6ny530012380 SRN-2

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SC Advance / EBDS / GDS
ARS / Argentina / Peso
Category Information
Application Release Date 2018-05-04
Application Part Number 286108530
Application Version V5.30
Variant Release Date 2018-07-20
Variant Part Number 510120380
Variant Version V3.80
Firmware Filename(s)
Media Type FLASH - SST23HF802 (soldered to PCB)
PROM Equivalent N/A
Hardware SCN66
Host Comm Protocol EBDS
Download Protocol GDS
Currency ARS / Argentina / Peso
Denominations Accepted
Denom(s) Accepted – 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000
Note Directions Supported 4 - Way
Direction - Barcode 2 - Way
Voucher Support Barcode Length - 16, 18, 24 Characters
Voucher Size(s) - 156mm, 120mm
Specific Development N/A

16bit CRC 32bit CRC

EBDS Seed 0000 Seed 1234 Seed 00000000 Seed 12345678
0x40A3 0x77BB 0x77AD 0x64F73D8C 0xF24404F1

HashCalc for .xcf B5 9B FA 0F C7 35 9E 13 11 9D 14 49 4D 81 61 38 70 DD 45 0D
Reported by EBDS 8C 58 3B 77 D3 2D 66 FC 9D 6E E6 A4 F6 73 D4 DB B7 E1 63 0D
HashCalc for .dfu 8A AF C2 7C D4 E1 D0 4C BD 7A 21 1E EE 14 95 33 10 A1 DF 17

Model Code Application

Hexadecimal Value Decimal Value Hexadecimal Value Decimal Value
0x55 85 0x35 53

Document created by MEI Automated

Rev 1.4 -1- Release Tool V1.90
SC Advance / EBDS / GDS
ARS / Argentina / Peso
Change History
Previous Release 6NY510012370

Application History
Version Changes
6NY530xxxxxx 1. Easitrax improvements.
2. Added support for Easitrax Live.
3. Addition of "Passive Run & Stack" feature to "Customer Configuration Options" for
4. Addition of "Note Classification" feature to EBDS.
6NY520xxxxxx 1. Added missing Accepting messages when Tease Filter is enabled, to maintain OEM
2. Made “Threshold High and Size Check Disabled” the default configuration for “Ticket
Feature Setting”.
6NY510xxxxxx 1. Improvement to market specific audit feature.
6NY500xxxxxx 1. Modified the security module to detect laminated note manipulations.
2. Improved acceptance of notes with windows.
3. Modified the cross channel baseline calculation to prevent it from occurring when the
cross channel sensor is blocked.
4. High Security option can now be enabled through STS.
5. Changed configuration option from 'Ticket Transparency Threshold' to 'Ticket Feature
Setting' to reflect the addition of size check to previous ticket handling options.
6. Addition of option to enable market specific audit feature to compensate for
accounting system limitations.
7. Bezel will remain off when BV is disabled by the host, while in escrow.
8. Corrected issue preventing BV from completing its boot process if the model number
was corrupted in non-volatile memory.
9. STS Configuration Settings are now host configurable through EBDS.
10. Improved barcode acceptance for skewed tickets.
11. Improved USB communications for DFU download.
6NY420xxxxxx 1. Added ticket transparency threshold configuration option to set the threshold for the
sandwich barcode algorithm
2. Modified the positioning algorithm for new $5 Australia note.
3. Added EBDS Message Type 6 SubType 0x24 Query Internal Device Status.
4. Improved audit module to prevent the unknown document stacked line item from
incrementing in the audit note table.
5. Improved credit module to properly credit a banknote that was inserted prior to a
communications loss that also involved removal of the cassette. Previously the value
for the banknote could be lost if it had not been reported to the host prior to cassette
6. Modified audit module to prevent continuous reset that could occur on power up if
power was removed while writing adaptation data during stacking.
7. Improved credit module to better distinguish between a jammed stacker arm and an
intended obstruction so the latter does not get credited.
8. Modified algorithm to address manipulated Canada note issue.
9. Improved recognition module to reduce acceptance of double tickets.

