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Hot Weather Conc
Hot Weather Conc
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Influence of chloride ions and hot weather on isolated rusting steel bar in
concrete based on NDT and electro-chemical model evaluation
Raja Rizwan Hussain n
CoE-CRT, Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Saud University, PO Box: 800, Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The most prominent durability concern for reinforced concrete (RC) structures is the corrosion of steel
Received 17 August 2010 reinforcement in concrete. RC buildings exposed to chloride and high temperature environments like sea and
Received in revised form deserts suffer from accelerated corrosion of rebars. The chloride attack and increase in the electro-chemical
20 November 2010
reaction rate of corrosion due to high temperature is a thermodynamic phenomenon influenced by several
Accepted 22 November 2010
Available online 26 November 2010
parameters and some of them are being neglected in the past research works. The purpose of this present
paper is therefore, to model and verify by NDT the coupled effects of chloride and temperature on corrosion of
Keywords: reinforcement throughout the life of concrete buildings by incorporating realistic thermodynamic model
NDT evaluations and actual field condition NDT. The model evaluation has been accomplished by the use of
concrete durability model as a computational platform on which the corrosion based reinforced concrete
building performance and quality at early age and throughout the life of concrete structure is examined in
Half-cell potential both space and time domains under environmental actions of chloride and temperature. On this line, the
Reinforced concrete thermodynamic modeling evaluation of concrete forms the fundamental core of the theoretical approach to
Corrosion model evaluations achieve both the scientific knowledge and engineering simulations of altering materials. The NDT results for
the effect of chloride and temperature on corrosion have been compared with the DuCOM electro-chemical
thermodynamic corrosion model evaluation and are found to be in close agreement with each other.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tel.: +966 562 556969. Schematic diagram and original picture of the prismatic concrete
E-mail address: specimen (100 100 400 mm3 and 100 100 200 mm3) with two
0963-8695/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.R. Hussain / NDT&E International 44 (2011) 158–162 159
Table 1
Mix proportions of concrete.
13 mm steel bars (one bar completely embedded and other coming out
from both faces, both having a clear cover of 15 mm) cast in steel molds
are as shown in Fig. 2. The chloride was admixed into the concrete
specimens as sodium chloride in the mixing water, of which concen-
trations vary from 0% to 10% by mass of binder for all the test series.
The W/C ratio was kept at 0.45 with mix proportions as shown in
Table 1. The specimens were demoulded 24 h after casting and
cured at 20 72 1C, 95 75% relative humidity for 28 days.
Fig. 3. Corrosion potential measurement.
60°C -0.05
-0.1510 30 50 70
0 % Cl 0.025% Cl
Ecorr. (V SHE)
Ecorr. (-V CSE)
0.025 % Cl 0.25% Cl
0.5 -0.25
0.25 % Cl 0.6% Cl
0.4 -0.35
0.6 % Cl
0.3 1.82% Cl
1.82 %Cl -0.45
0.2 3.65% Cl
3.65 % Cl -0.55
0.1 6.0% Cl
6 % Cl
0 -0.65
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 Temperature (°C)
Fig. 4. Variation of half-cell potential with age, Cl and temperature. (OPC, W/C ¼0.45).
Fig. 4 shows the results of half-cell potential measurements for at 25 1C (0.40 V), zFe is number of charge of Fe ions (2), z02 is number
the ordinary cement concrete mixed with 0.0%, 0.04%, 0.4%, 1.0%, of charge of O2 (2), PY is atmospheric pressure [6]. Next, based on
3.0%, 6.0% and 10% sodium chloride by mass of binder and three thermodynamic conditions, the state of passive layers is evaluated
temperature conditions of 20, 40 and 60 1C. The half-cell potential by the Pourbaix diagram [7]. The existence of a passive layer
values for various cases have a tendency to increase in early age and reduces the corrosion progress and the phenomenon is described
then approach to certain uniform values but not strictly constant. by changing the Tafel gradient in this corrosion model as shown in
Therefore, weighted average values of the corrosion potential were Fig. 5.
