Aiaa 2010 288 PDF
Aiaa 2010 288 PDF
Aiaa 2010 288 PDF
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6 authors, including:
Mitch Wolff
Wright State University
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The INVENT Phase I efforts have focused strongly on the development of high fidelity aircraft modeling and
simulation capabilities. As a part of this initiative, AFRL has undertaken the development, integration and
demonstration of a mission level tip-to-tail thermal model. The major components of the integrated model include
the Air Vehicle System (AVS), the Fuel Thermal Management System, the engine models, and Power Thermal
Management System (PTMS). The integrated model is then flown over a complete aircraft flight mission from
ground idle thru take-off, climb, cruise, descent, landing and post-flight ground hold. Having established a baseline
level of performance for the aircraft PTMS system over the full mission length, the PTMS model is then exercised to
investigate some possible design space trades. The trades include varying the engine bleed air demand for an air-
cycle design as well as comparing the air cycle performance to a representative vapor cycle design. The design
trades are an effort to highlight the potential application of the integrated system model. This, first in a series of
research investigations, is not constrained to actual hardware components. The components in this system are
representative of modern/future aircraft. The motivation is to stimulate additional dialog and discussion as to the
benefits of integrated aircraft system analysis with the long term goal of achieving a design system capable of
analyzing future energy optimized aircraft.
I. Introduction
T raditionally, the aircraft thermal, power, propulsion, and vehicle systems have been designed and optimized at a
subsystem level with little consideration toward the design of the thermal management system (TMS). Such a
design philosophy was sufficient due to the low thermal resistance of the airframe skin, the addition of ram inlet heat
exchangers, and the relatively small amount of power required by the electrical loads. Aircraft TMS design was
conducted through analysis of the anticipated worst case steady state operating points [1, 2]. This approach has been
satisfactory for traditional aircraft designs. Modern aircraft made with composite skins have a high thermal
resistance thereby greatly reducing convective cooling. In addition, the cross-sectional areas of ram inlet heat
exchangers have also been reduced. At the same time, the size of the power system has increased by nearly an order
of magnitude to support numerous high-power loads that increase the internal heat generated within modern/future
aircraft. These factors have led to the current thermal challenges facing modern/future aircraft.
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has identified the need for an integrated thermal management
system analysis. The Integrated Vehicle & Energy Technology (INVENT) program was established, in part, to
address the thermal challenges of modern, survivable military aircraft. These new aircraft have three to five times
the heat load of legacy platforms while being limited in the ability to reject heat to the environment. Rejecting heat
to the engine cycle through various flow paths has become the preferred approach. The added heat load is the result
of modern avionics, advanced mission systems, fueldraulic based vectored thrust control systems, and larger more
electric aircraft engine accessories (generators, gear boxes, environmental controls, etc.). Modeling and simulation
of the integrated thermal and electrical aircraft systems is a critical part of the INVENT program. INVENT seeks to
Engineer, RZPA, 1950 Fifth St Bldg. 18, WPAFB, OH 45433.
Senior Engineer, RZPE, 1950 Fifth St Bldg. 18, WPAFB, OH 45433.
Engineer, 3000 Kent Ave Suite C1-100, West Lafayette, IN 47906.
Senior Engineer, 3000 Kent Ave Suite C1-100, West Lafayette, IN 47906.
Electrical Engineer, RZPE, 1950 Fifth St Bldg. 18, WPAFB, OH 45433.
Scientific Advisor for INVENT, RZPE, 1950 Fifth St Bldg. 18, WPAFB, OH 45433. Associate Fellow AIAA
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
This material is declared a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States.
utilize integration technology via modeling and simulation (M&S) to investigate the aircraft system design space
followed by validation testing in laboratories using integrated systems facilities in conjunction with engine and
vehicle test laboratories. The complexity of these highly integrated systems necessitates an efficient M&S analytical
approach to avoid the costs and risks associated with hardware based approaches to system integration.
