ABB Motion Drives Error Trouble Shooting Manual
ABB Motion Drives Error Trouble Shooting Manual
ABB Motion Drives Error Trouble Shooting Manual
Application Error
ABB Motion Drives Error trouble shooting manual
Rev B EN
Problem diagnosis
There are 3 ways to get information on the faults that have occurred;
• In Mint WorkBench, connect to the drive and use the Error Log tool to view recent errors, get the descriptions
and then check the help files for more information.
• The drive status display indicates errors and general status information. When an error occurs, the drive
displays a sequence starting with the symbol “E” or “b”, followed by the five-digit error code.
• The drive also has two Network status LEDs that indicate the status of a used RTE master. You can check
the drives hardware manual for more information on how to diagnose the LED status.
If you cannot solve the problem or the problem persists, the Support Me can be used. This is a feature is available
from the Mint WorkBench Help menu, or by clicking the “+” button on the toolbar. The SupportMe can be used to
gather information which can then be, saved as a text file, copied to another application or e-mailed to the ABB
support line (
WARNING! Only qualified electricians are allowed to service the drive. Read the Safety instructions on the first
pages of the Hardware manual before working on the drive.
Some errors are classed as 'warnings'. Warnings are less critical than errors and are disabled by default but
can be individually enabled using ERRORCODEENABLE. Warnings are stored and handled in the same way
as errors, so all references to error handling should be taken to include the warning categories.
When an error occurs, an entry is added to the error list containing the following information:
• Error code: The unique error code number.
• Error line: The program line number (if applicable, -1 shows the error is not caused by a line in the Program).
• Error data: Four 32-bit words of additional data. This will vary for each error group, but might contain the
relevant axis number, bus number or node ID if applicable, -1 otherwise.
• Time stamp: The value of SYSTEMSECONDS when the error occurred.
Each time an error is added to the error list, the ONERROR event is called. However, individual errors can be
prevented from calling the ONERROR event by using the ERRORCODEENABLE keyword.
Synchronous errors are generally programming errors. They occur at a line of code that is either incorrect or
is trying to do something that cannot be done at that time. Errors in the MML run-time errors and Mint run-
time errors categories are synchronous errors. When a synchronous error occurs*, Mint will look for an event
called ONERROR . If this is defined, it will be called. If not, an error message will be printed to the terminal
and the Mint program will be terminated (aborted) immediately.
SCALEFACTOR(0) = -3 'Must be a positive scalefactor
This generates the error 'Data specified out of range' which has the code 3. If there is no Mint ONERROR
event, the error message printed to the terminal would be:
With an ONERROR event, then an entry would be added to the error list and the ONERROR event would be
called. Synchronous errors do not cause motion to terminate and require no special action to recover from.
However, the cause of a synchronous error should always be investigated and removed since it generally
indicates a programming problem.
* Error 3102 (Stack overflow), error 3103 (Index out of range) and error 3108 (Stack underflow) are 'fatal'
and will not call the ONERROR event.
Asynchronous errors can occur at any time and are not directly related to a line of Mint code. When an
asynchronous error occurs, an entry is added to the error list and the ONERROR event will be called if it
is defined in the Mint program. If no ONERROR event is defined, the Mint program will continue to run.
The controller will automatically take action according to the error code; this is known as the 'default
• For Axis Warnings and Controller Warnings there is no default action. Motion will not be stopped.
• For Autotuning errors, the default action is to crash stop and disable the axis.
• For Axis Errors the default action can be specified for some error codes and is fixed for others.
• For Controller Errors, the default action varies according to the error code.
If there are any entries in the error list, then the Mint ONERROR event will be called if it is defined in the
Mint program. It is not essential to handle all errors within the error handler as it will be called again if there
are any entries remaining in the error list. It is recommended to always include an ONERROR event.
• ERRORREADNEXT reads the next entry from the error list. This also allows errors from specific categories
and axes to be read.
• ERRORREADCODE allows the error list to be searched for a specific error code. This also allows the list to
be searched only for errors on a specific axis.
If ERRORREADNEXT or ERRORREADCODE finds a matching entry in the error list, then details about that
error are placed in the ERR ... keywords and the entry is removed from the list. The ERR ... keywords are as
Depending on the error code, the ERRLINE and ERRDATA keywords may not have any relevant
information, in which case they will return -1. The following example reads the next entry from the error list
and prints the information to the terminal:
For more examples of error handling, see Error event: ONERROR . It is also possible to mask errors from
being generated by using ERRORCODEENABLE , and to read if an error is present (without removing it
from the list) by using ERRORPRESENT . Errors may also be cleared using ERRORCLEAR .
It is possible to select the default action taken on an axis errors using the keywords listed below:
LIMITMODE Forward and reverse hardware limit errors (10001 & 10002).
SOFTLIMITMODE Forward and reverse software limit errors (10003 & 10004).
Mode Action
1 Call the error event ONERROR. Crash stop the axis and drop the enable line.
2 Call the error event ONERROR. Crash stop the axis, leave the axis enabled.
3 Call the error event ONERROR. Perform a controlled stop on the axis at the rate specified by the
4 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Crash stop the axis and drop the enable line, don't generate an error. This is equivalent to Mode 1,
except that no error is generated.
8 Crash stop the axis, leave the axis enabled, don't generate an error. This is equivalent to Mode 2,
except that no error is generated.
9 Perform a controlled stop on the axis at the rate specified by the ERRORDECEL or
TORQUEREFERRORFALLTIME , leave the axis enabled, don't generate an error. This is equivalent to
Mode 3, except that no error is generated.
Each of the errors for each of the axes can be given a separate mode and the controller will react
accordingly. As the above table shows, the ONERROR event will be called immediately. The error list entry
is created when the error first occurs. See the individual keywords to see which modes are supported for
each keyword.
If there any entries in the error list then the ONERROR event will be called. Errors should therefore be removed
from the list otherwise the Mint program will keep calling ONERROR , holding out all other tasks and events.
Synchronous errors should simply be removed from the error list. This happens when they are read with
ERRORREADNEXT or ERRORREADCODE Alternatively, ERRORCLEAR can be used to discard errors without
reading them. For example, in a system expecting only synchronous error 'ecNODE_NOT_LIVE' (error 22) to
occur, any other errors can be displayed by the program:
'Take some action here
End If
Asynchronous errors must be handled before an axis may perform further motion. Use the
ERRORREADNEXT and ERRORREADCODE keywords to read and remove errors from the list. Once all
the errors on an axis have been cleared, the axis may be enabled and motion performed. The
ERRORPRESENT keyword provides an easy way to check if an axis is in error:
Print "Drive is in error" Else
End If
ERRORCLEAR can also be used to clear axis errors. The CANCEL keyword will also clear all errors and stop
any motion that is in progress on a specified axis.
'These do the same thing
End If
In the above examples and the following lists some of the Errors are shown with a corresponding
“_ec….” error codes. These codes are enumerations for the error codes and can be used in the Mint
program, for example in the error checking routine.
The GLOBALERROROUTPUT keyword can be used to specify an output that will be deactivated if there
are any errors in the error list. The output must be manually activated.
Where to
Code Error Cause What to do
The object
Normal State During boot
dictionary is
5 up should not stay in this
state permanently
The object
dictionary Normal State During boot
6 values are set to up should not stay in this
default state permanently
The object
Normal State During boot
7 up should not stay in this
handling is done
state permanently
4001 Drive rating data One of the following Check memory module is connected Hardware
invalid conditions has not been met correctly, check power supply level is
1. Drive bus nominal voltage correct
2. Drive rated current <= 0
4002 Drive speed max DriveSpeedMax <= 0 Re-run commissioning and check Drive
invalid Only check AutoTune test ID that DriveSpeedMax is set correctly parameters
4003 Config doesn't The autotuning operation This error will not occur unless the Mint
support that test does not support this configuration has been manually Workbench
(_ecCONFIG_NOT_ controller configuration. changed using the CONFIG keyword. Parameter
RIGHT_TYPE) View Check;
4004 Axis error has An asynchronous axis error See the Mint WorkBench Motion Mint
occurred or drive error has occurred toolbar for more information on the WorkBench or
(_ecAXIS_ERROR) during the autotuning error. Drive display
4005 Calculated torque Drive had calculated a Check motor data is correct. Mint
constant invalid Torque Constant which is too WorkBench
4006 Inductance value is For the selected motor the To avoid this error, make sure that a Motor Data
zero winding inductance is zero motor has been selected from the
database in the Drive Setup Wizard.
Alternatively, if a custom motor has
been selected and you are unsure of
motor data, check that the "Measure
motor resistance and inductance"
test has been selected and run using
the Autotune tool.
4007 Resistance value is For the selected motor the To avoid this error, make sure that a Motor Data
zero winding resistance is zero motor has been selected from the
(_ecZERO_RESIST database in the Drive Setup Wizard.
