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Human Resource Management Research 2017, 7(1): 54-64

DOI: 10.5923/j.hrmr.20170701.07

The Empirical Study on Human Resource Management

Practices with Special Reference to Job Satisfaction and
Employee Turnover at Investment Corporation of
Md. Nurun Nabi1,*, Abu Al Tareq Ahmed2, Md. Sahedur Rahman3

Textile Engineering Management Department, Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX), Bangladesh
Business Administration, Royal University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Management Studies, Comilla University, Bangladesh

Abstract As we know that “productivity is connectivity and connectivity is productivity”. This research paper will
examine the relationship between Human resource management with the job satisfaction, Motivation, Training and
Development, Absenteeism and turnover, Team work and employee’s participation and compensation. Human resource is the
vital of all the elements of an organization. There are six elements in an organization like man, materials, machine, money,
method and markets. Among them man is the important element of all. How are you conducting the human resources of an
organization is the important issue of the organization. Human resources are the working in the organization with a view to
accomplishing the organizational objectives and end results. Motivation is firmly related with job performance of the
organization, we know when motivation is more, productivity is higher and when motivation is low, the productivity is lower.
Job performance is dependent on the team work and compensation and fair treatment should be done in determine the
workers capability. Team work is collaboration between two or more persons, it is important issue to get the proper job and
when team work is properly done it is become more possible to attain the goal of the organization, When an employees are
satisfied with their basic needs then the employees will be satisfied more and the productivity will be higher and ultimate goal
will be achieved and organizational discipline will be maintained.
Keywords Human Resource Management Practice, Performance appraisal, Job Satisfaction, Absenteeism and turnover,
Training and Motivation, Compensation

employed towards the fulfillment of organizational goals and

1. Introduction objectives and expectation (Schuler & Jackson 1987).
Human resource management activities are the essential
Human resource is the best resource in the organization tools for management of people within the internal
and without human resource the organization is not possible environment of an organizations, comprises the activities,
to gain the success in the organization. Job satisfaction is policies, strategy and practices are involved in planning,
very important for the employees and employees are the big organization, leading, commanding and co-ordaining and
assets among all assets in the organization. Human resources cooperating, obtaining, developing, utilizing, evaluating,
management activities are very important for achieving the maintaining, balancing and retaining the appropriate
organization’s goals and maintaining the competitive and numbers of workers and employees and skill mix of
cooperative advantage among the organization. HRM employees to attain the organization’s goals and objectives
activities refer to organizational functions directed at (Appelbaum 2001). Presently organizations are competing
managing, balancing, developing and maintaining the pool through implementing the unique HRM practices and due to
of human resource and ensuring that the human and physical the globalization and modern changing pattern the
resources and the organizational activities are aimed at organizations adopt the most up-to-date HRM practices in
order to accomplish the organizational goals. Best HRM
* Corresponding author:
nurunnabi74@yahoo.com (Md. Nurun Nabi)
practices are always helpful and advantageous for both
Published online at http://journal.sapub.org/hrmr employee and employers; it plays an important role in
Copyright © 2017 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved constructive growth of the organization.
Human Resource Management Research 2017, 7(1): 54-64 55

