Agent Based Modeling Using Phyton
Agent Based Modeling Using Phyton
Agent Based Modeling Using Phyton
NL4Py is a NetLogo controller software for Python, for the rapid, parallel execution
of NetLogo models. NL4Py provides both headless (no graphical user interface (GUI))
and GUI NetLogo workspace control through Python. Spurred on by the increasing avail-
ability of open-source computation and machine learning libraries on the Python package
index, there is an increasing demand for such rapid, parallel execution of agent-based
models through Python. NetLogo, being the language of choice for a majority of agent-
based modeling driven research projects, requires an integration to Python for researchers
looking to perform statistical analyses of agent-based model output using these libraries.
Unfortunately, until the recent introduction of PyNetLogo, and now NL4Py, such a con-
troller was unavailable.
This article provides a detailed introduction into the usage of NL4Py and explains its
client-server software architecture, highlighting architectural differences to PyNetLogo.
A step-by-step demonstration of global sensitivity analysis and parameter calibration of
the Wolf Sheep Predation model is then performed through NL4Py. Finally, NL4Py’s
performance is benchmarked against PyNetLogo and its combination with IPyParallel,
and shown to provide significant savings in execution time over both configurations.
1. Introduction
Agent-based modeling (ABM), also referred to as individual-based modeling (IBM), is a
modeling and simulation technique where the outcome of a system, or macro-behavior, is
modeled as the result of the interactions of independently acting, decentralized micro-level
agents/individuals. A popular technique in complex adaptive systems research (Mitchell 2009;
Farmer and Foley 2009; Janssen and Ostrom 2006; Axtell 2008), agent-based models are able
to reproduce emergent phenomena, dynamic equilibria, and non-linear outcomes, properties
that are observed in the actual complex systems that they represent. Furthermore, ABM
outputs are highly sensitive to initial conditions, often producing a vast space of possible
outcomes (Lee et al. 2015) that require rigorous statistical scrutiny to untangle. Two such
methodologies often accompanying ABMs are sensitivity analysis and optimization, more
specifically known as parameter calibration.
2 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
1.1. NetLogo
At the time of writing, NetLogo (Wilensky and Others 1999; Wilensky and Rand 2015) is
the most popular ABM toolkit used in the socio-ecological modeling community (see Fig. 1).
As ABM has seen a rapid rise in application across several domains, the usage of NetLogo
has also increased. NetLogo is a simple, dynamically-typed, pseudo-functional programming
language, influenced by Logo and Lisp, accompanied with a drag-and-drop user interface
builder for parameter controls and model output display, making it quick and easy to learn.
For this reason, NetLogo has played a crucial role in the computational social sciences in
particular, enabling researchers with modest, or no, programming skills to quickly develop and
experiment with agent-based models. While many other agent-based modeling frameworks
exist with varying popularity (eg. Repast Simphony/HPC (North et al. 2013; Collier and North
2013), MASON (Luke et al. 2005), AnyLogic (Borshchev 2013)), NetLogo has remained the
platform of choice for many conducting agent-based modeling research.
analysis (Lee et al. 2015; Ligmann-Zielinska et al. 2014), model/rule discovery (Gunaratne
and Garibay 2017), and identification of unique patterns (Chérel et al. 2015). For these
reasons it has become increasing desirable to make NetLogo ‘controllable’ through scripting
languages that are rich with quick and easy-to-use statistical, computational, and machine
learning packages.
1.3. Python
Python is such a candidate language, with an extensive, well-maintained collection of machine
learning and computation libraries. A few commonly used examples are: Numpy (Oliphant
2006), SciPy (McKinney 2010), Pandas (McKinney 2011), SALib (Herman and Usher 2017),
Scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al. 2011), DEAP (Fortin et al. 2012), and Matplotlib (Hunter
2007) to name a few. Additionally, Python’s ease of use and short learning curve paired
with browser-based integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Jupyter notebook
(Kluyver et al. 2016) has made it the language of choice for many looking to perform quick,
data intensive experiments.
Taking into account the above reasons, there is an increasing need for the agent-based model-
ing community to have access to a NetLogo controlling package from Python for model output
analysis. NetLogo itself is written in a combination of Java and Scala, making it difficult
to directly call and control NetLogo procedures through Python. Instead, Python developers
have to access the NetLogo controlling application programming interface (API) provided
with NetLogo. This process is not straightforward and requires access to the Java native
interface (JNI) or remote procedure calls to the Java virtual machine (JVM) through sockets.
Importantly, many statistical techniques used to analyze ABM output require vast counts of
model runs under varying model configurations.