ANCE_VALUE) Alternatively, if a custom motor has
been selected and you are unsure of
motor data, check that the "Measure
motor resistance and inductance"
test has been selected and run using
the Autotune tool.
4010 Resistance too low, This error can occur during Check that there are no short circuits Mint
possible short circuit the Measure motor between the U, V and W terminals of WorkBench
(_ecPOSSIBLE_SH resistance and inductance the motor and that the motor power
ORT_CIRCUI test and indicates that the cable is wired correctly.
effective motor winding
resistance is very low.
4011 Autotuning doesn't The Test the feedback or This error will not normally occur Mint
support feedback Feedback calibration test because Mint WorkBench will not WorkBench
device (EnDat absolute encoders allow autotuning on unsupported
(_ecUNSUPPORTE only) does not operate on feedback types. Ie the combination of
D_FEEDBACK_ this feedback type. Motor and Feedback device is not
supported by Mint Workbench.
4012 Encoder resolver During the Measure the The most common cause of this error Feedback,
rotation sense is voltage constant and is an incorrectly wired or set up Motor,
wrong Measure the motor inertia feedback device (encoder or Connected
(_ecFEEDBACK_SE tests, a torque is applied to resolver), or an incorrectly wired Load, Noise
NSE_WRONG) the motor. This error will motor. Select the Test the feedback
occur if the resulting motion option. This will indicate if there is a
is in the opposite direction to problem with the wiring or setup of
the torque (a positive torque the drive and will automatically
should cause positive compensate for certain wiring errors.
velocity). Note that the Test the feedback test
should ideally be run with the motor
disconnected from the load.
This error can also occur when
autotuning a motor connected to
some types of load. In particular,
loads with a lot of compliance (e.g.
belt drives) or torque offsets (e.g.
gravitational loading) can cause
problems for autotuning.
Another cause of the error may be
because the position feedback is
noisy, perhaps due to long cables on
resolver feedback systems, for
example. In either of these cases, it
may be necessary to manually tune
the system using the Fine-tuning tool.
4015 Position control Position loop control rate Change control rate to expected Mint
update rate invalid (ControlRate(0, 1)) < 1. value (normally 4000) Workbench
4021 Motor test timed out During the Measure the Click Options... in the Autotune tool Mint
(_ecAUTOTUNE_TEST voltage constant and and then select the Limits tab. Workbench
_TIMEOUT) Measure the motor inertia Increase the value in the Max Torque Tuning
tests, current is applied to the box to allow the motor to generate
motor to accelerate the motor sufficient torque to overcome friction.
and load. Error 4021 If the Measure the motor inertia test
indicates that the rotor did continues to fail then the subsequent
not reach a sufficient speed, Calculate the speed and position
or travel a sufficient distance, gains test will also fail, as it requires
within the duration of the test. values for load inertia and damping.
Error 4021 can occur if the It may be necessary to manually tune
torque (or force) generated the system using the Fine-tuning
by the motor is insufficient to tool's Speed / Velocity and Position
overcome friction in the load. tabs.
4022 Motor travelled too During the Measure the Click Options... in the Autotune tool Mint
far during test voltage constant and and then select the Limits tab. Workbench
(_ecAUTOTUNE_TEST Measure the motor inertia Increase the value in the Max Travel Tuning
_OVERTRAVEL) tests, current is applied to the box to allow the motor to rotate
motor to accelerate the motor further during the test. Also, try
and load. Once the motor reducing the value in the Max Speed
has reached a sufficient box. If the Measure the motor inertia
speed, the direction of test continues to fail then the
applied current is reversed to subsequent Calculate the speed and
bring the rotor to a halt within position gains test will also fail, as it
specified travel limits. Error requires values for load inertia and
4022 indicates that the test damping. It may be necessary to
was unable to impose these manually tune the system using the
limits. Fine-tuning tool's Speed / Velocity
and Position tabs.
4024 Flux model The Measure the motor To determine the voltage constant, Motor
parameters are inertia test will fail with this either select a standard motor from Parameters
invalid error if the voltage constant the database in the Drive Setup
(_ecINVALID_FLUX_M has not been defined. Wizard , enter a voltage constant
ODEL) value in the Confirm Motor
Information page of the Drive Setup
Wizard (see manufacturer's motor
data), or run the Measure the voltage
constant test.
4025 Load model is If this error occurs during the See error 4020 for more information. Mint
invalid Measure the motor inertia Workbench
(_ecINVALID_LOAD_M test, it suggests that the Tuning
ODEL) characteristics of the load are
such that inertia cannot be
accurately calculated.
Error 4025 can also occur In this case, run the Measure the Mint
during the Calculate the motor inertia test to measure load Workbench
speed and position gains test inertia and damping. Tuning
if the values of load inertia
and damping have not been
4027 Motor inductance is When motor type is AM, Lm To avoid this error, make sure that a Motor
not set or Llr <= 0. motor has been selected from the Parameters
database in the Drive Setup Wizard.
Alternatively, if a custom motor has
been selected and you are unsure of
motor data, check that the "Measure
motor resistance and inductance"
test has been selected and run using
the Autotune tool.
4032 Load inertia is not set Calculated load inertia <= 0. Motor
Parameters or
4033 Can't set maximum Can't set motor flux model Error codes 4026 to 4054 will occur if Motor
motor flux time constant. the associated drive parameter, Parameters or
(_ecCANNOT_SET_M calculated by one of the autotuning characteristics
OTOR_MAX_FLUX) tests, or set by the user is outside the
allowable range of values. These
4035 Can't set load inertia Can't set load inertia. errors should not normally occur. Motor
(_ecCANNOT_SET_ If the problems persist, make sure Parameters or
LOAD_INERTIA) that a motor has been selected from characteristics
the database in the Drive Setup
4036 Can't set load Can't set load damping. Wizard. Alternatively, if a custom Motor
damping motor has been selected and you are Parameters or
(_ecCANNOT_SET_ unsure of motor data, check that the characteristics
LOAD_DAMPING) "Measure motor resistance and
inductance" test has been selected
4037 Can't set controller Can't set controller and run using the Autotune tool. Motor
proportional gain proportional gain. If the problem persists, you will need Parameters or
(_ecCANNOT_SET_ to manually tune the control loops in characteristics
GAIN_KIPROP) the drive
4050 Can't set observer Can't set observer gain K1. Motor
gain K1 Parameters or
(_ecCANNOT_SET_O characteristics
4065 Test move will take Test move takes too long Check that test moves are set so that Mint
too long they will not take an excessive Workbench
amount of time, also check scaling is Tuning
set correctly by checking
4066 Test move velocity is Calculated velocity > Re-run commissioning and check Drive
too high DriveSpeedMax in velocity that DriveSpeedMax is set correctly parameters
4067 Motor rated current Motor rated current < 0.2A Check Motor data is correct, if the Motor
undefined motor current is below 0.2A then it’s parameters
too small to be controlled by the drive
4068 Current control loop Current loop has not been Re-run Autotuning Mint
is not tuned tuned before performing the Workbench
Rotor parameters autotuning Tuning
(applicable to asynchronous
motors only)
4069 Autotuning doesn't Cannot do the wanted Check Motor data is correct Motor
support motor type Autotune for this motor type. parameters
4070 Can't set flex control Can't set flux control loop Check Motor data is correct Motor
proportional gain proportional gain. parameters
4071 Can't set flex control Cannot be shown because Check Motor data is correct Motor
integral gain there is no error in API. parameters
4074 Can't set Cannot set motor Lm. Check Motor data is correct Motor
magnetizing parameters
10000 Motion aborted This error is caused by using the The ABORT keyword has Mint Program
(_ecABORT) ABORT keyword or breaking a Mint been issued by the mint
program. See ABORT and program. This may be normal
ABORTMODE in the operation. If it’s not,
find the issue with the Mint
10001 Forward hard limit Drive has been configured to have a Check Drive configuration, Wiring to
hit Forward Limit input and its currently Mint Program and/or Digital Inputs,
(_ecFWD_HARD_ active. Parameter file. See Drive
LIMIT) LIMITFORWARD and Configuration
10002 Reverse hard limit See LIMITREVERSE and LIMITMODE Check Drive configuration, Wiring to
hit Mint Program and/or Digital Inputs,
(_ecREV_HARD_ Parameter file. See Drive
LIMIT) LIMITREVERSE and Configuration
10003 Forward soft limit The axis may be configured to have a Check Drive configuration, Mint Program
hit maximum and minimum limit of travel Mint Program and/or or Parameter
(_ecFWD_SOFT_ in software. If the axis position Parameter file. See File
LIMIT) exceeds one of these limit values, a SOFTLIMITFORWARD and
motion error will be generated. SOFTLIMITMODE.
