Bal-Tec Catalogue PDF
Bal-Tec Catalogue PDF
Bal-Tec Catalogue PDF
Athene range of grids is made to an exceptionally high standard and is re-
nowned for its quality. The grid bars are particularly sharp and the grids de-
signed with thin bars are carefully made so that the material is thick enough to
ensure good handling characteristics.
All the grids are packed in tubes of 100 unless otherwise specified.
Athene grid designs may be gilded or platinised. These precious metal coat-
ings are completely effective in screening the copper base from the specimen
and from chemicals used to treat the specimen. The gilded copper grids are
more robust and easier to handle than pure gold grids.
Athene Grids
Standard Patterns 3.05mm diameter, thickness about 12µm to 15µm
Athene M50: 50 mesh, holes 450µm square, 90% transmission
Copper G209
Nickel G209N
Gilded G209G
Platinised G209P
Athene Old150: 150 mesh, holes 150µm square, 72% transmission (0106)
Copper G201
Nickel G201N
Gilded G201G
Platinised G201P
Nickel G203N
Gilded G203G
Platinised G203P
Gilded G2002G
Platinised G2002P
Nickel G2003N
Gilded G2003G
Platinised G2003P
Nickel G206N2
Gilded G206G2
Platinised G206P2
Athene Hexagon: 100 mesh, for maximum open area, 240µm across opening
Copper G214
Nickel G214N
Gilded G214G
Platinised G214P
Nickel G221N2
Gilded G221G2
Platinised G221P2
Athene Hexagon: 100 mesh, for maximum open area, 240µm across opening
Copper G214-2
Nickel G214N2
Gilded G214G2
Platinised G214P2
Athene AEI: 430 mesh, holes 35µm diam., spaced 75µm between centres
Copper G215
Nickel G215N
Gilded G215G
Platinised G215P
Athene R20M: 750 mesh, holes 20µm diam. Supports for very thin specimens.
Copper G226
Nickel G226N
Gilded G226G
Platinised G226P
Copper G219-2
Nickel G219N2
Gilded G219G2
Platinised G219P2
Athene AEI: 430 mesh, holes 35µm diam., spaced 75µm between centres
Copper G215-2
Nickel G215N2
Gilded G215G2
Platinised G215P2
Athene R20M: 750 mesh, holes 20µm diam. Supports for very thin specimens.
Copper G226-2
Nickel G226N2
Gilded G226G2
Platinised G226P2
Platinised G220P3
Nickel G220N5
Gilded G220G5
Platinised G220P5
Slot 500µm: Slot 500µm wide, 2mm long
Copper G220T6
Nickel G220TN6
Copper G225-1
Nickel G225N1
Gilded G225G1
Platinised G225P1
Hole 200µm
Copper G225-2
Nickel G225N2
Gilded G225G2
Platinised G225P2
Hole 375µm
Copper G225-3
Nickel G225N3
Gilded G225G3
Platinised G225P3
Hole 600µm
Copper G225-4
Nickel G225N4
Gilded G225G4
Platinised G225P4
Hole 800µm
Copper G225-5
Nickel G225N5
Gilded G225G5
Platinised G225P5
Hole 1000µm
Copper G225-6
Nickel G225N6
Gilded G225G6
Platinised G225P6
Hole 2000µm
Copper G225-7
Nickel G225N7
Gilded G225G7
Platinised G225P7
too thick to adhere to a normal support film. The foils are sandwiched between
the two halves of the grid.
Agar Grids
This is our standard grade of grid which is available in copper, nickel or gold,
all in vials of 100 except where indicated. Also available in copper with one side
flash coated with palladium for identification purposes. All are available in
3.05mm diameter and most in 2.3mm diameter.
2 A-10 GRIDS
Nickel G2075N
Gold G2075A
Copper with one side flash coated with palladium G2075D
GRIDS 2 A-11
Copper G2052C
Nickel G2052N
Gold G2052A
Copper with one side flash coated with palladium G2052D
Gold G2402A
Copper with one side flash coated with palladium G2402D
2 A-12 GRIDS
port for any given mesh repeat distance. These grids have a mark in the rim
allowing for precise orientation of the grid in the electron microscope.
Gold G2011A
Copper with one side flash coated with palladium G2011D
GRIDS 2 A-13
Nickel G2012N
Gold G2012A
Copper with one side flash coated with palladium G2012D
Copper G2017C
Nickel G2017N
Gold G2017A
Copper with one side flash coated with palladium G2017D
2 A-14 GRIDS
Nickel G2019N
Gold G2019A
Copper with one side flash coated with palladium G2019D
Gold G2140A
GRIDS 2 A-15
Copper G2615C
Nickel G2615N
Gold G2615A
Hole 600µm
Copper G2660C
Nickel G2660N
Gold G2660A
Hole 1000µm
Copper G2600C
Nickel G2600N
Gold G2600A
Hole 2000µm
Copper G2620C
Nickel G2620N
Gold G2620A
Nickel G2720N
Gold G2720A
2 A-16 GRIDS
Finder Grids
Maxtaform Finder Grids, 3.05mm diameter
Type HF 15, 135 mesh, pitch 128µm
Copper G245
Nickel G245N
Gold, tube of 25 G245A
GRIDS 2 A-17
Slot 2mm x 0.5mm
Copper G2550C
Nickel G2550N
Gold G2550A
Gilder Grids
Thin Carrier Grids
This grids have a wide variety of uses and are especially useful in the jet-freez-
ing technique for mounting between two specimen carriers. Servers to accept
suspensions and emulsions and is used as an exact spacer between specimen
carrier sandwiches.
Thin Carrier Grid, 400 mesh, 3.05mm diameter
Gold, thickness 7 µm, tube of 20 LZ 01859 KN
2 A-18 GRIDS
Molybdenum Grids
100 mesh G235
GRIDS 2 A-19
In order to reduce the background counts from the grid material in experiments
involving X-ray analysis, it is important to use support grids made from a ma-
terial of low atomic number.
These support film have been prepared to provide a very convenient, ready-to-
use, specimen support. The carbon films are thin and highly transparent to
electrons. They are all checked under a light microscope to ensure that they
are of good quality. They are shipped in a box, which gives complete protection
and minimizes electrostatic charging problems when the lid is opened.
2 A-20 GRIDS
GRIDS 2 A-21
Carbon Coated QUANTIFOIL® Grids
The QUANTIFOIL-Carbon Films had been developed in 1996 at the Institute
for High Technology in Jena. The special features of these films are that the
hole parameters are pre-definable. According to the procedure protected by
the company QUANTIFOIL holey films can be produced with holes of different
shapes and sizes limited on y by the possibilities of semi-conductor lithographic
techniques. Caused by production it is possible that some films show scratch-
es. This cannot be avoided at the moment.
Quantifoil S7/2
These films have orthogonally arranged 7µm square holes and 2µm bars. The
foils are about 15nm thick.
Square holes 7µm with 2µm bars on 3mm grids, 200 mesh
Copper, pack of 10 S117-1
Nickel, pack of 10 S117-4
Gold, pack of 10 S117-7
Square holes 7µm with 2µm bars on 3mm grids, 300 mesh
Copper, pack of 10 S117-2
Nickel, pack of 10 S117-5
Gold, pack of 10 S117-8
2 A-22 GRIDS
Quantifoil R2/2
Foils with also orthogonally arranged holes, circular with a diameter of about
GRIDS 2 A-23
2 A-24 GRIDS
All microscopes include a scale or read-out on magnification which is helpful
for the purposes of routine application. However, it is not possible for such a
calibration to be as accurate as is required for quantitative results and the rapid
growth of automated measuring systems within the last decade has brought a
new importance to the standardization of magnification. There also continues
a need for specimens which permit the checking of instrument performance in
its various modes.
This is available in copper, nickel or gold in 1000 and in nickel in 2000 mesh
(1000 or 2000 repeat distance per inch) i.e. 25µm and 12.5µm. This material is
not claimed to be of high accuracy over any one cell spacing. An average over
at least 20 spacings should be taken to give a reasonable accuracy.
1000 mesh copper, 25mm x 25mm G248C
1000 mesh nickel, 25mm x 25mm G248N
1000 mesh gold, 25mm x 25mm G248A
2000 mesh nickel, 25mm x 25mm G249N
This test specimen is made of single crystal silicon. The overall dimension is
5mm x 5mm. It is mar ed with clearly visible squares of periodicity 10µm. The
dividing lines are about 1.9µm in width and are formed by electron beam lithog-
raphy. A broader marking line is written every 500µm, which is a very useful
additional feature for light microscopy.
This is an excellent specimen for comparing magnification and assessing any
distortion in the image field. It is particularly useful in the context of automated
counting systems to check for unsuspected distortions.
Where critical measurements must be made the sample can be mounted di-
rectly onto the calibration specimen so that an internal calibration is obtained
on the micrograph.
Unmounted S1930
Unmounted, pack of 10 S1931
On 12.5mm pin type SEM stub S1932
On other stubs (specify) or on a ring to be placed on a stub S1933
For incident light microscopy S1934
A certificate of calibration can be supplied for the silicon test specimen if re-
quired at additional cost.
Microscopists and engineers using high performance SEM will find this calibra-
tion specimen useful. The 4.8mm x 4.5mm silicon standard has a series of
chess patterns with a side length of 48µm around its edges, useful for orienta-
The central area comprises four line patterns, each one clearly identified by its
pitch. Each pattern has five bars and spaces of equal pitch: 1.0µm, 2.0µm,
5.0µm and 10.0µm. Each standard is identified by a serial number.
CD structure 1-2-5-10µm specimen
Not certified, each S1995
Magnification Calibration
Polystyrene Latex Particles
These are in general too small to be useful for light microscopy but are in a
good size range for SEM. By mixing a suitable concentration of these particles
with particles of unknown size being studied it is possible to derive an internal
standard of size.
The particle sizes available are listed below, with the following standard devia-
tion on the particle size. Material: Polystyrene, vials of 5ml.
Mean diam. [µm] / Standard devision [µm] / Particle concentration [n/ml]
0.083 / 0.0190 / approx. 3.18 x 1012 S130-1
0.142 / 0.0040 / approx. 6.35 x 1011 S130-2
0.173 / 0.0068 / approx. 3.51 x 1011 S130-3
0.230 / 0.0077 / approx. 1.50 x 1011 S130-4
0.305 / 0.0084 / approx. 6.47 x 1010 S130-5
0.535 / 0.0670 / approx. 1.18 x 1010 S130-6
1.036 / 0.0161 / approx. 1.64 x 109 S130-7
The SIRA calibration specimens have been specially prepared for scanning
electron microscopy. These are metal replicas of cross ruled gratings of area
(60mm²) with 19.7lines/mm for low magnification and 2160lines/mm for high
magnification calibration. These specimens can be used for specimen stage tilt
control calibration and to check on innate distortion. These specimens are ac-
curate to 1%.
Set of 2 on 12.5mm pin stubs S170
Set of 2 on other stubs (specify) S170A
For very high resolution performance testing this specimen has a smaller gold
island particle size compared to the S168 specimen described higher. Suitable
for testing at instrument magnifications of 50‘000 and above. Particle size
range from < 2nm to 30nm.
Ultra HR test specimen (Au) on 12.5mm pin S1969
Ultra HR test specimen (Au) on JEOL stub S1969A
Ultra HR test specimen (Au) on ISI/ABT stub S1969B
Ultra HR test specimen (Au) on Hitachi stub S1969C
Ultra HR test specimen (Au) on thin carbon disc S1969T
The various spacings created by the dendritic structure give the gap test, and
the topographical arrangement of the dendrites leads to the grey level test. The
specimen is non-magnetic, vacuum clean, has no adverse reaction to the elec-
tron probe and requires no surface coating. It is most useful for working in the
probe size range of 25nm to 75nm. Supplied unmounted but can easily be at-
tached to a stub using an adhesive such as silver paint.
excellent for correcting astigmatism.
Prickly gold on 12.5mm stub S1968
Prickly gold on JEOL stub S1968A
Prickly gold on ISI/ABT stub S1968B
Prickly gold on Hitachi stub S1968C
Prickly gold unmounted S1968U
The 0.9nm spacing (020) will be found along the axis of the crocidolite fibres.
The 0.45nm spacing (021) appears at an angle of about 60° to this, in suitable
crystal orientations.
Crocidolite crystals, 3.05mm grid S122
Crocidolite crystals, 2.3mm grid S123
Resolution, image quality, magnification and instrumental stability in higher-
resolution TEM can be checked by setting up the conditions for imaging the
0.204nm, 0.143nm and 0.102nm planar spacings in these specially-prepared
crystals. The tests are particularly recommended if height adjustments are
made on the specimen stage. The gold foils are mounted on gold grids.
