Notes On New Keynesian Models
Notes On New Keynesian Models
Notes On New Keynesian Models
Luca Brugnolini
Jun 2018
The model derivation follows Brugnolini and Corrado (2018) and Gali (2008). I tried to be consistent with
standard notation mostly used in DSGE literature. The model I use for the analysis is a New-Keynesian
model embedding infinitely life-time utility maximiser agents and monopolistically competitive firms producing
differentiated goods using only labor and technology. There is no capital, and no investment. Each period,
households choose between consumption and saving, and the only asset in the model is a risk-free bond. Finally,
a Central Bank is in charge of maintaining price and output stability.
The household sector is made by a representative household maximising his expected lifetime utility U (Ct , Nt )
at period t = 0. I assume a utility function depending only on consumption Ct and normalised leisure 1 − Nt .
Consumers minimise expenditure given the consumption level of composite good Ct . I assume that regularity
conditions on the utility function hold and that ∂U/∂Ct > 0, ∂U/∂Nt < 0, ∂U/∂Ct2 < 0 and ∂U/∂Nt2 < 0.
Moreover, I assume a standard constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) functional form of additively separable
consumption and labor.
X Ct1−σ N 1+φ
max E0 βt − t (1)
Ct ,Nt ,Bt
1−σ 1+φ
Where β is the intertemporal discount factor, σ is the coefficient of the relative risk aversion, and φ is the
inverse of the Frisch elasticity. E0 is the expectation operator conditional to the information set at time zero
E [·|I0 ] I also assume that there is a continuum (in the [0, 1] interval) of different goods produced with constant
elasticity of substitution (CES) technology.
Z 1 −1
1− 1
Ct = Ct (i) di (2)
Where is the parameter controlling the degree of substitutability among goods. The utility is maximised
subject to the household’s budget constraint and a no-Ponzi game condition in the government bonds market.
Z 1
Pt (i)Ct (i)di + Bt ≤ (1 + Rt )Bt−1 + Wt Nt − Tt + ΠF
t (3)
lim Et {BT } ≥ 0, ∀t (4)
T →∞
The representative consumer allocates wealth between consumption and saving. In the equations, Pt (i) denotes
the prices of different goods i, (1 + Rt ) is the gross interest rate on risk-free bonds Bt purchased in the
previous period. Tt is a lump-sum tax/transfer. Wt stands for labor price (wage). To derive the optimal
allocation between goods, the representative agent maximises total consumption subject to any possible level
of expenditure. The Lagrangian of the described maximisation problem is displayed in equation (5), and the
associate multiplier is denoted by ψt .
Z 1 Z 1 −1
min L1 ≡ Pt (i)Ct (i)di − ψt Ct (i) − Ct (5)
Ct (i) 0 0
From the first order conditions (FOC) I can recover the demand schedule and the aggregate price index described
by equations (6) and (7).
Z 1 1−
Pt ≡ ψ t = Pt (i) di (6)
Pt (i)
Ct (i) = Ct (7)
After some algebraic manipulations and by plugging equation (7) into the consumer’s budget constraint, I can
write the second-step of the household mazimisation problem as a current value Lagrangian.
X Ct1−σ N 1+φ
max L2 ≡ E0 β t
− t − Λt (Pt Ct + Bt − (1 + Rt )Bt−1 − Wt Nt + Tt )
Ct ,Nt ,Bt ,Λt
1−σ 1+φ
Where Λt is the Lagrangian multiplier. By solving the system of first-order conditions I can recover the labour
supply (8) and the Euler equation (9).
= Ntφ Ctσ (8)
" −σ #
Ct+1 1 1
Et β = (9)
Ct Πt+1 (1 + Rt )
I assume that firms operate under monopolistic competition and produce differentiated goods by using labour
Nt as their only source of input. Technology At is equal among firms, and the production function takes the
following form:
Yt (i) = At Nt (i)1−α (10)
Where Yt (i) stands for the production of output i and α is the output elasticity concerning labor input. In the
paper, I assume that price levels adjust à la Calvo (Calvo, 1983) with a fraction 1−θ of re-optimizing firms and
a fraction θ of non-re-optimizing firms with θ ∈ [0, 1]. This assumption is extremely useful because it allows to
compute a proxy for the potential output of the economy by setting to zero the fraction of non-re-optimizing
firms. Imposing θ = 0 allows removing the only source of inefficiency in the production sector by releasing the
price rigidity assumption. Equation (11) displays the aggregate price index under the Calvo price assumption.
