Note For Final Exam
Note For Final Exam
Note For Final Exam
Chapter Objectives:
At the end of this chapter the learner will be able to:
Recognize the relationship and difference between Information Technology, computer
Conceptualize the terms data, information and data processing.
identify components of Information Technology
Describe the history of computers.
Identify different types of computers
The goal of this chapter is to familiarize the learner with the disciplines of computer science,
Information Technology. Data, information and the relation ship between the two will also be
covered in the chapter. In this chapter we will also see history and generations of computer.
Section Objectives:
After completing this section, students should be able to:
o describe the differences and similarities between computer science and Information
o identify components of Information Technology
o discuss characteristics of computers
Computer science has different fields of specialization or sub-disciplines. Some of the sub
disciplines include:
Software engineering: Concerned with how to use and apply scientific and basic
engineering principles to solve problems faced by programmers and to select the best way
so that to produce high quality software or program.
Artificial Intelligence: important and recent sub-discipline concerned with how to design
and program machine to solve problems or carried out tasks that appear to require human
imagination or intelligence.
Information Technology is the use of modern technology to aid the capture, processing, storage
and retrieval, and communication of information, whether in the form of numerical data, text,
sound, or image. It can also be defined as the study of information handling and its use in society
by means of modern technology. This includes the acquisition, processing, storage and
communication of information in any form by appropriate means. It is more about the use of
computers to solve human/business problems. You study some programming, databases,
applications, etc.
Activity 1:
Do you think that there is similarity /difference between computer science and Information
technology? Explain your reason.
A. Computers
Any calculating device or machine, which is electronic, mechanical or electromechanical can be
called a Computer.. But that doesn’t mean that computers perform only calculation. The name
computer comes from a Latin word computre, meaning “to reckon” or “to compute” and can be
applied to abacus or any adding machine as to the modern computer. However, the term
“Computer” has come to mean a special electronic device having certain definite characteristics.
Characteristics of Computers
The characteristics of a computer show the capabilities and the potentials of the computer for
processing data. Computers have five basic characteristics:
Speed - The most important characteristic of a computer is its speed. Computers perform their
operations step by step. Their speed is measured by the amount of time it took to perform or carry
out a basic operation. Computer speed measured in terms of microsecond (10-6 one millionths),
nanosecond (10-9 one billionths), and Pico second (10-12 one trillionths).
Storage - You can imagine how much space data of a census on papers need. Not only the space,
also the time it took to get or retrieve specific information from such vast amount of data is not
negligible. But a computer can store such amount of information in a few numbers of disks. And
the time it took to retrieve or process single information is not more than a micro or nanoseconds.
In general a computer has a capacity to store a very large amount of information in organized
manner so that accessing information is very fast.
Accuracy - Nowadays computers are being used for surgical purposes, which need almost a
hundred percent accuracy. From this we can understand that computers are accurate and consistent.
Unless there is an error in the input data or unreliable program the computer processes with a very
high accuracy.
Automatic - Once necessary information and program is fed, the computer performs processing
without human intervention.
Versatility - Computers have the potential to perform or solve varieties of tasks and problems, as
long as the problem or the task can be put or reduced in the form of logical steps.
B. Communications Network
An integral part of Information Technology is the ability to communicate: to send and receive data
and information over a communication network. A communications network is the connection of
stations at different locations through a medium that enables people to send and receive data and
information. Telephone wires and cables are common communication media.
C. Know-how
Although computers and data communication are very important parts of Information Technology,
an equally critical part of Information Technology is the ability to draw on the power of
Information Technology to solve problems and to take advantages of the opportunities it creates.
Therefore, Information Technology requires or implies know-how, knowing how to do something
Can you show the usefulness of Information Technology for business organizations using
What is data?
There is a difference between the terms data and information. Data is an individual fact /multiple
facts, or a value/a set of values, but is not significant to a business in itself. For example, the
following are values with structure but they aren't useful to anyone until given context:
February 15, 1993
Data values without business context
Giving data context, or meaning, turns it into information. Without this context the data is
useless to the business.
For example, the above numbers are more useful with the added context:
Formal definition:
a) Data are raw facts or figures.
b) Data is the product of symbols or representations of an event (e.g. buying book) or
facts about the world (e.g. number of continents), like number, letter, pictures, lines,
graphs, etc
c) Data is representation of facts or figures obtained from experiments or surveys, used as
basis for making calculations or drawing conclusions.
In and of itself, data has no meaning. If I count the number of cars that stop at a stop sign per hour
for a week, that's data. It may be useful or not, depending on the context. It has no meaning until
it is placed in a context. It is like an event out of context, without a meaningful relation to other
things. It doesn't have a meaning of itself and simply it exists and has no significance beyond its
If we are given a certain data, we can associate it to different things and give it different meanings.
Example: If we take number "5", it can be associated with:
Cardinal number and has one meaning, and
A number greater than 4 and less than 6 with another meaning
Therefore: Data without a context has no meaning. But this doesn't mean that data are useless.
They are the elements that are inputted, stored and manipulated by the computer. The validity of
a data (how far they reflect the reality or represent the real world) is very important. They are
valid as far as they accurately represent the real world.
a) Information is data with context. Therefore, information is context dependent.
b) Information is data that has been given a meaning by way of relational connection. This
relational connection converts data in to information. In computer system, for instance,
a relational database makes information from the data stored within it.
we think of this collection of data and put it in context (car/car market), it has no meaning.What
we perceive or understand is the relationship between pieces of data, or between pieces of data
and other information.
Data + understanding of relationship = information
The temperature dropped to 15 degrees and then it started raining. The data are:
o 15 degrees, and
o It is raining
If we put data on people's smoking habits together with data on lung cancer, we can
produce information about the risk of smoking.
It is the cause and effect relationship between the two that provides information.
