Ryle High School Marching Raiders: FAQ's Parent Perspective

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2011 Band Camp Olympics

Parent Perspective
FAQ’s “After watching several of our kids grow in this program
over the last 9 years, the Ryle Band Program is one of
Will marching band take away from my child’s the easiest and best programs at Ryle to recommend to
studies? Marching band members are typically any parent for their children.  Our kids have not only
among the highest academic performers at their grown in responsibilities and self confidence, they have
school. We know this is the case because band also learned the valuable lessons of teamwork, time
members learn to budget their time effectively, learn management, and self reliance.  Their grades actually
more responsibility and have a creative outlet got better during marching season because of the lesson
outside the classroom. in time management alone!  It’s amazing to watch the
transformation of our kids during the course of 1 season,
Will we compete with other bands? Yes, let alone several years.  Matt & Bill are excellent teachers
competition season generally runs from September who care about each of the kids as if they were their
to the first week in November. We usually compete own.  Our parents are also an excellent group of
in 6 or 7 competitions, including State volunteers.  Thanks to the Ryle Band Program, our kids
Championships. are the best that they can be.” ---Steve Logan,
Will my child have to audition for the band? The 2003-2012 RYLE HIGH SCHOOL
middle school students do not have to audition but
must have signed approval from their band director.
“On our journey this year we have seen so many
changes in our daughter. Marching season allows her
All high school students are ENCOURAGED to extra practice time and she is growing not only as a
march. musician but as a person. She has become more “THE PASSIONATE PURSUIT
Are there any costs associated with band? As with responsible at school and always wants to do her best so
all other extra-curricular activities and sports at that she can continue to participate in band. Each day of
Ryle there is an annual fee. Uniforms are provided the off season she talks about marching and how she
but you will purchase your own shoes and gloves. can’t wait for it to begin again! I am looking forward to a ROBERT ELLIOTT, DIRECTOR
We also have our own Spirit Wear. great future with Ryle Band.” ---Michele McDaniel,
WHO WE ARE......
We are the Ryle High School Marching Band. We
are the MOST fun spirit organization on campus.
Simply stated, we represent the spirit of Ryle High UPCOMING Events
School. We accomplish this by performing halftime
shows at home football games, traveling to
•Registration for the upcoming Marching
competitions and performances across the tri-state, Band season is now open! We invite all
and having a great time while doing it! Last year instrumentalists and color guard performers to
we advanced to the KY State Regional join us for another exciting season.
Competition and performed at PAPA JOHNS
STADIUM at the University of Louisville for the
• A Recruitment gathering will be held at
State Marching Band Championships. We truly
Ryle High School in January. Please refer
enjoy the camaraderie of being a part of a to the information sheet in your packet.
wonderful group of performers and friends!
Who’s who
ROBERT ELLIOTT, Director: Mr. Elliott
received his B.M.E. from Eastern Kentucky Univ.
1984, M.Ed. degree from Xavier Univ. 1992 and
Rank I Certificate from Eastern Kentucky Univ.
2003. Mr. Elliott began the 2012-2013 school year
as the new band director at Ryle High School. His
concert bands have consistently received
Distinguished ratings at both the district and state
level since 1986. The Grant County Marching
Band was a KMEA State finalist in 1994, 1995 and
1996 in class A and AA. The Grant County
Marching Band was named Class A State
Champion in 1995. The Tates Creek Marching
Bands were KMEA State finalists in 2000, 2001, • Band Camp Dates and Reporting Times:
IN THEIR OWN WORDS...... and 2002 in class AAAA, a BOA Regional Finalist Band Camp for the upcoming marching
in 2001 and 2002. For full Bio, please see our website. season is scheduled with Full band camp
“I don't remember how we performed, but I do
remember how we felt; proud of all that we've BILL KIDWELL, Assistant Director: Mr. and Rookie mini Camp beginning in July.
been through. Every single one of us put Kidwell holds a Bachelors Degree in Music (Please see information sheet in your packet
everything we had into one single seven minute Education and a Masters Degree in Education for specific dates and times.) During camp
performance. We were no longer individuals, from Northern Kentucky Univ. Mr. Kidwell has the students bring a lunch and dinner is
but we were a part of something bigger. We been the director of bands at Gray Middle School provided for all day practices.
were one band. We marched together, we since 2001 and currently serves as President of
breathed together, we thought together, and KMEA District 6. For full Bio, please see our website. *All dates are tentative and subject to change. As
when it was all over, we cried together, tears of we get closer to the start of camp a definitive
STAFF schedule will be announced.
pride and joy.”
Percussion: Brent Bowlin
---Ryan Trostle, Ryle Marching Band (09-11 ) www.ryleband.com
Guard: Michelle Gibbs, Erin Maley & Karen Wear

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