GEM - Govt. E Market Place GTC

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General terms and conditions on GeM 3.0 (Version 1.

1. Introduction

This document is an electronic record published by GeM under the provisions of the
Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules made there under (as applicable)
and shall act as valid agreement between Seller / Service Provider and Buyer.
Further the use of GeM Portal for Sale / Purchase of Goods / Services and the
resulting Contracts shall be governed by the following General Terms and
Conditions (GTC) (unless otherwise superseded by Product / Service specific
Special Terms and Conditions (STC) and BID/Reverse Auction Additional
Terms and Conditions (ATC) as applicable).

Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is the National Public Procurement Portal; an

end-to-end online Marketplace for Central and State Government Ministries /
Departments, Central & State Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs & SPSUs),
Autonomous institutions and Local bodies, for procurement of common use goods
& services. The portal is owned and managed by GeM SPV which is a Section 8
(Non-Profit) Company registered under the Companies Act, 2013. GeM SPV
operates, monitors and supervises all the business transactions on the portal through
the Managed Service Provider as per roles and responsibilities defined in the Legal
Framework Document available on GeM portal.

2. General Terms and Definitions:

a. APPLICABLE LAWS” shall mean any statute, law, ordinance, notification, rule,
regulation, judgment, order, decree, bye-law, approval, directive, guideline, policy
or other governmental restriction as may be in effect.
b. GOODS” shall mean an Article / product or an intangible product like software,
technology transfer, licenses, patents or other intellectual properties being offered
for sale on the GeM portal by Seller(s) on GeM. The term ‘Goods’ shall also
include works and services which are incidental or consequential to the supply of
such goods, such as, transportation, insurance, installation, commissioning, training
and guarantee / warrantee obligations as defined in the scope of supply given in the

c. SERVICES” shall mean the services offered or provided by the Seller such as IT
Professional Services, Manpower Services, Security Services, Transport Services,
etc. listed as Services on GeM. The term ‘Service’ shall also include supply of
goods / articles which are incidental or consequential to the provisioning of such
Services as defined in the scope of supply given in the contract.

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d. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA)” shall mean the Contractual
Commitment that prevails between the Buyer and the Service Provider with regard
to type of service to be provided, deliverables, desired performance level, reliability
and responsiveness, monitoring process and service level reporting, response and
issue resolution time-frame, repercussions / penalties / remedies for service provider
not meeting its commitment. The SLA of a particular contract may carry the matrix
regarding the delivery of the goods and/or services and the corresponding penalties
or remedies and liquidated damages as applicable.
e. CATEGORY SPECIFICATION” shall mean the framework of technical features,
functional capabilities, technical properties, certifications of the items etc. in a
particular category. The Specifications shall identify the key parameters defining the
products with all necessary validations related to configuration, type of data,
restrictions, range / allowed values, allowed units etc. Sellers as well as Buyers
while offering / buying the Goods / services shall have to comply with the
validation rules / restrictions provided for in the Category Specification. Buyers /
Sellers can not add parameters and / or drop down values not provided for in
category Specification. If any Buyer / Seller desire to add new parameter, value,
validation etc. against any category specification, they have to raise request for the
same to GeM for incorporation in Category Specification.

f. BUYER” is the Contract placing authority, which includes Central/State

Government Ministries/Departments including its attached/subordinate offices,
Central/State Public Sector Units (PSUs) and Autonomous Bodies acting through its
authorized officer(s) for and on behalf of President of India/Governor of the State
/PSU/Autonomous Bodies, as the case may be, for purchase of Goods/Services
offered by Sellers on GeM.
g. SELLER / SERVICE PROVIDER” on GeM shall mean any legal entity such as
firm(s) of Proprietorship / Partnership Firm / Limited Liability Partnership / Private
Limited / Limited company / Society registered under Society’s Act / Statutory
Bodies etc., registered on GeM to sell its Good(s) / Service(s) to the Buyers
registered on GeM.
The “Seller on GeM” will be either OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer*) or
Seller having authorization to sell products manufactured by the OEM in open

* OEM is the owner of the Brand / Trademark of the product being offered or in
case of un-registered brand’s products / products with own brand, the actual
manufacturer of the final product.

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In case of Services related to Goods, Service Provider on GeM will be either OEM
or Service Provider having authorization to Service products manufactured by that
OEM in open market. In respect of other Services, Service Provider on GeM will be
any legal entity offering its services.

By registering on GeM portal , Seller / Service Provider hereby agrees to be bound

by these General Terms and Conditions for Sale / Purchase of Goods and / or
Services (GTC); Product / Service Specific Special Terms and Conditions (STC)
and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for various Services; and Additional (Bid
Specific) Terms and Conditions (ATC) as applicable.
For the purpose of this document and transactions on GeM, Seller as well as Service
Provider will be referred to as “Seller”

h. USER ID and PASSWORD” All users including Buyers and Sellers (primary as
well as secondary) will get User ID and Password created on GeM following due
registration process defined on GeM. It is the responsibility of the user to keep their
User ID and Password secure and confidential. Individual user shall be solely and
completely responsible for all transactions taking place on GeM portal using his /
her User Id and Password and GeM shall not be responsible in any manner.

i. LICENSE” shall mean by registering the Seller and by offering Product / Service
details on GeM, the Seller grants GeM a non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable,
perpetual and fully sub-licensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish,
translate, distribute, and/or display the content/materials which has been submitted
to GeM excluding Aadhaar No. In case of registration of Primary user and creation
of secondary user(s) by the Buyer/Seller, their Aadhaar (UID) details collected by
GeM are solely for user verification and to apply e-signing on the documents. The
e-sign is at par with digital signatures as per Information Technology Act
Amendment 2008 and it works based on details available in Aadhaar database of
UIDAI and there is no interference / intrusion in their personal details.

j. CONTRACT” shall mean the purchase order created / issued by the Buyer on GeM
for supply of Goods / Services in electronic form which includes scope of supply,
delivery instructions and specifications etc. as ordered by Buyer against such
Contract besides the subject GTC, STC/ATC as the case may be.

3. Role, Responsibilities and Obligations 0f Seller/ Buyer:

A. Role and Responsibilities of Sellers on GeM are as under:

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i. Only Director (s) / Partner (s) / Proprietor (as applicable) are authorized to
become Primary User and register any legal entity on GeM as Seller.
ii. Once Seller/Service Provider is registered and account is created on GeM, the
Primary user of the Seller/Service Provider can create Secondary User
Accounts within Seller/Service Provider Organization with different Roles
and Responsibilities. However, the Primary User creating Secondary User
accounts shall continue to be fully responsible and accountable for all actions
/ transactions done by Secondary Users on GeM Portal.
iii. Since GeM is a trust based Portal, the complete accuracy and integrity of data
submitted in respect of the Seller and also in respect of the Goods / Services
offered on GeM will be the sole responsibility of the Seller/Service Provider.
Seller will be liable for administrative action as per GeM terms and
conditions in case of any discrepancy / infirmity in any data / information
submitted on GeM.

iv. The Primary / Secondary Users of Sellers, offering Goods/Services and/or

participating in e-Bidding / Reverse Auction on GeM, must ensure that they
have the requisite authorization to enter into contract with Buyer(s) in GeM
for and on behalf of the Seller, failing which such Seller as well as the
individual(s) shall be vicariously liable for its actions and also for any
liability arising out of such actions.

v. Seller can offer any number of products. However, it will be the sole
responsibility of the seller to satisfy themselves regarding possessing the
requisites for doing business for the offered product(s). The Sellers are solely
responsible for ensuring that there is no violation of any Intellectual Property
Rights in their offer for sell / providing service on GeM.
vi. The Seller should not exercise any corrupt influence on any aspect of contract
and commit to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption maintaining
complete transparency, integrity and fairness in all activities related to GeM.