10004 Reverse soft limit The axis may be configured to have a Check Drive configuration, Mint Program
hit maximum and minimum limit of travel Mint Program and/or or Parameter
(_ecREV_SOFT_L in software. If the axis position Parameter file. See File
IMIT) exceeds one of these limit values, a SOFTLIMITREVERSE and
motion error will be generated. SOFTLIMITMODE
10005 Fatal following FOLERRORFATAL sets the maximum If this error occurs the axis Mint Program
error exceeded permissible following error before an may not be free to move, is or Parameter
(_ecFOLLOWING error is generated. The following error moving when it should not File or
_ERROR) is defined as the demand position (for example a suspended Generated
minus the actual motor position. If the load with a bad motor brake) profile target
following error exceeds the value set or there could be a limitation Position
by FOLERRORFATAL (maximum within the drive (e.g. current
following error) an error may be or speed limit) or motor size
generated. (e.g. Inertia) that stops it
Note:If this error occurs when using a moving to the target position
Smart Inc encoder, see Smart Inc with the given ACCEL
encoders in Mint Help. /DECEL rates before the
following error is beyond the
value set by the user. See
10006 Fatal velocity error VELFATAL, velocity error checking Check the Mint program or Mint Program
exceeded allows the measured velocity (VEL) of other source of velocity or Parameter
(_ecVEL_FATAL) an axis to be compared to its demand demand is not attempting to File or
velocity (VELDEMAND). If the run the axis faster than the Generated
difference between the two values programmed profile target
exceeds the limit set with VELFATAL, DRIVESPEEDMAX Velocity
then an error will be created.
10007 Error input active An input is defined as an See ERRORINPUT and Mint Program
(_ecERROR_INP ERRORINPUT and it has active an ERRORINPUTMODE or Parameter
UT) error condition. File or
profile target
10009 Invalid trajectory Trajectory generation error. The Check Mint CAM parameter Mint Program
(_ecPROFILE_ER controller was unable to perform the file for anomalous Data
ROR) requested profile. This can occur points. Excel is a helpful tool
during CAM moves if an invalid to help with this.
element is detected (e.g. a negative
master distance). An axis performing a
cam profile can skip over very short
slave segments if the master velocity is
such that the slave segment is less
than one profiler tick in length. If more
than 5 slave segments are skipped in
one profiler tick, this error will be
generated. The axis will be crash
stopped and disabled.
10010 Drive enable input DRIVEENABLEINPUTMODE is Check Digital Input status Wiring to
is inactive configured to and correct Digital Inputs,
LE_INACTIVE) input defined by DRIVEENABLEINPUT Configuration
has become inactive whilst the drive
was enabled
10011 Drive I.T exceeded The drive overload algorithm has Check tuning, check motion System
limit integrated up to 100% and has tripped profile (especially design
(_ecDRIVE_OVER the drive to protect it. This will happen acceleration and
LOAD) if the RMS current for the application deceleration). If necessary,
exceeds the DRIVERATEDCURRENT select a larger drive (which
value may also require an
alternative motor)
10012 Power base is not The Power base has been asked to Check of power base Power base
ready to enable enable but is not ready. For it to be so ambient conditions and condition
(_ecPOWER_BAS it must have the correct voltage and supply voltage. Include
E_NOT_READY) supply and not be overheated. interlocks in any program
being used that check
10013 Power module has There’s circuit detection in power unit Possible causes of this are Power base
an error and the signal is connected to the Over temperature, Over condition
(_ecPOWER_MO DSP. The power unit generated an Current, Brake chopper Short
DULE_FAULT) error while in operation. circuit or poor earthing or
shielding (particularly of
motor power cables). Power
cycle to clear the error.
10014 Over current trip Based on the drives currently Check the motor is free to Motor wiring
(_ecOVER_CURR configured DRIVERATINGZONE the rotate, has been sized
ENT) drive has detected a motor overcurrent correctly and there are no
state. Measured current should not short circuits on the drive
exceed the maximum current. The output wiring.
maximum current is related with the
over current and the rated current.
10015 Over speed trip The drive has detected the apparent Setting a high application Configuration
(_ecOVER_SPEED) motor velocity has exceeded the trip max speed and 200% / wiring
threshold set by DRIVESPEEDMAX velocity threshold may be
and the VELFATAL parameters necessary when using
Smartabs). For other
Note: If this error occurs when using a feedback types check the
Smart Inc encoder, see Smart Inc integrity of the feedback
encoders wiring and the earthing
/shielding of all cables
to/from the drive
10016 Over voltage trip The drive has shut down to protect Decrease deceleration rate, System
(_ecBUS_OVER_ itself after the measured dc bus add a regen resistor if one is design
VOLTAGE) voltage exceeded the preset limit. This not fitted. Consider use of
can often occur during deceleration, common dc bus if there are
particularly with large inertial loads multiple drives where some
regenerate and some motor
10017 Under voltage trip The drive has shut down to protect Decrease the acceleration System
(_ecBUS_UNDER itself after the measured dc bus rate. If the fault occurs when design / wiring
_VOLTAGE) voltage fell below a preset limit. This the axis is not accelerating
can occur during acceleration, check the supply connections
particularly with large inertial loads to the drive. A larger
Note: if motor/drive combination may
DRIVEBUSUNDERVOLTSOVERRIDE be required if the needed
is 0, low limit will use internal drive acceleration cannot be
data, otherwise will use achieved
10018 Motor I^2.T The motor overload algorithm has Check tuning, check motion System
exceeded limit integrated up to 100% and has tripped profile. If necessary select a design
(_ecMOTOR_OVE the drive to protect the motor. This will larger motor (which may also
RLOAD) happen if the RMS current for the require an alternative drive)
application exceeds the
10019 Motor temperature #1. Motor Over Temperature has been When using feedback Motor
trip detected on the drive and the drives temperature monitoring, X10 Temperature
(_ecMOTOR_TEMP hardwired Thermistor X10 input has connections TH1 and TH2 or Thermistor
_INPUT) detected Motor overheating from the should be connected with a Wiring or
connected motor PTC sensor wire link (short-circuited) to Thermistor
suppress the normal operation
temperature trip function.
TRIP does not monitor the
drive's X10 motor thermistor
input. Also look for a fault
with feedback cable or
10019 Motor temperature #2. Motor Over Temperature has been Set MOTORTEMPERATURE Motor
10020 trip detected on the drive and the Motor TRIP to a resistance that is Temperature
(_ecMOTOR_TEMP Encoder is of a serial variety (such as suitable for the motor's or Thermistor
_INPUT) Hiperface DSP which provides motor thermistor device. e.g. Wiring or
Phase search thermistor resistance as part of the MOTORTEMPERATURE Thermistor
failure feedback data). If this value exceeds TRIP(0) = 1200. operation
(_ecPHASE_SEA MOTORTEMPERATURETRIP the Also look for a fault with Configuration
RCH_FAILED) drive trips with a motor feedback cable or wiring.
overtemperature error Note:
TRIP operates only with
motors that have a positive
temperature coefficient
(PTC) thermistor, where
resistance increases with
temperature, or with motors
that have a switch that goes
open-circuit at high
10021 Hall signals lost or This error indicates that a feedback This error would normally Encoder or
incorrect type of halls only or Encoder + Halls is indicate a faulty encoder in encoder
(_ecHALL_SIGNA used and has detected an error. If this the motor (the encoders wiring
L_LOSS) is so the halls sensor state is checked include simulated hall
by the drive and that the Hall state signals) or bad wiring to the
detected is illegal (0 or 7). motor encoder. Check the
quality of installation, wiring
and encoder type selection.
Note: You can use Mint
Workbench to scope the
Encoder Hall State to look for
10022 Encoder signals This indicates that either there has Check the quality of Encoder or
lost or incorrect been a total break or total disruption installation, wiring and encoder
(_ecENCODER_SIG with the encoder signals. encoder type selection. wiring
NAL_LOSS) Note: You can use Mint
Workbench to scope
Encoder Hall State and
Encoder to look for problems.
Note: To get more
information on this error
connect to the Drive with
Mint Workbench go to
"Parameters > Encoder >
Channel 0 > Encoder
Parameter(Encoder0, Fault
Register)" If this contains a
value other than 0 you can
use this value to give you
more help on the error. See
help file subject:
Check all earthing and
shielding arrangements are
as per the instruction manual
10023 Encoder power Power supply to encoder has been lost Check that there are no Encoder or
supply loss or has dropped below the minimum shorts in the encoder wiring encoder
(_ecENCODER_S level for the selected encoder type. to the encoder supply (e.g. wiring
UPPLY_LOSS) Note: encoder voltage is supplied by ensure the shields are not
the drive. Encoder power is given from shorting to the supply or
power board, then transferred from 8v other signal pins). If the
to 5v by control board. wiring is OK and the problem
persists, then it is likely one
of the internal power supplies
is failing.