+ (1 − θ)Pt∗1−
Pt = θPt−1 (11)
Where Pt∗ is the optimal price chosen by the optimizing firms. As θ → 0, Pt = Pt∗ implying that all the firms
can reset their prices as in a flexible price economy. By dividing both sides by Pt−1 , equation (11) can also be
rewritten in terms of gross inflation.
t = θ + (1 − θ) (12)
Re-optimizing firms solve a profit maximisation problem subject to a downward sloping demand constraint.
The Lagrangian for this problem can be written as in equation (13).
Ct+k Pt
Where Qt,t+k = β k Ct Pt+k is the stochastic discount factor. As I assume that households own firms,
coerently I assume that the two agents have the same discount factor. Ψt+k is a cost function depending on
the production level. I assume that the regularity conditions on the cost function hold. Maximising for Pt∗ , I
retrieve equation (14). P∞ −σ
k=0 (θβ) Et Ct+k Yt+k Pt+k M Ct+k
Pt∗ =M P∞ k
−σ (14)
k=0 (θβ) Et Ct+k Yt+k
where M =
−1 is the firms’ mark-up. Notice that when θ = 0 the optimal price setting is given by Pt∗ = MΨ0t|t .
As a second-step, firms choose the optimal amount of labor to minimise their total costs subject to the resource
constraint. Equations (15) and (16) display the Lagrangian function for the firms’ minimisation problem and
the associated first-order condition for Nt .
Nt (i) − M Ct Yt (i) − At Nt (i)1−α
min L4 ≡ (15)
Nt (i) Pt
∂L4 Wt 1
≡ M Ct = (16)
∂Nt (i) Pt (1 − α)At Nt (i)−α
Where M Ct is the Lagrangian multiplier, which also represents the marginal cost of increasing the production
by one unit (shadow price). At is a forcing variable representing a structural shock hitting the available
technology. I assume that ln(At ) is distributed as an autoregressive process of order one with normal Gaussian
innovation, as showed in equation (17).
a,t ∼ N 0, σa2
ln(At ) = ρa ln(At−1 ) + a,t , (17)
Where ρa is the autoregressive parameter with |ρa | < 1, and σa2 ∈ R+ is the variance of the Gaussian innovation.
Central Bank
I assume that a Central Bank is in charge of maintaining price and output stability by responding to output
and inflation deviations from their respective targets. The feedback rule employed by the Central Bank is
described in equation (18).
φπ φy
Rt Πt Yt
= Θt (18)
Where Π∗ and Y T are the Central Bank targets in term of inflation and output, R is the steady-state level of
the net interest rate, φπ and φy are the reaction coefficients of inflation and output deviations from the targets.
Finally, Θt is the monetary policy shock. I assume that ln(Θt ) is distributed as an autoregressive process of
order one with normal Gaussian innovation, as showed in equation (19).
θ,t ∼ N 0, σθ2
ln(Θt ) = ρa ln(Θt−1 ) + θ,t , (19)
Where ρθ is the autoregressive parameter with |ρθ | < 1, and σθ2 ∈ R+ is the variance of the Gaussian innovation.
1.1 Equilibrium
In the model defined by equations (8) to (14) and (16) to (19), a competitive equilibrium is defined as a vector
of prices {Pt , Rt , Wt }, allocations {Ct , Yt , Nt , Bt , Tt , M Ct , Λt } and a process for the exogenous state variables
{At , Θt } such that:
The last point implies that all the output produced is also consumed (equation 20), and that labor supply is
equal to labor demand (equation 21).
