Bowl Mill

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Bowl mills are employed to pulverize te pre-crushed raw coal to

the required fineness before it is admitted into the boiler
furnace for combution. The operating characterstics of bowl
mill make it the best mill available for the direct firing of the
coal. The best features of all the pulverisers have been
incorporated in the design of te bowl mill. The mill output can
be easily varied, as per the turndown ration from its minimum
to maximum load and it will operate for long period without
mechanical problems or stoppages for cleaning, oiling.

Pulverizeing:- A pulverizer is a mechanical for the grinding of

many diferent types of materials.
e.g. a pulverizer mill is used to pulverize coal for combustion in
the steam-generating furnaces of fossile fuel(such as
coal,natural gas or petroleum) power plants.
Crushed raw coal at a controlled rate is fed into the revolving
bowl of the bowl mill. Centrifugal force feeds the coal uniformly
over the replaceable grinding pressure. The rolls do not touch
the grinding ring where independently spun rolls exert the
required grinding pressure. The rolls do not touch the grinding
ring even when the mill is empty. Therefore the bowl mill
operates silently without the rumble, that is characterstic of the
mills in which there is metallic contact between the grinding
The mill wprks in a pressurized atmosphere as the primary air is
placed in the system ahead of the mill and hence will be
designated as XRP mill.
Checklist of before start up:

 Check sufficent raw coal in the raw coal bunker.

 Check for proper ring-roll setting.
 Check sufficent ignition energy is available in the furnace.
 Check that cooling waer line is open and cooling water
supply present to the mill oil coolers.
 Check lubrication with reference to proper level and
cleanliness of lubrications.
 Check for proper operation of mill discharge valves,hot air
shut off gate, hot air damper and cold air damper and seal
air system.
 Check that all three roller journal pressure springs are
compressed to the same spring pre-load of 9.5 tons to
start with and further adjustment as per coal hardgrove
 Check all flange joints, and packings are properly placed
and adequately tightened.
 Feeder must be started only after the mill has been
started and warmed uo.
 Check that there is proper coal flow into the mill.
 Check that all seal air valves to mill are open and seal air
supply present at adequate pressure.
 Check that tramp iron spout valve is open.
 Check that raw coal bunker outlet gate or inlet gate to
feeder is open.
 Check that cold air gate is open.
 Check that adequate air pressure is available in the hot air

Normal operation:-

 Check for proper mill outlet temperature

 Check for proper mill air flow.
 Check all bearing and oil temperature.
 Check oil flow to upper and lower radial bearing of
vertical shaft and lubricate regularly all lubrication
 Check for mill rejects(quality and quantity).
 Check for status of wear on all wear parts at least
once in two months whenever mill is down for more
than one shift.
 Check for raw coal analysis at routine intervals.
 Check level and quality of lube oil in gear case and
jounal assemblies regularly.
 Check for abnormal sound.
 Check for any air or pulverized coal leakage and
attend to them promptly.
 Check for hot air leakage through the exhaust
hose/cored holes. This indicates trouble with the
triple lip seal.

During normal shut down:-

 Cool the mill during aand after shut-down.
 Run the mill for atleast 5 minutes until coal is
completely emptied.
 Keep cold air regulating damper slightly throttled to
aproximately 5 deg. After the mill has stopped.
 If water freezing waether is present and if mill shut-
down is of long duration,drain the water from oil
 Play safe.
 Cool.
Oil testing:-
The oil may be tested every 3 months to ensure its

Check list of DON’T:-

 Do not start the mill without ensuring proper
lubrication, cooling water supply to the oil coolers.
 Do not start the mil with discharge valve closed.
 Do not start the feeder without the mill running in
warmed up condition.
 Do not start the mill without seal air supply.
 Do not continue operation of mills with high mill out-
let temperatures.
 Do not start the feeder without checking ring-roll
clearance of the mill.

During emergency shut-down:-

If fire in the bunker or in the mill are noticed, immediately take

action for putting out the fire. For quenching these fires in the
mill try the following methods.
a. Sut the hot air shut off gate, placed the feeder on manual
control and continue feeding coal at a high rate without
overloading the mill.
b. If fire is not put out by the above, water or steam may be
admitted into the milling system. The must be kept
running, with the feeder stopped, for several minutes till
all the signs of fire are gone.

 Do n ot open any of the manhole doors to get into the mill
for maintanance without ensuring that driving motor has
been isolated, mill discharge valve is closed (if the boiler is
in operation), and the mill is isolated from the air side as
well as raw coal side.
 Do not use steel hammer direclty on grinding rolls and bull
ring segments.
 Do not use direct flame torch for heating bearing
assemblies or worm gear drive, use indirect heating.
 Do not leave tools, work pieces, electrodes, etc. inside the
mill after maintanance work has been carried out.
 Do not carry out maintenance work inside the mill without
proper personnal safety equipment.
 Do not weld on the bowl or any part attached to it unless
to it unless the welding machine is grounded to the boewl
to prevent arching across bearing assemblies.
 Do not use 230 volts supply light, and electrical grinding
inside the mill.
 After a mill fire, do not open access door until all
symptoms of fire are vanished.
 Do not weld on high strenght non weldable components
such as vertical shaft, worm shaft.
 Do not interchange journal opening covers, even within
the same mill.

Storage and preservation of mill components:-

When the mill is not operated for more than one week, any one
of the following preservation procedures may be adoped to
protect the interior parts of the gear case like worm shaft,
vertical shaft, bearings, worm gear etc.

Setting uo of bowl mill:-

Prior to operating the pulveriser with its electric motor for the
first time,
1) Recheck the shaft coupling alignment.
2) Remove the pipe plug from the breathe vent assembly on
the millbase and gear housing.
3) Set the spring compression (See journal spring

Lubrication:- With the exception of the roller journals the

pulveriser is completely lubricated from the gear case. The
pulveriser system is constructed so that oil can be circulated
to the main drive and its bearings and to the journals while it
is in operation. Recommended lubricant specifications are
given in the lubrication schedule in this chapter.

Periodic checking of the oil temperature is advisable. A

thermometer is installed in the side wall of the gear case for
this purpose. The temperature should be maintained below
65 C. if it is above this it is an indication of the following.
a) Low oil level – refill promptly.
b) Breakdown of lubricant or sludging – change of oil.
c) Scale formation in cooling coil – refer for instructions.
d) Insufficient quantity of cooling water – increase water
e) Temperature of inlet cooling water too high – reduce if
Operating check & procedure:-
I. Ensure electrical connections to MOTORS &
instruments etc.
II. All the flanges in the systems are tightly fastened.
III. Allow oil to enter drain cum collection pot by opening
3” gate valve. Open vent plug at the top of the tank to
vent air.
IV. Avoid air pockets by operating air vent of oil filters
during priming.
V. Avoid air pockets by operating air vent valves of oil
filters during priming.
VI. Maintain oil level in the gearbox to the required level
after priming the lube oil system.
VII. Start the motor and allow the system to run for 4
VIII. Check oil flow in the low indicating gauges.
IX. System pressure is maintained by the variable orifice
provided in the line.
X. Run the system with 4.7 bar oil pressure at filter

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