Nxivm Doc 491: Juror Questionnaire

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Case 1:18-cr-00204-NGG-VMS Document 491 Filed 04/02/19 Page 1 of 2 PageID #: 5128

U.S. Department of Justice

United States Attorney

Eastern District of New York
MKP 271 Cadman Plaza East
F. #2017R01840 Brooklyn, New York 11201

April 2, 2019


The Honorable Nicholas G. Garaufis

United States District Judge
United States District Court
225 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn, New York 11201

Re: United States v. Keith Raniere, et al.

Criminal Docket No. 18-204 (NGG)

Dear Judge Garaufis:

The government respectfully submits this letter attaching the government’s

proposed juror questionnaire, which is largely agreed-upon by the parties. The parties will
confer on Exhibit A and submit that to the Court no later than tomorrow. The government
respectfully requests permission to provide the Court with proposed Exhibit A under seal
because it will contain the name of victims and others who have not been publicly identified.

The parties also jointly request that the Court issue an order preventing public
release of prospective jurors and empaneled jurors’ names until after trial and requiring that
jurors be identified only by juror number in open court. See United v. Shkreli, 15-CR-637
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(KAM), Memorandum and Order, dated June 25, 2017, (Dkt. No. 259), at 16. The parties
may also request additional precautions be taken to protect jurors’ identities until after trial.
Respectfully submitted,

United States Attorney

By: /s/
Moira Kim Penza
Tanya Hajjar
Mark J. Lesko
Assistant U.S. Attorneys
(718) 254-7000

cc: Clerk of Court (NGG) (by ECF)

Counsel of Record (by ECF)

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JUROR NO. ________




-v- 18 CR 204 (S-2) (NGG)

also known as “Vanguard,”
“Grandmaster,” and









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JUROR NO. ________

United States v. Raniere, et al.

18 Cr. 204 (S-2) (NGG)


Please complete the following:

Name: ______________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________



Home Phone: ______________________________________________________

Work Phone: ______________________________________________________

Cell Phone: ______________________________________________________




I solemnly state that my answers to the questions set forth in the attached questionnaire
are, to the very best of my ability, true and correct.

Date: ____________ ______________________________


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JUROR NO. ________

United States v. Raniere, et al.

18 Cr. 204 (S-2) (NGG)


Upon your oath or affirmation, you must give true and complete answers to all questions.

These questions are not meant to ask unnecessarily about personal matters. Rather, these questions

will help the Court determine whether you can be fair and impartial in deciding this case and will

also provide information about you as a juror to help the parties select a jury. Remember there are

no “right” or “wrong” answers; there are only truthful answers. Part of the selection process

depends on your ability and promise to follow the law as it is explained by the Court. Thus, some

of the questions include descriptions of legal principles and ask whether you can conscientiously

follow them.



BE YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL ANSWERS. Further, the Court instructs you not to discuss

anything about the case with anyone: not the defendant, the lawyers, your fellow jurors, your

family, your friends, or anyone else. Please try to write as legibly as possible. It is very important

that the answers be yours and yours alone.

Please place an asterisk (*) next to any answers where—to the extent the Court or parties

have any follow-up questions—you would want to have the additional discussion in private.

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JUROR NO. ________


You are being considered to serve as a juror in a criminal case. Jury selection is scheduled

to begin on approximately April 15, 2019, and trial is expected to begin shortly thereafter. Trial

is expected to take approximately eight-to-ten weeks once a jury is selected. The defendants are

charged in an indictment with criminal offenses. An indictment listing the criminal charges against

a defendant is simply the document used to advise a defendant of the accusations against him. The

indictment is not evidence.

The law presumes that all of the defendants are innocent. The defendants have pleaded not

guilty to all charges in the indictment. It is the government that has the burden of proof under our

system of law. The prosecution must come forward with proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a

defendant has committed crimes before a defendant can be found guilty. The defendants have no

obligation to produce any evidence or do anything else at trial. This is because the law presumes

a defendant to be innocent of the charges brought against him.