Yt = Ct (20)
− 1−α
1−α Z 1
Yt Pt (i)
Nt = di (21)
At 0 Pt
The non-linear system of equations is made-up by equations (22) to (31). These are the labor supply, Euler equa-
tion, household’s budget constraint, firms optimal price setting, labor demand, price dynamics, inflation dynam-
ics, goods market clearing, labor market clearing, Central Bank feedback rule. I also model the exogenous vari-
ables as autoregressive processes of order one. The endogenous variables are Wt , Pt , Nt , Ct , Rt , Πt , Pt∗ , Yt , M Ct ,
Bt , Tt while At , Θt are exogenous forcing variables.
= Ntφ Ctσ (22)
" −σ #
Ct+1 1 1
Et β = (23)
Ct Πt+1 (1 + Rt )
Pt Ct + Bt = (1 + Rt )Bt−1 + Wt Nt − Tt (24)
P∞ k −σ
k=0 (θβ) Et Ct+k Yt+k Pt+k M Ct+k
Pt∗ =M P∞ k
−σ (25)
k=0 (θβ) Et Ct+k Yt+k
Wt 1
M Ct = (26)
Pt (1 − α)At Nt (i)−α
+ (1 − θ)Pt∗1−
Pt = θPt−1 (27)
t = θ + (1 − θ) (28)
Yt = Ct (29)
− 1−α
1−α Z 1
Yt Pt (i)
Nt = di (30)
At 0 Pt
φπ φy
Rt Πt Yt
= Θt (31)
3 Steady-state relationships
In steady-state I obtain the relationships described by equations (32) to (41) by dropping the time subscript.
The detailed steady-state relationships of the model are reported in the appendix. In what follows, I assume
that variables without the time t index denote the steady-state counterpart of the dynamic variables. Thus
Pt = P , Rt = R, Wt = W , Ct = C, Yt = Y , Nt = N , Bt = B, Tt = T , M Ct = M C, Λt = Λ, At = A, and
Θt = Θ.
= N φC σ (32)
R= (33)
P C = RB + W N − T + ΠF (34)
MC = (35)
W 1
MC = (36)
P (1 − α)N −α
P∗ = P (37)
Π=1 (38)
Y =C (39)
N= (40)
Θt = 1 (41)
A useful feature of the NK model is the possibility to derive a final sistem which resemble a dynamic form
of well-known economic relationship as the IS curve and the New-Keynesian Phillips curve. To derive these
relationship we need to o find an equation for the potential output YtF , as these relationships are written in
terms of output-gap. Thus, I need to retrive a functional form for this variable. Starting from the firms’ price
maximisation, I get the flexible price mark-up Pt∗ = MΨ0t|t . Given that under flexible prices Pt∗ = Pt I have
1 Wt 1
M Ct = M. By plugging the flexible price mark-up into the labor demand equation M Ct = Pt At (1−α)Nt−α ,
1 1+φ
YtF = (1 − α)At1−α (42)
Where variables (YtF ) with the superscript F denotes variables in flexible price equilibrium.
4 Log-Linearization
In this section I will follow mainly two different approaches to log-linearise the equations around the non-
stochastic steady state of the model. The first method uses a first order Taylor expansion, thus it reduces to
compute a bunch of first order derivatives, while the second uses some results from Uhlig (1995) and can be
applied to the equations without directly compute any derivatives. In my opinion, the first method is more
general and it is really useful when one would like to compute higher order approximations (second, third,
etc.). Instead, the second method is faster for first order approximation. Following this reasoning I will just
apply the first method to some equations, but I will carry on the analysis of the model using the second one.
Let’s start remarking that the reason why we use the logarithm is to interpret parameters as elasticity (per-
centage change). However, using the log and the Taylor expansion leads to two different approximations; the
first coming from the fact that log-differences are approximations of the percentage change (negligible when
the percentage change is small), while the second coming from the fact that we are using a linear function to
approximate a non-linear one (at least using a first order Taylor expansion). This is negligible only in a small
interval around the steady-state.