vii. The seller would represent its business on the GeM portal and is mandated to
comply with all the terms and conditions of the platform. Sellers would be
solely and absolutely responsible for the information provided about their
organization, business, products and services on the portal and would be
required to produce proof of such information, if requested at any point in
time by the Buyer and / or GeM.
viii. GeM would not allow creation of any fresh data related to Seller identity on
GeM portal. All details provided by the Seller at the time of registration

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would be counter checked / verified through other data bases of Government
such as PAN, MCA 21, Udyog Aadhaar etc. For Financial details, PAN /
Income tax Database shall be primary validating database and will override
any conflicting data in any other database. If the data / details entered by the
seller while registering on GeM is not verified with validating databases,
registration will not be allowed. Further, in case of any conflict in details
after registration, Seller’s registration would be automatically suspended. It is
the Seller’s responsibility to keep all their information on GeM updated with
the latest change(s). Non-updating of details on GeM within 7 days of such
occurrence would make Seller liable for administrative actions.

ix. Eligibility of Sellers in terms of Turn Over / Past Performance / Profitability

etc. and also their eligibility for availing various benefits / advantages in
terms of various Govt. Policies / Guidelines / Acts / Laws etc. shall be
determined solely on the basis of data fetched / validated or verified through
external agency / owner of that set of database such as Income Tax / PAN
Data Base, MCA 21, Udyog Aadhaar, GSTN, Certifying Agencies such as
BIS, BEE etc. In case of any discrepancy in data available in these databases,
Seller has to get the same updated in the corresponding validating database
before updating the same on GeM. Till such time only the existing validated
information shall be used to decide seller’s eligibility on GeM. Any default in
sellers updating their data on partner sites / validating databases and any fall
out of the same impacting adversely any transaction on GeM, shall entirely
and exclusively be Seller’s responsibility. GeM shall not be responsible for
any consequential impact on any GeM transaction due to data discrepancy
and / or suspension of seller account due to data discrepancy. Seller will be
solely responsible for the same.
x. The Seller shall be solely responsible for the Goods / Services including,
without limitation, the applicable guarantee / warranty, shelf-life, quantity,
quality and the title and for giving the correct and accurate details of the offer
their Goods and / or /Services indicating product specifications, quantity
which can be supplied over the specified time period, etc. as per catalogue or
catalogue based template prescribed in GeM. Seller would ensure that the
Goods or /Services offered are latest, new and complete in all respects.
Where Seller is selling any Goods which needs spare parts, Seller should
ensure and make available such spare parts for a minimum period of three
years from the date of expiry of warrantee period (unless otherwise
specified). The individual Sellers shall ensure that the products offered in e-

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Bidding and/or ordered shall remain available on GeM during the bid /
contract validity period.
xi. Sellers shall offer minimum discount of 10% on the Maximum Retail Price
(MRP) mandatorily (unless otherwise specified for offering their products on
GeM). Sellers are free to offer higher discounts. The Seller must offer its lest
possible lowest price to GeM and undertake that it would not sell or offer to
sell the same product in comparable quantity at a price equal to or lower than
Offer Price on GeM. In case any such infringement by Seller is noticed, the
Seller shall be liable to be removed/ debarred from the GeM.
xii. By offering their product on GeM, the Seller agrees for sharing price details of
the offered Goods / Service by GeM authorities with other Government
agencies including Department of Excise & Customs, Income tax, GST etc.
xiii. Listing of Goods / Services in irrelevant / inappropriate categories is strictly
prohibited. If any such infringement made by Seller leads to placement of a
contract by any Buyer for such inappropriately offered product(s)/service(s)
by the Seller, such contract shall be treated as null and void. No claim
whatsoever against such contract shall be admissible and entertained.

xiv. The Seller(s) shall pass on all the benefits associated with any scheme / offer /
freebies provided by the OEM on any product from time to time on an "as-is
basis” to the Buyer. This obligation will also apply to OEM's directly
supplying the goods. Holding back any such offer or accounting such freebies
in quantity supplied shall make such consignments liable to be rejected by the
consignee and shall also be considered as inappropriate and against the GeM
policies for which GeM reserves all rights to take necessary action against
such Seller/OEM as deemed fit.

B. Role and Responsibilities of Buyer on GeM:

Buyer Registration on GeM is divided in two categories:

a. Primary User: In GeM , the Primary User is as under:

i. Any officer of Central / State Government / PSU / Autonomous Bodies /

Local Bodies / Constitutional Bodies / Statuary Bodies at the level of Deputy
Secretary of the Government of India or equivalent
ii. Head of the Office at Sub Centre / Unit / Branch, can Register his / her
organization / unit on GeM portal as Primary User.

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Primary User shall be responsible for registering the organization on GeM, for
creating User accounts for Secondary Users, assigning them roles and
responsibilities on GeM and for supervision of all transactions performed by
Secondary Users under him / her.

Primary User shall also be vicariously responsible for ensuring compliance of

General Financial Rules and / or Rules Governing Public Procurement in respect of
their organization, all GeM terms and conditions and other Procurement Policies /
Guidelines notified by the government from time to time, by all the secondary users
including timely payments and for dispute resolutions as per GeM terms and
Primary user cannot perform any Procurement related transactions on GeM portal.
b. Secondary Users: Secondary Users are officials responsible for procurement
transactions on GeM including Placement of Contracts, Receipt of Stores, and
Payments to the Sellers etc. The access rights permissible to registered Secondary
users would be decided by the Primary User of the Department. Secondary Users
may be given the roles of Buyer / Consignee / Drawing and Disbursement Office
(DDO) / Paying Authority etc. For transaction on GeM portal, Buyer is the official
who is responsible for processing procurement transaction up to Order Placement
stage. Consignee is the Secondary User in Buyer Organization responsible for
certifying receipt and acceptance of the goods procured.

Buyer’s responsibilities on GeM portal are as under:

i. The Buyers are responsible to ensure that the procurement done by them
are in compliance of General Financial Rules and / or Rules Governing
Public Procurement in respect of their organization, all GeM terms and
conditions and other procurement Policies / Guidelines notified by the
government from time to time, including timely payments as per GeM
terms and conditions.
ii. The Buyers (in all capacities i.e. as Buyer, Consignee, DDO, Paying
Authority etc) are responsible to ensure that the procurement done by
them are in compliance with GeM Terms and Conditions / Guidelines and
all contract related transactions are completed within time lines
prescribed in GeM Contract.
iii. The Buyers must ensure that they have the requisite authorization to enter
into contract with Seller(s) on GeM for and on behalf of the organization,
failing which such individual(s) shall be individually liable for its actions
and also for any liability arising out of such actions.