Give some examples of data and show how the data is converted (processed) to become
The history of digital computers start in the 1940s where the first electronic general purpose
digital computer was manufactured at the University of Pennsylvania by two American
scientists. The name of this computer was ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer). Even though, this machine has several drawbacks its invention was a great break
through to the computer industry. Ever since then the industry has shown a very big
advancement in different aspects.
The history of computer development is often referred to in reference to the different generations
of computing devices. Each generation of computer is characterized by a major technological
development that fundamentally changed the way computers operate, resulting in increasingly
smaller, cheaper, and more powerful, and more efficient and reliable devices. Each generation and
the developments that led to the current devices that we use today are discussed below.
The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were
often huge, taking up entire rooms. They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using
a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions. First
generation computers relied on machine language to perform operations, and they could only solve
one problem at a time. Input was based on punched cards and paper tape, and output was displayed
on printouts.
The Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) and ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer). are examples of first-generation computing devices. ENIAC had a mean breakdown
interval of 12 minutes. Moreover, it weighs 30 tones and covers 20,000 square feet of area. The
UNIVAC was the first commercial computer delivered to a business client, the U.S. Census Bureau
in 1951.
Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. The
transistor was invented in 1947 but did not see widespread use in computers until the late 50s. The
transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to become smaller, faster,
cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable than their first-generation predecessors. Though
the transistor still generated a great deal of heat that subjected the computer to damage, it was a
vast improvement over the vacuum tube. Second-generation computers still relied on punched
cards for input and printouts for output.
The first computers of this generation were developed for the atomic energy industry.
The development of the integrated circuit was the characteristic of the third generation of
computers. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors,
which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.
Instead of punched cards and printouts, users interacted with third generation computers through
keyboards and monitors. It is in this generation that users started to interact to the computer through
operating systems. This allowed the computer to run many different applications at one time with
a central program that monitored the memory. Computers for the first time became accessible to a
mass audience because they were smaller and cheaper than their predecessors.
The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits
were built onto a single silicon chip. What in the first generation filled an entire room could now
fit in the palm of the hand. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the components of
the computer - from the central processing unit and memory to input/output controls - on a single
In 1981 IBM introduced its first computer for the home user, and in 1984 Apple introduced the
Macintosh. Microprocessors also moved out of the realm of desktop computers and into many
areas of life as more and more everyday products began to use microprocessors.
As these small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to form networks,
which eventually led to the development of the Internet. Fourth generation computers also saw the
development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.
Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development,
though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today. The use
of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a reality.
Quantum computation and molecular and nanotechnology will radically change the face of
computers in years to come. The goal of fifth-generation computing is to develop devices that
respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.
Activity 4
Can you identify the main differences between the different generations of computers?
Section Objectives:
After completing this section the learner should be able to:
Identify the criteria used to categorize computers
Explain the different types of computers and their differences
As discussed in the previous section any computing device can be called a computer. Considering
this definition, computers can be classified into different categories based on different
Analog computers operate by measuring physical properties. They deal with continuous
variables; they don’t compute directly with numbers, rather, they operate by measuring
physical magnitude such as pressure, temperature, voltage, current etc.
Examples: Thermometer, Voltmeter, Speedometer
Digital computers deal with discrete variables; they operate by counting rather than
measuring. They operate directly up on numbers (or digits) that represent numbers, letters,
or other special symbols.
Examples: Abacus, Desk & pocket calculators, general purpose computers
Hybrid computers inherit the best features of both analog and digital computers. Usually
the Input is continuous data (analog). Since Digital Processing is more accurate, processing
takes place digitally. The processed information – the output – could be either digital or
analog, depending on the user preference or the type of application.
Examples: digital camera, health monitoring machines in some hospitals,
Super computer
The term supercomputer has been coined to describe a category of extremely powerful
computer designed for high-speed processing. A supercomputer is generally characterized
as being the fastest, most powerful, and most expensive computer.
Generally, Supercomputers are:
• The largest and the most efficient computers
• Very expensive
• very fast and
• Supports hundreds of users at different locations
Mainframe computer
Mainframe computers are large, powerful computers that are physically larger than micros
and minis and usually have processors with faster instruction processing speeds. For
example, they may be able to process from 10 to 200 million instructions per second
(MIPS). Mainframe computers also support multiple users and are expensive.
Minicomputers are midrange computers that are larger and more powerful than most
microcomputers but are smaller and less powerful than mainframe computer systems.
Minicomputers are being used for a large number of business and scientific applications.
They are popularly used in scientific laboratories, research centers, universities and
colleges, engineering firms, industrial process monitoring and control, etc.
The smallest computers ever produced in the history of computers are microcomputers.
Since they are designed to be used by a single user, they have the least capacity as
compared to the other types of computers. They are also the least expensive of all types.
There two different types of microcomputers are desktop computers and portable
computers (laptops, notebook computers and palmtops)
Compare and contrast each type of computer based on their size speed, and cost.
Chapter Objectives:
2.1 Introduction
System is a group of components, consisting of subsystems or procedures that work in a
coordinated fashion to achieve a common objective.
People: trained information systems personnel are required to run most information systems.
Procedure: procedures are rules or guidelines for people to follow when using software, hardware,
and data. These procedures are documented in manuals written by computer specialists. Software
and hardware manufacturers provide manuals with their products.
Software: software consists of step by step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work.
The purpose of software is to convert data (unprocessed fact) into information (processed facts).
Hardware: is physical part of the computer that processes data to create information based on
instructions of software. It is controlled by the software.
Data: data consists of raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images, sounds, etc. When
it is processed using computers, it becomes information.
Data processing
Data processing is any computer process that converts data into information. The processing is
usually assumed to be automated and running on a computer. Because data are most useful when
well-presented and actually informative, data-processing systems are often referred to as
information systems to emphasize their practicality. Nevertheless, both terms are roughly
synonymous, performing similar conversions; data-processing systems typically manipulate raw
data into information, and likewise information systems typically take raw data as input to produce
information as output.