Equation (43) shows a first order Taylor expansion with n variables. Notice that the function is approximated in
a particular point x0 which is a vector in Rn . Thus the function will be approximated to its value computed at
that particular point plus the slope in the different dimensions represented by the first order partial derivatives
computed at that particular point. In a two dimesion simple case this means that I am approximating a
non-linear function with a line, while in a higher dimensional space I am approximating it with some planes
(R3 ) or hyperplanes (Rn>3 )
∂f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )
f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) ≈ f (x1,0 , x2,0 , . . . , xn,0 ) + (x − x1,0 )
x1 =x1,0
∂f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) ∂f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )
+ (x − x2,0 ) + . . . + (x − xn,0 ) (43)
∂x2 ∂xn
x2 =x2,0 xn =xn,0
Now, I would like to express my function as a log-deviation from the steady state. Recalling the properties of
the log, for our proof is useful to highlight that the log-deviation is an approximation of the percentage change.
x − x0
x̂ = log(x) − log(x0 ) ≈ (44)
The basic idea behind the prof is to rewrite the Taylor expansion in percentage change and use the log-deviation
to approximate it. In order to comply with this idea it is useful to work with a two variable case as in equation
∂f (x1 , x2 ) ∂f (x1 , x2 )
f (x1 , x2 ) − f (x1,0 , x2,0 ) ≈ (x − x1,0 ) + (x − x2,0 ) (45)
∂x1 ∂x2
x1 =x1,0 x2 =x2,0
We multiply and divide the three different pieces by f (x1,0 , x2,0 ), x1,0 and x2,0 holding:
Finally by using Equation (44) we can rewrite the general formula to linearise any function as a log-deviation
from the steady state.
∂f (x1 , x2 ) ∂f (x1 , x2 )
f (x1,0 , x2,0 )fˆ(x1 , x2 ) ≈ x1,0 x̂1 + x2,0 x̂2 (46)
∂x1 ∂x2
x1 =x1,0 x2 =x2,0
As an illustrative example consider the labor supply, as in equation (8), repeated here for convenience:
= Ntφ Ctσ
Where subscritp ss is added to highlight steady-state varaibles, but in what follow will be dropped for notation
simplicity. By computing the derivatives of Wt w.r.t. price, hours worked and consumption an plugging into
the above equation and using the properties of the exponential functions we get
where in order to simplify the notation I have written the steady state value without the subscript ss. Finally
P N φCσ
solwing for ŵt and using the steady state relation W = 1 we get the log-linearised labor supply.
all the other equation in the system can be easily derived following the same reasoning.
The secon method of log-linearisation mainly follows the three Uhlig’s building blocks1 .
xt yt ≈ 0 (51)
Where xt and yt are real variables close to zero (xt = log(Xt ) − log(X̄), in our notation this will be x̂t ), X̄ is
the steady state value of the variable Xt (in our notation this will be just X) and a is a constant (the second
and third building blocks are up to a constant). As suggested by Uhlig we replace each variables by X̄ext ,
than applying the three building blocks. After some manipulations, all the constants drop out to each equations.
5 The log-linearized model
The final model described by equations (8) to (14) and (16) to (20) is fully non-linear and cannot be solved
analytically. The most straightforward route to solve the model is by fully log-linearising it around the non-
stochastic steady-state, and taking a first-order perturbation approach. The fully-log-linearised model is re-
ported in equations (53) to (63).
ŵt − p̂t = φn̂t + σĉt (53)
ĉt = Et ĉt+1 − ît − Et π̂t+1 (54)
X ∞
θk β k (p̂∗t − p̂t−1 ) = θk β k Et
m̂ct+k|t + (p̂t+k − p̂t−1 ) (56)
k=0 k=0
n̂t = (ŷt − ât )2 (60)
(1 − α)
Where κ = λ σ(1−α)+φ+α
1−α , λ = Θλ (1−θ)(1−βθ)
θ , and Θλ = 1−α
1−α−α .
2 Taking the log-deviation of the market clearing condition I get
Y 1−α 1
N (1 + n̂) = 1+ (ŷt − ât ) + RES (59)
A 1−α
where RES is a very small quantity in a neighborhood of the zero inflation steady-state and can be neglected in a first order
Taylor expansion. See Gali (2008) chapter 3, Appendix 3.3.