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iv. While making procurement on GeM, the Buyers shall judiciously search
and shortlist items using filters such as quantity, technical parameters,
delivery period, warranty period, consignee location(s), Seller’s eligibility
etc. as per their approved requirements. Placement of contract for a
product / service uploaded by the Seller in any wrong/inappropriate
product category is strictly prohibited and such contracts shall be treated
as null and void and such Buying shall adversely affect Buyer Rating on
v. The Buyers shall satisfy themselves that the price of the selected offer is
reasonable. Buyer is at liberty to utilize all the data / information and
Business Analytics made available in GeM including e-bidding and
reverse auction.

vi. The Buyers, before placing the order on GeM, should have the required
mandatory approval with prior sanction and approval of the competent
authorities and shall be in compliance with and as per procedures outlined
in GFR and other procurement guidelines issued by the Government from
time to time.

vii. On award of the Contract(s), it would be construed that the Buyer has
obtained all necessary Administrative & Financial sanctions of the
competent authority and adequate funds are available indicating the
relevant Head of accounts in the awarded Contract(s).

viii. The Buyers should not exercise any corrupt influence on any aspect of
contract and commit to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption
maintaining complete transparency and fairness in all activities related to
ix. Buyers are not allowed to place any order at GeM prices outside GeM.
The prices on GeM are only applicable if the procurement is made
through GeM portal. Using GeM prices for procurement outside GeM
portal is strictly prohibited. Further, Buyers are not allowed to place any
off-line contract to the Seller directly based on the outcome of e-Bidding /
RA conducted on GeM. All such contracts shall be treated as null and
void and GeM reserves the right to delete all data related to such
transactions from GeM database besides taking suitable actions against
such Buyers including suspension from GeM and / or reduction of Buyer
rating etc.

4. Enabling provisions of Rule 149 of General Financial Rules- 2017

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Enabling provisions of Rule 149 of General Financial Rules-
2017egardingprocurement through GeM and necessary guidelines and terms and
conditions thereon:

GeM portal may be utilized by the Government buyers for on-line purchases as

i. Up to Rs.50,000/- through any of the available suppliers on the GeM, meeting

the requisite quality, specification and delivery period.
ii. Above Rs.50,000/- and up to Rs.30,00,000/- through the GeM Seller having
lowest price amongst the available sellers, of at least three different
manufacturers, on GeM, meeting the requisite quality, specification and
delivery period. The tools for online bidding and online reverse auction
available on GeM can be used by the Buyer if decided by the competent

iii. Above Rs.30,00,000/- through the supplier having lowest price meeting the
requisite quality, specification and delivery period after mandatorily
obtaining bids, using online bidding or reverse auction tool provided on

iv. The Government Buyers may ascertain the reasonableness of prices before
placement of order using the Business Analytics (BA) tools available on
GeM including the Last Purchase Price on GeM, Department’s own Last
Purchase Price etc.

v. GFR rule 149 allows direct on-line purchases on GeM up to Rs. 50,000/-
through any of the available suppliers on the GeM, meeting the requisite
quality, specification and delivery period. However this is subject to
procuring authorities certifying the reasonability of rates. While making such
direct on-line purchase below Rs. 50,000/-, the buyer should have approval
of competent authority and should also record reasons for selecting the
specific product in case lowest priced products are not being accepted /
vi. Tools have been deployed on GeM portal to show the price of compared
products on other e-commerce sites (wherever available) and also the rates at
which orders have been placed on GeM for such items in recent past. While
taking decision on reasonableness of price, the buyers may also take into
account the discount over MRP; Last Purchase Price on GeM, Department’s
own Last Purchase Price; rates on other e-commerce websites etc. The prices

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on e-commerce site give a broad idea and its terms and conditions may be
different. If it is found that the price available on GeM marketplace is not
reasonable or is substantially higher than e-commerce sites or LPP, the GeM
Portal provides tools for online bidding or reverse auction which can be used
by the Buyers to get better competitive rates and then satisfy themselves
about reasonableness of the price as per GFR -2017 before placement of
contract. Bidding should be considered as the preferred mode of
procurement above Rs. 50,000/-.
vii. In case of Direct Purchase, during carting period, rates for carted quantity, for
that buyer, are frozen for carting period as notified from time to time on
GeM against any upward revision by seller. However, advantage of any
downward revision in the offer price of carted item shall be automatically
provided to the buyer.

viii. According to the provisions of Rule 149 (ii) of GFR, 2017, GeM shall be
utilized by Government buyers for direct on-line purchases above Rs.
50,000/‐ and up to Rs. 30,00,000/- however such purchase has to be
through the Seller having the lowest price (L-1) amongst the available
Sellers on the GeM. In order to ensure that buyers select only L-1 available
offer, the GeM portal requires that buyer first compares all the product
options available on GeM to ensure that it meets its requirements/
specifications. While comparing, care should be taken that comparison has
to be done between products of at least three different Manufacturers /
OEMs. For L-1 buying, comparison has to be made between products of at
least three different OEMs. If Buyer wants to buy any specific OEM’s
product then he has to go for Proprietary Article Certificate (PAC) buying
after obtaining necessary approvals of competent authorities for PAC buying
as per GFR-2017.

ix. Proprietary Article Certificate (PAC) Buying: While making procurement

under PAC Buying on GeM, Buyer has to comply with following conditions:

a. In case a Govt. Buyer on GeM wants to make procurement on

proprietary basis on the GeM Portal after obtaining the
requisite approvals/PAC certificate from their competent
authority as per Rule 166 of GFR-2017, the Buyer can use
PAC filter provided on GeM for selecting a specific model/
make available from a particular GeM Seller.
b. The Seller’s price on the Portal is just their offer prices and
the proper discovery of price generally happens through

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bidding/RA. Moreover, in PAC procurement irrespective of
multiple listing by authorised sellers, the important issue of
price control remaining with the OEM cannot be overlooked.
Therefore, in case of all the PAC procurements, the Buyers
will have to carry out extra due diligence in establishing the
reasonableness of prices before placement of contract as per
Para (vii) of Rule -149 of GFR-2017.
c. Except for direct buying up to Rs. 50,000/- subject to
establishing the reasonableness of price, the bidding will be
mandatory for procurements above Rs. 50,000/-. As result of
bidding, the response could be as under:

i. Only OEM is available or only single

authorised seller is available.

ii. OEM as well as multiple authorised

Sellers are available.

iii. Multiple authorised Sellers of the OEM

are available.

d. After bidding, under PAC buying, the Buyer may take

decision with the approval of the competent authority to
process the procurement subject to establishing the
reasonableness of prices before placement of contract as per
Para (vii) of Rule -149 of GFR-2017.

x. In order to give flexibility to the buyers in sourcing their requirements through

GeM, provision has been made in e-bid and RA modules for indicating
delivery period in terms of “number of days from date of placement of
contract”. While stipulating delivery period in their bid documents, Buyers are
advised to be careful since un-realistic delivery period stipulations may result
in elimination of some genuine sellers, lack of competition and may
ultimately have impact on cost of procurement. While fixing delivery period
in e-bid/ RA bid, buyers should not only take into consideration the quantity
required and the essentiality of requirement of that quantity within stipulated
time period but also the possible impact of shorter delivery period on
competition in e-bidding / RA.

xi. Splitting of demands by creating multiple Bids / RAs of same goods / services
or making repeated procurements of same Goods / Services through L-1
buying as per rule 149(i) and 149(ii) of GFR-2017 are strictly prohibited on

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GeM. Splitting of demand deprives the organizations from achieving the best
competitive prices leveraging economies of scale. It also implies avoiding the
necessity of obtaining the sanction of higher authority required with reference
to the estimated value of the total demand. It is a violation of Para Rule 149
(viii) of GFR -2017 and terms and conditions of GeM Portal and Buyer
including the Primary Buyer shall be entirely responsible for the same. If any
such splitting of demand is noticed, GeM shall have the right to take
necessary action such as blocking of such Bids/RAs and / or cancelling such

xii. GeM is a dynamic online marketplace. The product/service listings across the
existing categories are dynamic. Moreover, new categories of
products/services are continuously being added on GeM. In situations where
there is only one offer available in a product/ service category and/or there is
offer from only one Seller after filter based search, the buyer should not select
such offer for buying. Efforts should be made by Buyer to get their past
suppliers and prospective Sellers on-boarded on GeM so as to ensure
availability of sufficient Sellers on GeM. This however will not apply for
PAC procurement.

xiii. e-Bidding and Reverse Auction (RA) on GeM

a. The e-Bidding / RA module of GeM is a tool provided to the

Buyer(s) for organizing bidding / RA from GeM Sellers of the
particular product category for a pre-defined requirement i.e.
quantity, technical parameters for Goods/ Services of the
particular product category required for one or more Buyers /
b. Prior to initiating e-Bidding / RA, the Buyer shall judiciously
search and shortlist item among the items offered on GeM using
filters such as quantity, technical parameters, warranty period,
consignee location(s) etc. as per the requirement. In case the
search made using actual quantity required, fails to identify
sufficient offers, the Buyer may use an indicative quantity for
initial search and selection of product and quantity may be
amended to match the actual requirement at the time of
finalizing e-Bidding / RA.

c. The technical parameters and warranty of the item identified by

the Buyer shall be base parameters of the item for conducting e-
Bidding / RA for the required Goods/Services.