Another important issue is the optimization of the aircraft systems within the platform. The INVENT program is
working toward a system in which trades can be considered in achieving an energy optimized aircraft (EOA). For
civilian aircraft wherein the mission is the transport of a payload over a certain distance at a certain speed, the EOA
has been defined as the fulfillment of this mission in the most efficient manner [3]. Although this definition covers
the essence of an EOA, it does not capture the added constraint imposed by a multi-role military aircraft.
Furthermore, over the life of the aircraft, new capabilities and missions will need to be supported that are unknown
to the original designers. Therefore, the INVENT EOA definition is an aircraft that is optimized for broad
capabilities while consuming the minimum amount of energy (aircraft and ground support) with the minimum
complexity system architecture [4]. This expanded definition allows for trades between minimum energy
consumption and flexibility (minimum complexity) at the airframe level. For example, without provisions for
growth, an aircraft that may be optimized for energy consumption may not be capable of supporting a future-
generation sensor suite. Therefore, either multiple aircraft are required to fulfill this mission or capabilities are
compromised, both not fulfilling the EOA requirement.
To be able to effectively consider the energy optimized design space, the component/sub-system models need to
be scalable over a reasonable size/capability range. The INVENT program is addressing this issue by requiring
scalability of unit level models through a reasonable range (±25%) with respect to the design operating point.
Additionally, the INVENT program has established a detailed standard regarding model interfaces. The Modeling
Requirements and Implementation Plan (MRIP) document was developed to meet this need [4]. Finally, the MRIP
specifies two different levels of fidelity for the M&S activity – mission and segment levels. The segment level
models are intended to address high bandwidth dynamics and are anticipated to run tens to hundreds of times slower
than real-time. Mission level models are expected to run more than ten times faster than real time and analyze
thermal aspects of the subsystem components through entire mission profiles.
The goal of this modeling effort is to develop, integrate and demonstrate a mission level tip-to-tail thermal
model. The major components of the integrated model include the aircraft six degree of freedom model (6-DoF) and
the vehicle management system (VMS), the engine aerodynamic and engine thermal models, the vehicle thermal
model (fuel tanks), the power thermal management system (PTMS), and various representative aircraft level heat
loads. The integrated model is then flown over a complete aircraft flight mission from ground idle thru take-off,
climb, cruise, landing and post-flight ground hold. Having established a baseline level of performance for the
aircraft PTMS system over the full mission length, the PTMS model is then exercised to investigate some possible
design space trades. The design trades are an effort to highlight the potential application of the integrated system
model. This, first in a series of research investigations, is not constrained to actual hardware components. The
components in this system are representative of modern/future aircraft. The motivation is to stimulate additional
dialog and discussion as to the benefits of integrated aircraft system analysis with the long term goal of achieving a
design system capable of analyzing future energy optimized aircraft.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
A schematic of the model interconnectivity is given in Figure 1, followed by brief descriptions of the individual
component and sub-system models.
A. Aircraft Models
The aircraft six degree of freedom model is a variable mass, rigid body model representative of a blended wing-
body long range aircraft. The aircraft 6-DoF model is intended to serve as a mission level analysis tool with
sufficient fidelity to enable relevant trade studies (e.g., accounting for additional ram air drag associated with a
vapor cycle PTMS as compared to an air cycle PTMS) and yet with sufficient execution speed that full length
mission performance metrics can be produced rapidly. The primary modeling objective for the 6-DoF model is to
dynamically update the following data as a function of the aircraft flight condition: ambient atmospheric data,
required engine thrust, and a coordinated set of control surface actuator loads. The model that has been developed
for the present air platform is a MATLAB/Simulink application with the following features and capabilities:
! Trim and IC capability for steady level flight at any point within the flight envelope.
! Easily specified mission legs in terms of altitude, Mach number, roll angle and course.
! Aircraft weight, inertia tensor and cg location dynamically updated throughout the mission.
! Control effectors: wing-tip “clamshells” for directional and braking control; outboard elevons for roll
control; beavertail and inboard elevons for pitch control.
