Geosynthetics PDF
Geosynthetics PDF
Geosynthetics PDF
Working Together
Landfill installation partners achieve success
Geosynthetic reinforcement
Going green in Costa Rica
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A multilayered
cover system for
On Site 14
a hazardous waste 14 Walking the High Line
landfill in Colorado An urban promenade for the 21st century
required multiple By Frank Edgerton Martin
construction and
installation partners 20 Green geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls
for successful
These walls offer economical, technical,
completion. See
and environmental advantages
the special section, By Guerra Escobar and Roberto Madriz
“Working Together,”
that starts on
page 35. 35 Special Section: Working Together
36 Proven geosolutions for Florida landfill expansion
44 Award-winning landfill cap in Colorado 20 3
59 Geosynthetic Institute
A uniquely wonderful conference
By Bob Koerner
61 Calendar
63 Advertiser Index
Final Inspection
59 64 9ICG: A great success!
Geosynthetics ISSN #0882 4983, Vol. 28, Number 4 is published bimonthly by Industrial Fabrics contact: Tiffany Connor, Circulation Promotions Specialist, Geosynthetics , 1801 County Road B W,
Association International, 1801 County Road B W, Roseville, MN 55113-4061. Periodicals Roseville, MN 55113-4061 Phone 800 225 4324 or +1 651 222 2508, fax +1 651 631 9334 e-mail:
Postage Paid at Minneapolis, MN and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address 1-year USA $59, Canada and Mexico $69, all other countries $99, payable
changes to Geosynthetics, County Road B W, Roseville, MN 55113-4061. Return Undeliverable in U.S. funds (includes air mail postage). Reprints: call +1 651 225 6917, Back
Canadian Addresses to Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5. Orders and changes Issues: call 800 225 4324,
happened upon a short press release recently that featured our Jacek Mlynarek | SAGEOS, Canada
Dhani Narejo | Caro Engineering LLC, USA
engineering friends from Geocomp in Massachusetts and wanted Roy J. Nelsen | Inc., USA
to share this good news story. Jim Olsta | CETCO, USA
Ian D. Peggs | I-Corp International, USA
Five delegates from the Iraq Ministry of Higher Education and Greg N. Richardson | RSG & Associates Inc., USA
Scientific Research and the Foundation for Technical Education were Marco A. Sánchez | ML Ingeniería, Mexico
Mark E. Smith | RRD International, USA
recently hosted by Geocomp Corp., a geoengineering firm based in L. David Suits | NAGS, USA
Boxborough, Mass. In additional to touring Geocomp, the delegation Gary L. Willibey | ESP/SKAPS Industries, USA
Aigen Zhao | Syntec Corp., USA
visited local colleges and vocational schools.
*The Editorial Advisory Committee reviews selected
Rachid Hankour (on the right in photo below), vice president and papers,case histories, and technical editorial copy in
its areas of expertise. Individual advisors do not review
director of lab systems at Geocomp, served as the primary host. A native every submission. Statements of fact and opinion are
the author’s responsibility alone, and do not imply
of Algeria, Hankour speaks Arabic, although he discovered all the Iraqi the viewpoints of Geosynthetics, its Editorial Advisory
representatives were fluent in English. Committee, editors,or the association.
From: Zarko, Macedonia
Posted: May 7, 2010
We have one question: Can we apply the geomembrane
rehabilitation of concrete [to the] dam body?
From Bob Koerner of the Geosynthetic Institute, GMA Techline, and coauthor
Comment on any of the article cited above, “Geomembrane sealing systems for dams”:
article in Geosynthetics at:
Yes, indeed. Please see accompanying photos below.
Exposed geomembranes on
upstream face of concrete dams.
Photos courtesy CARPI Inc.
“Designer’s Forum: 2004–2008” and
“How to buy, design, and build retaining walls”
Both of these popular compilations are available through the IFAI Bookstore
at Click on resources/bookstore. 9
Is it magic?
Editor’s Note: Prof. Dov Leshchinsky, a regular contributor to Geosynthetics magazine,
authored an intriguing article for the June/July 2010 issue.