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d. The e-Bidding / RA document will be finalized by the Buyer(s)
by stipulating requirements such as Quantity, Consignee
Details, Terms of Delivery, Delivery Period, EMD,
Performance Bank Guarantee, Time & Date for Start and End of
Bid Submission and for Opening of Bids and required Bid
Validity period etc. Buyer shall also indicate Start / Reference
Price and Step Value of Decrement in case of RA.
e. Bid Life Cycle: Bid Life Cycle is the period within which a
buyer has to complete the entire life cycle i.e. technical
evaluation, financial evaluation and order creation of Bid
process. By default, it is 90 days from the date of Bid
publication. This can be configured to 120 / 150 or 180 days in
exceptional cases through catalogue Management System
(CMS) for a particular product category (not for a particular
Buyer or Bid).

f. The e-Bidding / RA invitation / Notice shall be published on

GEM, stipulating the last date for bid submission / opening of
bids giving at least clear 10 days time after the publication. Any
change in last date for bid submission will be intimated to
eligible bidders through e-mail / GeM. The e-Bidding invitation
shall be extended to all the registered Sellers on GeM who have
Goods / Services for that particular category listed on GeM, at
least 2 hours prior to closing time of e-Bidding / RA. The GeM
normally requires 48 hrs for approval / rejection of the product /
service offered by Sellers before it is listed on the portal.
Considering these time lines, the Sellers are required to offer
their Goods / Services on GeM well in advance before bid
closure. The decision of the Buyer/GeM regarding
technical/commercial eligibility of the individual Seller to be
invited for e-Bidding / RA shall be final.
g. The Seller participating in the e-bidding / RA may offer any one
of their product(s) already listed on GeM. The bid submitted
under e-Bidding / RA shall remain valid for 15 days (or as
stipulated by the Buyer in the bid document) from the Bid
Opening Date (till 24.00 Hrs IST). Bid Validity can be further
extended with mutual consent between Buyer and Seller subject
to the condition that total Bid Life Cycle cannot go beyond the

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stipulated time limit as per GeM CMS. The products offered in
e-Bidding / RA can not be withdrawn by the Sellers from GeM
during the bid validity period. The Buyer reserves the right to
postpone/cancel the e-bidding and intimation thereof will be
sent by e-mail / GeM to the Bidders. Any amendment /
corrigendum to the e-bid invitation issued by the Buyer will be
made online and shall be uploaded on the GeM. The
participation by the Seller in e-bidding shall be construed as his
/ her acceptance for all the Terms and Conditions as outlined in
the e-bidding including GTC, STC and ATC. However, the
Buyer shall have right to decide the technical and commercial
acceptability of the individual bids based on eligibility criteria
and compliances as stipulated in the bid document. The
technical parameters shown in the bid are from a particular
catalogue as selected by the buyer while applying initial filters
in selection of the product. The sellers are free to bid for same,
equivalent or superior specifications catalogue / products. In the
public interest, buyers will evaluate such bids based on their
requirements / end use and bid parameters and will accordingly
technically accept or reject the bids on merits."

h. In bid documents, Buyers can incorporate suitable eligibility

criteria and additional terms and conditions only using various
filters and ATC module available in e-bidding / RA modules of
GeM. Buyers are not allowed to incorporate eligibility criteria
and / or additional / special terms and conditions exterior to the
GeM portal by making reference to any other website /
documents etc.

i. In case, two or more acceptable bidders are found to have

quoted identical lowest bid price, Buyer has to conduct Reverse
Auction for the required Goods among all technically qualified
bidders in case of bids for Goods. In case of Services bids, if the
multiple L-1 bidders have quoted the lowest allowed price for
that service, Buyer shall have two options for placement of

a) Placement of contract by selection of an agency from

amongst the L-1 bidders through a Random Algorithm run
by GeM system.

14 | P a g e
b) Placement of contract on any one of the L-1 bidders based
on any criteria as deemed fit by the Buyer with appropriate
internal approvals
j. The Buyer reserves the right to accept/reject any bid including
the lowest bid received through e-bid and/or annul the e-bidding
k. The participating bidders shall not disclose details of their bids
or other details of their e-bids to other bidders or indulge in any
anti-competitive behaviour including price manipulation in
violation of Competition Act, 2002.

l. The Buyer/GeM will not be held responsible for consequential

damages such as no internet connection, no power supply,
system problems, loss of electronic information, power
interruption etc.

m. Against any bidding or RA conducted on GeM, if a bidder

quotes Nil Charges/consideration, the bid shall be treated as
non-responsive and will not be considered.

n. There shall be no EMD for Bids / RA having estimated value

less than Rs. 25 lakhs. For bids / RA having estimated value
more than Rs 25 Lakh, while finalizing e-Bid / RA, Buyer shall
indicate the exact amount of EMD required to be submitted by
bidders in the form of Bank Guarantee on GeM portal in the
prescribed format. Scanned copy of the same shall be uploaded
by Seller in the online bid and hard copy of the same will have
to be submitted directly to the Buyer within 5 days of bid
opening. GeM recommends quantum of EMD @ 1% of
estimated value of procurement. The Buyer also has the option
to select EMD between 1% to 5%. The same should be valid for
45 days beyond the bid validity. Following categories of Sellers
shall however, be exempted from furnishing EMD:
i. Micro and Small Enterprises who are manufacturer of
the offered product category or service provider of that
category and give specific confirmation to this effect at
the time of bid submission and whose credentials are
validated online through Udyog Aadhaar

15 | P a g e
ii. Startups as recognized by Department of Industrial
Policy and Promotion (DIPP).
iii. KVIC, ACASH , WDO, Coir Board, TRIFED and
Kendriya Bhandar.
iv. Sellers who have got their credentials verified through
the process of Vendor Assessment by Vendor
Assessment Agencies for the particular product for
which Bid / RA has been invited.
v. Sellers/ Service Provider having annual turnover of Rs
500 Crore.
vi. Micro and Small Enterprises registered with NSIC for
the particular product category whose credentials are
validated through NSIC database.
vii. Micro and Small Enterprises registered with DIC for the
particular product category whose credentials are
validated through DIC database.
viii. Sellers / Service Providers holding BIS License for the
particular product category whose credentials are
validated through BIS database.
ix. Central / State PSUs.
x. Seller / Service Provider registered with designated
Agency / Authority as specified in the bid document by
the Buyer – such bidder shall have to upload scanned
copy of relevant registration document in place of EMD
document while bidding.
n. EMD submitted by the bidder shall be forfeited, if the bidder:

i. Withdraws or modify or impairs or derogates from the

bid in any respect within the period of validity of its
bid; or
ii. If it comes to notice that the information / documents
furnished in its bid is false, misleading or forged; or
iii. Fails to furnish requisite performance security / PBG
within stipulated time required as per e-bid / RA

o. Notwithstanding above, GeM SPV / GeM Admin also

reserve the right to debar such seller from GeM portal. Such
debarment shall be for minimum 3 months initially on first such

