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Service Manual




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ELITE 6900
PRO 6800
Table of Contents
1. Assembly _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 3
2. Installation of the Rear Leg Assembly 3
3. Installation of the Front Leg Assembly 4
4. Installation of the Saddle and Seat Slider 5
5. Installation of the Pedals 5
6. Assembly and Installation of the I landlebar and Post 6
7. Testing the bike__ 7
8. Sef\ ll:e tool kit
9. Pren:ntat1ve :Vlamtenance - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
10. Cleaning I0
I I . Torque Spec's I0
12. Adjustments 11
13. Flywheel Chain Adjustment 11
14. Clutch Test Procedure (Elite Only) 12
15. Clutch Adjustment Procedure 12
16. Pans Replacement 13
17. Bottom bracket _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 13
18. Crank installation _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14
1 9.CrankSetTu~ing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14

20. Crank removal - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - 14

21. Pedals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15
22. Brake Tension Knob 15
23. Brake Pad 15
2-l. Seat 15
25. I landlebar I Seatpost slce\ e 16
26. Pop Pi n 16
27. Adjustable foot 16
28. h ont transport wheel 16

Page 1 of 21
1. Installation Instructions

~ .:-'I N BIKc A~v =iv1B LY A1 JD SETUP

Use the following procedures to unpack and assemble your STAR TRAC SPINNER ® BIKE.

Prepare the area that you will be unpacking and assembling the bike to be free from debris that may cause
damage. Observe all safety precautions and care while unpacking and assembling the bike.

Open the shipping carton, carefully remove all parts from the shipping carton and foam inserts, inspect all
-:irk: ~ ri •or: ' ' " _,r scrP"''> "'nd VPr:', •1-,"1! tfie '"llov rig r:iarts are includPd ·n ,,,...,,ir c::hipmP.nt:

NXT Parts List

Description Qty. Description Qty.
Handlebar Post 1 M 1 Ox1 .5, 55mm Button Head Screw 4
Handlebar 1 M 1Ox1. 5, 65mm Button Head Screw 4
M8x1 .25, 16mm Flat Head Screw 2 M10x1.5 Nyloc Hex Nut 8
M8x1 .25, 16mm Socket Set Screw 1 1Omm Washer, Flat 16
Seat Post 1 Wrench Hex, 5mm 1
Seat Slider Assy, with Saddle 1 Wrench Hex, 4mm 1
P r!al set 1 set Multi Wrench
Front Leg Assy. With Transport Wheels 1 Spare Parts Kit (USA Only) 1 Kit
RearLegA_s_ sy~·~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---'

Pro/Elite Parts List

Description Qty.
Description Qty.
Handlebar Assy. 1
M10x1.5, 55mm Flat Head Screw 4
Seat Post M10x1.5Nut
1 4
Seat Slider Assy, with Saddle 1Omm Washer, Flat 4
Pedal Set 1 set Wrench Hex, 5mm 1
Front Leg Assy. With Transport Wheels 1 Wrench Hex, 4mm 1
Rear Leg Assy. 1 Multi Wrench 1
Spare Parts Kit (USA Only) 1 Kit
Spare Parts Kit- Save the box of spare parts in a safe place so you have service parts when needed in the
future. The spare parts kit contains a spare saddle, brake pad and pedals straps. These items are not included
in the parts warranty.

NOTE: If you are missing any of the parts listed above, inspect the packing material and the box for items that
may have been overlooked.

If parts are missing, or if you have any product questions, please call Star
Trac's Service Department at (800) 503-1221, please have your Spinner®
serial number ready.

CAUTION: Damage to the bike during assembly is not covered as part of the
limited Star Trac warranty. Take care not to drop or lean the bike on the
handle bar pop pin. Carefully stand the bike up in the normal upright position
on a stable surface so it will not tip over during assembly.

Page 2 of 21
Following these steps in order will minimize the build time and ensure proper assembly.

Note: Not all of the following procedures are performed on all models; Spinner ® Pro, Elite and NXT.

If the procedure is particul ar to that model only it will be noted as follows. (NXT Only) or (Pro/Elite Only)
or (NXT/Elite Only)

Installation of the Rear Leg Assembly

Lift up the rear of the bike frame and place the rear leg assembly in position under the
frame, aligning the holes in the leg with the holes in the frame.
NXT Only 1. Position the leg so the thicker end faces toward the front
of the bike
2. Using the 5mm hex wrench and a 13mm combination
wrench insert 2- M10X55mm (rear-most holes) and 2-
M10X65mm (front-most holes) button head screws, nuts
and washers (under bolt head and nut), to secure the
rear leg assembly to the frame. The nut should be on

• the bottom of the bike and the head of the screw on the
top of the bike.

Pro & Elite Only
• 3. Tighten all hardware securely using a torque wrench to
85 Inch Pounds

1. Lift up the rear of the bike frame and place the rear leg
assembly in position under the frame , aligning the holes
in the leg with the holes in the frame.
2. Using the 5mm hex wrench and a 13mm combination
wrench insert 2- M10X55mm flat head screws, nuts and
washers to secure the rear leg assembly to the frame.
Th e nut should be on the bottom of the bike and the
head of the screw on the top of the bike.
Tighten all screws/nuts securely using a torque wrench to 85
Inch Pounds
Pro/Elite w

Position the bike on a flat surface and adjust the

leveling feet so the bike is stable.

Page 3 of 21
~- - ----

Installation of the Front Leg Assem bly

NOTE: The front foot assembly has wheels attached to the front edge. Be sure the wheels face forward when
installing the front leg assembly.

Stand the bike frame upright and gently tip the front of the bike up and position the front foot under the frame ,
with the wheels facinq fo rw~rd
y ~"). '1 ~· ~

NX f \J. ,iy
1. Position the leg so the thicker end faces toward
the front of the bike
2. Using the 5mm hex wren ch and a 13mm
combination wrench insert 2- M 1OX55mm (rear-
J most holes) and 2-M10X65mm (front-most holes)
button head screws, nuts and washers (under bolt
/ head and nut), to secure the rear leg assembly to
the fr r ie Tlie nut should b on the bottom of the
j b1Ke and the head of the screw on the top of the
3. Tighten all hardware securely using a torque
wrench to 85 Inch Pounds
Pro & Elite Onll'.
1) Using the 5mm hex wrench and a 13mm
a -- combination wrench insert 2- M 1OX55mm flat
head screws, nuts and washers to secure the rear

j~ leg assembly to the frame. The nut should be on

the bottom of the bike and the head of the screw
~ on the top of the bike.
2) Tighten all screws/nuts securely using a torque
wrench to 85 Inch Pounds

Position the bike on a flat surface and adjust the

leveling feet so the bike is stable.

Page 4 of 21
Installation of the Saddle and Seat Slider
1. Install the seat post into the frame and lower it to the lowest position and tighten the pop pin securely.
2. Slide the seat slide into the top of the seat post with the saddle pointed towards the front of the bike.

NXT Only

~ 1. Rotate the seat slider lock knob as needed so that the slider clamp is in

·- L

alignment with the guide rail
There is a locking pin under the saddle that has to be pulled up as you
move the slider into position. Release the pin when the indicator 1s within
the 0 to 9 range.
Test the seat slide for proper operation and full travel.