Oriented single crystal gold foil, 3.05mm grid S135
Oriented single crystal gold foil, 2.3mm grid S139
This specimen is one of the quickest and easiest of the performance checks,
since it gives information about nearly all causes of loss of resolution. The films
yield holes small enough to be imaged completely within the field of view of the
viewing telescope at an instrumental magnification of 200‘000 x. If some of
such holes are not present in a grid square they will be found in an adjacent
square. The holes are round, with smooth unthickened edges. Perforated car-
bon films are thin films of carbon, which have been treated to obtain a large
number of small holes. The examination of the Fresnel fringe around a hole
when the objective lens is slightly defocused enables the astigmatism to be
corrected. The clarity of the fringe also gives information about the mechanical
and electrical stabilities and available resolution of the instrument. When high-
er-resolution equipment is used, the slightly underfocused image of the carbon
film itself is used for astigmatism correction. On 400 mesh grid.
Perforated carbon film, 3.05mm grid S100
Perforated carbon film, 2.3mm grid S101
Diffraction Standards
Camera Length
The nominal value of the effective camera length of an EM operating in the se-
lected area mode is not sufficiently accurate for calculations of lattice spacing.
The actual value of camera length must be calibrated at the same accelerating
voltage and objective lens setting by reference to a known substance with well
defined diffraction spacings. Normal specimens are evaporated films of alu-
minium or thallous chloride. very small crystallite size yields ring patterns suit-
able for calibration. Each specimen is supplied with a list of the principal lattice
Evaporated Aluminium on 3.05mm grids S108
Evaporated Aluminium on 2.3mm grids S109
Image Rotation
Molybdenum Trioxide
When changing from a selected area image of a specimen to a diffraction pat-
tern, the strength of the intermediate lens is changed, producing an image ro-
tation between the image and the diffraction pattern. This rotation is seen by
photographing a crystal whose shape gives a clear indication of orientation. A
molybdenum trioxide crystal is suitable for this purpose.
Molybdenum trioxide on 3.05mm grids S112
Molybdenum trioxide on 2.3mm grids S113
Dumont Tweezers
Most types can be supplied either in carbon steel with tempered points or in
stainless steel. The carbon steel tweezers have the hardest points and are
used when rust and corrosion are not significant factors. Stainless steel twee-
zers are rustproof and have hard points. We stock an anti-magnetic grade,
which will not magnetize: Dumoxel. These are marginally softer than the other
Dumont tweezers, carbon steel
Fine points, straight, 110mm long (type 3c) T501 22,00
Very fine points, straight, 110mm long (4) T527 28,00
Extra fine points, straight, 110mm long (5) T502 27,00
Angled points, fine, 110mm long (6) T528 32,00
Curved tip, extra fine points, 110mm long (7) T503 29,00
In addition to the top grade Dumont tweezers we have some slightly lower
grade tweezers: the electronic grade. Type No. 5 and 7 are suitable for normal
grid handling but are not fine enough for picking a flat grid off a smooth surface.
The electronic grade tweezers are distinguished by a colored plastic coating
over the handle. We stock this grade in stainless steel only.
Dumont tweezers, stainless steel, Electronic
Fine points, straight, 110mm long (type 3c) T521 17,00
Extra fine points, straight, 110mm long (5) T522 18,00
Curved tip, extra fine points, 110mm long (7) T523 21,00
Flat tip, rounded end, straight, 120mm long (2a) T525 17,00
Heavy construction, fine tips, 120mm long (P) T526 16,00
Type Perry
Long tweezers, curved tips, 150mm long T512 19,00
Type Stone
Round serrated tips, 140mm long, 1.7mm wide T520 17,00
Crossover Tweezers
Large, insulated handle, stainless steel, 160mm long. Useful for metallurgical
Insulated T514 62,00
Fine tips, stainless steel, Swiss made T538 39,00
Very fine tips, stainless steel, Dumont T539 43,00
Plastic Tweezers
Plastic tweezers with heavy ribbed construction and jaws opening 15mm.
Heavy plastic tweezers T5009 5,00
Plastic tweezers made from CTFE, virtually unaffected by a wide range of ac-
ids, alkalis, oxidizing agents and most organic solvent. 115mm long, tips taper
to 0.25mm thick, 2mm wide.
Plastic tweezers CTFE T519 34,00
General purpose plastic tweezers, 115mm long, tips taper to 0.2mm, 7mm
wide. Can be sterilized.
Plastic tweezers glass filled Nylon T518 17,00
Platinum-Tipped Tweezers
Dumont No. 5 tweezers with pure platinum tips, 38mm from tip to shoulder. The
very fine points permit easy pick up of grids. Useful for those wishing to sterilize
tweezer tips in a flame and for those working with certain corrosive liquids.
Platinum tipped tweezers T5005 1175,00
Cutting Tweezers
Dumont cutting tweezers, carbon steel
Cutter jaws 5mm long, 60/3 T534 53,00
End cutting tweezers for fine wire, 115mm (type 15a) T5047 81,00
Clamping Tweezers
Useful for handling specimen holder caps and small parts of the microscope.
Dumont clamping tweezers carbon steel (type 25b) T535 89,50
Tissue Tweezers
Small tooth tips for secure holding and tearing of tissue pieces.
Stainless, antimagnetic, length 130mm LZ 01875 KN 36,00
Centering Tweezers
For precision centring of two specimen carriers used in double replica freeze
fracture technique during plunge freezing in cryogen bath.
Centering tweezer LZ 01874 KN 222,00
Tips are 10µm gold plated. Used for work with aggressive chemicals.
Original Dumont Dumoxel LZ 01872 WN 79,00
Flat Tweezers
For holding lamellae, mica plates, cover glasses.
Stainless, length 100mm LZ 01871 KN 33,50
To open the specimen carrier mounting fixture and to remove the specimen
carrier sandwich.
Tweezer LZ 01883 KN 70,00
Diamond Grip
Three-prong, spring-loaded. Useful for lifting small objects from awkward posi-
tions in the microscope.
Diamond grip, 110mm long T515 22,00
Stainless steel screw pin, 150mm long. Valuable for holding objects without
maintaining hand pressure.
Locking forceps, straight serrated jaws T551 62,50
Curved forceps, serrated jaws T552 62,50
General purpose scissors, stainless steel, 127mm long, screw joint
Both points blunt T5074 57,50
One point sharp, the other blunt T5075 50,00
Disposal scalpel, medium size, straight blades, pack of 10 LZ 01866 VN 25,00
Razor Blades
Backed, single edge razor blades. Valuable for block trimming and many other
Carbon steel, box of 100 T585 34,50
Stainless steel, box of 100 T586 52,00
Tool strip steel, 39mm x 19mm x 0.3mm, box of 10 LZ 01867 KN 8,50
Heavy duty carbon steel, box of 100 T5016 52,00
Teflon coated stainless steel, box of 100 T5332 62,50
Safety Blades
For cutting frozen freeze-etch specimens.
„Schick injector“ with 10 blades LZ 01868 KN 14,00
Tissue Puncher
Is used to punch out tissue discs without causing damage. Designed to last a
Cutting Pad
Made of nylon, for tissue cutting & chopping. High mechanical strength without
wearing out blades.
100mm x 60mm x 3 mm, pack of 10 LZ 01869 VN 29,00
Miniature Saw
Miniature saw, length 75mm, height 25mm, for cutting up flat embedding
Miniature saw T581 104,00
Blades for T 581, pack of 10 T582 48,00
Set of Probes
Mounted Pins
Mounted pins
In wooden handle T548-1 3,00
In aluminium handle T548-2 5,50
In stainless steel handle T548-3 10,00
Needle Stand
Stainless steel stand with 6 slots for needles, brushes etc.
Needle stand L4123 59,50
Made of 0.2mm in diameter platinum wire with sling diameter of3 mm; clamping
device in handle allows replacement. Used to transfer freeze-etch replicas.
Platinum loop LZ 02145 VN 104,00
Made of Pt/lr, with glass handle. Length 185mm. Sling diameter 3mm.
Loop LZ 02065 KN 106,00
Nylon Loop
To capture and transfer sections out of the microtome bath. Metal mount with
safety lock.
Nylon loop LZ 02050 KN 59,00
Eyelash Set
Used to position and manipulate thin sections in a microtome bath. Prepared
eyelash hairs are individually packaged in gelatin capsules. Included in set is
a handpiece with grip to pick up eyelash hairs without contamination or stick-
10 gelatin caps., with metal handpiece in protective case LZ 02120 VN 70,00
Replacement eyelashes
Replacement eyelashes, pack of 10 capsules LZ 02121 VN 23,50
Instrument Tray
For 6 instruments, with dipping cavity. Made of heat resistant plastic resem-
bling opal-glass. A safe resting place for slings, tweezers etc.
freeze etch replicas in various cleansing agents.
Large collecting rod LZ 02064 KN 3,50
Spatulas, stainless steel
Chattaway, 178mm T549 28,00
Chattaway, micro pattern blades, 100mm T5081 18,50
Palette knife, with wooden handle, 100mm T5083 67,00
Spatulas, Nickel
With spoon at one end, 120mm T5082 48,50
Tongue Spatulas
Useful as a disposable stirrer when mixing embedding ingredients.
100 pieces per pack LZ 01870 KN 11,00
Top cutting pliers, box joint, insulated handles, double spring return. Specially
hardened by additional inductive heat treatment to cut hard wire up to 1mm di-
Top cutting pliers for hard wire, 130mm T5085 70,50
Oblique cutting nipper, specially hardened inductively, box joint, double spring,
insulated handles. Cuts soft wire up to 1.2mm, hard wire to 0.5mm diameter.
Oblique cutting nipper, 120mm T5108 50,50
Snipe nosed pliers, long nosed. Double polished head and joint bonded vinyl
plastic handles, not insulated.
Long snipe nosed pliers, 140mm T5087 31,50
Electricians Pliers
With pipe grip, side cutter and two joint cutters. Polished head. Black PVC han-
dles insulated to withstand 10‘000 Volts.
Electricians pliers T5088 80,50
Set of 6 screwdrivers in plastic case. Brass handles with hardened steel
blades. Blade widths 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 1.8 mm, 2.2 mm and 2.5 mm.
Watchmakers screwdrivers, set of 5 T532 88,00
Socket Wrenches
Set of 10 socket wrenches, 3/8in, 5/16in, 1/4in, 7/32in, 3/16in, 5/32in, 1/8in,
3/32in, 5/64in, 1/16in, across flats, in plastic wallet.
Set of 10 socket wrenches T536 57,50 (0106)
Set of 7 socket wrenches, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm,
across flats, in plastic wallet.
Set of 7 socket wrenches T537 38,00
Ring Spanners
Set of 3 BA ring spanners, double ended 0BA and 2BA, 2BA and 4BA,
4BA and 6BA.
Set of 3 BA ring spanners T5003 132,00
Pinchuck with 3 interchangeable collets.
Pinchuck, capacity 0 to 3/32in T547 117,00
Fixed Magnifiers
These are simple magnifiers, mounted in tubes ending in clear plastic so that
light may reach the object being examined. The x 15 magnifier has a 2 compo-
nent, 3 element construction; the x 22 magnifier has 3 component, 4 element
Fixed magnifier x 5 O6021
Fixed magnifier x 10 O6022
Fixed magnifier x 15 O6023
Fixed magnifier x 22 O6024
Fixed magnifier x 30 O6025
Watchmakers Eyeglass
A useful accessory when both hands are required for fine manipulations.
Watchmakers eyeglass x 2 O613
Watchmakers eyeglass x 9 O617
Watchmakers eyeglass x 7 O620
Watchmakers eyeglass x 5 O621
Folding Magnifiers
These magnifiers give high power over relatively restricted areas but are safely
portable since the lenses are protected inside the case when not in use. They
are very small and easy to carry in the pocket.
Measuring Magnifier x 10
This is a high quality magnifier with a field of view of 35mm and a flat field of
view corrected for achromatic and astigmatic error. Bloomed lens system with
adjustable focus. A range of 12 graticules is available for this model. Supplied
in a case.
Measuring magnifier x 10 O6033
Headband Magnifier
This is lightweight and comfortable to wear. The lenses are mounted in a frame
held around the head by a headband. It is fastened by a velcro strip so that the
size is adjustable. The normal magnification is x 2.2 but a magnification of x 3.3
can be achieved by lowering an additional pair of lenses. Very useful where
both hands are required for manipulation.
Headband magnifier O637
Stereo Microscope XT
Folding Stereoscopes
to 70mm to suit the operator. Distance from the lens to the photograph is
115mm for the x 2 model and 75mm for the x 4 model.
Stereoscope x 2 O6001
Stereoscope x 4 O6002
The large aperture lenses of this viewer give good quality viewing of stereo
pairs mounted in individual 50mm x 50mm slide mounts. Flexing about the cen-
tre strip provides some variation of interocular distance.
