Barbero Curriculum Vitae

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Ever J.

511 ESB
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506-6106
Telephone 304-293-3176

Career History

West Virginia University, Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and

Mineral Resources, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (08/2009-present)
Morgantown, WV

 Director, Energy Materials Science and Engineering (EMSE) Program (multiple sponsors)
 Co-principal investigator of the Resilient Tunnel Plug project sponsored by DHS
 Co-principal investigator of a project sponsored by US DoE
 Advising several post-doctoral fellows, MS and Ph.D. students
 H-index 33, citations 4169

West Virginia University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (05/2002-8/2009)

Morgantown, WV

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) at West Virginia University (WVU) is a department with 28
tenure track faculty, 14 research faculty, and a staff of nearly 40, serving more than 400 undergraduate, about
70 MS, and nearly 70 Ph.D. students. The Chair is responsible for nearly $12.5M/yr. expenditures, of which
nearly $10M are expenditures on competitive contracts funded nearly 50% by federal agencies and
50% by industry and $2.5M is a state allocation, 98% of which is for tenure track faculty salary. The
department is virtually self-sufficient for everything other than tenure track faculty salary.

• Led the faculty in securing ABET accreditation for the AE and ME programs.
• Facilitated the department in an expansion of the research activities to nearly $10M/yr of expenditures
and over $25M of multi-year, current research awards. We are ranked 23 rd in the nation on research
expenditures by the National Science Foundation.
• Encouraged diversification of faculty funding. Currently, eight faculty have more than $400K of research
expenditures per year, while the department’s average is $385K per faculty.
• Restructured the department’s expert business office to manage such voluminous research activities in
addition to about $2.5M/yr of state allocated budget. Our end-of-year balance went from about $600,000
deficit in 2002 to a stable and sizable surplus.
• Managed to open seven additional tenure-track faculty positions in the midst of widespread budget cuts
in the State of West Virginia, by leveraging departmental and research contract funding. At any time, we
have about two tenure track positions on soft funding, for about three years, then moving to the state
budget, at which point we hire additional faculty.
• Mentored new faculty to unprecedented growth. One new faculty won his first competitive research
award within four months of joining the department. Another new faculty already has eight concurrent
funded projects.
• Worked with the faculty in renovating the AE and ME laboratories with addition/renovation of more than
47,500 sqf of laboratory and student office space, including:
- Aero Lab, completely renovated including equipment additions/upgrades.

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- Bernard Judy Wing, major renovation of 7,500 sqft of previously unusable space.
- CEMR Annex (ex. St. Francis School). Acquired and renovated (new office space).
- ESB basement laboratories and graduate student offices renovation.
- Selected laboratories in ERB and ESB including G86ESB, 114ERB (new CFD lab), etc.
- Comprehensive, state-of-the-art Flight Simulation Laboratory (G24 & Aero Lab).
- Agricultural Science Annex (CAFEE center), nearly doubled its size. Faculty efforts led to substantial
renovations including a class 1000 clean-room, and state-of-the-art Engines Emission Measurement
and Research Facility.
- Morgantown Industrial Park, new lease in new location for CAFEE center.
• Responsible for administering the Bernard Judy endowment of $1.3M.
• Managed the department to a five-year enrollment growth of 37% (undergraduate), 100% (Ph.D.) and
10% (overall graduate program). We award about 125 undergraduate diplomas per year in three
programs, AE, ME, and dual AE/ME. In addition we award about 30 MS degrees and about 12 Ph.D.
degrees per year. Our goal is 125/30/15 undergraduate/MS/PhD diplomas per year.
• Architect and leader of a diversity recruiting plan that resulted in WVU being elevated to 8th Best
Engineering School for Hispanics in the nation (Hispanic Magazine).
• Implemented two new programs: direct track BS to MS and BS to PhD.

A “report card” for the department is shown next.