A package able to handle these requirements, by providing an API for quick and easy access
to NetLogo through Python, and able to handle the concurrency issues and optimization
of computational resource use for executing many parallel model runs, is required. Such a
library exists for R, RNetLogo (Thiele 2014). A Python solution for this problem was recently
introduced as PyNetLogo (Jaxa-Rozen et al. 2018), providing developers in Python the ability
to start and control NetLogo models in both Headless (no graphical user interface (GUI) mode
for fast execution) and GUI-enabled modes. However, the workflow necessary to execute
parallel instances of NetLogo headless workspaces via PyNetLogo, as demonstrated by the
authors, requires IPython (Pérez and Granger 2007) and setting up an IPyParallel (IPython
Development Team 2018) cluster, external to the Python code. The headless workspaces
are then submitted as jobs into the IPyParallel engines to be executed in parallel. This
method requires decorations such as %%p, that necessitate an IPython environment and Jupyter
Notebook making the provided examples difficult to run as native Python script. Considering
that many researchers using ABMs as a methodology are from domains other than Computer
Science, a NetLogo controller for Python with a simpler workflow and able to internally run
multiple workspaces in parallel, is desired.
In this paper, we introduce NL4Py NL4Py, a NetLogo controller for Python, developed with the
goals of usability, rapid parallel execution, and model parameter access in mind. In addition,
NL4Py is platform independent, supporting Windows, MacOS, and Linux, and supports both
Python 2 and 3. Unlike PyNetLogo, which uses the Java native interface (JNI) framework to
access the JVM, NL4Py, inspired by (Masad 2016), employs a client-server architecture via
4 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
2.1. Installation
NL4Py is made available on the Python package index (Python Software Foundation Accessed
29 May, 2018) for easy installation and version control. At the time of writing, NL4Py is in
release version 0.5.0 (Gunaratne 2018). Pip tools (Python’s package manager) can be used to
install NL4Py using the following command:
2.2. Requirements
NL4Py works with NetLogo 6.0.2 or higher and requires Java development kit (JDK) 8 or
higher to be installed. Other Python dependencies such as Py4J will be installed automatically
with pip tools. NL4Py has been tested on both Python 2.7 and Python 3.6 on Windows 10,
MacOSX 10.10 and Ubuntu operating systems.
The function requires the path to the top level directory of the NetLogo installation as a
string argument. The NetLogoControllerServer is then started and ready for requests
from the NL4Py client through Python for NetLogo controlling. In complement to this, the
NetLogoControllerServer can be shutdown, in order to free computational resources using
the following command:
>>> nl4py.stopServer()
Users can then use the NetLogoApp() functions to send commands, execute reporters, and
schedule reporters to the NetLogo Application. These functions are listed in Tab. 1.
Additionally, users can get a list of all the existing NetLogoHeadlessWorkspaces, delete all
the existing NetLogoHeadlessWorkspaces, and delete a single NetLogoHeadlessWorkspace
with the following commands, respectively:
6 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
Similarly, the same can be done on the NetLogo GUI application with the following:
Similarly, these functions are available for the NetLogo GUI application:
Chathika Gunaratne , Ivan Garibay University of Central Florida 7
Reporter scheduling
In certain instances, a user may require to record the simulation state at regular intervals,
often for every simulation tick, over a given period of time. For this, NL4Py provides scheduled
reporters. Multiple reporters can be specified as a Python list of strings of NetLogo commands.
This reporter list along with the start tick, stop tick, and interval of ticks required between
each reporter execution can be passed into into scheduleReporterAndRun for this purpose.
Optionally, a custom go command can be supplied to scheduleReportersAndRun in the case
that the NetLogo model’s execution procedure has a name different to the standard go. NL4Py
then schedules the reporters to execute on the respective NetLogo workspaces and store results
on the NetLogoControllerServer from start time till stop time at every interval number of
On NetLogoHeadlessWorkspaces, this method signature is:
nl4py.NetLogoHeadlessWorkspace.scheduleReportersAndRun(reporters_array, \
startAtTick = 0, intervalTicks = 1, stopAtTick = -1, goCommand = "go")
nl4py.NetLogoGUI.scheduleReportersAndRun(reporters_array, startAtTick = 0, \
intervalTicks = 1, stopAtTick = -1, goCommand = "go")
3. Applications
In this section, we demonstrate how libraries available in the Python package index (Python
Software Foundation Accessed 29 May, 2018) can be used in combination with NL4Py to
conduct statistical experimentation and optimization of agent-based models in NetLogo. In
8 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
particular, we illustrate two commonly used techniques in the agent-based modeling commu-
nity, sensitivity analysis and calibration. SALib’s Sobol sampling and analysis was conducted
for sensitivity analysis (Herman and Usher 2017). The DEAP package was used to run an
evolutionary algorithm for the calibration experiment (Fortin et al. 2012).
