7-Moment of Inertia - FE

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Engineering Mechanics: Statics

Moment of Inertia of an Area by Integration

• Second moments or moments of inertia of
an area with respect to the x and y axes,
I x = ∫ y 2 dA I y = ∫ x 2 dA

• Evaluation of the integrals is simplified by

choosing dΑ to be a thin strip parallel to
one of the coordinate axes.

• For a rectangular area,

I x = ∫ y dA = ∫ y 2bdy = 13 bh 3

• The formula for rectangular areas may also

be applied to strips parallel to the axes,
dI x = 13 y 3 dx dI y = x 2 dA = x 2 y dx

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Engineering Mechanics: Statics
Polar Moment of Inertia
• The polar moment of inertia is an important
parameter in problems involving torsion of
cylindrical shafts and rotations of slabs.
J 0 = ∫ r 2 dA

• The polar moment of inertia is related to the

rectangular moments of inertia,
( )
J 0 = ∫ r 2 dA = ∫ x 2 + y 2 dA = ∫ x 2 dA + ∫ y 2 dA
= Iy + Ix

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Engineering Mechanics: Statics
Radius of Gyration of an Area
• Consider area A with moment of inertia
Ix. Imagine that the area is
concentrated in a thin strip parallel to
the x axis with equivalent Ix.
I x = k x2 A kx = x
kx = radius of gyration with respect
to the x axis
• Similarly,
Iy = k y2 A ky =
J O = kO2 A kO =

kO2 = k x2 + k y2

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Engineering Mechanics: Statics
Product of Inertia
• Product of Inertia:
I xy = ∫ xy dA

• When the x axis, the y axis, or both are an

axis of symmetry, the product of inertia is

• Parallel axis theorem for products of inertia:

I xy = I xy + x yA

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