Underground Gas Dial Before You Dig

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APA Group

PO Box 6014 Halifax Street

South Australia 5000
<Enquiry Date>

Company: <Customer Company2>

Plum Property
Mr name>
Brett Andreassen
24 St Vincentaddress>
<Customer suburb/town>
<Customer state> <Customer
QLD 4060 postcode>

<Customer email>

Dear Mr
<Customer name>
Brett Andreassen

Sequence Number: <Enquiry No>

Worksite Address: <Worksite
325 Swannaddress>
St Lucia suburb/town>
<Worksite state> 4067
QLD <Worksite postcode>


Dear Sir/Madam

In response to the above enquiry we wish to confirm that APA operates underground plant (Mains and / or Services)
at or in the vicinity of the above address.

Please check that the following map represents the area you requested - if the area is not correct please contact
our Dial Before You Dig Officer - (08) 8115 4500. If works are proposed adjacent to any underground plant
operated by APA please ensure compliance with the attached “DUTY OF CARE”

Please find enclosed the following information in support of the above: -

1. A location map of the suburb the service is in and an A4 location map showing the status of APA
underground plant (Mains and / or Services) adjacent to the subject site

2. DUTY OF CARE statement which forms an integral part of any information supplied by APA

FOR GAS EMERGENCIES 24 HOURS - 1800 GAS LEAK (1800 427 532)

Please note that as work on APA underground plant is ongoing any information supplied on their status can only be
considered current for 30 days from the date of this response. Expired locations, i.e., over 30 days from the date of
this response, require a new Dial Before You Dig request to validate location information.

Should you have any questions with regards to the attached information please contact our Dial Before You Dig
officer - (08) 8115 4500.

For any excavation works, including vacuum excavations, an “Authority to Work” Permit may be required and a
Site Watch may need to be scheduled.

A minimum of 5 business days notice is required to process permit applications. Permit applications can be made
by: -

Post: Permit Applications QLD, PO Box 885 Hamilton Central QLD 4007 or

Email: permitsqld@apa.com.au or Phone: (07) 3215 6700 though an application will most likely be required

Charges may apply for Site Watch requests. Your sequence number may be requested when making your
booking, please have this available when you request either a mains location or site watch.

APA Group • PO Box 6014 Halifax Street SA 5000 • Email: DBYDNetworksAPA@apa.com.au • Template: AGN Affected June 2017
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For other enquiries please contact your gas retailer

To find out who your retailer is call 1800 657 567

Warning: if there are high or transmission pressure gas mains present in the vicinity of your area of interest, an APA
employee must be in attendance during any excavation within 3 metres of high or transmission pressure mains, and
an “Authority to Work” permit must be issued prior to work commencing.

Please contact us for a permit to work request if you believe your work is within this zone, by completing the
“Authority to Work” request form attached and sending to APA. 5 days notice is required prior to the
commencement of any excavation to assess and allocate resources. Contact phone numbers are shown at the
end of the notice of location.

Please Note: For some DBYD enquiries, you might receive 2 responses from the APA Group. Please read both
responses carefully as they will relate to different assets. It is your responsibility to action all requirements set out in
APA Group responses.

Please take some time to review the entire response document and check the information supplied and please let
us have any feedback by sending an email to DBYDNetworksAPA@apa.com.au or contacting us direct on (08)
8115 4500.

Yours faithfully

Dial Before You Dig Officer

APA Group

Email DBYDNetworksAPA@apa.com.au
Ph. (08) 8115 4500

APA Group • PO Box 6014 Halifax Street SA 5000 • Email: DBYDNetworksAPA@apa.com.au • Template: AGN Affected June 2017
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<Enquiry created time>
14/03/2019 SCALE: DO NOT SCALE REF NO: <Enquiry

As work on APA underground plant is ongoing any drawing with an issue date of more than one month previous can no longer be considered valid. All persons
planning civil works on any site are advised to contact APA to confirm location. All underground gas pipelines are the property of APA & are not to be accessed
by unauthorised persons. All care is taken with preparation of the drawings & no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions.

<overview map>
<Enquiry number>
81215763 Legend
Scale: 1: 6000
<overview scale>

<north arrow>

Data Source
Pipeline Data Copyright APA Group, Property Parcels Copyright QLD
Government, UBD Imagery – Copyright Sensis, DBYD Dig Location
provided by DBYD.

This maps is created in colour and shall be printed in colour

APA Group does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the map and does not make any warranty about the data. APA Group is not under any liability to the user for any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage)
which the user may suffer resulting from the use of this map.