In “Geosynthetic reinforced walls and steep slopes: Is it magic?” Leshchinsky urges a critical
review of the apparent magic before it becomes a “fact” adopted in design. To read the original
article go to
Several online readers responded:
Dov, Hi Dov,
I just finished reading your latest Just wanted to say I enjoyed your article
article in the June/July Geosynthetics in Geosynthetics (June/July issue).
issue and wanted to let you know I always make a special point
the article really hits home. It has concerning the issue of “apparent
been my experience through review cohesion” to my students. One of the
of MSE wall designs and wall failures problems that we deal with in our
that some engineers rely on the more glaciated soils up north is the
“magic” of apparent cohesion in problem of “real but light cohesion”
fill soils by using a liberal design mostly from reprecipitation of
approach and minimizing the carbonates from the grinding action of
reinforcement layout with respect to the glacial garbage can of materials.
spacing, strength, and length.
It is not uncommon for a homeowner
There are likely many MSE walls to make a vertical cut in these soils,
An excavator perched on top of an unreinforced and slopes designed without any which does stand vertically for a
sandy slope during deconstruction of the Indian attention paid to internal and while, and then build a house very
River Inlet Bridge (IRIB) compound internal stability. While near it. Generally, over time, what
many of these walls are still standing, happens is that the slope will slough
indicating their factor of safety (Fs) and a natural angle of repose will
is greater than 1.0, their actual Fs result. This is OK as long as they own
is likely well below engineering the property behind their house to
standards. Failure may only be a rain allow the slope to form by simply
event away … just add water and the removing the sloughing soils allowing
magical “apparent cohesion” is gone. the slope to cut backwards. But I
Sincerely, suspect that some day someone’s
Blaise J. Fitzpatrick, P.E. house will get taken out!
Fitzpatrick Engineering Associates P.C., Stan Vitton
Lawrenceville, Ga. Department of Civil & Environmental
Engineering, Michigan Technological
University, Houghton, Mich.
>> For more information, search reinforcement at
From: Mariko
Posted: April 30, 2010
Thanks for explaining the difference between flow rate per unit length
and transmissivity. It’s cleared up some confusion for me.
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Question Question
From: Azilah | Malaysia RE: Geocell application
From: Suprio C.
I would like to know the suitability of geocell
Posted: April 3, 2010
ns and Answer
s from the GMA Techline as slope surface protection on acidic soil
s, testing?
Welding, liner answers all conditions. Can we apply geocell directly on If a layer of geocell is placed on
—the Te ch lin e top of the slope surface? a soft subgrade of say CBR value
1, then what is the method of
To: GMA Techli
RE: Welding LLDPE
How do you achiev
e a satisfactory
embrane and
extrusion weld
a 2mm HDPE geom
Reply determining the settlement
a 1mm LLDPE extrusion weld?
constitutes a satisfactory
brane ? What
Niall | Irelan d
From: Bob Koerner, GMA Techline envisaged after 1 layer of geocell
You have two
things going again
st you in your
ial differences.
Regarding is placed and compacted with a
thickness differe
nces and mater
situation, 1mm
is difficult not
to overgrind
Geocells are regularly used in exactly
the thickness placed upon it.
You will
infill soil of, say, “phi” value of 35°?
to have the extrudate task. It is difficult
in order on this
best personnel
Materials Associ
ation (GMA) offers
need to put your
but possible.
Regarding the
material differe
nces, LLDPE has
a broader,
the type of application you describe. A
The Geosynthetic technical questi
ons about window than HDPE,
a resource for lower, melting , wedge weld-
GMA Techline, for fast, and somewhat
geosy ntheti cs.
E-mail : gmate
chline @ifai.c om
cal questi ons.
they do overla
p considerably
. In this regard
difficult than extru-
geotextile is generally placed on the
free, direct
serves as the
rs to your techni
central resour
and provides
ce for information
a forum for consis
regard ing
tent and
and to
ing of the two
sion welding. I
dealing with the
differe nt resins is more
don’t think this
thinner sheet.
is as much a proble
Clearl y, many
m as is
trial (or test) Reply
accurate inform
ation to increas
e the acceptance,
use, of geosyn
thetics. strips will be neces
sary on your projec
table extrusion
weld. prepared subgrade and then the geocell
From: Dr. Koerner, GMA Techline
te the correct
promo would be an accep
You also ask what geosynthetic-insti
website at www. you will find
If you go to our look at GRI-GM19
under “specificatio
that 1.5mm HDPE
ns” and
requir es 525N in shear
thinner and weake
and 340N in peel.
r 1mm LLDPE
requir es is deployed in the customary manner. If
Conversely, the
263N in shear
and 250N in peel.