Pro & Elite Only
1. Unscrew the seat slider pin far enough to allow the slider to pass over the
2. Tighten screw with the slider within the usable range.
3. Test the seat slide for proper operation and full travel.

Installation of the Pedals

NOTE: The pedal shafts are marked "R" and "L". Trying to install the pedals on the wrong side may damage
the pedal and the crank arm. Take caution to attach the pedals to the correct side of the bike (picture shown is
for Elite/NXT).

1) Install the pedals on the pedal cranks using a 15mm open-end

wrench and tighten securely.

2) Turn the left pedal spindle counterclockwise when threading into

the left crank arm; turn the right pedal spindle clockwise when
threading into the right crank arm.

Page 5 of 21
Assembly and Installation of the Handlebar and Post
NXT Only
1) Positioning the handlebar post with the numbers 1 on top and
insert the handlebar into the handlebar sleeve locking 1t at number
2) Slide the handlebar onto the handlebar post insert with the water
bottle holders facing forward and aliqn the three screw holes
1r '>Lt C
uyr ~n di trns 111ni:::.
4) Insert the 2 flat head screws into the handlebar but do not tighten
at this time.
5) Check for prope r alignment then tighten the 2 flat head screws
using a 5mm hex wrench to 60 inch pounds.
6) Tighten the set screw to 60 inch pounds using a 4mm hex wrench.
7) Slide the h ndlebar post into the frame making sure the holes
face the front of the bike.
8) Ai1m1 th..:: ;:iost to go !J .re '·c. e 11 · e ,a·, ,n 10 le\el 1 ar· j
align the pop pin so t snaps into the hole then tighten the pop pin
and test for steadiness.
9) Loosen the pop pin and raise the handlebar to its highest position
number 10 and tighten the pop pin and test for steadiness.

Pro & Elite Only

1) Slide the handlebar post into the frame making sure the holes
face the front of the bike.
2) Allow the post to go into the frame all the way in to level 1 and

' align the pop pin so it snaps into the hole then tighten the pop pin
and test for steadiness.
3) Loosen the pop pin and raise the handlebar to its highest position
and tighten the pop pin and test for steadiness.

Page 6 of 21
Testing the bike
~se this checklist to perform the bike test procedure to ensure the bike is operating properly. _
D Recheck all bolts to make sure they are all tightened to the proper torque specification and no parts were
left off the bike or are missing.

D Test the handlebar and seat post to make sure they move freely and you are able to lock in at different

D Check the seat to make sure it is level and tight and does not rotate around or tilt forward or backward.
Tighten and adjust as needed.

D Test the seat slide for easy movement front to rear and the ability to adjust it to different settings.

Testing the flywheel and brake mechanism.

CAUTION: The flywheel will continue to spin after you pedal and the crank arms and pedals will rotate with
the flywheel. Brake tension is adjustable by turning the red resistance knob in the front of the bike,
clockwise to tighten the brake and counterclockwise to loosen the brake. Pressing down on the knob will
apply the brake momentarily if you need to stop quickly.

D Adjust seat post and handlebar post to your comfort. Ride I test the bike for proper operation according to
the owner's manual.

D Pedal the bike at a moderate pace and test for proper and smooth resistance changes while varying the
amount of turns on the resistance knob.

D When the testing is complete tip the bike forward using the handlebars and roll it on a smooth surface to the
final location. Check and adjust the leveling feet so the bike is stable.

Page 7 of 21
------------------ ~-- --
Service tool kit
Startrac recommends the Minimum following tools to be used when servicing the bikes.
4mm Allen Wrench
5mm Allen Wrench
7m rn I'>. ll pri 11\lrpnch
I. -
\ I

Crank Arm Puller

10, and 13mm Combination Wrench
10, 13 and 14mm Socket Wrench
Torque Wrench in inch pounds
29MM Deep Socket

Park tool company sells tools for bikes and these tools are compatible for spin bikes, check your
local bike shop or http: \vww.parktool.com/

Pedal Wrench PW-3

Crank Bolt Wrench CCW-14R

Crank Arm Puller CCP-2

Page 8 of 21
Spinner Pro I Elite and NXT bikes
Maintenance Checklist
With durable, high performance components, STAR TRAC BIKES are designed for heavy usage with minimal
maintenance required. To keep your bike in top condition, Star Trac strongly recommends performing the
regular daily, weekly and monthly preventive maintenance routines outlined below. Any unusual symptoms,
such as a loud continuous noise during operation, should be reported to STAR TRAC PRODUCT SUPPORT
DEPARTMENT at (800) 503-1221, or USA 1-714-669-1660.

D= Daily W= Weekly M=Mont hly (depending on the amount of use, some

_Q_rocedu res ma_y_ need to be _e_erformed more fre_g_uent~

Preventative Maintenance
D w M Procedure
x • The daily maintenance of the bike will determine the life of the bike by how consistently it
is performed.
• Wiping down the bike at the end of each class will prevent rust and other forms of
x corrosion to build-up. Never use abrasive cleaning liquids or oil base when wiping down
the bike.
x • The Weekly maintenance should focus on the overall performance of the bike. During
this portion of the maintenance look for vibration and possible loose assemblies. This
check will require an experienced rider to help.
• Bottom Bracket Assembly (BBA) will come loose periodically and require tightening. Loose
x play (left and right motion) will determine if the BBA needs adjusting.
• Inspect each bike for loose parts, bolts and nuts.
x --
x • The monthly maintenance check should be a comprehensive inspection of the overall
frame and main assembly components of the bike.
x • Inspect all wear items for adjustments or possible part replacement.
The drive chain will require lubrication once a month or after every 100 hours of use. The
x • chain should be lubricated with a light oil (preferably lubrication that comes with a spray
hose that fits in front of the lubrication can) and a dry clean towel.

Page 9 of 21
· Cleaning
../ Wipe the bike down after each use with a clean soft towel.
../ Keep the area well ventilated.
2 Daily
../ Cleaning the bike after each use with a non corrosive all purpose cleaner such as diluted
Simple Green®
3 Bi-Weekly
~ ripling c.l r •<;t i~'l •,. r c;uch as LPS 1 Nill '.'W c.ltly i'lr ht re formation r·,f rt ct.
. .)d __ , "

Concentrate on areas where rust forms
• Welded Frame Corners (Pro & Elite)
• Frame Edges (Pro & Elite)
Inside rim of flywheel (All Spinners)
../ On steel bikes (Pro and Elite), remove handle bar and seat posts. Remove plastic sleeves and
thoroughly clean it and the inside of the frame (Stiff brush and cleaner works well}. Wipe down
plastic with a rust inhibitor, as well as the inside of the tube.