Section Objectives
After successful completion of this section students shall be able to:
o describe components of computer systems
o identify computer hardware based on their function
o identify computer software and their category
A computer system is the combination of hardware and software. A typical computer system
utilizes a computer that uses programmable devices to store, retrieve, and process data. The
personal computer or PC is an example of a computer system. An Automatic Teller Machine
(ATM1) is another example of a computer system. Even the simplest computer classifies as a
computer system, because at least two components (hardware and software) have to work together.
But the real meaning of "computer system" comes with interconnection. Many computer systems
can interconnect, that is, join to become a bigger system.
Activity 1:
Can you describe the basic components of Information Systems?
1 Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) are machines that allow bank account holders to make financial
transactions automatically without going to banks by making use of a card that contains details of the
10 | P a g e Types of Computer Hardware
The hardware part of a computer system is composed of a number of interacting physical parts based
on the need of the information flow. Information flows in the computer hardware. There are several
criteria by which computer hardware can be categorized. Based on information processing, we can
divide computer hardware into four:
1) Input Devices
2) Storage Devices
3) Output Devices
4) Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Keyboard is an input device consisting of a set of typewriter-like keys that enable one to enter data
into a computer. The keys on the keyboard are often classified as follows
Alphanumeric keys - Letters and numbers
Punctuation keys - comma, period, semicolon, etc.
Special keys- function keys, control keys, arrow keys, caps lock, etc.
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Arrow keys - used to move the cursor2 around the display screen.
Num lock keys - used to activate/deactivate the numeric keypad3.
Print screen keys - used to print the contents of the screen.
The arrangement of the keys on the keyboard may differ. The most common in English- speaking
countries is the QWERTY keyboard. It is called QWERTY keyboard because the first five keys
on the top row of letters spell Q, W, E, R, T, and Y. The arrangement of keys in this case is based
on typewriter (alphabets and punctuation) and calculator (numeric pad). This is to make data entry
The other type of keyboard layout is the DVORAK Keyboard. In this layout, the most commonly
used letters are placed in the most accessible places. The home keys are the five English vowel
letters A, O, E, U, I (for the left hand) & the five most often used consonants (D, H, T, N, S) are
the home keys for the right hand. The next most frequently used letters are on the keys one row
up, the next easier position to reach.
Mouse is a hand-operated device that controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a display
screen. It is a small object that can be rolled along a rough flat surface.
Mouse can have as many as three buttons whose function depends on what program is running:
– Left-button: for left click. Example, selecting text
– Right-button: for right click. Example, see property of file
– Middle button: for scrolling purpose. This button is sometimes missing.
Most mice are connected to the system unit by a cable or cord. There are also mouse that are not
connected to system unit by a cable/cord. They are called cordless mouse (wireless mouse). They
communicate with system unit using infrared light, similar technology used in remote controls, or
radio waves. Mouse has roller ball at the bottom. The roller ball converts mouse movements into
electronic signals.
Cursor is a blinking symbol on the screen that indicates the place where the next character typed appears
numeric keypad is the set of numeric keys found at the right hand side of the keyboard
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Enter documents found on paper into computer without the need to type it using keyboard. This makes
the job easy.
OMR senses the presence or absence of a mark, such as pencil marks. It doesn’t utilize letters of the
alphabet. Instead, with the use of electronic scanners, marks and symbols are converted into
appropriate electronic signals. It is used to process questionnaires or exams using computer. The read
mark is interpreted and matched against previously entered answer key. Example, the ESLCE is
corrected using this device.
Light Pen
Light pen is a light sensitive pen like device that is used in conjunction with computer monitor. It
is used by touching the screen with this device to create or modify graphics. A light cell in the tip
of the pen senses light from the screen to determine the pen’s location on the screen.
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Touch Screen
Touch screen allow you to use fingers instead of mouse or related input device. It lets you to enter
data or command (e.g. button click) by touching areas of the screen. It enables you perform
activities you perform with mouse using your finger. It is not used to enter large amounts of data.
Activity 2:
Can you identify other Input devices that can be used with computers? What common
characteristics do they have
CPU executes instructions and performs the computer's processing activities. It is also known as
processor or microprocessor. It functions the same purpose as the human brain for human being.
It is called the brain of the computer.
One of the basic features of a computer that affects its entire performance is the CPU speed. CPU
speed is measured in Hertz (Hz). Hertz is the number of cycles per second. 1Hz=1cycle per second.
Larger units are KHz (Kilo Hertz), MHz (Mega Hertz), GHz(Giga Hertz), etc.
1 KHz = 1000 Hz
1 MHz = 1000 KHz
1 GHz = 1000MHZ
Current CPUs are as fast as 2-3GHz (2-3 billion cycles per second)
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Fig Components of Central Processing Unit
The three sub components are connected by a cable like device called bus. It facilitates
communication between the parts. It is used to transfer data between these sub components.
Control Unit
As human brain controls the body, control unit controls the computer hardware. Control Unit does
not execute instruction by itself, i.e. does not carry out instruction processing, but it directs other
processing elements to execute instructions.
It retrieves instruction from memory and this process is called fetch instruction. After fetching
instruction, it translates that instruction into computer understandable format and sends signals to
other computer hardware units to carry out the instruction. This process (the process of translating
instruction) is called decoding.
When instruction is loaded from main memory into the CPU, it is placed first in registers to wait
instruction from control unit. Registers are temporary storage location for data prior to execution
in ALU. There are different types of registers. E.g. data register, program counter, address register,
Activity 3:
Can you define the function of Central processing Unit and its components?
15 | P a g e Output Devices
Output devices are used to get data out of a computer so that it can be examined, analyzed or
distributed to others. It converts information from machine-understandable form to a human
understandable form. The outputs are of two types: Softcopy: displayed on monitor, projector, or
similar devices and Hardcopy: printed on paper
The Visual Display Unit (VDU) or monitor or screen
Printers (dot matrix, daisy wheel, laser printers)
Voice (audio) response unit
Disk drives
Monitor is the most frequent type of output device. It consists of a display surface called screen
which displays output to the user. Image is displayed on monitors using pattern of lighted dots.