Niall, I am afraid
that all you can
ated with the
ask for in this case
1.0mm LLDPE .
is the
the slope is very steep, steel tendons can The settlement calculations
lower values associ
GMA Techline
be used, passing through the geocells due to consolidation of the
extending to the top of the slope where soft subgrade would be made
they are connected to an anchorage as with any other situation. Of
3/24/10 9:06:35
42 Geosynthetics
| April May 2010
block. The infill of the geocells can be soil, course, with only the light dead
.indd 42
Regarding the acid conditions you mention, the In this case, I would consider a live
HDPE will not be affected nor will an underlying load of a truck or construction/
polypropylene geotextile. If, however, you are maintenance vehicle, and
concerned about the acidity getting through the depending what you use, the
system thereby polluting a stream or waterway, settlement value will be greater
you should consider placing a geomembrane and perhaps more realistic.
on the slope before the geocell is placed. This
particular application has been accomplished in
several locations.
ASTM correction
To the editor:
I just read the article in June/July Geosynthetics on purging dated test methods and specs.
I couldn’t agree more with the article. I still commonly see specifications for NSF-54!
I would make one bit of clarification on [this] information. You list ASTM D6214 replacing
D4437 and D4545 for PVC. Actually, ASTM D7408 has already replaced D6214, so the current
specification for all PVC geomembrane seams (factory and field) is ASTM D7408.
Dan Rohe
President, Environmental Protection Inc., Mancelona, Mich. G
For over 130 years, Maccaferri has been controlling the forces of erosion and retaining the
earth’s soil. We’ve learned a lot since 1879 and apply that knowledge to every product and
every project.
We offer multiple solutions for base and slope reinforcement. Our extensive line of geogrids
and turf reinforcement mats provide outstanding performance in reliability and quality at an
exceptional value.
Maccaferri strives to provide a cost effective and dependable solution to every project. We
can help you save time and money.
City of New York, N.Y.
Field Operations, with architects Diller
Scofidio + Renfro 15
Accomodates a variety of
vegetation based on climate, 3. DRAINAGE LAYER
landscape design, load Retains rainwater for dry
Green Roof System bearing requirements and periods and drains sur-
Build-Ups desired benefits to building plus water.
owners and communities.
Each layer of a
green roof build-up 2. PROTECTION MAT
5. GROWING LAYER Protects roof membrane from
compensates with Engineered growing me-
sharp objects and retains rain
the necessary functions dium based on minerals and
water for plants.
that are otherwise lost organic material.
with the missing ground.
A durable plant coverage 1. ROOT BARRIER
4. FILTER SHEET Prevents roots from penetrat-
is guaranteed. Prevents fine particles ing the roof membrane if the
from being washed into existing roof membrane is not
the drainage layer. root proof.
Source: ZinCo
The renovated High Line on Manhattan’s West Side features innovative plantings
and sleek benches, all built on19th and early 20th century infrastructure.
Courtesy Annette Wilkus 17
Green geosynthetic-
reinforced soil walls
By Guerra Escobar and Roberto Madriz
1. Introduction
Retaining soil walls and slopes reinforced with geosynthetic
materials present an alternative to traditional retaining
wall solutions, such as walls of reinforced concrete or soil
embankments in their natural angle of repose.
Reinforced soil walls are challenging more traditional Guerra Escobar, M.P.,
constructions due to their economic competitiveness AMANCO-PAVCO, Geosistemas
and their green environmental credentials. Further, the Pavco S.A., San José, Costa Rica
introduction of soil walls or slopes has permitted the
Roberto Madriz, AMANCO
construction of retaining walls in places where the load
technical advisor for
capacity of the foundation soil is not sufficient for rigid geosystems
walls or where there are space restrictions preventing
the construction of soil fills or soil embankments at their Ron Bygness, editor of
natural angle of repose. Geosynthetics, also contributed
Geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls or slopes are also to this article.
attractive solutions because of the flexibility they provide, Photos courtesy of AMANCO PAVCO 21
5500+ articles
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0810GS_p14-33.indd 23 1 7/22/10
8/2/10 12:36:50
10:55:03 PM
Green reinforced soil walls
2. Design methodology
2.1 Overview
Soils have a high resistance to compres-
sive forces but give way easily under the
application of tensile forces. However,
soils may be reinforced with other mate-
rials, such as geotextiles that are designed
to absorb tensile forces.
