Weigle's Nine-Part Typology of Creation Myths
Weigle's Nine-Part Typology of Creation Myths
Weigle's Nine-Part Typology of Creation Myths
Marta Weigle, in her book Creation and Procreation: Feminist Reflections on Mythologies of Cosmogony and Parturition, has identified nine types of
creation myths (Leonard and McClure 33). Often more than one of these types are combined in a single story. For instance, the Genesis account combines
both the deus faber and ex nihilo types (Leonard and McClure 43). Students should avoid treating one type of myth as better or worse than another. Each
type tries to make sense out of the created world, and each has its own sphere of value (Leonard and McClure 33).
EX: Warm air from Muspell mingling with cold air of Niflheim (Norse)
Secretion These myths see creation as a result of "divine emissions as 'vomit, sweat, urination, defecation, masturbation, birth of human
web-spinning, [and] parthenogenesis'" (Weigle qtd. in Leonard and McClure 35). Parthenogenesis is the production of rather than
an offspring from an unfertilized egg or gamete. According to Leonard and McClure, myths following this pattern world; humans
generally focus on the birth of life or humans (Leonard and McClure 35-6). as ‘descendants’
of gods
EX: Father Raven defecates/urinates creating land and water (Chuckchee)
Sacrifice These myths focus on creation as a consequence of the sacrifice of a god. Typically the sacrificed bodies become some cost of creation
part of the newly created world (Leonard and McClure 36-7).
EX: Sun and moon formed by the sacrifice of the human Nanauatzin (sun) and the god Tecuciztecatl (moon) in the
hearth Teotexcalli (Nahuatl)
Division/ According to Weigle, these myths are "'usually associated with discriminating primal matter or a cosmogonic egg [or] how to
Consummation with the consumated marriage of earth and sky'" (qtd. in Leonard and McClure 37). Usually, "the sky-father casts his discriminate the
seeds into the earth-mother in the form of rain" (Leonard and McClure 37). These myths focus on separating the parts of the
various parts of the universe and embuing certain portions with life or the potentiality for life (Leonard and McClure universe so that
38). life can survive
EX: Coyote, First Man, First Woman leave cramped, dark world through series of worlds to their eventual home
Two Creators In these myths, the world is created through the combined efforts of or the conflict between two gods. These gods may hierarchies in
be of the same sex, opposite sex, or may be twin gods. Often one god is more ethical or compassionate than the other. life; higher and
These myths also sometimes establish hierarchies between created beings, that is, a society of class (Leonard and lower classes of
McClure 40-1). life
EX: Kolombomui fangi and Mwile vie with each other over who can create life (Basonge)
Deus Faber In these myths, the world is created by a great Maker god. The emphasis is on the creator's craftmanship and on the wonder of
"intricacy and cleverness of creation" (Leonard and McClure 41-2). nature; intricacy
and complexity
EX: Creator models humans out of clay, then wood, and finally corn (Maya) of life
Ex nihilo The Latin phrase "ex nihilo" means "'from nothingness' or 'from spirit' and is used to describe cosmogonies in which life as the breath
the creator brings the world into being through speech, breath, dream, thought, or laughter" (Leonard and McClure 43). of god; word
creates order
EX: God of Genesis speaks the world into existence (Judaeo-Christian)
Adapted from
Leonard, Scott and Michael McClure. Myth & Knowing: An Introduction to World Mythology. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2004, pages 33-43.