Concrete Paving Block Using Marble Stone Industry Waste: January 2015

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Concrete Paving Block using Marble Stone Industry Waste

Article · January 2015

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Concrete Paving Block using Marble Stone
Industry Waste
Khandve P. V. * Rathi A. S.
Assistant Professor and Member, Research scholar,
PRMCEAM, Badnera PRM College of Engineering and Management,
Amravati (MS) India. Badnera – Amravati (MS) India.
Abstract: With recent infrastructural development in urban India, trend of using paved surface
around the building or on road sides is increasing. Traditional Concrete paving bocks are the
most suitable, economical and locally available material for such paving surface. They are widely
used on footpaths, garden pathways, courtyard paving, bust stand sheds, parking areas and in
industry for working area. At the same time, amount of construction waste generated is also
increasing with increased infrastructural development. Marble stone industry waste is one of the
construction wastes which is left unused by industries or only used for filling low lying areas etc.
In this study attempt has been made to use marble stone industry waste as replacement for
course aggregate used for manufacturing of traditional concrete paving blocks. Varying
percentage of marble stone waste aggregates is considered and paving blocks are tested for
water absorption, compressive strength and splitting tensile strength. The results shown that
maximum 70 % of replacement of traditional aggregate with marble stone waste aggregate is
possible for optimum results. In this paper material used for the study, methodology adopted,
results of various tests and summery results are given. Using waste material is reducing the cost
of manufacturing and also solving the problem of disposal of construction waste and thus
helping in protecting environment.
Keywords: Concrete Paving Block, Marble Stone waste, Compressive Strength, Splitting Tensile
Strength, Water Absorption.

1.0 INTRODUCTION more important. Products which use recycled

materials could contribute significantly to
Cement concrete paving blocks are precast solid products conservation of the environment in terms of both
made out of cement concrete. reducing waste and protection of nature. Some
The product is made in various sizes and shapes waste product can be used in construction sector.
viz. rectangular, square, and round blocks of We tried for using waste product as the pavement
different dimensions with designs for interlocking block material. Usage of waste materials in
of adjacent paving blocks. The raw materials concrete presents several advantages conserving
require for manufactures of the product are mineral resource of a country such as aggregate
cement, sand and aggregates which are available and sand derived from nature, preventing
locally in every part of the country. Potentially environmental pollution, also a positive on a
cement concrete paving blocks find applications in country’s economy because of the high cost of
pavement, footpaths in gardens, passengers waste storage.
waiting sheds, bus stops, industry and other public

With infrastructural development in India, Material used for this study is traditional
demand of paving blocks is increasing day by day. material such as cement, sand and aggregate
At the same time amount of different types of along with additional waste material from marble
waste generated is also increasing. Therefore stone industry. 53 grade Ordinary Portland
control of waste disposal shall be given top priority, Cement is used with local sand available and ½”-
while, on the other hand, recycling of waste ¾” size aggregate are used. Marble stone industry
effectively as raw material has become waste is procured from the Marble stone cutting
* Corresponding Author
industry from Amravati MIDC area. Some of the For carrying out study of Concrete Paver
properties of material used are given in Table 1. Block by using marble stone waste systematic
experimental study has been carried out. For this
Table 1 Properties of material used different lab test on material and concrete paving
block are undertaken. It was decided to cast
Sr. Material Specific Water cosmic type of paver block using different
no Gravity absorption proportion of various materials. The thickness of
1. Coarse 2.66 0.8% paver block was taken 60mm with the average
aggregate length 230mm. It was decided to study first the
2. Fine aggregate 2.70 1.0% manufacturing of traditional Concrete Paving
3 Marble stone 3.15 0.7% block. Various literatures is referred to study,
Waste engineering properties, applications and uses of
Concrete Paving block. Varying proportions of
Marble is used in different parts of marble stone waste material is tried to know the
construction of home. Some of genuine physical and mechanical behavior of the Concrete
advantages with usage of Marble for construction Paver block. Testing of various engineering
are their permanence and durability. Because of properties of Concrete paver block in laboratory is
increased use of Marble stone in house carried out.
construction, amount of waste marble stone strips
and pieces remains unused at site or in marble 3.0 EXPERIMENTAL WORK
stone cutting industry. In Amravati MIDC so many Table 2 shows below the mix proportion for
industries producing such marble stone waste. So the concrete used for casting three paver block of
we have decided to use this waste for preparing each proportion. Nominal mix proportion of 1:2:4 is
concrete paving blocks. We have procured this considered for calculation of dry material required
waste free of cost and taken it to crusher plant for for casting of three samples of paving block. In this
making aggregate out of it. This crushed mix proportion the waste material used as the
aggregate of waste marble stone is used in marble stone waste aggregate. Cement, fine
different proportion mixed with other material for aggregate and water are kept as the constant and
casting concrete paving block. the percentage of the marble stone aggregate is
Specific gravity and water absorption of increased in the percentage as 0%, 17% 34%
Marble stone Waste is tested and test results are 51% 68% 85%, 100% as replacement of coarse
given in Table 1. aggregate so as to prepare total 21 paving blocks.
Table 2 Marble stone waste mix proportion
Mixture no. Cement Sand Aggregate Marble Stone w/c ratio
Kg Kg Kg Waste aggregate Kg
WM1-0 2.471 5.416 17.706 0 0.6
WM2-17 2.471 5.416 14.706 3 0.6
WM3-34 2.471 5.416 11.706 6 0.6
WM4-51 2.471 5.416 8.706 9 0.6
WM5-65 2.471 5.416 5.706 12 0.6
WM6-85 2.471 5.416 2.706 15 0.6
WM7-100 2.471 5.416 0 17.706 0.6