16 | P a g e
offence and on repeat offence, the debarment period can be
increased suitably by GeM SPV / GeM Admin. By submitting a
bid on GeM, the Bidder explicitly undertakes to abide by the
above clause.

p. Earnest money of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned

within 15 days after the award of contract or expiry of bid
validity whichever is earlier. Earnest money of successful
bidder shall be returned within 15 days after receipt of
Performance Security / e-PBG.

q. In case of RA, Start / Reference Price and Step Value of

Decrement shall be indicated to the Bidders at the start of the
auction. Any participating bidder can bid one or multiple Step
Decrement lower than the prevailing Lowest Bid at that time.

r. The Bidder shall be able to view Bid Start Price, Bid

Decrement Value, Prevailing Lowest Bid value and last Bid
Placed by him. Whenever a lower price bid is received in the
closing moment i.e. within 15 minutes of existing end time of
Reverse Auction, the end time of reverse auction shall be
extended automatically by another 15 minutes. All participant
sellers of that RA shall be notified by the GeM system about
extension of time through email and/or SMS and they shall be
allowed to submit revised bid under the RA. The same process
shall be repeated, if there is another lower bid received in the
RA during last 15 minutes of RA.

s. GeM / Buyer shall not have any liability to bidders for any
interruption or delay in access to the GeM site / Reverse
Auction link etc, irrespective of the cause.
t. By creating a bid on GeM, the Buyer undertakes as under:

"I confirm that this tender document complies with the "Public
Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017" issued
by DIPP and "Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small
Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012" issued by MoSME".

5. Contract(S):

17 | P a g e
Following documents shall be construed to be part of the contract generated through
i. Scope of supply including price as enumerated in the Contract

ii. General Terms and Conditions (GTC).

iii. Product / Service specific Special Terms and Conditions (STC).

iv. Bid / RA specific Additional Terms and Conditions (ATC).
The Terms and Conditions stipulated in STC will supersede those in GTC and
Terms and Conditions stipulated in ATC will supersede those in GTC and STC in
case of any conflicting provisions.

6. Prices:

i. Offer price on GeM portal: The prices of the offered Goods or Services shall be
firm and fixed at any point of time and shall be indicated in INR for each
accounting unit. The Seller can choose to offer Goods or Services with uniform all
inclusive unit price for deliveries at locations across India on All India basis or for
specified locations selected at the time of product listing. As such, for supply of
Goods contract, no additional charges such as local levies / transportation / loading
unloading charges etc., shall be payable over and above the contract price. For
selected freight intensive products, as notified on GeM, the Seller may quote unit
price inclusive of GST with delivery charge(s) (including transportation, loading
unloading and local levies) payable extra as defined in the relevant categories. In
respect of items requiring installation and / or commissioning and other services (as
indicated in technical details of the item), the charges for the same shall also be
included in the offered price on GeM.

Once a Buyer carts a particular quantity of offered Goods / Service, during carting
period as notified from time to time on GeM, rates for carted quantity, for that
buyer, are frozen for the period as specified on the portal against any upward
revision by seller. However, advantage of any downward revision in the offer price
of carted item shall be automatically provided to the buyer.

ii. Offer price in e-bidding: Bidder is required to indicate offer price in the price
schedule as provided in the bidding document. Complete breakup of price as
required must be indicated. However evaluation of the bid shall be on the basis of
total all inclusive, landed price at consignee destination (unless otherwise specified
in the ATC).

18 | P a g e
iii. Offer price in RA: Bidder is required to indicate total offer price. Evaluation of the
bid shall be on the basis of total all inclusive, landed price at consignee destination
(unless otherwise specified in the ATC). Successful bidder shall have to provide
complete breakup of the quoted price in the required price bid format before award
of contract.

7. Performance Security and Performance:

i. There shall be no Performance security / PBG requirement for contracts:

a) Placed under Direct Purchase / L-1 Purchase Option under Para (i)
and (ii) of GFR rule 149;

b) Placed through Bids / RA with estimated bid value up to Rs 30 Lakh (in

case of Goods contracts); and

c) Placed through Bids / RA with estimated bid value up to Rs 5 Lakh (in

case of Services contracts)

ii. In case of contracts placed following e-Bidding / RA, Performance Security /

Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) (in format provided on GeM) valid for 2
months beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations including
warrantee obligations, will be obtained from the successful Bidder, for
ensuring due performance of the contract. GeM recommends quantum of
Performance Security @ 2% of the value of contract. The Buyer also has the
option to select Performance Security between 2% to 10%. While finalizing e-
Bid / RA, Buyer shall indicate the % of Performance Security required to be
submitted by successful bidders. In case of any extension of contract
obligation period, the seller shall be liable to suitably extend the validity of
the Performance Security.
Such Performance Bank Guarantee, in prescribed format, from a scheduled
commercial bank must be submitted by Seller to the Buyer within 15 days of
award of contract on GeM. The payments to the seller shall become due only after
receipt of Performance Bank Guarantee by the Buyer and verification of its
If the Seller fails or neglects to observe or perform any of his obligations under
the contract it shall be lawful for the Buyer to forfeit either in whole or in part,
the Performance Security furnished by the Seller.

If the Seller duly performs and completes the contract in all respects the Buyer
shall, refund the Performance Security to the Seller within 30 days of completion
of all contractual obligations by the Seller.

19 | P a g e
8. Duties & Taxes:

i. Offer Prices on GeM shall be on all inclusive basis i.e. including all taxes,
duties, local levies / transportation / loading-unloading charges etc. In the case
of Bid / RA, complete break-up of the quoted price in the required price bid
format shall furnished by the Bidder, before award of contract.

ii. Statutory variation in the rate of GST, taking place between the date of award of
contract and the original / refixed delivery period, shall be to the Buyer’s
account. For claiming any change in price due to such Statutory variation, the
seller shall have to lodge claim before the Buyer providing documentary
evidence of change in rate of GST taking place after the date of award of
contract and the date of supply within the original / refixed delivery period.
Buyer shall issue necessary amendment in the contract to enable generation of
supplementary invoice or revised invoice as the case may be.

iii. No increase in price on account of statutory increase in the rate of GST taking
place during the period of delivery period extension with liquidated Damages
shall be admissible. Nevertheless the Buyer shall be entitled to the benefit of any
decrease in price on account of reduction in GST taking place during extended
delivery period.

iv. The Bill Form / On-line invoice shall be generated by the Seller which may inter-
alia include the following confirmations from the Seller:
a. Certified that the Goods and Services Tax (GST) charged on this Bill is
not more than what is payable under the provision of the relevant Act or
the Rules made there under.

b. Certified that the goods on which GST has been charged have not been
exempted under the GST Act or the rules made there under and the
charges on account of GST on these goods are correct under the
provisions of that Act or the Rules made there under.

c. Certified that the Seller is registered with above indicated GSTIN as

dealer in the State where in their Billing address is located for the purpose
of GST.

d. The on-line bill form / invoice generated on GeM is not a replacement for
the GST invoice. The proper GST invoice as per requirements of GST
rules shall be sent by the seller to the buyer / consignee directly along
with the Goods / Services as and when deliveries are made to the

20 | P a g e
9. Integrity Pact:

All the Users in GeM i.e. Seller as well as Buyer agree not to indulge in any corrupt
practices including without limitation any activity or action to influence the
transaction on any aspect of contract and commit to take all measures necessary to
prevent corruption maintaining complete transparency and fairness in all activities
related to GeM. Users agree to follow and adhere with the Integrity Pact guidelines
provided on GeM Portal.

