Moog Evolution PDF
Moog Evolution PDF
Moog Evolution PDF
Departmcnt ol Music
Evolutionof the
University of North Carolina at Asheville
Ashcville, North Carolina 28804 USA Keyboadlnterface:
L Rhea
Thomas TheBiisendoder 290 SE
Music SyndresisDepaltment
Berklce College ol Music Recording PianoandThe
Boston, Massachusetts02215 USA MoogMultiply-Touch'
In Alfred Dolge's class'\chook PldnQsand Their ports {in two dimensionsl the location ol the pcr
Mal<ers,wc learn that archetypesof thc kevboard former's ffnger on the surfacc of a key as wcll as the
date to antiquity and that cTavis(kcys)came into dcpth of key dcpression.This designirnplies con-
use on church organsalmost a thousand ycars ago siderablecxtension ol existing kcyboard techniquc
{Dolge 19I l). As a musical intcr{ace, the kevboard
has enjoyedremarkable loDgevity ludging bv its
-keyboard on electronic musical instruments, the
poDuladty 291)SERecodingPiano
shows every sigDof thriving for another 'I
millcnnium. The keyboardoffersthe musician rapid, h e : u r h u r sh a v eh e r r dr c v e r spl c r f o r m a r c ei n ' -
sensitive articulation of multiple soundsand/or volving the B6sendo er 290 SErecording prano
"Livc Recital Rccording"
events and providcs an arguably elfcctive stand'in Moog attendcd a specral
Ior ensembleplayers,particularly in more iniormal featuring the music of Mendelssohnand Mussorgsk,
pe ormcd by FrederickMoyer on the Bdsendorfcr
Literally millions ol amateur and profcssional 290 SE.
musicians have keyboard skills For this reason,thc Enticed borh by the prospcct of a first_ratccon_
continuing evolution of thc keyboardwiII doubtless cert and drc opportunity to hear a comprterized
include designsthat facilitate and possiblv cxtend Bosendorferin action, Moog joined Moyer's audl
idiomatic cxpression.Less traditional kcyboard dc ence in Houghton Memorial Chapel at Wclleslev
signs will also be createdthat requirc developnent College.The event was hosted by Moyer, Cunthcr
of new pcrformancetechDiques Tlis article dis Sctruller,and fohn Amuedo Ior an invited audicnce
cussesrccent results that icpresent these two dd of pianists, computer scientists,3nd musical acous
ferent directions of development.The B6scndorler ticians, in cooperationwith thc Boston chaptcr of
290 SErecording piano is a powcrful svstem that has t h . A . o u . - r i r l q o .r e r )u t A r n e r r c rT. h c o n . r i n q r . -
its roots in severalcenturics oI playel_reproducer markswercmadebyGuntherSchullcr, awell-known
piaDotechrology. The Bdsendorfd 290 SEscnses cornposer and conductor who also has produced
piano Ley and pedalmovements with very hiSh reso severalof Moyer'.srecenr rccoldings. Schuller ex_
lution and stores thcse data on disk ol tape for cdit plained that Moyer's coDcertwould bc recorded
ing and mcchanical playback.The Moog Multiply- digitatly as pcrformancegcsture data lather than
Touch'sensitivc kcyboard exhibits a design that re audio. weeks later, a digital audio rccording systcm
would be set up in the s.rmechapel, ald thc perfor-
mance gcsturedata would be uscd to play the 86'
sendorfcr,recreatingMoyer's performanceof that
evcning. EditiDg that would rormally be done in
Comtuter Muslc Jounal, Vol. 1,1,No.2, Sutumcr 1990,
o l99O Mass.chusctisinstitute ol Tcchnologt the analogor digital audio sigla1 domain would be
The expcrienceol hcaring mysclf plav from the The systcm that Stahnkedesigneduscs optical scn'
vantagepoinl of a listener, rather than a pcr sors to detect both key and hammer posilions Each
t u n n e r w a ' p r o l o u n dI.r h i n k r h . r l r r n gr h . r r
sensorconsistso{ a light-cnitting diodc {LED) and
moved rnc so about this experiencewas that a phototransistor facing cach other acrossa gap ot
the piano presewcd a1lof thc cmotional qualr : l b u u rl ^ n . W h . n r k . y o n t h ( r ' i r n ^ r . . r ru L l ( r.