The following is a summary of the charges in this case. The Indictment in this case charges

that the defendants are members of a criminal organization known as the “Enterprise” and that

they committed a variety of crimes as part of that criminal enterprise, including racketeering and

racketeering conspiracy involving acts of—among other things—identity theft, wire fraud,

obstruction of justice, visa fraud, forced labor, sex trafficking, extortion, money laundering, child

exploitation and possession of child pornography. Certain defendants are also charged with

additional crimes including sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, attempted sex trafficking,

forced labor conspiracy and wire fraud conspiracy,

Remember that under the law an indictment is not evidence, it is merely an accusation, and

that a defendant is presumed to be innocent of the charges described in an indictment unless and

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JUROR NO. ________

until the government establishes a defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. If you are selected

as a juror in this case, it will be your duty to determine whether, based solely on the evidence

presented at trial, the government has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty

of the specific crimes charged.


As noted, the purpose of this questionnaire is to assist the Court and the parties in

selecting a jury of individuals that can be fair and impartial. Because this case has generated

media attention, the Court and the parties are taking steps to maintain the privacy of jurors

and potential jurors. [The Court has issued an order concealing the names of jurors from

anyone other than the parties until after trial in this case.] It is important to ensure that the

jury will in no way be influenced by the public, by the members of the media and their

articles and reports. The Court is taking these measures to protect your right to privacy and

to assist you in discharging your responsibility as a juror fairly and impartially. You will be

referred to by your juror number when in open court.

(Questions 1 through 3)

Jury selection will begin on April 15, 2019, and the trial is expected to begin on April 29,

2019. We anticipate the trial should last approximately eight-to-ten weeks. Trial will be in session,

generally speaking, Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The trial will recess

for national and major religious holidays. Jurors will receive a printed schedule of trial dates upon

final selection of the jury.

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JUROR NO. ________

If you are selected as a juror, you will be required to be present for the taking of testimony

for as long as the case lasts. There are no plans to sequester the jury, meaning you will go home

every day after court.

The Court views service on a jury in a federal criminal trial to be one of the highest duties

a citizen owes to the United States. Mere inconvenience or the usual financial hardships of jury

service will not be sufficient to excuse a prospective juror.

1. Do you have an unusual financial hardship or other serious problem that would prevent
you from serving as a juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain:





If yes, are there any arrangements that you can make to alleviate the hardship:





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JUROR NO. ________

2. Do you have any physical or medical condition (such as hearing, eyesight, or back
problems), or any emotional problem, that would make it unusually difficult for you to serve
as a juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please describe:



3. Do you take any medications or have any condition that may interfere with your ability to

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please list medication(s) and effects:




(Questions 4 through 46)

Part II asks questions about you, your background and very general questions about your

4. Do you have any difficulty reading or understanding English?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain:



5. If you speak any other languages, please list and describe level of fluency: ___________


6. What is your age? _______

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JUROR NO. ________

7. Are you: Male _______ Female _______

8. Where were you born? _____________________________________________________

Where were you raised? ____________________________________________________

Where were your parents born? ______________________________________________

9. Are you:

Married _______
Living with a Partner _______
Single _______
Divorced/Separated _______
Widow/Widower _______

10. Do you:

Own a home? _______

Rent? _______
Live in a dwelling owned by relatives? _______
Live in a dwelling with your family? _______

Other than spouse or partner, who lives with you? (Do not mention their names; rather,
indicate what their relationship is with you, e.g., “roommate” or “parent.”)


What is their employment?____________________________________________

11. If you live in Brooklyn, Queens or Staten Island, in what area or neighborhood do you live
(e.g., Canarsie, Jackson Heights, Stapleton)?


12. If you live in Nassau or Suffolk County, in what community do you live?


13. What other areas or neighborhoods have you lived in over the past 10 years?



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JUROR NO. ________

14. Are you (check any and all that apply):

Employed full-time? _______ Retired?_________

Employed part-time? _______ Disabled and unable to work?_________

Work at home? _______ Student?_________

Homemaker? _______ If a student, what area of study?


15. If you are employed by another, please answer the following:

(a) Where do you work and what type of work do you do?




