IOPHPT Online Graduate Certificate OncologyRehab 1-29-13

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Graduate Certificate

Oncology Rehabilitation
Physical Therapy Program
School of Health Sciences
Oakland University


Inside this brochure: Graduate Certificate in Oncology Rehabilitation Students may be admitted for the fall, winter or
Page 1: summer semester. Applications will be accepted
Description, admission and until July 15 for the following fall semester, until
application requirements ACADEMIC UNIT November 15 for the following winter semester, and
Page 2:
School of Health Sciences until March 15 for the following summer semester.
Course descriptions
ACCREDITATION The application materials and steps to be completed
Program Highlights:
North Central Association are:
All GCOR courses are online. of Colleges and Schools
1. Application for Admission to Graduate Study.
Students enrolled in this online
program all qualify for in-state
tuition. DESCRIPTION 2. Professional vitae or resume and one page narra-
The Graduate Certificate in Oncology Rehabili- tive goal statement outlining academic and profes-
The GCOR credits can be ap- tation is designed to provide advanced theoreti- sional goals.
plied to complete the tDPT, cal and psychomotor training for physical thera-
DScPT, and MSPT degrees.
pists interested in specializing in the areas of 3. Official transcripts of all previous under-graduate
oncology rehabilitation. All courses are present- and graduate level academic work and proof of de-
ed online. The GCOR will allow practicing gree.
Oakland University
Physical Therapy Program
physical therapists to take graduate level courses
Human Health Building to develop the specialty skills of a master clini- 4. Two Recommendation for Graduate Ad-mission
Rochester, MI 48309-4401 cian in prevention and management of oncology forms or two letters of reference.
related functional limitations of the musculoskel-
To apply, visit:
etal, neuromuscular, integumentary, metabolic, 5. International applicants whose native language is cardiopulmonary and vascular systems. Physical not English must provide proof of English profi-
Then choose: graduate pro- therapists may apply the 17 GCOR credits to- ciency as described on Oakland University Gradu-
grams; then click on wards completion of the Oakland University post ate Admissions website:
“Graduate Certificate in On-
cology Rehabilitation -professional DScPT degree, or the post- ESL/EnglishProficiencyPolicy
professional MSPT degree, or the post-
professional tDPT degree. 6. International students must meet application re-
quirements described by Graduate Admissions.
To be eligible for admission to this pro-gram, 7. Proof of physical therapy licensure, certificate (or
individuals must hold an entry-level physical the equivalent) in their country of residence.
therapy degree and be licensed, registered or
certified (or the equivalent credentials) in their CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS
country of residence. All other admissions re- To fulfill the certificate requirements the student
quirements for graduate applications as deter- must complete 17 credits, with a mini-mum of a 2.5
mined by Graduate Admissions must also be grade in each course and an overall GPA of 3.00, of
met. a program consisting of PT 502, PT 663, PT 670,
PT 671, PT 672, and one approved 3 credit elective.
Graduate Certificate


CORE REQUIRED GCOR COURSES: (Can also be taken individually for Professional Development).

PT 502—Understanding Evidence—Based Practice (2 credits)

An overview of evidence-based practice and its application to examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and intervention in physical ther-
apy. The course will also include a review of frameworks for clinical decision making, qualitative and quantitative research designs and meth-
ods of assessing professional literature related to approaches used by health care professionals.

PT 663—Essentials of Comprehensive Oncology Rehabilitation (3 credits)

An overview of comprehensive oncology rehabilitation terminology, clinical medicine including treatments and side effects, team member
roles and professional organizations, administration and program development, evidence based practice and grants/foundations, resources and
patient advocacy for survivors and caregivers across the continuum of care in the various practice settings.

PT 670—PT Management of Upper Quarter Oncology Conditions (3 credits)

Evidence-based, applied and problem solving approach to physical therapy management of individuals with cancers of the upper trunk and
upper quarter. Physical therapist practice patterns will provide a framework for care with a focus on comprehensive oncology rehabilitation
that engenders the team based approach for optimal
patient outcomes.

PT 671—PT Management of Lower Quarter Oncology Conditions (3 credits)

Evidence-based, applied and problem solving approach to physical therapy management of individuals with cancers of the lower trunk and
lower quarter. Physical therapist practice patterns will provide a framework for care with a focus on comprehensive oncology rehabilitation
that engenders the team based approach for optimal
patient outcomes.

PT 672—PT Management of Blood, Head and Neck, and Central Nervous System Oncology Conditions (3 credits)
Evidence based, applied and problem solving approach to physical therapy management of individuals with cancers of the hematologic, immu-
nologic, central nervous system, and head and neck origins across the continuum of care. Physical therapist practice patterns will provide a
framework for care with a focus on comprehensive oncology rehabilitation that engenders the team based approach for optimal patient out-


GCOR students must complete one elective course from the list below to meet certificate requirements. A GCOR student may also request
permission to complete a related course not included below with permission of the GCOR coordinators

PT 673—PT Management of Pediatric Oncology Conditions (3 credits)

Evidence-based, applied and problem solving approach to physical therapy management of children with cancer across the continuum of care.
Physical therapist practice patterns will provide a framework for care with a focus on comprehensive oncology rehabilitation that engenders
the team based approach for optimal outcomes for children and their families.

PT 598—Independent Study (1-4 credits)

Student initiated and problem-oriented independent study focusing on physical therapy issues. May be repeated for additional credit. Graded
numerically or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Student must be admitted to a Physical Therapy program or have permission of department.

PT 615—Research Directed Study (1-4 credits)

A directed study on a research topic or component of research completed under the direction of a faculty research mentor. Course may be re-
peated for up to 10 credits. Student must have the prerequisite permission of department.

For further information contact GCOR Program Coordinators:

Deb Doherty, PT, PhD Email:
Jacqueline S. Drouin, PT, PhD Email:
Oakland University
Physical Therapy Program
2200 N Squirrel Road
3077 Human Health Building
Rochester MI 48309-4401
(248) 370-4041

Page 2 Rev. 1/29/13

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