Document created by MEI Automated

Rev 1.4 -2- Release Tool V1.90
SC Advance / EBDS / GDS
ARS / Argentina / Peso
10. Modified audit module so a post-escrow note is properly audited by the bill acceptor
during power up.
11. Improved self test command handling to prevent the bill validator from processing a
self-test command while a BNF transaction is in progress. Processing the command at
this time could result in a failure to reject a note.
12. Added jam auditing capability to better distinguish whether a jam happens in the BNF
or the acceptor. Also, this helps determine where in the stacking process a stacker arm
jam occurs.
13. Modified the Device Capabilities command reply so host can query the status of the
Improperly Seated Head Detection feature to determine if it is enabled or disabled.
14. Improved audit to ensure that a slow host polling rate does not cause a discrepancy
between the bill validator and host.
15. Corrected audit module so stacked notes are properly audited in standalone mode.
16. Corrected audit so suspected improperly seated head events are not audited when
functionality is disabled.
17. Improved Out of Service routine to prevent bill validator entering into an indefinite jam
state. This would occur if anti-jam could not reject the notes, but they were then
removed manually.
18. Improved credit handling routine to prevent the note preceding a cassette removal
from being reported as stacked twice to the host. This could occur if the host disables
all notes after credit is reported and then enables them just prior receiving the stack
from the cashbox insertion.
19. Added feature to support fast download.
20. Corrected acceptor becoming permanently disabled if repetitive Message Type 7-3's
(extended note inhibits) were hammering the acceptor with extended notes enabled
while base notes were disabled, barcodes were off, and bookmarks were on.
21. Corrected diagnostics test to prevent false reporting of barcode sensor failure during
22. Improved self test command handling to prevent the bill validator stacker motor from
continuously running if self test command is initiated while unit is still in transaction.
23. Improved EBDS command handling to prevent bill validator entering into disabled state
if a note is fed immediately after issuing the self-test type 2 command.
24. Added feature to detect Indian currency denomination 100, 500 and 1000 printed
before 2005 and elect to reject or stack based on bill validator configuration setting.
25. Improved Self Test command handling to prevent the unit from accepting notes if the
self test was executed immediately upon cashbox insertion.
26. Added exception handling to mitigate incorrect text reporting for the bill validator
model number if multiple spaces existed in that field.
27. Corrected audit design to prevent the bill validator from incrementing the internal
audit for notes coupled with intended obstruction.
28. Improved Out Of Service design to prevent bill validator from occasionally reporting as
cashbox missing when cashbox is inserted.
29. Improved Out of Service design that would prevent false auditing of a Fast Feed
Rejection if the start sensor is teased with a note at escrow.
30. Corrected an issue that prevented the system from starting up if an application was
downloaded with the cassette removed.
31. Corrected an issue that was incorrectly auditing a fast feed event. This would occur if
the note that would cause the fast feed event were inserted as the cashbox goes out of

Document created by MEI Automated

Rev 1.4 -3- Release Tool V1.90
SC Advance / EBDS / GDS
ARS / Argentina / Peso
service for full, but the note is then removed prior to inserting an empty cashbox.
6NY410xxxxxx 1. Improved acceptance module to prevent pre-mature cashbox full reporting when note
acceptor is installed at angles beyond recommended specification.
2. Modified acceptance module to properly stack documents fed with variants that have
very large window definitions (eg: latest Costa Rica variant June 2015). Previously,
documents could remain in the bill path without being stacked.
3. Improved the motor error monitoring functionality to prevent the acceptor from going
out of order for a low stacker motor tachometer reading.
4. 'Easitrax Supported' bit now accurately reflects whether or not Easitrax is supported
and the feature is enabled.
5. Enhanced EEPROM memory fail safe design to mitigate false positive triggers for out of
order condition by improving read/write timeout algorithm.
6. Corrected an issue where units installed with v400 production firmware do not accept
notes when pre-400 version of customer facing application is loaded to the bill
7. Corrected an issue that prevented the system from starting up if an application was
downloaded with a dirty cassette installed.
6NY400xxxxxx 1. Ensured proper crediting during a scenario of a Post Escrow power hit that ultimately
resulted in a cashbox full.
2. Ensured proper crediting of a document if the host sends a reset command during the
stacking process.
3. Corrected a calculation which potentially caused incorrect validation rejects for notes
with large windows.
4. Added new algorithms to enhance security.
5. Corrected an issue that would report stacked and stacker full in same reply. Full is now
reported after stacked.
6. Properly set orientation control for EBDS Extended commands (message Type 7).
7. Prevented unnecessary reporting to ensure errant security events do not occur.
8. Corrected MMI and host communications to report failure if the unit has lost
communication with its EASITRAX RF tag. Previously, the unit would not accept
document while indicating a normal status.
9. Modified bill accepter behavior to go out of order when it cannot distinguish between
a cashbox full and an intended obstruction. Previously the unit would report cashbox
full and not issue credit.
10. Ensured unit will enter out of order when the entry sensors are blocked, or a cashbox
is missing, if powering up with a document at escrow while using PUP-C.
11. Ensured unit no longer enters failure state if Power Up Policy (PUP) is changed by the
host while processing a SHA-1 request.
12. Ensured timely processing of host disable command so documents are not pulled in by
the device when disabled.
13. Optimized processing of EBDS "Set Extended Note Inhibits" command. If this
command was received while processing a transaction it was possible for the unit to
not detect that the stacker had returned to the home position.
14. Added new EASITRAX feature to allow the retrieval of the cashbox RFID serial number
via an EBDS command.
15. Improved handling for EBDS 'delayed' commands (SHA-1, CRC, etc…) to prevent
potential data corruption if a second commands is received before the first command
is completed.