Fiscal Year 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008

No. of Faculty 24 24 28 28 27
Research Awards $9,126,475 $6,470,348 $10,676,884 $9,013,481 9,474,329
Research Expenditures $7,901,476 $8,894,729 $9,313,003 $10,032,752 9,945,664
Journal Papers (Jan-Dec) 43 33 38 55 53
Undergrad Enrollment 339 386 401 417 415
MS Enrollment 124 104 89 73 68
Ph.D. Enrollment 46 56 55 66 73
Undergrad/Graduate 125 101 127 126 162
MS Degrees 45 29 31 43 22
Ph.D. Degrees 4 6 11 12 7
Undergrad Student Cr. 7,983 8,817 10,036 9,900 10,140
Graduate Student Cr. Hrs. 2,722 2,767 2,827 2,315 3,228
Undergrad Course Cr. Hrs. 220 184 277 236 280
Graduate Course Cr. Hrs. 45 80 114 47 45

West Virginia University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (07/2000 05/2002) -

Morgantown, WV

• Responsible for $250,000/yr. research expenditures on single investigator awards
• Conceived and managed multi-disciplinary activities, including $5.65M DoE contract on
Multifunctional Metallic and Refractory Materials and $4.65M DoE contract Innovative Materials
and Surface Treatments
• Received excellent student teaching evaluations on a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses

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• Obtained funding from NSF and private industry (polymers).
• Interviewed by LA Times and PBS (The Nightly News) about the crash of AA 587.

West Virginia University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (07/1995 07/2000)


Morgantown, WV
Associate Professor

• Conducted pioneering research on composite bridge decks, leading to two US patents #6,455,131
and #6,544,624 and developing SuperdeckTM, one of the first composite decks commercially
available for vehicular bridges.
• Published the book “Introduction to Composite Materials Design,” ISBN-1-56032-701-4, used
worldwide to teach composite materials.
• Received excellent student teaching evaluations on a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses
• Obtained funding from NSF, FHWA, FRA, DOT, and industry.

West Virginia University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (01/1990 07/1995)


Morgantown, WV
Assistant Professor

• Conducted pioneering work on composite materials, currently on record with 83 peer-reviewed
journal publications.
• Initiated the WVU Student Chapter of the Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process
Engineering (SAMPE) leading to seven national student awards in eight years.
• Received excellent student teaching evaluations on a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses
• Obtained funding from NSF, FHWA, and industry (composites).

Virginia Tech
Doctor of Philosophy, Engineering Science
Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering

English (Fluent)
Spanish (Fluent)
Italian (understanding)
Portuguese (understanding)

International Experience
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Italy, Spain, China, South Korea, Kuwait, Egypt, Japan.

Citizenship and Ethnic Background

United States of America, Hispanic

Peer-reviewed publications
Summary: Six books, eight book chapters, two patents, and 132 journal papers.
• Period 1986-1989, while being a Ph.D. student: 2 in journals

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• Period 1990-1994, while Assistant Professor: 29 in journals
• Period 1995-1999, while Associate Professor: 31 in journals, and one book “Introduction to
Composite Materials Design” Taylor and Francis 1999.
• Period 2000-2002, while Professor: 10 in journals and one patent
• Period 2003-2009, while Chairman: 35 in journals, one patent, one book “Finite Element Analysis of
Composite Materials” CRC 2007, and one book chapter.
• Period 2009-present, three books, three book chapters, and many publications.
• Publications list available at

Honors and Awards

• Honorary Professor, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Peru (2000—present)
• Honorary Professor, Universidad de Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico (2013—present)
• Honorary Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (7/2013—present)
• Outstanding Professor (Catedratico de Excelencia), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (2013)
• SAMPE Fellow 2006.
• ASME Fellow 2003.
• Outstanding Researcher Award, College of Engineering, WVU, 1999.
• Best Overall Paper Award, Combined Composite Expo’99 and ASCE Materials Conference’99,
Cincinnati, OH.
• Best Paper Award, ASME J. of Composites for Construction, Vol. 4, No. 4, p. 185-191, 1999.
• MAE Alumni Academy Award for Outstanding Teaching, 1999.
• SAMPE Faculty Advisor Award 1998.
• Outstanding Researcher Award, College of Engineering, WVU, 1997.
• Outstanding Researcher Award, College of Engineering, WVU, 1996.
• Researcher of the Year, College of Engineering, WVU, 1996.
• Outstanding Researcher Award, College of Engineering, WVU, 1994.
• Best Advanced-Composite Paper Award, Composite Institute, Society of the Plastic Industry, 1994.
• Outstanding Researcher Award, College of Engineering, WVU, 1992.
• Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award, College of Engineering, WVU, 1992.
• Young Outstanding Researcher Award, College of Engineering, WVU, 1991.
• Cunningham Dissertation Fellowship, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1989.