ties of the pe ormance that I had intended ro precision-cut aluminum shutter mountcd in rhe
convey.This instrumeDt didn't sound mechaDi_ shank of that key's harn er moves acrossthis gap'
cal at all-it was recreatingan exact reflecdon the shuftcr either blocks thc llght fron thc LED or
of what I wanted to share. allows it to shine on the photo.ransistor. The LED-
At the tine, Amuedo was consulting Ior lcmball phototransistor scnsor assernbliesare 6xcd, while
lnternationAl, evaluating new colnputer_based lnu the aluninum shulters arc attached ro both the
sical technologics. He recornncnded that KinTball keys and the haurmcr shanks.Each shutter aDdits
pursue licensing and devclopment of Stahnke'stech- tiny mounting screw weigh a small fraction of a
nology for mamrfacture in the Bosendo er concert grrm, contibuting negligiblc ma. s to thc hammer'
instruments. Amuedo lurther proposcd that Krrn' A singlc key shuttcr is located on thc bottom ol
ball build a prorotypc Bosendorfcr 290 model piano each key, directly under wherc thc pcrformer's firr
cquipped widr Stxhnke's technology for his proiecl S . r w o u l d t ' p r c av . L ( ' h e I I l j - o h u t u t t a n . ' r o r
at the MIT Artificial Intclligence Laboratory.That asscnbly for each kcy is positioned so that an indi-
instrrment was deliveredin Fcbitlary 1985,and vidual key down sisnal is produccd as sooll as the
Anuedo subsequentlyprovidcd beta test support key is rnnrutcly depresscd.The associatcdhan,mer
for Kimhall oD issuessuch as system software and shank shurter is located ncat the baseof thc ham
user interfacc desiSn,srgnalprocessingrechnrques nTer. The hammer-shank,LED phototransrstoras
for asscssingplayback {idelitt :rnd thc designol a . e r n oy . p o ' n o r r . d . r \ a t r h el r a r t m ,r . p o ' t t t u n
pcrsonal computcr interface. Kimball of6cially an is reporled iusr as it is nbout to hit the strins. Thc
nounccd avallability of thc 290 SE rccording piano trrnc bctwccn key down and hrmmer strike ls thcre_
in the sunmer of 1986,and sirce that time has forc an inverse function of h:lmncr vclocity.
made Stahnke'srechnologyavailablc inB6serdo cr's A11key sensorsare scanned800 times per sccond
9 ft and 7 l/2 lt conccrt instrurneDts. Whcn a key is deprcssedsuffrcicntly to rctivatc rts
54 Con p L1
| er MLtsi c I oum aI
Fig.2 Keyswith rcsistive and aluminium
FiE. 3. Citcuit boa'd lol
sensins key heighL
The development oI the Moog Multiplv-Touch-
Sensitive(MTSlkeyboards beganwith a research lloog MTS KeyboardTechnoloSy
contract between the lndiana School of Music and
Moog Music, Inc. The immediate predecessorof the The sensorsof each active MTS key continuously
the curent design was describedin a paperby Moog rcport three positionsr the left- ght position of the
(I982) at the 1982 International Computer Music player'sfinger on the key surfece(xaxis), the front-
Conferencein Venice,Italy. back position of the player'sffnger on the key sur'
The MTS keyboardsare a {amily of keyboard face (Y axis),and the up down position o{ the key
controllers. Each model featuresindividual sensors itself (Z-axis).The X and Ysignals are sensedby a
for each key that allow real_time,continuolrs con- rcsistive 0lm on the playing surface of the key. The
trol of up to three musical paiameters.The key lev- substrateis made of thin, epoxy_glasscircuit board
ers and Leybedare standardwoodenorganor piano material, with a conductive pattern on one side and
keyboards.The sensorson each key continuously the resistive fflm on the other side. The frIm forms
detect the up'down position of the kev 3nd the po- one plate of a capacitor.The player'sfinger is on the
sition in two dimensions of the musician's finger other capacitorplate and is grounded lat high fre-
on the key curface.In terms ol the feel ihat per quencieslby virtue of its connection to the rcst of
formers perceiveas they depressa key, the sensors the perlormer'sbody.A description of the electdcal
are completely transparent,the keys move and feel characteristicsof the human ffnger has been pro'
exactly like those of a conventional clavier. vided elsewhere.A thin layer of urethane over the
Lrch MTS ke) boardrs equrppedwrth scanntng resistive fflm providesthe insulating dielectric of
processing,and logic circuitry that generatesa digi the capacitor.A dbbon cable connects the four
tal data stream that periodically reports the status cornersof the resistive fflm to circuitly that excites
o{ the sensorsof each active key. software to con- the cornerswith the samehigh'frequency,
vert this data stream to MIDI information is exe- alternating voltage and measuresthe cuffent flow
cuted on a dedicatedsmall computer external to from each of the corners.This circuitry computes
the keyboard.The musical parameterscontrolled the dif{erencesbetween the fflm's corner currents,
by a given MTS keyboardare determined by the ca- th€n divides these diflerencesby the total fiIm
pabilities o{ the tone-producingdevicesto which it current. This gives two analogoutput signals,one
is connectedand by the operating software that re' of which is proportional to the left-right lx)
lates the keyboard'soutput to the tone-produce{'s position of the finger, while the other is propor_
control inputs. tional to the {ront-back (Y)position.