6 System reduction – IS and Phillips curve derivation
To simplify the model to a minimum set of equations, I mainly follow Gali (2008). Recalling the convergence
result for geometric series P∞ 1 = (1 + βθ), equation (56) can be rewritten as (64).
k=0 θk β k
p̂∗t − p̂t−1 = (1 − βθ) θk β k Et
m̂ct+k|t + (p̂t+k − p̂t−1 ) (64)
As α 6= 0, I rule out the constant return to scale hypothesis, meaning m̂ct+k|t 6= m̂ct+k . I than need to find an
equation for m̂ct+k|t . Starting from the marginal cost equation and plugging n̂t = 1−α (ât − αŷt ) I derive an
equation for m̂ct+k , and accordingly for m̂ct+k|t – equations (65) and (66).
m̂ct+k = ŵt+k − p̂t+k − (ât+k − αŷt+k ) (65)
m̂ct+k|t = ŵt+k − p̂t+k − (ât+k − αŷt+k|t ) (66)
Thus, equating the two expressions, and by plugging the demand schedule, I derive an expression for m̂ct+k|t 3 .
m̂ct+k|t − m̂ct+k = (ŷt+k|t + ŷt+k ) (67)
m̂ct+k|t = m̂ct+k + (p̂∗ − p̂t+k ) (68)
1−α t
Finally, by plugging (68) into (64), and after some algebraic manipulations, using π̂t = (1 − θ)(p̂∗t − p̂t−1 ), I
can retrieve an equation for the New-Keynesian Phillips curve.
X α
p̂∗t − p̂t−1 = (1 − βθ) θk β k Et mct+k − (p̂∗ − p̂t+k ) + (p̂t+k − p̂t−1 ) (69)
1−α t
X ∞
p̂∗t − p̂t−1 = (1 − βθ) Θ θk β k Et mct+k + θk β k Et (p̂t+k − p̂t−1 ) (70)
k=0 k=0
1 1
p̂∗t − p̂t−1 = (1 − βθ) Θ mct + (p̂t − p̂t−1 ) (71)
(1 − θβF ) (1 − θβF )
1−α (1−θ)(1−βθ)Θ
Where Θ = 1−α−α , λ= θ . and F is the forward operator. Finally, after some manipulations, the
marginal cost equation is given by plugging into (62) the labour supply ŵt − p̂t = σ ŷt + φn̂t and the log of the
3 By taking log of the demand constraint Yt+k|t = Pt+k
(Yt+k ) I have ŷt+k|t = ŷt+k + (p̂∗t − p̂t+k ). Then m̂ct+k =
m̂ct+k|t + 1−α
(p̂∗t − p̂t+k ).
market clearing conditions n̂t = 1−α (ŷt − ât ).
σ(1 − α) + φ + α φ+1
m̂ct = ŷt − ât (74)
1−α 1−α
Re-arranging in a convenient way, and by plugging the log-linear equation of flexible equilibrium output I
derive equation (77)4 .
σ(1 − α) + φ + α 1−α φ+1
m̂ct = ŷt − ât (75)
1−α σ(1 − α) + φ + α 1−α
σY (1 − α) + C(φ + α)
ŷt − ŷtF
m̂ct = (76)
C(1 − α)
where κ = λ σ(1−α)+φ+α
1−α .
Secondly, to find a functional form for the output-gap on the form of the New-Keynesian IS curve, I exploit
the Euler equation. Recalling the log form of the Euler equation, I have ĉt = Et ĉt+1 − σ1 (ît − Et π̂t+1 ). Plugging
the market-clearing condition for the goods market I have the following relationships:
ŷt = Et ŷt+1 − (ît − Et π̂t+1 ) (78)
To write it as function of the output-gap, I sum and subtract the flexible price output ytF .
ỹt = Et ỹt+1 − (ît − Et π̂t+1 ) + y,t (79)
Where y,t = ŷt+1 − ŷtF .
ỹt = Et ỹt+1 − (ît − Et π̂t+1 ) + y,t (80)
This system can be rewritten in matrix notation (companion form) as (83).