Each of these lighted dots is called pixel a short form of picture element.
CRT Monitor
CRT is similar in size and technology to televisions. It uses electron guns that emit electrons. These
electrons are directed towards phosphorous coated screen. The phosphorous coat glows (emits
light) when hit by electron from electron guns, thus creating visible things that we see. The
monitors of most desktop computers are CRT monitors. The main disadvantages of CRT monitors
are their large size and high power consumption
Gas Plasma
Gas plasma substitutes neon gas for liquid crystal. The neon gas glows and produces pixels that
form picture. It is used for portable computers. Advantage: better display quality than LCD but
more expensive than LCD
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Printer is a device that enables us to produce a hardcopy of data/information. They have varying
speeds, capabilities, and printing methods. Based on the way they print, printers are divided into
Impact printers
Non-impact printer
Impact printers
Impact printers transfer printable material onto paper by striking paper, ribbon, and character
together. Most of such printers take continuous form of paper. The most commonly used impact
printers are dot-matrix printers. The combination of small dots printed closely forms a character.
Example: Epson printers
Non-Impact Printers
They print without having a mechanism that strikes a paper. They print by spraying ink or by using
heat and pressure to fuse black powder onto paper. The various types of non-impact printer include:
Inkjet Printers - An inkjet printer sprays tiny drops of ink onto paper. The print head of such
printers contains a nozzle which has many holes. Ink is propelled by heat or pressure through the
nozzle holes and form character or image on the paper.
Produce high quality print
Quiet because the paper is not struck
Heavy weight paper is recommended
Laser Printer - They work similarly to photocopying machine. They convert data from computer
into a laser beam (kind of light), why they are called laser printer. They use mirrors to direct light
onto a drum which in turn produce characters on paper. The drum is light sensitive material that
becomes charged when it is hit by light. The charged area of the drum attracts ink from toner and
the ink is transferred onto paper. A heating material heats the ink and attaches it onto the paper. It
produces high quality print.
Thermal printers - Thermal printers use heat to transfer inks from ink sheets onto printing surface.
They produce high-quality print. Because of this, they are used to produce high quality color
artwork and text. They can use plain paper but produce best result on chemically treated papers.
Plotters are used to produce high-quality drawings such as bar charts, maps, architectural
drawings, and three-dimensional drawings.
Can produce high quality multi-color documents
Can print on large size papers, which most printers can’t handle.
Can you identify any other output devices? What similarities do they have?
17 | P a g e Storage Devices
One of the unique features of computers is storage. Data can be stored on different storage media
temporarily or permanently. Storage devices can be categorized into to as:
Primary storage device
Secondary storage device
Depending on the type of information they store and the technology used, the primary memory
can be categorized into three:
RAM (Random Access Memory)
ROM (Read Only Memory)
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
RAM is temporary storage i.e. the data is lost when the computer is off unlike secondary storage.
Because of this it is called volatile memory. Why is it volatile? It uses electric power to store data.
When you write anything on your computer, first it is stored on RAM. When you save the file, it
is transferred into secondary storage. RAM has differing capacity, the common ones being 128,
256, and 512.
It is directly accessible by CPU. It is called RAM because each memory location can be accessed
randomly using memory address. Each unit in RAM has memory address by which it can be easily
ROM stores data and programs that are permanently required by the computer. They have
programs built into them at the factory and that program could not be changed or erased by the
user, but read. It is non-volatile, read-only (not changeable) memory. Read-only means data can't
be altered or erased but read.
ROM contains special instruction called BIOS that the computer uses when it is turned on. E.g,
instruction that starts the computer, instruction that displays information on screen, etc. The
technological advancement in ROM design has resulted in three other types of ROM:
PROM (Programmable ROM)
EPROM (Erasable Programmable ROM)
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM)
PROM: this kind of ROM can be written by user once. But, you can't erase or write to it more
than once; you can only read from.
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EPROM: this kinds of ROM can be written to or erased as many times as the user wants. It is
like CD-RW.
EEPROM: similar to EPROM, it can be re-written to or erased. But we use electrical power to
erase the contents here.
CMOS contains essential information that is required when the computer is turned on. E.g. RAM
size, type of mouse, etc. It is non-volatile, but modifiable to incorporate changes. It is powered by
battery when computer is off.
2. Secondary Storage
Secondary storage (also called auxiliary storage) supplements the primary memory. It takes many
forms. It includes punched cards, punched paper tape, magnetic tape, magnetic disk and optical disk.
Based on information access, secondary storage devices are divided into two:
1) Punched Cards
Punched cards are one of the oldest and most familiar data storage devices. There are two types of
punched cards, 80 columns and 96 columns, and the first one is a standard punched card. Data is
stored on punched cards by cutting parts of the paper out and leaving other parts intact. The cut part (hole)
may represent binary 1 and the intact part represents binary 0.
2) Magnetic Tapes
During 1950s and 1960s, magnetic tape was the primary method of storing large amount of data.
Today they are used primarily for back up purposes. It consists of thin ribbon plastic called tape.
One side of the tape is coated with iron-oxide, a material that can be magnetized. By magnetizing
and demagnetizing the tape, computer stores data on it.
Sequential access
Store more data on a small area
Magnetic tapes are not used with desktop computers. However, because of their advantage,
magnetic tapes are used to take backup of data. Backup is data that is stored in a different place
than the original computer where data is used. This is to avoid the danger of data loss due to
disasters. If the original data is lost, the copy will be used.
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Random Access Storage Media
A. Magnetic Disks
Magnetic disk is the most widely used storage medium on all computers. It consists of a round piece
of plastic or metal the surface of which is covered with magnetic material. Magnetic disks offer:
High storage capacity
Fast date access during reading or writing to disk.