Daylight stereo viewer for two 50mm x 50mm mounts O675
This viewer which consists of reversed prisms enables the viewing of two ste-
reo prints one above the other. The upper part of one prism and the lower part
of the other are frosted so that the direct images are obscured and only the
fused image is observed. This type of viewer is valuable in permitting the view-
ing of print of different sizes instead of being limited by overlap problems. Can
be included with reports including stereo picture, or attached by string to wall
display using the specially shaped end grip.
Prismatic stereo viewer O640A
Stereo Lorgnette
Small plastic lorgnettes designed for viewing two 50mm x 50mm stereo pic-
tures at a distance of 100mm.
Stereo lorgnette O643
Low priced red / green stereo viewers in cardboard mounts for viewing anag-
Red / Green stereo viewers, pack of 50 O642
Red / Green stereo viewers, pack of 10 O642A
Similar viewers with cardboard side arms are available to wear as spectacles.
Some anaglyphs are made using a red / blue combination instead of
red / green. Viewers are available in similar styles to the red / green.
Red / blue stereo viewers, pack of 50 O665
Red / blue stereo viewers, pack of 10 O665A
Red / blue stereo viewers with side arms, pack of 20 O668
This is a folding plastic system incorporating a large primary mirror which en-
sures that prints up to 200mm x 200mm can be accommodated without over-
lapping. The whole instrument folds away into a convenient plastic box
360mm x 135mm x 60mm.
Folding mirror stereoscope O6140
QS 060 Quartz Crystals
For use with BAL-TEC QSK 060 and Balzers QSK 300 quartz heads with the
QSG 060 and QSG 070 film thickness measurement devices (6MHz).
Quartz crystals, pack of 10 LZ 02321 KN
Protective Goggles
With colored glass in flip-front for observing the evaporation process.
Protective goggles G395
High Purity Wire
On spool. For Tungsten evaporation sources.
Aluminum wire, 0.5mm diam., 5m, purity 99.999% LZ 02291 VN
Gold wire, 0.2mm diam., 1m, purity 99.999% LZ 02285 VN
Gold wire, 0.2mm diam., 10m, purity 99.999% LZ 02297 VN
Gold/Palladium wire, 0.2mm diam., 1m, 80/20 alloy LZ 02288 VN
Gold/Palladium wire, 0.2mm diam., 10m, 80/20 alloy LZ 02231 KN
Nickel wire, 0.2mm diam., 5m LZ 02282 VN
For use in evaporation and shadow casting. All wires supplied in a convenient
Gold wire, 0.2mm diam., 1m, purity 99.99% E401-1
Gold wire, 0.2mm diam., 3m, purity 99.99% E401-3
Gold/Palladium wire, 0.2mm diam., 1m, 60/40 alloy E402-1
Gold/Palladium wire, 0.2mm diam., 3m, 60/40 alloy E402-3
Platinum/Iridium wire, 0.2mm diam., 1m, 80/20 alloy E403-1
Platinum/Iridium wire, 0.2mm diam., 3m, 80/20 alloy E403-3
Platinum/Iridium wire, 0.25mm diam., 1m, 80/20 alloy E436-1
Platinum/Iridium wire, 0.25mm diam., 3m, 80/20 alloy E436-3
For Tungsten evaporation sources.
This forms a surface parting layer for use in vacuum evaporators. It acts as a
parting layer for carbon or other thin film replicas. Water soluble.
Victawet, 5g E440
Tungsten wire, pack of 6 LZ 02295 VN
Tungsten Boats
Tungsten boat, 30mm x 7mm, 0.4mm deep, thickness 0.1mm
Tungsten boat, VA 120, A 70, pack of 10 LZ 02236 VN
Tungsten boat, L=75mm, each LZ 02207 VN
Reference values for power input (VA) and current input (A) to achieve a
source temperature of approx. 1400°C. Test conditions: evaporation source
empty, temperature measurement with filament pyrometer.
Molybdenum pure, cleaned. For making evaporation sources.
Molybdenum sheet, 150mm x 150mm, thickness 0.05mm E408
Molybdenum sheet, 100mm x 100mm, thickness 0.05mm LZ 02422 KN
Molybdenum Boats
Molybdenum boat, 41mm x 4mm, 1mm deep, thickness 0.1mm
Molybdenum boat, VA 30, A 35, pack of 10 LZ 02247 VN
Molybdenum boat, 40mm x 20mm, 2.5mm deep, thickness 0.1mm
Molybdenum boat, VA 165, A 145, pack of 10 LZ 02251 VN
Reference values for power input (VA) and current input (A) to achieve a
source temperature of approx. 1600°C. Test conditions: evaporation source
empty, temperature measurement with filament pyrometer.
Tantalum pure, cleaned. For making evaporation sources.
Tantalum sheet, 120mm x 120mm, thickness 0.05mm E413
Tantalum Boats
Tantalum boat, 21mm x 7mm, 2.5mm deep, thickness 0.1mm
Tantalum boat, VA 80, A 65, pack of 10 LZ 02258 VN
Platinum Boats
Platinum boat, 75mm x 6mm, trough 12mm x 5mm, 1mm deep,
thickness 0.05mm
Platinum boat E437
Carbon Evaporation
Carbon Thread
To produce carbon coatings. Used for quick release flanges with carbon thread
evaporators and CEA & CED Units.
Carbon Thread, 3.5m, spool LZ 02308 VN
Carbon Thread, 25m, spool LZ 02307 VN
Carbon Rods
Carbon rods, 6mm diameter
150 mm long, pack of 10 E409-2
Carbon Tips
Spectrographically pure, with conical tip. 6.15mm diameter. (0106)
Platinum/Carbon Pellets
Spectrographically pure carbon. Sintered of 50% platinum powder and 50%
carbon powder.
In pressed gelatin capsules, pack of 2 LZ 02280 VN
Holding Electrode
For platinum/carbon pellets. Spectrographically carbon with groove cut to hold
platinum/carbon pellets. 6mm diameter.
Holding electrode, 30mm long, each LZ 02281 VN
conical tips of 18 mm in length
Carbon sharpener KS 600 LZ 02198 KN
Suitable for carbon rods of 6mm in diameter, which were preshaped. To pro-
duce screw cylinders of 1mm diameter and 2mm length. For carbon/platinum
evaporation. The enclosed winding pin is used to slide on screw cylinders in
producing the platinum coil.
Carbon sharpener KS 611 LZ 02234 VN
Consumable Set
Consumable for approximately 1 year of operation
PT/C (1year supply) LZ 02318 VN
Ta/W (1year supply) LZ 02319 VN
C (1 year supply) LZ 02320 VN
50mm long, pack of 6 LZ 02217 KN
To produce Carbon/Platinum mix coatings. Both sides drilled for platinum in-
sert. 2mm diameter.
30mm long, pack of 10 LZ 02260 VN
To produce Carbon/Platinum mix coatings. Both sides drilled for platinum in-
sert. 2mm diameter.
10.5mm long, pack of 10 LZ 02268 VN
Platinum Insert
For Carbon/Platinum mix coatings. 1.5mm diameter.
2mm long, pack of 10 LZ 02261 VN
Tungsten Rods
To receive carbon rods. 1mm diameter.
10mm long, pack of 10 LZ 02275 VN
Tantalum Wire
For high resolution Tantalum/Tungsten mix coatings.
Tantalum wire, 0.05mm diameter, 1m LZ 02263 VN
Winding Pin
To wrap tantalum or platinum coils for sliding to tungsten or to pre-shaped car-
bon rods.
Winding pin LZ 02235 VN
Chrome Rod
For high resolution Chrome coatings. 1.8mm diameter.
30mm long, pack of 10 LZ 02218 VN
Platinum/Iridium/Carbon Rod
For high resolution Platinum/Iridium/Carbon coatings. Pre-melted and pretreat-
ed for immediate use. 2mm diameter.
30mm long, each LZ 02293 VN
Tungsten Cathode
Suitable for evaporation guns.
Tungsten cathode, pack of 5 LZ 02317 VN
Film Forming Materials
A variety of film-forming solutions are used to prepare support films and
replicas of smooth surfaces.
These are: FORMVAR® in chloroform, PIOLOFORM® in chloroform and
BUTVAR® in chloroform.
the preparation of FORMVAR an other supporting films. The plate is placed un-
der distilled water and the surface supporting the film gradually lowered. Ex-
cess water is removed by blotting from below. The plate containing filmed grids
can be transferred to a vacuum coating unit for carbon coating.
Grid coating plates, 30mm x 50mm, pack of 3 G3653
Grid coating plates, 25mm x 75mm, pack of 3 G3901
Balance Boats
These disposable diamond-shape weighing dishes are made from high impact
polystyrene. The design allows them to be bent to give a funnel shape, thus
avoiding any spillage on transfer of the contents. The flat base ensures that
they sit firmly on the balance pan. The smooth finish facilitates complete re-
moval of the weighed chemical.
Balance boats, 5ml, pack of 500 G3909
Balance boats, 30ml, pack of 100 G3910
Balance boats, 100ml, pack of 50 G3911
Weighing Paper
This special paper has a glossy surface which makes it very suitable for weigh-
ing out powders.
Weighing paper, 114mm x 89mm, pack of 1000 G3323
Mica Sheets
Cleaving of a mica sheet produces a super clean surface which can be used
as a substrate for carbon film preparation.
Wash bottles
Oval wash bottle with fine jet. A slight pressure on the flexible body of the bot-
tles will dispense the liquid.
Polythene wash bottle, 500ml G351
Polythene wash bottle, 250ml G352
Anti-Static Gun
Many laboratories experience trouble arising from static charges - dust adher-
ing to pole pieces, grids jumping out of grid storage boxes, etc. These problems
can be greatly reduced by an anti-static gun which sprays ions on to the sur-
face in question. It has been found very helpful during sectioning, particularly
Anti-static gun G375
Punching Device
To punch out discs from plastic- and metal foils as well as grids of3 mm diam-
eter, such as grids of 3mm in diameter, in plastic and metal foils. The punch
and die are made of harded heavy duty tool steel for long life and sharp clean
edges without ridges. Jack and stripper for smooth working plane punching
product operation. Removable tray to collect punched out parts.
Punching Device
For the highest quality requirements.
Mini Hotplate
The mini hot plate is used in histology for removing stubborn wrinkles from sec-
tions. In microbiology it can be used for heat fixing bacterial smears. It can also
be used for fixing smears from body fluids where destruction of cells through
overheating must be avoided before subsequent staining. The variations in
surface heat are reduced because of its small size.
Dimensions: 140mm x 140mm x 56mm
Stage: 100mm x 100mm, Temperature: 70°C
grinding, polishing, dimpling, etc., and final processing in the ion beam milling
systems. The specimens are first mechanically held in place for subsequent fix-
ation with the proper adhesive (e.g. AT1). 3mm diameter, thickness 0.5mm.
Slot width d = 0.6mm, each LZ 01977 FN
Slot width d = 0.6mm, pack of 10 LZ 02477 VN
Slot width d = 0.8mm, each LZ 01978 FN
Slot width d = 0.8mm, pack of 10 LZ 02478 VN
Slot width d = 1.0mm, each LZ 01979 FN
Slot width d = 1.0mm, pack of 10 LZ 02479 VN
Aluminium Tape
Aluminium Tape for conducting connections.
With adhesive backing, 12mm wide, 55m G265
With adhesive backing, 6.4mm wide, 55m LZ 02000 KN
With adhesive backing, 25mm wide, 55m G265A
Perforated, both sides conductive, 12mm wide, 16.5m G265B
Magic Tape
This tape is transparent when it has been affixed and it has a matt top surface
which allows it to be written on. Useful therefore for making up small labels. It
is resistant to attack by insects which destroy conventional paper and sellotape
12mm wide, 66m G3329
Copper Tape
Copper Tape
Copper tape with electrical good conductive adhesive side, due to the adhesive
mixture with pure fine carbon.
Copper-carbon adhesive tape, 12mm wide, 66m G3940
3M Transfer Adhesive Tape, very thin, transparent double sided adhesive tape
with protective paper strip to affix grained materials and thin films, etc. on the
SEM specimen holder.
12.7mm wide, 55m LZ 02003 KN
Replication of Surfaces
Cellulose acetate sheets are suitable. They soften in acetone, so can be ap-
plied to a surface which has been wetted with acetone and stripped when dry.
Available in three thicknesses. The thicker sheets are suitable for replication of
rough surfaces, but will require extended washing times to remove the replica
material once the carbon replica has been formed on the structure of the sur-
Triacetate film, colored lightly blue
125µm thick, 125mm x 125mm, pack of 20 G254F
Replicating Tape
Supplied in a convenient dispenser.
125µm thick, 19mm wide, 4.5m G3882
Microscope Slides
High grade slides from extra white glass, pre-cleaned and polished, with
ground edges. Size 76mm x 26mm. Supplied in boxes of 50.
