HR Analytics and Its Impact On Organizational Excellence
HR Analytics and Its Impact On Organizational Excellence
HR Analytics and Its Impact On Organizational Excellence
The aim of this paper was to find out what HR By using HR analytics you don’t have to rely on gut
analytics holds the promise of both elevating the feeling anymore. Analytics enables HR
status of the HR profession and serving as a source of professionals to make data-driven
data decisions.
competitive advantage for many organizations that Furthermore, analytics helps to test the effectiveness
have put it to good use for industry that can go a lon
long of HR policies and different interventions.
interve Human
way to make India for organizational excellence. The resource is witnessing the advent of two major fields,
realization of this promise hinges on our individual The Big Data and Hiring Analytics.
Analytics Companies are
and collective ability to master the art and the science accepting the evolution of these two major twisters in
of HR analytics. That, in turn, will happen much more their HR policies and practices. The adoption of HR
quickly if we can achieve clarity evenn consensus on a Analytics is providing the differentiator advantage
number of issues where neither clarity nor consensus among their competitors. The companies are gaining
currently exists. The increasing globalization of the the competitive edge over their competitors.
job market combined with an ever increasing shortage
of skillful staffs and advances in technology have The power of HR Analytics and Big Data is making
resulted in large scale changesges to the recruitment the companies ditch their “intuitions” for any decision
practices throughout the world through the use of HR to make. The decisions have become more promising
Analytics. This paper aims to find out the benefits, and accurate with the use of these practices. That is
importance and impacts of HR analytics and this why companies are investing their huge money into
study of the current state of HR analytics depends talent management software and a brigade of special
heavily on data integration which emphases on staff including data scientist, statistician and analysts.
overarching business disciplines and centralizing data.
These newly highlighted specialists work with HR
KEY WORDS: Competitive Advantage, team to create defined analytics to escalate
es the
Globalization, HR Analytics, Organizational company’s performance. As employees are the central
Excellence bodies of the organization, it is the HR department
which takes care of every aspect of these bodies. In
INTRODUCTION that way, HR is the data collector of the organization
Human resource analytics (HR analytics) is a who collects information regarding
regardin the employee
locality within the field of analytics that refers to information, hiring requirements, salaries, attrition
applying analytic processes to the human resource and so on.
department of a company within the hope
of rising worker performance and so obtaining a However, this useful data could be scattered and
stronger come back on investment. Over the past unused in the absence of a proper HR analytics tool.
100 years, Human Resourcee Management has This is when data analytics come into the picture. A
changed. It has moved from an operational desirable HR analytics tool could use HR and big
discipline towards a more strategic discipline. The data analytics to interpret this useful data and
popularity of the term Strategic Human Resource transform it into useful statistics. Once patterns are
Management (SHRM) exemplifies this. The data data- highlighted, HR can decide the course of action based
driven approach that characterizes HR analytics is iin on that data.
line with this development.