../ Thoroughly clean the handlebar and seat posts, reassembly, and check for proper fit and
____o~p_e_rat 1on. ____ _ _J

Torque Spec's
Tighten the pedals and crank arms weekly using the proper pedal wrench .

i Weekly inspect all screws for proper tension using a torque wrench. Refer to the TORQUE spec table below.
Product Toi::g_ue S_Qecifications (Ref: 12 Inch _p_ounds =1 foot_Qoundl

cu Torque Torque Torque

I- 0 Description Part
x .~ a.:: (kgf cm) (ft lbs) (in lbs)
z w a..
x x x Brake Spring Block Bolt M6x1.0*30L 20.0 - 17.0
x x x Back Chain Guard Bolt M5x0.8*16L 15.0 - 13.0 .__,
x x x Chain Guard Bolt M5x0.8*50L 15.0 - 13.0
x x x Back Chain Guard Bolt M4x0.7*12L 10.0 - 9.0
x x x Chain Tensioner Bolt M6x1.0*16L 25.0 - 22.0
x x x Back Chain Guard Mounting Bracket Bolt M5x0.8*16L 25.0 - 22.0
x x x Chain Guard Bolt M5x0.8*30L 25.0 - 22.0
x x x Chain Guard Bolt M5x0.8*16L 15.0 - 13.0
x - - Handlebar Sleeve bolt M4x0.7*12L 5.00 - 4.0
x - - Handlebar bolt M8x1.25*16L 70.0 - 60.0
- - -1 Handlebar bolt M8x1.25*16L
- - f-
x - - Seat Post Sleeve Bolt M4x0.7*12L 5.00 - 4 .. 0
x x x Crank Bolt M8x1 .0*22L 414.0 30.0 -
x x x BB Axle Nut M20x1 .0*6L 140.0 10.0 -
x x x Leg to Frame M1 Ox1 .5*55L 96.0 7.0 -
x - - Leg to Frame M10x1.5*65L 96.0 7.0
_.__ -

Page 10 of 21

Flywheel /Chain Adjustment

Adjustment to the chain should only be made if the chain is too loose or too tight. Over tightening the chain will
result in chain breakage or reduction in life of the chain, leaving the chain too loose will result in the chain
coming off the sprocket.

Loosen the nuts on the sides of the flywheel.

Lo0sen the lock nuts on the chain adjust screws.
Tighten or loosen both chain adjust screws equally.
Slowly turn the crank while keeping your fingers away from the
Adjust the chain tension so the chain falls smoothly onto the
sprockets and does not pop. Too tight or too loose will make the
chain pop or jump as it goes over the teeth of the sprockets.
Align the chain to the sprockets by adjusting the angle of the
flywheel so the chain runs smoothly over the teeth of the sprockets.

Page 11 of 21
Clutch Test Procedure (Elite Only)
The clutch may need adjusting if the flywheel does not break free when the pedals are stopped or if the
fl heel sli s excessive! while edalin .
1. Remove the left crank arm (the one without the sprocket and chain). Remove the plastic dust

cover by popping it off with a small screwdriver to expose the 14 mm bolt. Remove the 14 mm bolt
by_ turning it counter-clockwise.
2. Re, 10\'e 'le '-'• cr1k a rn using a cran k-extnction '.ool.

Crank Arm Puller CCP-2

Be sure to sufficiently thread the crank extraction tool before turning the crank extraction arm. Failure
to do so can result in stri ed threads.
3. Tighten the brake knob as tight as possible BY HAND ONLY.
4 . DO NOT check the torque by applying the torque wrench t o the 14 mm bolt. 45 - 50 ft-lbs.
exceeds the recommended maximum tightening torque of 30 ft-lbs. and WILL BREAK THE BOLT,
5. Set the tor ue settin of the tor ue wrench to 45 - 50 ft-lbs.
6. Using a torque wrench and a 29 mm deep socket on the jl!!!f
bearing retaining nut.(RED ARROW) Turn the reta ining nut !
in a clockwise direction so that the bottom bracket axle .~(.~/VJ,·~·
rotates backwards. -~
7. If the torque is not 45 - 50 ft-lbs. Use the following Clutch
adjustment procedure to adjust the torque ===i===::;:;:;t:~~-,

Clutch Adjustment Procedure
1. Remove the chain guard by removing the four screws.
2. If the torque is not 45 - 50 ft-lbs. using a 5 mm
alien wrench, give each of the set screws a little
clockwise turn. A "little turn" is about 10 degrees.
Be sure and turn all 5 set screws so they have
equal pressure to obtain the proper adjustment.
Recheck the torque for different positions arou nd
the clutch. If it is still not 45 - 50 ft-lbs. repeat
the procedure.

NOTE: The goal is to make all the set screws have

the same pressure on the clutch.

3. Install the chain guard with the 4 screws.

Reattach the crank arm, and tighten the 14 mm bolt to 30 ft-lbs. Pop the plastic dust cover back on.
Test the clutch system for proper operation for normal riding use. Observe all safety practices.

Page 12 of 21
Parts Replacement

Bottom bracket
1. Cranks must be removed from the spindle to service the bottom
bracket bearings.
2. Remove the cranks arm bolts using the 14 MM socket
3. Remove the crank arms using a crank remova l tool CCP-2
4. Remove the 29MM nut from the right side of the bottom brncket

r11L~ing the bohom oracket spindle on the ngnt siae. It will take
some force to release the bearings from the frame, follow safe
working practices.
6. Note: If you will be using the spindle again, take care not to
damage it.
7. 0'1ce f-ie bear:ng and spindle are out of one side of the frame use
1 a punch and mallet to remove the bearing and nut off the spindle
._, "' 1-:; 0 knock out:~~ na 1 ing bt:a~,ng. o·scard
the bearings, they re not reusable and if the spindle is damaged
I discard it.
8. Clean the inside of the bearing housing and remove any
remaining Loctite.
9. Apply some Green # 680 Loctite to the new bearing and align it
. with the frame and using the rubber coated mallet, tap the bearing
into the frame. NOTE do not hit the inner race of the bearing.
I 10 Insert the bottom bracket spindle into the bearing from the other
side of the frame.
11 . Apply some Green # 680 Loctite to the second bearing and install
it into the frame and onto the spindle.
12.Apply some Loctite #242 and attach the nuts to the spindle and
using two 29MM open end wrenches tighten the nuts to press the
bearing into the housing.
13. Tighten the nuts until the bearings are both firmly seated into the
housing then back off both nuts just until there is smooth rotation
of the bottom bracket spindle. Test the nuts to make sure they are
at 10 foot pounds.
14. Check for side to side play or looseness before re-installing the
cranks and chain guard.
15. Remember to torque the crank arm bolts to 30 foot pounds.
16. Check the pedals for looseness and tighten if needed,
17. Observe proper safety precautions while testing the bike for
ro er smoothness while edalin .

Page 13 of 21
Crank installation
Cranks are pressed tight onto the tapered square spindle. The square spindle is made with a
slight upward sloping taper. The crank square fitting also has a slight taper. The crank bolt
acts as the pressing tool and forces the arm up the slope of the spindle. The bolt or must be
tight enou_g_h to kee_Q from loosening_, use a to,-g_ue wrench and tighten to 30 foot_.12_ounds.

~--- - - ------ - - - - - - - - ---

Crank Set Testing

1. Cranks connect the pedals to the bottom Crank Bolt Wrench CCW-14R
bracket spindle. The arms are pressed tightly
to the bottom bracket spindle. Cranks must be
removed from the spindle to service the
bottom bracket bearings.

2. If the crank arm is allowed to be used while 1t

is loose it may damage the crank arm and the
bottom bracket spindle. Check the crank arms
for looseness and proper fit on the square end
of the spindle if the crank is still wobbly after
the crank bolt is properly tightened using the
crank bolt wrench or a socket to 30 foot
ounds it will need re lacement.