10026 PDO data is not EtherCAT or EPL PDO data from the This error will occur on the RTE Master
present (Mn to Cn) manager (MN) to the remote axis (CN) drive if it has lost its controller or
(_ecPDO_DATA_ has been lost. This error occurs if the connection to the Manager. Network
MISSING_MN_TO remote axis detects that at least two Check that the Manager is
_CN) consecutive PDO packets have not running, configured correctly
been received correctly. and the network is operating
10027 Remote motion Unable to load motion on the remote This can be caused by a Drive
command failed axis. Generally speaking, this error number of reasons, such as Configuration
(_ecREMOTE_MO indicates MML in drive is not ready for incorrect operating mode, the or Mint
TION_FAILED) operation. motor brake being enabled or Program
the move buffer being full.
10028 Encoder not ready The drive is configured to use a Serial The encoder may take Drive
to operate Encoder and it is not able to provide several seconds to become Configuration
(_ecENCODER_N position information. ready and this error will be or Mint
OT_READY) generated if an attempt is Program
made to enable the axis
before the encoder is ready.
This error can also occur if
the resolution configured on
the drive is not compatible
with the encoder. The axis
will be crash stopped and
Note: To get more
information on this error
connect to the Drive with
Mint Workbench go to
"Parameters > Encoder >
Channel 0 > Encoder
Parameter(Encoder0, Fault
Register)" If this contains a
value other than 0 you can
use this value to give you
more help on the error. See
help file subject:
10029 Supply phase loss The three phase drive has detected Check the connection of the Electrical
detected that one of the AC supply phases may input phases. If the Supply
(_ecSUPPLY_PH been lost. The drive can normally only connections are OK and a
ASE_LOSS) operate using a three phase supply. MotiFlex e180 is tripping
MotiFlex e100 drives have dedicated spuriously (e.g. because the
phase monitoring hardware, MotiFlex application requires harsh
e180 drives monitor the ripple on the repeated accel and decel
dc bus and if this becomes excessive cycles) then you can disable
then they assume an input phase has phase loss detection using
been lost PHASELOSSMODE(0) = 0
10030 PDO data is not PDO data from the remote axis (CN) to This error will occur on the RTE Master
present (Cn to Mn) the manager (MN) has been lost. This NextMove e100 if it detects a controller or
(_ecPDO_DATA_ error occurs if the manager detects drive disappears from the Network
MISSING_CN_TO that at least two consecutive PDO network. This may be
_MN) packets have not been received "normal" for an optional node
correctly. (and the error must be
handled via the ONERROR
event). If this error is
unexpected check the drive
is not resetting and check the
integrity of the Ethernet
(EPL) cabling
10031 Heat sink too hot Phase search has been prevented due Allow drive to cool down N/A
to phase search to excessive heatsink temperature
10032 PDO value out of When controlling an axis using Real Connect to the drive whilst RTE Master
range time Ethernet one of the PDOs sent to the error is active and use controller
(_ecPDO_VALUE_O the drive were out of range. This is the Error Log to determine
UT_OF_RANGE) often the velocity reference PDO and which PDO is out of range. If
can be caused when an axis is geared it's velocity then check the
to a master axis/encoder and the Mint program to ensure axes
master position/encoder value is that are geared to master
changed via the program to a new references are not geared
value causing an infinite velocity when those master
demand references position/encoder
values are written to
10033 STO active Either one or both of the Safe Torque Check drive STO inputs, if Safety
(_ecSTO_ACTIVE) Off inputs is not powered. This error used check the wiring of the System or
can occur only when the drive is safety circuit or for open Drives STO
enabled. guards or Emergency stops input
10034 STO hardware Either one or both of the internal fault Check drive STO inputs, if Safety
fault circuit outputs has been asserted, used check the wiring of the System or
(_ecSTO_HARDW indicating an internal hardware fault in safety circuit or for open Drives STO
ARE_FAULT) the STO circuits. This error can occur guards or Emergency stops input
when the drive is enabled or disabled. etc.
10035 STO input The drive has detected a mismatch in Check the two drive STO Safety
mismatch its internal STO registers. This error inputs are in the same state System or
(_ecSTO_INPUT_ can occur when the drive is enabled or with a multimeter. It may be Drives STO
MISMATCH) disabled. necessary to adjust input
account for any timing
discrepancies in the
connected safety circuit.
10036 Encoder reading The drive has detected that the Check the quality of Encoder or
wrong or Hall fault measured Hall transition angle differs installation, wiring and wiring
(_ecENCODER_RE from the electrical angle used in the encoder type selection.
ADING_WRONG) control by at least 70 degrees. Note: You can use Mint
Workbench to scope
Encoder Hall State and
Encoder to look for problems.
Check that all earthing /
shielding is as per the drive
installation manual
10037 All axis errors This information message can appear No action required N/A
cleared in the error log to indicate that all axis
(_ecAXIS_ERROR errors have been cleared.
10038 Encoder battery This information message can appear Change the Encoder battery SmartABS
dead at startup, or when the drive is Encoder
(_ecENCODER_B enabled, if the battery backup supply battery
ATTERY_DEAD) for a Smart Abs encoder has failed.
10039 Resolver signals An error has occurred when using the Check the wiring to the Resolver or
lost or incorrect Resolver Adapter (OPT-MF-201 or FB- motor’s feedback device, the wiring
(_ecRESOLVER_ 03). The error is caused by the loss of integrity of the motor
SIGNAL_LOSS) resolver signals. connector, and the
connections inside to the
Note: To get more
information on this error
connect to the Drive with
Mint Workbench go to
"Parameters > Encoder >
Channel 0 > Encoder
Parameter(Encoder0, Fault
Register)" If this contains a
value other than 0 you can
use this value to give you
more help on the error. See
help file subject:
Check all earthing / shielding
is as per the drive installation
10040 Hiperface DSL An error has occurred when reading Check the wiring to the Resolver or
encoder error the position over Hiperface DSL. motor’s feedback device, the wiring
(_ecHIPERFACE_ integrity of the motor
DSL_ENCODER_ connector, and the
ERROR connections inside to the
Note: To get more
information on this error
connect to the Drive with
10041 Output frequency The drive has detected that the output Mint Workbench go to Control
over limit frequency exceeded 550 Hz. This "Parameters > Encoder > System
(_ecOUTPUT_FR restriction is required to meet relevant Channel 0 > Encoder
EQ_OVER_LIMIT) European Export Control Regulation. Parameter(Encoder0, Fault
Register)" If this contains a
value other than 0 you can
use this value to give you
more help on the error. See
help file subject:
Check all earthing / shielding
is as per the drive installation
Reduce your application's
10042 Drive speed Motor velocity is above parameter Go to parameters > Drive > Parameters
range check value is set correctly.
(ecDRIVESPEED Check Commanded Drive
MAX_OUT_OF_R Speed is not too high.
8000 EtherCAT AL status code This error is listed This error status Mint
(_ecETHERCAT_AL_STATUSCODE) together with a Profile indicates that the Workbench
Code in the Mint EtherCAT master has Error Log
WorkBench Error Log. been sent an error
Note: The displayed code by the drive.
profile code must be Check the error log to
converted to hexadecimal determine what the
to give the specific "real" drive error code
EtherCAT error code. is.
8001 CIP configuration error This error is listed This error status Mint
(_ecCIP_CFG_ERROR) together with a Profile indicates that the Workbench
Code in the Mint EtherCAT master has Error Log
WorkBench Error Log. been sent a CIP error
The displayed profile code by the drive.
code must be converted Check the error log to
to hexadecimal to give determine what the
the specific CIP general "real" drive error code
status code. is.
8002 POWERLINK error code This error is listed This error status Mint
(_ecPOWERLINK_ERROR) together with a Profile indicates that the Workbench
Code in the Mint POWERLINK master Error Log
WorkBench Error Log. has been sent an error
The displayed profile code by the drive.
code must be converted Check the error log to
to hexadecimal to give determine what the
the specific POWERLINK "real" drive error code
error code. is.
8003 PROFInet error code This error is reported This error status Master
(ecPROFINET_CFG_ERROR) when multicast MAC filter indicates that the Configuration
configuration fails. PROFInet master has
tried to configure the
device ID but has
General Errors
Lexical Errors
Code Error Cause What to do Where
to look?
2150 Unterminated This occurs when a string literal is Check Mint program correct mistakes, Mint
string not terminated with a closing double then redownload Mint Program Code
quote before the end of the line is
2152 Bad ASCII code This occurs when an incorrect ASCII Check mint program for an invalid Mint
code is specified within a string character such as \£ , or an invalid Code
literal. Valid ASCII codes are \" to
ASCII code such as \Fg, will cause the
specify a double quote, \\ to specify
error.and remove them then redownload
a backslash, and \hh where hh is a
Mint Program
two digit hexadecimal number.
2153 Bad number This occurs when a badly formed Check mint program for none standard Mint
number is encountered, such as number formats, correct them and then Code
"1.128r-6" or "0xffgffff". redownload Mint Program
2202 Expected This occurs when the end of a line is required but is
end of line not present.