2. Background of the Study practices and organizational performance with job

satisfaction, employee turnover and absenteeism throughout
Investment Corporation of Bangladesh is an investment the organization.
company operated by the Government of Bangladesh. This
organization plays a vital role in developing and marinating a. To highlight the overall Human Resource
the capital market. It also offers asset management and management practices.
merchant banking services. The human resource b. To review the HR policy of the organization.
management department has consistently faced a battle in c. To focus on the performances with the expectation.
identifying and managing its position in organizations. When d. To analyze the relationship between performance
the organization has a lot of fund and this fund is utilized in parameters with HR Parameters. (Employee
selection, identifying and analyzing and recruitments, recruitment process and selection, placement,
staffing, budgeting and communication and co-operation compensation, benefits, resignation, disciplinary
within the organization, but when faced with financial action and training & development).
difficulties, such HR systems get the earliest attention in this e. To evaluate the HR effectiveness with the employee
field. The relationship between HR and organizational productivity.
performance will help the HR specialists to design programs f. To make some suggestions based on findings.
that will bring forth better operational and organizational
results to attain higher organizational performance and
organizational commitment and so forth. The main attention
5. Literature Review
of the HR management department should be to understand Human Resources Management practices
organizational performance processes and design HR
Manning (2010) expressed in his research paper entitled
practices that influence process and outcome variables.
“Review of Management of Business and Human
Resource” to review the management, business and human
resources literature to identify concepts and strategies to
3. Statement of the Problem develop the nature of human resource management and how
Bangladesh is a developing country and its population is it make the function of human resource more utilize in
very high. It is a big asset of any country of the world. If it developing the organizational and operational function in a
can be used properly it will possible to make a great success specific work and how relates the decision making abilities
of any arena. In any organization human resource the to understand the concepts of team work and how the team
continuation of production is not possible at all. In modern work more motivates the employees and the organizational
civilization is very complex in regard of competition and low objectives towards the organization and developing the
standardization of product and quality. In our organization, function of the organizations. Fogleman said in his research
there are many things which is lack in the organization. paper entitled “Everything You need to Know about
Human resource management practices are very important Human Resource Management…But were Afraid to
for maintaining and standardizing the employees with a view Ask.” He suggested that to make a strong relation among the
to attaining the organizational goal. The HR planning which human resource of an organization needs to analyze the some
is acute problem in our country. Job design, job analysis and steps to make the strong component of the human resource.
job specification should be done to make the job attractive to To the analyzes that who will be the worker and which work
the employees. A favorable work environment is very he will do in the future and what qualification is needed for
important. Environment is related with mind and sound that the work. It is important to continually review job
position of the company. The management should think descriptions because they should involve the with the
about the right man for the right job. The job evaluation position, power, authority and the employee. He told job
should also done to compare the level of job with one job to analysis, job description, Hiring, Orientation and training,
another job. The organization should maintain the faire Performance appraisal, Compensation and Discipline.
treatment for the all employees equally. Job satisfaction has a Motivation and Performances:
big impact on the job performances. The all kinds of Motivation is the process of stimulating the someone to
facilitates should be provided to the employees to maintain take a desired course of action and motivation is related with
their certain level of satisfaction. When satisfaction high the the production. Motivation is related with the production and
employee absenteeism and turnover will be low. In our productivity. Motivation is always goal-oriented and goal
organization the employee dissatisfaction is a big problem achieving target. Motivation helps the employees to get the
and how we can eliminate it that our efforts to our study. best potential and talents from the pool of potential and
outcomes. The employer is always trying to make a good
4. Objectives of the Study relationship with the employees with a view to attaining the
organizational goal and objectives. Without proper
The objective of the study is to measure the casual motivation the organization will not be possible to gain the
relationship between Human Resource management target. According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary,
56 Md. Nurun Nabi et al.: The Empirical Study on Human Resource Management Practices with Special
Reference to Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover at Investment Corporation of Bangladesh