Document created by MEI Automated

Rev 1.4 -4- Release Tool V1.90
SC Advance / EBDS / GDS
ARS / Argentina / Peso
16. Corrected power up self test failure to accurately report as disabled rather than idle.
17. Modified pusher plate movement detection to prevent note miscredit. Previously,
credit was not being issued during a small window of time if power was lost just as the
note was being pushed into the cassette.
18. Ensured credit is issued during a post-escrow power up scenario with the start sensor
covered. Credit will now be issued after the jam is cleared.
19. Corrected false rejections due to metallic strip on new EUR 5 banknotes.
20. Ensured jam event is reported if the start sensor is blocked after a post-escrow power
up scenario.
21. Resolved an issue where credit was not given for a note that was being stacked during
a power cycle if a second power cycle occurs before communication with the host has
6NY370xxxxxx 1. Changed the BV to operate in Power Up Policy (PUP) B when a host sets both PUPs B &
C simultaneously. This is to prevent conditions that could reduce the lifespan of the BV.
It is not recommended that a host set both PUPs simultaneously.
2. Added the ability to communicate with service tools through the front USB port when
powering up results in an out of order state.
6NY360xxxxxx 1. Ensured device reports failure along with 'cheat' in a PUP-C power up scenario when
the document is removed at escrow. Previously the device only reported 'cheat' before
going back into service. Now it will remain out of order.
2. Corrected the generation of duplicate columns in EASITRAX reports if a variant had
multiple series of the first denomination in the note table (i.e. CAD 5s and HKD 10s).
3. Ensured the bill acceptor does not introduce an artificial delay in stacking when
processing large quantities (hundreds) of notes in rapid succession.
4. Fixed issue that caused the bill acceptor to lock when a variant supporting more than
ten currency ISO codes was downloaded.
5. Corrected diagnostics in STS to ensure appropriate stacker sensor condition is
reported regardless of the state of cashbox cleanliness.
6. Added a feature for Ticket Rejection that is configured within STS. Tickets can be
rejected, by the Bill Acceptor, that begin with a number selected by the end user or
7. Ensured that the bill acceptor will now perform a single run and stack sequence
(instead of two) when a Cashbox Full state is detected upon power-up.
8. Modified reset timing from power up until first response to host to match CASHFLOW
9. Continued improvement of security to prevent crediting of notes of irregular thickness
or with an 'intended obstruction' during power hit scenarios upon power-up. The bill
validator will also no longer issue credit upon power-up when power is lost while in a
cash box full state.
10. Corrected lock up scenario when USB is connected for DFU enabled units (for use with
remote peripheral download applications). Every other power cycle would cause the
unit to lock up.
11. Corrected MMI reporting to show jammed state instead of cash box full state when the
bill validator is both jammed and the cashbox is full.
12. Added Cashbox Cleanliness Audit field to EASITRAX.
13. Corrected an issue that caused the note value to be reported twice if Extended Note
Reporting mode was toggled after power was removed while stacking.
14. Corrected power up handling to reject the document if power is lost immediately after