Thickness 0.8mm to 1.0mm, plain finish L4087
Thickness 1.0mm to 1.2mm, plain finish L4088
Thickness 1.2mm to 1.5mm, plain finish G251
Thickness 1.0mm to 1.2mm, single frost finish L4089
Thickness 1.0mm to 1.2mm, twin frost finish L4220
Cavity Slides
These are useful as moist chambers for observing hanging drops. Each slide
is 76mm x 25mm x 1.25mm thick with ground edges and polished round de-
pressions.The depressions are 15mm diameter and approximately 1mm deep.
Available with either one or two cavities.
Cavity slide, single depression, pack of 50 L4090
Cavity slide, two depressions, pack of 50 L4091
These cover slips are made from clear unbreakable plastic. Each cover slip is
interleaved with tissue to prevent scratching. 22mm x 22mm. Supplied in boxes
with hinged fronts for easy access.
Plastic cover slip, box of 100 L4193
Slide Dispenser
Microscope slide dispenser. Dispenses slides one by one from dust free stor-
Microscope slide dispenser G282
2-Slide Mailer
Made from moulded polyethylene with integral push-in lid. It is grooved to ac-
cept two 76mm x 26mm microscope slides.
2-slide mailer L4114
Araldite AT1
High strength, one component adhesive, cures warm at approx. 180°C / 1.5h.
Graphite Powder
To decrease the milling rate of AT1. Mixing 4 parts AT1 with 1 part graphite pro-
duces an adhesive with milling rate comparable to that of silicon. A maximum
mixing ratio of 1:1 is possible.
Graphite powder LZ 02096 VN
M-Bond 610
High strength two component adhesive, cures warm at approx. 140°C / 2h.
11g hardener and 14g resin.
M-Bond 610 LZ 02007 KN
materials, but also for semiconductors. frequently used as inexpensive alterna-
tive to diamond.
Mesh 240, 50µm, 125g LZ 02018 KN
Mesh 280, 42µm, 125g LZ 02019 KN
Mesh 320, 35µm, 125g LZ 02020 KN
Mesh 400, 23µm, 125g LZ 02021 KN
Mesh 500, 18µm, 125g LZ 02022 KN
Mesh 600, 14.5µm, 125g LZ 02023 KN
Mesh 800, 10.5µm, 125g LZ 02024 KN
Mesh 1000, 8µm, 125g LZ 02025 KN
min, minerals and others with 2.5µm and 1.25µm diamond paste.
200mm diam., pack of 10 LZ 02189 KN
165mm diam., pack of 10 LZ 02190 KN
Extender 1
Lubricating liquid for hard materials.
Extender 1, 1 liter LZ 02193 KN
Extender 5
Lubricating liquid for soft and medium-hard materials.
Extender 5, 1 liter LZ 02194 KN
SEP Spray
For residue-free removal of self-adhesive polishing cloth and grinding discs
from the carrier disc.
SEP spray, 400g LZ 02195 KN
Demotec 70 Kit
Rapidly curing, cold polymerizing, electrically conductive embedding agent of
methyl methacrylate base. Curing time: 15 minutes.
For electrolytic wipe-polishing and for SEM analyses.
1000g of powder, 1000ml of liquid LZ 02196 KN
Gelatin Capsules
Eppendorf Capsules
Made of polypropylene, with cone tips and cast-on caps. For low temperature
embedding and UV-polymerization.
BEEM Capsules
These are pre-shaped moulds of polyethylene with a hinged lid closure. Resin
blocks are produced which require virtually no trimming prior to sectioning. A
range of shapes is available. In size corresponding to gelatin capsules size 00.
BEEM 00 Pyramidal
Pyramid shaped with 1mm square tip, 7.8mm diameter, volume 0.75ml.
BEEM capsules 00, pack of 100 LZ 02106 VN
BEEM capsules 00, pack of 1000 G360-2
BEEM 00 Conical
Conical tip suitable for particles centrifuged into a pellet and for very small
pieces of tissue, 7.8mm diameter, volume 0.65ml.
BEEM capsules 00 conical, pack of 100 LZ 02107 VN
BEEM capsules 00 conical, pack of 1000 G361-2
BEEM 00 Hemi-hyperbola
Useful for very small or elongated pieces of tissue, 7.8mm diameter,
volume 0.45ml.
BEEM capsules 00 hemi-hyperbola, pack of 100 LZ 02108 VN
BEEM capsules 00 hemi-hyperbola, pack of 1000 G363-2
BEEM 3 Pyramidal
Similar in shape to BEEM 00 pyramidal, 5.4mm diameter, volume 0.25ml.
BEEM capsules 3, pack of 100 LZ 02109 VN
BEEM capsules 3, pack of 1000 G362-2
Designee to hole the smaller BEEM 3 capsules. It will also accommodate small
gelatin capsules.
BEEM capsule holder 3 LZ 02027 KN
is simply pressed into an opening equipped with two blades with which the cap-
sule envelope is easily and safely cut open. The blades are easy to replace.
Size 00 LZ 02110 VN
Size 3 LZ 02111 VN
Replacement blade for capsule splitter LZ 02112 VN
Embedding Moulds
BEEM Flat Embedding Mould
This transparent polyethylene re-usable mould with 12 numbered cavities pro-
vides smooth, flat polished blocks, size 12mm x 5mm, 3mm deep. The trans-
parent nature of the mould facilitates specimen orientation if transmitted light is
used. Particularly useful for embedding media such as Nanoplast, JB4 and
Methacrylates which do not polymerize well in conventional moulds. Supplied
in a plastic box with hinged lid.
BEEM flat embedding mould G3654
sign exposes one grid at a time. It also holds two BEEM size 00 resin blocks.
BEEM dial-a-grid and block holder module G3694
diameter, for embedding droplets. The moulds are very flexible to aid release
of the polymerized blocks. Available in silicone rubber and in a special green
rubber, resistant to Spurr resin.
Silicone rubber, white, 24 cavities G369
Resistant rubber, green, 24 cavities G3690
Green silicone rubber mould with 15 unmarked cavities 11mm x 6mm, 4mm
deep. One end will produce trapezoidal shaped tips for easy trimming.
Mould with 24 numbered cavities 14mm x 6mm, 4mm deep. Also contains 3
special cavities for multiple specimen embedding.
Silicone rubber, green, 27 cavities G3532
Mould with 20 unmarked rectangular cavities 12mm x 6mm, 4mm deep. One
end will produce trapezoidal shaped tips. Eight rectangular compartments are
also included.
Silicone rubber, green, 28 cavities G3533
For viruses and other microbiological specimens, in particular for cell cultures
on cover glasses. Rectangular, stackable ship-shaped mold. One part of the
base is designed with a depression to accommodate carrier lamina.
64mm x 21mm x 20mm, depression: 43mm x 11mm x 5mm.
Flat embedding mould, silicone rubber LZ 01980 FN
Stackable mould with 20 numbered cavities of 2mm. For flat embedding with
pyramidal-shaped tips.
Silicone rubber, 20 cavities LZ 01982 FN
Mould for embedding in the shape of isosceles triangles. The individual trian-
gles are easy to break off at the indented spacing lines. Each mold consists of
4 sets of 6 triangles each, with 1mm spacing width.
Mould for flat embedding with pyramidal-shaped tips. Round disc with 20 num-
bered cavities of 2mm.
Mould for embedding with pyramidal-shaped tips. Round disc with 20 num-
bered cavities of 5mm.
Silicone rubber, 82mm diameter LZ 01988 FN
Glass Knives
Glass knives are very versatile. Their uses include specimen trimming, thick
sectioning, semi-thin, and ultra-thin sectioning and cryo-ultramicrotomy. Glass
knives are quick and easy to prepare and the knife angle can be made to meet
the requirements of the specimen. In order to make good glass knives the most
important requirement is a reliable supply of high quality clean glass strips. The
glass offered is specially selected with consistent high quality; cut to very close
mechanical tolerances to ensure it will fit to the knife makers. Each strip is pre-
washed and individually wrapped to ensure it remains clean until ready for use.
406mm x 25mm x 6mm, pack of 30 G329
406mm x 25mm x 8mm, pack of 24 G3516
406mm x 25mm x 10mm, pack of 15 G330
For EBS microtome, 100mm x 50mm x 10mm, pack of 20 G2305
silicone rubber mat with conveniently shape recesses for the knives. Recesses
are numbered. Holds 15 knives.
Glass knife station for 6mm - 7mm thickness 8092
Glass knife station for 8mm thickness 8093
LKB Troughs
These are moulded disposable plastic troughs for fitting to glass microtome
knives. The trough is quickly and easily attached to the glass knife. It has ample
room for large ribbons of sections.
LKB troughs, equivalent, box of 100 G3327A
Knife Trough
Made of brass plate, nickel-plated, for glass knives with 6mm cutting edge.
Knife trough, pack of 3 LZ 02116 VN
Aluminium Tape
Polyester adhesive tape with evaporated Aluminium film. Resistant against
most frequently used solvents. Used for mounting on glass knives with adhe-
sive wax.
Width 20mm, thickness 0.06mm, 66m LZ 02031 KN
Silver Tape
Polyester adhesive tape coated with Silver and used for mounting on glass
knives with wax. Resistant against all conventional solvents.
Width 9mm, 66m LZ 02032 KN
Gold Tape
Polyester adhesive tape coated with Gold and used for mounting on glass
PVC Tape
Suitable for making glass boats on glass microtome knives.
9mm wide, 33m G260
Adhesive Wax
Tried and tested dental wax, specially suitable for securing and sealing the
knife ship. Handy packaging in 10 individual portions so that a clean amount of
wax is always available.
Adhesive wax LZ 02034 KN
Dental Wax
This low melting point wax is used for sealing tape boats and Trufs into glass
knives. May also be used as a base for staining grids of for immunolabelling
sections. Supplied in approximately 24 sheets 185mm x 90mm.
Dental wax, 500g G381
Diamond Pencil
Especially easy to handle and practical for long clefts in harder glass materials.
Diamond pencil LZ 02035 KN
Styrofoam Stick
To clean the cutting edges of glass and diamond knives. They remove all re-
sidual materials without risk of damaging the cutting edge.
Styrofoam stick, pack of 4 LZ 02048 KN
75% OT Aerosol
Wetting agent for knives. 2h - 4h of immersion in a 0.5% aqueous solution of
OT Aerosol, followed by rinsing will ensure good wetting characteristics.
Bottle, 10ml LZ 02119 VN
Specimen Carriers
4.6mm diameter, 0.6mm thick.
With graduated hole, 1mm / 1.5mm diam., pack of 10 LZ 02130 VN
Suitable for tissue specimens and fluid samples. For double replication.
With indentation, 0.6mm thick, pack of 100 LZ 02132 VN
Suitable for tissue specimens and fluid samples. For freeze fracturing.
With indentation, 0.8mm thick, pack of 100 LZ 02134 VN
carriers can be arranged with various tissue sample combinations and with
Gold capillary / Cellulose capillary tubes.
Type A, 3mm diameter, 0.5mm thick.
Cylinder-shaped indentation, 2mm diameter, pack of 10 LZ 02135 VN
Made of glass for growing cell cultures, required for freeze fracture technique
developed by A.Yee.
Special specimen carriers, pack of 10 LZ 02139 VN
ity and the transparent property of the polished material. They are used for
flashing experiments with subsequent freezing technique. Each 10 carriers and
10 lids, 3mm diameter, 0.5mm thickness. The cavity in the carrier has 1.5mm
diameter and 0.2mm depth.
Transparent specimen carriers, pack of 10 LH 01916 VN
o 3 mm
Sapphire has an excellent thermal conductivity and is used for particular appli-
cations. For example for cell cultivations in high pressure freezing. 3mm diam-
0.05 mm eter, transparent.
Thickness 0.05mm - 0.06mm, pack of 10 LH 01845 VN
Gold Tube
Cylindrical samples surrounded by thin walled gold tubes provide a better
freezing of aqueous biological samples. The tube is held tightly between two
clamp rings in the specimen holder. Outside diameter 0.3mm, wall thickness
0.05mm, inside diameter 0.2mm, made of gold (99.95).
40 mm long, each LH 01846 VN
Clamp Ring
Made from steel, non magnetic. For freezing applications with Gold tubes. The
O 2 mm
tube is jammed between two clamp rings. 3mm diameter.
0.5 mm
Thickness 0.5mm, pack of 10 LH 01842 VN
O 3 mm
Filter Discs
Serve to receive extremely small specimens or suspensions. After critical point
drying, the specimens are directly examined under the SEM together with the
filter discs.
Pore size 16µm - 40µm, pack of 6 LZ 02040 KN
Pore size 10µm - 16µm, pack of 6 LZ 02041 KN
Pore size 1.0µm - 1.6µm, pack of 6 LZ 02042 KN
Filter Paper
Whatman No. 1 filter papers, 90mm diameter.
Filter paper, box of 100 L4164
Sample Basket
Made of stainless steel with screw-on fine wire netting cover (20 mesh per cm).
12mm height.