a motive is “something a need or desire that causes a person Where, p=performance, f = function, A = Ability and
to act”. “Motivate, in turn, means “to provide with a motive,” M=motivation.
and motivation is defined as “the act or process of Compensation packages:
motivating”. Consequently, motivation is the performance or
Compensation is related with the salary, wages and
procedure of presenting an intention that origin a person to
remuneration. A good compensation package is very
capture some accomplishment (Shanks. N. H.). According
important for maintaining the employee’s satisfactory level
to Butkus & Green (1999), motivation is derived from the
and compensation is the nothing but the sum total of
word “motivate”, means to move, push or influence to
remuneration and paid for the physical labor and efforts. The
proceed for fulfilling a want (Kalimullah et al, 2010).
manager and the employer should determine such level of
Bartol and Martin (1998) describe motivation as a power
salary and wages for the worker who works in the
that strengthens behavior, gives route to behavior, and
organization or the financial institution. They are liable to
triggers the tendency to continue (Farhad et al, 2011). This
introduce the different kinds of profit sharing plan and which
explanation identifies that in order to attain assured targets;
makes them more sensible to their profession and
individuals must be satisfactorily energetic and be clear
professionalism. The incremental system is different from
about their destinations. In view of Bedeian, (1993) it is an
one organization to the other organization or person to
internal drives to satisfy an unsatisfied need and the will to
person. The compensation packages is with the two ways in
accomplish. Motivation is a procedure that initiates through
one is financial packages and non-financial ways. The
a physiological or psychological want that stimulates a
employees are very much encouraged to know the
performance that is intended at an objective. It is the
compensation level of the employees.
concluding product of interface among personality behavior
and organizational distinctiveness (IRCO).

Figure 2. Relationship between compensation, job performances and


Figure 1. How motivation impacts the job performances To determine compensation, organizations should develop
a compensation and rewards program. This type of program
It symbolizes those psychological procedures that
outlines an equitable process for compensating employees. A
foundations the stimulation, route, and determination of
well-structured program with a good balance of wages,
deliberate actions that are target oriented (Farhad et al,
benefits and rewards will support an organization to remain
2011). Also motivation is a progression of moving and
competitive in today's labour market and ensure
supporting goal-directed behavior (Chowdhury. M.S, 2007).
sustainability in the future. Employee compensation refers to
It is an internal strength that drives individuals to pull off
the benefits (cash, vacation, etc.) that an employee receives
personal and organizational goals (Reena et al, 2009).
in exchange for the service they provide to their employer.
Motivation is a set of courses concerned with a kid of
Employee compensation is generally one of the largest costs
strength that boosts performance and directs towards
or expenses for any organization. Compensation is the total
accomplishing some definite targets (Kalimullah et al,
of all rewards provided to employees in return for their
2010). According to Barron (1983), it is an accrual of
services. Compensation refers to all forms of financial,
diverse routes which manipulate and express our activities to
tangible services and benefits employed receive as a part of
attain some particular ambitions (Rizwan et al, 2010).
an employment relationship. A good compensation package
Porter and miles (1974) proved that the motivation boosts
helps to retain the qualified employees and increasing the
expresses and continues conduct (Khadim et al). The
productivity of an organization. Compensation includes the
motivation of an individual envelops all the motives for
Extrinsic and Intrinsic rewards. In the extrinsic rewards
which he selects to operate in a definite approach (Lefter
includes Hourly wage, salary, Bonus, Commissions, Pay
et al). In fact motivation is “inside another person’s head and
incentives, Insurance, retirement, paid vacation, paid
heart” (Khadim et al). Motivation is the driving force of an
holidays, food services, credit unions and recreation etc. In
organization when an employee is derived to attain goal of an
the intrinsic rewards includes reorganization, promotion
organization. It is concerned with the factors that influence
opportunities, working conditions and interesting work.
people to behave in certain ways.
Approximately 92% of the working population in the United
P=f (A*M) States is made of employees earning compensation from
Human Resource Management Research 2017, 7(1): 54-64 57