We performed sensitivity analysis and calibration both on the Wolf Sheep Predation model,
a model of population dynamics of a producer, predator, and prey ecosystem (?) as an ABM
alternative to the Lokta-Volterra equations (Lotka 1926; Volterra 1926). The model has 5
parameters related to the sheep, wolves, and grass version, namely sheep-gain-from-food,
sheep-reproduce, wolf-gain-from-food, wolf-reproduce, and grass-regrowth-time, and two ini-
tial conditions initial-number-sheep, and initial-number-wolves. The model studies the sta-
bility of the populations over time. An equilibrium state, can occur under two conditions: 1)
the populations are extinct, or 2) there is minimal change over time for both populations of
sheep and wolves.
For both sensitivity analysis and calibration we quantified and scored closeness to equilibrium
as the total population stability, Et , at every simulation time step, t. Et was found as follows.
We measured the first order derivatives of both the wolf population (PW ) and sheep population
dP dP
(PS ) over time, dTW,t and dTS,t , by finding the change in population between each simulation
tick (see Eqs. 1 and 2). These derivatives were then passed through a unit step function, in
order to score extinction of either species as 0. The reciprocal of this result was considered the
population stability score for each species at t, EW,t and ES,t (see Eq. 3). We then took the
mean population stability for both species, for each simulation step, to get a total population
stability over time. Finally, an aggregate mean total population stability score, score, was
found by dividing the result by the number of time steps simulated, k (see Eq. 4).
dPW,t dPS,t
= ((PW,t − PW,t−1 )/∆T and = ((PS,t − PS,t−1 )/∆T (1)
dT dT
∆T = 1, since the ABM runs in discrete simulation time units, or ticks. So,
dPW,t dPS,t
= ((PW,t − PW,t−1 ) and = ((PS,t − PS,t−1 ) (2)
dT dT
dPW,t , if PW,t ≥ 1 1 , if PS,t ≥ 1
EW,t = and ES,t = dPS,t (3)
0, otherwise 0, otherwise
The Python package index has several optimization packages, from which we choose DEAP
(Fortin et al. 2012), mainly due to its popularity and ease of use. DEAP is also easily
parallelizable, a feature used in the example in this section. We used DEAP to configure
and run an evolutionary algorithm (EA) provided by the package to calibrate the Wolf Sheep
Predation model.
The objective of the calibration process in this experiment was finding a parameter configu-
ration that was able to closely simulate equilibrium, without extinction, in the Wolf Sheep
Predation model, described earlier in this section (see Eqs. 1 , 2, 3, 4).
First, parameter names and ranges of the model were read in from the NetLogo file using
NL4Py and used to define an Individual in the EA:
import random
from deap import base
from deap import creator
from deap import tools
from deap import algorithms
creator.create("FitnessMax", base.Fitness, weights = (1.0,))
creator.create("Individual", list, fitness = creator.FitnessMax)
toolbox = base.Toolbox()
import nl4py
nl4py.startServer("/home/ubuntu/NetLogo 6.0.3/")
n = nl4py.newNetLogoHeadlessWorkspace()
n.openModel("Wolf Sheep Predation.nlogo")
parameterNames = n.getParamNames()
parameterRanges = n.getParamRanges()
parameterInitializers = []
for parameterName, parameterRange in zip(parameterNames, parameterRanges):
parameterName = ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, str(parameterName)))
if len(parameterRange) == 3:
toolbox.register(parameterName, random.randrange, \
parameterRange[0], parameterRange[2], parameterRange[1])
parameterInitializers.append(eval("toolbox." + str(parameterName)))
toolbox.register("individual", tools.initCycle, creator.Individual,
This EA Individual description was then used to define the population for the EA using
the DEAP toolbox:
Next, a simulate function was defined to use NL4Py to initialize, run, and measure the
aggregate mean total population stability according to Eqs. 1, 2, 3, and 4, as follows:
import time
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def simulate(workspace_, names,values):
for name, value in zip(names, values):
cmd = 'set {0} {1}'.format(name, value)
workspace_.command('set model-version "sheep-wolves-grass"')
workspace_.scheduleReportersAndRun( \
["ticks", 'count sheep' , 'count wolves'], 0, 1, 500, "go")