10. Guarantee And Warrantee:

i. The Goods/Services supplied under the Contract(s) shall be in accordance with

the contract specifications & quality and the Goods shall be brand new and have
standard Guarantee/Warrantee for one year period from the date of final
acceptance by the consignee unless otherwise specified in category
specifications, specific Bid/RA . Seller, at the time of listing their product on
GeM portal or offering their products against any Bid / RA, may accordingly
provide longer Guarantee/Warrantee period (i.e. more than 1 year) and in such
case, Guarantee/Warrantee period stipulation made in category specifications /
Bid / RA document, shall prevail over standard Guarantee / Warrantee period of
1 year stipulated in these General Terms and Conditions.

ii. Notwithstanding the fact that the Buyer or its Quality Assurance Officer may
have inspected and/or approved / accepted the said Goods, it is further
guaranteed that if during the said guarantee / warrantee period, the Goods be
discovered not to conform to the requisite description and quality and/or not
giving satisfactory performance or have deteriorated, and the decision of the
Buyer in that behalf shall be final and binding on the Seller and the Buyer shall
be entitled to call upon the Seller to rectify and/or replace the Goods or such
portion thereof as is found to be defective by the Buyer within 7 days.
Otherwise, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer such compensations that may arise
by reasons of the warranty therein contained. In cases requiring Spares, the
Seller guarantees that they will supply Spare Parts, if and when required on
agreed basis for an agreed price for a minimum period of three years from the
date of expiry of warrantee period (unless otherwise specified in STC / ATC).
The agreed basis could be, including but without any limitation, an agreed
discount on the published catalogue or an agreed percentage of profit on the
landed cost. The aforesaid provisions made specifically for Goods, shall also be
applicable for Services to the extent the same are practically possible.

21 | P a g e
11. Buyer / Consignee’s Right Of Rejection (Return Policy):

i. The Goods delivered shall bear the self certified Manufacturer’s/Seller’s

Warranty/Guaranty. Buyer / Consignee shall have the right to inspect the
supplied Goods themselves and/or through their appointed agency at
consignee’s own cost, at Consignee’s site(s) after receipt and accept or reject on
proper justification any consignment of the Goods received within a period of
10 days (unless otherwise specified in STC or ATC) of receipt of consignment
of goods. The date of receipt shall be reckoned from the date of receipt of the
Goods as notified in the Provisional Receipt Certificate (PRC) which will be
issued online by consignee immediately after receipt of Goods.

ii. In case of Service contract, the Buyer reserves right to reject the same in
conformance with the terms and conditions of the agreed Service Level
Agreement (SLA). However, such right to reject services offered by the Seller
under the contract shall be exercised by the Buyer within 10 days (unless
otherwise specified in STC or ATC) of the date of receipt of the Service. The
date & time of start and completion of the Service, shall be indicated by the
Seller while raising on-line invoice for a specified period of Service as per
Service Level Agreement (SLA). The date of such invoice or the date of
completion of the service, whichever is later shall be reckoned as date of receipt
of the Service.

iii. On Acceptance / Part Acceptance or Rejection of Goods / Services, Consignee

will issue an on line ‘Consignee’s Receipt cum Acceptance Certificate’
(CRAC), which will form the basis of Payments to the Seller.

iv. No payment shall be made for rejected goods or services. After intimation of
the rejection / part rejection by the Buyer/ Consignee, the Seller shall be liable
to remove / lift back such rejected Goods within 10 days without any extra
charge/cost to the Buyer / Consignee failing which suitable ground rent /
warehousing charges would be payable by the Seller to the Buyer /Consignee.
If the Seller fails to remove / lift back such rejected Goods within reasonable
time period, the Buyer / Consignee shall have the right to dispose off such
rejected goods at the risk and cost of the seller.

12. Payment Authority and Payment Terms:

Payments shall be made to the Seller in the manner below:

i. For Goods :

22 | P a g e
In case of goods, 100% payment will be released within ten (10) days of issue
of consignee receipt-cum-acceptance certificate (CRAC) and on-line submission
of bills unless otherwise specified in STC / ATC.
ii. For Services:

In case of services, 100% payments on the basis of monthly (unless otherwise

specified) bills will be paid within ten (10) days of issue of consignee receipt-
cum-acceptance certificate (CRAC) and on-line submission of bills unless
otherwise specified in STC / ATC.

13. Terms of Delivery:

All the Goods or Services in the GeM shall be offered on Free Delivery at Site basis
including loading/unloading. In respect of items requiring installation,
commissioning and other services in the scope of supply (as indicated in respective
product category specification / STC / ATC), the cost of the same shall also be
included in the offer price.

14. Delivery Period

Seller shall indicate the quantity which can be supplied over the specified time
period(s). The Seller would offer these details, which would constitute the part of
the awarded Contract(s) in the GeM and would make a binding Contract between
the Seller & the Buyer. Any modification thereto shall be mutually agreed and
incorporated in the Contract. This Delivery Period/Time shall be deemed to be
essence of the Contract and delivery must be completed not later than such date(s).

15. Extension of Delivery Period and Liquidated Damages:

Buyer may, on the request of the Seller or otherwise, extend the delivery date
suitably subject to the following conditions:
i. The original Delivery Period may be re-fixed by the Buyer without any
Liquidated damages subject to Force Majeure conditions mentioned below and
also on the ground/reasons of delay attributable to the Buyer / Consignee.
ii. For other cases, provided the price trend is not lower, the Delivery Period may
be suitably extended for which an amount equal to the Liquidated Damages for
the extended period(s) for delay in the supply of the Goods/Services after the
expiry of contract delivery period /re-fixed delivery period, shall be recovered
from the Seller as mentioned hereinafter for the extended period. No increase in
price on any ground after the original/re-fixed delivery date shall be admissible

23 | P a g e
during such extended period(s). Nevertheless the Buyer shall be entitled to the
benefit of any decrease in price on account of reduction in GST taking place
during extended delivery period.
iii. Liquidated Damages: If the Seller fails to deliver any or all of the
Goods/Services within the original/re-fixed delivery period(s) specified in the
contract, the Buyer will be entitled to deduct/recover the Liquidated Damages
for the delay, unless covered under Force Majeure conditions aforesaid, @
0.5% per week or part of the week of delayed period as pre-estimated damages
not exceeding 10% of the contract value without any controversy/dispute of any
sort whatsoever.
iv. Force Majeure Conditions :
If at any time during the continuance of the Contract, the performance in
whole or in part by either party of any obligation under this Contract shall be
prevented or delayed by the reasons of any war, hostility, acts of the public
enemy, epidemics, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosion,
quarantine restrictions, strikes, lockouts or act of God provided notice of
happening of such event duly evidenced with documents is given by one party
to the other within 10 days from the date of occurrence thereof, neither party
shall be by reasons of such event, be entitled to terminate the Contract nor
shall either party have any claim for damages against the other in respect of
such non-performance or the delay in performance, and deliveries under the
contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such event has come to
an end or ceased to exist, and the decision of the Buyer as to whether the
deliveries have been so resumed or not, shall be final and conclusive,
Provided further that if the performance in whole or part of any obligation
under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason of any such event for a
period exceeding 10 days, either party may at its option terminate the contract
provided also that the Buyer shall be at liberty to take over from the Seller at a
price to be fixed by Buyer, which shall be final, all unused, undamaged and
accepted material, bought out components and Goods in course of
manufacture in the possession of the Seller at the time of such termination or
such portion thereof as the Buyer may deem fit excepting such materials,
bought out components and Goods as the Seller may with the concurrence of
the Buyer elect to retain.