Crank removal
1. Remove the chain cover, loosen the flywheel axle bolt and loosen the chain tension screws. Take the
chain off the right side crank.
2. Remove the crank bolts.
3. Use a crank arm puller such as the Park tool number CCP-2 to remove the
crank arms.
4. Look for bolt or nut at end of crank in line with bottom bracket spindle. If no
bolt is visible, remove dust caps.
5. Before installing crank puller into crank, turn puller nut away from internal driver as much as possible. If
puller nut happens to unthread from internal driver, thread it back on only 3-4 turns.
6. Thread large external thread of puller (nut) into arm, taking care not to cross thread. Tighten puller nut
into crank using wrench.
7. Thread internal driver into puller nut. Using handle or adjustable wrench, tighten driver until crank is
loose on spindle. Pull arm from spindle and unthread both parts of tool from arm. Use care not to skin
knuckles when removin tool. Re eat rocess on other crank.

Page 14 of 21
Us ~ • e pedal ich as , 'e Pa K to1 I
number PW-3, or a 5/8 inch open end wrench tighten
the pedals weekly. Failure to tighten the pedal can
result in pedal wear or breakage.

lsrake Tension Knob

. Remove the acorn- nu_t_a_n_d_l-o c_k_n_u_t _fr_o_ 4____________
m_t_h_e_ _ _ _
bottom of the brake knob assy.
Unscrew the brake knob all the way and the I
large brass nut, spri ng and alignment wedge
will fall out. I
3. Pull the brake knob assy up and out of the
L bike. ---------------

Brake Pad
1. To remove th e brake pad for replacement, first
remove the 2 bolts that hold the brake block
on the frame. The spring and brake pad will
come off.
2. Unscrew the brake pad from the spring and
install a new brake pad assy.
3. Attach the spring/brake assy to the brake
4. Tighten the bolts to 1.45 foot pounds US or 20
kgf/cm Metric.
5. Test the brake for proper operation.

1. Loosen the seat adaptor using two 14MM open end wrenches.
2. Lift the seat and adaptor off the seat post.
3. Loosen the seat adaptor enough to take the adaptor off the rails if
the new seat does not have an adaptor and transfer the adaptor
to the new seat.
4. Hand tighten the adaptor on the rails

Page 15 of 21
Handlebar I Seatpost sleeve
1. (NXT Only) Using a small Allen wrench,
unscrew the small screws at the top of the
plastic insert.
2. Unscrew and pull out the pop pin while pulling
up on the handlebar or seatpost.
3. Pull up the insert while pulling out the pop pin.
4. Reverse the steps to install. And tighten the insert Seef po~t
screws to NXT i~sert NX1'

Pop Pin
1. Pull the pop pin out and lift the seatpost or
handlebar post out of the bike.
2. Using a 20MM open end wrench, unscrew the
nut holding the pop pin and it will unscrew out
of the frame.

Adjustable foot
1. Using a number 3/4" open end wrench, unscrew the foot.
2. Insert the new foot and screw it in by hand until it is all
the way in.
3. Stand the bike upright and level all four feet.
4. Tighten the lock nut on each foot.

Front transport wheel

1. Using a number 4 alien wrench, loosen the bolt and remove the wheel
2. Insert the new bolt and wheel and thread by hand into the other side and

Page 16 of 21

---------------- -

--- - - ------
- - - - - - ----- ---~

Page 17 of 21
Startrac Product Maintenance Log
Model_ _ _ _ _ __ Serial Number_ _ _ _ _ __ Mfg Date _ _ _ __

ID~ Cleaning I Problem/Adjustment Part Replaced

- ---;

- - - - + - - - - - ------~-+--~- ---- - ----


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8uO-Ju0-122 i



Copyright©, Star Trac 14410 Myford Road Irvine, CA 92606

New Spinner Manual Rev M PN 620-7494.doc

Spinning® Computer

Installation and Service Manual

Table of Contents

FCC Regulatory Statements .................................................................................1

Parts List ................................................................................................................2
Parts List- cont’d ...................................................................................................3
Computer Window and Buttons...........................................................................4
Setup Mode ............................................................................................................5
Setup Mode- cont’d ...............................................................................................6
Setup Mode- cont’d ...............................................................................................7
Sync Mode .............................................................................................................8
Re-Syncing process..............................................................................................9
Installation of Cadence Sensor – All Spinners®...............................................10
Installation Procedure V Bikes...........................................................................11
Installation Procedure Pro 5800 / 6800 / Elite 5900 ..........................................12
Installation Procedure Elite 6900 and NXT 7000...............................................13
Installing or Replacing the Batteries .................................................................14
FAQ’s and Troubleshooting ...............................................................................15
FAQ’s and Troubleshooting – cont’d ................................................................16
Specifications ......................................................................................................17
Marketing Statement Regarding Heart Rate......................................................18
Layout Diagram ...................................................................................................19
Maintenance Checklist........................................................................................20
Spinning Education.............................................................................................21
FCC Regulatory Statements

1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Star Trac could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Parts List
All 727-0083 Spinning Computer Kits include:

Spinner Computer Kit Quantity Description

727-0092 1 Spinner Computer Assembly
580-0310 4 AA Panasonic Batteries
727-0093 1 Spinner Computer Mounting Bracket
140-3362 1 V2 Bracket Mounting Insert
140-3363 1 Pro Bracket Mounting Insert
727-0084 1 Spinner Computer Cadence
727-0094 1 Cadence Magnet Assembly
620-7654 1 Spinner Computer Manual
290-0039 1 M5 Allen Assembly Tool
290-0041 1 M2 Allen Assembly Tool

Parts List- cont’d

The Spinner bike computer consists of the following:

• Computer - mounts on the handlebars. This is the user interface and will show HR, RPM, kCal,
total distance and elapsed time. The computer receives signals from both the cadence unit and
a heart rate strap.

• Mounting Bracket and Inserts – mounts onto V-Bikes and Pro-Bikes. The thicker wall insert is used on the V-Bike
bracket assembly. While the thinner wall insert is used on the earlier versions of the Pro-Bike (i.e. Johnny G series).

V2 Insert (Thick Wall) Pro Series Insert (Thin Wall)

Computer Mounting Bracket Clamp

• Cadence sensor - mounts under the left (looking from back of bike) flywheel mount. It
transmits a signal to the computer in which it calculates the user’s RPM speed.

• Magnet - mounts on the left (looking from back of bike) side of the flywheel. It activates the
Cadence sensor when it passes by the internal reed switch.

Before installing the Spinning Computer, verify that all the parts needed for mounting on your bikes are included. If any of the
items are missing, call StarTrac at 800-503-1221 to order a replacement kit.
Computer Window and Buttons
Start pedaling then press any button to turn on the spinning computer.

Pressing the Left button (LIGHT BUTTON) turns on the backlight for low lit rooms.

Pressing the Right button (TOGGLE BUTTON) displays the following information:

HR- Displays the Heart Rate of the user wearing a compatible Polar HR telemetry strap in beats per minute.

RPM- Shows the pedaling speed of the user in Revolutions Per Minute.

Total Distance- Distance measured in miles or kilometers depending on the setup selection.

Elapsed Time – The length of time in minutes from the time the computer has been activated or reset.


Light button – Turns on the backlight to enable viewing in low lit settings.

Toggle Button - Toggles between: Total Distance and Elapsed time.

Setup Mode
Setup is required only if you need to change a setting or view information.