Where A (Θ) is the matrix of coefficients related to the forward-looking endogenous variables, B (Θ) is the
matrix of coefficients related to the predetermined variables and backward-looking variables; finally, C (Θ) is
the matrix of coefficients of the exogenous variables. These matrices depend on structural parameters, steady-
state values and reduced form parameters collected in the vector Θ ≡ [σ, φπ , φy , β, α, φ, θ, ]. Also, Yt+1 is a
vector of forward-looking endogenous variables, while Yt is a vector of backward-looking and predetermined
variables. Xt is a vector of exogenous variables distributed as an AR(1) and dependent on a set of i.i.d.
exogenous shock. The system described by equations (80) to (82) can be accomodated as in (83) as follows:
−1 −1 0 Et ỹt+1 −1 0 − σ1 ỹ 1 0
−β 0 Et π̂t+1 = κ −1 0 π̂t + 0 (84)
0 0
0 0 0 Et ît+1 φy φπ −1 ît 0 1
Notice that the matrix A (Θ) in this system is singulas, as it displays a row of zeros. Therefore the Blanchard
and Kahn (1980)’s conditions are not satisfied. An easy way to circunvent this issue is by noticing that
the equation corresponding to the row of zeros – i.e. the feedback rule – is a linear combination of other
contemporaneous variables (ỹt ,π̂t ), embedding no dynamics (dependence from past/future variables). Thus,
we can directly plug it into equation (80), and rewrite the minimum system of equation only for ỹt and π̂t .
This procedure, called system reduction, is the departure idea of King and Watson (1998, 2002). Equation (85)
shows the system of equation after we solve for ît and substitute into the other equations.
1 φπ 1
1 − σ(1−φ Et ỹt+1 −1 − σ(1−φ ỹ 1 − σ(1−φ
π) = π) t + π) y,t (85)
0 −β Et π̂t+1 κ −1 π̂t 0 0 θi,t
Where the matrix A (Θ) is now full-rank as |A (Θ) | = −β. After checking that A (Θ) is invertible, the model
can be solved, provided that some other conditions are satisfied.
8 Solution method
The log-linearised model can be solved via different methodologies, as it results in a system of linear stochastic
difference equations under rational expectations (Blanchard and Kahn, 1980; King and Watson, 1998, 2002;
Sims, 2002). Although these methodologies return approximately the same solution, they are tailored for
different issues that can arise in the model specification. With some minor differences, all the methodologies
start rewriting the system of difference equations in companion form, as shown in equation (86).
Where A (Θ) is the matrix of coefficients related to the forward-looking endogenous variables, B (Θ) is the
matrix of coefficients related to the predetermined variables and backward-looking variables; finally, C (Θ) is
the matrix of coefficients of the exogenous variables. These matrices depend on structural parameters, steady-
state values and reduced form parameters collected in the vector Θ. Also, Yt+1 is a vector of forward-looking
endogenous variables, while Yt is a vector of backward-looking and predetermined variables. Xt is a vector of
exogenous variables distributed as an AR(1) and dependent on a set of i.i.d. exogenous shock. Blanchard and
Kahn (1980)’s conditions require the invertibility of the leading matrix A (Θ) to solve the companion form for
Et Yt+1 , as showed in equation (87).
−1 −1
Et Yt+1 = A (Θ) B (Θ) Yt + A (Θ) C (Θ) Xt (87)
• Xt ≡ [at , θt ]
Following Blanchard and Kahn (1980), a solution exists if the number of backward-looking variables is equal
to the number of stable roots, while the number of forward-looking variables must be equal to the number of
unstable roots. On the contrary, when the number of stable roots is greater than the number of predetermined
variables there are multiple solutions. While, when the number of unstable roots is greater than the number of
forward-looking variables, I have no solutions. If this condition is met, the variables will return to their long-
run equilibrium path after the model has been shocked. Since the stability of the solution crucially depends
on the calibrated parameters, which are collected in the vector Θ, in the next section, I briefly describe our
calibration procedure.
9 Calibration
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5 This condition is usually called rank condition, due to the fact that any matrix to be non-singular has to be full-rank.
6 As the system in (86) is transformed by the forward operator F in (A (Θ) F − B (Θ))Y t = C (Θ) Xt .
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