2215 Incorrect This occurs when the optional loop counter identifier
identifier in is used, but which does not match that which is
Next used.
2251 Sub block This occurs when an Exit statement qualified with
not found Sub is used without being in a subroutine.
2253 Task block This occurs when an Exit statement qualified with
not found Task is used without being in a task.
2254 Event block This occurs when an Exit statement qualified with
not found Event is used without being in an event.
Semantic Errors
Code Error Cause What to do Where to
2301 Multiple This occurs when an identifier is used twice in the same
declaration scope for declaring an object such as a variable,
subroutine, task, etc.
2302 Event preclusion This occurs when events that are mutually exclusive are
2303 Unused This occurs when an object is declared but never used.
declaration This is not an error but indicates that the object in
question could safely be removed.
2304 Identifier not This occurs when an attempt is made to use something
found that has not been declared, such as a variable or Check Mint Mint Code
subroutine. Workbench
2305 Identifier name This occurs when a user defined object is given the same Build window
shared with name as a predefined symbol, such as an MML routine, for the location
predefined s event name or constant. of the error,
2306 Cannot call tasks This occurs when an attempt is made to call a task or correct it then
or events event as if was a subroutine or function. redownload
Mint Program
2307 Expected value This is generated whenever a value is required, but one
is not present. For exam le, the string literal "Value" is not
a value, but the literal 1.0 and variable x are values.
2312 Expected Null This occurs when an MML routine is called that accepts
an array parameter that may be null but is supplied with a
constant value other than zero (null).
2313 Bad parameter in This occurs when a supplied parameter is illegal, for
call example: ? An incorrect value is supplied to an intrinsic
function, like Acos(-1.2) , Str(s, 37) , Asc("") , etc.
? An invalid compound parameter is used, like GO([0, 1,
_ctpSLEW_ANGLE]) = 10, 15, etc.
? A compound parameter is used with an intrinsic
function, which is not currently allowed.
2314 Bad cast This occurs when an attempt is made to cast an object to
a type that is incompatible. An example of this would be
the implicit casting of a string to an integer during an
assignment, for example j="Hello world" .
2315 Incorrect number This occurs when a call is made with the wrong number
of parameters. of parameters and can occur with subroutines/functions
and MML routines.
Check Mint
2316 Incorrect number This occurs when an array is indexed with the wrong Workbench
of indices number of indices For array parameters, where the Build window Mint Code
number of indices and index ranges are not explicitly for the location
specified, the first usage determines the number of of the error,
indices. correct it then
2317 Cannot index a This occurs when an attempt is made to index a scalar. redownload
scalar Mint Program
2318 Wrong call class This occurs when a callable routine is used in the wrong
used context. Examples of this are functions called as
subroutines, subroutines called as functions, MML
command routines used as get/set routines and read
only MML routines being written to.
2319 Call of non- This occurs when an attempt is made to call an object
callable object that is not callable, such as an event or a task.
2320 Declaration hides This occurs when a declaration hides a declaration in an
other outer scope that shares the same name.
2321 Expected task This occurs when a task name is expected but is not
found. The TaskSuspend, TaskPriority and TaskStatus
keywords all require qualifying with a task name, and the
Run and End commands may be qualified with a task
2322 Integer out of This occurs when the compiler evaluates a constant
range integer expression, and the result lies outside the range
of a 32-bit signed integer.
2324 Character out of This occurs when the value supplied to the Chr() function
range lies outside the range 0 to 255.
2325 Division by zero This occurs when the compiler evaluates a constant
expression and contains a division by zero.
2326 Using clause This is displayed when the Using clause is used with
ignored character and string data. Note: This error is obsolete. It
will not appear in more recent versions of Mint
WorkBench that support string variables.
2327 Hex or Bin The Hex and Bin print modifiers imply integer output, and
modifiers used so specifying a number of decimal places other than zero
with non-zero makes no sense.
2328 Expected array This occurs when an MML call that requires an array
parameter is not supplied with an array.
2329 Expected float This occurs when an MML call that requires an array of
array floats and is supplied with an array of another type.
2330 Expected integer This occurs when an MML call that requires an array of
array integers and is supplied with an array of another type.
2331 Too many right- This occurs when the number of right-hand side values
hand sides supplied in a statement exceeds the number of left-hand
sides. This often occurs when using the square bracket
2332 Cannot jump into This occurs when a label inside the body of a For loop is
For loop referenced from outside the loop. This is not allowed Check Mint
because the initialization stage of the For loop will be Workbench
bypassed leading to undefined behavior. Build window Mint Code
for the location
2333 Too many tasks This occurs on controllers that support only a limited of the error,
number of tasks when more than the maximum number correct it then
of tasks allowed are declared. Some controllers, such as redownload
the Flex+Drive II, support only a single task. Mint Program
2335 Function result This occurs when a function is declared, but the
not assigned statements in the function's body do not include an
assignment to the function's name to specify the return
value. The process used for checking this error does not
confirm that all paths through the function are valid.
2336 Expected This occurs when a module name used with the scope
task/event/startup override operator:: is not the name of a Task, Event or
Startup module.
2344 Bad parameters This error is generated if bad parameters are used in a
'<parameter 1>' Using clause, such as a string. For example: Print
and '<par "Position = ", POS(0) Using("6,3")
2345 Unrecognized This will be generated if an option name is used that is
option '<name>' not recognized, such as "Option billygoatgruff 1".
2346 Unsupported This w ll be generated if an option is set that is
option '<name>' unsupported by a certain target format, such as "Option
specified CFormatting 1" on target formats below 10.
2352 Parameter Must This occurs when a parameter that must be passed by
Be Reference reference is specified as being ByVal.
2353 Unexpected Size This occurs when a size specification is used with a Check Mint
parameter declaration or with data types that cannot be Workbench Mint Code
sized. Only strings can be sized. Build window
2354 Incompatible This occurs when an operator is given operands that are for the location
Operands incompatible, such as when trying to divide a float by a of the error,
string. correct it then
2355 Must Be Scalar This occurs when an item that must be scalar has been redownload
given dimensions, such as a constant or a bitfield Mint Program
2356 Bad Module This occurs when modules are incorrectly nested, such
Nesting as would occur if an event were declared inside a
2357 ElseIf After Else This occurs when an ElseIf statement is encountered
after an Else statement.
2358 Multiple Else This occurs when more than one Else statement s
2359 Case After Case This occurs when a Case statement is encountered after
Else a Case Else statement.
2360 Multiple Case This occurs when more than one Case Else statement is
Else present.
2361 Expected Case This occurs when a Case statement was expected, but
something else was encountered.
2406 Case Value This warning is issued when a case value is used more
Already Used than once, including overlapping ranges or ranges that
include any previously used value
2407 Expected Simple This error is issued when a function return type is not a
Type simple type. It must be an intrinsic type, like Float, and
must not be an array.
2408 Expected This error is issued when the expression in a semaphore
Semaphore block is not of type Semaphore.
2409 Expected Bitfield This error is issued when a bitfield is expected but
something else is found, e.g. myBitfieldVar1
2410 Expected Bit This error is issued when a bitrange is expected but
Range something else is encountered, for example declaring a
bitfield member a using a As Float.
2414 Bad Defined This occurs when he parameter to the Defined statement
parameter is not a simple identifier.
2415 Defined function This error is issued when the Defined function is used
not in #If anywhere other than in a #If or #ElseIf expression.
2416 Bad #If This indicates a #If expression that is invalid, for
expression example:
30001 Controller over- The drive has detected it is Check the drive ambient Drive Cabinet
temperature dangerously hot. conditions allow for sufficient or Installation
(_ecOVER_TEMPERAT cooling.
return the current
temperature, in degrees
Celsius, from the drive's
internal temperature sensor.
If the temperature exceeds
the predefined
L value (model dependent),
then an overtemperature trip
will be caused.
L for each drive is;
e190 3A is 80°C,
e190 6A and 9A is 75°C
e180 is 80°C
30005 FPGA failed to The controller FPGA has failed Power cycle. If Error Drive
initialize to initialize. If this error is Persists, Replace the Drive
(_ecFPGA_INITIALISA received
30007 Error accessing non- Unable to access non-volatile Power cycle. If Error Drive
volatile memory memory. Persists, Replace the Drive
30008 Error applying Errors have occurred during a This Error is most commonly Parameter file
parameter value parameter table download or associated with either a
(_ecPARAM_ERROR) during startup. Some of the parameter file (.ptx) issue. It
parameters could not be applied is a common problem if the
correctly. See the Error Log for parameter file is generated
details of the failures. The from an older firmware
controller's status display will version with either different
flash only 'E', and will not be parameters or different
followed with the usual error parameter limits. Read the
code digits. Error log for specific
guidance on the effected
30009 General internal An internal error has occurred. Power cycle. If Error Drive
controller error Read parameter failed Persists, Replace the Drive
30010 Fan is not operating The drive has detected that an Check the bottom of the drive Drive Fan
correctly internal cooling fan has failed. to determine that the fan
(_ecFAN_LOSS) inlets are not blocked, and
the fan is rotating. If the drive
fan does not turn, the general
is the fan hardware failure,
need to replace the fan.