! Symmetrical engine thrust – no differential thrust control, no thrust vectoring.
! Vehicle aerodynamics based on table look-up scheme; aerodynamic database developed using a vortex-
lattice method.
! In standalone mode, inclusion of a very simple dynamic engine thrust model.
! Ability to integrate instantaneous data over the length of the mission to arrive at performance metrics such
as range, endurance, total fuel burn, etc.
! Flight control loop closure providing cruise regulation and tracking of altitude, airspeed or Mach number,
bank angle and heading.
! Feedback gains scheduled throughout the flight envelope as a function of gross weight and freestream
dynamic pressure.
The top-level feedback architecture for the aircraft flight control computer is presented below in Figure 2.
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stateVectorFeedback FCC_dataBus
cruiseStateData FCC_dataBus
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Fuel thermal management system
The air vehicle fuel thermal management system (FTMS) is modeled using an AFRL developed Simulink based
toolset comprised of various FTMS components. Temperature of the fuel inside the fuel tank drives constraints
throughout the system and therefore particular focus is given to the heat transfer model for each tank. The toolset is
comprised of material heat transfer models capable of capturing solar loading, infrared radiation, and aerodynamic
convection on the aircraft surface. The conductive heat transfer to the internal surface of the fuel tanks establishes
heat transfer between the fuselage/fuel and external surfaces. Finite volume methods are implemented in the wall
material along with standard lump capacitance approaches for fuel volumes [5]. Numerical integration in Simulink
allows for time-domain analysis of the temperature response resulting from highly variable boundary conditions
applied to fast responding (fuel tank wall) and slow responding (full fuel tanks) physical components.
In addition to the fuel tanks, the additional heat load attributed to flow through the fuel pumps is captured
downstream of the fuel tanks, Figure 3. A variety of aircraft subsystems utilize fuel as a viable heat sink, and
depending on the subsystem a significant temperature rise could be observed. Eventually the fuel temperature can
rise to levels incapable of cooling temperature constrained components, and therefore increased fuel flow beyond
engine demand is required to maintain component temperatures within appropriate operating ranges. The FTMS
model utilizes circuit temperatures to determine if additional flow is needed, and any excess flow is returned to the
tanks. The resultant ‘temperature runaway’ conditions under high levels of return flow and/or low fuel tank mass
can be analyzed effectively using the FTMS models. Such mission critical responses will be highly dependent on the
complicated interaction between all coupled subsystems, and therefore the appropriate hooks are in place to couple
other essential aircraft subsystems. The detailed analysis of the interdependent subsystems will be essential in
developing an EOA.
B. Engine Models
A thermal and an aerodynamic model of the engine are used to simulate engine behavior. The aerodynamic
model simulates the temperature, speeds, pressures, and thrust of the engine cycle. The thermal engine model
simulates the heat transfer of the various components of the engine to the fuel. Both models are used as quasi-steady
state models. The models themselves are steady state models, but are stepped through time to make them quasi-
steady state models. The thermal model has inputs from the aerodynamic model of temperatures, speeds, pressures,
fuel flow, and power extractions. The outputs from the thermal model include temperatures of the oil and fuel and a
return to tank flow. The inputs to the aerodynamic engine model include thrust commands, ambient conditions,
power extraction, bleed requests, and heat inputs. The power extractions from the engine are estimates of electrical
loads throughout the flight envelope. The bleed request and heat input into the engine air stream are signals from
the PTMS system. The thrust command is generated by the aircraft 6-DoF model. Outputs of the aerodynamic
engine model include fuel burned, thrust achieved, and inputs to the thermal engine model mentioned above.
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Figure 3: Aircraft fuel tanks, fuel tank wall heat transfer, and pump models
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C. PTMS Models
In order to investigate the potential performance benefits associated with PTMS architectures, trade studies with
three PTMS architectures were implemented in the tip-to-tail thermal management mission level model. Two air
refrigeration cycle and a single vapor refrigeration cycle were used to investigate the PTMS trade space.
