A Historia Do Corpo Humano - Daniel E. Lieberman PDF
A Historia Do Corpo Humano - Daniel E. Lieberman PDF
A Historia Do Corpo Humano - Daniel E. Lieberman PDF
Matthew Kritz, MSc, CSCS,1 John Cronin, PhD,1,2 and Patria Hume, PhD1
Institute of Sport and Recreation Research New Zealand, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand; and 2School of
Exercise, Biomedical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia
SUMMARY pattern, lunge pattern, upper-body movement and correcting those strat-
push pattern, upper-body pull pattern, egies prior to prescribing heavy loads
bending pattern, twisting pattern, and and advanced loading schemes may
gait pattern (11). This article focuses on ensure the athlete’s long-term devel-
MENT PATTERN DUE TO ITS opment. This review aims to establish
the lunge pattern given its popularity to
OCCURRENCE IN ACTIVITIES OF sport and sport-specific training. the forward lunge as an effective screen
DAILY LIVING AND SPORT- of the lunge pattern. Existing empirical
SPECIFIC TRAINING. IT IS A The forward lunge, the most popular
lunge pattern exercise, exaggerates the evidence highlighting the regions of
PATTERN OFTEN USED BY SPORT the body that have been identified to
movement that occurs in the lower
MEDICINE PROFESSIONALS AND be areas most susceptible to break-
body during the gait cycle (14). The
STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING downs in technique is presented. Bio-
forward lunge involves: a) calcaneal
SPECIALISTS TO IMPROVE mechanical rationale is provided to
eversion; b) talar plantar flexion and
adduction; c) tibial internal rotation; d) assist the reader in understanding the
STRENGTH. THE FORWARD knee flexion, extension, and abduction; consequences poor forward lunge
LUNGE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED and e) hip flexion, extension, and technique has on movement compe-
AS AN EFFECTIVE EXERCISE FOR adduction (14). Various lunge pattern tency, the incidentce of injury, and
IMPROVING COORDINATION AND exercises have been used as assessment sport performance.
MUSCLE BALANCE TO ENHANCE tools for measuring strength, flexibility, KINEMATICS AND KINETICS OF
PERFORMANCE IN UNILATERAL and balance (13,14,36). Hybrids of the THE FORWARD LUNGE
ACTIVITIES SUCH AS SPRINTING forward lunge have been used to screen A forward lunge can in the simplest
AND CHANGE OF DIRECTION. DUE the functional movement of the lower terms be described as an elongated
TO THE PREVALENCE OF THE extremities (13). Given the relevance forward step, flexing the lead hip and
LUNGE PATTERN IN SPORT TRAIN- of the lunge pattern to sport and the knee and dorsiflexing the lead ankle
ING, SCREENING AN ATHLETE’S necessity of the strength and con- while lowering the body toward
LUNGE PATTERN BEFORE EXTEN- ditioning specialist to load the move- the floor (20,22,23). To screen a lunge
SIVE LOADING OF MUSCLE OC- ment pattern to enhance performance, pattern, the strength and conditioning
CURS MAY BE A BEST PRACTICE. screening an athlete’s lunge pattern professional should understand how
may have benefits. It is widely accepted the body is designed to move and the
that an important responsibility of consequences to movement efficiency,
INTRODUCTION strength and conditioning specialists force production, and injury occur-
he lunge pattern is 1 of 7 is to reduce the incident of injury. rence if function is compromised. The
training (11). The 7 fundamental hancer rather than an injury mecha- assessment; functional; movement;
movement patterns are the squat nism. Identifying faulty strategies of strength programming; injury
Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | www.nsca-lift.org 15
Table 1
Optimal forward lunge criteria and viewing position
Anatomical viewing Possible contributors
region position Cook (13) Brandon (9) Graham (22,23) Summary Poor pattern to poor pattern
Head Front and side Centrally Central over feet, Erect facing Straight and Positioned Muscle imbalance
positioned neutral position forward centrally aligned forward or of the neck flexors
tilted to one and extensors
Thoracic spine Side Straight Vertical, shoulder Erect, shoulders Straight or Flexed Poor or imbalanced
above hips above hips slightly extended trunk extensors
Lumbar spine Side Neutral Neutral, no back Erect Neutral Flexed or Weak deep
extension to assist excessively abdominals and
hip extension, extended gluteus maximus
remains tall and/or poor
a thorough assessment conducted by sagittal (flexion and extension), frontal the lower extremity and pelvis during
a sports medicine professional. (abduction and adduction), and trans- activities such as sprinting and
verse (medial and lateral rotation) change of direction (25). Hip range of
HIP MOBILITY (24,25). One of the primary roles of motion is considerable with flexion
The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint the hip joint is to provide a pathway between 0 and 135° and extension
that is capable of motion in all 3 planes: for transmission of forces between 0 and 15° (25).
Table 2
Lunge pattern progressions
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Coaching points Level 1 (assisted) (body weight) (external load) (eccentric) (plyometric) Interventions
Head: centered In-place lunge with Forward lunge Forward lunge Drop and Split jumps Alt hip march
bands (Figure 6) stick split lunge (Figure 11)
(Figure 9)
Shoulders/T-spine: Lateral lunge Box split Band pull hip
held down (Figure 7) jumps flexion
away from (Figure 12)
Lumbar: neutral Back lunge Scissor jumps Crazy Carpet
(Figure 8) (Figure 10) forward
Hips: horizontally lunge
aligned, 90/90 (Figure 13)
Knees: aligned
with the hips
and feet
Ankles: aligned
with the knee
Feet: heel of lead
foot in contact
with the floor
Progression to the next level should only occur if the athlete can demonstrate the exercises detailed in each level with all coaching points
maintained through a complete range of motion.
Figure 10. Scissor jumps showing the start lunge position (A), middle airborne position (B), and the end lunge position (C).
The forward lunge exercise has been
presented as a valid screen of an
athlete’s movement competency re-
lated to the lunge pattern. The authors
recognize the use of the forward lunge,
as a screening tool requires further
investigation. For example: Are joint
kinematics and kinetics required to
accurately screen a forward lunge
movement? What is the correlation
of full 3-dimensional analysis of a
forward lunge pattern to standard
2-dimensional video analysis? When
an athlete can perform a body weight
Figure 12. Band pull with hip flexion showing the start position (A) and the hip flexed forward lunge efficiently and effec-
position (B). tively, does screening the pattern under
high loads and high velocities provide The athlete may use various movement John Cronin is
further useful information? strategies to accomplish a movement a professor at
As a screening tool, the body weight task. However, these strategies may AUT University
forward lunge appears to provide increase the incidence of injury and in Exercise Sci-
valuable information about an athlete’s reduce performance if ignored and ence, Strength and
movement tendency related to lunge excessively loaded. It is recommended Conditioning.
pattern exercises. There has been very that strength and conditioning special-
little research that has investigated the ists screen an athlete’s lunge pattern
validity of interventions that may be with a body weight forward lunge. A
used to correct an athlete’s lunge pattern. simple movement screen performed at
the onset of program design may give Patria Hume is
However, to aid, the strength and con- a professor at
ditioning specialists refer to Table 2 for an the strength and conditioning special-
ists valuable insight into how their AUT University
example of how to progress an athlete’s in Exercise Sci-
lunge pattern from function to fantastic. athlete moves, further assisting them
with developing a strength program ence, Human
CONCLUSION that is specific to their needs and Movement.
The first step toward improving an capabilities.
athlete’s movement competency is
screening fundamental movement pat-
terns to identify strategies of movement Matthew Kritz
that may contribute to injury and impair is a PhD candi- REFERENCES
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