Magnetic disks are metals or plastic platters coated with ferrous oxide, an easily magnetically
material. They allow for random access of information and overcome the slow access time commonly
found in tape files.
Examples: floppy disk, hard disk
1) Floppy Disks. They are also called diskette. It is made up of thin Mylar plastic which is coated
with metal oxide. Data is stored as electromagnetic charges on the plastic coat. It stores data by
means of magnetizing and demagnetizing the metal oxide.
Floppy is an easily removable storage used to transport data from one computer to another. It is
used to store programs and data for a longer period outside the computer system. Often used with mini
and micro computers. Data is stored in concentric circles called tracks.
Each track is further divided into sectors. A sector stores the amount of information that can be read
or written in single operation. The most widely used type of floppy disks is the 5.25 inch and the 3.5
inch wide floppy disks. Each has two different storage capacity.
31/2 inch: -can store 1.44MB of data on double side high density
-can store 720kb of data on single side low density
51/4 inch: -can store 1.2MB of data on double side high density
-can store 360kb of data on single side low density
Density refers to the number of bits that can be recorded on one-inch of track.
High density: increased storage capacity
Low density: low storage capacity
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Floppy disks are magnetic devices which stores data on them. Improper handing of floppy disks may
result in loosing the data stored on the disk. It is therefore necessary to know the following rules to
protect your disks and/or your data on it from damage.
Never place the disk near magnetic devices, keep the disk away from your telephone since
telephone boxes contain magnetic units.
Always place disks back into their envelope when you are not using them.
Never touch your floppy disk media.
Never smoke near floppy disks.
Store your floppies in a safe location.
Keep at room temperature in the range of 10 to 50oc
Always make a backup copy of your floppy disk.
2) Hard Disk. A high capacity magnetic disk made up of metal which can be fixed in the system
unit of the computer. It serves as a secondary storage and it enables very fast accessibility of data.
Accessing data from hard disk is faster than from floppy disks.
The disks, which are usually grouped together into a disk pack are separated by small air spaces to
allow access for read-write head. Each disk is subdivided into tracks and sectors on which
information is stored. The disk pack is mounted on a magnetic disk drive which rotates the disk at
speed up to 1,000 revolutions per second.
Hard disk
Platters are grouped together to form hard disk. The amount of time it takes to retrieve (or store)
data from (or to) disk is called the disk access time. It rotates at high speed and this is measured in
terms of revolutions per second.
Data is stored on hard disks by magnetizing and demagnetizing the surface each cylinder. They
store data on both sides of the cylinder i.e two sided. It is read-write head that reads or writes data
from hard disk.
B. Optical Disk
Optical disks use laser light to read or write data from optical disk. Laser - Light Amplified
Stimulated Emission of Rays. Optical disks use high powered laser light to burn microscopic holes
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on the surface of the disk to store data. Burned out part is called pit, and the non-burnt part is called
land. Land may represent binary 0 and pit binary 1.
Optical disks use low powered laser to read data. There are two most common types of optical
CD (Compact Disc)
DVD (Digital Versatile Disc)
CD (Compact Disc)
CD can store 700BM of information. Data is stored only on one side of the disc. There are three
basic types of CDs:
1. CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read Only Memory) - This kind of is read only i.e. you can’t
write data to such CDs or you can’t erase from them. Data is only accessed/read from
these CDs.
2. CD-R (Compact Disc Recordable) - It is also called WORM (Write Once and Read
Many). These CDs can be written on once. But then after, you can’t rewrite on it or erase
data from it. After you first wrote data on such discs, then only thing you can do to read
data from them.
3. CD-RW (Compact Disc Read-Write) - They are also called erasable optical discs. You
can write data as many times as you want on such CDs. You can also erase the content of
such CDs.
DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disc. But some people mistakenly call it Digital Video Disc. It
is a relatively new technology that is introduced recently. It is similar to CD except that it can store
large amounts of data and it has narrow tracks than CD. It can store 4 -17GB of information.
Another possible categorization is based on the significance of the devices – System Unit and
Peripheral Devices.
Disk drive: is part of a computer system which reads from and writes data on a disk.
What are the four activities that computers do? What are the hardware components responsible
for these activities?
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A system unit, also known as a base unit, is the main body of a desktop computer. It typically
consists of a metal or (rarely) plastic enclosure containing the motherboard, power supply, cooling
fans, internal disk drives, and memory and expansion cards that are plugged into the motherboard,
such as video and network cards.
Case: A computer case (also known as the computer chassis, cabinet, tower, box or housing) is
the enclosure that contains the main components of a computer. Cases are usually constructed from
steel, aluminum, or plastic.
Power Supply: The PC power supply converts 120/240 volts Alternating Current (AC) into 5 and
12 volts Direct Current (DC) used by the PC. The PC power supplies have built-in power on/off
switches and power connectors for the motherboard and the disk drives.
Motherboard: A motherboard, also known as a system board, is the central or primary circuit
board making up a complex electronic system.
A typical computer is built with the microprocessor(CPU), main memory(RAM), and other basic
components on the motherboard. Other components of the computer such as external storage,
control circuits for video display and sound, and peripheral devices are typically attached to the
motherboard via ribbon cables, other cables, and power connectors. Motherboard contains ports,
expansion slots, CPU slots, RAM slots, etc
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Hardware ports can be divided into two groups:
Serial ports: serial port transmits or receives data one bit at a time. They are very good to send
information over long distance. Devices like keyboard, mouse, modem, etc all use serial ports to
connect to system unit of computer.
A newer type of Serial port is the USB(Universal Serial Bus). It is faster and it allows one USB
port to be used to connect several devices to the system unit.
Parallel ports: Parallel ports transfer and receive multiple bits of information at a time. They send
eight bits of data simultaneously across eight parallel wires. Parallel ports are mostly used to
connect devices that send or receive large amounts of data such as printers, disk drives, tape drives,
etc. They are used for short distance communication.