adopted. In general the corrosion potential shows a non-linear The relationship of electric current and voltage for the anode
increase with the increase of chloride content and temperature as and cathode can be expressed by the following Nernst equation as,
shown in Fig. 4. But, only in the case of the specimens having the
¼ ð2:303RT=0:5zFe FÞlogðia =io Þ, cc
highest concentration of NaCl, i.e., 6% and 10% by wt. of binder and
60 1C temperature show a falling trend and reduction in the ¼ ð2:303RT=0:5z02 FÞlogðic =io Þ ð2Þ
corrosion potential values with the increase in temperature. The
possible reason could be intensive corrosion cracking occurred in where is the overvoltage at anode [V], is overvoltage at
these two specimens. The crack width on the surface near the cathode [V], F is Faraday’s constant, io is equilibrium current density
15 mm cover became more than 5 mm. Thus causing the loss of (A/m2), ia is electric current density at anode (A/m2), ic is electric
moisture needed for corrosion process and discontinuity of the current density at cathode (A/m2). The corrosion potential Ecorr.
specimen material along the crack. Mortar specimens were also and corrosion current Icorr. can be obtained as the point of
cast to find the effect of the volume of coarse aggregate on corrosion intersection of the two lines [6]. In the model ia ¼1.0E 5 and
and it has been proven experimentally that the effect of the volume ic ¼1.0E 10. The effect of chloride on corrosion has been incorpo-
of coarse aggregate on corrosion potential is not more than 10%. rated by varying the Tafel gradient of anodic reaction with chloride
concentration as shown in below equation.
5. Electro-chemical computer aided evaluation of corrosion ba ¼ ð2:303RT=0:5Z Fe FÞfp, ba ¼ anodic Tafel gradient ð3Þ
where fp ¼0.4/CCl if 0.04 oCCl o0.4; fp ¼1 if CCl 40.4; and
The corrosion model was firstly adopted from DuCOM [4]. In the fp¼1.0E+ 4 if CCl o0.04
corrosion model a general scheme of a micro-cell corrosion model In the model, this semi-empirical-theoretical factor ‘fp’ accounts
is introduced based on thermodynamic electro-chemistry [5]. First for the change in anodic Tafel slope gradient. When the free
of all, electric potential of corrosion cell is obtained from the chloride concentration becomes very low or zero (0.04–0.0%),
ambient temperature, pH in pore solution and partial pressure of the Tafel slope co-efficient ‘fp’ becomes very large approaching
oxide, which are calculated by other subroutine in the system. The infinity (10 N). Considering the rebar to be in a perfect passive
half-cell potential can be expressed by the following Nernst condition represented by a 901 perpendicular anodic line of the
equation. Tafel diagram, when the free chloride concentration is equal to or
FeðsÞ-Fe2 þ ðaqÞ þ eðPtÞ, EFe ¼ EY 2þ less than 0.04% the value of Tafel slope co-efficient ‘fp’ is ideally
Fe þ ðRT=zFe FÞln hFe ,
O2 ðgÞ þ 2H2 Oðl þ4eðPtÞ ¼ 4OH ðaqÞ, assumed to be very large (1.0E +4) approaching infinity. As the
chloride concentration increases, the passive layer starts breaking
E02 ¼ EY Y
02 þ ððRT=z02 FÞlnðP02 =P Þ0:06 pH ð1Þ
simulated by a decrease in the Tafel slope co-efficient ‘fp’ resulting
in the decline of anodic gradient moving the point of intersection of
where EFe is the standard cell potential of Fe, anode (V, CSE), E02 is anode and cathode lines towards a more negative corrosion
standard cell potential of O2, cathode (V, CSE), EY Fe is standard cell potential and increase in corrosion current until the value of
potential of Fe at 25 1C ( 0.44 V), EY
02 is standard cell potential of O2 0.4% free chloride by mass of binder is reached and the passive
R.R. Hussain / NDT&E International 44 (2011) 158–162 161
layer is considered to be completely destroyed. At this stage the by varying the anodic curve with the increase of chloride content
Tafel slope co-efficient is assumed to become 1.0 and the gradient even at very high concentrations with satisfactory accuracy. For the
of anodic reaction in the Tafel diagram becomes equal to the actual purpose of illustration only five cases of chloride concentration
Tafel gradient as given by Nernst equation. Fig. 5 explains the variation are shown in the Fig. 6(c). The empirical factor ‘FMacro’
physical and logical working of anodic Tafel slope co-efficient. causes the anodic curve to shift downwards with the increase in the
The cathodic Tafel gradient was fixed to a constant value chloride content, thus moving the point of intersection of cathode
(bc¼0.12) in the model by previous literature survey which has and anode polarization curves towards the more negative
been improved (bc ¼0.14) especially for the effect of temperature potential side.
on corrosion by utilizing the experimental results of this research.