Human Resource Development

• Faculty mentoring: Wade Huebsch, Associate Professor, promoted 2007
• Faculty mentoring: Jacky Prucz, Professor, promoted 2007
• Faculty mentoring: Larry Banta, Professor, promoted 2007
• Faculty mentoring: Samir Shoukry, Professor, tenured 2004
• Faculty mentoring: Bruce Kang, Professor, promoted 2004
• Faculty mentoring: Greg Thompson, Research Associate Professor, promoted 2003
• Ph.D. graduate: Mark Bright, Technology Manager, Glass and Specialty Metals Division, Pyrotec
Inc, Ambridge, PA.
• Ph.D. graduate: Kevin Ford, Advanced Research, Spirit AeroSystems, Inc., Wichita, KS.
• Ph.D. graduate: John Tomblin, Director National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) and Sam
Bloomfield Distinguished Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Wichita State University, KS.
• Ph.D. graduate: John Raftoyiannis, Assistant Professor, National Technical University of Athens,
• Ph.D. graduate: Satheesh Makkapati, Research Group Leader, Ford Motors Research Labs, Detroit,
• Ph.D. graduate: Arsenio Caceres, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Puerto
Rico, PR
• Ph.D. graduate: Gasser F. Abdelal, Deputy Group Leader-Satellite Structures, National Authority for
Remote Sensing and Space Science, Egypt.
• Ph.D. graduate: Raffaele Zinno, Associate Professor, University of Calabria, Italy.

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• Ph.D. graduate: Liliana DeVivo, Director of Engineering, Padre Pio Hospital, Italy.
• Ph.D. graduate: Paolo Lonetti, Research Assistant Professor, University of Calabria, Italy.
• Major advisor to more than 30 MS graduates.

Professional Societies
• Fellow, Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE)
• Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
• Member, Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE)
• Member of the Advisory Board of the Mechanical Engineering Department at WV Institute of
Technology, Montgomery, WV.

Editorial Service
 Member Editorial Board of Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics, Elsevier.
 Member Editorial Board of International Journal of Natural Disasters, Accidents and Civil Infrastructure.

Courses Taught
Semester Course Number Course Title
Spring 90 MAE 424 Theory of Plates and Shells
Fall 90 CE 462 Numerical Analysis of Structures
Spring 91 MAE 226 Mechanics of Composite Materials
Fall 91 MAE 43 Mechanics of Materials
Fall 91 MAE 424 Theory of Plates and Shells
Spring 92 MAE 226 Mechanics of Composite Materials
Spring 92 MAE 316 Energy Methods
Fall 92 MAE 132 Adv. Strength of Materials
Spring 93 MAE 226 Mechanics of Composite Materials
Fall 93 MAE 424 Theory of Plates and Shells
Spring 94 MAE 316 Energy Methods
Spring 94 MAE 226 Mechanics of Composite Materials
Fall 94 MAE 132 Advanced Strength of Materials
Spring 95 MAE 226 Mechanics of Composite Materials
Fall 95 MAE 424 Theory of Plates and Shells
Spring 96 MAE 226 Mechanics of Composite Materials
Spring 96 MAE 318 Continuum Mechanics
Fall 96 MAE 326/394 Advanced Mech. of Composite Materials
Spring 97 MAE 226 Mechanics of Composite Materials
Fall 97 MAE 43 Mechanics of Materials
Fall 97 MAE 424 Theory of Plates and Shells
Spring 98 MAE 226 Mechanics of Composite Materials
Spring 98 MAE 318 Continuum Mechanics
Fall 98 MAE 326 Advanced Mech. of Composite Materials
Spring 99 MAE 43 Mechanics of Materials
Fall 99 MAE43 Mechanics of Materials
Fall 99 MAE 226 Mechanics of Composite Materials
Spring 2000 MAE 34 Mechanics of Materials
Spring 2000 MAE 326 Advanced Mechanics of Materials
Fall 2001 MAE 243 Mechanics of Materials
Fall 2001 MAE 446 Composite Materials
Spring 2002 MAE 243 Mechanics of Materials
Spring 2002 MAE 646 Adv. Mechanics of Composite Materials
Fall 2002-present MAE 496 Senior Thesis
Spring 2006 MAE 646 Advanced Mech. of Composite Materials
Spring 2010 MAE 593 Composite Structural Design
Fall 2010 MAE 446 Into Comp Mater Design
Fall 2010 MAE 640 Continuum Mechanics

