Unit/ Theme/ Week/ Learning Outcome/ Objectives Specification Grammar/ Vocabulary CCTS/ Moral Values
Unit/ Theme/ Week/ Learning Outcome/ Objectives Specification Grammar/ Vocabulary CCTS/ Moral Values
Unit/ Theme/ Week/ Learning Outcome/ Objectives Specification Grammar/ Vocabulary CCTS/ Moral Values
3.2.1. Recognize
complete words.
4.3.1. Complete
missing letters in
4.3.1. Complete
missing, letters in
4.5.2. Spell seen
2.3.6. Refute
statement and give
the correct name or
3.1.6. Compare
words for similar and
different sounds.
4.3.2. Complete
simple construction.
Week 11-13 By the end of the lesson, 1.3.1 Listen to and Grammar
UNIT 3 pupils should be able to:- understand key words This is my nose.
World Of 1.6. Listen to end enjoys in stories heard. These are my eyes.
Knowledge songs, rhymes and These are my feet.
Parts Of The children songs. 1.4.3 Listen to and
Body Vocabulary
follow simple
2.4 Tell stories based on instructions. Parts of the body.
pictures and other stimuli, (eye, nose)
and recite poems.
3.1 Acquire word 1.5.3 Listen to stories Identifying,
recognition and word and answer to matching,
attack skills to recognize questions Making associations.
words on sight. on details of people
and animals in Moral value
stories. Cleanliness, respect,
4.2 Match words to linear 1.7.2 Listen to simple
and non-linear short stories and
representations: answer questions on
i. word to word details on people and
ii. words to phrases animals in stories.
iii. Words to pictures,
symbols. 2. 1.3 Ask questions
with correct
2.3.6 Refute
statements and give
the correct name or
4.3.1 Complete
missing letters in
4.3.1 Complete
missing letters in text.
4.3.1. Complete
missing letters
( words ) in texts
WEEK 21-23 By the end of the lesson , 1.1.1. Listen to and Grammar
UNIT 5 pupils should be able to :- repeat What is your father’s
World of family (b) Consonants in the name?
and friends 1.1. Listen to and initial position. Who is your mother?
My Family Who is your sister?
discriminate similar and
different sounds of the 1.1.2. Listen to
English Language. identify and group : Vocabulary
a) Vowels in the Father, mother, sister,
1.3. Acquire vocabulary initial position. brother, grandmother
and understand the
meaning of words and b) Consonants in the CCTS
phrases in context. initial position. Recalling,
identifying, listing
2.2. Ask questions c) Vowels in the
politely to obtain medial position. Moral Values
information and Love, respect,
clarification. 1.3.2. Listen to and harmony
understand all the
2.3. Give relevant words in the word
information politely in list.
response to enquiries
made. 2.2.1. Ask simple
questions requiring
3.1. Acquire word Yes/ No replies.
recognition and word
attack skills to recognize 2.3.1. Responding
words on sight. with Yes/ No replies.
3.3.2. Read
understands simple
sentences by
matching them to
4.3.1 Complete
missing letters
(Words) in texts.
4.6. Punctuate
4.9. Give accurate 4.6.1 Use capital
information when writing letters for the days of
messages, instructions, the week.
and simple reports and
when filling in forms. 4.9.3. Write simple
sentences based on a
picture with little
Week 34--36 By the end of the lesson , 1.2.4. Listen to and Grammar
UNIT 9 pupils should be able to :- repeat simple rhymes I use my arms to hug
World Of and songs paying my mother.
Knowledge I walk with my legs.
1. 2. Listen to and repeat attention to
Parts of the limbs
accurately the correct pronunciation, stress
pronunciation of words and intonation Vocabulary
and the correct intonation correctly. Arms
and word stress of Leg
phrases, expressions and 2.2.1. Ask simple Hands
sentences. questions requiring Feet
Yes/ No replies.
2.2. Ask questions CCTS
politely to obtain 2.2.2. Ask question Matching
information and pertaining to Making association
clarification. numbers.
Moral Value
3.1. Acquire word 2.3.1. Responding Cleanliness
recognition and word with Yes/ No replies. Responsibility
attack skills to recognize
words on sight. 2.3.2. Give a one-
word replies when
3.2. Acquire key words at identifying, naming
various stages of objects etc.
3.1.3. Identify letter
4.3. Complete texts with shapes by their
the missing words, phrase sounds.
or sentence.
3.2.1. Recognise
4.5. Spell correctly and complete words.
take dictation.
3.2.4. Learn another 5
key words for each
topic and use these
key words in
sentences of their
4.3.1 Complete
missing letters in
40 Final Examination