Neurological Disorders in Pregnancy and Puerperium: Methods

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Neurological Disorders in Pregnancy and Puerperium

Sarella LK, Rao DS,

knowledge of impact of illness on

Abstract maternal and fetal outcomes, risks
of investigations, specific treatments
Objectives: To study the clinical profile of the patients presenting with neurological disorders and safety of breast feeding. As
during pregnancy and puerperium. many pregnancies are unplanned,
Methods: The study was carried out at Government General Hospital, Kakinada, Andhra diagnostic and therapeutic decisions
Pradesh, India between June 2006 and May 2007. Patients in pregnancy, postabortal should be taken to balance their
and postpartum period evaluated in Neurology out-patient and in-patient departments and beneficial and adverse effects on
referred to Neurology department, Government General Hospital, Kakinada during this time mother or child1. It is ideal to consider
were included in this study. every woman in reproductive age to
Results: A total of 55 patients presented during pregnancy and puerperium with neurological be potentially pregnant from the very
disorders. Age of the patients ranged from 17 to 31 years. The total number of deliveries first visit1.
in this hospital during this period was 9726. Out of 55 patients Epilepsy—27[49.09%],
Eclampsia—11[20%], Cerebro vascular disorders—6[10.9%], Neuropathies —4[7.27%],
Extrapyramidal disorders---2[3.64%], CNS infections—Tubercular meningitis –1[1.81%], METHODS
Myelopathy—1[1.81%], Toxic/ metabolic encephalopathy—1[1.81%].
This study was conducted in
Conclusions: Epilepsy was the most common neurological condition followed by Eclampsia Government General Hospital,
and Cerebrovascular diseases. Health education measures for prospective mothers Kakinada between June 2006 and
regarding the appropriate, adequate and regular use of anti-epileptic drugs should be taken May 2007. All patients in pregnancy,
up. Diligent care is to be taken to watch for neurological deficit in cases of Pre-eclampsia/ post abortal and postpartum period,
Eclampsia to identify special investigation team—Obstetrician, Neurologist, Physicians and evaluated with detailed history,
Neurologist. The treating team should have the complete knowledge of the effects of rare clinical examination and basic
neurological disorders during pregnancy and puerperium. investigations in department of
Keywords: Epilepsy, Eclampsia, Cerebrovascular disorders, Chorea gravidarum, Guillain- Neurology were included in this
Barre syndrome. study. CT, MRI nerve conduction
studies and other investigations were
done as required. Wherever possible
INTRODUCTION symptoms which occur only with a definitive diagnosis was established
pregnancy. (eg: Pre eclampsia/ based upon standard diagnostic
Pregnancy is a time of major hormonal
Eclampsia). criteria.
and other physiological changes that
can precipitate new neurological Identification and management
and psychiatric symptoms1. Though of neurological disorders during
neurological disorders during pregnancy and puerperium OBSERVATIONS
pregnancy and puerperium (NDDPP) (NDDPP) pose a special challenge A total of 55 patients presented
represent a small subgroup, their to Neurologists and Obstetricians, during pregnancy and puerperium
range is broad2. NDDPP can be and they should have thorough with neurological disorders. Age of
classified into three subgroups3.
1) Diseases which existed already Table 1. Distribution of Neurological Disorders during Pregnancy and Purperium
before pregnancy or appear just by Disease No. of Cases Percentage
chance (eg: Migraine) 2) Diseases
that can display a higher incidence Epilepsy 27 49.09
in pregnancy (eg: Cerebrovascular Eclampsia 11 20.00
disease) 3) Diseases with neurological Cerebrovascular disease 6 10.90
Neuropathies 4 7.27
Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada, Extra pyramidal disorders 2 3.64
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Primary muscle disorders 2 3.64
Correspondence: Dr. Lavanya Kumari Sarella
CNS infections 1 1.81
Myelopathy 1 1.81
Competing interests: None
Toxic/metabolic encephalopathy 1 1.81

74 Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology June 2014 Original Paper