30023 Mint option card A communication error between Power cycle and try again. If Mint Option
comms error tx the drive and the Mint option has the problem persists, then Card
(_ecMINT_OPTION_C been detected by the drive. there is probably a hardware
ARD_COMMS_ERRO failure - contact ABB
R_TX) technical support.
30029 Controller under- The controller has detected an The ambient temperature Drive Cabinet
temperature ambient temperature lower than must be increased before the or Installation
(_ecUNDER_TEMPER -5 °C. drive can be enabled.
30030 All controller errors This information message can No Action N/A
cleared appear in the error log to
(_ecCONTROLLER_E indicate that all controller errors
RRORS_CLEARED) have been cleared.
30032 Hardware revision The controller does not support Earlier Hardware revisions of Check
does not support EPL Ethernet POWERLINK. e180 (with GCU-01 control
(_ecHARDWARE_DOES cards before Rev A) do not
_NOT_SUPPORT_EPL) support EPL and on these
old hardware revisions if the
EPL address switches are
not both set at '0' then this
error will be generated. Old
drives will still work in every
other mode but if EPL is
needed the Hardware will
need to be exchanged
12 Axis is in error This error is caused by writing to a Read the error list for axis Mint Program
(_ecMOTION_ERROR) motion keyword whilst the axis is in errors to determine which or
error. motion errors are present. Configuration
Improve the Mint program so
that motion commands are
not attempted whilst the axis
is in the error state
13 Table data incorrect An error exists in a spline or cam Ensure that SPLINESTART Mint Program
or missing table. (or CAMSTART) and or
(_ecTABLE_ERROR) SPLINEEND (or CAMEND) Configuration
are valid segment values
before setting the
CAMTABLE). Check that the
does not specify any zero
distance values.
15 Incorrect ADC This error is caused when a function, Ensure that the analog input Mint Program
channel setup for example HTACHANNEL, is available and configured or
(_ecCHANNEL_NOT references an analog input that is correctly before attempting to Configuration
_RIGHT) configured as off - see ADCMODE use it.
24 Hardware not Hardware which is referenced in Check configuration and Mint Hardware
present configuration or Mint program is not Program Configuration
_ecINVALID_HARD present
36 Port value is out of This error is caused when the Check configuration or Mint Mint Program
range specifed terminal has not been program for errors. E.g. or
(_ecTERMINAL_OU associated as a BaldorCAN check if it has not been Configuration
T_OF_RANGE) KeypadNode assigned, see
maximum number of
KeypadNodes (four) have
already been added to the
37 Non-volatile data An error accessing EEPROM or Use NVRAMDEFAULTS to Mint Program
corrupted NVRAM data has occurred. This reset memory. Check for or
(_ecNON_VOLATILE could occur if the controller was correct earthing/shielding of Configuration
_MEMORY_ERROR power-cycled during a write the control system (electrical
) operation to the EEPROM or noise can corrupt these
NVRAM. If this error occurs during memory devices). If the
normal operation there may be a earthing/shielding is correct
fault in the device, possibly due to it and the problem reoccurs
reaching its maximum number of then the controller will need
write cycles (see EEPROM replacing
39 Terminal Buffer is full Terminal Buffer is full Bit 0 of TERMINALMODE Mint Program
(ecTERMINAL_BUF can be used to turn off or
FER_FULL) handshaking, allowing further Configuration
characters to be sent to the
port even when the buffer is
40 Axis is not enabled This error is caused by trying to start In a program, use Mint Program
(_ecDRIVE_DISABL a move while the axis is disabled. DRIVEENABLE to enable the or
ED) axis. In Mint WorkBench , Configuration
click the clear errors button,
then click the drive enable
54 File too big The program is too big for the See Mint WorkBench help Mint program
(_ecFILE_TOO_BIG) available memory. section "Reducing program
68 Action not possible in This error occurs when attempting to The CAMBox must be Mint program
current mode change CAMBOXDATA while the disabled before changing its
(_ecINVALID_MODE) associated CAMBox is enabled. data.
70 Invalid Master A master/slave move has been Amend mint program. Mint program
Channel configured so that it is trying to follow
(_ecINVALID_MAST itself, for example:
FOLLOW(0) = 1
72 Action not allowed in This error occurs when trying to load Amend Mint program Mint program
this Axis Mode a move type that is not compatible
(_ecINVALID_AXISM with the current AXISMODE For
ODE) example, issuing a CAMPHASE
command when there is no CAM
move in progress will cause this
error. Also, if the axis is currently
performing a FOLLOW move (axis
mode _mdFOLLOW) then it is not
possible to load a MOVER move
(axis mode _mdLINEAR). It will be
necessary for the axis to complete
the move and become idle (or be
stopped) before loading the next
move type.
74 Capture in progress It is not possible to upload capture Read the status of Mint Program
(_ecCAPTURE_IN_P data to the host application whilst CAPTUREMODE to test for or
ROGRESS) data is still being captured. the _cpIDLE condition (41) Configuration
before attempting to upload
the capture data. Mint
Workbench also displays the
status of the capture process
in the bottom right corner of
the screen
96 Invalid capture This error is caused by trying to Correct the Capture Channel Mint Program
channel mix perform data capture (e.g. with Configuration or
(_ecCAPTURE_CHA CAPTURE or Configuration
capture channels have been
configured. Use CAPTUREMODE
and other associated capture
keywords to configure capture
channels. The error will also be
caused if the value supplied as a
invalid for the channel's
98 Invalid variable type This error is caused when specifying Amend Mint Program. Refer Mint Program
for Remote Object the incorrect variable type parameter to manufacturer's or
(_ecINVALID_VAR_ to the REMOTEOBJECT keyword documentation for object Configuration
TYPE) (e.g. the remote object may be dictionary definition. See Mint
expecting a signed 8-bit integer and Workbench help for
the user specifies an unsigned 16 bit REMOTEOBJECT for valid
integer) data types.
112 Parameter is read This error occurs when attempting to Action not possible Mint
only use ERRORCODEENABLE to Workbench
(_ecREAD_ONLY) disable a read-only error (axis errors
10000- 19999 and controller errors
124 Mint program not No Mint object (e.g. program) exists. Check Mint program is Mint
found downloaded. Workbench
125 A Mint program is This error is caused if a program is In the host application, use Mint
already running already running on the controller the MintExecuting function to Workbench
(_ecMINT_PROGRA when a host application issues a test for a running program
M_RUNNING) DoMintRun command (or a before using a DoMintRun,
DoMintCommand / DoMintCommand, or
DoMintCommandEx command). It DoMintCommandEx
makes no difference whether the command. To stop the
currently running program was currently running program,
started from the host application or click the stop button in Mint
from within Mint WorkBench. WorkBench.
126 The Mint command This error will be returned to an Amend ActiveX Program. Mint
is invalid ActiveX host application if it attempts See Mint Workbench Help: Workbench
(_ecINVALID_MINT_ to access Mint status information MintStatus /
COMMAND) that is not valid for the controller. MintExtendedStatus .
132 Host busy The controller has tried to signal an Check operation of the host Mint Program
(_ecICM_HOST_BU event to a host application, but the application. Power cycle. If or
SY) host has not acknowledged this error persists, contact ABB Configuration
event Technical Support
133 Invalid platform code This occurs when a Mint executable If the correct controller type is Mint Program
(_ecINVALID_PLATF compiled for a specific controller type being used check if it is or
ORM_CODE) or target format is downloaded to a installed with the correct Configuration
different controller or the correct type firmware version. If firmware
of controller running firmware that is not available, then
supports a different target format (i.e. recompile the Mint source
earlier or later firmware) code to create a new
executable suitable for the
current controller. If a
different controller is being
used, then either change the
controller or recompile the
Mint program source.
134 Invalid image format This occurs when a Mint executable Amend Mint program This Mint Program
(_ecINVALID_IMAG is downloaded to a controller that error condition should only be or
E_FORMAT_CODE) was compiled for a different possible when using a means Configuration
controller type. other than Mint WorkBench to
download a program to the
142 Move buffer is not This occurs when trying to restore Amend Mint program, the Mint Program
empty the move buffer from a backup buffer is cleared when the
(_ecMOVE_BUFFER (using MOVEBUFFERBACKUP), but axis is disabled, unless
_NOT_EMPTY) the buffer is not empty, or the axis is DRIVEDISABLEMODE has
not idle. been used to change this
behavior. Use the IDLE
keyword to test for the axis
being idle.
