Electrical Terms PDF
Electrical Terms PDF
Electrical Terms PDF
ELECTRICITY - is the flow of electrons; is a name given to the cause of electric phenomena or
WILLIAM GILBERT - Father of electricity.
PROTON - positively charged particles.
ELECTRON - negative charge
NEUTRON - not Electrically charged
IONS - term applied to an atom or molecules w/c is not electrically balance (there is a
loss or gain of one or more electrons).
VOLTAGE - is the electrical pressure that causes the electrons to move thru a conductor .
VOLTS - unit of electrical potential; small unit of power in electric current; electromagnetic
force flowing the positive and negative terminal; unit of emf.
EMF - the force that makes electrons move in a circuit.
AMPERAGE - the flow of electric current in a circuit, expressed in ampere
AMPERE - a unit of the rate of flow of electric current (an emf of 1-volt across a resistance of
1-ohm results in a current flow of 1 amp); unit of measuring electric current.
CURRRENT - the flow of electricity in circuit; rate of w/c electricity flows thru a conductor
RESISTANCE - the opposition or friction to the flow of current (reciprocal of electrical conductance)
OHM - unit of electrical resistance
RESISTOR - control the flow of current in electrical circuit.
CAPACITOR - store electric battery
REOSTAT - control intensity of current flow
OHM’S LAW (GEORGE SIMON OHM’S) - Relation between pressure current and resistance.
I = CURRENT (ampere)
V = EMP (volt)
BATTERY – a device consisting of several cells connected together and generate emf by chemical
REGULATOR – a device used to regulate the flow of electricity; controls the flow of current to the
distribution elements.
ANNUNCIATOR – a signaling device, usually electrically operated, giving an audible signal and a visual
indication when energized by pressing a button.
CIRCUIT – the electrical path ; refers to the wire installation in the houses that supplies current to
light and convenience outlet
a circuit w/c supplies electric power to a number of devices connected; method
of connecting lamp.
2. PARALLEL CKT. – electrical wiring connection
SHORT CIRCUIT – high current flow caused by an abnormal connection in an electrical circuit; will occur
when faulty appliances or exposed wires touch a conductor.(contact of 2 live wires.)
CONDUCTOR – are substances that carries or allows the flow of electric current; offers low resistance
to the flow of electrical circuit;
INSULATOR – substances that resist the flow of an electric current; material used to stop the
transfer of electricity or heat.
AMPACITY – the ability of a conductor to carry electric current without overheating; is a current
carrying capacity.
FEEDER – is a circuit conductor between the service equipment and the branch circuit over
current device.
JUMPER – a piece of metal or an electrical conductor used to bypass an electrical device in an
electrical system.
COPPER – electric wire
SILVER – best conductor of electricity
LEAD – poorest conductor of electricity
Prepared by: Arch. DENNIS P. RABE, uap
term given to an insulated wire
a.k.a. conductor
a filament or slender rod of drawn metal (Awg. # 8 or a smaller)
larger than wire; an electric conductor consisting of a group of a smaller –diameter
conductor strands twisted together.
CONDUIT – a tube or pipe used to protect electric wiring; is a pipe containing the wires; a steel
or non- metallic pipe into which cables are drawn; protect electrical wiring; pipe
commonly used as electrical raceway for holding wires.
RACEWAY – are channels designed for holdings wires, cables or busbars, which are either made of
metal or insulating material
BUSBAR – a rigid electrical conductor, usually a metal bar, hollow tube, or rod, w/c forms a
connection bet. electrical circuits.
RIGID CONDUIT – electrical rough–in.
CABLE TRAY – assembly of metal works which is used to support insulated electrical conductors,
similar in function to a metal cable ducts but consisting of a ladder like metal frame work
on the bottom and side with the top open.
OUTLETS – points in the wiring system at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment; an
outlet is any point that supplies an electric rod.
1. C. O.
2. L.O. –
intended for direct connection of a lighting fixture.
contact devices installed at the outlet for the connection of a single attachment plug.
device with serves to open or close the electric circuit.
master and slave station; a box with bank cover which serves the purpose of joining
different runs of raceway or cable, and provided with sufficient space for connection
and branching of the enclosed circuit.
PULL BOX – a box with blank cover which is inserted in one or more runs or raceways to facilitate
pulling in the conductors. (safety)
UTILITY BOX – box used for mounting light control.
BRANCH CIRCUIT – the circuit conductors between the final over-current device protecting the circuit and
the outlets.
OVERCURRENT – any current in excess of the rated current capacity of the equipment or the rated
ampacity of the conductor.
a. APPLIANCE – consumes electrical energy
b. DEVICE – does not consume electrical energy
c. EQUIPMENT – materials, fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures, apparatus
d. FITTINGS – an accessory.
Acoustics - the science of sound, including the generation, transmission and effects of sound waves
Sound - is a sensation felt by the brain resulting from the disturbance of molecules in the air
Noise - unpleasant and unwanted sound.
Echo - is a distinct, separate or delayed sound heard, as a result of reflection of sound coming
from any smooth walls or surfaces
- is a sound wave that reflected or bounced back w/ such magnitude and delay.
Reverberation - prolongation of sound caused by persistence of sound energy w/in a room for certain
period of time
Decibel - measure of loudness of sound; unit of loudness or energy of sound
Brightness - subjective impression of light reaching the eye; rate of flow of
radiant energy evaluated w/ respect to the visual sensation.
Decay time - reverberation time
Lumen - unit of luminous flux; quantity of light measurement; unit of light energy used to specify
light output of sources.
Luminous flux - the time rate of flow of light
Candela - the unit of luminous intensity; equal to one (1) candlepower
Candlepower - luminous intensity or intensity of light produced by light source measured in candelas
Footcandle - unit of illumination; unit measurement of light
Footlamber - unit of luminance; unit of brightness
Illuminance - the density of the luminous flux incident on a surface
Luminance (brightness) - the luminous intensity of the surface in a given direction per unit of projected area of
the surface as viewed from that direction
Lux - unit of luminance
Intensity - amount of energy of sound
Luminaire - complete lighting unit consisting of lamp or lamps together with the parts designed to
distribute light, to position and protect light, and connect lamps to power supply; a device
or fixture which support the source of electric light and redirect it
Diffuser - device to redirect or scatter the light from a source
Reflector - device used to redirect light from a source
Refractor - devise used to redirect ray of light
Baffle - opaque or translucent element used to shield light source from direct view at certain angles
Louvers - series of baffles used to shield light sources
Valence - longitudinal shielding member mounted across the top of a window or along a wall to conceal
light sources w/c provide up and down light
Accent light - directional light w/c emphasizes objects or draws attention to a part of visual field
Cornice lighting - lighting from sources behind panel to wall and attached to ceiling. (light is distributed over
Flood lamp - incandescent lamp w/c produces a relatively wide beam of light
Soffit lighting - lighting from surfaces in undersurfaces of beam, balcony, vault, etc.
Lamp - man made source of light
Bulb - other envelope of light source, usually quarts or glass
Creep - reflection of sound on curved surface
Hue - other term for color
Shade - black + p
Tint - white + p
50 watts x 1ft level - light required for draftsman
Flutter echo - rapid succession of reflected sound waves resulting from a single initial sound pulse
Focusing - occurs when sound waves are reflected from concave surfaces and build up
Diffusion - sound level is everywhere the same