Bulletin - 2010 10 31

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Gehman Mennonite Church church kitchen. Note: There will be no fellowship meal the first Sunday of Dec.

Physical address: 127 Witmer Road, Reinholds, PA 17569 this year.

Mailing address: PO Box 842, Adamstown, PA 19501
Nov. 13, Sat.-Come join us in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 for a "Coffee House for
A Cause." This evening of fun, food and fellowship will benefit Samaritan's Purse
Operation Christmas Child. Details are in your mailbox and on the bulletin board.
A sign up sheet for gift items is located at the back of the church.
Ministry Team
Nov. 13, Sat.-Celebration Drop In from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at 583 Airport Road, Lititz.
Phil Horning – Lead Pastor – (church: 717-484-4548) (home: 717-484-0998)
Join MDS at the new MDS binational headquarters for a time of celebration and
Glen Martin – Associate Pastor – 717-484-2162
appreciation for all that the Lord has done through volunteers and donors. Tours.
Steve McCosby – Deacon – 717-336-8275
Choirs. Chicken Barbecue. Ice Cream. MDS-style ribbon cutting 1:30 p.m.
Dec. 4, Sat.- The Youth will provide babysitting at the church from 5-8:30 p.m.
October 31, 2010
Snack will be provided. Donations accepted.
Prayer 8:15 A.M.
Sunday School 9:00 A.M.
-The Outreach committee is preparing to Share our Blessings this Christmas
Worship Service 10:00 A.M.
season and is looking for a couple of individuals or families in need of some Love
and Hope at this time of year. Please see the flyer in your mailbox or posted on the
bulletin board for more information. Responses are due to Darrell by Nov.14th.
Call to Worship
-Is it time we consider running our own Bible school in the Adamstown area?
Hymn of Praise John Miller
Questionnaires are in your mailbox and posted on the bulletin board. Please
Offering Abby Horning
prayerfully consider this and return your form to Darrell no later than Nov. 14th.
Worship in Song Worship Team
-Next Sunday, Nov. 7th, a group from our congregation will provide an informal
Message: Glen Martin
service of singing and music at the Gathering Room at Fairmount Homes at 1:30
Hymn of Response John Miller
p.m. Please pray that our time there will be a blessing to all. (Additional notebooks
Sharing Time/Pastoral Prayer Glen Martin
of music are on the table in the narthex for anyone needing them.)

Greeters Cliff Horning
Sunday School Nursery Michelle & Maria
Church Nursery Marlene & Lydia

Next Week:
Greeters Lamar & Michelle Gockley
Song Leader Sylvia Eberly
Scripture Reading Carl Eberly
Message Bishop Carl Sensenig
Sunday School Nursery Falicia & Cindy
Church Nursery Nelson & Dianne

Offerings: The offering for October is for Friendship Community, Landis Homes,
Philhaven, Released Time and budgeted items.
Offering last week was $2,576.25.
Attendance last week was 116.

Nov. 3, Wed.-Youth Bible Study at Carl & Sylvia’s. Meet at the church at 6:45
Nov. 7, Sun.- Will be our regular, first-Sunday of the month fellowship meal, also
you can sign-up to help serve on the small whiteboard on the refrigerator in the

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