parenchymal and subarachnoid

Table 2. Clinical Features of Patients with Epilepsy
haemorrhage on CT imaging. She
Time In Relation to Pregnancy delivered a preterm still born baby.
First trimester 4 [14.81%] Maternal condition continued to
Second trimester 6 [22.22] be precarious and was discharged
against medical advice.
Third trimester 13 [48.14]
Extrapyramidal Disorders: A 22 yr old
Postpartum 4 [14.81]
multi with 6months of gestation and
Type of Seizure past history of chorea gravidarum,
Partial 1 [3.70] presented with severe generalized
Secondary generalized 10 [37.03] chorea. The other was a 23yr old multi
in the first trimester with a past history
Primary generalized 16 [59.25] suggestive of rheumatic fever and
Status Epilepticus 4 [14.81] chorea during her childhood. Both
Treatment Pattern were treated with Haloperidol with
good symptomatic improvement with
Not on any antiepileptic drug 14 [51.85]
good maternal and fetal outcome.
Monotherapy 10 [37.03]
Primary Muscel Diseases: A 25 yr
Polytherapy 3 [11.11] old second gravida, a known case
of Myotonia congenita, with h/o
Table 3. Cerebrovascular Disorders miscarriage, was followed up from 20th
week gestation. She had an uneventful
S. No Clinical Disorder Investigations Outcome
course with good maternal and fetal
1 26yr old primi, known HTN right CT;Lt ganglionic Preterm delivery at outcome. A 19 yr old primipara
hemiparesis hematoma, old lacunar 34 weeks. Low birth presented with quadriparesis on the
infarct—Lt. PCA territory weight, residual fourth postnatal day was found to be
hemiparesis having hypokalemia and recovered
2 20yr multi 1st trimester. CT-old Lt. MCA infarct Normal labour with oral potassium supplements.
Recurrent syncopal attacks. MRA-s/o Takayasu’s Toxic Metabolic Encephalopathy: A
Past h/o Rt. hemiparesis arteritis 25yr old multi, admitted on seventh
3 25yr multi known HTN, 2 weeks Expired within few postpartum day with h/o chills, rigors
postpartum, sudden loss of hours of admission and altered sensorium, improved with
consciousness, Lt. hemiparesis antibiotics and antimalarial treatment.
4 22 yr multi 3-4 weeks CT-frontal venous infarct Recovered well Infectious Diseases: A 24yr old
postpartum headache, empty delta sign—SSS. third gravida was evaluated in third
seizures, Lt. hemiparesis MR-bilateral venous infacts trimester for headache, vomiting
MRV—SSS thrombosis and altered sensorium of 10 days
5 18yr primi, 2 weeks postpartum CT-Rt. Fronto temporal Recovered well duration, found to be having mild
Lt. hemiparesis hemorrhagic venous infarct communicating hydrocephalus, and
basal meningitis. She improved with
MRV-SSS thrombosis antituberculous treatment, delivered
6 20yr multipara 5th PO LSCS day CT-s/o bilateral transverse Improved with at 28weeks of gestation. She had
headache, Lt. partial seizures sinus thrombosis minimal residual Lt. residual right sided seventh cranial
hemiparesis nerve palsy.

the patients varied from 17-31 years. in third trimester and seven in
The total number of deliveries in this postpartum period. DISCUSSION
hospital during this period was 9726. The incidence of NDDPP was found
Two prime’s presented in third
The incidence of NDDPP was 565 per to be 566 per 100,000 deliveries.
trimester had focal neurological
100,000 deliveries. This was much higher than that in
deficits. A 30 year old had right
Epilepsy: Epilepsy constituted the hemiparesis with CT scan showing previous studies from Hongkong
most common neurological disorder left hemispherical infarct. Course of which showed an incidence of 326 per
comprising 27 cases [49.09%]. pregnancy was complicated by ante- 100,000 pregnancies2. A recent study of
partum hemorrhage and intrauterine NDDPP revealed an incidence of 584
Eclampsia: Eclampsia was the second
most common neurological condition fetal death. Delivery was spontaneous cases per 100,000 deliveries4, which is
affecting 11[20%] patients. Out of without any maternal morbidity. A similar to that seen in our study.
these, four patients had seizures 19 year old, was found to be having