With soil wall needing to resist both
compressive and tensile stresses, a struc-
ture of much greater resistance is required
PHOTO 3 Wall drainage system
by including a suitable geotextile within
the soil mass. The extra strength pro-
vided is principally due to shear stresses
produced by the friction between the
geosynthetic material and the adjacent
layers of soil.
Various design methodologies are
available for the reinforcement of soil
walls using geosynthetics, such as:
• Robert M. Koerner, “Designing
with Geosynthetics”
• Robert D. Holtz, Barry R. Christopher,
Ryan R. Berg, “Geosynthetic
Fundamental to this methodology
PHOTO 4 Installation of sacks (filled to one-third of their volume with organic soil)
in the façade are the design principles of Whitcomb
and Bell (1979), which state not to con-
sider hydrostatic pressure in the design
calculations and that the active failure
surface should be a plane surface defined
by ranking methodology.
3. Design for a ‘green’
reinforced soil wall or slope
A case history to describe the process GOLF COURSE
of design for a geosynthetic-reinforced AND DECORATIVE STORM WATER
soil retaining wall or slope was designed APPLICATIONS
and constructed in Costa Rica in January
2008. This slope was designed to have
an erosion resistant facade of vegetation { Proud to be Part of the Overall Solution }
and for this it is referred to as a “green”
reinforced soil slope. Innovative projects require innovative products, like
Firestone Geomembranes. The durability and elasticity of our
3.1 Initial conditions products, even in exposed applications, combined with our expertise,
For the example of the reinforced soil help ensure the success of even the most demanding projects. 25
PHOTO 5 Installation of the woven geotextile and spreading of the fill soil 3.2 Design considerations
Geometry dimensions:
• Variable heights = 3.30m, 4.00m,
• Maximum height = 6.00m. (This is the
height critical for the design.)
• Base = 0.8H (80% of the height) =
• Total length = 80m
• Facade inclination = 70° (with respect
to the horizontal)
• Surcharge load = 19.62 kN/m2
• Vehicle loads on the wall
were considered
HAPCO HT-71002
Designed to safely operate in potentially hazardous and
explosive environments. Contains a BAK heat pistol
producing hot air temps up to 950 degrees Fahrenheit.
Meets MIL-STD-810E, Method 511.3.
Repair Applications:
Gas/Diesel fuel pillow tanks and liners
Methane active land½ll cover systems
Primary and Secondary spill containment systems
including Railroad-Airline and other Industrial applications
1.800.345.WELD (9353) • 330.678.9353 • Fax: 330.677.8282 • • • 390 Portage Blvd., Kent, OH 44240-7283 27 29
4. Conclusions
We have shown how “green” reinforced
soil walls can be constructed from soil
reinforced with geosynthetics.
An attractive vegetative facade is cre-
ated by the use of UV-degradable poly-
propylene sacks filled with organic rich
soil and a permanent erosion control
mat to protect the wall facade. These
PHOTO 9 Installation of the permanent erosion-control/turf-reinforcement mat walls are technically and economi-
cally attractive solutions for all types
of retaining walls, but are particularly
suited for projects where the landscap-
ing and the natural appearance of the
walls is important.
From an economic perspective, the
walls are attractive because the cost of a
reinforced soil wall is generally lower in
comparison with traditional structures.
Natural fill soil walls or embankments
use a large amount of material in their
construction but reinforced soil walls
can be constructed with steeper slopes
substantially reducing the amount of
material needed, and thus, a lower cost.
Compared to rigid structure walls, rein-
forced soil walls are usually lower in
PHOTO 10 Vegetative state of the facade and new road two months cost due to the relative prices of the
after construction materials used.
From a technical perspective, the walls
are attractive because all the construction
materials are easily obtainable and the
construction techniques do not require
A merican Wick Drain provides proven, engineered, highly
AASHTO (American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials), “Guide for Design of
Pavement Structures” (1993).
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Armour Composites Synthetic Grass exceed, or fall below one or more of the above described individual characteristics.
Orange wins.