(b) How long have your worked in your present job? ____________________

(c) Do you supervise others in your job?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, how many? _______

For how long have you been a supervisor?__________________________

(d) Are you a member of a union?

Yes _________ No __________

If yes, which one and how long?______________________________________

16. If you are self-employed, please answer the following:

(a) What is the name of your business and what type of business is it?

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JUROR NO. ________




(b) How long have you been self-employed? _________________________________

17. If you are retired or unemployed, what type of work did you last do?



18. What is your annual income level? If you are married and your spouse/partner is employed,
please include his/her income:

Less than $25,000 _______

$25,000 - $50,000 _______
$50,000 - $100,000 _______
$100,000 - $150,000 _______
Over $150,000 _______

19. How far did you go in school?

Elementary School: Yes _______ No _______

High School: Yes _______ No _______
Grade Completed: _______ G.E.D. ____
College: Yes _______ No _______
Level Completed: _______
Post Graduate: Yes _______ No _______

If you earned a degree after high school, what was your major area(s) of study?


20. If you are married or have a partner, please answer the following questions about your
spouse/ partner’s employment:

(a) Is your spouse/partner employed? ______________________________________

If so where and what type of job? _______________________________________

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JUROR NO. ________

(b) If your spouse/partner is retired or not employed, please indicate this and also
describe the type of work he or she did during his/her last period of employment:


21. Do you identify with any political party?

Yes _________ No __________

If yes, which one(s)?______________________________________________________

What politician(s) do you most admire?_______________________________________

22. Do you identify with any particular faith or spiritual movement?

Yes _________ No __________

If yes, which one(s)?______________________________________

Please describe your level of religious observation/spiritual practice.




23. Have you or any member of your family or close friends worked for or applied for a
position in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the District Attorney’s Office, the Federal Bureau
of Investigation, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Department of Homeland
Security, the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the
New York State Police, New York City Police Department, or any other federal, state or
local law enforcement agency?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please state who (relation to you), what agency, when and for how long when, and
position or involvement?



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JUROR NO. ________

24. Have you or any member of your family or close friends worked or applied for a position
with any jail, detention center, probation services, a city or county attorney’s office,
Attorney General, or a court?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please state who (relation to you), what agency, when and for how long when, and
position or involvement?



25. Have you ever worked in the following fields or have you ever had any training or taken
any courses, special training or seminars in any of the following (check all that apply):

____Criminal Justice
____Social Work
____Mental Health
____Computer programming

If yes, please explain your experience:



If someone close to you has experience in any of the above, please explain:


26. (a) Have you ever served in the military?

Yes _______ No _______

If no, skip to question 27(a). If yes, then continue below.

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JUROR NO. ________

(b) What branch? ________________________________________________

(c) What was the highest rank you achieved? __________________________

(d) What did you do in the service? __________________________________


(e) Any service in the military police?

Yes _______ No________

(f) Any service in courts-martial as defense attorney, prosecutor, or investigator?

Yes _______ No _________

(g) Year of discharge from military? _______

(h) Did you receive an honorable discharge?

Yes _______ No _______

27. If you have any children, please answer the following:

(a) Please fill out the following chart:


_______ _______ __________________________________________

_______ _______ __________________________________________

_______ _______ __________________________________________

_______ _______ __________________________________________

_______ _______ __________________________________________

(b) Are any of your children employed?

Yes _______ No _______

(c) List the occupation(s) of your children:


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JUROR NO. ________


28. (a) How do you usually get your news?

__Newspapers. Which papers?_______________________________________

__Radio (including talk radio). Which stations?__________________________

__Television. Which stations/hosts?_____________________________________

__Internet. Which sites?_____________________________________________

__Podcasts. Which ones?____________________________________________

__Word of mouth. From whom?______________________________________

Do you receive any subscriptions? If yes, please list: _______________________


Do you listen to any political commentators? If yes, please list:


(b) Do you have any regularly use any social networking sites such as Twitter,
Facebook or Instagram?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please list which ones and any handles, screennames or other identifiers
and describe your level of use:



(c) Do you maintain a website, a blog or a “subreddit”?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please provide the url:



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JUROR NO. ________


(d) Do you ever post comments on any Internet forums or other websites?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please describe the frequency, and what you usually comment on:



(d) What were the last three books that you read?