To activate Set-Up Mode:

1. Press any button to activate computer.
2. Wave a magnet along the right side of the Spinning Computer until the display window shows
all LCD segments flash.

3. Press Toggle (right) button to scroll through available set-up options.

4. Press the Light (left) button to change settings on the current display option.

Setup mode options:

GEAR and Software Version - Gear Ratio, Select 1 (2.875) for V Bike
models or 2 (3.250) for all other models.

• Units - Miles or KM

Setup Mode- cont’d

• BLON – (Default Back Light On) the amount of time the backlight will stay on when
the left button is pressed. NOTE: A shorter backlight time will result in longer
battery life (recommended). Select between 1 second to 60 seconds using the
Light button and press Toggle button to save.

• BLU – (Back Light Usage) Total time in minutes that the back light has been on
since the last data clearing. Press the Light button to clear data, if desired, then
press Toggle button to accept and advance to the next setting

• UH – (Usage Hours) Total operation time in hours of display since the last data
clearing. Press the Light button to clear data, if desired, then press Toggle button
to accept and advance to the next setting

• ODO – Total miles / KM

Pressing the toggle button again will exit setup mode.

Setup Mode- cont’d

• SON – (Summary ON Time) Number of seconds that the summary will be

displayed at the end of the workout. Options: 30, 60, 90, or 120 seconds select by
using the Light button and press Toggle button to accept.

5. To exit Set-Up mode, press the Toggle button several times until the computer returns to Workout Mode (Refer to figure in
page 4).

6. Once out of Set-Up mode and in the Workout mode, one could start monitoring the workout.

Sync Mode

Syncing will need to be performed in any of the following events:

• First receiving the Spinning Computer Kit.
• Changing the 4AA batteries on the Computer.
• The original cadence and computer are no longer a pair. (i.e. when users swap
handlebars with the computer attached.)

Syncing process when first receiving the kit or installing/replacing the 4 AA batteries:
1. Remove the battery lid on the backside of the Spinning Computer and insert or replace
the 4 AA batteries.
2. Once the batteries are installed, the user will see characters on the display window which
confirms that the Workout mode has been activated.
3. To begin the Syncing process, press and hold Toggle and Light buttons simultaneously.
The display should now show “Conn _ _ _” on the window.
4. Within one minute, press the Reset button on the Cadence and wave the magnet along
any of the Cadence sides.

Press Reset Button

5. Note: If Cadence and magnet are already mounted onto the Spinning bike, move
flywheel of Spinning bike to pass magnet by Cadence.
6. Once the magnet passes by the Cadence (may have to pass magnet by cadence several
times), the syncing process will be confirmed when a random ID is displayed “Id xxxxx”
(e.g. Id 45896)
7. Accept ID by pressing the Toggle button.
8. Once the Syncing process is done, the display should start showing the Workout mode.

Re-Syncing process
Syncing process for when the original cadence and computer
are no longer a pair:

1. To begin the Syncing process, press and hold Toggle and Light buttons simultaneously.
The display should now show “Conn _ _ _” on the window.
2. Within one minute, press the Reset button on the Cadence and wave the magnet along
any of the Cadence sides.

Press Reset Button

Note: If Cadence and magnet are already mounted onto the Spinning bike, move flywheel of Spinning bike to pass
magnet by Cadence.

5. Once the magnet passes by the Cadence (may have to pass magnet by cadence several
times), the syncing process will be confirmed when a random ID is displayed “Id xxxxx”
(i.e. Id 45896)
6. Accept ID by pressing the Toggle button.
7. Once the Syncing process is done, the display should start showing the Workout mode.

Installation of Cadence Sensor – All Spinners®

1. Before the cadence sensor is securely fastened to the flywheel dropout, it must be adjusted so that it is about 5 mm
(.20 in) from the magnet face. Install the magnet on the flywheel so that it aligns with the arrow on the end of the
cadence sensor. Note the distance between the end of the cadence sensor and the magnet face. Remove the
cadence bracket and adjust the distance by pulling or pushing the cadence bracket.

2. Tighten the set screw on the cadence mounting bracket using the M2 Allen tool. Caution! Do not over tighten the
set screw.

3. Mount the magnet with the adhesive tape side onto the flywheel by positioning the magnet so it will line up in front of
the cadence sensor as the flywheel turns.

Installation Procedure V Bikes

Time required:
• 15 Minutes
Parts required:
• 727-0083 Spinning® Computer Kit
NOTE: The thick insert is used on the V bikes
Tools required:
• M5 Allen Wrench
• M2 Allen Wrench

4. Place the thick insert inside the bottom part of the Mounting Bracket
Clamp. Then position the mounting bracket onto the center-curved
portion of the handlebars. Once positioned correctly, tighten the 4 M6x20
screws using the M5 Allen tool.

5. Install the computer onto the mounting bracket by sliding the computer clamp
over the long portion of the bracket. Tighten computer clamp with the M6 screw
and nut using the M5 Allen tool.

Installation Procedure Pro 5800 / 6800 / Elite 5900

Time required:
• 15 Minutes
Parts required:
• ®
727-0083 Spinning Computer Kit
NOTE: The thin spacer is used on Pro 5800/6800 and Elite 5900 bikes.
Tools required:
• M5 Allen Wrench
• M2 Allen Wrench

1. Place the thin insert inside the bottom part of the Mounting Bracket Clamp.
Then position the mounting bracket onto the center-curved portion of the handlebars. Once positioned correctly,
tighten the 4 M6x20 screws using the M5 Allen tool.

2. Install the computer onto the mounting bracket by sliding the computer clamp over the long portion of the bracket.
Tighten computer clamp with the M6 screw and nut using the M5 Allen

Installation Procedure Elite 6900 and NXT 7000

Time required:
• 15 Minutes
Parts required:
• 727-0083 Spinning® Computer Kit
NOTE: The inserts and mounting bracket are not used on
the NXT or Elite 6900
Tools required:
• M5 Allen Wrench
• M2 Allen Wrench

1. Install the mounting bracket to the center flat section of the handlebar by slightly prying the computer bracket
clamp open.

2. Secure clamp down by tightening the M6x20 screw and M6 nut.

Installing or Replacing the Batteries
Low Battery
Time required: Indicator
• 5 Minutes
Parts required:
• 4 AA Alkaline batteries
Tools required:
• Slotted or Phillips Screwdriver

1. Remove the computer from the handlebar or Spin Computer

Mounting Bracket.

2. Loosen the captive screw on the back of the battery cover (Screw will not completely come off, it will remain captive.)

3. To remove the cover, pull on the captive screw and lift.

4. Exchange the batteries with 4 new AA Alkaline batteries.

5. Take note of the way the batteries are inserted into the computer,
they are not in a plus and minus, plus and minus pattern. The +
sign indicates the positive (+) side on the battery and the -
indicates the negative (-) side on the battery.

6. Attach the battery cover and tighten the screw.

7. Finally, attach the computer onto the handlebar or computer mounting bracket and test.

FAQ’s and Troubleshooting

• No Display
o Press any button
o Pedal the bike and then press any button
o Check batteries in computer

• No Heart Rate
o Is the user wearing a Polar brand heart rate strap?
o Moisten the strap and wear it against the skin
o The battery in the strap might be low, try another strap

• Which Heart Rate Strap works with my spinning bike computer?

o Any Polar® Brand HR Strap. However, in a group environment, suggest to use any Polar® “coded”
series to reduce HR Crosstalk.