Each of the air cycle PTMS architectures are implemented as closed air refrigeration cycles which are used to
refrigerate the aircraft’s liquid cooled and air cooled loads. A PAO loop is used to interface the PTMS with the
liquid cooled avionics loads and engine bleed air provides cooling for the air cooled loads as well as powering the
refrigeration cycles. In addition, each of the air cycle PTMS architectures have two heat sinks used to cool the high
temperature high pressure closed loop air stream from the compressor. The primary heat sink is an air to air heat
exchanger located in the fan stream of the main engine with an additional PAO loop which interfaces the PTMS to
the aircraft fuel, Hot Liquid Loop (HLL). The HLL heat sink is used when the primary heat sink is insufficient to
remove the necessary heat to refrigerate the liquid and air cooled loads. The primary heat sink location differs
between the two air cycle PTMS architectures. In architecture #1 the primary heat sink is located at the engine
second fan stage while in architecture #2 the primary heat sink is located at the first fan stage.
The vapor cycle PTMS architecture, as with the air cycle PTMS, is used to refrigerate the aircraft’s liquid cooled
and air cooled loads. Similar to the gas cycle PTMS, engine bleed air provides cooling for the air cooled loads. A
PAO loop interfaces with the engine bleed air to the evaporator which cools the bleed air and provides cooling for
the air cooled loads. An additional PAO loop interfaces the liquid cooled loads to the PTMS. Main engine shaft
extraction is used to power the vapor cycle. The primary vapor cycle heat sink is a ram air-fuel heat exchanger. A
PAO loop is use to interface the condenser to the fuel similar to the HLL used in the air cycle architectures. In flight,
the fuel is cooled with ram air; for ground operation, a fan is employed.
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models. The model referencing approach requires similar testing. Lastly, use of the MathWorks’ Parallel
Computing Toolbox (PCT) caused issues that are currently being worked with MathWorks and AFRL. Some of
those issues include use of model referencing, accelerator mode, networked computers, and use of legacy code with
PCT. The performance goal is to execute mission level models 10X faster than real-time.
Data logging is another challenge with such a large system model. Simulink makes available several approaches
for monitoring signals in the model. These methods include scopes, displays, signal logging, to-workspace blocks,
and to-file blocks. Each of these methods has its own set of drawbacks. The scopes, displays, and to-workspace
blocks seem to be the least beneficial. The main drawback with the signal logging capability is that it saves data to
the workspace and there is no simple means to save that data to a file to limit memory usage during model
simulation. The “to-file” block is limited in that it does not support buses directly, and requires all data to be of the
same type. Workarounds exist for both methodologies, but may not be apparent to an inexperienced user.
Currently we are using the “to file” block as the data logging methodology.
Lastly, a configuration management system was used to allow for continued development of the models while
integration of a baseline set of models was being performed. As problems with models were identified, the
integrator would inform the model owner and that owner could reproduce the problem - if necessary by using the
same configuration as the integrator through the configuration management system - and then fix the problem. The
owner could then post the fix in the configuration management system for the integrator and others to use. The main
problems with the configuration management system and its use dealt with training of engineers; as integration
continued on, the number of issues was reduced.
III. Results
A generic modern long range strike aircraft was modeled over a 200 minute mission. The intention of the
mission profile, depicted in Figure 4, is to provide sufficient coverage of the flight envelope to demonstrate
performance of the integrated model in each of the segments of interest: pre-flight ground hold, accelerate, climb,
cruise, descent, low altitude flight, post-flight ground hold. The ambient conditions for the mission were as
specified by the standards for a Mil-HDBK-310 10% Hot Day.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Mission Profile
40000 1
Mach No
Altitude (ft)
Mach No
20000 0.5
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (min)
The objective of the trade study is to investigate the performance benefits associated with different PTMS
architectures. The function of the PTMS is to cool the thermal loads on the aircraft and the performance of the
PTMS can be assessed by the thermal margin and the required energy to refrigerate the loads. Improved PTMS
performance will provide both an increased thermal margin, which would allow for increases in thermal loading or
the extension of missions capabilities, and will also require less energy to refrigerate the aircraft loads.