29. What television programs do you watch regularly?




30. (a) List any hobbies and special interests that you have:


(b) Do you belong or have you belonged to any civic, social, union, professional,
fraternal, political, recreation, or religious organizations, including any groups
taking a position on social or legal issues?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please describe your experience and whether you’ve held an office:

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JUROR NO. ________



31. (a) Other than friends and relatives, who are the three people living or dead that you
admire most, and why?



(b) Other than friends and relatives, please list the three people you least admire, and


32. Have you or anyone close to you ever participated in any self-help programs or read any
self-help books?

Yes (self) _______ Yes (other) _______ No _______

If yes, please state which program(s)/book(s) and describe your (or the other person’s)



If yes as to you, what did you hope to get out of the experience?



33. Have you or anyone close to you ever taken any Scientology courses?

Yes (self) _______ Yes (other) _______ No _______

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JUROR NO. ________

If yes, please describe your (or the other person’s) experience?




34. Have you or anyone close to you ever participated in a Landmark Forum, EST or anything
you view as similar?

Yes (self) _______ Yes (other) _______ No _______

If yes, please describe your (or the other person’s) experience?




35. There may be evidence in this case about people engaging in relationships with multiple
sexual partners. Would hearing about that type of evidence affect your ability to serve as
a fair and impartial juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



36. There may be evidence in this case about abortions. Would hearing about that type of
evidence affect your ability to serve as a fair and impartial juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.


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JUROR NO. ________


37. There may be evidence in this case that includes sexually explicit images and language.
Would hearing about that type of evidence affect your ability to serve as a fair and impartial
juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



38. There may be evidence in this case about fraternities, sororities, secret societies, rituals, or
cults. Would hearing about that type of evidence affect your ability to serve as a fair and
impartial juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



39. There may be evidence in this case about people who were in the United States illegally.
Do you have any opinions regarding illegal immigration that would affect your ability to
serve as a fair and impartial juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



40. There may be evidence in this case about rich individuals. Do you have any opinions
regarding rich individuals that would affect your ability to serve as a fair and impartial
juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.

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JUROR NO. ________



41. There may be evidence in this case about people who did not pay taxes. Do you have any
opinions regarding people who do not pay taxes that would affect your ability to serve as
a fair and impartial juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



42. There may be evidence in this case about skin modifications (such as tattoos and branding).

(a) Do you have any body modifications?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please describe.



(b) Would hearing about evidence of body modifications affect your ability to serve as a
fair and impartial juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



43. (a) Have you ever been:

(i) a juror in a civil case? Yes _______ No _______

(ii) a juror in a criminal case? Yes _______ No _______
(iii) a grand juror? Yes _______ No _______

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JUROR NO. ________

(b) If you have served on a jury, please list below

a. The approximate date(s);

b. Whether you served in state court or federal court;
c. Whether it was a grand jury or a trial jury;
d. Whether it was a criminal case or a civil case;
e. What the general nature of the case was (for example, robbery, murder,
contract, negligence, medical malpractice, etc.); and
f. Whether or not a verdict was reached. (If so, do not state what it was)

Date State/Federal GJ/Trial Jury Criminal/Civil Nature Reached

verdict Y/N

(c) Is there anything about your prior jury service that would impact your ability to be
a fair and impartial juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________




44. Are you now, or have you ever been, a registered sex offender or ordered by a court to
register as a sex offender?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



45. Have you or has anyone close to you ever sought treatment (court-ordered or otherwise)
for sex addiction or sexual deviance?

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JUROR NO. ________

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



46. Is anyone close to you a registered sex offender?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain who and the circumstances?



If yes, do you believe his/her designation as a sex offender is unfair?




