Heat of Hydration
Heat of Hydration
Heat of Hydration
Abstract: Thermal analysis is one of the main components in the design and construction of roller-compacted concrete dams. In this article, the
heat-fluid coupling method is introduced to perform the thermal analysis of a pipe cooling system in mass concrete structures. Several typical
models and examples are selected to verify the performance of this method. The proposed method is then applied to a roller-compacted concrete
gravity dam called the Guandi Dam, which is still under construction in China. The actual climatic conditions and thermal properties of the
materials are considered in this analysis. The temperatures determined by numerical simulation are in good agreement with the actual monitored
values. The simulation results indicate that the proposed method can accurately simulate the cooling pipe state, the temperature rise along the
water flow, and the effect of directional changes of flow in temperature distributions. Moreover, cracking is shown to more likely develop
in concrete near the cooling pipes, mainly from the extreme temperature gradient and fluctuation during the cooling process of concrete.
The untimely application of water cooling systems during hot seasons will induce extreme tensile stresses and increase the risk of cracking.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000532. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Finite element method; Coupling; Thermal factors; Cooling; Water pipelines; Concrete dams.
Author keywords: RCC dam; FEM; Heat-fluid coupling method; Thermal analysis; Cooling pipes.
Myers et al. (2009) developed a model for a simplified pipe ductivity coefficients in the x-, y-, and z-directions, respectively;
network, which was assumed to consist of a series of straight pipes r 5 material density; c 5 material’s specific heat; u 5 adiabatic
for simplicity. Heat transfer occurred in the pipe walls from the temperature rise of the concrete; and t 5 time.
concrete to the water. It is found that the concrete temperature The initial transient temperature can be represented as
depends primarily on the water temperature, flux, and pipe spacing.
This simplified model highlights the dependence on certain pa- T ¼ T0 ðx, y, zÞ (2)
rameters and aids in the design of cooling systems; however, it can
only negligibly consider the combined effects of multiple pipes and
complicated boundary conditions. The two main boundary conditions at the external surfaces are
The objective of this work is to present an accurate and applicable expressed as
prediction method for the analysis of the cooling effect exhibited by
TðtÞ ¼ f ðtÞ (3)
pipes in mass concrete structures. This work accounts for the fol-
lowing factors: concrete properties, ambient conditions, placing
∂T ∂T ∂T
temperature, lift thickness, casting schedule, and, in particular, the lx lx þ ly ly þ lz lz þ R ¼ 2b T 2 Tf (4)
actual pipe cooling system. Additionally, it considers the pipe layout ∂x ∂y ∂z
(pipe sizes and spacing), the cooling water velocity, the inlet tem-
perature and water-temperature rise along the flow, and the thermal where f ðtÞ 5 known temperature values on some boundaries; R 5
properties of cooling pipes by using a numerical simulation. Thus, heat flowing from the surface; b 5 film coefficient; Tf 5 ambient
the prediction of the thermal fields associated with cooling pipes can temperature; and lx , ly , and lz 5 direction cosines of the outward
be successfully used in practice. normal to the surface.
In this study, the heat-fluid coupling method is introduced to
perform the thermal analysis of pipe cooling systems in mass Simulation of Water Cooling with the Heat-Fluid
concrete structures and is applied to an actual RCC dam. A 3D FE Coupling Method
analysis is conducted using heat-fluid elements in the FE program
ANSYS (2004). To verify the rationality and applicability of the In the entire FE model, concrete is simulated by 3D solid elements,
heat-fluid coupling method, a comparison with several widely used and cooling water pipes are simulated by heat-fluid elements, as
methods is presented. Furthermore, this method is applied to verify shown in Fig. 1. Each heat-fluid element has four nodes, consisting
and predict the distribution of temperature during the initial stage of two primary (I, J) and two supplemental (K, L) nodes. The
of the cooling process in monolith No. 13 of the Guandi Dam, and coupling of the additional nodes of the heat-fluid element and the
the calculated results are in good agreement with the actual tem- nodes of the concrete solid element are used to simulate the con-
peratures monitored within the dam. vection heat of water and concrete.