16. Dispute Resolution Between Buyer and Seller:


24 | P a g e
In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising connection with the
Contract, the Parties shall use their respective reasonable endeavour to settle any
dispute amicably. If a Dispute is not resolved within 30 days after written notice of
any dispute by one Party to the other, the same shall be resolved through the
mechanism of a co-ordination committee to be formed by the Buyer and
Seller/Service Provider and to be chaired by the Primary User of Buyer
Organization/Department along with representatives from Buyer Department and

In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under the terms and
conditions of the contract placed through GeM, the same shall be referred to
the sole arbitration by an officer nominated as Arbitrator by the Primary Buyer of
the concerned Buyer Organization. It will be no objection that the arbitrator is a
Government Servant and that he had to deal with the matters to which the
contract relates or that in the course of his duties as a Government servant he has
expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. The award
of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to the contract. The
arbitration shall be governed as per Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996
as amended up to date. The place for arbitration shall be at the place from where
contract has been placed by the Buyer or at the place of Primary Buyer as decided
by the Primary Buyer.

In the event of the Arbitrator dying, neglecting or refusing to act or resigning or

being unable to act for any reason, or his award being set aside by the court for
any reason, it shall be lawful for the Primary Buyer to appoint another arbitrator in
place of the outgoing arbitrator in the manner aforesaid.

In respect of all contract placed through GeM, the dispute would not be referred or
entertained by Micro and Small Enterprise Facilitation Council, Consumer Forum
or any other adjudication forum.

All disputes in connection with the Contract, shall be subject to the

exclusive jurisdiction of the Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction, the
place from where Contract was issued is situated

GeM SPV would not be a party to any such dispute/matter.

17. Laws Governing the Contract:

i. The contract shall be governed by the laws of India for the time being in force.

25 | P a g e
ii. Irrespective of the place of delivery, the place of performance or the place of
payment under the contract, the contract shall be deemed to have been made at the
registered address of the Buyer and / or Primary Buyer.
iii. Jurisdiction of Courts: The courts of the place from where the contract has been
made shall alone have jurisdiction to decide any dispute arising out of or in respect
of the contract.
iv. GeM SPV would not be a party to any such litigation.

18. Limitation of Liability:

Notwithstanding anything contained in this agreement, no party will be liable for

any special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection
with this agreement or any breach hereof (including for loss of data or profits, or
cost of cover), whether or not such party has been advised of the possibility of such
damages, and whether under a theory of contract, tort (including negligence) or
otherwise; except for liabilities arising out of any violation, misappropriation or
infringement of a party’s intellectual property rights, or from a breach by either
party of its obligation. In no event will either party’s aggregate liability arising out
of or in connection with this agreement or any breach hereof (whether under a
theory of contract, tort (including negligence), warranty or otherwise) exceed the
Contract Price entered into the Contract between Buyer and Seller.

19. Termination for Default:

If the Seller does not perform its obligations within the Delivery Period/Date
mentioned in the Contract, the same would constitute the breach of the Contract and
the Buyer shall have the right to Cancel or withdraw the Contract for the unsupplied
portion after the expiry of the original or re-fixed delivery date or period stipulated
in the Contract. Such cancellation of contract on account of non -performance by
the Seller would entitle the Buyer to forfeit the performance security besides other
actions such as downgrading the Seller’s rating or debarment from the GeM for
specified period as decided by GeM on merits.

20. Closure of Transaction:

After satisfactory completion of all the obligations under the Contract and release of
payments for the goods / services, the transaction shall be treated as closed.

21. Grounds for Administrative Action Against Seller’s Misconduct in GeM:

26 | P a g e
The Seller would be liable for administrative actions such as suspension / debarment
/ removal from GeM, if they fail to abide by any of the terms & conditions
stipulated in this document and/or on the following grounds, if the Seller:-
i. Listing the products/services not in the relevant categories and/or listing the
same with vague/conflicting product specifications/details and irrelevant
product photographs.
ii. Offering Goods / Services without having proper authorization

iii. Supplies goods of inferior/ substandard quality

iv. Supplies refurbished or counterfeit products

v. Withdraws or modify or impairs or derogates from the bid in any respect
within the period of validity of its bid; or
vi. If it comes to notice that the information / documents furnished in its bid is
inaccurate ,false, misleading or forged; or

vii. Fails to furnish requisite performance security / PBG within stipulated time
required as per e-bid / RA conditions.
viii. Fails to update GeM about any change in information furnished within the
prescribed time limits.

ix. Executes services without conforming to requirement given in Service Level

Agreement (SLA)

x. Fails to execute an order/ contract or fail to execute it satisfactorily

xi. Is declared bankrupt or insolvent

xii. Fails to produce the requisite documents/ information during the course of
inspection / assessment at any stage; and

xiii. On any other ground for which, in the opinion of GeM, the retention of the
seller or any of its offered product in GeM is not in Public Interest

The grounds mentioned above are illustrative only. Users are advised to read the list
of prohibited activities published on the website.

22. Role of Government E- Marketplace - Gem SPV

Government e-Marketplace – GeM SPV is the owner of the GeM portal which
monitors and supervises all the business transactions on the portal. The role and
responsibilities of the company are as under:

27 | P a g e
a. To develop, operate and maintain technology driven e-marketplace, through a
Managed Service Provider (MSP), to be used by government agencies for
procurement of various goods and services in a transparent and efficient

b. Overall supervision and monitoring of GeM portal operations, policy

management, finalization and implementation of various business processes
and work flows in adherence with the applicable law and executive orders
issued from time to time . To provide tools for on-line Bidding, on-line Reverse
Auction and Business Analytics Tools on GeM.
c. To work continuously for improvements in the Business Processes and Work
Flows for various activities / functions on GeM based on feedback from various
stakeholders to enhance transparency, efficiency, competitiveness, equality,
economy in procurement of goods and services by government agencies.

d. To finalize General Terms and Conditions for sale and purchase of Goods and
Services on GeM, Product / Service Specific Special Terms and Conditions,
Special Terms and Conditions for Bunching of Goods / Services, Bid Specific
Special Conditions, Project Specific Special Conditions etc.

e. To finalize, upload and approve Technical Specification Frameworks for

various item / service categories on GeM and to monitor conformity of offered
products to the larger framework so finalized and uploaded.
f. To decide addition / deletion of any of the offered product(s)/Product category
(ies) and their framework of technical parameters on GeM.

g. To work and co-ordinate with different Organizations/Departments / Agencies

for integration of their Databases with the GeM portal on real time basis for the
purpose of verification/authentication of data entries made by stakeholders.

h. To offer and manage Demand Aggregation services for identified categories

across buyers with assured reasonability of price, recommending for placement
of orders by individual buyers
i. To co-ordinate with MSP for conducting workshops for the various
Stakeholders in capacity building and in change management associated with
the implementation of technology enabled procurement process.
j. To monitor MSP that the Buyers, Sellers and Service Providers are being
assisted properly by them to onboard their goods and services on the GeM

28 | P a g e
k. To identify and offer services of 3 rd parties for Vendor Assessment relating to
technical, financial capacity, past experience of sellers including manufacturing
/ testing facilities / quality control arrangement(s) of manufacturing premises
and/or any of the premises related to manufacturing process of products /
services offered by the seller / service provider on GeM.

l. To identify and offer services of 3 rd parties for testing and certifying the quality
of the product offered/ supplied, through documents, test reports/ certificates,
testing at any independent lab or through inspection/testing by its authorized
representative/s at firm’s premises or at user’s premises, that buyer choose to
m. Overall monitoring and management of Call Centre/Help desk operations being
provided by the MSP.
n. Removal / debarring the Sellers/Buyers and Goods / services in GeM.

o. Management of complaints and their redressal mechanism in GeM (not

disputes related to concluded contracts).

p. To identify, integrate and manage MoUs with verifying, certifying and

validating entities across government(s) and also professional agencies to
reinforce the online paperless, contactless and cashless system on GeM.

q. To issue Notices, Circulars, News, Flashes, Updates etc in GeM

r. Reporting and MIS mechanism in GeM

s. Any other related activities in the GeM

t. In exceptional circumstances, for ensuring propriety of procurement processes

or to obviate possible misuse of GeM functionalities, GeM SPV as GeM Admin
may keep any Bidding / RA process on hold for some time as considered

u. To take approved User Charges from Buyers and Sellers for the various
transactions on the GeM portal as decided and notified on the GeM portal.