• Picking up another riders heart rate

o Bikes might be too close to each other and receiving HR from another rider, move the bikes so
there is more space from the computer of your bike to the chest of the other rider. See diagram
page 23.
o ®
Each rider should wear a Polar “coded” series.

FAQ’s and Troubleshooting – cont’d

• No RPM
o Is the magnet on the left side of the flywheel and aligned with the cadence sensor?
o Sync up the computer and cadence unit.
o Check the battery in the cadence sensor
o If pedaling exceeds 120 RPM, the computer will flash the 120 value until rpm’s decrease.

• What is the battery life?

o Computer batteries last approximately 1 year depending on usage and backlight use. (Note: “Low
Batt” will be displayed underneath the Heart symbol, suggesting battery replacement)
o Cadence sensor battery lasts approximately 2.5 years.

• What does the computer display?

o Cadence= RPM
o Heart Rate = BPM
o Total Distance= MILES / KM
o Elapsed Time = Minutes
o Total Calories = kCal

• Replacement battery?
o Computer batteries 4 AA Alkaline
o Cadence sensor battery is a Lithium CR2032


Heart Rate Range Approximately 30” From Computer to users HR strap
Battery Qty 4 each AA Alkaline
Battery life expectancy 1 year (depending on use and backlight usage)

Cadence unit:
Battery Lithium CR2032
Battery life expectancy approximately 2.5 Years (depending on use)
Distance to magnet approximately 5mm

Marketing Statement Regarding Heart Rate
Marketing Statement Regarding Heart Rate Acquisition on the Star Trac Spinning® Computer:

Star Trac takes the acquisition and accuracy of heart rate very seriously and has developed a system to perform to the best
ability that technology will allow. Star Trac has engineered a product that has taken every precaution possible to acquire an
accurate heart rate signal as well as eliminate “cross-talk” interference that may be caused by other monitors being placed too
close together.
To achieve the best possible results from your Spinning Computer, please abide by the following important parameters:
© © © ®
1) Users should wear Coded Transmitters (such as Polar T61, Polar T31C or Polar WearLink ) when operating
the Spinner bike with the Spinning Computer. Although all Polar-compatible transmitters are compatible with the
Spinning Computer, the use of a Coded Transmitter will allow a “one to one” relationship with the Spinning
Computer and will minimize potential crosstalk interference. If users wear non-coded straps, there is significantly
increased potential for “cross-talk” which may cause erratic heart rate display and reduce the consistency of accurate
heart rate reporting. .
2) Bikes should be spaced so that the side-to-side distance from the Spinning Computer on one bike and the Spinning
Computer on bikes to the left or right is at least 36 inches (91.4 cm). In addition, the distance from the bottom of the
Spinning Computer on one bike to the seat of the bike in front of it (where another rider and his/her transmitter would
be seated) should be at least 24 inches (61 cm) in order to significantly reduce chances for interference. Please see
the diagram on page 19.
3) Calorie calculations are displayed as a summary only and will ONLY be shown if a user utilizes a heart rate strap
throughout the entire workout.

If there are any questions regarding operation or usage of the Spinning Computer, please contact Star Trac Customer Support
at 800-503-1221.

Layout Diagram

Maintenance Checklist
Star Trac strongly recommends performing the regular daily, weekly and monthly preventive maintenance routines outlined
below. If any items need replacement call STAR TRAC PRODUCT SUPPORT DEPARTMENT at
(800) 503 -1221, or USA 1-714-669-1660. To order replacement parts we will need the serial number and model number.
D= Daily W= Weekly M=Monthly (depending on the amount of use, some procedures may need to be performed
more frequently)

Preventative Maintenance

D W M Procedure
Daily maintenance of the computer will determine its life of the computer by how consistently it is
3 • Wipe down the computer with a soft cloth after each use.
3 • Dilute Simple Green (1) with water (30) (30:1 ratio) spray onto a soft cloth then wipe the Spinner
3 NOTE: Never spray directly onto the Spinner Computer.
• Never use abrasive cleaning liquids or oil base, ammonia or alcohol when wiping down the computer.

The weekly maintenance should focus on the overall performance of the computer. During this portion of
the maintenance look for vibration and possible loose assemblies.
3 • Inspect each computer for loose parts, bolts and nuts. Adjust as necessary.
3 • Remove any computers that are not properly mounted and are deemed unsafe.

The monthly maintenance check should be a comprehensive inspection of the overall assembly
components of the computer.
3 • Inspect all areas for proper adjustments
3 • Inspect all parts to determine damage which will require possible part replacement.
3 • Battery Low will display when the battery needs replacement. Replace the batteries in the computer
with 4 High quality AA Alkaline batteries such as Duracell or Energizer.
• Inspect the mounting of the cadence sensor and magnet to insure it is intact and working properly.

Spinning Education

Understanding the relationship between cadence, resistance and intensity is key to Spinning® program classes that

meet training goals. By using the Spinner® computer, you will become more proficient at increasing power, gaining

efficient leg speed and mastering the relationship between ideal resistance and heart rate intensity.


Before discussing cadence and how to use the Spinner® computer effectively, one needs an understanding of heart rate
monitoring. Heart rate monitors are used in the Spinning program for continuous feedback on exercise intensity. For effective
training, it is desirable sometimes to exercise at anaerobic intensity and aerobic intensity at some other times. Heart rates are
used to tell whether a person is in aerobic or anaerobic intensity. Generally speaking, when heart rate is between 65 % – 80%
of one’s maximum heart rate (MHR) it is aerobic, and is anaerobic when the heart rate is above 80%.. An easy way to estimate
one’s maximum heart rate is to use the age-predicted formula: 220 – age. Subtract one’s age from 220 to get age-predicted
maximum heart rate. For example, a 30 years old has 220 – 30 to get age-predicted maximum heart rate of 190 beats per
minute (BPM).

Energy Zones™
The Spinning Energy Zones are the foundation of heart rate training in the Spinning® program. Each Energy Zone is a type of
training based on exercise intensity (indicated by heart rate).

Energy Zone Intensity Range Purpose

Recovery 50% to 65% of MHR Relaxation and energy accumulation.

Endurance 65% to 75% of MHR Raises metabolism, burns fat, increases energy.

Strength 75% to 85% of MHR Improves muscular endurance and mental stamina.

Interval 65% to 92% of MHR Trains the heart to recover quickly from work effort.

Race Day 80% to 92% of MHR To challenge the well conditioned exerciser.


50%-65% 65%-75% 75%-85% 65%-92% 80%-92%
20-23 100-129 129-149 149-168 129-182 160-182
24-27 98-126 126-146 146-165 126-178 155-178
28-31 96-123 123-143 143-162 123-175 153-175
32-35 94-120 120-140 140-159 120-172 150-172
36-39 92-118 118-137 137-155 118-168 146-168
40-43 90-116 116-134 134-151 116-164 143-164
44-47 88-113 113-131 131-148 113-161 140-162
48-51 86-110 110-128 128-145 110-157 137-157
52-55 84-108 108-125 125-141 108-153 133-153
56-60 82-105 105-122 122-139 105-150 131-150


What is Cadence?
Cadence is defined as the number of times the pedals revolve per minute, also known as RPM for revolutions per minute. The
safest, most efficient and most realistic cadences are 80–110 RPM for a flat road and 60–80 RPM for a hill. These ranges are
based on studying the cadences of elite cyclists as well as understanding how the muscles work together to turn the pedals in
the most efficient manner.