By extensive previous literature survey and experimental data it
was observed that the corrosion potential and current are under 6. Verification of the computer based corrosion evaluation
estimated especially for free chloride content more than 0.4% by model:
mass of binder. Therefore, an empirical factor ‘FMacro’ is intro-
duced to enhance the model for the above said as shown in Eq. (4) The enhanced corrosion model shows good agreement with the
below: experimental results as shown in Fig. 6(b) for the effect of chloride,
2 and in Fig. 7 for the effect of temperature for the corrosion of
EFe ¼ EFe Q þððRT=Z Fe FÞlnhFe ÞFMacro, reinforcement embedded in concrete. Thus, providing evidence for
E02 ¼ E02 Q þ 0:826 þ ððRT=Z 02 FÞlnðP02 =PQ ÞÞ0:06 ph the efficiency and accuracy of enhanced corrosion model of
DuCOM. The model though simple but predicts well taking into
FMacro ¼ 0:142 lnðCCl Þ þ1:13, for CCl 4 0:4 ð4Þ
account the influential parameters involved in the process of
where T is the surrounding temperature in Kelvin’s scale, F is corrosion in R.C structures. The conversion of free Cl to bound Cl
Faraday’s constant, R is universal gas constant, EFe is standard cell and vice versa is done using the chloride equilibrium empirical
potential of Fe, anode (V,SHE), EO2 is standard cell potential of O2, equation given by LanAnh [8].
cath. (V,SHE), EY
Fe is standard cell potential of Fe at 25 1C ( 0.44 V),
O2 is standard cell potential of O2 at 25 1C (0.40 V), ZFe: the number
of charge of Fe (2), zO2 is the number of charge of O2 (2), CCl: free 7. Conculsions
chloride concentration as a weight percentage of binder/cement,
pH is power of hydrogen ion concentration, P02 is partial pressure of Vital parameters on evaluation of corrosion in RC structures
oxygen and PY is atmospheric pressure. involving chloride concentration and temperature variation are
Please refer to the Tafel diagrams shown in Fig. 6(a) and (c) for determined by NDT and numerically evaluated through parametric
further illustration of this enhancement. In the original model as study. Appropriate parameters for material modeling evaluation
shown in the Fig. 6(a), the anodic gradient becomes constant of corrosion on the basis of already developed computational
beyond 0.4% free Cl; hence, under estimates corrosion potential for scheme were successfully identified. It is shown that the Tafel
higher vales of Cl. This has been taken care in the enhanced model slope co-efficient has a great influence on the evolution of corrosion
[V] [V]
EO2 logio of O2
EO2 logioof O2
passive condition
Ecorr. logicorr.
Fig. 5. Relationship of current and voltage with rate of corrosion accelerated by Cl migration.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Cathode curve -0.1
0.04% free Cl 0.4% free Cl & above Cathode curve 0.04% freeCl 0.4% free Cl
Ecorr. (V,SHE)
E [V]
0 -0.5 0
-0.2 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 -0.2 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0
-0.4 -0.6
-0.6 -0.7 -0.6
-0.8 -0.8
-1 -0.8 -1
Log (I) [A] Total Cl (% mass of binder) Log (I) [A]
Fig. 6. Evaluation of corrosion model by comparison with NDT: (a) original model, (b) half-cell potential vs. Cl(T=201C) and (c) enhanced model.
162 R.R. Hussain / NDT&E International 44 (2011) 158–162
0 0
-0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 -0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
-0.3 -0.3
-0.4 -0.4
-0.5 -0.5
-0.6 -0.6
Temp (Deg.C) Temp (Deg.C)
Corrosion m model
Avg. Exp. results
0 0
-0.1 0 20 40 60 80 -0.1 0 20 40 60 80
-0.2 -0.2
-0.3 -0.3
-0.4 -0.4
-0.5 -0.5
-0.6 -0.6
Temp (Deg.C) Temp (Deg.C)
Fig. 7. Variation of half-cell potential with temperature: (a) 0.04% NaCl, (b) 0.4% NaCl, (c) 1.0% NaCl and (d) 3.0% NaCl.
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