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Semester Course Number Course Title
Spring 2011 MAE 646 Adv Mech Comp Mater
Fall 2011 MAE 446 Intro Comp Mater Des
Spring 2012 MAE 646 Adv Mech Comp Mater
Fall 2012 MAE 446 Intro Comp Mater Des
Fall 2013 MAE 446 Intro Comp Mater Des
Fall 2013 MAE 640 Continuum Mechanics
Spring 2014 MAE 343 Intermediate Mechanics
Fall 2014 MAE 446 Mech Comp Mater
Fall 2014 MAE 640 Continuum Mechanics
Spring 2015 MAE 343 Intermediate Mechanics

Graduate Students –Major Advisor

Student Degree Title Graduation
S-H. Fu MSCE Characterization of FRP Shapes Jan. 91
S. S. Sonti MSME Stress Analysis of FRP Structural Shapes July 92
G. Krishnan MSME Modeling of Pultrusion Process May 92
I. Raftoyiannis MSCE Local Buckling of FRP Structural Shapes May 91
J. Tomblin MSME A Universal Design Equation for Pultruded Composite Columns Dec. 91
P. Burnside MSME Design Optimization of FRC Material Guide way of MAGLEV July 92
R. Alampallam MSME A Linear 3D FE for Lam. Comp. Plates w/Layer-Wise Const. Shear July 91
U. Mahesh MSME Characterization of FRP-Wood Bond Strength Dec. 92
I. Raftoyiannis Ph.D. Buckling Mode Interaction in FRP Columns Jan. 94
J. Tomblin Ph.D. Compressive Strength Models for Pultruded GFRC June 94
S. Makkapati MSME Compressive Strength of Pultruded Structural Shapes Oct. 94
R. Zinno Ph.D.- Sul Comportamento Di Strutture Bidimensionali Laminate Composite Feb-95
Jim Harris MSME Environmental Effects on the Creep Response of PMC and MMC Jun. 96
Edgar Dede MSME Experimental Validation of Buckling Mode Interaction in Intermediate May 96
Length Columns
R. P. MSME Interface Delamination of Wood-FRP Laminates Aug. 96
Mike Zipfel MSME Development and Evaluation of a Composite-Reinforced Wood Jun. 96
Railroad Crosstie
Shannon Jones MSME Investigation of Local Buckling of Composite Columns by the Shadow Dec. 96
Moiré Method.
Scott Messick MSME Characterization of Composite to Steel Bond Strength Dec. 96
Rashid Bendidi MSME Modeling and Testing of FRP Structural Shapes under Bending Aug. 96
Enoch Ross MSME Development of a Computer Aided Design Environment for Composites Dec. 96
David Drewry MSME Evaluation of Delivered Interlaminar Shear Strengths in Axisymmetric Apr. 97
Filament Would Structures using an Energy Release Approach
M. Bodine MSME A General Solution to FSDT for Laminated Composite Plates Aug. 97
S. Makkapati Ph.D. Robust Design Optimization with Applications to Composite Materials Aug. 97
Denise Sral MSME Characterization of Coal-Derived Carbon Foams Dec. 98
Malek Turk MSCE Experimental Investigation of Composite Beam-Column Behavior Aug. 98
A. Caceres Ph.D. CDM Analysis of FRP Structures Dec. 98
L. DeVivo Ph.D.- A Constitutive Model for Damage in Fiber-Reinforced Laminae, Tesi April 99
Itlay di Dottorato di Ricerca - Università di Napoli.
Ed Wen MSME Compressive Strength Prediction for Composite Unmanned Aerial June 99
B. Briers MSME Design of a Composite Discharge Pipe May 00
T. Damiani MSME Moisture & Temperature Effects on Life of Glass-Reinforced May 00
G. Abdelal PhD A Three-Phase Model for Fatigue Damage of Composites June00