(Questions 47 through 71)

Part III asks questions about experiences you may have had and opinions you may have
formed. Again, there are no right or wrong answers. Please be as thoughtful and candid as

47. Have you or anyone close to you ever been the victim of incest, child molestation, or child

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



48. Have you or anyone close to you ever been the victim of sexual assault, including date

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JUROR NO. ________

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



49. If you answered yes to question 47 or 48, do you believe that would affect your ability to
serve as a fair and impartial juror?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



50. Have you ever known anyone who you believe was falsely accused of sexual abuse or
sexual assault of a minor or an adult?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



51. Do you worry about you or someone close to you being falsely accused of sexual abuse or
sexual assault?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



52. If you answered yes to question 50 or 51, do you believe that would affect your ability to
serve as a fair and impartial juror?

Yes _______ No _______

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If yes, please explain.



53. Do you believe that people under seventeen should be able to consent to sex with adults?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain.



54. Have you heard of the “#MeToo” movement?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, what is your opinion of the “#MeToo” movement?



55. (a) Have you or has a family member or close friend ever been a witness to or the
victim of a crime?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________



(b) Did you or your family member or close friend report that crime to the police or
other law enforcement agency?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, how do you feel about the way law enforcement responded?

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JUROR NO. ________



If no, why didn’t you (or the person close to you) report?



56. Do you have any opinions or beliefs concerning law enforcement in general – including
the FBI, the Internal Revenue Service, the New York City Police Department, the
Department of Homeland Security, New York State Police and the Department of Justice
– that would make it difficult for you to evaluate the evidence fairly and impartially in
accordance with the Court’s instructions?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________



57. Have you ever appeared or testified as a witness in any investigation or legal proceeding?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain the nature of the investigation or proceeding:



58. (a) Have you ever been involved, or do you expect to become involved, in any legal
action or dispute with a government agency or have you had any financial interest
in such a dispute?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________


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JUROR NO. ________

(b) If you answered “yes” to 58(a), above, is there anything about these facts that would
make it difficult for you to sit as a fair and impartial juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________


59. (a) Are you or is anyone close to you, including family or friends, now under
subpoena or about to be subpoenaed in any criminal case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain:




(b) Have you or anyone close to you ever been questioned or subpoenaed in any
matter by the New York City Police, any state or local law enforcement agency,
the Department of Justice or any United States investigative agency such as the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, the
Internal Revenue Service or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: __________________________________________



(c) If you answered yes to 59(b), above, do you believe that you (or they) were fairly
treated in connection with such matter?

Yes _______ No _______

If no, please explain:___________________________________________

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60. (a) Have you or has a family member or close friend ever been involved in or been
the target of a criminal investigation?

Yes (self) _______ Yes (family/friend) _______ No _______

If yes, please generally describe the circumstances surrounding the criminal

investigation(s) and your relationship(s) to the person(s) involved: ______



(b) Have you or has a family member or close friend ever been charged with a crime?

Yes (self) _______ Yes (family/friend) _______ No _______

If yes, please generally describe the circumstances surrounding the criminal

investigation(s) and your relationship(s) to the person(s) involved, including
whether there was any allegation of a sex-related offense: _____________



(c) If you answered “yes” to (a) or (b) above, was the individual who was investigated
or charged treated fairly by the criminal justice system?

Yes _______ No _______

If no, please explain: _________________________________________________



(d) Do you have or have you ever had a close friend or family member in prison?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, without mentioning names, please explain: __________________________

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JUROR NO. ________


(e) If you answered yes to (a), (b) or (d), above, is there anything about these facts
that would make it difficult for you to sit as a fair and impartial juror in this case?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________



61. The Judge presiding over this case is the Honorable Nicholas G. Garaufis. Do you or does
any relative or friend know or have any connection with Judge Garaufis?

Yes ________ No ________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


62. This case is being prosecuted by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern
District of New York. The United States Attorney for this District is Richard P. Donoghue.
Do you or does any relative or friend personally know or have any connection with Richard
P. Donoghue or anyone associated with his office?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


63. Do you or does any relative or close friend know or have any connection with any of the
following prosecutors, case agents and/or their assistants, or their relatives or friends?