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dedicated to the growth of the industry. Influence content of state & federal
geosynthetics guidance documents
Speak & instruct users about geosynthetics
GMA is dedicated to our members’ success. ▲
at construction industry events
Represent industry on AASHTO NTPEP
GMA actively identifies, assesses, analyzes and acts upon ▲
product panels
market growth opportunities and issues that affect its member
Become an officer of GMA ▲
companies. The activities of the association are proactive in
Participate in GMA Executive Council
nature and center on five areas: meetings & network with industry leaders
▲ 35
Experts hired
Understanding the value in hiring experts to accomplish specialty
work is a key for success in this type of venture.
Coordinating all of the subgrade preparation with the manufacturer,
along with aligning transportation and the liner installation materials,
required the expertise of three companies that had an extensive history
Source: Geo-Synthetics Inc.,
of working together. “Before the county awarded the project, they had us
call around and do a detailed check of all the contractor and subcontrac-
tor references,” explained Tom Yanoschak, an engineer with HDR. Ron Bygness, editor of Geosynthetics,
“They wanted to be certain that the companies that won the bid also contributed to this article.
had a good performance record and a good reputation for working Photos courtesy of Geo-Synthetics Inc. & Bedford Falls Communications 37
together. A project like this is too big for sible for what along the way, which is why
one company to handle and too impor- they have never had a job run over.”
tant to be compromised if communica- Three weeks prior to beginning
tion breaks down.” construction, Jerry Walski, site superin-
tendent for Glover, relocated to Sarasota
to prepare for the project. This included
Go time mobilizing the 150-person workforce and
In any landfill installation, timing is selecting the fleet of heavy equipment
crucial. Well before the official notice to from the company’s inventory.
proceed, GSE, G-SI, and Glover coor- Twenty-two years of experience made
dinated the equipment, personnel, and Walski well-qualified to do the initial
materials necessary to execute such a large construction assessments and staging. In
project within the designated time frame. the case of the Sarasota expansion, the
“Glover and G-SI work very well existing landfill was fully operational, so
together because they have a clear divi- preparation also meant gaining familiar-
sion of responsibility,” said Steve Eckhart, ity with the people who worked there.
vice president of sales and marketing at Walski also held several meetings with
GSE. “They have very good communica- county officials and members of the HDR
tion so everyone knows who is respon- engineering firm to ensure a smooth start
to the project.
In advance of G-SI’s mobilization,
Glover prepared landfill cells #1 and #2
for liner installation. The first task was to
ensure that the site was secure.
“You make sure that erosion controls
are in place or you don’t start work,” said
Walski. As the job progressed, the com-
paction, slopes, and grades of the site
were perfected. To complete the ground-
work, Glover installed the leachate collec-
tion system, placed the pump station and
manholes, laid approximately 2 miles of
leachate force main, and stockpiled liner
A panorama of black geomembrane liner stretched across the new material for G-SI.
landfill expansion.
While Glover executed the prelimi-
nary site preparations, G-SI organized
everything related to liner installation.
Ongoing contact with manufacturer GSE
ensured that liner materials were pro-
duced and delivered to the site on time
for construction.
“We use GSE as our supplier for liner
materials because they have the capacity
to make every kind of geosynthetic and
geotextile used on virtually any project,”
said G-SI project manager James Larsen.
“Having one source for everything is a big
advantage. It significantly streamlines the
An armada of construction trucks were at-the-ready to deliver the
protective cover of sand.
logistics of moving materials.” 39
Larry Boles, G-SI’s site superintendent for
the Sarasota project, had 23 years of expe-
rience installing liners. In Sarasota, Boles
started every working day with a safety
meeting that outlined the day’s objectives.
In addition to the third-party quality Environment Engineering
control, every member of the G-SI team Shoreline Protection Dewatering Treatment
attended these meetings. “Production- Marine Engineering Structure Pipeline Protection and Support
wise, things go a lot more smoothly when
everyone on the team is in the loop,” ACE Geosynthetics
explained Boles, who worked closely with Contact ACE Geosynthetics for Spec and Sample
Glover’s Walski.
As the installer, G-SI was responsible Certified ISO-9001
for quality control regarding the liner. http : // E-mail :
com 41
For information about purchasing this report, contact Andrew Aho at or 800 636 5042.