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Student Degree Title Graduation
Matthew Fox MS Numerical modeling of air blast effects on hybrid structures 2002
K. Ford MSME Aging model for commercial polymers July 02
T. Damiani PhD Mesomechanical modeling of stitched fabrics April 03
M. Julius MSME Moisture effects on accelerated creep/aging of polymers May 03
S. Pasumarty MSME Permeability and strength of artificially controlled porous media May 02
S. Rangarajan MSME Long-term testing of trenchless liners Nov 01
P. Lonetti Ph.D.- Probleme di Danneggiamento Nelle Strutture in Materiale Composito,
Italy Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca – Università degli Studi della Calabria Dec. 02
K. Sikkil MSME Mesomechanical modeling of stitched fabrics Dec 04
K. Santosh MSME Portable software for composites design March 04
Z. Yao Ph.D. Development of an Indentation Method May 05
K. Ford Ph.D. Characterization of Self Healing Composite Materials July 06
M. Bright Ph.D. Dissolution and Diffusion Charact. of Ferrous Alloys in Molten Zinc Dec. 06
J. C. Molina MS Mechanical Characterization of Fabrics for Inflatable Structures Dec. 2008
J. S. Rivas M. Ph.D. MD simulation of Aerogel materials Jan. 2012
F. Campo Ph.D. CLA simulation of Aerogel materials June 2011
Adumitroiae Ph.D. Initiation and Evolution of Matrix Cracking in Non-Symmetric Dec. 2011
Laminates under in-Plane and Flexural Loading
J. Gutierrez MS Power dissipation of actuated polymer films May 2011
T. Weadon MS Creep-rupture of textile fabrics Dec. 2010
K. Peil MS Experimental textile fabric properties May. 2012
J. Wong Ph.D. Prediction of textile fabric properties Dec. 2012
R. Roman Ph.D. Discrete Damage Mechanics validation experiments Dec. 2012
T. Saas MS Composite/concrete reinforcement software Dec. 2012
J. Wong Ph.D. Inflatable Structures Oct. 2013
T.I. Muchenik Ph.D. Modeling of magneto-electric materials Aug. 2015
S. Koleti MS Strengthening of RC with composites May 2015

Graduate Students –Ph.D. Committee Member (M.S. not Listed)

Student Degree Title Graduation
A. Jayasuriya Ph.D. Dynamic Analysis of Composite Shells in Hygro thermal Aug. 93
W-P. Wu Ph.D. Thermo mechanical. Properties of FRP Bars Dec. 90
Fu-ken Hsieh Ph.D. A Fracture behavior of notched continuous fiber boron- June 94
aluminum metal matrix composite
R. Lopez Ph.D. Analysis and design of orthotropic plates stiffened by Jan. 95
laminated beams for bridge superstructures
Y. C. Kim Ph.D. A layer-wise theory for linear and failure analysis of June 95
laminated composite beams
Z. Kabir Ph.D.-University of On the stability of Pultruded composite beams Aug. 95
Waterloo, Canada
Babu Achanti Ph.D.-Mining Study of Rock Fragmentation Process by Continuous Dec. 97
Ali Ph.D. A General Statistical Approach to Engineering Problem April 97
Moshirpour Solving
P. Qiao Ph.D. Analysis and Design Optimization of FRP structural Dec. 97
K. Morsy Ph.D. Mining Yield Pillar Design for Longwall Gateroad Design Dec. 02
B. Bennett Ph.D.-ChE The Effect of Calcination Conditions on the Mar. 00
Graphitizability of Novel Synthetic and Coal-Derived
A. Toru Ph.D. Effect of Brain Tissue Constitutive Models on Head April 00
Injury Criteria
G. Parsamian Ph.D. Damage Mechanics of Human Cortical Bone June 2001

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D. Boyajian Ph.D.-CEE Mode I Fracture And Durability Of The CFRP-Concrete Nov. 02
Interface Bond
Junhui Jia Ph.D.-CEE Mode-I Fatigue Fracture Of Interface For Fiber- July 02
Reinforced Polymer Composite Bonded To Wood
J. Snider Ph.D. Zinc Pot Bearing Material Wear and Corrosion Dec. 2004
Ziheng Yao Ph.D. Development of an Indentation Method for Material April 2005
Surface Mechanical Properties Measurement
C. Tony Feng Ph.D. Development of a Transparent Indenter Measurement July 2005
System and Indentation Analysis for Material Mechanical
Property Evaluation
Jin Wang Ph.D. Synthesis, Characterization and Photocalytic Applications Aug. 2009
of One Dimensional TiO2 Nanostructures
D. Dittenber Ph.D. Eco-friendly structural insulated panels May 2013
F. Meng Ph.D. Metal oxide nanostructures for visible-light Nov. 2013