16mm diameter, each LZ 02046 KN
23mm diameter, each LZ 02047 KN
Specimen Basket
Made of stainless steel, attachable cover with wire netting (10 mesh per cm).
21mm height.
10mm diameter, each LZ 02118 VN
Universal application based on modular unit design. Easy and safe to work with
because of well thought-out design. Stacking and boxing possibilities are un-
limited. Economically efficient applications based on space saving and reus-
able components. Compatible with all BAL-TEC cryo specimen devices. Inno-
vative cryo-transfer-chain concept. Specially designed for cryo specimen
techniques in electron microscopy.
Storage Dewar
Transport Dewar
Drain proof insulated dewar for cryo transport by airplane or motorized vehicle.
360mm diameter, 460mm height. To receive one transport basket with 66mm
diameter and 270mm height. 1 transport basket included.
Storage time: 20 days
Neck diameter: 80mm
Transport dewar LZ 02067 KN
Laboratory Dewars
Laboratory dewar with internal diameter 57mm.
150ml, plunging depth 76mm, each LZ 02057 KN
500ml, plunging depth 210mm, each LZ 02058 KN
Stand, complete
To receive a maximum of 6 specimen containers. Fits in the described storage,
transport and laboratory dewars. Consisting of: Stand with holding springs, lid
for specimen containers, tool for removal, socket screw wrench.
Stand LZ 02147 VN
Specimen Container
Specimen container, made of Aluminium, 54mm diameter and 18mm height.
With 1 chamber, 15mm deep, to receive frozen specimen. Fits on the complete
With 6 chambers to separately receive TEM specimens. Chamber diameter
15mm and 15mm deep. Fits on the complete stand.
TEM specimen container LZ 02148 VN
LN2 Dewar
No compressed air required, integrated optical filling level indicator, integrated
filling device. Operating over pressure is max. 1.0bar, neck connecting flange
DN50KF, port thread G¼“.
60l dewar: Rate loss 1.0l/d, weight empty 26.4kg
100l dewar: Rate loss 1.3l/d, weight empty 33.5kg
60 liters LN2 dewar LZ 02054 KN
Staining, Treatment
Plastic Staining Rack, Trough and Storage box
The rack accommodates 25 slides, 76mm x 26mm, horizontally and is fitted
with a swing handle. He through is fitted with a light proof lid and is supplied
with a small adapter to aid drainage. The through can be used for staining, stor-
age and carriage. A polystyrene storage box accommodating four of the stain-
ing racks is available.
Plastic staining rack L4111
Staining through L4163
Storage box for 4 staining racks L4112
This is a quick hardening mounting medium possessing physical, chemical and
optical properties which make it ideal for microscope preparations. Eukitt is
neutral and colorless having the same refractive index as glass. It spreads
quickly and evenly without forming air bubbles and does not discolor with age.
It also can be used in place of epoxy resins for mounting petrographic thin sec-
tions. In addition it is useful for sealing cover slips over wet preparations.
Eukitt, 100ml R1339
O.C.T. Compound
Embedding medium for frozen tissue specimens.
O.C.T. compound, 110ml R1180
pith spongy cushions to clean spatulas. Containers on wooden tray, are remov-
Container series for chemical treatment LZ 02038 KN
Rinsing Container
Used to treat specimen grids after contrasting. Suitable for receiving sodium
hydroxide solutions. Made of black glass with lid. Cavity with diam. of 35mm.
Rinsing container, 40mm x 40mm x 15mm LZ 02039 KN
Removal Dish
Made of crystal with glass plate cover. Cavity of 35mm in diameter, depth of
Removal dish LZ 02059 KN
Spot Plate
Made of white porcelain. 90mm x 60mm x 16mm with 6 cavities, diameter of
22mm, depth of 9mm.
Spot plate, 6 cavities LZ 02060 KN
Spot Plate
Made of white porcelain. 120mm x 90mm x 10mm with 12 cavities, diameter of
25mm, depth of 6mm.
Spot plate, 12 cavities LZ 02062 KN
Spot Plate
Pasteur Pipettes
For microtome baths etc.
Length 150mm, pack of 25 LZ 02122 VN
Length 150mm, pack of 250 LZ 02052 KN
Pipette Filler
Small suction pump whose length and diameter fit in palm of hand. The plunger
is activated by a gear rack and gear wheel without any play. Permits precision
work. Made of acid resistant plastic.
Size No. 2 LZ 02053 KN
Disc Punches
Many applications in the laboratory make adhesive discs for mounting SEM
specimens or punch circles from ACLAR film for growing cells prior to mounting
for ultramicrotomy. Maximum thickness for punching is 1.7mm.
Disc punch, 7.9mm circle, each 54740
Disc punch, 9.5mm circle, each 54741
Disc punch, 11mm circle, each 54742
Disc punch, 12.7mm circle, each 54743
signed to improve the penetration of fluids into biological tissues e.g. fixatives
and resins prior to polymerization.
The rotational speed is continuously variable in the range of 2rpm to 26rpm.
The size, 153mm x 150mm x 175mm high, allows the rotator to be used in a
refrigerator or incubator as well as on the bench.
Specimen rotator, 220V to 240V, 50Hz B7925
Cordless Rotator R3
This rotator is supplied with rechargeable batteries, which allows working in a
refrigerator for 20 to 30 hours. At minus 30°C the R3 will operate for up to 24
hours. 0 to 8rpm and tilt angle at 35° and 55°. Rotator head has 18 holes with
32mm diameter. Basic cabinet, controls, 8 rechargeable batteries and one bat-
tery charger are included.
R3 rotator 1040
This pen is useful in immunostaining e.g. PAP method, where small and valu-
able amounts of antiserum are used. The pen makes a water repellent circle
around the section so that incubation can take place. The slide must be clean
and can be coated with egg albumen, glycerine or poly-L-lysine before the pen
is applied.
PAP pen, each L4197
Paraffin Pen
Adhesive pen for paraffin sections. A coating of the glass slide will prevent par-
affin sections from falling off or wrinkling. Will flatten sections in room temper-
ature water. Stable to 120°C.
Paraffin pen, each 22301
Blotting Paper
Highly absorbent fibre-free blotting paper. Size 90mm x 140mm.
Blotting paper, pack of 100 sheets L4113
DiATOME knives are compatible with all ultramicrotomes. The boat is designed
in such a manner that the water surface is horizontal when the clearance angle
is set. This results in a stationary water surface and good reflection. The shape
of the boat offers you the advantage of easy pick-up of the floating sections.
The surfaces of the DiATOME diamond knives are hydrophilic. This property
allows an easy wetting of the cutting edge, even with a very low water level (im-
portant for sectioning Lowicryls and other hydrophilic embedding media, as
well as for water sensitive samples). The diamond is fastened in a metal shank
which is securely screwed into the boat. The cementing material seals boat and
knife. It is hydrophilic and aids the easy wetting of the cutting edge.
Resharpened diamond knives undergo the same stringent optical checking
and sectioning test as new knives. During resharpening a knife may be re-
worked into another type (ultra to cryo, 45° to 35°, etc.). DiATOME let you
choose: You may have your knife resharpened, or exchanged against a new
one at a slightly elevated price. In the exchange service a type change is pos-
sible (ultra to cryo, 45° to 35°, small knives to large ones etc.) This, of course
includes changing the boat to your desired style (histo knives are excluded
from this offer). DiATOME guarantees a fast resharpening service for all their
knives including the oldest knives ever purchased. A diamond knife resharp-
ened by DiATOME is the same high quality as a new one.
Please ask us for the DiATOME documentation: ‘DiATOME knife catalogue‘,
‘Brochure for the Static Line II ionizer‘, ‘Flyer for the cryo P knife‘, ‘Handling and
Use manual‘. Additional information is available also at
DiATOME ultra
Knifeangle 45° or 35°, other angles on request. For biological samples (routine
sectioning), industrial samples, surfacing samples for STM, AFM, SEM etc.
ultra 45°
For thickness range 30nm - 150nm (10nm - 1000nm for special applications).
It is a good compromise between section quality and durability. The 45° knife
is recommended for the sectioning of extremely hard and brittle materials such
as ceramics. In this domain it has replaced the formerly recommended 55°
New Knife
DiATOME ultra 45°, size 1.5mm
DiATOME ultra 45°, size 2.0mm
Resharpening Service
Resharpening service for ultra 45°, size 1.5mm
Exchange Service
Exchange service for ultra 45°, size 1.5mm
Exchange service for ultra 45°, size 2.0mm
Exchange service for ultra 45°, size 2.5mm
Exchange service for ultra 45°, size 3.0mm
Exchange service for ultra 45°, size 3.5mm
Exchange service for ultra 45°, size 4.0mm
ultra 35°
For smoother section surfaces and better structural preservation results. This
knife has its advantage in the sectioning of Lowicryls, inhomogenous samples
such as undecalcified bone, dental materials, etc. The 35° knives have also
proved advantageous in the sectioning of soft industrial samples such as met-
als and polymers, as well as for hard and brittle samples, for example semicon-
ductors (Si, GaAs, etc), superconducting oxides, nanocrystalline ceramics, etc.
The use of 35° knives leads to reduced compression in soft samples and to
less breaking in hard and brittle samples. For thickness range 30nm - 150nm.
New Knife
DiATOME ultra 35°, size 1.5mm
DiATOME ultra 35°, size 2.0mm
DiATOME ultra 35°, size 2.5mm
DiATOME ultra 35°, size 3.0mm
DiATOME ultra 35°, size 3.5mm
DiATOME ultra 35°, size 4.0mm
Resharpening Service
Resharpening service for ultra 35°, size 1.5mm
Resharpening service for ultra 35°, size 2.0mm
Resharpening service for ultra 35°, size 2.5mm
Resharpening service for ultra 35°, size 3.0mm
Resharpening service for ultra 35°, size 3.5mm
Resharpening service for ultra 35°, size 4.0mm
Exchange Service
Exchange service for ultra 35°, size 1.5mm
Exchange service for ultra 35°, size 2.0mm
Exchange service for ultra 35°, size 2.5mm
Exchange service for ultra 35°, size 3.0mm
Exchange service for ultra 35°, size 3.5mm
Exchange service for ultra 35°, size 4.0mm
DiATOME cryo
Available for wet or dry sectioning with a 35° or a 45° angle. Section thickness
range 30nm - 1000nm. For all low temperature situations such as sectioning of
cryo-protected specimens, frozen hydrated specimens and industrial samples
such as polymers and rubber.
The triangular holder for dry sectioning and the boat for the sectioning with a
liquid (DMSO / water and others) are made of a special copper / nickel alloy.
They both guarantee excellent cold or heat transmission. The seal is made of
a cold-resistant epoxy resin.
cryo 45°
The cryo 45° knife is well suited for routine cryo sectioning.
cryo 45° dry
DiATOME cryo 45° dry, size 1.5mm
DiATOME cryo 45° dry, size 2.0mm
DiATOME cryo 45° dry, size 2.5mm
DiATOME cryo 45° dry, size 3.0mm
DiATOME cryo 45° dry, size 3.5mm
DiATOME cryo 45° dry, size 4.0mm
Resharpening Service
Resharpening service for cryo 45°, size 1.5mm
Resharpening service for cryo 45°, size 2.0mm
Resharpening service for cryo 45°, size 2.5mm
Exchange Service
Exchange service for cryo 45°, size 1.5mm
cryo 35°
The 35° Knife allows you to section with considerable reduction of mechanical
damage to the specimen (up to 20% less compression as compared to the 45°
knife) and, in turn, better structural preservation of most frozen samples.
cryo 35° dry
DiATOME cryo 35° dry, size 1.5mm
DiATOME cryo 35° dry, size 2.0mm
DiATOME cryo 35° dry, size 2.5mm
DiATOME cryo 35° dry, size 3.0mm
DiATOME cryo 35° dry, size 3.5mm
DiATOME cryo 35° dry, size 4.0mm
Resharpening Service
Resharpening service for cryo 35°, size 1.5mm
Resharpening service for cryo 35°, size 2.0mm
Resharpening service for cryo 35°, size 2.5mm
Exchange Service
Exchange service for cryo 35°, size 1.5mm
Exchange service for cryo 35°, size 2.0mm
Exchange service for cryo 35°, size 2.5mm
Exchange service for cryo 35°, size 3.0mm
Exchange service for cryo 35°, size 3.5mm
Exchange service for cryo 35°, size 4.0mm
cryo P
Knife angle 35°, with the new patented platform for the Tokuyasu technique. It
combines all the outstanding characteristics you have requested from a high
quality cryo diamond knife.
Developed on collaboration with reputed cryo ultramicrotomists the Section
Pick up Platform makes section retrieval easier. Conveniently situated on the
back of a Diatome cryo diamond knife, towards the user, it enables easy re-
trieval of sections from a dark epoxy surface. This surface provides an area of
high visibility for sections normally difficult to see on lower contrasts coatings.