APA Group • PO Box 6014 Halifax Street SA 5000 • Email: DBYDNetworksAPA@apa.com.au • Template: AGN Affected June 2017
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<Enquiry number> Map Sheet: <stripmap
81215763 1 sheet number> Legend
Scale: 1: <stripmap
1000 scale>

<north arrow>

Map Key:
<stripmap key>

Data Source

Pipeline Data Copyright APA Group, Property Parcels Copyright QLD Government,
UBD Imagery – Copyright Sensis, DBYD Dig Location provided by DBYD.

This maps is created in colour and shall be printed in colour

APA Group does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the map and does not make any warranty about the data. APA Group is not under any liability to the user for any loss or damage (including consequential loss or damage) which the user may suffer resulting from the use of this map

APA Group • PO Box 6014 Halifax Street SA 5000 • Email: DBYDNetworksAPA@apa.com.au • Template: AGN Affected June 2017
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Working Around Gas Assets: Duty of Care and Responsibilities

It is illegal to interfere or tamper with gas infrastructure.

Offenders who interfere or tamper with gas infrastructure may be prosecuted under relevant legislation and there are very serious
penalties for such offences
“Gas infrastructure” or “infrastructure” in this document refers to any infrastructure or property owned or operated by APA Group including, but not limited to natural gas mains, services and
regulator/meter stations or regulator pits.

1. Planning Your Work

a. The constructor must:

i. Request plans of APA Group infrastructure for a particular location at a reasonable time before construction begins (at
least 5 business days);
ii. Design for minimal impact and ensure protection of APA Group infrastructure, this includes networks managed by APA on
behalf of Australian Gas Networks and Allgas; and
iii. Contact APA Group if their infrastructure is in any way affected by planned construction activities.

2. Before You Start Work

a. Please Note: You will be responsible to pay for the repair of any damage by you to gas assets.

b. You must obtain Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) documentation before any on-site construction or excavation commences. This
document is to be read in conjunction with the Dial Before You Dig plans and other relevant documentation.
APA Group will provide free site plans if an APA Group infrastructure location request is made to APA on (08) 8115 4500

c. If DBYD documents indicate you will be working within 3m of a high pressure or transmission gas pipeline, you must complete
and submit the Authority to Work Request provided with your DBYD documentation five (5) business days prior to
commencing the work. Requests under five (5) business days will incur extra charges.

d. APA Group shall assess your Authority to Work Request and will inform you if a Site Watch is required. A Site Watch involves
the presence of an APA representative at site to advise on locating and working around the asset. Where on-site location
advice is provided, the constructor is responsible for all hand digging (potholing) to visually locate and expose APA Group
infrastructure. Vacuum excavations may only be used if permission is granted by APA and if it is used on high pressure mains
Site Watch will be required. Site Watch services are charged at an hourly rate.

e. The principal contractor for the site must provide APA Group with a written construction methodology for all works impacting
or encroaching on APA infrastructure. All construction methodology documents will be reviewed by APA Group prior to the
commencement of site works. Construction methodology documents must be submitted as part of an Authority to Work
Request (send to permitsqld@apa.com.au).

f. Site Plans

i. Plans and/or details provided by APA Group through DBYD or otherwise are current for one (1) month from the date of
dispatch and should be disposed of by shredding or any other secure disposal method after use.
ii. APA Group retains copyright in all plans and details provided in connection with any request.
iii. APA Group plans or other details are provided for the use of the applicant, its servants, employees, contractors and
agents, and must not be used for any unauthorised purpose.
iv. APA Group plans are pipe indication diagrams only and indicate the presence of plant in the general vicinity of the
geographical area shown. Exact ground cover and alignments cannot be given with any certainty as such levels can
change over time.
v. APA Group, its servants, employees, or agents shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused or occasioned by the use
of plans and/or details so supplied to the applicant/constructor, its servants, employees, contractors and/or agents, and
the applicant/constructor agrees to indemnify APA Group against any claim or demand for any such loss or damage.
vi. The constructor is responsible for all infrastructure damage occasioned to APA Group infrastructure.
vii. APA Group reserves all rights to recover compensation for loss or damage caused by interference or damage, including
consequential loss and damages to its property and gas infrastructure.
viii. All care is taken in the preparation of location drawings and plans, but NO responsibility is accepted by APA Group for
errors or omissions.