Conferences Organized & Chaired

 Session in the Second Pan American Congress in Applied Mechanics, Chile, Jan. 2-5, 1991.
 Session in the Symposium on "The Use of Composite Materials in Transportation Systems" as part of the
1991 Winter Annual Meeting of ASME, Atlanta, Dec. 1991.
 Session in the Symposium "Enhancing Analysis Techniques for Composite Materials," as part of the 1991
ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Dec. 1991.
 Three-day Workshop on "Composites in Construction." This was a national event, held at WVU, with the
participation of more than 100 leaders from Industry, Government, and Academia. Served as co-chairman
of the workshop and the session "Research and Development," Nov. 18-19, 1991.
 Session in "Composites in Infrastructure" at the IX Structures Congress of ASCE, Indianapolis, 1991.
 Session in "Composites in Infrastructure" at the X Structures Congress of ASCE, San Antonio, TX, 1992.
 Session at the XI ASCE Structural Congress, Irvine, CA, April 19-21, 1993.
 Session at SAMPE International Symposium, 1993.
 Session at SAMPE International Technical Meeting, 1993.
 Session at the Third Pan American Congress in Applied Mechanics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 3-6,
 Session in the 10th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Boulder, CO, May 21-24, 1995.
 Session in the Fifth Pan American Congress in Applied Mechanics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January, 4-8,
 Session in PACAM VI, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 4-8, 1999.
 Symposium in the SES conference, Austin, TX, October 25-27, 1999.
 Symposium in the SAMPE Tech.-Conf., Nov. 4-7, 2002.
 Symposium on Damage, Healing and Self-healing in Engineering, Geological, and Biological Materials,
MATMAC 2005, Baton Rouge, LA.
 Symposium on Numerical Modeling of Damage and Irreversible Phenomena in Composite Materials, 43rd
Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science, August 13-16th, 2006.
 Fellows session, SAMPE Int. Conf. & Expo, June 5-8, 2007, Baltimore, MD.
 SAMPE Int. Conf. & Expo., May 18-21, 2009, Baltimore, MD.
 SAMPE, Oct. 14-18, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT.
 MEMBRANES 2011, Oct. 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
 SAMPE Int. Conf. & Expo., May, 2012, Baltimore, MD.
 MEMBRANES 2013, Oct. 2013, Munich, Germany.
 CAMX 2014, Orlando, FL.
 COMAT 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 SAMPE Tech 2015, Baltimore, MD
 CAMX 2015, Dallas, TX

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 MEMBRANES 2015, Barcelona, Spain

Please visit:

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List of Publications by Dr. Ever J. Barbero

December 24, 2014

1. E. J. Barbero. Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials Using ANSYS. CRC Press,
2nd edition, 2014.

2. E. J. Barbero. Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials Using Abaqus. CRC Press,
Boca Raton, FL, 2013.

3. E. J. Barbero. Introduction to Composite Materials Design. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL,
second edition, 2011.

4. E. J. Barbero. Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
FL, 2008.

5. E. J. Barbero. Introduction to Composite Materials Design. Taylor and Francis, Philadelphia,

PA, 1999.

6. E. J. Barbero. On a generalized laminate theory with application to bending vibration, and

delamination buckling in composite laminates. PhD thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, 1989.

Book Chapters
1. E. J. Barbero. Creep and fatigue in polymer matrix composites, chapter 2: Time-temperature-
age superposition principle for predicting long-term response of linear viscoelastic materi-
als, pages 48–69. Woodhead, Cambridge (ISBN978-1-84569-525-5), 2010. http://barbero.

2. James G Hemrick, Jing Xu, Klaus-Markus Peters, Xingbo Liu, and Ever Barbero. Wetting
and Reaction Characteristics of Al2O3/SiC Composite Refractories by Molten Aluminum and
Aluminum Alloy, chapter : ?, pages 347–357. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009.

3. Ford K. J. Barbero, E. J. and J. A. Mayugo. Self-healing materials, chapter 9: Mod-

eling Self-healing of Fiber-reinforced Polymer-matrix Composites with Distributed Dam-
age. Wiley-VCH, 2009.

4. X. Martinez, S. Oller, and E. J. Barbero. ECCOMAS Series Mechanical Response of Com-
posites, chapter 6: Study of Delamination in Composites by Using the Serial/Parallel Mixing
Theory and a Damage Formulation, pages 119–140. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2008.