newResults = []
while(len(newResults) == 0):
newResults = workspace_.getScheduledReporterResults()
if len(newResults) > 0:
###Process simulation results###
df = pd.DataFrame(newResults)
sheep_pop = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 1])
wolves_pop = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 2])
dsheep_dt = sheep_pop.diff().abs()
dwolves_dt = wolves_pop.diff().abs()
population_stability_sheep = np.divide(1, (dsheep_dt + \
0.000001)).mul(np.where(sheep_pop == 0, 0, 1))
population_stability_wolves = np.divide(1, (dwolves_dt + \
0.000001)).mul(np.where(wolves_pop == 0, 0, 1))
population_stability_total = (population_stability_sheep \
+ population_stability_wolves) / 2
aggregate_metric = population_stability_total.sum() \
/ len(population_stability_total)
###Done processing simulation results###
return aggregate_metric,
Note that 0.000001 was added to the denominator when calculating the population stability
of each species in addition to Eq. 3. This was to avoid a division by zero error. This
also gave us a practical upper-bound to score at 107 . Next, NL4Py was used to create
NetLogoHeadlessWorkspaces corresponding to each EA individual:
POP = 200
freeWorkspaces = []
for i in range(0, POP):
12 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
n = nl4py.newNetLogoHeadlessWorkspace()
n.openModel('Wolf Sheep Predation.nlogo')
Next, the evaluation function of each EA individual was set as the simulate function above:
def evaluateWolfSheepPredation(individual):
n = freeWorkspaces[0]
result = simulate(n,parameterNames,individual)
return result
toolbox.register("evaluate", evaluateWolfSheepPredation)
Due to the massive number of model runs required (100 generations of around 200 model
evaluations), the calibration experiment was run on all cores of an Intel(R) Core i7-7700 CPU
(7th generation) with 16GB of RAM running Windows 10 (64 Bit). DEAP was configured to
run on all available cores by registering the map function into the DEAP toolbox to utilize
the ThreadPool provided by Python’s Multiprocessing library, as follows:
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
pool = ThreadPool(multiprocessing.cpu_count())
The EA was configured to use a two-point crossover, a crossover rate of 0.8, a mutation rate
of 0.2, population size of 200 individuals, store the best individual selected for the hall of
fame, and run for 100 generations:
The EA was able to quickly converge towards an optimal solution with a high fitness (900000).
The progress of the calibration was plotted using Matplotlib as shown in Fig. 2, using the
following code:
Figure 2: Max fitness (blue) of the best individual and mean fitness(orange) over generation of
the evolutionary algorithm calibrating the Wolf Sheep Predation model towards equilibrium.
app = nl4py.NetLogoApp()
app.openModel("./Wolf Sheep Predation.nlogo")
parameterNames = n.getParamNames()
#hof, the hall of fame has the calibrated parameters of the best individual
for name, value in zip(parameterNames, hof[0]):
app.command('set {0} {1}'.format(name, value))
app.command("repeat 1000 [go]")
It was seen that when running the best parameters in GUI mode, the wolf population remained
in equilibrium, while the sheep population dropped steadily. For this parameter configuration,
the wolves were highly efficient at gaining nutrition from consuming sheep, yet could not
reproduce, allowing for a constant population over time. However, this meant that the sheep
population decreased slowly, as they were gradually hunted by the wolves. Despite, remaining
in a near-equilibrium state up to the time period the model was calibrated for, simulations
quickly fell out of equilibrium soon after this period had passed. This demonstrates the
difficulty of achieving an exact equilibrium state of both species over a long period of time.
14 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
Figure 3: The Wolf Sheep Predation model run in GUI mode via NL4Py for the best parame-
ters obtained through calibration to achieve a near-equilibrium state over 500 ticks. The wolf
population is seen to remain constant over time, while the sheep number dropped gradually.
comparison. This analysis took 7000, 14000, and 21000 model evaluations for sample sizes of
500, 1000, and 1500, respectively, and was parallized byNL4Py, as demonstrated below.