APA Group • PO Box 6014 Halifax Street SA 5000 • Email: DBYDNetworksAPA@apa.com.au • Template: AGN Affected June 2017
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3. Working in the Vicinity of a Gas Pipeline

a. Excavation near Gas Mains and Services

PLEASE NOTE: Unless otherwise approved, mechanical excavation is not permitted above, or within 600mm of either side of
APA Group infrastructure.
i. Location of Gas Mains and Services: Examining the DBYD documentation and other plans is not sufficient as reference
points may change from the time of installation and recording on documentation. You MUST use appropriately qualified
plant locators to accurately locate and prove the position of all assets and then validate these positions prior to
commencing work. For all work to be done within 3.0 metres of APA Group infrastructure, the constructor is required to
hand dig (pothole) and expose the plant, hence proving its exact location before work can commence. Vacuum
excavation can cause failure of some types of gas mains and therefore APA Group must be contacted prior to any vacuum
Please note that new APA Group gas mains generally have a plastic warning tape or lightweight plastic board buried above
the pipe but this is not the case for older mains or when pipe is laid by means of boring or located in conduit.
ii. IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all gas services (i.e. pipe from gas main to a gas meter in an individual property) are captured on
APA Plans. Gas services shown on plans are indicative only and do not pinpoint the exact location of APA’s asset. A gas
service may also cross a road to reach a property. To confirm the presence of a gas service, please contact the APA DBYD
number below for further information.
iii. Installation of Utilities Parallel to Gas Mains and Services: If construction work is being undertaken parallel to APA
Group gas mains, then hand digging (potholing) at least every 4 m is required to establish the location of all gas mains.
Nominal locations must be confirmed before work can commence. A minimum clearance of 600mm must be maintained
from gas mains unless otherwise approved by APA. If an excavation exceeds the depth of the gas mains and it is likely
that the covers or bedding material around the pipes will move, approval must be sought from APA Group’s Capital Works
iv. Installation of Utilities Across Gas Mains and Services: A minimum clearance of 300mm above and below and APA Group
gas mains must be maintained unless otherwise approved by APA. If the width or depth of the excavation is such that the
gas mains will be exposed or unsupported, then APA Group must be contacted to determine whether the gas mains should
be taken out of service, or whether they need to be protected or supported. Protective cover strips when removed must
be replaced under APA Group supervision.
v. Exposed Gas mains and Services: Exposure of APA infrastructure shall be limited to potholing for location purposes. Any
other exposure of pipe is not permitted unless expressly approved by APA Group. Exposed gas pipes must be protected by
the constructor against the effects of heat by shielding or covering with a suitable material. Heating of exposed plastic
pipes is dangerous. If depth of cover is compromised in any way due to works, please contact APA immediately.
vi. Heavy machinery Operation over Gas Mains and Services: Where heavy “Crawler” or “Vibration” type machinery is
operated over the top of gas mains, a minimum cover of 750mm to the gas mains must be maintained using load bearing
protection whilst the machinery is in operation.
vii. Directional Drilling Near Gas Mains and Services: When drilling parallel to gas mains, trial holes must be carefully hand
dug at least every 4m to prove the actual location of the conduits/pipes before using drilling machinery. Where it is
required to drill across the line of gas mains, the actual location of the gas mains must first be proven by the constructor
by hand digging. A trench must be excavated one metre from the side of the gas mains where the auger will approach to
ensure a minimum clearance of 600mm for gas mains can be maintained unless otherwise approved by APA.
viii. Explosives: Clearances must be obtained from APA Group’s Networks Engineering Manager for use of explosives in the
vicinity of gas mains. Please contact the APA Group.

b. Damage Reporting: All damage to conduits and pipes and any other gas infrastructure and property must be reported to APA
Group no matter how insignificant the damage appears to be. Even very minor damage to protective coverings can lead to
eventual failure through corrosion. All work in the vicinity of damaged infrastructure should cease and the area should be
vacated until a clearance to continue work has been obtained from an APA Group officer. Please contact the Emergency
number below to report damage.

c. Solutions and Assistance: If it is determined that APA Group infrastructure is likely to be impacted or encroached upon by
planned construction, APA Group must be contacted to arrange for possible engineering solutions. If APA Group relocation or
protection works are part of the agreed solution, then payment to APA Group for the cost of this work will be the
responsibility of the principal contractor. APA Group will provide an estimated quotation for work on receipt of the order
number before work will proceed.

d. Reinstatement: APA assets affected by third party works as highlighted above are to be reinstated as per APA requirements,
potentially including but not limited to; warning tape/marker board, soft bedding/backfill materials, trench dimensions,
depth of cover, trace wire for PE mains, compaction requirements, concrete protection, and surface re-instatement.