23. Miscellaneous Provisions

a. Assignment: Users understand and agree that the GTC, STC and ATC
provisions, rights and obligations granted by GeM are non- transferrable or
assignable by the User to any third party, without the prior written consent of
GeM. If same is permitted by GeM, all the conditions, rights and obligations of
the GTC or any on–going STC/ATC shall also be binding upon such third party
assignee besides the User.

29 | P a g e
b. Indemnification: The Seller shall at all time indemnify Buyer against all suits
and claims which may be made in respect of the goods/services for
infringement of any right protected by patent, registration of designs or trade
mark. Provided always that in the event of any claim and suit in
respect of alleged breach of patent, registered designs or trade-mark being
made against the Buyer, the Buyer shall notify the Seller/ Service Provider
of the same who shall at its own expense either settle any such dispute or
conduct and litigation that may arise there from.
Buyers and Sellers agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless GeM, its
officials, Managed Service Provider (herein after individually and
collectively referred to as "indemnified parties") from and against any and
all losses, liabilities, claims, suits, proceedings, penalties, interests,
damages, demands, costs and expenses (including legal and other statutory
fees and disbursements in connection therewith and interest chargeable
thereon) asserted against or incurred by the indemnified parties that arise
out of, result from, or in connection with

i. Breach of the contract(s); or

ii. Any claims made by any third party due to, or arising out of, or in
connection with, use of the Website; or

iii. Any claim made by any third party regarding content/ information or
materials provided by Seller cause any damage to a third party; or arising
out of, or in connection with, use of the Website.

iv. Violation of any intellectual property rights or any other rights.

Once GeM notifies the Buyer/ Seller of such claims, they shall defend
and indemnify GeM for the same. Further, in no case they
shall compromise or settle any claim or admit any liability on the part
of GeM without the express or prior written consent of GeM which
can be withheld or denied or modified by GeM in its sole discretion or
as per the Applicable Laws.
c. Severability: If due to any change in Applicable laws, certain part of the GTC
or any applicable STC or any provisions of the GeM policies or portions
thereof, becomes unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full
force and effect so as to give effect to the intent of the parties.

d. Website Terms and Policies Updation: Buyers and Sellers are advised to
check the website terms and conditions as well as policies such as Privacy

30 | P a g e
Policy and the Website Disclaimer at all times, as GeM may update the Website
and such terms from time to time.
e. List of Prohibitive Activities (Suggestive And Non-Exhaustive):

i. Indulging in Cyber Crime activities which can become a threat to the

GeM or to the Government of India.

ii. Advertising, exhibiting, representing, publishing, pronouncing, listing,

delivering, exposing for sale, offering to sell any kind of
goods/services which can cause any kind of infringement or
disparagement of intellectual property rights.

iii. Selling refurbished, counterfeit / fake products.

iv. Offering to sell or selling above MRP and/or, any kind of

misrepresentation of MRP including contravening the provisions of
the Legal Metrology Act 2009.

v. Delivering some other product / used product/ empty parcels

vi. Offering to sell or selling freebies which are written 'Not for sale'

vii. Listing of the products on GeM without authorization to sell products

manufactured by the OEM in open market.

viii. Listing of the products is done on GeM website without warranty or

genuine warranty.

ix. Listing of the products is done in irrelevant/inappropriate categories

and/or with vague/conflicting product specifications/details/irrelevant
product photographs etc.
x. The Buyer /Seller registering on GeM and/or offering or buying the
Goods and/or Services and/or participating in e-bidding/reverse
auction on GeM, without the requisite authorization to enter into
contract on behalf of the concerned legal entity. Failing which such
individual(s) shall be individually liable for its actions and also for any
liability arising out of such actions.

xi. If any Seller has been debarred from GeM then such Seller or their
authorized sellers shall also not be permitted to register and offer/sell
their products on GeM and / or participate in Bids / RA on GeM.
xii. Using GeM prices for making procurement outside GeM Portal.

31 | P a g e
xiii. Splitting of demands by creating multiple Bids/RAs of same goods /
services or making repeated procurements of same goods/services
through L-1 buying as per rule 149(i) and 9(ii) of GFR-2017.
xiv. Uploading goods / services containing information that —
(a) belongs to another person and to which the user does not have any
right to;
(b) is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene,
pornographic, paedophilic, libellous, invasive of another's privacy,
hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating or
encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in
any manner whatever;
(c) harm minors in any way;
(d) infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary
(e) violates any law for the time being in force;
(f) deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such
messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive
or menacing in nature;
(g) impersonate another person;
(h) contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or
programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of
any computer resource;
(i) threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of
India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes
incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents
investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation. "

24. Incident management Policy on GeM: GeM is a trust based system and self-declaration
is the key, along with a strong automated process to penalize any deviant behaviour on
part of Sellers / Buyers. For this purpose, deviations from the terms and conditions of
procurement on GeM, including general terms and conditions, special and additional
terms and conditions and any other relevant Government rules and guidelines, are termed
as “deviation”. A deviation can occur while listing the products on GeM, at pre-contract
stage, during bidding or at post contract stage on GeM. The mechanism for reporting and
initiating action on such deviation has been detailed in the Incident Management Policy
available on GeM portal under Resources. All stake holders of GeM shall be bound by the
actions as detailed in the Incident Management Policy.

32 | P a g e
All administrative actions under this Incident management Policy, taken by GeM against
any of the stakeholders shall not cause any limitation on the legal and/or contractual
remedies including any financial recoveries, available to Buyers/Sellers under the Terms
and Conditions of contract and/or GeM policies. In case the Buyer / Seller choose to
pursue any of these remedies, GeM shall not be made party to such proceedings /
remedial actions taken by Buyer/Seller under the contractual provisions.

25. e-Sign authorization:

I hereby authorize NSDL e-Gov on behalf of my organisation to:

1. Use my Aadhaar details for all transactions on Government e-Marketplace and

authenticate my identity through the Aadhaar Authentication system (Aadhaar
based e-KYC services of UIDAI) in accordance with the provisions of the Aadhar
(Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act,
2016 and the allied rules and regulations notified there under and for no other
2. Authenticate my Aadhaar through OTP or Biometric for authenticating my identity
through the Aadhaar Authentication system for obtaining my e-KYC through
Aadhaar based e-KYC services of UIDAI and use my Photo and Demographic
details (Name, Gender, Date of Birth and Address) for signing all documents
related to transactions on Government e-Marketplace.
3. I understand that Security and confidentiality of personal identity data provided,
for the purpose of Aadhaar based authentication is ensured by NSDL e-Gov and
the data will be stored by NSDL e-Govt till such time as mentioned in guidelines
from UIDAI from time to time.

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