Drives: drives are devices that read data from or write data onto storage devices. Examples of
drives include hard disk drive, floppy disk drive, CD drive, DVD drive, etc. Drives have some sort
of motors that rotate the storage devices from which data is read or onto which data is stored. (For
more information read about storage devices).
2. The peripherals
A peripheral is any device connected to the system unit. These are keyboards, monitors, mice,
printers, scanners, microphones, speakers, cameras, to list just the most familiar ones.
Classify the components in the system unit as input, output, storage, processing and other
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2.2.2 Computer Software
Computer hardware is directed by a set of instructions. Without these instructions, computers can
do nothing. These set of instructions are called software (also called programs). We use
programming languages to write these instructions. Examples of programming languages include
C, C++, Visual Basic, Java, etc.
Operating system manage resources, provides a user interface, and run application software. It
organizes resources such as keyboard, mouse, printer, monitor, etc. It also presents GUI (Graphical
User Interface) to the user for easy use of computer. It makes complex hardware more user friendly
i.e. it acts between the user and hardware.
A) Operating system
Operating system coordinates the activity between the user and the computer. An operating system
has four major functions.
I. Process management
In operating system terms, a process is a program or part of a program that can be executed
separately. The operating system does the task of managing these processes that are being executed
and waiting to be executed.
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Types of Operating System
o Based on the number of programs they can run a time, operating systems are divided into
Single tasking operating systems: on such system, only one program can be run on the
computer at a time. To run another program, you have to close the first program and load
another program. For example, if you are working on Microsoft Word and in addition if you
want to open Microsoft Excel, first you have to close Word first because you can’t open two
programs at the same time. Then you can open Excel. Single tasking operating system can’t
handle more than one program at a time. Examples of such operating systems are MS-DOS,
and PC-DOS which were used in 1980s.
Multi-tasking operating systems: on such systems you can run as many programs as you like.
You can work on Word and Excel at the same time. Such systems can handle more than one
program at a time. Examples include Windows 2000, Windows XP, Macintosh, etc.
o Based on the number of users they can serve at a time, we divide operating systems into two:
Single User: they can serve only one user at a time. E.g. Windows 95, Windows 98/XP, etc
Multi User: lets more than one user to access the computer at one time. E.g., UNIX. This is
done via network that connects terminals to the multi user computer.
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B) Utility Programs
Utilities are programs that make computing easier. They perform specific tasks related to
managing computer resources or files. There are different utility programs:
i) Troubleshooting programs: enable us to recognize and correct computer problems before
they become serious.
ii) Anti-virus programs: they protect your computer against viruses or other malicious
programs that damage computer. E.g MacAfee, Sophos, Norton, etc.
iii) File compression programs: are used to reduce the size of files or data so that it takes less
storage space or network band. E.g WinZip, WinRAR, etc.
iv) Uninstall programs: these software enable us to safely and completely remove unneeded
programs/software from your computer.
v) Back up software: with the help of this software, we can make copies of files to be used
in case of the original data is lost/damaged. This copy is called back up.
vi) Screen savers: helps to prevent your work from being seen by others if you leave your
computer idle for some time.
C) Language translators
Language translators are used to convert the programming instruction written by users into binary
code that the computer can understand. They are written for specific programming languages and
computer system.
i) Word Processing
This is the most widely used computer application. Word processing is the use of computer to
produce documents that consist primarily of text. Such documents can also contain pictures,
drawing, photograph, etc.
Used for:
Writing letter
Writing memos
Producing reports
Some of the software used for word processing include:
Microsoft word
Corel WordPerfect
Lotus WordPro
ii) Spreadsheet Software
Spreadsheet software is used to organize, manipulate, and graph numeric information. It
enables us to do financial analysis, and other complicated mathematical calculation
electronically. E.g., interest rate, payroll, etc.
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Some of the software used for this purpose include:
Lotus 1-2-3
Microsoft Excel
v) Accounting software
Accounting software enables companies to record and report their financial transactions.
Tasks done by these software include:
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
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General Ledger
Purchase orders, etc
Software used for this purpose:
Peachtree accounting
Intuit QuickBooks
Vii) Communication
They are used to transfer data from one computer to another. They enable computers to send
and receive data of any kind such as text, graphics, fax documents, etc.
Some of the software used for this purpose are:
Netscape Navigator-to work on internet
Internet Explorer-to work on internet
Can you name some application software? To which category do they belong?
Virus is a malicious (destructive) program/software that damages computer. It copies itself on
to other programs and spreads through multiple computer system. They may damage the files
on that computer or attack the system in general. Some of actions performed by virus include:
Duplicating themselves on your computer to consume storage space your computer
runs out of memory.
Delete or modify your files(documents)
Damage your software
Damage your hardware, etc.
Worm is a malicious program like virus. But it does not need help to move from one computer to
another which viruses can’t do. Virus need help to move from one computer to another. For
example, when a user copies a file from an infected floppy disk to a computer, the virus may get a
chance to copy itself on to the computer. However, worms just spread themselves through
computer networks. It destroys the computer system like virus.
Trojan horse
Trojan horses are software that seems to perform useful activity but which has malicious programs
in it. It may damage files, and perform other harmful actions on your computer. It does not replicate
itself. For example, you may think that the program is a computer game and you start playing it.
While you are playing, the game starts to affect your computer inside.
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Chapter 3
The goal of this chapter is to familiarize you with the basic fundamentals of number system, some
of the commonly used number system by computer professionals and the relationship between
them in converting one number system to the other. In this chapter we will also see how binary
numbers are coded to represent characters in computers memory.
At the end of this chapter the learner will be expected to:
Understand the basics of number system
Recognize binary arithmetic
Conceptualize the different ways of representing data
Understand Boolean algebra
Visualize logic gates and circuits
At the end of this topic the learner will be able to:
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Define number system
Determine different number system
A number system is a set of symbols used for counting. The number systems which are of a particular
interest in information technology are Decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal number system.
