and
stories, fables and other non – verbally.
tales of imagination and Moral Value
fantasy and predict 1.7.2.. Listen to Responsibility,
outcomes, and draw simple short stories harmony
conclusions at a level and be able to say
suited to pupil’s ability. whether they like or
Making association
do not like the story.
2.3. Give relevant
information politely in 2.3.4. Give longer
response to enquiries replies when
made. identifying, naming
objects, plants,
2.5. Talk about the animals etc.
people, places and moral
values of the stories 2.3.6. Refute
heard, read and viewed in statements and give
simple language. the correct name or
3.3. Read and understand
phrases, sentences, and 3.3.2. Read and
paragraph and whole understand simple
texts. sentences (3-5) words
by matching them to
4.4. Construct simple and pictures.
compound sentences with
guidance and 3.3.3. Read and
independently. understand a simple
paragraph of 2-3
4.5. Spell correctly and sentences.
take dictation.
4.4.1. Form simple
4.6. Punctuate sentences and
meaningfully. questions by
arranging words
4.9 Give accurate (3-4) in a sentence.
information when writing
messages, instructions, 4.5.1. Spell common
and simple reports and sight words.
when filling in the forms.
45.2. Spell seen
words(words given to
be memorized)
4.6.1. Use capital

4.9.2. Write simple

descriptions with

4.9.3. Write simple

sentences based on a
picture with little

40 Final Examination

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