The first step was to import NL4Py and start the NetLogoControllerServer:
import nl4py
nl4py.startServer("C:/Program Files/NetLogo 6.0.3")
def simulate(workspace_,parameters):
for i, name in enumerate(problem['names']):
if name == 'random-seed':
workspace_.command('random-seed {}'.format(parameters[i]))
workspace_.command('set {0} {1}'.format(name, parameters[i]))
workspace_.command('set model-version "sheep-wolves-grass"')
workspace_.command('set initial-number-sheep 100')
workspace_.command('set initial-number-wolves 100')
workspace_.scheduleReportersAndRun( \
["ticks",'count sheep','count wolves'], 0,1,100,"go")
Next, we define the runForParameters function that takes in the entire parameter space
sample, from the sampling technique used, and executes simulate on each configuration,
making sure that an optimal number of NetLogoHeadlessWorkspaces (i.e., same as the num-
ber of cores on the machine) continue to execute in parallel. SALib produces a total of 43000
model evaluations in total for the three sample sizes to test. To handle this number we use
Python’s Multiprocessing library to utilize all processor cores available on the machine. This
function checks the workspaces and if the models runs are finished, calculates and returns the
aggregate metric of total population stability, score, according to Eqs. 1, 2, 3, and 4 as the
model output:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def runForParameters(experiment):
runsDone = 0
runsStarted = 0
runsNeeded = experiment.shape[0]
aggregate_metrics = []
import multiprocessing
parallel_workspace_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
for i in range(0, parallel_workspace_count):
16 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
workspace = nl4py.newNetLogoHeadlessWorkspace()
workspace.openModel('Wolf Sheep Predation.nlogo')
simulate(workspace, experiment[runsStarted])
runsStarted = runsStarted + 1
while (runsDone < runsNeeded):
for workspace in nl4py.getAllHeadlessWorkspaces():
newResults = workspace.getScheduledReporterResults()
if len(newResults) > 0:
###Process simulation results###
df = pd.DataFrame(newResults)
sheep_pop = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[: , 1])
wolves_pop = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[: , 2])
dsheep_dt = sheep_pop.diff().abs()
dwolves_dt = wolves_pop.diff().abs()
population_stability_sheep = np.divide( 1, (dsheep_dt \
+ 0.000001)).mul(np.where(sheep_pop == 0, 0, 1) )
population_stability_wolves = np.divide(1, (dwolves_dt \
+ 0.000001)).mul(np.where(wolves_pop == 0, 0, 1))
population_stability_total = ( population_stability_sheep \
+ population_stability_wolves) / 2
aggregate_metric = population_stability_total.sum() \
/ len(population_stability_total)
Next, the parameter names and ranges are read in using NL4Py and used to define the
problem definition to be passed into SALib.
ws = nl4py.newNetLogoHeadlessWorkspace()
ws.openModel("models/Wolf Sheep Predation.nlogo")
#Read in the parameters with NL4Py functions and generate a SALib problem
problem = {
'num_vars': 6,
'names': ['random-seed'],
'bounds': [[1, 100000]]
problem['bounds'].extend( \
[item[0::2] for item in ws.getParamRanges()[:-2]])
Chathika Gunaratne , Ivan Garibay University of Central Florida 17
Now, SALib can be used to sample the parameter space and perform sensitivity analysis. We
use Saltelli sampling with Sobol sensitivity analysis.:
Matplotlib was used to plot the resulting first order and total sensitivity indices. For first
order sensitivity indices the following Python script was used:
(a) Sobol first order sensitivity indices (S1) (b) Relative Sobol total sensitivity indices (ST)
Figure 4: Sobol Sensitivity analysis on the Wolf Sheep Predation model under varying sample
sizes. Fig. 4a plots the first order sensitivity indices against the uncertainty due to higher-
order interactions of the parameters. Relative total sensitivity indices are presented in Fig.
4b by normalizing total sensitivity indices between 0 and 1.
Results of the Sobol sensitivity analysis with Saltelli sampling with varying sample sizes are
shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4a plots the first order sensitivity indices along with the portion of
uncertainty due to higher order interactions of parameters, under increasing sample sizes.
Fig. 4b compares the total sensitivity indices, normalized between 1 and 0 for comparison,
under varying sample sizes.
While the total sensitivity indices demonstrate consistency under increasing sample sizes,
higher sample sizes (1000 and 1500) are required for a consistency between first order sen-
sitivity indices. At higher sample sizes, the sensitivity analysis indicates that a majority of
the uncertainty of the model is due to higher order interactions between the parameters, an
attribute inherent to complex adaptive systems. Parameter grass-regrowth-time recorded
the highest first order sensitivity, followed by wolf-reproduce and wolf-gain-from-food.
The requirement of a large sample space for consistency in the sensitivity analysis results is
indicative of the complexity of the model.
Chathika Gunaratne , Ivan Garibay University of Central Florida 19
4. Software architecture
NL4Py uses a client-server architecture and consists of two main components, the NL4Py
client written in Python and the NetLogoControllerServer JAR executable written in Java,
as shown in Fig. 5. The client code communicates to the NetLogoControllerServer through
a socket enabled by the Py4J library. The entire NL4Py package is hosted on the Python
package index and is automatically downloaded through the pip installer and sets up the
NetLogoControllerServer in the Pip package installation directory. The client-server ar-
chitecture allows NetLogoHeadlessWorkspaces to be run in parallel as Java threads on the
NetLogoControllerServer, independent of the user’s Python application code. This elimi-
nates the need for users to have to manage the connection to the JVM, thread/process cre-
ation, and garbage collection of multiple headless workspaces from their Python application
NetLogo provides headless workspaces through its controlling API, which can be controlled
through Java or Scala application. NetLogo headless workspaces are inherently thread safe.