Cadence Range for Flat Roads: 80-110 RPM

Pedaling faster than 110 RPM is both unrealistic and counterproductive. On the Spinner bike, the resistance knob is used to
increase friction on the flywheel in order to simulate realistic external forces one would encounter on an outdoor bike, such as
road surfaces, bike weight and wind resistance.

Pedaling faster than 110 RPM is unrealistic because:

• It’s like pedaling very fast in a very low gear—there’s a low power to resistance ratio.
• It’s wasted energy. If a person pedaled like this on street bike, he/she wouldn’t generate much power or speed.
• Only a skilled cyclist who has worked on her pedal stroke for many years and has trained the nervous system to react
quickly is able to pedal efficiently at 100+ RPM for an extended period. Because of his/her strength and ability to overcome
the higher resistance at faster leg speeds, it is said that he/she has a high power to resistance ratio.

Pedaling faster than 110 RPM is counterproductive because:

• No amount of high-cadence/low-resistance pedaling on a Spinner® bike will succeed at training the nervous system
properly. The flywheel is doing most of the work.
• One won’t achieve his/her performance and weight loss goals.
• One won’t build leg strength.

Is it good to pedal faster than 110 RPM?
Those who have a high power to resistance ratio may occasionally attain these leg speeds. This means they have the ability to
overcome resistance through strength and speed. The rare, highly skilled Spinning® enthusiast (often cyclists) who have
mastered a smooth pedal stroke and who understand the dynamics of cadence can pedal faster than 110 RPM for 1-3 minutes.
A high performance sprint, used judiciously in ride profiles may require cadences over 110 RPM for 10-20 seconds.

Bouncing in the Saddle

When riding at cadences of 100-120 RPM with too little resistance, the rider will bounce in the saddle. What causes the
bouncing has to do with the pedal stroke. There are four phases to the pedal stroke. Many riders, however, usually have only
one phase—straight down. That means that they haven’t perfected sweeping the foot back at the bottom of the pedal stroke
and pushing the toe forward at the top. As a result, they push down furiously on the pedals and rely on the flywheel to carry
their foot the rest of the way. When their foot reaches the bottom of the crank arm, the leg can go no further, and the hip is
raised up off the saddle, creating that familiar bouncing. The short-term solution is to add more resistance, but one must also
work on pedal stroke technique and cadence drills.

Cadence Range for Hills: 60-80 RPM

Since 1998, Lance Armstrong has amazed the cycling world with his ability to pedal at 90 RPM up some of Europe’s toughest
climbs. But keep in mind that Lance can ride at 400 watts for several hours and stay aerobic (watts is a measure of power; 400
watts is a lot of power), whereas many skilled cyclists may be lucky to achieve 400 watts for a few minutes. In order to pedal at
90 RPM up a steep hill, one must either be superhuman or must choose a gear that is so low (granny gear), that the bike
barely moves. The granny gear is the small cog found on the front chain ring of mountain bikes and some road bikes—it allows
the rider to climb hills at a much higher cadence and lower resistance, but his/her power and speed are reduced.

It’s not dangerous to exceed 80 RPM on a hill, but for extended periods it will likely raise the rider’s intensity too high and won’t
achieve the strength benefits of climbing. It is all right to exceed 80 RPM for brief periods, such as in a standing climb for the
last 10-20 seconds. The rider intensity will increase dramatically, so make sure one has planned for this in his/her profile.

The lower limit of 60 RPM on a hill is for safety reasons. There won’t be many situations where a cyclist will pedal slower than
60 RPM. If one cannot turn the cranks at a faster cadence than 60 RPM the resistance is too high. A key indicator is the need
to contort the body by throwing his weight into pushing the pedal downward while pulling on the handlebars. This excessive

resistance places too much load on the knee joint and puts the hips and low back at risk. One wouldn’t perform a bicep curl
with a weight that would require the rider to throw his/her hips forward. The same applies to resistance while pedaling. A rider
must build the strength in his legs using appropriate resistance at a cadence no lower than 60 RPM. If a steep hill is the goal,
find the highest amount of resistance one can maintain while employing good form at 60 RPM without contorting the body to
turn the pedals. Remember, 60 RPM is one revolution of the pedals per second.


1. Warm-Up. The first ten minutes of a Spinning ride are critical for establishing proper cadence. With no resistance
during warm-up, one may tend to pedal too quickly thus raising the heart rates prematurely. During the warm-up, it’s
important to work on cadence by keeping intensity under control (65% or less). Use the warm-up to establish a smooth
cadence and gradually establish a balanced intensity. Similarly, after the warm-up, be cautious of increasing cadence
over 100 RPM with light resistance (this will also cause a potential anaerobic event and one may spend the remaining
class time attempting to recover). In other words, if one chooses to climb after the warm-up, ensure that intensity and
cadence are increasing equally.
2. Resistance. Resistance is good. Some riders are afraid to add resistance because they think they’ll end up with
bulging quadriceps. But in cycling, it is the sprinters who have the larger quadriceps (high cadences, lower resistance),
and the skilled climbers generally have the longer, leaner legs (lower cadences, higher resistance).
3. Intensity. Slower cadence does not necessarily mean lower intensity. Perhaps a rider feels that if he/she slows down
the RPM his/her heart rate will drop too low. But in fact, he/she is in control of the intensity because he/she can add
resistance as needed. Subtle turns of the knob should eventually generate the required response. Wearing a heart rate
strap is critical to monitor one’s intensity goals using the right combination of cadence and resistance.
4. Putting it Together. Cadence and resistance are inversely related. The next section will explain how cadence and
resistance work together to elicit a given intensity. With this understanding, one can coach others to select the
appropriate resistance and cadence for the terrain they have selected.


Cadence, resistance and intensity are interrelated. For any given intensity, there is a correlated cadence and

resistance combination. In other words, if one knows the intensity (heart rate) he/she wants to exercise at, and selects

the cadence at which to ride, he/she can find the right resistance to get to that intensity. Or if given a target intensity

and target cadence, one can dial in the right amount of resistance.

In other words, for every selected cadence parameter combined with a heart rate range, one should be able to find a
resistance that will attain that heart rate. The goal is to find that resistance through experimentation. Remember that on some
days the resistance may be slightly different than other days due to factors such as fatigue, stress, overtraining, or medication.


The following examples will help the rider to understand and learn to apply this relationship between cadence, heart rate and

1. Ride at a steady state heart rate of 75% maximal heart rate (MHR) on a flat road, at a
cadence in the range of 85–95 RPM. Dial in the amount of resistance necessary to reach
that goal.

2. Now find a moderate to hard seated climb at a cadence of 65-70 RPM and at a high-end
aerobic HR of around 80% MHR (a range is sufficient). Dial in the right amount of
resistance to reach that goal.

3. Now suppose the hill just became a little easier, but one wants to maintain the same HR of 80%. Because it’s still a hill,
his/her cadence should not rise above 80 RPM. What does one
need to do to stay at the same intensity as cadence increases? Answer: reduce the
resistance just a little.