In numerical simulations of fluid-structure interactions, the water where Tf 5 water temperature; Ts 5 temperature of concrete near
current in cooling water pipes is considered as a one-dimensional the cooling pipe; Qw 5 inflow volume of the water per unit time;
steady flow. As shown in Fig. 2, the heat flux of flowing water cw 5 water-specific heat; s 5 direction of flow; b 5 film coefficient
per unit time is expressed as of the cooling water convection; G 5 pDL=L 5 pD boundary
surface with cooling water per unit length; L 5 length of the heat-
qs ¼ Qw rcw Tf ðsÞ fluid element; and D 5 hydraulic diameter of pipe.
(5) According to the ANSYS (2004) release 9.0 documentation, the
qsþds ¼ qs þ ds finite-element (FE) governing equations of heat-fluid elements,
∂s which satisfy the heat conduction equation and boundary conditions,
are deduced by the variational principle in the following form:
The heat absorbed by the flowing water per unit time is
∂qs ∂Tf ðsÞ
q2 ¼ qsþds 2 qs ¼ ds ¼ Qw rcw ds (6) ½C fTg þ ½KfTg ¼ fQg (9)
∂s ∂s
The heat supplied to the pipe per unit time by Newton’s cooling where [K] 5 heat conduction matrix of the heat-fluid •elements; {T}
law is 5 temperature vector; [C] 5 specific heat matrix; fT g 5 variable
temperature rate vector; and {Q} 5 node heat transfer rate vector.
qþ ¼ 2bA Tf 2 Ts ¼ 2bðpDdsÞ Tf 2 Ts (7)
Matrices of [K] and [C] are calculated in the following forms:
According to the energy conservation principle, the heat supplied
to pipe is equal to the heat absorbed by the flowing water: q1 5 q2 . 2 3
1 0 0 0
Hence, the heat exchange between the flowing water and the con- 60
crete is expressed as rcAL 6 1 0 077
½C ¼ 6 7 (10)
2 40 0 0 05
Qw rcw ¼ 2Gb Tf 2 Ts (8) 0 0 0 0
2 3 k1 ¼ Als =L k2 ¼ bAI k3 ¼ bA J
k 1 þ k2 2 k4 2k1 þ k4 2k2 0
6 7 0 if flow is from i to j
6 2k1 2 k5 k1 þ k3 þ k5 0 2k3 7 k4 ¼
6 7
½K ¼ 6 7 Qw rcw if flow is from j to i (11)
6 2k2 0 k2 0 7
4 5 Qw rcw if flow is from i to j
0 2k3 0 k3 k5 ¼
0 if flow is from j to i
(untimely application of water cooling), while the alternative was cooling effect more uniform. This oscillation nearby the import
scheduled to begin soon after the final setting of concrete at the and export of the cooling pipes is a result of the cooling system
same elevation (timely application of water cooling). being employed.
Fig. 13 shows the temperature changes for section A-A (shown in
Schedule of Initial Stage Cooling Starts on June 14, 2010 Fig. 11) after several periods of RCC placement. Compared with
For the points T1 and T2 shown in Fig. 11, Fig. 12 illustrates the other locations, the temperature of the concrete near the cooling
temperature histories. For point T1 , which is separated from the pipes is obviously lower and fluctuates more greatly. Meanwhile, the
cooling pipes, the temperature rises rapidly from the generation of temperature gradient is much greater, especially in the regions near
hydration heat within the concrete during the first 7–9 days after the water inlet or outlet.