4. Contacting APA
1800 GAS LEAK PH: 07 3215 6700 SUPPORT
PH: 07 3215 6709
FAX: 07 3215 6699 PH: (08) 8115 4500
(1800 427 532) FAX: 07 3215 6699 permitsqld@apa.com.au

APA Group • PO Box 6014 Halifax Street SA 5000 • Email: DBYDNetworksAPA@apa.com.au • Template: AGN Affected June 2017
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SITE ADDRESS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

SUBURB: ……………………………………………………………………UBD MAP REF:………………

DBYD Sequence Number:………………………………………………… Date of DBYD Enquiry…...........................

(Note: Only valid enquiries will be accepted and the currency of DBYD requests will affect your permit period. APA Group’s DBYD requests
are valid for one month only. Enquiries may need to be renewed and a new application may be required)



BROAD DESCRIPTION OF WORK (please provide any approvals from APA Group related to these works)





Class 1. Location
Works crossing a high pressure gas mains 
Class 2. Location
Works within 3 metres of a high pressure gas mains 
Class 3. Location
Works involving large excavations that would cause ground movement,
vibrations or blasting beyond 3m of a high pressure gas mains 
Class 4. Location
Works within 1m of gas service or connection to industrial gas meter 


Excavation  Change to surface level 
Service crossing (Gas CONNECTION)  Boring 
Proving (Dial Before You Dig)  Blasting 
Earthworks  Road Construction/Change? 
Vacuum Excavation  Other (give details) 
Relevant drawings, Block Plans etc, attached Yes  No 


Excavation ……… / ………. / 20… ...... am/pm ……… / ………/ 20… ...... am/pm

Backfill ……… / ………. / 20… ...... am/pm ……… / ………/ 20… ...... am/pm

Insurance Cover – Current Level None $5M $10M $20M Other _

APA Group • PO Box 6014 Halifax Street SA 5000 • Email: DBYDNetworksAPA@apa.com.au • Template: AGN Affected June 2017
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1. This Authority to Work applies only to work in the vicinity of the Gas Mains. It does not authorise work near or on
the Gas Mains itself
2. A minimum of 5 business days must be allowed between receipt by APA Group of this Request and a response.
However, more time for notification may be necessary
3. For Class 1 and Class 2 classifications, this application must be accompanied by a detailed sequence of events,
outlining all aspects of work involved and work is not permitted until an Authority to Work is issued
4. For class 1 and 2 Dial Before You Dig, APA Group will arrange for an inspector to be on site as necessary
during the work. An inspector must be present at all times for works involving excavation within 1m of
the Gas Mains. APA Group will advise the requirement for an inspector for other works within 3m of the
Gas Mains
5. The applicant is responsible for any damage resulting from the work and all consequential damages and
losses arising from such damage and therefore must insure against every liability of the contractor in
respect of or arising out of any loss of life, loss of or damage to property of person (both real and
personal), arising out of or in any way connected to this permit

Such insurance must be arranged for an indemnity of not less than $20 Million unless otherwise agreed.

Permit Requested By:(print name)……………………………….Signature: …………………….Date …./…./….

Company:…………………………………… Postal Address:..……………………………………………………..

Phone No:………………………… Fax number………………. Email…………………….…………………………

Requestors PO Number………………………….. Site Contact Details: Name……………………………………

Site Contact Number………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….

Principal Contractors Details(if required)……………………………………………………………………………….

Principal Contractors Contact details:………………………………………………………………………………….

Please be advised;
Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, each work place has an obligation to comply to Workplace Health and Safety Regulations and
Codes of Practice.

APA Group brings to your attention Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011, Chapter 4: Hazardous Work. Failure to comply to the above
regulation may result in APA Group reporting the non-compliance to Workplace Health and Safety.

Office use only

Received: Date …/…./…. Site Watch required? Yes/No (please circle)

Pipeline Officer:
(print name)………………………………………...Signature: …………………………….Date: …/…/….

Further information can be requested via:

Post: Permit Applications QLD
PO Box 885 Hamilton Central QLD 4007
Phone: (07) 3215 6700 though an application will most likely be required
Email: permitsqld@apa.com.au

APA Group • PO Box 6014 Halifax Street SA 5000 • Email: DBYDNetworksAPA@apa.com.au • Template: AGN Affected June 2017
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