4. Find a tough climb without exceeding 85% MHR. Continue adding resistance
until one feels the need to rise out of the saddle in a standing climb. (Outdoors, cyclists
stand on a climb when the road becomes steeper.) Maintain a cadence of 70–75 RPM.
Play with these three variables, finding the right combination to meet the parameters. If cadence picks up too fast, one will
have to increase the resistance. If heart rate rises too high, one will need to adjust one or both of the other variables (cadence
and/or resistance).

These exercises will help a rider becomes the master of the road and in control of his/her intensity. Instead of being told to turn
the resistance knob a particular number of rotations, One will be able to find the appropriate resistance for the cadence and
intensity desired.


Now let’s look at some specific cadence drills which one can incorporate into his/her rides

Cadence Drill #1: Teaching the concept of cadence vs. resistance

This drill introduces the relationship between cadence, resistance and intensity. The goal is to maintain the same intensity even
though the terrain changes. An outdoor cyclist would accomplish this by changing gears.

Begin on a flat road and ride at an intensity of 80% MHR and a cadence of 85 RPM for 5 minutes (this will allow you to
internalize the feel of the cadence and resistance). Ride at 85, 90 and 95 RPM for 3-4 minutes each, all the while maintaining
the same heart rate. If at any point one cannot maintain the intensity, he/she should ride at the last cadence to maintain the
desired intensity which could mean togo back down the ladder from 95 to 80 RPM.

Next, add a little hill while maintaining the same intensity. Remain seated and ride a progressively steeper hill by gradually
adding resistance every 3-4 minutes. Try to maintain the same intensity of 80%. In order to do so, one will have to slow his/her
legs down as the hill becomes steeper. Ride at 80, 75, 70, 65 and 60 RPM. If one cannot maintain the intensity he/she should
ride at the last cadence where he/she could.

Now for the hard part—transition to a standing climb. Once standing, ride back up the ladder from 60 to 80 RPM, reducing the
resistance slightly each time. It will be difficult to maintain the 80% MHR as the hill becomes less steep because heart rate
often rises with faster cadences on a hill. Take caution to find the correct amount of resistance (one that allows the rider to
maintain the desired cadence) while at the same time staying connected to the crank arms (no jerky pedal strokes). On this
drill, reduce the time spent at each level to 1 minute each.

Bounce Test

This drill introduces a basic and reliable method for determining your maximum cadence and also helps one determine the
highest cadence where one can safely and efficiently pedal without bouncing in the saddle. Skilled riders can achieve a higher
cadence, which will help train leg speed. With training and focus, one can improve skill and leg speed.

Select a flat road resistance at an aerobic intensity of 70-75% of MHR. Gradually increase the cadence from 80 to 100 RPM
about 3 RPM every minute, all on a flat road. One can make subtle adjustments to his/her resistance if needed. Intensity will
undoubtedly increase, but one should hit maximum cadence before reaching an anaerobic intensity. Stay seated deeply into
the saddle while pedaling. Pull the feet back at the bottom and push forward at the top of the pedal stroke.

If one start to bounce, reduce the cadence a few RPM to determine the exact point one can ride without bouncing. One will
probably need to raise the resistance slightly.


Ladders are a progressive increase or decrease in one of the following variables: cadence, resistance or intensity. This drill is
best employed using seated or standing flats and seated or standing climbs. Jumps do not work well for ladders.
One can use a combination of the following drills in any profile:

• Constant cadence with increasing resistance in a seated flat or standing flat. The terrain gradually becomes a hill.
• Constant resistance with increasing cadence, in a seated or standing position. Intensity can increase very quickly, so this
requires close attention to your heart rate monitor. This drill is also known as spin-ups or accelerations (see below).
• Measured heart rate increases (5 beats at a time) using a combination of cadence or resistance to elicit the increase in
intensity. This is an excellent tool to practice control.

Spin-ups (also known as accelerations) are a type of ladder where riders progressively increase the cadence over a fairly short
period of time. This drill requires a long warm-up. Spin-ups are done in intervals and can be quite intense, but they’re an
excellent way to train leg speed and improve muscle firing patterns in the legs. It also trains muscular endurance on hills. Spin-
ups help the rider to move beyond the cadence where he/she tends to bounce.

These drills are done in intervals with ample recovery in between. The work to rest ratio should be at least 1:2 or even 1:3. This
guarantees that when one begins the next interval, he/she is rested enough to give it his/her all. Insufficient recovery will
hamper the ability to perform the work interval.

On the Flats: Establish a flat road resistance at 80 RPM at an aerobic intensity. The first drill will be for 90 seconds,
progressively raising the cadence to 110 RPM. Every 10-12 seconds, raise cadence by 2-3 RPM. As one approaches and
surpasses 100 RPM, extra effort should be made to stay seated deeply in the saddle without bouncing (if one cannot do this
without bouncing, he/she should not go beyond that point—it will defeat the purpose).

Next, try this over 60 seconds, raising the cadence 2 RPM every 4 seconds.

Seated Climbs: Climb at 60 RPM with enough resistance to bring the intensity to 75%. Gradually increase the cadence to 80
RPM over 60 seconds. If possible, use 85% MHR as a ceiling. One may have to try this several times to find a hill that allows
him/her to stay within the desired intensity. Once reaching 80 RPM, hold this cadence for progressively longer periods. (15, 30,
45 and 60 seconds).

Standing Climbs: Begin at 60 RPM and gradually increase the cadence to 80 RPM. Intensity will no doubt rise quickly, so limit
the intervals to 45–60 seconds.

Spinning® Ride Profile
This Strength Energy Zone™ ride takes a rider on three hills, each one a little longer, steeper and therefore more difficult. For
the first hill, attempt to keep the heart rate at 80%max. Allow heart rate to rise to 85% with the second and third hills.

Elapsed Time Duration Movement/Cadence Intensity Technique

0:00 – 5:00 5 min Seated Flat 50-65% MHR Warm up for 5 minutes and allow heart rate to rise up to 65%
80-110 RPM MHR.

Seated Climb 80% MHR Settle in to the back of the saddle as you gradually add
5:00 – 9:00 4 min 80 RPM resistance and take your cadence to 80 RPM.

Seated Flat 75% MHR Unload resistance and increase cadence to 90-100 RPM. Find
9:00 – 12:00 3 min 90-100 RPM the right resistance to maintain a heart rate effort at 75%.

Seated Climb 80-85% MHR Add resistance to moderate/heavy and combine the two
12:00 – 20:00 8 min 60-80 RPM movements in any combination. Example: 3 min seated climb,
1 min jumps on a hill, repeat

Jumps on a Hill
60-80 RPM

Seated Flat 75% MHR Unload resistance and increase cadence to 90-100 RPM. Find
20:00 – 23:00 3 min 90-100 RPM the right resistance to maintain a heart rate effort at 75%.

Seated Climb Add resistance to moderate/heavy and combine all three
23:00 – 35:00 12 min 60-80 RPM 80-85 MHR movements in any combination. Example: 2 min seated, 1 min
jumps, 2 min standing, 3 min seated, 2 min jumps, 2 min

Jumps on a Hill
60-80 RPM

Standing Climb
60-80 RPM

Seated Flat 50-65% MHR Decrease resistance to light and allow HR to come down to
35:00 – 40:00 5 min 80-110 RPM 50-65%.



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