Number systems are basically of two types: non positional and positional
Non-positional number system is a number system in which case each symbol
represents the same value regardless of its position in the number and the symbols are
added to find out the value of particular number.
Example: Counting of fingers, stones, sticks etc.
For the purpose of understanding how data are represented, stored and processed in computer,
we will discuss Number Systems that are commonly used by computer designers.
Although 123 and 321 have the same digit, their values are deffirent. Can you explain the
The number system that we use in our day-to-day life is called decimal number system. In this
system the base is equal to 10 because there are altogether ten symbols or digits
(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) used in the system. The successive positions to the left of the decimal point
represent units, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.
The binary numeral system (base 2 numerals) represents numeric values using two symbols,
typically 0 and 1. More specifically, binary is a positional notation with a radix of two. Owing to
its relatively straightforward implementation in electronic circuitry, the binary system is used
internally by virtually all modern computers.
Each position in a binary number represents a power of the base (2). As such in this system the
right most position is the units (20) the second position to the right is the 2`s (21) position
proceeding in this way we have 4`s (22), 8`s (23) etc.
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In octal number system the base is 8. so, in this system there are only eight symbols or
The hexadecimal system uses base 16. Thus, it has 16 possible digit symbols. It uses the
digits 0 through 9 plus the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F as the 16 digit symbols. Numbers
in base 16 need 16 symbols. The letters A-F are used to give 16 symbols.
Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Hexadecimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Decimal, binary and hexadecimal representations of the numbers 1 to 24 are shown below.
2 10 2 14 1110 E
3 11 3 15 1111 F
4 100 4 16 1 0000 10
5 101 5 17 1 0001 11
6 110 6 18 1 0010 12
7 111 7 19 1 0011 13
8 1000 8 20 1 0100 14
9 1001 9 21 1 0101 15
10 1010 A 22 1 0110 16
11 1011 B 23 1 0111 17
12 1100 C 24 1 1000 18
1. How many symbol digits do number systems in base 4, 6,10,9 can have?
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2. What is a single maximum value in each of the bases?
In all number systems the value of the base determines the total number of
different symbols of digits available in the number system.
The first of these choices is always zero and the maximum value of a single digit
is always equal to one less than the value of the base
I Binary-To-Decimal Conversion
Any binary number can be converted to its decimal equivalent simply by summing
together the weights of the various positions in the binary number, which contain a 1.
You should notice that the method finds the weights (i.e., powers of 2) for
each bit position that contains a 1, and then to add them up.
II Decimal-To-Binary Conversion
Convert 2510 to binary
25/ 2 = 12+ remainder of 1 1 (Least Significant Bit)
12/ 2 = 6 + remainder of 0 0
6/2 = 3 + remainder of 0 0
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3/2 = 1 + remainder of 1 1
1/2 = 0 + remainder of 1 1 (Most Significant Bit)
Result 2510 = 1 1 0 0 12
Any octal number can be converted to its decimal equivalent simply by summing
together the weights of the various positions in the octal number
24.68 = 2 x (81) + 4 x (80) + 6 x (8-1) = 20.7510
1: How many bits (1 and 0) are needed to represent each octal digit?
2: How many bits (1 and 0) are needed to represent each hexadecimal digit
Any decimal number in the range 0 to 2n-1 can be represented in the binary
form as an n-bit number.
Octal Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Binary Equivalent 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
Each Octal digit is represented by three bits of binary digit.
IV Binary-To-Octal (short cut method)
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1: divide the binary digit into group of three (starting from the right)
1: Convert the decimal equivalent of each octal digit to three-bit binary number.
Observe that since there are only 8 digits in the octal number system , so 3 bits(23=8) are
sufficient to represent any octal number in binary.
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This method uses repeated division by 16.
1: divide the binary digit into group of four (starting from the right)
1011 0010 11112 = (1011) (0010) (1111) 2 = B 2 F16
1: Convert the decimal equivalent of each hexadecimal digit to four binary digits.
Hexadecimal Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Binary Equivalent 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111
Hexadecimal Digit 8 9 A B C D E F
Binary Equivalent 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
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X. Octal-To-Hexadecimal Conversion
Binary Addition is very similar to the longhand addition of decimal numbers. As with decimal
numbers, you start by adding the bits (digits) one column, or place weight, at a time, from right
to left. Unlike decimal addition, there is little to memorize in the way of rules for the addition of
binary bits:
1 + 1 = 0, and carry 1 to the next more significant bit
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00011010 + 00001100
11 carries
0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 = 26(base 10)
+ 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 = 12(base 10)
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 = 38(base 10)
We can subtract one binary number from another by using the standard techniques adapted for
decimal numbers (subtraction of each bit pair, right to left, "borrowing" as needed from bits to
the left).
0 - 1 = 1, and borrow 1 from the next more significant bit
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 = 20(base 10)
As we just learned, we can represent negative binary numbers by using the "two's complement"
method and a negative place-weight bit. Here, we'll use those negative binary numbers to
subtract through addition.
When subtraction is implemented by means of digital computers, the direct method of subtraction
is found to be less efficient than the Additive Method Of Subtraction. The method of subtraction
by an additive approach is known as complementary subtraction.
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For a number which has n digits a complement of the number is the difference
between the number and the base raised to the nth power minus one.
Find the complement of 3710
Since the number has 2 digits and the value of the base is 10, so (base) n-1 = 102-1=99
Now 99-37=62
Thus the complement of 3710=62
But in case of binary number, it is not necessary to go through the usual process of obtaining
complement. To obtain the complement of binary number transform all its 0`s to 1`s and all its
1`s to 0`s.
The complement of 1011010 is 0100101.
Since we have seen how to obtain complement of a number, we will now see how subtraction is
performed using complement.
In subtracting binary number using complement method the following steps are useful.