NL4Py, uses this to its advantage by pushing concurrency to the JVM via the
NetLogoContollerServer. The NL4Py Python client provides thread-safe
NetLogoHeadlessWorkspace objects to the Python application developer, created accord-
ing to the factory design pattern. Each NetLogoHeadlessWorkspace object is mapped to a
HeadlessWorkspaceController object on the NetLogoControllerServer, which is respon-
sible for starting and stopping the NetLogo model, sending commands to the model, fetching
results from reporters to the model, querying parameters, and scheduling reporters over model
execution. NL4Py relieves the Python application of thread/process creation, by ensuring that
the procedures with long execution times are non-blocking, i.e., results for procedures such as
scheduled reporters, whose results must wait till the end of a model run, return immediately
and results can be queried later at a custom time by the user application, without blocking
the Python application.
Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 explain the internal organization of the NL4Py Python client and
NetLogoControllerServer, respectively. The NL4Py client consists of a
20 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
5. Performance
This section presents results from measuring execution time improvements made by NL4Py
on various NetLogo sample models under different configurations and in comparison to exe-
cution times by PyNetLogo. NL4Py is shown to perform faster than both PyNetLogo and
PyNetLogo running in combination with IPyParallel.
NL4Py was tested on three NetLogo sample models that accompany the NetLogo model
library, namely: the Fire model (Wilensky 1997a), Wolf Sheep Predation model (Wilensky
1997b), and Ethnocentrism model (Wilensky 2003; Axelrod and Hammond 2003). These
three models were chosen due to the difference in their stopping conditions:
22 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
• Fire: Demonstrates Percolation theory by simulating a forest fire and had a stopping
condition for when the fire stopped spreading. This model tends to stop relatively
Each model ran for varying amounts of time due the stopping conditions being triggered
earlier or later depending on both the parameter settings and the stochasticity inherent to
any ABM. In order to better capture this range of stopping times, each model run was setup
with a random parameter initialization. In the case of the Ethnocentrism model, which has
no stopping condition, each run was capped at 1000 ticks.
All model runs were performed on an Intel(R) Core i7-7700 CPU (7th generation) with 16GB
of memory running Windows 10 (64 Bit). Each experiment was repeated 10 times to account
for model stochasticity and all results presented below are aggregates of the multiple runs
under the same experimental conditions.
Figure 8: Execution times (in seconds) taken by NL4Py to run 1, 4, 8, and 16 parallel NL4Py
NetLogoHeadlessWorkspaces (threads) of the Wolf Sheep Predation sample model provided
with NetLogo 6.0.2. There is a vast improvement in execution time with parallelization of
model runs. However, running more threads than the number of cores available results in no
improvement or even slightly slower execution speeds, due to context switching. Runs were
performed on an Intel(R) Core i7-7700 CPU (7th generation) with 16GB of RAM running
Windows 10 (64 Bit), and repeated 10 times under random parameter sampling.
In order to benchmark the performance of NL4Py, we compared its execution times against
first, PyNetLogo by itself, and second, PyNetLogo in unison with IPyParallel.
For the comparison against PyNetLogo, we considered 200 parallel model runs, i.e., 200
parallely executing headless workspace references from the Python script, of each of the three
sample models described above. Each model was run for 100, 1000, and 100 ticks for Fire,
Ethnocentrism, and Wolf Sheep Predation, respectively. We randomly initialized parameters
through NetLogo commands, setup, and ran simple reporters for both connectors, checking
the end condition for each model at regular intervals, creating a symmetrical Python script
for both connectors. For example, for the Fire model, the NL4Py script was as follows:
import time
startTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
import nl4py
nl4py.startServer("C:/Program Files/NetLogo 6.0.2")
workspaces = []
modelRuns = 200
for i in range(0, modelRuns):
n = nl4py.newNetLogoHeadlessWorkspace()
24 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
n.command("set density random 99")
n.command("repeat 100 [go]")
while len(workspaces) > 0:
for workspace in workspaces:
#Check if workspaces are stopped
ticks = int(float("ticks")))
stop = str("not any? turtles")).lower()
if ticks == 100 or stop == "true":
print(str(modelRuns - len(workspaces)) + " " \
+ str("burned-trees")) + " " \
+ str(ticks) + " " + stop)
stopTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
totalTime = stopTime - startTime
with open("Times_Comparison_Fire.csv", "a") as myfile:
myfile.write('Fire,' + str(modelRuns) + ',NL4Py,' \
+ str(totalTime) + "\n")
import time
startTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
import pyNetLogo
workspaces = []
modelRuns = 200
for i in range(0, modelRuns):
n = pyNetLogo.NetLogoLink(gui = False,
netlogo_home = "C:/Program Files/NetLogo 6.0.2",
netlogo_version = '6')
n.command("set density random 99")
n.command("repeat 100 [go]")
while len(workspaces) > 0:
for workspace in workspaces:
#Check if workspaces are stopped
ticks = int(float("ticks")))
stop = str("not any? turtles")).lower()
if ticks == 100 or stop == "true":
print(str(modelRuns - len(workspaces)) + " " \
+ str("burned-trees")) + " " \
Chathika Gunaratne , Ivan Garibay University of Central Florida 25
Fig. 9 compares the execution times, aggregated over 10 repetitions for each configuration,
for simple reporters over 200 model runs for both connectors. It can be seen that NL4Py is
over twice as fast for Ethnocentrism mode and nearly twice as fast for Fire and Wolf Sheep
Predation. Considering that Ethnocentrism ran for more simulation time than the other two
models, it can be said that NL4Py was able to execute individual NetLogo runs faster than
Figure 9: Execution Time Comparison between NL4Py vs PyNetLogo with simple reporters
checking the end of each simulation run, for 200 runs each of three different NetLogo sample
models: Ethnocentrism, Fire, and Wolf Sheep Predation. Both controller configurations ran
8 headless workspaces/instances in parallel and executed each sample model for 100, 1000,
and 100 ticks, respectively.