One important measure for PTMS thermal margin is fuel tank temperature, which has a chosen maximum
temperature limit of 138F. A metric for PTMS energy consumption is the fuel required to complete the mission with
an improvement resulting in a reduction in fuel consumption. The performance associated with each PTMS is
evaluated for fuel tank temperature as a function of mission time (Figure 6) as well as fuel weight as a function of
mission time (Figure 5).
Figure 6 compares the fuel tank temperature of the three PTMS architectures over the mission. In air cycle
architecture #1, the fuel tank thermal limit is exceeded after 170 minutes with a peak fuel tank temperature of 140F.
The exceeded thermal limit would require alteration of the mission resulting in reduced mission capability. In air
cycle architecture #2, the fuel tank thermal limit is not reached. The peak fuel tank temperature is 123F which
results in a 17F increase in thermal margin as compared to air cycle architecture #1. Architecture #2 employs a
lower temperature primary heat sink, main engine fan stage one in contrast to the second fan stage in architecture #1,
which results in a reduced use of the secondary HLL heat sink. The HLL heat sink ultimately sinks heat to the fuel
resulting in an increase in fuel temperature. The reduced use of the HLL heat sink results in a reduction in fuel tank
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
temperatures. The peak fuel tank temperature of 137F is reached in the vapor cycle architecture. As in the second
air cycle architecture, the fuel tank thermal limit is not reached.
Figure 5 compares the fuel consumed during the mission for the three PTMS architectures. Improved
performance of air cycle architecture #2 results in a 205lb fuel savings compared to air cycle architecture #1. The
lower temperature heat sink in architecture #2 results in lower power consumption compared to architecture #1. The
vapor cycle architecture provides fuel savings compared to either of the two air cycle architectures: savings of 619
lb and 414 lb, respectively. The vapor cycle is powered from engine shaft extraction which results in reduced bleed
air extracted for the engine. The reduced extracted bleed air results in the reduced fuel consumption.
x 10 Fuel Weight Comparison
Air Cycle 1
Air Cycle 2
Vapor Cycle
Fuel Weight (lb)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (min)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Fuel Tank Temperature Comparison
Air Cycle 1
Air Cycle 2
Temperature Limit
Vapor Cycle
Fuel Tank Temperature (F)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (min)
The present effort represents a first step in modeling and integration of a system level thermal aircraft model.
The ultimate goal is to validate both the component and integrated system models against data measured from real-
time hardware-in-the-loop test facilities. In turn, validated system level models will allow meaningful optimization
studies to be pursued. Toward realizing this goal, future work is planned along a number of fronts, including
upgrading the fidelity of the present component models as well as expanding the scope of the analysis to include
interactions with the actuation and electrical power systems. Specifically, the vapor cycle model requires additional
dynamic modeling to handle transient effects. The engine and the engine FTMS models require similar upgrades to
model dynamic performance. Next, there are plans to explore the design and performance of a hybrid APTMS
system that would combine vapor cycle and air cycle subsystems in one system. It is believed that a complex trade
space such as that for a hybrid APTMS design can be best explored with an integrated aircraft level simulation such
as the one developed here. Additional future work for mission level modeling includes plans for other aircraft
platforms as well as for the inclusion of actuation and electrical power models.
V. Conclusion
This effort is a first step toward the creation of a tip-to-tail aircraft thermal model. The model includes an
aircraft 6 degree of freedom model (6-DoF), a vehicle management system (VMS) model, an engine aerodynamic
model, an engine thermal model, a vehicle thermal model (fuel tanks), a power thermal management system (PTMS)
model, and various representative aircraft level heat loads. Through this integration effort, a number of lessons
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learned have been captured to ensure future studies can progress at a faster rate. Lastly, the model created has
shown the capability to perform parametric studies that can be used as a basis for future optimizations.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of both the INVENT program (FA8650-04-D-2409 0012) and
RMPE’s in-house research.
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American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics