Swarna IJPPS2013
Swarna IJPPS2013
Swarna IJPPS2013
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Research Article
Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the pharmacognostical and phytochemical characters of the medicinal plant Talinum
triangulare (Portulacaceae), commonly known as waterleaf. The leaves of the shade-loving plant possess great therapeutic value in the traditional
system of medicines but have not been fully exploited.
Methods: Morphological and anatomical details of different parts of waterleaf were studied. The physico-chemical parameters, fluorescence analysis
and quantitative estimation were determined for the crude drug. Preliminary phytochemical screening was carried out for different waterleaf
Results: Physico-chemical properties such as loss on drying, total ash, acid insoluble ash and water soluble ash were calculated to be 10.643%,
28.070%, 0.067% and 7.789% (w/w) respectively. Water soluble extractive value (23.420% w/w) was more than the alcohol soluble extractive
(10.080% w/w) of the drug. Preliminary phytochemical investigations of waterleaf extracts revealed the presence of various phyto-constituents
such as like alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, proteins and carbohydrates. Plant metabolites such as alkaloids (0.637 ± 0.191 mg/gm dry
weight), flavonoids (0.225 ± 0.041 mg/gm dry weight), phenolics (0.319 ± 0.059 mg/gm dry weight), carbohydrates (1.295 ± 0.229 mg/gm dry
weight), amino acids (2.033 ± 0.120 mg/gm dry weight) and proteins (1.218 ± 0.049 mg/gm dry weight) were quantitatively estimated.
Conclusion: The evaluation of these characters will help future researchers in phytochemical as well as pharmacological analysis of this species.
Keywords: Talinum triangulare, Portulacaceae, Microscopy, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemicals
INTRODUCTION drug. Hence, the present study was designed to investigate the
detailed pharmacognostical and phytochemical aspects of Talinum
Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd. (Portulacaceae) is a caulescent, triangulare.
perennial herb growing to a height of 80-100 cm. It is popularly
known as Waterleaf because of its high moisture content of almost MATERIALS AND METHODS
90.8 g per 100 gm of edible leaf [1]. The herb with fleshy green
leaves, succulent stem and pink flowers [2] was first introduced into Collection and authentication of plant material
South India from Sri Lanka and is cultivated in Tamil Nadu as Ceylon Talinum triangulare plants were collected from the herbal garden at
Spinach for its edible leaves [3]. The plant is widely grown in most of
Irula Tribal Women’s Welfare Society, Chengalpattu, Chennai, India
the humid tropical countries such as West Africa, Asia and South
in the month of December, 2010. The plant material was identified
America [4]. It thrives well under shade and in cloudy weather.
and authenticated by Dr. D. Narasimhan, Centre for Floristic
Waterleaf is relatively tolerant to drought conditions as they tend to
adopt a crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) pathway, thus Research, Department of Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology,
resulting in efficient utilization of available moisture, carbon dioxide Madras Christian College, Chennai. A herbarium voucher specimen
assimilation during night and increased growth [1]. (LCH 42) was preserved for future reference and has been deposited
in the Loyola College Herbarium.
The plant has a rich content of crude protein, total lipids, essential
oils, cardiacglycosides, flavonoids and polyphenols [5]. Preliminary Morphological investigation
phytochemical studies on T. triangulare revealed the presence of Healthy plants were selected for morphological evaluation.
omega -3-fatty acids and high levels of essential nutrients like Macroscopical characters like shape, size, colour and odour were
minerals (such as calcium, potassium and magnesium), soluble also examined.
fibres (such as pectin) and vitamins (such as C, α and β tocopherols
and β-carotene) which are required for growth and development [4]. Microscopical investigation
The leaf extracts of waterleaf have been proved to possess
remarkable antioxidant activity [6] and high kaempferol content [7]. Preparation and sectioning of specimen
Waterleaf is a mucilaginous vegetable with high oxalate content and Fresh and turgescent plant material such as root, stem, leaf,
is rich in saponins. Cooking or blanching removes nearly most of the peduncle and flower bud were collected in the morning before
soluble oxalate. Furthermore, the leaves serve as sauce, condiment, exposure to sunlight. They were gently washed to remove any dust
spice, softening of soups and for flavouring in foods [8]. or dirt particles adhering to the plant tissues. All the specimens were
Talinum triangulare leaves have been implicated medically in the fixed in FAA solution (40% formalin, glacial acetic acid and 70%
management of cardiovascular diseases like stroke and obesity [9]. ethyl alcohol in the ratio 5:5:90 v/v). The materials were left in the
According to traditional medicine the leaves of waterleaf are used to fluid for three days, after which they were washed in water and
treat polyuria [10], internal heat, measles [1], gastrointestinal gradually dehydrated with tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA). Infiltration
disorders [11], hepatic ailments and cancer [6]. In India, diabetics of the specimens was carried out by gradual addition of paraffin wax
and invalids use the leaves of T. triangulare as a substitute for (melting point 58-60 ºC) (Merck, Germany) until TBA solution
Amaranthus gangeticus [10]. attained super saturation. The specimens were embedded into
paraffin blocks for sectioning.
In spite of the numerous medicinal uses attributed to this plant,
there is no pharmacognostical report on anatomical and other The paraffin-embedded blocks were mounted on wooden stubs and
physico-chemical standards required for the quality control of crude longitudinal microtome sections (10 µm) were cut using a Spencer
Swarna et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 5, Suppl 2, 249-256
820 rotary microtome (American Optical Corporation, Buffalo, NY, qualitative analysis of primary (proteins and carbohydrates) and
USA). The resulting paraffin ribbons were stained with alcoholic secondary metabolites (alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins,
safranin (0.5% w/v) and counter stained with fast-green (0.25%, steroids, terpenoids, glycosides). The screening procedures for all
w/v) solution. The slides, after staining with safranin, were the primary and secondary metabolites were done according to the
dehydrated by employing a graded series of ethyl alcohol (30%, protocols described by Trease & Evans [21]; Sofowora [22];
50%, 70%, 90% and absolute alcohol; v/v). The specimens were Plummer [23]; Tyler et al. [24] and Kokate et al. [25].
stained with fast green in clove oil and xylol: alcohol (50:50), passed
through 100% xylol and finally mounted in DPX (distyrene Quantitative estimation of phytochemicals
plasticizer and xylene) mountant [12]. Quantitative estimation of metabolites like total free amino acids
To study the histology of stomata and venation pattern, paradermal [26], total soluble proteins [27], carbohydrates [28], flavonoids [29],
sections (parallel to the surface of leaf) were taken. The clearing of alkaloids [30] and total phenolic content [31] was performed using
leaves for studying stomatal number and stomatal index was carried the standard methods. The determinations were performed in
out with 5% sodium hydroxide (w/v) along with chlorinated soda triplicates and the results are expressed as mean ± SE with reference
solution supplemented with slight heating. The mounting of cleared to the air-dried drug (mg/gm dry weight).
materials was performed with dilute glycerine after staining. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Quantitative microscopy was carried out and values were
determined as per the procedure described by Wallis [13]. Macroscopic characters
Descriptive terms of the anatomical features are as stated in the
Talinum triangulare is an annual or perennial herb with strong
standard anatomy books [14-15].
branches usually growing up to a height of 80-100 cm in height.
Powder microscopy Roots short, thick, swollen, smooth-surfaced, pale yellow to brown
colour; secondary roots thin, pale yellow in colour. Stems erect,
To a little quantity of finely ground plant powder taken on a succulent, branched, glabrous, obtuse-angular to terete, 0.5-1.0 cm
microscopic slide, 1-2 drops of 0.1% phloroglucinol solution was in diameter, fracture short. Leaves simple, alternate, sub-sessile,
added along with a drop of concentrated HCl. It was mounted in slightly fleshy; stipules absent; blade obovate to spathulate, 3-10 cm
glycerol and observed under microscope. The characteristic features x 1-3.5 cm, base long-tapering, apex rounded to notched, mucronate,
of the powder were noted. entire; venation pinnate, distinct midrib. Inflorescence terminal; in
Photomicrographs cymes or raceme-like panicles, borne on a 3-angled (triangular) stalk
10-12 cm in length. Flowers bisexual, regular, hypogynous,
Photomicrographs of different magnifications were taken with the help ephemeral, 1-1.5 cm across; pedicel 1-2 cm long, recurving in fruit;
of a Nikon Eclipse E200 microscope (Nikon Corp., Japan) using a Nikon sepals 2, free, broadly ovate, concave, apiculate, thinly membranous
digital camera. Magnifications of the figures are indicated by scale-bars. with 3 prominent veins, 0.4–0.5 cm long; petals 5, free, obovate, upto
1 cm long, magenta; stamens numerous, usually adnate to base of
Preparation of dried plant material petals, filaments magenta, anthers yellow; ovary superior, 1-celled,
Freshly collected T. triangulare aerial parts (leaf and stem) were green; style magenta, slender, 3 short-spreading capitate stigma,
chopped into small pieces and shade-dried at room temperature to exceeding stamens; ovules many. Fruit globose to ellipsoid capsule,
prevent photolysis and thermal degradation. After 6-10 weeks, the dull yellow, 0.4-0.7 cm in length, unilocular, 3-valved, seeds borne on
dried material was ground into coarse powder in an electric blender. a free-central placenta, elastically dehiscent. Seeds, numerous,
Fine plant powder was obtained by passing it through 40 mesh sieve. compressed globose-reniform, 0.1 cm in length, tuberculate, shining
The powders were stored in an airtight glass container until further black. The twig of the plant bearing flower and fruits and an
use. enlarged portion of its flower are depicted in Fig 1a and b
respectively. No characteristic odour or taste was noted.
Fluorescence analysis
Fluorescence analysis was carried out as per the method described
by Kokoski et al. [16] and Chase & Pratt [17]. The powdered drug
treated with various reagents and solvents were observed for the
presence of fluorescence under day light and ultraviolet (UV) light.
Physico-chemical analysis
Physico-chemical constants of crude drugs were evaluated using
coarsely ground plant powder. Percentage values of loss on drying,
foaming index, total ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble ash,
alcohol soluble extractive and water soluble extractive values were
determined according to standard methods [18-20]. The
determinations were performed in triplicates and the results are
expressed as mean ± SE. The percentage (w/w) values were
calculated with reference to the air-dried drug. Fig. 1: Showing Talinum triangulare plant: a – A twig showing
leaf arrangement, bearing flower and fruits; b – Enlarged
Preparation of plant extracts portion of flower (Bar: 1 cm)
For extraction of crude bioactives, 200 g of coarsely powdered plant Microscopic characters
material was soaked in 1.2 L hexane for 3 days. The filtrate was
removed and concentrated in a rotary evaporator under reduced Transverse section of root
pressure. The marc was re-extracted twice with hexane at 3 day
Transverse section of root is 3 to 6 mm in diameter. The structure
intervals. All the extracts were pooled and the colour, consistency
depicts an almost circular outline with a wide, central woody part
and percentage yield of the extract was noted. This hexane extracted
and a thin outer bark (Fig. 2a). The outermost cork consists of 10 to
marc was then sequentially extracted with chloroform, ethyl acetate 12 rows of tabular closely arranged cells. The phellogen is composed
and methanol using the same procedure as above. All the extracts of a single row of narrow, thin-walled tangentially-elongated cells. It
were stored at 4 °C in glass vials for further studies. is followed by phelloderm consisting of large, slightly tangentially-
Preliminary phytochemical investigation elongated cells. Phloem is composed of sieve tubes, companion cells
and phloem parenchyma (Fig. 2b). Inner to the phloem is the
The crude extracts (hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol) cambium which is formed of one or two rows of narrow, thin-walled
which were re-dissolved in methanol and was used for the cells.
Swarna et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 5, Suppl 2, 249-256
The wood which forms the major part of the root is composed solitary and vary in diameter 150-225 μm (Fig. 2c). Medullary rays
mostly of secondary elements. It is made up of vessels, parenchyma, are many, long, straight, uniseriate or biseriate. The ray cells are
fibres and medullary rays (Fig. 2c). The vessels are many, mostly rectangular & vertically elongated.
Fig. 2: Showing transverse section of root: a – Ground plan (Bar: 1 mm); b – A portion enlarged (Bar: 100 μm); c – Enlarged portion of
central wood region (Bar: 100 μm)
[Ck – Cork; Ph – Phloem; Mr – Medullary ray; V – Vessel]
Transverse section of stem xylem elements and possessing a sclerenchymatous sheath of
pericyclic cap over the phloem (Fig. 3b). Vessels are solitary, thick
Transverse section of stem is oval to circular in shape with a walled and penta-hexagonal (Fig. 3c). The central pith region is
diameter 5 to 10 mm. The epidermis is made up of rectangular wide and composed of thin walled, round to polygonal
cells covered with thin cuticle. The cortical region is divided into 2 parenchyma cells. Cluster crystals of calcium oxalate or druses are
distinct zones, namely, an outer region of collenchyma cells (1 or 2 scattered in the parenchyma cells of the pith and occasionally seen
layers) and an inner region made up of large, tangentially- in the cortical region. Such druses have also been reported in
elongated thin-walled less-compact parenchyma cells. Collateral Portulaca oleracea [32]. Most of the parenchyma cells contain
vascular bundles are eight in number, separate (Fig. 3a) mucilage. Many lysigenous cavities are seen in the cortex and pith
individually distinct and arranged in ring-like manner, with radial region.
Fig. 3: Showing transverse section of stem: a – Ground plan (Bar: 1 mm); b – A portion enlarged (Bar: 1 mm); c – Enlarged portion of
vascular bundle (Bar: 100 μm)
[Co – Cortex; Col – Collenchyma; Ep – Epidermis; Lc – Lysigenous cavity; Pf- Pericyclic fibres; Ph – Phloem; Pi - Pith; V – Vessel; Vb – Vascular
bundle; Xy - Xylem]
Transverse section of leaf cells of varying shapes and sizes (Fig. 4a,b). Mesophyll is traversed
by a number of small veins having similar arrangements of different
Lamina tissues as in the midrib. Vascular bundles in the veins are not
The leaf is dorsiventral in structure. A fairly mature leaf is about 1 to accompanied by sclerenchyma.
1.2 mm thick. The epidermis is single layered and covered with a Midrib
distinct, thick layer of cuticle. The epidermis includes solitary cells
with the presence of bladder like protrusions from the surface, Transverse section of midrib shows a shallow groove on the adaxial
forming a transition to the hairs, and apparently serving for water side and convexity on the abaxial side (Fig. 4c). An arc shaped
storage. Hairs are in the form of papillae. Below the adaxial vascular bundle is situated in the centre. The ground tissue is
epidermis, a single layer of closely packed columnar palisade cells parenchymatous and a few cells contain druses or cluster crystals of
are seen. The palisade tissue is not continuous at major veins. The calcium oxalate. Crystals of calcium oxalate has been reported in
spongy mesophyll is represented by 2 or 3 layers of loosely arranged Portulaca sp. [32]. Mucilage is present in the parenchyma cells.
Swarna et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 5, Suppl 2, 249-256
Fig. 4: Showing transverse section of leaf: a – TS of lamina (Bar: 500 μm); b – Lamina portion enlarged (Bar: 100 μm); c – TS of midrib (Bar: 1 mm)
[AbE – Abaxial epidermis; AdE – Adaxial epidermis; P – Parenchyma; Pa – Palisade tissue; Sp – Spongy tissue; Vb – Vascular bundle]
Epidermis in surface view parallel to the pore. Stomata are more in abaxial surface (Fig. 5 c,d)
when compared to the adaxial surface (Fig. 5 a,b). In surface view,
The adaxial (upper) epidermal cells are polygonal larger in size with lamina shows venation (Fig. 6a) and distribution of druses or cluster
slightly wavy walls. The abaxial (lower) epidermal cells are smaller crystals of calcium oxalate (Fig. 6 b,c). The leaf constants, i.e.,
in size, with wavy walls. Both the epidermis are perforated by stomatal index, palisade ratio and vein islet number is presented in
paracytic (rubiaceous) stomata accompanied by two subsidiary cells Table 1.
Fig. 5: Showing epidermis in surface view: a & b – Adaxial foliar epidermis (Bar: 500 μm & 100 μm); c & d – Abaxial foliar epidermis (Bar:
500 μm & 100 µm)
[Ec – Epidermal cell; Gc – Guard cell; Sc – Subsidiary cell; St – Stomata]
Fig. 6: Showing epidermis in surface view: a – Surface view of lamina showing venation pattern (Bar: 1 mm); b – Surface view of lamina
showing distribution of druses (Bar: 500 μm); c – Enlarged portion showing druse/calcium oxalate crystal (Bar: 100 μm)
[Dr– Druses; Vi- Vein islets; Vt– Vein termination]
Swarna et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 5, Suppl 2, 249-256
Transverse section of peduncle four in number, the larger one towards the adaxial surface and three
separate smaller bundles in the centre. The ground tissue is
Transverse section of peduncle is triangular in shape. Epidermis is parenchymatous. Lysigenous cavities are seen in the ground tissue.
single layered and covered by a layer of cuticle. Hypodermis is Some parenchyma cells contain druses or calcium oxalate crystals.
composed of 1 or 2 layers of collenchyma cells. Vascular bundles are Some of the medullary or pith parenchyma cells are lignified (Fig. 7a).
Longitudinal section of flower bud traversed by a row of vascular strand. Basal portion of flower bud is
composed of parenchymatous thalamal tissue in which lignification
Longitudinal section (L.S.) of flower bud shows the floral of some parenchyma cells are noticed (Fig. 8b). The ovary is
architecture with sepals, petals, numerous stamens and the superior unilocular with numerous ovules on central column. The style
ovary (Fig. 8a). L.S. of sepal and petal shows a single layered arising from the surface of the ovary flanked by anthers holding the
epidermis and loosely arranged parenchymatous ground tissue microspores are also seen (Fig. 8c).
Fig. 8: Showing longitudinal section of flower bud: a – LS showing floral architecture (Bar: 1 mm); b – LS showing lignifications of some
parenchyma cells (Bar: 300 μm); c – LS showing unilocular ovary with numerous ovules on a central column (Bar: 300 μm)
[An – Anther; Cc – Central column; Lpc – Lignified parenchyma cells; Ms – Microspores; Ol – Ovules; Ov – Ovary, Sty – Style]
Swarna et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 5, Suppl 2, 249-256
constituents present in plant material. Some constituents show fluorescent by themselves, they may often be converted into
fluorescence in the visible range during normal day light. The ultra fluorescent derivatives by applying different reagents. Therefore,
violet light produces fluorescence in many natural products which some crude drugs are often assessed qualitatively and this is an
do not visibly fluoresce in day light. If the substances are not important parameter of pharmacognostical evaluation [33].
Fig. 9: Powder microscopy: a – Powder showing xylem vessel and fibres (Bar: 100 μm)
[Xv – Xylem vessels; Xf – Xylem fibres]
Table 2: Fluorescence analysis of crude drug of T. triangulare
Chemical treatments/ solvents used Visible UV light (Long – UV)
Powder as such Greenish brown Green
Powder + water Yellowish brown Greenish yellow
Powder + 1M sodium hydroxide Orange brown Brownish black
Powder + 1N hydrochloric acid Dirty yellow Green
Powder + 1N sulphuric acid Brown Brownish black
Powder + dilute ammonia Orange brown Brown
Powder + hexane Greenish yellow Green
Powder + chloroform Yellowish green Dark green
Powder + ethyl acetate Yellowish green Green
Powder + acetone Olive green Green
Powder + glacial acetic acid Green Dark green
Powder + methanol Green Dark green
Powder + 5 % ferric chloride Orange brown Brown
Physico-chemical analysis and silicates. The acid insoluble ash is a part of the total ash which
is insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid [18-19]. The total ash is
Results of the quantitative determination of various important in the evaluation of purity of drugs, especially the
physicochemical parameters are tabulated in Table 3. The values presence or absence of foreign organic matter such as metallic
obtained for T. triangulare for loss on drying at 105 °C was 10.643 salts and/or silica. This value of a plant material indicates the
± 0.014 % (w/w). When the moisture content is less, it prevents amount of minerals and other earthy materials attached to the crude
bacterial and fungal growth [34]. The total ash value was drug. Water soluble extractive value (23.420 ± 0.127 %) was found
determined to be 28.070 ± 0.078 %, while acid insoluble ash and to be higher than the alcohol soluble extractive (10.080 ± 0.092 %)
water soluble ash was found to be 0.067 ± 0.001 % and 7.789 ± of the drug. Extractive values are primarily useful for the
0.002 % (w/w) respectively. Ash value represents the inorganic determination of exhausted or adulterated drugs [35]. The foaming
salts that are naturally occurring in the drug. Total ash is the index to detect the presence of saponins was <100. Among the
residue remaining after incineration. The value of total ash was Portulacaceae family, physico-chemical parameters were studied for
high which could indicate high content of carbonates, phosphates Portulaca oleracea [32] and Portulaca quadrifida [36].
Swarna et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 5, Suppl 2, 249-256
The colour, nature and the total yield of each extract obtained from formation of the bioactive principles is influenced by a number of
different solvents are presented in Table 4. The variation in intrinsic and extrinsic factors. High alcohol soluble extractive values
extractable matter in various solvents such as hexane, chloroform, reveal the presence of polar substances like phenols, tannins and
ethyl acetate and methanol (Table 4) is suggestive of the fact that the glycosides, as also reported by Sharma et al. [37].
Qualitative screening of phytochemicals were prominently seen in hexane and chloroform extracts. These
secondary plant metabolites are known to possess various
The preliminary phytochemical screening with the different pharmacological effects and might be responsible for the actions
qualitative chemical tests revealed the presence of various exerted by the plant [38]. Similar to the current study, the presence
secondary metabolites (Table 5). Ethyl acetate and ethanol extract of alkaloids, carbohydrates, tannins, phenolics, flavonoids, saponins,
showed positive results for alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, proteins, amino acids and steroids were reported in methanolic
proteins, starch and amino acids. Steroids, terpenoids and alkaloids extract of Portulaca oleracea [32].
Swarna et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 5, Suppl 2, 249-256