No need for adjustment, the surface remains in focus when using the stereo
microscope. Sections can be viewed and picked up very easily.
New Knife
DiATOME cryo P, size 1.5mm
2869,00DiATOME cryo P, size 2.0mm
DiATOME cryo P, size 3.0mm
Resharpening Service
Resharpening service for cryo P, size 1.5mm
Resharpening service for cryo P, size 2.0mm
Resharpening service for cryo P, size 3.0mm
Exchange Service
Exchange service for cryo P, size 1.5mm
Exchange service for cryo P, size 2.0mm
Exchange service for cryo P, size 3.0mm
DiATOME histo
Knifeangle 45°. For thickness range 0.2µm - 5µm. The knife is designed for the
sectioning of hard and soft biological and industrial materials, non embedded
or embedded in methacrylate or epoxy resins.
The histo knife may be used on all ultramicrotomes and microtomes with a re-
traction of the specimen in the return phase.
New Knife
DiATOME histo, size 4.0mm
DiATOME histo, size 6.0mm
DiATOME histo, size 8.0mm
DiATOME histo, size 10.0mm
Resharpening Service
Resharpening service for histo, size 4.0mm
Exchange Service
Exchange service for histo, size 4.0mm
Exchange service for histo, size 6.0mm
Exchange service for histo, size 8.0mm
Exchange service for histo, size 10.0mm
The histo-cryo knives are delivered in boats (for wet cryo sectioning) and trian-
gular holders (for dry cryo sectioning), made of a special copper/nickel alloy,
which guarantees the best heat / cold transmission.
histo-cryo dry
DiATOME histo-cryo dry, size 4.0mm
DiATOME histo-cryo dry, size 6.0mm
DiATOME histo-cryo dry, size 8.0mm
histo-cryo wet
DiATOME histo-cryo wet, size 4.0mm
DiATOME histo-cryo wet, size 6.0mm
DiATOME histo-cryo wet, size 8.0mm
Resharpening Service
Resharpening service for histo-cryo, size 4.0mm
Resharpening service for histo-cryo, size 6.0mm
Resharpening service for histo-cryo, size 8.0mm
Exchange Service
Exchange service for histo-cryo, size 4.0mm
DiATOME Cryotrim
For successful cryosectioning of biological or industrial specimens, trimming is
imperative. The diatome cryotrim diamond blade allows you to quickly and
easy fulfil your trimming requirements. Due to the extreme sharpness of our
blade, less mechanical damage is applied during trimming and very shiny
blockfaces and pyramids are achieved.
The trimming blade can be inserted into the infielder of the cryo-chamber.
Cryotrim diamond blade
Resharpening service for cryotrim diamond blade
Warning: All fixatives by definition are potentially toxic. They must always be
handled in a fume cupboard since even at room temperature the vapors are
CAS-No. 111-30-8T, toxic
The simplest is glutaraldehyde practical grade, 25%. This should be an equate
for most morphological studies. If histochemical or immunological reactions are
contemplated, then is advisable to use the EM grade glutaraldehyde (25%).
Practical grade, harmful, 500ml R1009
EM grade, harmful, 500ml R1010
EM grade, harmful, 250ml R1011
EM grade, harmful, 100ml R1012
EM grade, harmful, 10ml ampoules, pack of 10 R1020
Osmium Tetroxide
CAS-No. 20816-12-0 T, very toxic
This is even more toxic than glutaraldehyde, since it has a higher vapour pres-
sure. Particular care must be taken to avoid breathing the vapor or allowing it
to affect the eyes. Supplied in sealed ampoules.
0.1g ampoules, toxic, box of 10 R1015
0.25g ampoules, toxic, box of 10 R1016
1g ampoule, toxic, each R1017
Buffers (0106)
All buffers except phosphate buffers are potentially toxic and should be han-
dled with the same care as the fixatives. Sodium cacodylate contains arsenic
and is very poisonous. A part from the danger of poisoning by swallowing or
inhalation, its effects are cumulative. Avoid contact with the skin or eyes.
Sodium cacodylate, CAS-No. 124-65 -2, toxic, 500g R1102
Sodium cacodylate, CAS-No. 124-65 -2, toxic, 250g R1103
Sodium cacodylate, CAS-No. 124-65 -2, toxic, 100g R1104
Sodium cacodylate, CAS-No. 124-65 -2, toxic, 25g R1105
Tri-Sodium citrate, EM grade, 500g R1106
Embedding Kits
freeze substitution in conjunction with low temperature embedding. Polymer-
ization up to -50°C by UV radiation and initiator C, up to -80°C by UV radiation
and initiator J. Consisting of 3 x 250ml HM23 monomer, 40g HM23 cross-link-
ing agent, 3.5g initiator C, 5g initiator J.
Lowicryl HM23 kit LZ 02073 KN
LR Gold Resin
LR Gold was originally designed primarily for embedding unfixed tissue art low
temperature. This enables enzyme histochemistry and immunocytochemistry
of many fixation sensitive enzymes to be carried out in 1µm - 4µm resin sec-
tions. It is an acrylic resin with low viscosity. The resin may be cure at -20°C
using a visible light curing source and benzil, a light sensitive initiator.
It is recommended that polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) is used to protect unfixed
tissue from osmotic changes during processing. It has also been found to have
certain advantages over other resins for use with fixed tissue.
LR gold, irritant, 550g R1284
Benzil, 50g R1285
Polyvinyl pyrrolidone, 100g R1286 (0106)
LR White Resin
This is a hydrophilic acrylic resin of low viscosity (8cps) available in three
grades of hardness. The resin has wide application being suitable for both light
and electron microscopy. With appropriate fixation the same specimen may be
used for both techniques. It may be thermally of cold cured and has been suc-
cessfully used for immuno cytochemical and immunohistochemical tech-
niques. Its low viscosity makes it suitable for infiltrating decalcified bone and
teeth. Must be stored at 4°C.
This kit has proved to be extremely reliable and versatile for a range of tissues.
It is easy to section. The sections are stable in electron beam.
Consisting of 5 x 100g epoxy resin irritant, 5 x 100g DDSA irritant, 1 x 100g
dibutyl phthalate, 1 x 50g BDMA (harmful).
Epoxy resin kit R1030
Embedding Components
Epoxy resins and methacrylates are liquids with irritant harmful vapors which
may cause dermatitis. Resin blocks are harmless after curing, but if cured
blocks are sawn, make sure that the dust is not inhaled.
Epoxy Resins
CAS-No. 25068-38-6 Xi
Araldite CY212, harmful, 500g R1040
Araldite CY212, harmful, 250g R1041
CAS-No. 106-87-6 T
ERL 4206 (vinyl cyclohexene dioxide), harmful, 500g R1046
ERL 4206 (vinyl cyclohexene dioxide), harmful, 250g R1047
ERL 4206 (vinyl cyclohexene dioxide), harmful, 100g R1048
CAS-No. 25068-38-6 Xi
Araldite RD-2, harmful, 500g R1090
Araldite RD-2, harmful, 250g R1091
Araldite RD-2, harmful, 100g R1092
six months.
Benzyldimethylamine, BDMA, harmful.
BDMA, 500g R1060
BDMA, 250g R1061
BDMA, 100g R1062
CAS-No. 84-74-2
Dibutyl phthalate, 500 g R1070
Dibutyl phthalate, 100 g R1071
Diglycidylether of propylene glycol, DER736, irritant
CAS-No. 41638-13-5
DER736, 500g R1072
DER736, 250g R1073
DER736, 100g R1074
CAS-No. 301-04-2
Indium trichloride, 10g R1205
Lanthanum nitrate, 25g R1207
Lead acetate, harmful, 250g R1209
CAS-No. 1009-74-8
CAS-No. 51429-74-4
Lead nitrate, harmful, 500g R1217
CAS-No. 51429-74-4
Phosphomolybdic acid EM grade, harmful, 25g R1212
CAS-No. 11103-72-3
CAS-No. 541-09-3
Sodium silicotungstate, 25g R1230
Uranyl acetate EM grade, radioactive, 25g R1260A
Methyl methacrylate, stabilized with 60ppm hydroquinone
CAS-No. 80-62-6 F
Irritant, flammable, 500g R1049
CAS-No. 868-77-9
Irritant, 500g R1084
Irritant, 250g R1085
Irritant, 100g R1086
Methylamine Tungstate
Methylamine tungstate is an excellent negative stain. Unlike phosphotungstic
acid it does not damage virus particles and it is consequently valuable for stain-
ing delicate viruses. Contrast is good, though not as good as that obtained with
uranyl stains; the resolution is good, and the material wets grid films and spec-
imens very well.
Methylamine tungstate, 1g R1219
Further Chemicals
Histochemical Agents and Enzymes
Peroxidase, activity in purpurogallin units/mg.
Grade 1, activity 250, Rz value 3.0, 10mg R1220
Grade 2, activity 150, Rz value 2.0, 100mg R1221
Grade 2, activity 150, Rz value 2.0, 10mg R1222
Thiosemicarbazide, toxic
CAS-No. 79-19-6
Thiosemicarbazide, 25g R1241
Thiocarbohydrazide, 1g R1240
Acriflavin, 25g R1150
Adenosine monophosphate, 1g R1153
Adenosine triphosphate, 1g R1154
Cytochrome C, 25mg R1190
AS Dehydration substance
UV spectroscopy quality
Acetone, 500ml LZ 02074 KN
Methanol, 1l LZ 02075 KN
Amylacetat, intermedium, 250ml LZ 02076 KN
Tripropylamine pure, 100ml LZ 02077 KN
Dipalmitoyl - Lecitin
When plunged in this solution after having been frozen, specimen carriers are
easy to separate from the specimen.
Dipalmitoyl - Lecitin, 250mg LZ 02078 KN
To fill possible graps during mounting of specimen carrier sandwiches. May
Purest form. As liquid substrate for evaporating Ba, Ge and others or for the
preparation of perforated films with predeterminable hole size distributions.
Glycerin, 250ml LZ 01998 KN
Tungsten Filaments
The filaments are made in specially designed jigs which ensure accuracy and
reproducibility in production. High-ductility tungsten wire is used to minimize
strain in the wire. All filaments are stress relieved by flashing in a vacuum at
temperatures above the normal operating level, and are then checked for ac-
curacy of centring. Filament assemblies having alignment screws are subse-
quently adjusted using a light microscope to ensure that they are ready for im-
mediate operation in the electron microscope.
Agar Filaments
Agar filaments for different types of electron microscopes.
For AEI and Novascan, box of 10 A050
For AEI, Leica and Cambridge, except S2A and S4-10 A054
For JEOL (K type), box of 6 A092
For Philips A086
For ISI / ABT, Topcon (2 pin), box of 10 A093
For ISI / ABT, Topcon (3 pin), box of 10 A093A
For ISI / ABT,Topcon (bent 2 pin), box of 10 A093B
Agar filaments for Siemens, Cambridge S2A and S4-10, Camscan, Balscan,
Leica, Electroscan, B+L, Amray 1200.
Agar filaments, packed in individual transit tube A052
LaB6 with tungsten wire fixture, compatible with convention tungsten cathode.