September 2014 Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 75

Original Paper

the trimesters and the postpartum

Table 4. Neuropathies
period4. In our study majority of
S. No Presentation Nerve Conduction Outcome cases [48.1%] were seen in the third
Studies trimester. Primarily GTCS constituted
Guillain-Barre Syndrome the commonest type, constituting
59.25%, consistent with the incidence
1 28yr old multi with 20weeks Axonal motor and Developed respiratory
of previous study 59.38%9. There is a
gestation with symptoms of 2 sensory neuropathy paralysis. Expired after
variation in the reports of incidence of
weeks duration 4days
Status epilepticus during pregnancy
2 24 yr old primi at 5th postpartum D e m y e l i n a t i n g Recovered and puerperium—0.8% 9and 31.8%4
week neuropathy and 4 [14.81%] in our study. This can
Idiopathic Facial Palsy be explained by lack of awareness
in the public, inadequate medical
1 25 yr old primi with term gestation ———— Labor induced
resources, inability to purchase drugs
with severe hypertension Good maternal and fetal and poor compliance.
Regarding drug therapy, monotherapy
Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with the appropriate drug and
1 31 yr old primi in 1st trimester ———— Improved least effective dose to the epilepsy
with diabetes, hypertension and syndrome is recommended during
hypothyroidism pregnancy8. Polytherapy increases
the incidence of major and minor fetal
Table 5. Distribution of Neurological Disorders during Pregnancy and Puerperium malformations—around 3% for one
Comparision with Previous Studies drug, 5% for two, 10% for three and
greater than 20% in women taking
Condition TO et al Janaki Srinivasan Agarwal Gupta Present more than three antiepileptic drugs10.
et al et al et al et al study
In our study, 51.85% of the woman
Total number 161 97 68 87 76 55 with pregnancy and epilepsy were not
NO [%] NO [%] NO [%] NO [%] NO [%] NO [%] receiving any treatment at the time
Epilepsy 102 [63.3] 30 [30.9] 17[23.5] 5[6.7] 22[28.9] 27 [49.9] of presentation and 37.03% were on
monotherapy compared to 28.1% and
CVD 7 [4.9] 48 [49.5] 41 [60.3] 72 [82.7] 9 [11.9] 6 [10.9] 59.38% in other study9 which is higher
CNS infections ——— 4 [4.1] 3 [4.4] 5 [5.7] 12 [15.8] 1 [1.81] and lower respectively. 11.1% were on
CNS tumors 12 [7.5] 7 [7.2] 16 [23.5] 16 [23.5] 1 [1.3] ——— polytherapy similar to 12.5% of other
study9. Most of our patients receiving
PE/E 19 [11.9] NI NI NI NI 11 [20]
monotherapy were on phenytoin as it
Demyelinating 4 [2.5] 1 [1.03] 3 [4.4] 1 [1.1] 1 [1.3] ——— is dispensed in Government hospital.
Eclampsia: The occurrence of
Peripheral 12 [7.5] 1 [1.03] 1 [1.5] 2 [2.3] 1 [1.3] 4 [7.27] eclampsia is higher [63.6%] than that
neuropathies in Hongkong study [44-48%]11. Of the
Metabolic NI NI NI NI 28 [36.8] 1 [1.1] two cases that had focal neurological
encephalopathies deficits, one had ischemic stroke and
Cord affections ——— ——— 5 [7.4] ——— 1 [1.3] 1 [1.81] the other hemorrhagic stroke. Pre
eclampsia (PE)/Eclampsia (E) were
Extrapyramidal ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— 2 [2.64] found to be an etiological factor for
disorders stroke in previous studies12, and are
Primary muscle ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— 2 [3.64] the major leading cause of stroke in
disorders the peripartum maternal mortality
NI—not included and morbidity13. Eclampsia was
found to be associated with ischemic
stroke in 24-47% of cases and cerebral
Table 5 shows the results of previous from the later study can be explained hemorrhage in 14-44%11. Association
and present studies.2,4,5,6,7. by the presence of a large number of between history of PE and ischemic
Epilepsy: Epilepsy was found to metabolic encephalopathies, which stroke remote from pregnancy
be the most common neurological constituted majority of cases. necessitates close monitoring of
disorder in our study and was similar Trimester wise analysis showed least women beyond postpartum period14.
to Hongkong study. The incidence occurrence during third trimester Cerebral hemorrhage is reported
of epilepsy is lower than that in and postpartum period in previous to be the most common cause of
Hongkong study2 and higher than studies8. In a recent study there death in patients with eclampsia12.
that in Delhi study4. This disparity was a uniform distribution across These observations indicate careful

76 Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology June 2014 Original Paper

evaluation of PE/E cases to detect Recurrence can occur in subsequent Myotonia Congenita: A case of
additional cerebral infarction or pregnancies. Most improve within myotonia congenita complicated by
hemorrhage. Maternal outcome was a few weeks postpartum20. In still birth was reported36. Our patient
good in rest of the cases with adverse our subject, associated diabetes had normal delivery without any
fetal outcome in six cases. and hypothyroidism might have maternal and fetal adverse effects.
Cerebrovascular Disorders: Reported contributed to the occurrence of As the referred patients from various
incidence of stroke during pregnancy symptoms in the first trimester. departments were also evaluated
and the puerperium ranges from She improved with conservative referral bias cannot be avoided. Many
5-67 per 100,000 pregnancies15, management. of previous studies included PE/E
contributing to more than 12% of all Facial Palsy: An increase in the related strokes under CVD. We have
maternal deaths12. Fetal and maternal incidence of idiopathic facial palsy included them under PE/E as it is a
outcome may be adversely affected during pregnancy and postpartum well-established clinical entity in the
with premature delivery, fetal period was found in previous resources for work up and follow up
mortality, and residual neurological studies2,26, and in third trimester and in the general hospital setting. The
deficits15. 89% of pregnancy related immediate postpartum in recent number of cases in the study is small
strokes occur at the time of delivery or study27,28. Prognosis is excellent and and a longer duration of study will
postpartum12. Out of two cases with reveal more neurological disorders.
similar to that observed in non-
past h/o hypertension, one had stroke In view of the broad range of the
pregnant patients20. Favourable
in the third trimester and the other neurological disorders occurring
results with oral prednisolone were
two weeks postpartum. All cases of during pregnancy, a single study
reported2 but opinions against steroid
cerebral venous thrombosis were seen is unlikely to show all the entities.
therapy also exist29. The association
postpartum. As such each study contributes its
of idiopathic facial palsy and
Takayasu’ arteritis is a rare vasculitis, own component to the spectrum of
gestational hypertension was noted
in which both ischemic and neurological diseases in this context. ■
previously30. Our patient presented
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