(i) Assistant United States Attorney Moira Penza

(ii) Assistant United States Attorney Tanya Hajjar
(iii) Assistant United States Attorney Mark J. Lesko
(iv) Assistant United States Attorney Kevin Trowel
(v) Assistant United States Attorney Karin Orenstein
(vi) Paralegal Specialist Teri Carby
(vii) Michael Weniger, Special Agent, FBI
(viii) Michael Lever, Special Agent, FBI
(ix) Delise Jeffrey, Special Agent, FBI

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(x) Charles Fontanelli, Task Force Officer, FBI/New York State Police
(xi) Megan Buckley, Special Agent, Homeland Security Investigations
(xii) Christopher Munster, Special Agent, Homeland Security Investigations
(xiii) Richard Guerci, Investigator, U.S. Attorney’s Office
(xiv) Kathleen Fiato, Special Agent, IRS
(xv) Patrick Griffee, Special Agent, IRS

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________



64. (a) Do you or does any relative or close friend know or have any connection to the
defendants, Keith Raniere, Clare Bronfman, Allison Mack or Kathy Russell, or, to
your knowledge, their relatives or friends?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________



(b) Have you seen, heard or read anything about this case?

Yes __________ No ___________

If yes, what have you seen, heard or read, and in what source(s)?



If yes, what is your opinion on what you have seen, heard or read?



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If yes, would you be able to follow an instruction to set aside anything you have
seen, heard or read?



65. Have you or has anyone you know participated in any of the following courses or groups:
Nxivm, Executive Success Programs, Jness, Society of Protectors, Ultima, Exo Eso, The
Knife, The Source?

Yes ________ No ________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________



66. (a) Do you or does any relative or close friend know or have any connection
with any of the following defense attorneys and their assistants or their relatives or

(i) Marc Agnifilo, Esq.

(ii) Teny Geragos, Esq.
(iii) Paul DerOhannesian, Esq.
(iv) Danielle Smith, Esq.
(v) Mark Geragos, Esq.
(vi) Kathleen Cassidy, Esq.
(vii) Alexandra Shapiro, Esq.
(viii) Fabian Thayamballi, Esq.
(ix) Justine Harris, Esq.
(x) Amanda Ravich, Esq.
(xi) William McGovern, Esq.
(xii) Sean Buckley, Esq.
(xiii) Matthew Menchel, Esq.

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________


(b) Have you seen, heard or read any publicity about any of these defense attorneys?

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Yes _______ No _______

If yes, what have you seen, heard or read: ________________________________



67. This case is likely to receive ongoing media attention. The Court wants to make sure that
this case is decided solely on the evidence presented in the courtroom and not based on
influences outside the courtroom. The Court will be advising you daily that you must avoid
reading about the Case on the Internet, in newspapers or listening to any radio or television
reports about the case. The Court will further advise you not to discuss the case with family
or friends during the trial or with your fellow jurors until it is time to deliberate. Would
these restrictions pose any difficulty for you?

Yes __________ No __________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


68. The charges in this case involve allegations of, among other things, sex trafficking, forced
labor, child pornography and child exploitation. Is there anything about the nature of these
allegations that would make it difficult for you to be fair and impartial?

Yes __________ No __________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


69. Do you have any bias, sympathy, or prejudice with reference to the United States
government that would make it difficult for you to render a fair and impartial judgment
based solely on the evidence presented at trial?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


70. (a) Do you have any religious, philosophical, moral or other belief that might
make you unable to render a “guilty” verdict?

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Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________



(b) Do you have any religious, philosophical, moral or other belief that might make
you unable to render a “not guilty” verdict?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________



71. You may hear testimony from or about the people listed on Attachment A during the trial.
Please turn to Attachment A at the end of this packet and circle the names of any person
that you know or have any connection with.


(Questions 72 through 87)

Part IV explains some of the fundamental legal principles on which the Court will give
instructions during the trial. If you believe you cannot follow these principles, you are duty
bound to let the Court know now.

72. (a) Every defendant is presumed innocent and cannot be convicted unless the jury,
unanimously and based solely on the evidence in the case, decides that his guilt
has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The burden of proving guilt rests
entirely with the government. It never shifts to the defendant at any time. The
defendant has no burden of proof at all.