Testing of casted paving block was carried

In the mixing process of sample, the fresh out for checking water absorption, compressive
mixes were fed into the Rubber moulds of cosmic strength and splitting tensile strength. Three block
type paver rubber mould with outer dimensions of each proportion are tested and average results
length 240mm and thickness as 60mm. The of each proportion are considered. Observations
paving blocks were then kept for drying after of these tests are given below. Results of water
compaction. The prepared sample were kept for absorption test are given in table 3. Results of
drying for 24 hours and then kept for the curing for compressive strength test are given in table 4.
7 days in the curing tank. Result of splitting strength test are given in table 5.
Table 3 Water absorption for paving block using Marble stone waste
Mixture Cement Sand Aggregate Marble Stone Water
no. Kg Kg Kg Waste aggregate Kg absorption %
WM1-0 2.471 5.416 17.706 0 2.96
WM2-17 2.471 5.416 14.706 3 2.90
WM3-34 2.471 5.416 11.706 6 3.040
WM4-51 2.471 5.416 8.706 9 3.27
WM5-65 2.471 5.416 5.706 12 3.33
WM6-85 2.471 5.416 2.706 15 3.24
WM7-100 2.471 5.416 0 17.706 3.81

Table 4 Test result for Compressive strength for Marble stone waste

Mixture Cement Sand Aggregate Marble Stone Compressive

no. Kg Kg Kg Waste aggregate Kg strength, N/mm2
WM1-0 2.471 5.416 17.706 0 47.45
WM2-17 2.471 5.416 14.706 3 47.39
WM3-34 2.471 5.416 11.706 6 47.28
WM4-51 2.471 5.416 8.706 9 47.40
WM5-65 2.471 5.416 5.706 12 47.25
WM6-85 2.471 5.416 2.706 15 47.28
WM7-100 2.471 5.416 0 17.706 47.39

Table 5 Test result for Splitting strength test for Marble stone waste aggregate.

Mixture Cement Sand Aggregate Marble Stone Splitting tensile

no. Kg Kg Kg Waste aggregate Kg strength, N/mm2
WM1-0 2.471 5.416 17.706 0 47.39
WM2-17 2.471 5.416 14.706 3 47.39
WM3-34 2.471 5.416 11.706 6 47.28
WM4-51 2.471 5.416 8.706 9 41.08
WM5-65 2.471 5.416 5.706 12 47.39
WM6-85 2.471 5.416 2.706 15 47.39
WM7-100 2.471 5.416 0 17.706 47.39

4.0 RESULTS AND DICSUSSION maximum water absorption is 3.81% at the

percentage of marble stone waste aggregate as
The graphs w ere plotted using the test result 100%. However water absorption percentage for
obtained and the discussion pertaining to the entire paving b lock sample prepared using
respective test is discussed below . varying percentage of marble waste is much below
permissible value 7 % which is good for the
4.1 Water absorption practical application and durability of paving block
an d thus results of water absorption test are
Figure 1 show the graph between % of desirable.
marble stone waste aggregate and water 4.2 Compressive strength result
absorption. It is seen that minim um water
absorption is 2.90% at the percentage of the Figure 2 show the graph between % of
marble stone waste aggregate as 17% and marble stone waste aggregate and compressive
strength. From this graph it is seen that minimum by marble stone waste aggregate. The obtained
Compressive strength is found 47.2 N/m 2 at 65% compressive strength values are much more than
of the marble stone waste and maximum the required compressive strength for the paver
Compressive strength is 47.45 N/mm2 at the 0% of block. Hence the marble stone waste aggregate
the marble stone waste. can be used for casting concrete paving block
used in pavement for light weight traffic.
4.3 Splitting Tensile Strength Result
Figure 3 show the graph between % of
marble stone waste aggregate and splitting tensile
strength. Splitting strength of paving block with
traditional aggregate is 1.3 N/mm 2. From this
graph it is seen that minimum Splitting tensile
strength is found 1.04 % for the 100% of the
Marble stone waste and maximum Splitting tensile
strength is 2.17% at the 65% of sample. For
comparatively more splitting tensile strength we
Fig 1: Graph showing % of marble Waste Vs can replace 60 to 70% of aggregate with marble
stone waste aggregate.
Water absorption

Fig.2: Graph showing % of marble waste Vs

Compressive Strength
Figure 3 Graph showing % of marble Waste Vs
It implies that there is very slight reduction in
splitting tensile strength
compressive strength by using 100 % replacement

Fig.4: Graph showing properties values Vs % of marble stone Waste

Figure 4 shows combined result for the all % give sufficient cost saving in manufacturing cost of
of Marble stone waste aggregate. In this graph concrete paving block. From this result we can
series 1 represents percentage of water conclude that technically marble stone waste
absorption, series 2 represents compressive aggregates shall be used for manufacturing of
strength in N/mm2 and series 3 represents splitting concrete paving block. Further investigation can
tensile strength in N/mm2. From this graph it is also be made by using fly ash as replacement of
seen that minimum water absorption is 2.9% for fine aggregate along with marble stone industry
the 17% of the marble stone waste aggregate and waste to further reduce the cost of paving block.
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