5. L. A. Godoy and E. J. Barbero. Análisis y cálculo de estructuras de materiales compuestos,

chapter : Inestabilidad de compuestos laminados-modelado computacional mediante la teoria
general de estabilidad elastica, pages 47–83. CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, 2002. http://

6. L. A. Godoy, L. I. Almanzar, and E. J. Barbero. Thin-Walled Structures: Research and

Development, chapter : Postbuckling and first ply failure of thin walled frames and columns
made of composite materials, pages 297–303. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 1998. http://barbero.

7. E. J. Barbero. Handbook of Composites, chapter Chapter 46: Construction, pages 982–1003.

Thompson Science/Chapman & Hall, 2nd edition, 1998.

8. H. V. S. GangaRao and E. J. Barbero. Construction, Structural Applications, volume 6.

International Encyclopedia of Composites, 1991.

1. E. J. Barbero. Modular fiber reinforced polymer composite deck system, 2003. US Patent

2. E. J. Barbero. Modular fiber reinforced polymer composite deck system, 2002. US Patent

Journal Publications
[1] G. H. Kaufmann, A. M. Lopergolo, S. R. Idelsohn, and E. J. Barbero. Evaluation of finite-
element calculations in a part-circular crack by coherent optics techniques. Experimen-
tal Mechanics, 27(2):154–157, 1987.

[2] J.N. Reddy, E.J. Barbero, and J.L. Teply. Plate bending element based on a gen-
eralized laminate plate theory. International Journal for Numerical Methods in En-
gineering, 28(10):2275–2292, 1989.

[3] E. J. Barbero and J. N. Reddy. Nonlinear analysis of composite laminates using a gener-
alized laminated plate theory. AIAA Journal, 28(11):1987–1994, 1990. http://barbero.

[4] E.J. Barbero, G.H. Kaufmann, and S.R. Idelsohn. Fracture analysis of a surface-
coated ceramic by speckle photography and finite elements. Optics and Laser
Technology, 22(1):17–22, 1990.

[5] E.J. Barbero and J.N. Reddy. Jacobian derivative method for three-dimensional fracture
mechanics. Communications in Applied Numerical Methods, 6(7):507–518, 1990. http://

[6] E.J. Barbero, J.N. Reddy, and Jan Teply. Accurate determination of stresses in thick
laminates using a generalized plate theory. International Journal for Numerical Meth-
ods in Engineering, 29(1):1–14, 1990.

[7] E.J. Barbero, J.N. Reddy, and J.L. Teply. General two-dimensional theory of laminated
cylindrical shells. AIAA Journal, 28(3):544–553, 1990. http://barbero.cadec-online.

[8] E. J. Barbero. Pultruded structural shapes - from the constituents to the structural behavior.
SAMPE Journal, 27(1):25–30, 1991.

[9] E. J. Barbero, S-H Fu, and I. G. Raftoyiannis. Ultimate bending strength of composite
beams. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 3(4):292–306, 1991. http://barbero.

[10] E. J. Barbero and H.V.S. GangaRao. Structural applications of composites in infrastructure

part i. SAMPE Journal, 27(6):9–16, 1991.

[11] E. J. Barbero and Gopala Krishnan. Eulerian finite element formulation of the fluid me-
chanics in the pultrusion process. AIAA, 91-1042-CP:101–107, 1991. http://barbero.

[12] E. J. Barbero and J. N. Reddy. Modeling of delamination in composite laminates using a layer-
wise plate theory. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 3:373–388, 1991. http:

[13] E. J. Barbero and S. S. Sonti. Micromechanical models for pultruded composite beams.
AIAA, 91-1045-CP:124–129, 1991.

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[29] E.J. Barbero and Ioannis G. Raftoyiannis. Lateral and distortional buckling of pultruded
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[120] E. J. Barbero and F. A. Cosso. Benchmark solution for degradation of elastic properties due
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[124] A. Adumitroaie and E. J. Barbero. Intralaminar damage model for laminates subjected
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[125] E. J. Barbero and F. A. Cosso. Determination of material parameters for discrete damage
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[126] E.J. Barbero, A. Madeo, G. Zagari, R. Zinno, and G. Zucco. Koiter asymptotic analysis of
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[127] E.J. Barbero, A. Madeo, G. Zagari, R. Zinno, and G. Zucco. A mixed isostatic 24 dof ele-
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[128] M. M. Moure, S. Sanchez-Saez, E. Barbero, and E. J. Barbero. Analysis of damage localization

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[129] E M Sosa, E J Barbero, and G J Thompson. Diseño y evaluacion de tapones inflables para
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