Would you have any difficulty following these rules?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________


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(b) Will you accept and apply this rule of law?

Yes _______ No _______

(c) Under the law, a defendant need not testify. If a defendant does not testify, the jury
may not consider that fact in any way in reaching a decision as to whether a
defendant is guilty or not guilty. Would you have any difficulty following this rule
of law?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________



73. An indictment itself is not evidence. It merely describes the charges made against the
defendants. It is an accusation. It may not be considered by you as any evidence of the
defendants’ guilt. Are you able to follow this rule of law?

Yes ________ No ________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________



74. Under the law, you must consider each defendant and each alleged crime separately. You
must find a defendant not guilty of the alleged crime you are considering, unless the
evidence that has been presented in court proves him or her guilty of that crime beyond a
reasonable doubt.

Would you have any difficulty following these rules?

Yes ______ No ______

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


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75. Should a defendant decide to testify, that does not shift the burden of proof to the defendant
or diminish the obligation of the government to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a
reasonable doubt. The government always carries this burden of proof in a criminal trial.
Will you have any difficulty following this rule of law?

Yes __________ No __________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


76. Certain witnesses in this case may be law enforcement officers.

(a) Do you hold any beliefs or opinions that would prevent you from evaluating the
testimony of a law enforcement officer fairly and impartially?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________


(b) A law enforcement witness’s testimony is not to be given any more or less credence
than any other witness’s testimony. Would you be able to follow the Court’s
instructions in this regard?

Yes _______ No _______

If no, please explain:



77. You may hear that law enforcement officers conducted surveillance and searched
individuals and residences, during the investigation of this case. These investigative
techniques are lawful. Do you have any feelings about the use of these techniques that
might affect your ability to consider such evidence fairly?

Yes ________ No ________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________

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78. You may hear testimony from certain individuals that the government alleges are victims.
A victim’s testimony is not to be given any more or less credence than any other witness’s
testimony, just because that person is an alleged victim. Do you have any opinions or
beliefs about alleged victims that would make it difficult for you to be fair and impartial in
considering their testimony?

Yes ________ No ________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


79. Some government witnesses may testify that they participated in serious crimes themselves
including forced labor and identity theft. These witnesses, who may be referred to during
trial as “cooperating witnesses,” may have pleaded guilty to crimes and may be testifying
pursuant to agreements with the government in hopes that their own sentences will be
reduced. Do you have any opinions or beliefs about cooperating witnesses who are seeking
a reduced sentence that would make it difficult for you to be fair and impartial in
considering their testimony?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________


80. Under the law, the facts are for the jury to determine and the law is for the Judge to
determine. You are required to accept the law as the Judge explains it to you even if you do
not like the law or disagree with it, and you must determine the facts according to those

Would you have any difficulty following the Judge’s instructions?

Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________



81. Under the law, the question of punishment, if any, should not enter your deliberations.
Would you have any difficulty following this rule?

Yes _______ No _______

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If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________



82. Under the law, emotions such as sympathy, bias and prejudice must not enter into the
deliberations of the jurors as to whether the guilt of the defendant has been proven
beyond a reasonable doubt. Would you have any difficulty following this rule?

Yes __________ No __________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


83. Is there anything about the nature of the charges in this case or the people accused
that would affect your ability to fairly evaluate the evidence to determine whether or
not the prosecution has proven the guilt of the defendants beyond a reasonable doubt?

Yes __________ No __________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


84. Is there any reason you could not be completely fair to the defendants in this case?

Yes __________ No __________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


85. Is there any reason you could not be completely fair in evaluating the U.S.
government’s case?

Yes __________ No __________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________


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87. Is there any matter not covered by this questionnaire that you think is important to
bring to the attention of the Court?

Yes __________ No __________

If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________




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United States v. Raniere, et al.

18 Cr. 204 (S-2) (NGG)

Names of People Who Might Testify or Who May Be Discussed During Trial

Please circle the name of any person listed below that you
know or have any connection with.


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