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FedEx shipments are subject to the applicable FedEx Service Guide or FXF 100 Series Rules Tariff. FedEx service
marks used by permission. 43
Overcoming challenges
The project was scheduled to work through
the winter, and adverse weather condi-
tions and high winds created a challenging
Carlisle’s GeoPolypro meets the the new GM-18 standard for polypropylene.
construction environment. The team
The industry’s only geomembrane designed with Carlisle’s
pulled together, working long hours seven
proprietary weathering technology, Carlisle’s GeoPolypro continues
days per week, with additional personnel to perform after 20,000 hours of intense U/V exposure. GM-18
staffed up to keep the project on time and testing, conducted by the Geosynthetics Research Institute, is the
on budget. The installation of the geosyn- most stringent test in the industry. 47 49
ing members
n w as o n e of the found G S )
so (I
Pete Steven etics Society
In tern at io n al Geosynth r 10 ye ars
of the as IGS treasure
r fo
H e se rv e d r 1 6 years
in 1983. d as IG S se cretary fo
994 an
from 1984–1
from 1994–2 tariat
n so n w as the Secre
Rosemary S
te ve the IGS.
is tr a ti ve assistant for
Manager, ad
m in ffice as
vo lv e m e n t in the IGS o a l Pete and Rose
a n h er in th e offici e conference
She beg b e fo re b e co ming Stevenso n at th
g the 9th
in 1984 dinner held du
a volunteer in 1 9 9 5 . na l Co nf erence on
cre ta ri a t M anager Intern at io
Gu arujá, Brazil,
Se ay , th e y were Geosynthet ics in
razil, la st M
in Guarujá, B d May 26, 2010.
At the 9ICG d re n n ia l IG S Awards an
d at the qu a Photo courtesy
ent on the
yo ur sto ry ab ou t Pe te or Rosemary or to comm
To share evenson.html
otos, go to ww w. ge os
ed courtesy of IGS memb
These photos are provid
page 52.
Learn more about IGS on 53 55
The easy-to-handle
wedge welding machine. 57
Solutions that
the price of 1
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0310GEOsubform.indd 58
0810GS_p50-Cv4.indd 1 3/19/10 12:42:19
8/2/10 8:10:12 PM
GSI NEWS By Bob Koerner 59
organization. Included under the its engineers, and regulators alike. This con-
organizational umbrella are the: ference typically attracts more than 700
• NYS Chapter of the Solid Waste public and private sector solid waste and
Association of North America recycling professionals to a technical pro-
(SWANA) gram with about 90 presentations and an
expanded trade show that is supported by
• NYS Association for Solid Waste
about 120 exhibitors.
Management (NYSASWM)
Since 2000, the Conference and
• NYS Association for Reduction, Reuse Trade Show has been held at The Saga-
This is a conference and Recycling (NYSAR3) more, an exquisite resort located on
where your spouse The goals of the Federation are to: Lake George in upstate New York. The
definitely wants to • develop appropriate public policy Sagamore, one of New York’s landmark
and legislative recommendations for hotels, is situated on its own 80-acre
accompany you. consideration by state and federal island and is listed on the National Reg-
representatives. ister of Historic Places.
The technical sessions are 90 min-
• coordinate memberships and mailings.
utes and usually consist of three presen-
• coordinate and conduct an annual tations, which gives sufficient time for
joint conference. questions and answers. The exhibits are
Each of the three member associations open throughout the event and time is
has developed a mission statement that available for individual discussions.
>> For more events, go to: reflects its individual goals to promote The ambience surrounding the ses-
sound solid waste management practices sions and exhibits is excellent. Ample time
in concert with the New York State solid for off-hour networking opportunities is
waste management hierarchy: reduc- available and it even includes fireworks,
tion, reuse, recycling, resource recovery golfing, hiking, fishing, boating, horse-
through waste-to-energy facilities, and back riding, lawn games, culinary dem-
landfilling of discarded materials. onstrations, a casino night, and moonlit
Importantly, the New York State meandering in a wonderful setting. This
Department of Environmental Conser- is a conference where your spouse defi-
vation (NYS-DEC) is fully involved in the nitely wants to accompany you.
technical and regulatory issues pertinent Of course, there are always several
to the sessions and (when appropriate) tracks devoted to geosynthetics. This year
adding value to the participants. there were two sessions:
Throughout the year, the three mem- • New Horizons in Geosynthetics (1.5
ber Associations conduct their own PDHs), which had six short presentations
educational and training events. These on new developments within geosyn-
one- or two-day events are regularly held thetic materials.