Brightness: 10 times brighter than tungsten cathode (1µR at 90°)
Stability: Less than 3% / Hr
Life: More than 500 hours (at 5x10-7Torr, 1550°C)
Filament on Siemens base N711
Filament on Cambridge / AEI / LEO base N712
Filament on JEOL base N713
Filament on ZEISS base N714
Filament on ISI / ABT / TOPCON base N715
Filament on JEOL JAMP10 N717
Filament on AMRAY base N720
FREY – Apertures
Disc apertures are used in most electron microscopes. They are available with
a wide range of hole sizes and offer the advantages of easy interchangeability
and ready exchange for cleaning. Generally they are made of platinum 5% iri-
dium alloy or molybdenum although for some special applications discs can be
supplied in tantalum. Because they can be heated to a higher temperature in a
vacuum coating unit, molybdenum discs are easier to clean than platinum
discs. Heating in a butane flame whilst held in platinum tipped tweezers is the
usual way of cleaning platinum discs. Platinum apertures can be made with
hole sizes down to 5µm diameter whereas the smallest size for molybdenum is
Disc diameter: 0 / -0.02mm
Thickness (0.1mm - 0.25mm): 0 / -0.01mm
Pt/Ir, 10µm hole diameter A0231P
Pt/Ir, 20µm hole diameter A0222P
Pt/Ir, 25µm hole diameter A0233P
Pt/Ir, 30µm hole diameter A0234P
Pt/Ir, 40µm hole diameter A0225P
Pt/Ir, 50µm hole diameter A0226P
Pt/Ir, 60µm hole diameter A0227P
Pt/Ir, 70µm hole diameter A0228P
Pt/Ir, 100µm hole diameter A0229P
Pt/Ir, 150µm hole diameter A0230P
Pt/Ir, 200µm hole diameter A0221P
Pt/Ir, 250µm hole diameter A0232P
Pt/Ir, 300µm hole diameter A0223P
Pt/Ir, 400µm hole diameter A0224P
Pt/Ir, 500µm hole diameter A0235P
Pt/Ir, 600µm hole diameter A0236P
Pt/Ir, 750µm hole diameter A0237P
Pt/Ir, 1000µm hole diameter A0238P
Pt/Ir, 1250µm hole diameter A0239P
Pt/Ir, 5µm hole diameter AZ300P
Pt/Ir, 10µm hole diameter AZ301P
Pt/Ir, 20µm hole diameter AZ302P
Pt/Ir, 25µm hole diameter AZ303P
Pt/Ir, 30µm hole diameter AZ304P
Pt/Ir, 40µm hole diameter AZ305P
Pt/Ir, 50µm hole diameter AZ306P
Pt/Ir, 60µm hole diameter AZ307P
Pt/Ir, 70µm hole diameter AZ308P
Pt/Ir, 100µm hole diameter AZ309P
Pt/Ir, 150µm hole diameter AZ310P
Pt/Ir, 200µm hole diameter AZ311P
Pt/Ir, 250µm hole diameter AZ312P
Pt/Ir, 300µm hole diameter AZ313P
Pt/Ir, 400µm hole diameter AZ314P
Pt/Ir, 500µm hole diameter AZ315P
Pt/Ir, 600µm hole diameter AZ316P
Pt/Ir, 750µm hole diameter AZ317P
Pt/Ir, 1000µm hole diameter AZ318P
Pt/Ir, 1250µm hole diameter AZ319P
Pt/Ir, 5µm hole diameter A0400P
Pt/Ir, 10µm hole diameter A0401P
Pt/Ir, 20µm hole diameter A0402P
Pt/Ir, 25µm hole diameter A0403P
Pt/Ir, 30µm hole diameter A0404P
Pt/Ir, 40µm hole diameter A0405P
Pt/Ir, 50µm hole diameter A0406P
Pt/Ir, 60µm hole diameter A0407P
Pt/Ir, 70µm hole diameter A0408P
Pt/Ir, 100µm hole diameter A0409P
Pt/Ir, 150µm hole diameter A0410P
Pt/Ir, 200µm hole diameter A0411P
Pt/Ir, 250µm hole diameter A0412P
Pt/Ir, 300µm hole diameter A0413P
Pt/Ir, 400µm hole diameter A0414P
Pt/Ir, 500µm hole diameter A0415P
Pt/Ir, 600µm hole diameter A0416P
Pt/Ir, 750µm hole diameter A0417P
Pt/Ir, 1000µm hole diameter A0418P
Pt/Ir, 1250µm hole diameter A0419P
Mo, 70µm hole diameter A0908M
Mo, 100µm hole diameter A0909M
Mo, 150µm hole diameter A0910M
Mo, 200µm hole diameter A0911M
Mo, 300µm hole diameter A0913M
Mo, 400µm hole diameter A0914M
Mo, 600µm hole diameter A0916M
Mo, 1000µm hole diameter A0918M
Further Apertures
Wehnelt Apertures
Made of Tantalum. Replaceable apertures for the Wehnelt cylinder can be sup-
plied to fit some microscopes. A hole size smaller then normal gives improved
characteristics for most electron guns.
Ta, 200µm hole diameter, fits Philips, Leitz and Amray A0111T
Ta, 300µm hole diameter, fits Philips, Leitz and Amray A0113T
Ta, 500µm hole diameter, fits Philips, Leitz and Amray A0115T
Spray Apertures
Made of Molybdenum. Used in Cambridge and Camscan scanning electron mi-
Aperture diameter 12.68mm, thickness 0.25mm. For Stereoscan S2A, S4-10,
S180 and Camscan.
Mo, 300µm hole diameter A1030M
Mo, 500µm hole diameter A1050M
Mo, 1000µm hole diameter A1100M
Mo, 1500µm hole diameter A1150M
Mo, 2000µm hole diameter A1200M
(not in the condenser, they melt). These apertures have the advantage that
they heat up in the electron beam and consequently do not gather contamina-
tion rapidly. The small amount of contamination which deposits after lengthy
operation may be removed by heating the aperture strongly for a short time
with the focused electron beam. Thin film apertures are of course more fragile
to handle and can be irreparably damaged by abrasion of by a sudden rush of
air in the vacuum system. Normal tolerance on hole diameter is ±10%.
2mm diameter, 0.6mm thick.
10µm hole diameter A07210
15µm hole diameter A07215
20µm hole diameter A07220
25µm hole diameter A07225
30µm hole diameter A07230
40µm hole diameter A07240
50µm hole diameter A07250
60µm hole diameter A07260
70µm hole diameter A07270
100µm hole diameter A07201
200µm hole diameter A07202
Aperture Flamer
A platinum cup of 4.8mm diameter which has a small hole in the bottom to in-
duce a flow of air over the aperture. The cup is attached by a platinum wire to
a heat resistant handle. The aperture discs or strips in the cup are heated to
Specimen Stubs
SEM Pin Stubs
12.5mm diameter with 3.2mm diameter pin. For Cambridge, Camscan, LEO,
Philips and Zeiss.
Brass, pack of 100 G301B
Copper, pack of 10 G301C
Aluminium, free of heavy metals, pack of 100 G301D
12.5mm diameter with 3.0mm diameter pin. For Zeiss 942, 962, 982, Gemini.
Aluminium, pack of 100 G301Z
32mm diameter with 3.2mm diameter pin. For Cambridge, Camscan, LEO,
Philips and Zeiss.
Aluminium, pack of 50 G400
25mm diameter with 3.2mm diameter pin. For Cambridge, Camscan, LEO,
Philips and Zeiss. (0106)
25mm diameter with 3.0mm diameter pin. For Zeiss 942, 962, 982, Gemini.
Aluminium, pack of 100 G399Z
13mm diameter with 3.0mm pin and 11mm diameter cylinder-shaped indenta-
tion for suspension. For Cambridge, Etec, Philips and Zeiss.
12.5mm diameter with 3.2mm pin, slot and allen screw. For LEO, Philips,
Aluminium, pack of 10 G301S
SEM Stubs
32mm diameter, 10mm height. For LEO S600.
Aluminium, pack of 50 G318
10mm diameter, 10mm height. For JEOL.
Aluminium, pack of 50 G306
13mm diameter with M3 threaded pin and 1.4mm diameter center tap.
Aluminium, each LZ 01994 FN
Carbon Stubs
If the background radiation from an aluminium stub is troublesome a stub made
of spectroscopically-pure carbon may be used. They are available in a stan-
dard finish or in a very smooth finish applicable for work on small particles.
12.5mm diameter with 3.2mm diameter pin. For Cambridge, Philips, Camscan,
Zeiss and LEO.
Carbon pin stub, standard, each G321
Carbon pin stub, smooth, each G322
Specimen Mounting
Carbon Discs
Carbon discs, standard finish, for mounting specimens.
12.5 mm diameter, 3mm thick, pack of 10 G3420A
15mm diameter, 3mm thick, each G3421
15mm diameter, 3mm thick, pack of 10 G3421A
25mm diameter, 3mm thick, each G3422
25mm diameter, 3mm thick, pack of 10 G3422A
32mm diameter, 10mmthick, pack of 10 G3426
small specimens in the SEM and also for microanalysis. Trace impurities of Si,
Fe, Mg and Na may be found.
Tabs, 12m diameter, pack of 100 G3347
Tabs, 25mm diameter, pack of 51 G3348
Tabs, 9mm diameter, pack of 100 G3357
Strips, 65mm x 20mm, pack of 5 G3349A
Strips, 65mm x 300mm, each G3349B
ing when examining small particles with fine structure. The ideal mount is a pol-
ished silicon chip which in turn can be readily attached to any type of specimen
stub. The silicon chips are chemically inert and make good substrates for grow-
ing or mounting cells. These chips are approximately 5mm x 5mm x 0.5mm
thick. The chips do not need cleaning prior to use.
Silicon mounts, box of 36 G3388
Silicon mounts, box of 270 G3390
Sticky Tabs
These sticky tabs may be affixed to stubs. When the tab is peeled off, it leaves
a layer of adhesive to which small specimens may be affixed.
Sticky tabs, pack of 100 G304
This is supplied in the form of a suspension of very fine conducting carbon par-
ticles in a volatile carrier. Good for forming conducting bonds between speci-
men and stub.
Conducting carbon cement, 30g G3300
Thinner, 30ml G3300A
Leit-C by Göcke
Leit-C has good adhesive power. Its electric conductivity allows selfconductive
Leit-C Plast
This is a plasticine-like material with low outgassing properties suitable for use
in the vacuum of an SEM. It is conductive and therefore does not require addi-
tional coating. Small rolls can be used as conductive markers on a specimen
Leit-C plast, 15g G3302
Silver Suspension
Fast drying silver suspension. Very fine silver flakes (about 8µm) suspended in
Conductive Silver
For producing conductive thin films and to affix SEM specimens. Dries quickly.
Surface resistance R~0.2Ohm.
Small bottle of 15ml (21g) LH 00589 KN
Solvent for conductive silver and to clean stubs. Due to interference with con-
ductivity, only for limited use as a thinner.
Bottle of 150ml LZ 02184 KN
This is temperature sensitive adhesive applied to a heated stub to yield a sticky
surface for holding specimens. It dries to a very smooth surface, avoiding dis-
turbing background structure. It is also very useful in X-ray microanalytical ap-
plications since it does not give rise to a disturbing back-ground spectrum.
Tempfix G3305
Tempfix Set
Becomes adhesive at specific temperatures and is used for powder-form sam-
ples and particels. Tempfix is a solvent-free, high vacuum resistant resin. It is
non sticking at room temperature, becomes an adhesive at 40°C and melts
when heated at temperatures exceeding 120°C. Tempfix creates smooth sur-
faces in such a way as to even permit the smallest objects to be captured by
SEM scanner at high magnification levels without the slightest background in-
terference. The complete Tempfix set includes resin and four aluminium plate-
lets with a specimen holder. (Yields approx. 50 specimens).
Tempfix Set LZ 02083 KN
mixed well before application. The rubber line turning cup is 60mm deep and
60mm wide. Bottles can be kept moving until the suspension is read y to use.
Rotamix, 220V B7927
Scintillator Discs
Further Tools
Special Tool for SEM Stubs
To hold and mount stubs with diameter of 13mm.
Special tool for 13mm stubs, each LZ 02155 VN
Gripping Stub
A small gripping stub which fits any stage taking standard pin-type stubs.This
enables specimens to be mounted edge-on for examination in the SEM. It
may also be used to hold multilaminous tissue during the final stages of dehy-
dration and subsequent processing before being viewed.
Gripping stub, each G3392
Finder Grid
SEM specimens may be relatively large and the area to be selected for viewing
rather small. A new type of grid has been designed to assist in finding the area
of interest.A central annulus surrounds the required area, with a small pointer
for orientation purposes. The long arms are tapered to show the direction in
which to move and are identified by N, S, E, W. Two small markers of lengths
500µm an 300µm are incorporated in the central ring.
Finder grid, tube of 5 G2985
Kodak have withdrawn from production both unperforated fine grain positive
film and type SO-281. Perforated fine grain positive film is still available. Suit-
able for 35mm TEM cameras.
Kodak fine grain positive film, 35mm, perforated, 30m P9302
Photographic Papers
ILFORD Ilfospeed RC Deluxe, glossy, 127mm x 178mm.
Grade 0 P9250
Grade 1 P9251
Grade 2 P9252
Grade 3 P9253
Grade 4 P9254
Grade 1 P9261
Grade 2 P9262
Grade 3 P9263
Grade 4 P9264
Agfa Studional developer, liquid, 1 litre P9182
KODAK D-19 film developer, powder, for 5 litres P9101
KODAK Dektol film developer, powder, for 5 litres P9103
KODAK Technidol LC film developer, liquid, for 4 x 600ml P9155
KODAK HC-110 film developer, liquid, 1litre P9156
ILFORD ID 11 film developer, powder, for 1 litre P9157
ILFORD ID 11 film developer, powder, for 2.5 litres P9158
Ilfospeed Multigrade paper developer, liquid, 1 litre P9159
Ilfospeed Multigrade paper developer, liquid, 5 litres P9160
Ilfospeed paper developer, liquid, 5 litres P9153
ILFORD Microphen film developer, powder, for 2.5 litres P9161
ILFORD Microphen film developer, powder, for 600ml P9163
KODAK T-Max film developer, liquid, for 5 litres P9167
Stop Bath
Indicator stop bath, 1 litre P9166
HYPAM concentrate, for film and paper, 5 litres P9140
ILFOSPEED quick fixer, for paper, 5 litres P9181
Wetting Agents
KODAK Photoflo, 2 x 500ml P9145
ILFORD Ilfotol, 250ml P9190
Fixer Tester
Merck fixer testing strips give an indication of action levels when the fixer pH
or silver concentration becomes inappropriate for good fixation.
