IOPHPT Online Graduate Certificate OncologyRehab 1-29-13
IOPHPT Online Graduate Certificate OncologyRehab 1-29-13
IOPHPT Online Graduate Certificate OncologyRehab 1-29-13
Oncology Rehabilitation
Physical Therapy Program
School of Health Sciences
Oakland University
CORE REQUIRED GCOR COURSES: (Can also be taken individually for Professional Development).
PT 672—PT Management of Blood, Head and Neck, and Central Nervous System Oncology Conditions (3 credits)
Evidence based, applied and problem solving approach to physical therapy management of individuals with cancers of the hematologic, immu-
nologic, central nervous system, and head and neck origins across the continuum of care. Physical therapist practice patterns will provide a
framework for care with a focus on comprehensive oncology rehabilitation that engenders the team based approach for optimal patient out-