1 fined complement of the number (subtrahend)
2 add the complement to the number from which you are taking away (minuend)
3 if there is a carry of one add it to obtain the result; if there is no carry, re-complement the sum
and attach a negative sign to obtain the result.
Subtract 01110002 from 10111002
1000111(complement of 0111000)
1 0100011
1 add the carry of 1
When a computer system is processing data all by itself, without any interaction or interconnection
with any other computer system, it is called a stand-alone computer system. A Network System is
39 | P a g e
a system of two or more computers that are connected to each other for the purpose of data
communication and sharing of resources.
A network also consists of communication channels that are responsible for connecting devices
with each other and transmitting information.
1. Cable layouts are easy to modify
2. Workstations can be added to the network easily
3. Centralized control/problem diagnosis resulting from defective communication lines is
easily identified.
1. Large amounts of cable are required
2. More cable means greater expense
3. A centralized hub means a single point for potential for network failure
Wor ks tation
Wor ks tation
Wor ks tation
41 | P a g e
Laser printer
Workstation Server
A SCII Printer
The token ring technology creates opportunity for acknowledging receipt of messages by the
1. The overall cable length is short
2. The shorter cable means lower cabling costs
3. No wiring closet space is required
1. A single node failure causes network failure
2. It is more difficult to diagnose faults
3. Network modifications/recognition is more difficult and disrupts network
42 | P a g e
Workstation Workstation Workstation
Workstation Workstation
1. It uses the least amount of cable
2. The wiring layout is simple
3. It has a resilient architecture; its simplicity makes it very reliable
4. It is very easy to extend
1. Fault diagnosis and isolation is difficult
By modifying and combining some of the characteristics of these “pure” network topologies,
“hybrid” topologies result that can often provide greater efficiency.
1. Fault diagnosis and isolation are relatively easy
2. The modular design results in a network that is easy to expand
1. Network configuration can be technically complicated
2. The cabling system is complicated
43 | P a g e
1. It is easy to extend
2. It simplifies fault isolation
3. simplifies network management
1. The structure is dependent on the root; if primary root fails then the whole network will
The Internet is a term used to describe a worldwide network of computer networks connecting
millions of computers around the world.
The Internet is one of the largest, most widely used network (in fact, a network of networks) that
has evolved and grown overtime. It is a group of two or more networks that are
o Interconnected physically
o Capable of communicating and sharing data with each other
o Able to act together as a single network.
The Internet connects millions of computers globally and provides worldwide communications
to businesses, homes, schools, and governments.
Chapter MS-DOS
(i) A technical layer of software for driving the hardware of the computer, like disk drives, the
keyboard and the screen;
(ii) A file system which provides a way of organizing files logically, and
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(iii) A simple command language, which enables users to run their own programs and to
manipulate their files in a simple way. Some operating systems also provide text editors,
compilers, debuggers and a variety of other tools. Since the operating system (OS) is in charge of
a computer, all requests to use its resources and devices need to go through the OS. An OS
therefore provides Legal entry points into its code for performing basic operations like writing to
Operating systems may be classified by both how many tasks they can perform `simultaneously'
and by how many users can be using the system `simultaneously'. That is: single-task or multi-
tasking and single-user or multi-user. A multi-user system must clearly be multi-tasking. The
table below shows some examples.
OS Users Tasks
Windows 3x S QM
Macintosh System 7.* S QM
Windows 9x S M*
Windows 2000 M M
Ultimately, the difference between these types of programs is who has control over the computer.
DOS programs generally expect themselves to be the only program running on your computer,
so they will directly manipulate the hardware, such as writing to the disk or displaying graphics
on the screen. They may also be dependent on timing, since the computer won't be doing
anything else to slow them down. Many games fall into this category.
Windows programs, on the other hand, realize that they must share your computer with other
Windows programs. Actually, did you know that Windows 3.x itself is a DOS program? What
this means is that Windows has control of the computer's hardware, and in turn it shares parts of
the computer's resources with Windows programs. The obvious advantage to this arrangement is
that you can do several things at once; for example, you could play Dave, start downloading a
file from a site, then look at your checking account and use a Calculator to check
the balance all at the same time. Another advantage is that you can share data between programs;
for example, copying a spreadsheet summary into a work processor document.
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The important thing here is that many DOS programs will run poorly or not at all in Windows.
For example, if you try to run Microsoft System Diagnostics (MSD) while you are in Windows,
you will get the message:
MSD can only report information specified by it's associated Windows Program Information File
(.PIF). Therefore information presented may be less accurate or complete than if MSD is run
outside of Windows. For more accurate information please exit Windows and run MSD from the
MS-DOS prompt.
Some areas may be affected while MSD is run under Windows: Memory values and types will
reflect what Windows provides by itself, and through the associated .PIF file; IRQ values may be
reported differently; and the visual memory map in Memory, Memory Block Display, and
Memory Browser may show different results. Other areas that may be affected include Video,
OS Version, Mouse, Disk Drives, and COM Ports.
So how do you know whether a program is made for DOS or Windows? Nearly all Windows
programs bear the Microsoft Windows logo , while DOS programs do not. If you're still
not sure, try running the program from the DOS prompt first. For example, type calc at a DOS
prompt; you will get the message:
It is most widely used operating system and it stands for Microsoft Disk operating system. The
operating system’s components reside on disk and are brought into computer memory as needed.
DOS is a single-user, single tasking operating system.becouse of this limitation we use DOS on a
stand-alone computers.
It has a number of programs to perform different tasks of which the following are the basic
Control program
This component is responsible to facilitate the control and coordination activities of the
computer. The program that performs the listed activity is known by the file name MSDOS.SYS
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It facilitates the utilization of the different input and output devices. Here the file that is
responsible for the stated task is called IO.SYS
Command interpreter
It interprets the commands typed by the user at the system prompt into computer function. The
interpretation by done by the file called COMMAND.COM
The listed file along with other program files constitutes ms-dos. They will enable you:
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