pouring, and the maximum predicted temperature reaches ap- After the completion of the thermal analysis, the stress analysis
proximately 33.9C. Then, the temperature starts to decrease can be performed. For the present case study, the safety factor of
gradually and finally reaches approximately 26C (9C cooler than crack-resistance Kf is assumed to be 1.65. The allowable tensile
without water cooling) after 28 days. For point T2 , which is near stress [s] is calculated using Eq. (14), which depends on the RCC
the water cooling pipes at an elevation of 1,196.1 m, the tem- tensile strength Rt ðtÞ, and the dam can be considered to be safe
perature is lower and fluctuates more greatly. Indeed, the direction against cracking when the thermal stress s is not greater than the
of flow in the cooling pipes is changed every 24 h to make the allowable value [s], as is shown in
Table 3. Main Concrete Mixture-Proportioning Used in Restrained Zones Table 5. Thermal Parameters of Cooling Water
of the Dam Foundation
Heat conduction Specific
Material consumption per 1 m3 R90 25 C90 25 Density coefficient heat Viscosity
Water (Kg) 84 102 kg=m3 W=mC KJ=ðKgCÞ Pa=s
Cement (Kg) 89.4 151.9 1,000 0.161 4.187 1.1
Flyash (Kg) 89.4 65.1
Sand (Kg) 823.5 698.2
Table 6. Adiabatic Temperature Rise Parameters
Stone (Kg) 1,631.6 1,662.9
Water-reducing agent (Kg) 1.252 1.519 Concretes R90 25 C90 25
Air-entraining agent (Kg) 0.107 0.026
T0 ðCÞ 18.3 23
Water/binder ratio 0.47 0.47
m 0.136 0.202
Sand ratio (%) 34 30
n 1.017 0.9
Flyash percentage (%) 50 30
Density kg=m3 2,719 2,716 3,000 EL1,166–1,168 m December 12–16, 2009 17.0
Heat conduction coefficient 2.41 2.66 1.92 EL1,168–1,174 m March 12–15, 2010 16.0
ðkÞ W=mC EL1,174–1,176 m April 11–13, 2010 16.3
Specific heat ðcÞ KJ=KgC 1.01 1.10 2.3
Coefficient of linear 7.11 6.80 —
expansion 1026 =C greater than the allowable value, meaning that cracking is likely to
Poisson ratio 0.2 0.2 0.24 occur.
Thus, it can be seen that the simulation using the heat-fluid
coupling method can reflect the influence of the cooling pipe state,
s # ½s ¼ Rt ðtÞ=Kf (15) water-temperature rise along the flow, and directional changes of
flow in the temperature and thermal stress distributions during the
Fig. 14 illustrates the thermal stress histories for points T1 and T2 . cooling of the concrete. More importantly, the proposed method
Fig. 15 shows the thermal stress changes in section A-A after several reveals the great temperature gradient and extreme tensile stresses in
periods of RCC placement. It can be seen that the tensile stress rises nearby cooling pipes.
gradually during the cooling of the concrete and achieves a maxi-
mum value when the temperature no longer decreases during the Schedule of Initial Stage Cooling Starts Soon after the Final
final water cooling phase. Additionally, the thermal stress of the Setting of Concrete
concrete near the cooling pipes is clearly greater and fluctuates more To fully investigate the effect of different water cooling schedules
wildly, mainly from the extreme temperature gradient and fluctu- on the temperature distributions in the concrete, an alternative
ation. The maximum tensile stress is 1.35 MPa, which is much working schedule is studied in which the initial stage cooling begins
Fig. 10. Comparison curve of monitoring temperature and simulated values for some selected nodes: (a) nodal w13–7 at an elevation of 1,167 m;
(b) nodal w13–8 at an elevation of 1,167.5 m; (c) nodal w13–16 at an elevation of 1,170 m; (d) nodal w13–20 at an elevation of 1,172 m
temperature drop and gradient, which will induce great tensile stresses
within the concrete, particularly in the region near the cooling pipes. In
addition, cracking is more likely to be initiated in the concrete near
cooling pipes during the cooling process.
Fig. 12. Temperature variation for the first stating schedule of initial stage cooling
Fig. 13. Temperature changes for section A-A after several time periods of the RCC placement
Fig. 14. Thermal stress variation for the first stating schedule of initial stage cooling
Fig. 15. Thermal stress for section A-A after several time periods of the RCC placement
Fig. 16. Temperature variation for the second stating schedule of initial stage cooling
Fig. 17. Thermal stress variation for the second stating schedule of initial stage cooling