Phytochemical Screening by LC-MS Analysis of Flowers Of: Allamanda Neriifolia Hook
Phytochemical Screening by LC-MS Analysis of Flowers Of: Allamanda Neriifolia Hook
Phytochemical Screening by LC-MS Analysis of Flowers Of: Allamanda Neriifolia Hook
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, R.A.College for women, Thiruvarur.
Tamilnadu, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, R.A.College for women, Thiruvarur.
Tamilnadu, India
, Research Scholor. Department of Biochemistry, R.A.College for women, Thiruvarur.
Tamilnadu, India
Medicinal plants are the nature's gift to human being to have disease-free healthy life.
This study was undertaken to investigate the bioactivity of A.neriifolia extracts and to
evaluate their chemical composition. The aim of the present study was to identify the
phytoconstituents using Liquid chromatography - Mass spectroscopy analysis. By using the
methanol extracts of A. neriifolia, molecules such as 8-O-Methylretusin, Apigenin 7- O -
(6''dihydrogalloyl) -glucosyl-8-C hamnosyl 6 C glucoside, 3’O Methylorobol,4,6 Dimethyl 3
(4'hydroxyphenyl) coumarin and 3-Hydroxy-3',4'-Dimethoxyflavone derivative were
identified by using LC-MS technique.
Indian medicinal plants have lot of potential towards curing many diseases (Santhosh
Kumar et al., 2018). Secondary metabolites are economically important in the production of drugs,
flavor and fragrances, dye and pigments, pesticides and food additives. Many of the drugs that are
derived from the secondary metabolites are simple synthetic modifications or copies of these
naturally obtained substances (Hussain et al., 2016). These phytochemicals can be used in
treatment as anticancer, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory agents etc, (Wadikar and
Patki, 2016). Recent studies show that these phytochemicals are safe, broadly effective and have
less adverse effects. However in vivo studies of these phytochemicals are necessary to demonstrate
their efficacy, safety and to verify their bioavailability (Soni and Singhai, 2012). The different
phytoconstituents present in medicinal plants are flavonoid, alkaloid, phenol and tannins,
carboxylic acids, terpenes and amino acids and inorganic acids. These phytoconstituents give
specific distinctiveness and properties to plants (Parekh and Chanda et al., 2006).
Analysis of small amounts of chemicals has become easier and more cost-effective owing
to the development of hyphenated chromatographic techniques such as GC or LC-MS (Antony
Sandosh et al., 2013). Analytical techniques are generally employed for drug analysis are spectral
methods, chromatographic methods, electro analytical techniques, biological method and
microbiological methods, physical methods ,radioactive methods and other techniques like
conventional titrimetric method, gravimetric and polarometric methods.
present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the presence of phytochemicals present in the
flowers of A.neriifolia.
The flowers of Allamanda neriifolia Hook was collected from Tiruchirappalli and it was
authentified by Dr.S.John Britto, Director, RAPINAT Herbarium and Centre for Molecular
Systematics, St.Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli (Voucher No: 002) dust were removed from
flowers and was dried at room temperature. These dried materials were macerated to powder and
stored in air tight container for further use.
Methanolic extract was used for the analysis. For determination of secondary metabolites,
micro TOF-Q II (Bruker, Germany), UV detector at 330nm and Quadruple II for mass analysis
and TOF for mass detection was utilized. The column used was UHPLC Dionex C18 RP Acclaim
120Å, 2.1 × 150mm, 3.0μm column (Dionex, USA). Solution A: ACN (1% Acetic acid) and
Solution B: Water (1% Acetic acid) was used as mobile phase (Chitra Balasubramanian, Brindha
Pemiah, 2015).
The methanolic extract was subjected to LCMS analysis. Secondary metabolites present in
methanol extracts of A.neriifolia flower such as terpenoids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, steroids
and alkaloids were identified with the help of this technique. The active principles with their
molecular weight, retention time and structure are presented in Table 1. The chromatogram and
the double mass spectrum of the methanolic extract of the test drug are shown in Figure 1.
The methanolic extract was subjected to LCMS analysis to understand the major molecules present
in the selected plant. In the methanol extracts of A.neriifolia flower molecules such as 8-O-
Methylretusin, apigenin 7-O-(6''-dihydrogalloyl)-glucosyl-8-C rhamnosyl-6-C-glucoside,3’-O-
Dimethoxyflavone derivative were identified Figure 2,3,4,5 and 6.
The active phyto-constituents present in the plant were the potential source for new drug
and therapeutic leads. The results of this study revealed that methanolic extract of A. neriifolia
contain pharmacologically active substances. The LC-MS analysis has brought light for the
presence of phytosterols and bioflavonoid. Therefore the flowers of A. neriifolia could be new
sources of development of new plant based therapy for management of several diseases.
The authors are thankful to Rabiammal Ahamed maideen College for Women, Tiruvarur
and Shastra University, Thanjavur.
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