their employer. There are many different types of of attitude and gaining more knowledge to enhance the
compensation paid to employees. The following are a few performance of employees" (Kashmir Observer.
examples of the compensation paid to employees: Retrieved 2016) The field has gone by several names,
Compensation is to provide something good as a against including "Human Resource Development", "Human Capital
something bad or undesirable: to make up for some defect or Development" and "Learning and Development". And when
weakness, Merriam Dictionary (2001). the training is provided to the employees the ultimate
Training and development benefits goes the employers or the organization such as
increasing the production and productivity, less supervision,
Training and development is related with improvement or
More job satisfaction and less turnover with low abestieesm
advancement of the job or job holder’s responsibility.
and also it helps the skill development of the employees.
Training is the best way of getting something new and new
idea, concept and Knowledge. Training is the provision of Performance appraisal
getting the skilled knowledge and skills whatever to increase Performance appraisal means evaluating as employee’s
the level of responsibility. Training provides the general current and past performance relative to his or her
guidelines to employees for doing the work or accomplishing performance standards. Performance appraisal helps to
the organizational objectives. Training is a systematic evaluate the employee’s productivity of the organization.
process of changing the behavior, knowledge and/or When an organization evaluates the employees performance
motivation of present employees to improve the match then he can decide that who is the best performer and who are
between employee characteristics and employment the capable of promotion. A performance appraisal is a
requirement. Training is the process by which employees systematic and annual or periodic process and ways of
learn skills, techniques, information and behaviors needed to assessing the value of an individual employee's job
do their specific tasks or jobs. According to M. Armstrong- performance, Job production, Job rotation and productivity
"Training is the systematic development of knowledge, skill in relation to certain pre-established criteria and
and attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately organizational objectives where it is pre-determined and
a given task or job". pre-settled goals (Manasa, K. & Reddy, N. (2009).

Job performances are related with the motivation, work environment, job
method and job factors of production.
Figure 4. Relationship between job performances evalution with the job
satisfactiona and turnover
Figure 3. Training and development impacts on the job performancess and
Job Satisfaction, Absenteeism and turnover
Training is socialize the workers to the introduction of the Human resource management is the vital part of
organization and objectives of the organnizstion. There is production sector of any organization. Without human
positive relationship between the employee's performance resource, the vehicle of production will not run in the
recognize and evaluation and training and motivation. organization. So without any confusion we can easily
Training is focusing on fixing a specific issue (Doyle, 1997). confess that HR is the best resource among the all resources
Training is anything offering learning experience (Paul & (Man, Machine, Money, Method, materials and market) of
Anantharaman, 2003) Training is highly related with the organization. Every human being is derived by the nature
motivation and Motivation is highly related with the who intends to do in his profession or career. Moreover, Job
production and productivity of the organization. When the satisfaction and production are goes in a one way, when the
workers get the training and the potentiality of worker is production is high; it means that satisfaction level is high. So
getting increased day by day. Training is related with the production is dependable variable where the job satisfaction
production and productivity and organizational commitment. is independent variable job satisfaction is generally believed
Human resource management regards training and a higher job satisfaction is associated with increased
development as a function concerned with organizational productivity, lower absenteeism, and lower employee
activity aimed at bettering the job performance of individuals turnover (Hackman & Oldham, 1975). Now a days the
and groups in organizational settings. Training and number of people of turnover is increasing daby by day
development can be described as "an educational process because of employee job dissatisfaction and raising the job
which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts, changing competition among the various companies and the
58 Md. Nurun Nabi et al.: The Empirical Study on Human Resource Management Practices with Special
Reference to Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover at Investment Corporation of Bangladesh