143 Incorrect control This occurs when trying to use a Amend Mint program Mint Program
mode command that is not valid in the
(_ecINCOMPATIBLE existing control moDE
144 Static variable not This error will be returned to an Amend ActiveX Program. ActiveX
found ActiveX host application if it attempts
(_ecVARIABLE_NOT to use DoDataFileDownload ,
_FOUND) DoDataFileUpload or VariableData
when the specified variable is not
145 Invalid handle for If the static handle wasn't found, Amend ActiveX Program. ActiveX
static variable then return an error
146 Invalid chunk Invalid chunk specified for static Amend ActiveX Program. ActiveX
specified for static
147 Static data overrun This error will be returned to an Amend ActiveX Program. ActiveX
(_ecSTATIC_DATA_ ActiveX host application if it attempts
OVERRUN) to use DoDataFileDownload or
VariableData when the specified
array is not large enough to contain
the data.
148 Static data underrun This error will be returned to an Amend ActiveX Program. ActiveX
(_ecSTATIC_DATA_ ActiveX host application if it attempts
UNDERRUN) to use DoDataFileDownload or
VariableData when the specified
array is larger than the amount of
received data.
149 Incorrect Ref Source Reference source is not Host when Amend ActiveX Program. ActiveX
(_ecINCORRECT_R trying to set a speed ref using Mint
EF_SOURCE) keyword
151 Phase search is in This error occurs when trying to Wait for Phase search to Mint Program
progress update a phase search parameter finish
(_ecPHASE_SEARC (PHASESEARCH...) while a phase
H_RUNNING) search is in progress.
162 Knife handler not This error occurs if a KNIFE move is Correct configuration or Mint Mint Program
installed loaded but a knife event has not Program. The knife event is
(_ecKNIFE_HANDLE been created. called at each knife lift point,
R_NOT_INSTALLED so it must be present in the
) program.
163 Knife axes not This error occurs if a KNIFE move is Correct configuration or Mint Mint Program
configured loaded but the master axis has not Program. Before issuing the
(_ecKNIFE_AXES_N been specified. first KNIFE command, use
knife rotation axis to the
master axis of the vector
167 Too many tasks in This error should not normally occur, Correct Mint program if there Mint Program
Mint program as it is only caused if a program are more than 65535 tasks. If
(_ecTOO_MANY_TA specifies more than 65535 tasks. there aren't then either there
SKS) is a problem with the Mint
compiler, or the controller is
179 File handle is not File handle is not valid. If problem persists, replace Hardware
valid controller or memory unit if
(_ecFILE_HANDLE_I the controller has one
180 File does not exist File does not exist. If problem persists, replace Hardware
(_ecFILE_NOT_FOU controller or memory unit if
ND) the controller has one
181 File is in use File is in use. If problem persists, replace Hardware
(_ecFILE_IN_USE) controller or memory unit if
the controller has one
182 Attempting to store Attempting to store too many files. If problem persists, replace Hardware
too many files controller or memory unit if
(_ecTOO_MANY_FI the controller has one
183 File has the wrong File has the wrong type. If problem persists, replace Hardware
type controller or memory unit if
(_ecFILE_TYPE_INC the controller has one
184 Too many files open Too many files open at once. If problem persists, replace Hardware
(_ecTOO_MANY_FI controller or memory unit if
LES_OPEN) the controller has one
185 Problems writing to Problems writing to file in flash. If problem persists, replace Hardware
file controller or memory unit if
(_ecFILE_WRITE_IN the controller has one
186 Problems reading Problems reading from file in flash. If problem persists, replace Hardware
from file controller or memory unit if
(_ecFILE_READ_IN the controller has one
188 Unable to assign Unable to assign software resource. If problem persists, replace Hardware
software resource controller or memory unit if
(_ecRESOURCE_U the controller has one
189 Unrecognized index Invalid Object Dictionary index. The Amend Mint program or PLC Mint program
of object specified object does not exist in the application
(_ecINVALID_OBJE object dictionary of the target device
190 Sub-index out of Invalid Object Dictionary subindex. Amend Mint program or PLC Mint program
range for object The specified sub-index of the object application
(_ecINVALID_OBJE does not exist in the object dictionary
CT_SUBINDEX) of the target device
194 Failed to receive Failed to receive a reply in time. Check DCF file (create a new Mint Program
reply in time one if necessary). Close Mint / Hardware
(_ecEPL_TIMEOUT) Machine Centre if in use.
Check EPL hardware
connections. Try to ensure all
redirected Mint calls are in a
single program task.
195 Axis will not accept Axis will not accept remote Amend Mint Program. Ensure Mint Program
remote commands commands. This can occur if axis the "doInitialiseEPL" routine /
(_ecAXIS_NOT_IN_ PDOs are not operational (see from the Mint library is Configuration
REMOTE_MODE) REMOTEPDOVALID), axis PDOs included. Ensure all remote
are not yet ready (see axes are configured to startup
AXISSTATUSWORD), or in Real time Ethernet mode
is not set to 1
196 System must be This error occurs when attempting to Use the System Config Configuration
disabled use the command window or a Wizard to make changes to
(_ecSYSTEM_ENAB program to set a parameter that is the axis configuration.
LED) defined by the controller's device
configuration file (.CMCF / .DCF).
The .CMCF / .DCF defines
parameters relating to axis
configuration, including the type (e.g.
servo / stepper), demand output and
feedback input.
197 No position encoder No position encoder has been Use AXISPOSENCODER to Configuration
has been assigned assigned. specify a position encoder
198 No velocity encoder No velocity encoder has been Use AXISVELENCODER to Configuration
has been assigned assigned. specify a position encoder
199 No DAC has been No DAC has been assigned. A servo Correct configuration in DCF Configuration
assigned axis (using an analog drive) has file
(_ecINVALID_DAC) been configured but a DAC channel
has not been assigned to use with
this axis
200 No pulse/dir output A stepper axis has been configured Correct configuration in DCF Configuration
has been assigned but the associated step and direction file
(_ecINVALID_PDOU output channel has not been
TPUT) specified
201 A redirect call is A redirect call is already in progress. Check the Mint program is Mint Program
already in progress not making redirected calls
(_ecREDIRECT_IN_ via multiple tasks. Close Mint
PROGRESS) Machine Centre if it's in use
202 Invalid Object Invalid Object Dictionary access. Correct configuration / Mint Configuration
Dictionary access Program
203 Move is not Move is not supported by remote Use an alternative Mint
supported by remote profiler. The controller has attempted (supported) move type. If Program/
profiler to issue a move type that is not necessary, the remote axis Configuration
(_ecMOTION_TYPE_N supported by the remote drive may need to be configured as
OT_SUPPORTED) manager profiled rather than
controlled node profiled (e.g.
Cyclic Sync Position instead
of Profiled Position)
204 Unable to pend event On older firmware versions, this error Check Mint program. Use Mint Program
(_ecUNABLE_TO_P will occur if DPREVENT is used EVENTPENDING to check
END_EVENT) while there is still an event pending for the presence of a pending
from its previous use. event. More recent firmware
versions handle multiple calls
Event: DPR .
205 Update rate not Update rate not compatible with Amend DCF configuration file Configuration
compatible with profiler.
206 Axis is not in a frame Axis is not in a frame. Ensure the Amend DCF configuration file Mint Program
(_ecAXIS_NOT_IN_ axes being used for coordinated
A_FRAME) moves are all manager profiled
207 Axes are not all in This error occurs if the master axis Amend Mint program Mint Program
the same frame used in a multi-axis move is
(_ecAXES_NOT_IN_ changed. For example, issuing
SAME_FRAME) VECTORR(0,1,2) = 100,200,300
followed by VECTORR(1,0,2) =
50,100,150 causes the error
because the first axis in the
statements (the master axis for the
move) has changed from 0 to 1. To
avoid this error, carefully list each
axis in order when issuing a multi-
axis command such as CIRCLER,
HELIXR or VECTORR, together with
a value for each axis, even if it is
213 Bank specified out of Bank parameter is out of range. The Check Mint Program and Mint Program
range program has tried to access a bank Configuration File /
(_ecINVALID_BANK) that has not been defined (e.g. Configuration
OUT(3) = 24 would cause this error if
bank 3 did not exist)
218 Motor brake is Cannot execute a move while the Check Mint Program and Mint Program
engaged motor brake is engaged. Configuration File. When
(_ecMOTOR_BRAK using automatic brake
E_ENGAGED) control, read
determine the state of the
brake output before
attempting to execute the
move. If using manual brake
control, set MOTORBRAKE
to 0 to disengage the brake
before attempting to execute
a move. Note!
MOTORBRAKE must always
be used with great care - see
MOTORBRAKE for details.