throughout the state, covering the broad • Solar Landfill Caps (1.5 PDHs)
spectrum of solid waste management which had three longer presentations on
issues. Continuing education and New this new concept for energy production
York professional engineering develop- at closed landfills.
ment hours are frequently offered. Both were very successful with over-
The three organizations of the Federa- flow audiences of 100+ attendees.
tion come together each spring for their Next year the conference will again
annual conference with an agenda that be at The Sagamore May 1–4, 2011. It is
targets emerging issues and technologies highly recommended and information
important to solid waste management can be accessed through the Federation’s
facility owners, policymakers, design website: G
Registration information is now available. required to properly design, specify, and construct
For more information: http://www.
with fabricated geomembranes for multiple ap-
For more information: plications, including wastewater ponds, floating
covers, canals, secondary containment, mining, and
potable water. IFAI Expo Americas 2010
RemTech Expo 2010 Fees: private industry $199, government $99, stu- 27–29 OCTOBER | ORLANDO
21–23 SEPTEMBER | FERRARA, ITALY dents free.
The largest specialty fabrics trade show in the Ameri-
The 4th edition of Remediation Technologies Exhibi-
To register or for more information: cas, the annual IFAI Expo for 2010 is at the Orange
tion will be held at the Ferrara Exhibition and Confer- County Convention Center in Orlando.
ence Centre in Ferrara, Italy. The event is organized
by the Ferrara Fiere Congress and by coordinator Dr. New for 2010 is “Advanced Textiles: Blending Technol-
Daniele Cazzuffi. ogy and Materials.”
The RemTech expo will feature: remediation tech- To register, exhibit, or for more information on ex-
nologies; removal and encapsulation of asbestos; hibiting, sponsoring, or speaking at the show: www.
characterization, investigation, and instruments for
analysis, inspection, and monitoring; brownfields and
real estate; landfills, and dredging activities.
To register, exhibit, or for more information: +39
0532 909495 900713,, www. 61
For more information: Waterproof Membranes 2010 provides a global IFAI Expo Asia 2011 is the first major event in the re-
forum for all companies involved in waterproofing gion that specifically targets end-product fabricators
membranes, including end-users, specifiers, archi- who use all types of materials: woven, nonwoven,
Venice 2010: 3rd International tects, expert installers, manufacturers, researchers, knit, and composite textiles.
Symposium on Energy from and suppliers to the industry.
IFAI Expo Asia 2011 will feature a trade exhibition,
Biomass and Waste To register, exhibit, or for more information about this attracting three targeted audiences:
conference, contact Jenny Skinner: js@amiplastics.
8–11 NOVEMBER | VENICE, ITALY • those involved in the supply chain seeking network-
com;,+44 117 924 9442
Organized by the not-for-profit International Waste ing and partnership opportunities.
Working Group (IWWG), this event aims to provide • fabricators of finished products in applications such
a platform to encourage integrated and sustainable as medical, automotive, construction, safety, military,
waste management and to promote practical scien- FEBRUARY recreation, and structures.
tific development in the field.
• those who have design, application, and market
Symposium topics include: potential energy sources,
IECA’S Environmental influence, such as government purchasing agencies,
renewable fuels, anaerobic digestion, refuse-derived civil engineers, and architects.
fuel, thermal treatments, policies and legal aspects,
20–23 FEBRUARY, 2011 | ORLANDO Besides the trade exhibition, the four-day event will
new research and developments. The event will also
feature world-class educational symposiums for 10
include presentations, poster sessions, a small exhibi- Billed as the world’s largest soil and water event, the specific niche end markets for specialty fabrics.
tion, and technical tours. IECA’s 2011 annual conference is at Disney’s Coro-
nado Springs Resort. For more information:
For more information:, The conference is a premier educational event for the erosion, sediment control, and stormwater industry.
Environmental Connection combines full- and half-
day training courses with topic-focused technical
National Tribal sessions and concurrent exhibit hall.
Transportation Conference
For more information:
The largest tribal transportation conference in the
U.S., the 13th annual NTTC is scheduled at the Hard
Rock Hotel in Albuquerque. 63
Geo-Frontiers 2011 is co-organized by Under the auspices of Includes GRI-24 Annual Conference