organization. If the employee are not satisfied with what they Inspirations from Abroad and Current Trends of
are want from their job but they are not getting it easily so change” observed that human resource management (HRM)
finally they will leave the organization and absenteeism rate has been perceived by many observers as a key ingredient
will be increased in the organization. Rewards play a vital accounting, management, human resource management,
role in determining the significant performance in job and it psychology and marketing for the success of Japanese
is positively associated with the process of motivation. companies on world markets during the 1980s. Suggestions
Lawler (2003) argued that there are two factors which of how Western managers could learn from Japanese HRM
determine how much a reward is attractive, first is the practices were plentiful and working more hard and how the
amount of reward which is given and the second is the people are more interactively working in the organization.
weightage an individual gives to a certain reward. Deeprose He analyses the data collection and sample, description of
(1994, p. 3) is of the view that “Good managers recognize HRM model, who adopts from whom and when, who adopts
people by doing things that acknowledge their what from whom, who adopts from whom and when and also
accomplishments and they reward people by giving them who adopts what from whom etc.
something tangible.” Timothy et. al (2005) their research was exposed
Some previous research (the impacts of human resource regarding that entitled “Strategic Global Human Resource
on job satisfaction and job performances): Management Research In The Twenty First Century: An
Endorsement of the Mixed-Method Research
Manisha et.al (2011) said in his research paper that
Methodology” said that global competition is rapidly
Entitled “Title Human Resource Outsourcing: Analysis
becoming the norm in which nearly all business
Based on Literature survey”. The idea of researcher in his
organizations must compete in one fashion or another and
research paper regarding the outsourcing of the human
they have to compete with each other to survive in the long
resource of the organization and also told that there are some
run. When the competition is more among the business
steps regarding the outsourcing of the human resources. He
venture the people are compelled to main the standard of
examined all the functions being considered for Outsourcing,
human resource management. The complexity and value of
Create a business case for outsourcing seek a vendor that will
Strategic Global Human Resource Management (SGHRM)
work very closely with you Company, Make certain in your
will continue to compound in significance as globalization
connect with the vendor and businessmen includes penalty
becomes the predominate form of business. In the business
clauses and incentives to increase accountability,
industry when the competition is acute then the
Considering at the employees and working people in our
benchmarking in the strategic human resource management
organization will measure vendor Performance Learn about
will be more effective and sub contracting will be more in
security protections the vendor provides.
business, automobiles and engineering industries.
Markus Pudelko et. al (2009) he Said in his research
paper Entitled “Human Resource Management:

Job analysis, Job

design and Job

Engagement Job satisfaction Decision Making
& performance

Absenteeism and

Figure 5. Shows the relationship between job satisfacton on absentiseem and turnover
Human Resource Management Research 2017, 7(1): 54-64 59

Mohan et.al. said their research that Title “Evolution of Human Resource Management is concerned with the ‘people’
Human Resource Management and Human Resource dimension in management, skill, motivation them to high
Information Systems” leading management thinkers levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to
suggest that “it is not technology, but the art of human and maintain their commitment to the organization are essential
humane-management” that is challenge for the managers and to a achieving organizational objectives.
to level management in the 21st century future economic and Job analysis and Job design
strategic advantage will rest with the organizations that can
Job analysis is the systematic method of investigating. The
most effectively attract, develop and retain a diverse group of
tasks, duties, skills and knowledge required for performing
the best and the brightest human talent in the market place
jobs in the organization and Job design is the process of
and the market will be more sustainable in the long run and
determining and systematically arranging the tasks, roles and
development will be happened for the managers to all. In a
other processes into work that are required to perform a
growing number of organizations human resources are now
specific job.
viewed as a source of competitive advantage. There is
greater recognition that distinctive competencies are Recruitment
obtained through highly developed employee skills, Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting
distinctive organizational cultures, management processes qualified individual in sufficient numbers and encouraging
and systems. them to apply for job position within the organization. It
refers the process of locating and encouraging potential
applicants to apply for existing or anticipated job opening.
6. Theoretical Investigation of HRM Recruiting encompasses decisions about choosing (1)
Communication methods, (2) Recruiters, (3) Recruitment
Concept of Human Resource Management
messages, and (4) Required applicant qualifications.
Human resource management is the process of acquiring, Obviously, recruiting takes place both when employers
training. appraising & compensating employees & of search for candidates outside the organization (external
attending to their labor relations, health & safety & fairness recruiting) and inside the organization internal recruiting.
concerns .
Employee Effectiveness and Efficiency
Human resource management can be defined as a set of
interrelated and integrated functions, processes and systems The effectiveness and efficiency of the HR policy
that focus on the effective utilization of people working in an determines the morale of the employees. Morale is the sate of
organization with strategic, coherent and unified approaches mental health morale is high that is why ICB is happy with
to achieve the goal of the organization as well as the goals his work, his surroundings and his fellow-beings. High
and needs of its individual employee. Human resources are morale indicates the efficiency and effectiveness of human
the assets of an organization. They run the organization resource personnel administration.
properly. They are the key factors of the organization.
60 Md. Nurun Nabi et al.: The Empirical Study on Human Resource Management Practices with Special
Reference to Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover at Investment Corporation of Bangladesh