219 Capture not running This error occurs if Check capture is armed and Mint Program
(_ecCAPTURE_NOT CAPTURETRIGGER is issued when waiting to be triggered before
_IN_PROGRESS) a capture is not running. issuing Capturetrigger
220 Capture not waiting This error occurs if Amend Mint program Mint Program
for trigger CAPTURETRIGGER is issued when
(_ecCAPTURE_NOT the capture in progress does not
_WAITING_FOR_TR require a trigger (i.e. pre-triggered
IGGER) capture is not being used).
222 The data cannot be The data object(s) cannot be Check DCF file Configuration
mapped into the mapped into the PDO, as either the
PDO object is not PDO mappable or the
(_ecPDO_MAPPING number and length of objects to be
_ERROR) mapped is too great.
223 The data cannot fit The data cannot fit into an ICM If a host application is in use Host
into an ICM telegram telegram. and doMultipleCommands is application
(_ecICM_TELEGRA used, then reduce the
M_OVERFLOW) number of encapsulated calls
225 Warning during Parameter application warning. Check parameter table. This Configuration
parameter Occurs when downloading a error occurs when either:
application parameter table to an e100 drive, if a • The argument list of a
(_ecPARAM_APPLI parameter in the table was not parameter update contains
CATION_WARNING) supported by the drive or that more than 2 parameters.
instance of the parameter did not • The value list of a
exist. parameter update contains
more than 1 parameter.
• The argument list of a
parameter update contains
the wrong number of
• The type of the value is
• The parameter table
generated by one product
(e.g. MotiFlex e100 with
resolver option) has been
downloaded to a differently
specified product (e.g.
MotiFlex e100 with no
234 Power ready Occurs when an attempt is made to Check Mint Program and Mint Program
configuration assign the POWERREADYINPUT / Configuration File /
incorrect POWERREADYOUTPUT to an Configuration
(_ecPOWER_READ input/output with an incorrect
Y_CONFIG_WRON configuration (e.g. INPUTMODE,
occurs if a subsequent attempt is
made to alter the configuration of an
input/output that has already been
assigned as the
236 Axis is stopping, This error will be returned if an Amend Mint program. The Mint program
cannot load move attempt is made to issue (load) axis must be idle before
(_ecSTOP_IN_PRO another moves when the axis is another move can be issued -
GRESS) stopping. This can occur is a use PAUSE IDLE (0)) to
CANCEL or STOP is issued whilst check for this condition
the axis is stopping or processing a
CANCEL already, so be aware it
does not just apply to moves.
246 Event not Event not present/installed Amend Mint program. Mint
present/installed program
247 Event not supported Event not supported Amend Mint program. Mint
(_ecEVENT_NOT_S program
ABB Motion control products 63
Code Error Cause What to do Where to
251 Channel is mapped This error will be returned if an Check Mint program or Mint Program
(_ecCHANNEL_IS_ attempt is made to set an analog Parameter file. /
MAPPED) output (DAC) when the output value Configuration
is already mapped to (being
controlled by) an enabled process
data object PDO.
252 Network error This Modbus error corresponds to Check operation of the Configuration
occurred during Modbus exception code -1 and will remote Modbus TCP device. / Hardware
access be returned if any of the socket Try increasing the Modbus
(_ecMBC_NETWOR operations failed. This can happen if TCP timeout for the client via
K_ERROR) a server does not exist or a TCP the Configuration page in
connection is closed during a Workbench. Check Ethernet
transaction. A response time-out will connections
also cause this error.
253 Parameter error This Modbus error corresponds to Check configuration file. Configuration
occurred during Modbus exception code -2 and
access occurs if an invalid parameter is
(_ecMBC_PARAME supplied to the read or write function.
TER_ERROR) For example, issuing a Modbus
command and specifying a server ID
that does not exist.
254 Protocol error This Modbus error corresponds to Check Ethernet connections. Hardware
occurred during Modbus exception code -3 and Check operation of remote
access occurs if the Modbus server returns Modbus device
(_ecMBC_PROTOC an unexpected result. This can
OL_ERROR) happen if the server is not a Modbus
server or there is a problem with the
Modbus implementation on the
255 Illegal function This Modbus error corresponds to Check which Modbus Mint program
exception Modbus exception code 1 and functions are supported by
(_ecMBC_ILLEGAL_ occurs if the function code received the remote device and amend
FUNCTION) in the query is not recognized or Mint program to only use the
allowed by slave. allowed commands
256 Illegal data address This Modbus error corresponds to Amend Mint program so it Mint program
exception Modbus exception code 2 and does not address invalid
(_ecMBC_ILLEGAL_ occurs if the data address of some or Modbus registers
ADDRESS) all the required entities are not
allowed or do not exist in the slave.
257 Illegal data value This Modbus error corresponds to Amend Mint program so it Mint program
exception Modbus exception code 3 and does attempt to write an out
(_ecMBC_ILLEGAL_ occurs if the value is not accepted by of range Modbus register
VALUE) the slave. address on the server device
258 Slave device failure This Modbus error corresponds to Check Ethernet connections. Hardware
exception Modbus exception code 4 and Check operation of remote
(_ecMBC_SLAVE_FAI indicates that an unrecoverable error Modbus device
LURE) occurred while the slave was
attempting to perform the requested
Code Error Cause What to do Where to
6001 Parameter value out of range The value supplied The value you have entered Firmware or
(_ecPARAM_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE) for the parameter is or that is stored in the Parameter file
out of range. parameter file (.ptx) you have
loaded does not fit within the
limits specified by the drive
firmware version loaded. If
needed update the firmware
first then load the parameter
file. To do this in Mint
Workbench go to Tools >
Download Firmware > Select
and download firmware file.
Once complete try again
6004 Parameter definition has changed The specified Check the latest Parameter file
(_ecPARAM_DEFINITION_ERROR) parameter exists, documentation for the or user action
but its definition has parameter.
3100 Division by zero This occurs when the denominator of a division is Rerun program and check Mint
(_ecDIVIDE_BY zero. Mint Workbench's Terminal Code
_ZERO) window for the location of
3101 Invalid argument This occurs when an invalid argument is supplied the error, correct it then
(_ecINVALID_A to an intrinsic function, for example: Dim a = -50 redownload Mint Program
RGUMENT) Print Log(a)
3102 Stack overflow This usually occurs when a subroutine or function This error is 'fatal' and will Mint
(_ecSTACK_OV is called that allocates an array too large to fit in not call the ONERROR Code
ERFLOW) the remaining memory, or when a recursive event. So you will need to
function does not terminate before the internal DeBug the Mint Program
stacks run out of free memory. It might also occur manually to find the
if an expression is too complex, or when a string location of the error in the
is pushed onto the stack (either directly, from program
casting a value to string, converting a string to a
reference, or using ErrStr).
3103 Index out of This occurs when an index outside the range of
range the declaration is used. An example of this is: Dim
(_ecINDEX_OU a(-5 To 5) : a(6)=0 This error is 'fatal' and will not
T_OF_RANGE) call the ONERROR event.
3104 Integer out of This occurs when a floating-point value is cast to
range an integer using Int() or Round() , but the value is
(_ecINTEGER_O outside the range -2147483648 to 2147483647.
3105 Bank out of This occurs when the bank is set to a value
range outside the range of banks supported by the
(_ecBANK_OUT controller.
3106 Bus out of range This occurs when the bus is set to a value outside Rerun program and check
(_ecBUS_OUT_ the range of buses supported by the controller. Mint Workbench's Terminal
OF_RANGE) window for the location of
the error, correct it then
3107 Axis out of This occurs when a specified axis number is redownload Mint Program Mint
range outside the range of axes supported by the
(_ecAXIS_OUT_ controller.
3108 Stack underflow This occurs when a Return statement is
(_ecSTACK_UN encountered that was not called with GoSub
DERFLOW) (obsolete). This error is 'fatal' and will not call the
ONERROR event.
3109 String overflow This occurs when a string is assigned more
(_ecSTRING_O characters than its declared length. The default
VERFLOW) length for a string variable is 64 characters, unless
a different value is specified using a Dim
ABB Motion control products 67
Code Error Cause What to do Where
to look?
3110 Error registers The Erl , Err , ErrAxis , ErrStr keywords are not If required, these keywords Mint
not enabled normally supported on products with Ethernet but must be enabled by setting Code
(_ecERROR_R are not enabled. the run-time error registers
EGS_NOT_PRI (ErrorRegs) option to 2,
MED) which will prevent this
error. Rerun program
3111 Evaluation error This occurs when the Eval function cannot Rerun program and check Mint
(_ecEVAL_ERR evaluate the supplied expression. Mint Workbench's Terminal Code
OR) window for the location of
the error, correct it then
redownload Mint Program
3112 MVM out of There is not enough memory to initialize the Mint Rerun program and check Mint
memory program. Try reducing the size of the program by Mint Workbench's Terminal Code
(_ecMVM_OUT removing code and variables. window for the location of
_OF_MEMORY) the error, correct it then
redownload Mint Program