Fixer testing strips, pack of 100 P9165
Stainless steel tongs, for lifting cut film developing racks from the processing
Stainless steel tongs, each G312
Developing Trays
These developing trays are moulded from thick polypropylene. (0106)
can be done at low costs. Furnished with a floating lid. Inside dimensions
191mm x 102mm x 178mm. Capacity approx. 4 liters.
Plastic developing tank with lid 26815
Plastic mixing jar suitable for the mixing of photographic chemicals. 2 liters ca-
Mixing jar P941
Spotting Brushes
Made from selected pure red sable, these brushes are intended for retouching
photographic prints. They have a fine point but are shortened to give extra con-
Spotting brush, size 3, each G3570
Spotting brush, size 2, each G3571
Spotting brush, size 1, each G3572
Spotting brush, size 0, each G3573
Spotting brush, size 00, each G3574
Spotting brush, size 000, each G3575
Spotting brush, size 0000, each G3576
210mm x 286mm, numbers and symbols, 24pt.
Transfer sheet, each P9230
65mm large film, 89mm x 114mm bags are suitable for 83mm large film.
Transparent bags 70mm x 95mm, pack of 1000 G299
Transparent bags 89mm x 114mm, pack of 1000 G294
Translucent Bags. 70mm x 9mm bags are suitable for 65mm large film, 118mm
x 89mm bags are suitable for 83mm large film, 108mm x 133mm bags are suit-
able for Polaroid 4“ x 5“ film.
Translucent bags 70mm x 95mm, pack of 1000 G295
Vinyl Gloves
For grease free handling of electron microscope components. Suitable for fine
manipulations as a sensitive touch is retained. Powdered for easy removal.
Matt finish to prevent slip.
Large size (8-9) disposable gloves, carton of 50 C819
Medium size (7-8) disposable gloves, carton of 50 C820
Small size (6-7) disposable gloves, carton of 50 C821
Cotton Gloves
Please note that these may shrink after washing.
Cotton stockinette gloves, men size, pair LZ 01926 KN
Cotton stockinette gloves, ladies size, pair LZ 01925 KN (0106)
Nylon Gloves
Stretch nylon gloves.
Stretch nylon gloves, men size, pair C824
Stretch nylon gloves, ladies size, pair C825
Gloves, ladies size, pair LZ 02084 KN
Gloves, men size, pair LZ 02085 KN
Pseudo-leather Gloves
Gloves with pseudo-leather finger stalls an open-work back to prevent perspi-
ration. They are very comfortable, free of fluff and easy to wash clean.
Pseudo-leather gloves, small, pair C835
Pseudo-leather gloves, medium, pair C836
Pseudo-leather gloves, large, pair C837
Pseudo-leather gloves, extra large, pair C838
Latex Gloves
These gloves, manufactured from natural latex, have high elasticity with a
smooth comfortable fit. Suitable for fine manipulation. Fit either hand, non ster-
ile and lightly powdered.
Latex gloves, extra small, pack of 100 C8003
Latex gloves, small, pack of 100 C8004
Latex gloves, medium, pack of 100 C8005
Latex gloves, large, pack of 100 C8006
Cleaning Materials
Soft Cleaning Sticks
When cleaning delicate parts, some resistant marks must be removed by vig-
orous rubbing and not by highly abrasive mechanical or chemical means. For
such parts, therefore, hard cleaning materials are likely to cause damage, but
soft wooden sticks avoid this problem. Several materials are available, but only
pith or the special polystyrene sticks should be used to clean diamond knives.
Pegwood, diameter 3mm x 300mm, bundle of 25 C802
Pith, bundle of 10 C803
Cocktails sticks, box of 1000 C804
Cotton tipped applicators on wooden sticks, pack of 100 C806
Polystyrene cleaning sticks, pack of 6 C899
Medical wipes, 2 ply tissues, soft, convenient small size, 220mm x 110mm.
Kleenex medical wipes, carton of 76 C816
Service cloths, for heavy- duty mopping and cleaning, Size 490 x 380 mm.
Service cloths, pack of 50 C814
Ross lens tissue, 108mm x 127mm, box of 1000 sheets 811
Ross lens tissue, 216mm x 356mm, box of 100 sheets 811-3
Substrate Cleaner
Cleaner 1: Initial cleaning agent for glass and metal components.
Cleaner 2: Final cleaning agent for glass and metal components as well as
plastic substrates.
Cleaner 1, bottle of 500ml LZ 02087 KN
Cleaner 2, bottle of 500ml LZ 02088 KN
Metal Polishers
Specially recommend for cleaning of electron microscope parts, but also other
metal parts. The polish residue from microscope parts should be removed by
buffing and washing afterwards ultrasonically.
WENOL metal care, 100ml LZ 02086 KN
POL metal cleaning, 150ml C873
UNIPOL metal polish, 50g C807B
WEXPO metal cleaning, 150ml C8025
Polishing Aluminas
This alumina is supplied as a thick suspension in 175ml polythene bottle. Four
types are available which are graded according to their principal particle size,
namely: coarse (7µm), medium (2µm), fine (0.1µm) and extra fine (0.05µm).
Alumina suspension, coarse, 175ml B8224
Alumina suspension, medium, 175ml B8225
Alumina suspension, fine, 175ml B8226
Alumina suspension, extra fine, 175ml B8227
Ultrasonic Cleaning
Ultrasonic cleaning is faster, more thorough and safer than most any other
method. Ultrasonic sound waves moving through a cleaning solution create an
effect called cavitation, the rapid formation and implosion of microscopic bub-
bles. To protect the objects to be cleaned and the tank it is recommended to
use insert baskets or hole tank covers with beaker holders. We selected three
different types of cleaners from the well-known range of SONOREX Super
Ultrasonic Cleaners
Ultrasonic Cleaner RK31
Dimensions: 203mm x 98mm x 143mm
Tank size: 190mm x 85mm x 60mm
Tank capacity: 0.9l
Weight: 1.5kg
Ultrasonic cleaner RK31 NB329
Tank Lids
D08 for RK31, stainless steel NB218
Cleaning Agents
Neutral cleaner R30, gentle, pH7.
R30, concentrate for 1% to 5% solution, 1 liter NB810
Special cleaner RW77, with ammonia, light alkaline, pH10, free of phosphates.
RW77, concentrate for 5% to 10% solution,1 liter NB870
Oxide remover J60U, with oxide protector, acid, pH2, for use on beakers only.
J80U, 1 liter NB880
batom and pocket compressor. After initial CO2 use, the bottle may repeatedly
be refilled with CO2 nipple to a larger CO2 bottle. Consisting of: 1 CO2 bottle,
1 reducing socket.
Refillable CO2 bottle LZ 02160 VN
For dusting surfaces which should not be wiped. Consists of a plastic bulb with
two-way valve to prevent suck back, and a metal nozzle. This simple blower is
recommended for cleaning microanalysis specimens or standards.
Blower C850
Vacuum Greases
Dow Corning High Vacuum Grease
Silicon grease, Vapor pressure: 10-7mbar to 10-8mbar at 20°C.
Temperature stability: -40°C to 200°C.
Dow corning high vacuum grease, 50g LZ 02175 KN
Vacuum Oils
For Rotary Vane Pumps
Oil, P3, 0.5l LZ 02177 KN
Oil, P3, 1l LZ 02178 KN
Oil, P3, 5l LZ 02179 KN
Fomblin Oil
if reactive gases are used or to grease moving parts in vacuum.
Fomblin Oil, F3, 0.05l LZ 02182 KN
Fomblin Oil, F3, 0.25l LZ 02183 KN
Fomblin Oil, F3, 1l LE 01788 KN
Viton O-Rings
Precision Viton O-Rings, 70SH-A, black. The listed standard dimensions are
available from stock. Other diameters in the range of 1mm up to 10mm ring
thickness and 1.78mm up to 660mm internal diameter on request.
1.78mm O-Rings
FKM 70 S, 1.78mm thick, 3.68mm internal diameter LE 00657 KN
2.62mm O-Rings
FKM 70 S, 2.62mm thick, 15.54mm internal diameter LE 00836 KN
3.53mm O-Rings
FKM 70 S, 3.53mm thick, 25.00mm internal diameter LE 01331 KN
FKM 70 S, 3.53mm thick, 44.04mm internal diameter LE 00659 KN
FKM 70 S, 3.53mm thick, 63.09mm internal diameter LE 00660 KN
FKM 70 S, 3.53mm thick, 215.49mm internal diameter LE 00661 KN
5.34mm O-Rings
FKM 70 S, 5.34mm thick, 53.34mm internal diameter LE 02534 KN
Metric O-Rings
1.0mm thick, 5.00mm internal diameter LE 00743 KN
Storage Containers
Glass Vials
Supplied with polythene leakproof closures, useful for mixing chemicals or
sting specimens.
1.75ml, 11.5mm diameter x 36mm height, approx. 882 G350
3.5ml, 12mm diameter x 46mm height, approx. 666 G285
7ml, 23.25mm diameter x 34mm height, approx. 190 G284
10ml, 23.25mm diameter x 42mm height, approx. 190 B793
15ml, 25.5mm diameter x 46mm height, approx. 162 B794
Extra lids for G284, B793, B794, approx. 100 G284B
Polythene Tubes
Internal diameter 12mm, height 50mm, capacity 5ml. Hinged lid.
Polythene tubes, pack of 50 G288
Polystyrene Tubes
Clear polystyrene with push-in polythene plug stopper.
2ml, 11mm diameter x 25mm height, pack of 50 G286
6.5ml, 13mm diameter x 60mm height, pack of 50 G289
Culture vials
Useful disposable vials of 25ml capacity, with wide neck and polypropylene
screw cap which seals without use of a separate gasket.
25ml, 22mm diameter x 95mm height, pack of 10 G3340
Storage bottles
Heavy polythene bottle with screw caps.
Mini Vials
Manufactured from translucent polyethylene these are suitable for storing sam-
ples or specimens on grids. The rounded inner ends prevent the surface of the
grid from coming into contact with the vial. The flat-bottomed external surface
enables the vial to stand on end. The attached cap has a positive closure pre-
venting contamination of specimens. Can also be used for embedding samples
for sectioning. Capacity: 0.2ml.
Mini vials, approx. 12 G3971
Small Boxes
Small plastic boxes with lid.
With sliding lid, 46mm x 34mm x 13mm, pack of 50 G278
Square with pull off lid, 10mm x 10mm x 24mm, pack of 100 G283
With lift off lid, 42mm x 19mm x 17mm, pack of 100 G349
With hinged lid, 55mm x 45mm x 10mm, pack of 50 G3312
Storage Box
A transparent box with lift-off lid (130mm x 34mm x 15mm) divided into five
compartments. Supplied with 25 small square tubes with color coded lids. Use-
ful for storing specimens.
Storage box with 25 small containers G3970
Shell box
Stable transport, or storing box, made of Poly-Propylen.
Big, inner size 126mm x 96mm x 18mm, each LB 01323 KN
Small, inner size 100mm x 56mm x 13mm, each LB 01336 KN
Plastic Boxes
Size 194mm x 95mm x 22mm, with hinged lid.
Plastic box, single compartment G277-0
Plastic box, 3 compartments G277-3
Plastic box, 6 compartments G277-6
Plastic box, 12 compartments G277-12
Plastic box, 18 compartments G277-18
Plastic box, 36 compartments G277-36
Desiccator Cabinet
This cabinet is made of clear polystyrene and is stackable. The door is closed
with roller latches at each side and is sealed with a foam rubber gasket. Ideal
for storing cleaned EM components, spare stages, and prepared specimens.
Internal space: 210mm x 180mm x 130mm.
Desiccator cabinet G3518
Two was stretch waterproof self-sealing film. Valuable for temporary sealing of
Useful adsorptions material
Silicagel, 500g R1278
2.3mm grids and have a low susceptibility to charging. All holes are numbered.
Specimen grid box for 50 grids G276A
Specimen grid box for 100 grids in numbered holes. It is designed to 3.05mm
or 2.3mm diameter grids. The grids may be handled via a slot in the top sliding
cover, so that most of the stored grids are protected from accidental distur-
bance while one row is being filled or removed.
Specimen grid box for 100 grids G276
Grid Holder
For those who like to store prepared grids in a petri dish, there is always a dan-
ger of mixing grids when the dish is jolted. The grip-a-grid disc is the answer to
the problem. It is marked in numbered squares so that the specimens may be
identified, and the grids cannot easily be knocked out of position. The disc can
easily be washed clean. Available in two sizes to fit 90mm and 50mm petri
Grip-a-grid disc (85mm), each G3306
Grip-a-grid disc (45mm), pack of 10 G3307
and Zeiss SEM stubs.
Dimensions: 300mm x 135mm x 30mm.
For 10 x 4 specimen stubs (stub leg diameter 3mm) LZ 02158 VN