Management Development: Management Development Of the 40 questionnaires printed and distributed, 30 were
is the is process of systematic process of developing the returned (a response rate of 93.33%). Of these, 2 were
experience, skills, knowledge, attitude and abilities required incomplete, thus 28 questionnaires were available for
to become or become an effective manager. analysis. Quantitative data from the returned questionnaires
were coded and entered into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
(Microsoft Office, 2007). The statistical software SPSS
7. Methodology of the Study version 16.0 was used to analyze the generated data.
Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were
The present study is an exploratory research seeks to employed. Data were also summarized using graphic
examine and analyze the impact of human resource presentations for the interpretation of findings. Statistics
management practices on job satisfaction of specialized were based on percentages and frequencies. Association
public sector banking employees. For the present study ICB between socio-demographic characteristics and job
an autonomous Investment Bank a leading public sector is satisfaction, as well as comparison of the level of job
taken as case study. The sample units include executives, satisfaction between categories of health care professionals,
middle level managers and managers of ICB Investment was assessed for statistical significance using the ‘chi-square’
Bank. For the study 40 respondents were contacted for test of association. Factors influencing job satisfaction were
obtaining the information regarding HRM practices. But due also determined using the student t-test. The relationship
to busy time schedules of bank employee and their between dimensions of job satisfaction was measured using
engagement in various activities the numbers of respondents Pearson correlations.
were restricted up to 30. For obtaining the required
information interview method is used and structured Statistical Tools of Data Analysis
schedule is filled by the researcher. The study is based on the data collected to measure the
employee perception and satisfaction for assessing their
QWL. Perception of the employee has been judged through
8. Data Analysis an Interpretation 5-point, Likert scale that is a numerical and more specifically,
interval-scaled data. The corresponding probability
This portion of the research paper will focus on the distribution of this numerical data point will be a continuous
analysis and interpretation of data that was collected for this distribution but as the data has informed us about the
study. According to De Vos (1998:203), Data analysis perception of the employee through ranking, the parent
entails that the analyst break down data into constituent parts distribution may not be the normal distribution.
to obtain answer to the research questions and to test Outcome of the table: From the descriptive table we
hypotheses .The analysis of research data doesn’t in its own conclude that our respondent is 30 and no missing value and
provide the answer to the research question. When I assigned the minimum number is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (strongly disagree and
to collect the information of the investment corporation of strongly agree) that means maximum number is 5 and mean
Bangladesh, I tried my best level to collect the data about is the average of all numbers that is shown in the previous
their working hours, work environment, wage and and standard deviation is mostly .0000 so from the
compensation, training and performance appraisal. To discussion we may reach a decision that is the our
collect the information I have survey through a questionnaire performance level is good and there is no standard deviation.
and having the questionnaire I have used the statistical tools This table is applicable for the measuring the productivity of
to analyze the response of the respondent. According to their an organization.
response I have prepared the frequency table, descriptive
Statistics, T-test and correlation etc.

Level of satisfaction of respondents

Table 8: Level of job satisfaction N Percentage

Highly dissatisfied 1 3.60

Not satisfied 2 6.41

Fairly satisfied 2 7.74
Moderately satisfied 13 39.12
Highly satisfied 12 43.12
Total 30 100
Human Resource Management Research 2017, 7(1): 54-64 61


N Mean
Are you male or female? 30 1.1000 .30513
What is your age level? 30 1.1000 .30513
Does your bank follow working hours according to international labor organization? 30 2.2000 .61026
Is the environment of your branch is good? 30 4.7000 .46609
Does your branch manager or manager follow democratic management system? 30 4.1000 .30513
Is the relationship among the employees of your branch good ? 30 4.2333 .43018
Are you happy with job design and job analysis? 30 4.2667 .44978
Do you think that selection process of ICB is good? 30 4.1000 .71197
Are you happy with the procedure of internal and external recruitment of ICB? 30 4.4667 .50742
Are you happy with the safety measure which is taken by the corporation? 30 4.0333 .31984
Do you think that for accomplishing your job, job training is essential? 30 5.0000 .00000
Is training provided daily, weekly, monthly or yearly? 30 4.0000 .69481
Are you satisfied with your job training? 30 3.5000 .73108
Do you think that training is related with your job performances? 30 3.4000 1.16264
If employees are selected properly, is training is essential or not ? 30 5.0000 .00000
Do you think that training is the most important for employees? 30 5.0000 .00000
Do you think that training is positive or negative to employees? 30 5.0000 .00000
Is there any relationship training and productivity? 30 5.0000 .00000
Are you satisfied with wage and compensation? 30 2.8667 1.10589
Do you agree compensation package is essential to retain qualified employees? 30 4.8333 .37905
Are you satisfied with your fringe benefits( insurance, social security and pension ) 30 3.5667 .93526
Is there any relationship with compensation and employees satisfaction? 30 4.3333 .47946
Do you think that performance appraisal is important tools for evaluating employee’s productivity? 30 4.5000 .50855
Is it sure that performance appraisal will help to reduce employee turnover, absenteeism? 30 4.7000 .46609


Table T-test

One-Sample Statistics

N Mean Std. Error Mean
Are you male or female? 30 1.1000 .30513 .05571
What is your age level? 30 2.2000 .61026 .11142
Does your bank follow working hours according to international labor
30 4.7000 .46609 .08510
Is the environment of your branch is good? 30 4.1000 .30513 .05571
Does your branch manager or manager follow democratic management
30 4.2333 .43018 .07854
Is the relationship among the employees of your branch good? 30 4.2667 .44978 .08212
Are you happy with job design and job analysis? 30 4.1000 .71197 .12999
Do you think that selection process of ICB is good? 30 4.3333 .47946 .08754
Are you happy with the procedure of internal and external recruitment of
30 4.4667 .50742 .09264
62 Md. Nurun Nabi et al.: The Empirical Study on Human Resource Management Practices with Special
Reference to Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover at Investment Corporation of Bangladesh

N Mean Std. Error Mean
Are you happy with the safety measures which is taken by the corporation? 30 4.0333 .31984 .05839
Do you think that for accomplishing your job, job training is essential? 30 5.0000 .00000 .00000
Is training provided daily, weekly, monthly or yearly? 30 4.0000 .69481 .12685
Are you satisfied with your job training? 30 3.5000 .73108 .13348
Do you think that training is related with your job performances? 30 3.4000 1.16264 .21227
If employees are selected properly, is training is essential or not ? 30 5.0000 .00000 .00000
Do you think that training is the most important for employees? 30 5.0000 .00000 .00000
Do you think that training is positive or negative to employees? 30 5.0000 .00000 .00000
Is there any relationship training and productivity? 30 5.0000 .00000a .00000
Are you satisfied with wage and compensation? 30 2.8667 1.10589 .20191
Do you agree compensation package is essential to retain qualified
30 4.8333 .37905 .06920
Are you satisfied with your fringe benefits( insurance, social security and
30 3.5667 .93526 .17075
pension )
Is there any relationship with compensation and employees satisfaction? 30 4.3333 .47946 .08754
Do you think that performance appraisal is important tools for evaluating
30 4.5000 .50855 .09285
employee’s productivity?
Is it sure that performance appraisal will help to reduce employee turnover,
30 4.7000 .46609 .08510
Are performance appraisal good tools of informing present condition and
30 4.1333 .77608 .14169
future prospects of employees?
Is there any relationship with performance appraisal, productivity and
30 5.0000 .00000a .00000
employee satisfaction?
a. T cannot be computed because the standard deviation is 0.

9. Findings of the Study the 95% confidence level of the upper and lower
Major observations from the derived tables and analysis The literature and various studies concluded that factors:
are given below: empowerment and recognition have positive effect on
Descriptive table employee motivation. More the empowerment and
From the descriptive table we conclude that our recognition of employees in an organization is increased,
respondent is 30 and no missing value and the minimum more will their motivation to work will enhance. Also there
number is 1, 2,3,4,5 (strongly disagree and strongly agree) exists a positive relationship between employee motivation
that means maximum number is 5 and mean is the average of and organizational effectiveness. The more the employees
all numbers that is shown in the previous and standard are motive to tasks accomplishment higher will the
deviation is mostly .0000 so from the discussion we may organizational performance and success.
reach a decision that is the our performance level is good and
there is no standard deviation. This table is applicable for the
measuring the productivity of an organization. 10. Recommendations
T-test Table The impact of HRM practices and organizational
• Table-1 (One simple statistics), Here number is 30 and performance in banking sector that has a huge study area,
no missing value and mean is acceptable and outcome with our time limitless, we are doing work for better. This
of standard deviation is zero for that it cannot be study will be helpful for all banks who do not perform HRM
calculated. practices. HRM practices and policies, HRM Planning and
• T- test table-2(one sample test), From the description, control directly impact on organization performance. Those
we may easily that our lower and higher test value performances are measured by different performance
is(1.795 to 55.931), df is 29 and significance two tailed management scale and performance process. So that this
is .0000 and mean difference is average the 3.000 with study must be helpful in banking sector although this study
Human Resource Management Research 2017, 7(1): 54-64 63

has some limitations and obligation and those study is very 11. Conclusions
helpful for the organization and the individual. We can take
positive site then the study will be more attractive towards all Motivation is very essential elements and without
bankers who want more success. Human resource (HR) motivation the success of the organization is impossible and
function is an important function contributing to the production and productivity is related with the motivation.
well-being of the organization. In the present days, HR The organization is try to make a relationship between the
manager and expert played the role of burdened with the motivation and job performances. We have try to make a
responsibility to look after the day-to-day operational and relationship of job performances to the job satisfaction of the
mean whereby it plays a main role in devising strategies and employees and employees who are the main resources of the
policy for the company together with other top level organization and organization converts the resources into the
managers and the organizational point of view. Therefore, assets and assets are the long term resources in the
the purpose of this study is to provide preliminary organization. We have tried to show the impacts on the
information and to initiate more rigorous research on HR performances appraisal on the job performances and what
role and new research conduct and ways of behaving with factors are considered in the organization that evaluates the
each other. It would certainly help researchers, job performances. Training and development is also impacts
academicians, institutional and organizational practitioners the job performances and training is directly or indirectly
and outcomes that would provide hints for future research related with job satisfaction. Without training employee
in HR role and HR functions in the field of Research study. development will not possible. The top level management
should main the level faire treatment for the employees. Our
Future study of the research study also tried to show the contribution of recruitment and
The importance of effective "Human Resource selection for the development of the employee attitude and
Department" are increasing gradually, Efficient HRD system morale. Compensation packages should be provided fairly
of management is being demanded now in the investment and cleanly. We have the made the study whether the
sector in Bangladesh. It can be said that with a view to employee are satisfied or not with the reasonable
fulfilling the desire of the investment and of the society in compensation packages or not. Our study explores the
ever changing environment, ICB has got to be remodeled to connection of the employee satisfaction to other factors of
work efficiently. It needs capable human resources and the production. There are various research study shows the
enabling culture for efficient work. The study focuses on the findings of the research.
practice and observance of the two central factors, Job
satisfaction, Job performances and reducing the employee
turnover for enhancing employee motivation which leads to
organizational effectiveness. The organizations should
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