As the PyNetLogo + IPyParallel combination requires IPython and Jupyter notebook, both
connectors were run on Jupyter notebooks for fair comparison. The number of parallely exe-
cuting models was fixed to 8 for both connectors, i.e., 8 threads/ NetLogoHeadlessWorkspaces
for NL4Py and 8 IPCluster engines for the PyNetLogo + IPyParallel combination. Execution
times were aggregated over 5 repetitions for each connector - model runs configuration.
The program running the NL4Py execution time measurement for this experiment was written
in two functions. The first took in a headless workspace as a parameter, initialized a simulation
with random parameter values within the ranges given by the model, and scheduled reporters
to run for 100 simulation ticks.
import nl4py
# Replace argument to startServer(...) with the location of your NetLogo
# installation
nl4py.startServer("C:/Program Files/NetLogo 6.0.2")
import time
def simulate(workspace_):
# Same netlogo commands as used for the PyNetLogo evaluation
workspace_.command("random-seed 999")
workspace_.command("set initial-number-sheep 150")
workspace_.command("set initial-number-wolves 150")
workspace_.command("set grass-regrowth-time 50")
workspace_.command("set sheep-gain-from-food 25")
workspace_.command("set wolf-gain-from-food 50")
workspace_.command("set sheep-reproduce 10")
workspace_.command("set wolf-reproduce 10")
workspace_.command("set show-energy? false")
workspace_.command('set model-version "sheep-wolves-grass"')
workspace_.scheduleReportersAndRun( \
["ticks", 'count sheep', 'count wolves'], 0, 1, 100, "go")
The second, started 8 headless workspaces and used the simulate function to run simulations
on these workspaces until the number of runs needed was satisfied.
def measureExecutionTime(runsNeeded):
startTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
runsDone = 0
runsStarted = 0
allResults = []
# Make sure we start 8 headless workspaces to compare to
# 8 IPCluster engines running PyNetLogo
for i in range(0, 8):
workspace = nl4py.newNetLogoHeadlessWorkspace()
workspace.openModel('./Wolf Sheep Predation.nlogo')
runsStarted = runsStarted + 1
Chathika Gunaratne , Ivan Garibay University of Central Florida 27
We then used these functions to measure the execution times for different numbers of total
runs needed under the 8 NetLogoHeadlessWorkspaces via NL4Py.
import os
outputFile = '../output/5.3_output.csv'
out = open (outputFile, "a+")
Next, the following code was used to connect to the IPCluster from the Jupyter notebook
and push the current working directory into the engines:
import numpy as np
import pyNetLogo
import os
import ipyparallel
client = ipyparallel.Client()
direct_view = client[:]
import os
engines that can be accessed later
direct_view.push(dict(cwd = os.getcwd()))
28 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
Following (Jaxa-Rozen et al. 2018), we then used the %%px decorator to parallelize a Jupyter
notebook cell to be run by the IPCluster engines:
Next, a simulation function was defined. This function initialized the model on the IPCluster
to random parameters via PyNetLogo, started the simulation run, and repeated reporters over
100 simulation ticks:
def simulation(runId):
# Same netlogo commands as used for the NL4Py evaluation
netlogo.command("random-seed 999")
netlogo.command("set initial-number-sheep 150")
netlogo.command("set initial-number-wolves 150")
netlogo.command("set grass-regrowth-time 50")
netlogo.command("set sheep-gain-from-food 25")
netlogo.command("set wolf-gain-from-food 50")
netlogo.command("set sheep-reproduce 10")
netlogo.command("set wolf-reproduce 10")
netlogo.command("set show-energy? false")
netlogo.command('set model-version "sheep-wolves-grass"')
# Run for 100 ticks and return the number of sheep and wolf agents
# at each time step
counts = netlogo.repeat_report(
['ticks', 'count sheep', 'count wolves'], 100)
results = pd.Series([counts.shape[0],
counts.iloc[-1 : 1],
counts.iloc[-1 : 2]],
index = ['ticks', 'Avg. sheep', 'Avg. wolves'])
return results
except Exception as e:
Finally, we could measure the execution times for different total model run counts by PyNet-
Logo on 8 IPCluster engines. For each measurement, we used a direct_view from IPyPar-
allel to map the simulation function to the engines, while also specifying the total number
of model runs required:
Chathika Gunaratne , Ivan Garibay University of Central Florida 29
import os
outputFile = '../output/5.3_output.csv'
out = open (outputFile, "a+")
import time
for runs in [5000, 10000, 15000]:
startTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
# Run the simulations and measure execution time
# The following failsafe had to be added as PyNetLogo occasionally
# fails due to duplicate temporary filenames left from prior runs...
test = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
for item in test:
if item.endswith(".txt"):
os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), item))
# ...end failsafe
results = pd.DataFrame(direct_view.map_sync(simulation, range(runs)))
except Exception as e:
stopTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
executionTime = stopTime - startTime
out.write("pyNetLogo,repeatReporters," + str(runs) + "," \
+ str(executionTime) + "\n")
Fig. 10 demonstrates that execution time of the Wolf Sheep Predation model via NL4Py was
still less when compared to PyNetLogo executing on an IPyParallel cluster. As execution time
increases linearly for both connectors, this difference is more prominent for large numbers of
model runs.
6. Limitations
A known limitation of NL4Py is that the NetLogo application in GUI enabled mode cannot
be run as several separate instances. This is due to the singleton design pattern used by the
NetLogo 6 application when accessed through the controlling API, which ensures that only
one NetLogo GUI application is created per Java virtual machine. To run multiple instances of
the NetLogo application in GUI mode, multiple JVM instances would have to be started and,
accordingly, NL4Py would have to start multiple instances of the NetLogoControllerServer.
Such a feature is not yet supported by NL4Py.
7. Conclusion
We introduce NL4Py to the agent-based modeling community, a means through which model
developers can create and interact with parallelly executable NetLogo models. With NL4Py
developers can now open, set parameters, send commands and schedule reporters to NetLogo
30 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
Figure 10: Execution time comparison between NL4Py (red) running 8 parallel headless
workspaces (8 Java threads) vs PyNetLogo running on an 8-engine IPyParallel IPCluster
(blue), for the execution of reporters tracking simulation state for each tick over 5000, 10000,
and 15000 model runs of the Wolf Sheep Predation model. Parameters are initialized randomly
and execution time for each connector - model runs configuration is shown aggregated over 5
models. This is especially useful when performing parameter space exploration on models,
where the sheer size of the possible parameter space or mere stochasticity of a model is
so great that a vast number of model runs are required to conduct. NL4Py is platform
independent, being compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.6 and has been tested to
work on Windows 10, MacOS 10.10, and Ubuntu operating systems.
Sensitivity analysis and parameter calibration of the Wolf Sheep Predation NetLogo model
were conducted via NL4Py, demonstrating the model’s sensitivity to higher order interactions
of parameters, and the difficulty to achieve a complete equilibrium of both species in the
ABM. We demonstrate the ease of conducting these statistical analyses on ABM output
using libraries like SALib and DEAP, once the NetLogo model is made controllable through
We compare NL4Py’s performance on running parallel instances of three NetLogo sample
models, against the recently introduced NetLogo to Python connector PyNetLogo, and demon-
strate an significant improvement in execution time with less effort; without having the user
to externally start an IPCluster through IPyParallel.
Our hope is that this contribution will increase the accessibility of NetLogo to researchers
from the computational optimization and machine learning domains. The authors see this as
a vital link for the ABM community, in order to utilize the latest technological advancements
Chathika Gunaratne , Ivan Garibay University of Central Florida 31
in easy to use data analytics software packages that are increasingly available on the Python
package index.
This research was supported by DARPA program HR001117S0018 and AWS Research Credits
provided by Amazon Web Services to the Complex Adaptive Systems Lab, University of
Central Florida.
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Chathika Gunaratne
Complex Adaptive Systems Lab
34 NL4Py: Agent-Based Modeling in Python with Parallelizable NetLogo Workspaces
Institute for Simulation and Training
University of Central Florida
Ivan Garibay
Complex Adaptive Systems Lab
Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
University of Central Florida