Dent 596 - Orthodontics
Dent 596 - Orthodontics
Dent 596 - Orthodontics
Course Information
Course Title Orthodontics 5
Course Code Dent 596
Prerequisites Dent 491, Dent 492, Dent 493, Dent 595
Course Website -
Course coordinator Dr. Susan Al-Khateeb
Professor E Abu Alhaija, Professor Kazem Nimri,
Other instructors
Dr. Emad Al Maaitah
Office Location Dental clinics for postgraduate studies/JUST
Office Phone 02/7201000/ext. 28235
Office Hours To be announced second semester
Lectures Dr. Maysoon Saadeh and Dr. Sawsan Al-Omary
Course Description
This course is a continuation of the clinical orthodontic course Dent 595. It is offered
on the second semester of the fifth year. The students will continue patient
examination, diagnosis and treatment planning. During this course the students will
also execute orthodontic treatment for simple problems using removable, growth
modification, and partial fixed orthodontic appliances. During this semester, students
are expected to discuss more difficult cases than the first semester. They are also
expected to make presentation for the comprehensive case they collected during the
first semester.
Text Book
Title Text book of Orthodontics
W. J. B. Houston PhD FDS RCS(Edin) DOrth RCS(Eng),
Author(s) C. D. Stephens OBE MDS FDS RCS(Edin) MOrth RCS, and
W. J. Tulley PhD BDS FDS DOrth RCS(Eng)
Publisher John Wright
Year 1992
Edition Second Edition.
Book Website
An Introduction to Orthodontics
Laura Mitchell
Oxford Medical Publications
2001, Second Edition
Interceptive Orthodontics
British Dental Journal
1999, Fourth Edition
Assessment Policy
Continuous assessment: 40% divided as follows
Second semester
6 points*: 15 marks
Preparation and presentation of the comprehensive case
in front of the group (as powerpoint presentation):
15 marks
Quizzes: 10 marks
*1 point =
Examination of one patient + diagnosis + treatment plan
OR Impressions + bite registration
OR Construction of an appliance (wire assembly)
OR Insertion of an appliance
OR Activation of an appliance
Assessment Type OR Cephalometric analysis
correct but not in the correct order
When there is one mistake in the diagnosis or 6
treatment planning
When there are two mistake in the diagnosis or 5
treatment planning
When there are three mistake in the diagnosis or 3
treatment planning
When there is a fatal mistake 0
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be
able to
Related Objective(s) Reference
Taking history of the chief Text Book of
complaint from orthodontic Orthodontics.
Lecture notes.
Evaluate extra oral features Text Book of
including facial symmetry, Orthodontics.
Lecture notes.
profile and facial proportions
Evaluate intra oral features, tooth Text Book of
positions and number and Orthodontics.
3 Lecture notes.
occlusion in the anteroposterior,
vertical and transverse directions
Perform basic cephalometric Text Book of
4 analysis Orthodontics.
Lecture notes.
Build and orthodontic diagnosis Lecture notes.
from the gathered records
Construct a treatment plan for Lecture notes.
orthodontic patients
Treat simple orthodontic problem Text Book of
using removable orthodontic Orthodontics.
Lecture notes.
appliances including a small
midline diastema, single tooth in
cross bite, proclined and spaced
anterior teeth
Treat moderate skeletal Text Book of
orthodontic problems in growing Orthodontics.
Lecture notes.
patients such as Class II using
functional appliances or Class III
relationship using growth
modification appliances
Give oral hygiene instructions Lecture notes.
Useful Resources
Recommended Textbooks and References:
1. A Textbook of Orthodontics; 2nd Edition. Houston, Stephens and Tully, 1992.
2. An Introduction to Orthodontics; 2nd Edition. Laura Mitchell, 2001.
3. Handouts given by the lecturer for the courses Dent 491 + Dent 492
Course Content
Chapter in
Week Topics
This course is a clinical one, no lectures are taught
Additional Notes
Professionalism Gross violations of the formal codes are governed by
University laws, which delineate the procedures to
determine whether a violation of the code of ethics
occurred and, if so, what remedies should be imposed.
We encourage students to abide with the more sensitive
approach to this by allowing the practice of a high
Morality (or proper behavior), which defines right and
wrong by the society, philosophy, religion, and
individual conscience.
Students and their instructors often make ethical choices
reflexively/ But ethically sensitive situations, where
time, emotions and marks are pressured, it becomes all
too easy to be blind-sided by temptation/ The best
antidote to ethical lapses is to commit in advance to a set
of ethical principles - your personal ethical code that
follows or grows to it.
Any difficulty or concern during the course should be
passed directly to the course coordinator.
Make-up Exams It is applicable when an acceptable and valid excuse is
presented at the applicable time
Drop Date N/A
Cheating It is unethical and illegal by any means
JUST regulations will be applicable
Attendance It is mandatory for all lectures
Absenteeism To receive course credit, a student should attend a
minimum of 90% of the contact hours of the class.
Students who are absent for the lecture must contact the
course coordinator prior to the class.
If absent from lectures, then the course coordinator will
refer to related guidelines set by the university.
Any student who is absent on a test day, will have to
demonstrate an acceptable medical or social statement
explaining the illness or personal crisis as instructed by
their faculty.
Individual instructors may accommodate by
arrangements for a make-up test only when a written
request is sent to and approved by the Dean.
Students with Any student who feels that s/he may need
Special needs accommodation for any type of disability is encouraged
to contact the course coordinator who will be happy to
help in any way.
Accommodations to the course plan can be tailored to
the needs of specific individuals after consultations with
the dean.
Participation All students are highly encouraged to participate in the
Individual The course coordinator is always available to talk with
conferencing and the student when problems arise.
consultations If you have any problems that require the attention of an
instructor, do not wait until the problem is
If a student must talk with the course coordinator after
office hours, an appointment can be made for that time.
Do not allow tension to build-up to unsolvable
Course changes Information contained in this course outline is correct at
the time of publication.
Content of the course is revised on an ongoing basis to
ensure relevance to changing educational needs.
The course coordinator reserves the right to add or delete
material from the course and will endeavor to provide
notice of changes to students as soon as possible.
The timetable may also be revised accommodating to
holidays and unexpected off days.