Desert Cooler
Desert Cooler
Desert Cooler
Seminar Report On
In partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of
Diploma Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Santanu Sethi
6th semester
Roll No. – F16111002049
The contents of this report have not been submitted and will
not be submitted either in part or in full, for the award of any
other degree or diploma in this institute or any other institute or
university. The report fulfills the requirements and regulations
of the University and in my opinion meets the necessary
standards for submission.
Place : Balasore
Date : Signature of the Guide
I hereby declare that the seminar topic entitled “Desert cooler” submitted
I further declare that the work reported in this report has not been
submitted and will not be submitted, either in part or in full, for the award of
any other degree or diploma in this institute or any other institute or university.
Place : Balasore
Date :
Signature of the Student
Page no.
Acknowledgement ……………………………………….. i
Abstarct ………………………………………………………. ii
Table of Contents …………………………………………….. iii
List of Figures ………………………………………………… iv
List of Tables …………………………………………………. v
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Er. Radha rani Panda,
Er. Anita Shial, Er. Anil Kumar Nandi, Er. Manindra Sahoo for providing all
necessary help and guidance.
Santanu Sethi
Roll No: F16111002049
6th semester
Electrical Engineering
05 Cost estimation 8
Today in the 20th century, the world is facing a major problem of global
warming due rapid industrialization. In
India, during summer season the average temperature is about 40°C to 45°C. It
even reaches up to 48°C to 50°C
in the month of June. To maintain comfortable condition in (i.e. temperature &
humidity) in the summer season
various types of appliances are used such as ‘Air Conditioner’, ‘Coolers’, etc...
These appliances are easily
available in the market. In India, the average income of common man is not so
high, common man cannot afford
these appliances because of their high cost. Another problem is scarcity of
electricity, especially in villages; the
load shading is 14 to 16 hours a day.
This paper gives a solution for the above problem. . It is the modification of the
desert cooler by
attaching it with accessories such as ‘Purit’ water filter and modified earthen
pot (Ranjan & Matka). With the
help of these modifications we have achieved the following goals,
1. Air conditioning effect (temperature obtained is less than 8°C to 9°C as
compared common cooler).
2. Filtered Cool water for drinking purpose.
3. Storage space for perishable goods.
4. Modified Desert Cooler reduces humidity to human comfort level.
This ‘Modified Desert Cooler’ is less expensive than other appliances available
in the market (air
conditioner, cooler, etc.) & consumes less electricity. The M.D.C. can be used in
homes, offices, banks,
auditorium halls, etc…….
2. Description of Modified Desert Cooler (MDC)
The assembly of Modified Desert cooler consists of following components:
1. Desert cooler assembled with storage box.
2. Simple small size earthen pot known as Matka.
3. One big size earthen pot known as Ranjan.
4. Connecting tubes or pipes.
5. A draft with humidity controller.
The above figure shows the assembly of the project in which the desert
cooler is connected with a new
innovative cooling system with the help of connecting tubes. The water is
circulated around storage box with the help of another connecting tube. The
system is so assembled that the flow of water takes place on the principle of
gravity. Thus for circulating water around the box & into the Ranjan we will not
require any extra pump.
4.1 Readings:
Table no.1
Initial condition
Sr. no Conditions Temperature
1. Room temperature 36˚C
2. Water temperature in lower tank 36˚C
3. Temp. in storage box 34˚C
Table no. 2 Comparison between temperature of water
in conventional Matka & modified Matka.
Time in Temp. (in ˚C) of Temp. (in ˚C) of water in
Sr. no. minutes water in modified
conventional pot matka
1 0 36 36
2 30 30 30
3 60 28 27
4 90 27 25
5 120 26 23
6 150 26 22
7 180 26 22
8 210 26 21
9 240 25 19
10 270 25 17
11 300 25 15
12 330 25 15
13 360 25 15
From the readings of table no. 2 we observed that in six hours the
temperature of water in conventional pot (Matka) decreases from 36˚C to 25˚C,
in last two and half hours the temperature of water remains constant at 25˚C. In
innovative cooling system, the temperature of water inside the modified Matka
decreases up to 15˚C, which is 10˚C less than conventional pot.
Temp. in ˚C
Time in minutes
Fig. 3 Graph showing comparison between temperature of water in conventional Matka &
modified Matka
Temp. in ˚C
Time in minutes
Fig. 3 Graph showing comparison between room temperature using CDC & MDC
From the readings of table no.3 we observed that in six hours the room
temperature decreases from 36˚C to 27˚C by using conventional desert cooler,
in last two hours the temperature of room remains constant at 27˚C. While using
MDC the room temperature decreases up to 21˚ C, which is 6˚C less than
conventional desert cooler.
From table no. 4 we observed that the temperature inside the storage box
decreases from 34˚C to 18˚C within six hours and last three readings remains
constant. This temperature is suitable for storing perishable food items.
Table no. 5 Cost
2 Matka 80/-
3 Ranjan 100/-
The cost of a normal air conditioner is approximately Rs. 28000/- and the
cost of a refrigerator is about Rs. 6000/-; which quiet expensive than MDC.
MDC provides us with both the facilities at an affordable cost of Rs. 4640/-
5. Conclusions
The cost of a normal air conditioner is approximately Rs. 28000/- and the cost
of a refrigerator is about Rs. 6000/-; which quiet expensive than MDC. MDC
provides us with both the facilities at an affordable cost of Rs. 4640/- only.
Thus MDC cools the air more than the conventional Desert cooler, it also
provide cold-pure water for drinking purpose comparatively at low cost than
Refrigerator. The modified desert cooler is developed for providing better
cooling effect than conventional desert cooler. It is also used for cooling and
purifying the drinking water. It will control humidity to the human comfort
level. Because of its multifunctional abilities it is a better option.
[1] P.K. Nag, “Engineering Thermodynamics” Tata McGraw-Hill Publication
company Limited, New Delhi. Page no. 554-570.
[2] R.K. Rajput, “Thermal Engineering” Laxmi Publication Company Limited,
New Delhi. Page no. 1460-1474.
[3] R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta, “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning” S. Chand
Publication House. Page no. 198-212.
[4] C.P. Arora, “Thermodynamics” Tata McGraw-Hill Publication company
Limited, New Delhi. Page no. Page no. 62-76.
[5] Jordon & Priester, “Principles of Refrigeration & Air- conditioning” PHt
Publication. Page no. 248-263.
[6] Stoker & Jones, “Refrigeration & Air- conditioning” Tata McGraw-Hill
Publication company Limited, New Delhi. Page no. 64-80.