Document created by MEI Automated

Rev 1.4 -5- Release Tool V1.90
SC Advance / EBDS / GDS
ARS / Argentina / Peso
a return request is sent. Previously, documents would be held in escrow.
15. Ensured proper reporting of a failure state if RF tag communications are lost when a
cashbox is inserted that meets criteria for recommended or required cleaning.
16. Improved Bill to Bill timing to accept documents sooner after a "fast feed" type of
17. Corrected bill acceptor behavior to send acknowledgement messages in response to all
delayed command type message (messages that require time for calculation and
response ex. SHA-1, CRC, etc.) when a second delayed command message is sent
before the first has been completed.
18. Ensured that when the host polls at a slow rate mutually exclusive events (idle,
returning, stacked) are not sent in the same message to the host. Note - The
recommended poll rate is 200ms.
19. Corrected reporting of the note value in a stacked message when ignoring a "Clear
Audit" request.
20. Corrected bill acceptor behavior to decline a SHA-1 request received during a
document transaction rather than processing the request.
21. Ensured the bill acceptor will now go out of service if EASITRAX is enabled by the host
despite not having an EASITRAX antenna board in the bill acceptor.
22. Corrected internal bill validator audit to report rejected notes due to note being
inhibited after insertion of the note.
23. Fixed special interrupt mode to report only one special interrupt message (ENQ) per
status change for out of service conditions to correctly adhere to the EBDS protocol
24. Ensured correct note value is reported when enabling extended note reporting mode
during a transaction. Note - Switching extended note reporting mode during
operations is not recommended.
25. Corrected behavior to now return back to service from a jammed state after a jam has
been removed during power-up.
26. Corrected behavior in Special Interrupt Mode where it was possible for the bill
acceptor to send multiple Special Interrupt Messages (ENQs) for a single EASITRAX
failure event caused by multiple and rapid cashbox removal/insertions when EASITRAX
is enabled. The bill acceptor will now send a single ENQ in this scenario.
27. Ensured the idle state messaging is no longer sent to the host when the bill acceptor is
out of service.
28. Corrected reporting when returning a ticket to remove barcode information from all
returning messages in EBDS.
29. Corrected EBDS messaging and MMI display when both documents are rejected in fast
feed scenarios. The Bill Acceptor no longer incorrectly indicates Escrow, Accepting, nor
Rejecting host communication messages and bill acceptor failure MMI messages in
these fast feed scenarios.
30. Ensured that the Power-Up message remains for a full 4.5 seconds when the bill
acceptor is powered-up in a jammed state.
6NY350xxxxxx 1. Corrected communication issue between validator and interface card that was causing
EASITRAX miscounts with RFID tag.
2. Corrected barcode diagnostics for units in upstacker configuration.
3. Corrected STS diagnostics to report accurately the status of each recognition sensor in
the bill validator model.
4. Ensure that only barcode configuration values supported by the hardware can be set.

Document created by MEI Automated

Rev 1.4 -6- Release Tool V1.90
SC Advance / EBDS / GDS
ARS / Argentina / Peso
5. Ensure EASITRAX asset number is properly maintained when interface cards are
swapped to match CASHFLOW SC.
6. Corrected communication issue between validator and interface card that was causing
the rear Bezel LED drive to turn off unexpectedly.
7. Improved jam detection to avoid a premature out of order condition to match
8. Improved EBDS reporting when start sensor is blocked on powerup to match
9. Changed EBDS messaging for a power-up self test failure to accurately report as a
"failed" state rather than as an "idle" state
10. Corrected EASITRAX reporting for error condition on power up to match CASHFLOW
6NY340xxxxxx 1. Improved internal reporting with vault cashbox.
2. Changed MMI to report a jammed state instead of an in service state when a rejected
document is held in the front of the bill acceptor and the cashbox is removed and
3. Added generic support for windowed notes. Previously only Canadian windowed
notes had been supported.
4. Improved MMI and EBDS reporting when inserting a cassette after a cashbox full
5. Implemented MMI displays for recommended and necessary cashbox cleaning.
Cashbox cleanliness reporting to the host has been added if supported by the protocol.
6NY330xxxxxx 1. Update EBDS string terminators to improve compatibility with legacy implementations.
6NY320xxxxxx 1. Ensure proper storage and usage of data needed for note acceptance algorithm.
2. Corrected home sensor value reporting in MEI STS service tool to match CASHFLOW
6NY310xxxxxx 1. Updated sensor algorithms to correctly account for changes in light intensity due to
environmental or mechanical changes in the system.
2. Updated EBDS extended note inhibit handling to ensure proper disabling of unit.
6NY300xxxxxx 1. Added “Return to Operation” mode on incompatible file download.
2. Improved Vault cassette handling.
3. Added EBDS Type 7, subtype 0x1D Clear Audit Data command.
4. Ensured that the position of the stacker arm is properly monitored throughout the
stack cycle.
5. Added EBDS flash download recovery feature.
6. Improved Variant checking.
7. Improved EBDS downloading.
8. Ensure proper string termination of EBDS Type 6 query commands.
9. Improved enable handling when receiving EBDS type 7 commands.
10. Improved out of order auditing for stackerless products.
11. Improved handling of failed downloads from older versions of code.
12. Improved Security Sensor calibration due to issues caused by mechanical interference.
13. Improved ABDS communications.
14. Added barcode conversion feature.
15. Improved note processing while disabling during transaction.
6NY270xxxxxx 1. Improved EBDS special interrupt mode communications.
2. Corrected transport motor control to prevent clearing of bill path when leaving Out Of
Service state after a cashbox full condition to avoid returning credited note.

Document created by MEI Automated

Rev 1.4 -7- Release Tool V1.90
SC Advance / EBDS / GDS
ARS / Argentina / Peso
3. Improved out of service handling.
4. Improved sensor thresholds for manufacturing.
5. Modified stacker sensor readings to report values in the range used in CASHFLOW SC.
6. Improved audit capabilities.
7. Improved power up handling.
8. Added EBDS type 7 CRC command.
9. Added EBDS type 6 diagnostics commands.
10. Added EBDS type 6 request extended audit commands.
6NY250xxxxxx 1. Improved EBDS flash download error correction handling.
2. Improved security measures to process notes with an intended obstruction or irregular
6NY230xxxxxx 1. Improved security measures to process notes with an intended obstruction or irregular
6NY220xxxxxx 1. Lifetime audit counters no longer cleared after a calibration cycle.
2. Improved security measures to process notes with an intended obstruction or irregular

Variant History
Version Changes
6Nxxxx012380 1. Removal of: ARS 2 (BA) : Outmoded from 31.05.2018
2. Restudy of: ARS 5 (DA)
3. Restudy of: ARS 10 (DA)
4. Restudy of: ARS 50 (DA)
6Nxxxx012370 1. Restudy of: ARS 20 (DA) : Series 2017
2. Restudy of: ARS 1000 (AA) : Series 2017
6Nxxxx012360 1. Addition of: ARS 200 (AA)
2. Restudy of: ARS 100 (BA)
6Nxxxx012350 1. Addition of: ARS 10 (DA)
2. Addition of: ARS 500 (AA)
3. Restudy of: ARS 100 (EA)
6Nxxxx012340 1. Restudy of: ARS 5 (BA}
2. Restudy of: ARS 50 (BA}
3. Restudy of: ARS 100 (DA)
4. Restudy of: ARS 100 (EA)
6Nxxxx012331 1. Restudy of: ARS 100 (EA)
6Nxxxx012330 1. Addition of: ARS 50 (DA)
2. Restudy of: ARS 20 (BA)
3. Restudy of: ARS 50 (BA)
6Nxxxx012322 1. Restudy of: ARS 2 (BA)
6Nxxxx012321 1. Restudy of: ARS 5 (BA)
2. Restudy of: ARS 20 (BA)
3. Restudy of: ARS 100 (DA)
6Nxxxx012320 1. Addition of: ARS 100 (EA)
2. Restudy of: ARS 100 (DA)
6Nxxxx012310 1. Addition of: ARS 100 (DA)
2. Restudy of: ARS 5 (BA)
3. Restudy of: ARS 100 (BA)

Document created by MEI Automated

Rev 1.4 -8- Release Tool V1.90
SC Advance / EBDS / GDS
ARS / Argentina / Peso
6Nxxxx012306 1. Addition of Digital Signature Code Protection
6Nxxxx012206 1. Restudy of: ARS 2 (BA)
6Nxxxx012205 1. Restudy of: ARS 2 (BA)
6Nxxxx012204 1. Initial Release

This release supersedes previous releases as listed.

1. 6NY510012370
2. 6NY420012360
3. 6NY420012350
4. 6NY410012340
5. 6NY400012331
6. 6NY400012330
7. 6NY400012322
8. 6NY400012321
9. 6NY370012321
10. 6NY360012321
11. 6NY350012320
12. 6NY330012310
13. 6NY320012206
14. 6NY270012204

MEI always recommends the use of the latest release available.

Document created by MEI Automated

Rev 1.4 -9- Release Tool V1.90
SC Advance / EBDS / GDS
ARS / Argentina / Peso

Software Naming Convention

8N Y 250 026 273
Application Currency Variant
Hardware Protocol Description
Revision ID Revision
HH Hardware
66 Cashflow SC SC66
83 Cashflow SC SC83
85 Cashflow SC SC85
6N SC Advance SCN66
8N SC Advance SCN83
5N SC Advance SCN85

Protocol Gaming
Host Comm Download Index
B EBDS - Serial N/A No
BGI EBDS - Serial N/A Yes
Y EBDS - Serial GDS - USB No
W EBDS - Serial SPC - USB No

AAA Application Revision

28XXXXAAA 286108250 = 250

CCC Currency ID
49CCCXVVV 490265273 = 026

VVV Variant Revision

49CCCXVVV 490264273 = 273

Document created by MEI Automated

Rev 1.4 - 10 - Release Tool V1.90

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