Jacobian Nullwerte and Algebraic Equations: Jordi Guàrdia
Jacobian Nullwerte and Algebraic Equations: Jordi Guàrdia
Jacobian Nullwerte and Algebraic Equations: Jordi Guàrdia
We present two applications of jacobian nullwerte, both related with the resolution of
algebraic equations of any degree. We give a very simple expression of the roots of a
polynomial of arbitrary degree in terms of derivatives of hyperelliptic theta functions. This
expression can be understood as an explicit proof of Torelli’s theorem in the hyperelliptic
case. We also give geometrical expressions of the discriminant of a polynomial. Both
applications are based on a jacobian version of Thomae’s formula. 2002 Elsevier Science
(USA). All rights reserved.
Keywords: Algebraic equations; Theta functions
1. Introduction
In the last decades of the 19th century, Rosenhain [1], Thomae [2], Rie-
mann [3] and Frobenius [4] began the study of determinants of derivatives of odd
theta functions, in order to find generalizations of Jacobi’s derivative formula [5]:
θ11 (0, τ ) = −πθ00(0, τ )θ01(0, τ )θ10(0, τ ).
They discovered fascinating formulae, expressing the value at zero of these
jacobians (“jacobian nullwerte”) as products of zero values of even Theta
functions (“Thetanullwerte”). For much of the twentieth century, these jacobian
Partially supported by DGICYT Grant BFM2000-0627.
E-mail address: guardia@mat.upc.es.
0021-8693/02/$ – see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 1 - 8 6 9 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 4 9 - 2
J. Guàrdia / Journal of Algebra 253 (2002) 112–132 113
nullwerte seemed to be forgotten, until Weil asked Igusa whether any jacobian
nullwerte could be expressed as a polynomial in the even Thetanullwerte, or at
least as a rational function of them. Igusa showed that the second assertion is true,
but not the first. He also used the jacobian nullwerte to show the non-integral
closeness of the ring of theta constants (cf. [6,7]).
In this paper we present two applications of jacobian nullwerte, both related
with the resolution of algebraic equations.
It is well known that it is possible to express the roots and the discriminant of
a polynomial in terms of hyperelliptic theta functions and hyperelliptic integrals
(cf. [8,9]). These formulae are rather intricate, and the geometry behind them is
not evident. Their proofs rely on the classical formula of Thomae, which relates
some products of differences between the roots of a polynomial with a given
We present here a more geometrical approach to the resolution of algebraic
equations. Using Riemann’s theorems on the theta function, we are able to give a
very simple expression of the roots of a polynomial in terms of derivatives of odd
theta functions. Geometrically speaking, we give an effective method to recover
a hyperelliptic curve from its jacobian, that is, we provide an explicit proof of
Torelli’s theorem in the hyperelliptic case.
As a second application of the jacobian Thetanullwerte, we discuss the
expression of the discriminant of a polynomial as a value of a Siegel modular
form. We propose formulas which give a geometrical content to the classical
definition of the discriminant as a modular form.
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Notations
Cf : Y 2 = f (X) = an Xn + · · · + a0 = an (X − α1 ) · · · (X − αn ).
In fact, the hyperelliptic curves that we will work with will always be of this
type, so that the symbol Cf will always stand for a hyperelliptic curve associated
with certain polynomial f (X). We will denote by Wi = (αi , 0), i = 1, . . . , n its
Weierstrass points.
114 J. Guàrdia / Journal of Algebra 253 (2002) 112–132
The symbol diag(x1 , . . . , xn ) will stand for the matrix whose diagonal entries are
x1 , . . . , xn and remaining entries are zero.
We begin by recalling the main classical results that will be used in the
paper. There are many excellent books [5,10–12] which can be used as general
references for the rest of the paper.
point W ∈ C as base point for the Abel–Jacobi map in degree d, which is defined
ud : Cd → J (C),
D= mi Pi → ud (D) := mi (η1 , . . . , ηg ).
i i W
Of course, the values of the integrals depend on the path chosen to integrate, but
the class of ud (D) on Cg /(1g |Z) is well-defined. Unless explicitly stated, the
choice of the base point will not affect any of the results, so we will make no
further reference to it.
It is usual to extend the Abel–Jacobi map ud to non-effective divisors: if
D= Pj − Qk ,
j =1 k=1
we take
Pi r
Abel’s theorem tell us that the Abel–Jacobi map is invariant through linear
D1 ≡ D2 ⇒ ud (D1 ) = ud (D2 ).
This function is quasi-periodic with respect to the columns of the period matrix
(1g |Z). Although it cannot be considered as a function on J (C), its zero locus is a
well-defined divisor Θ in J (C), called the theta divisor. Two fundamental results
of Riemann relate the geometry of Θ with the geometry of C.
Theorem 2.1 (Riemann theorem). The image of the Abel–Jacobi map in degree
g − 1 is a translate of the theta divisor: for a suitable κ ∈ J (C) we have
ug−1 (Cg−1 ) = Θ − κ.
The constant κ, which is usually called the Riemann vector, of course depends
on the base point W . We define a new map Π : Cg−1 → J (C), given by Π(D) =
116 J. Guàrdia / Journal of Algebra 253 (2002) 112–132
ug−1 (D) + κ. This map satisfies the symmetry condition: Π(K − D) = −Π(D),
where K denotes a canonical divisor. The map Π is extended to non-effective
divisors of degree g − 1 in the same way as the map ug−1 .
Abel’s theorem assures that around an effective divisor D of degree g − 1 such
that l(D) = 0, the Abel–Jacobi map ug−1 is one-to-one, so by Riemann theorem,
the theta divisor is smooth at the point ug−1 (D). The Riemann singularity theorem
explains what happens for exceptional divisors of degree g − 1.
We are mainly interested in the case of effective divisors D with l(D) = 1. For
such a divisor, Riemann singularity theorem says that the function θ vanishes at
point Π(D), and that at least one of the first derivatives is non-zero at Π(D).
Proof. In [10, p. 228] is seen that the points Pi satisfy the equation
Π(D) ηk (P ) = 0,
and the proposition follows from the relation (1). ✷
J. Guàrdia / Journal of Algebra 253 (2002) 112–132 117
Corollary 3.1. If the curve C is defined over a number field K, any quotient
of the coefficients of the equation in Proposition 3.1 is algebraic over the field
K(P1 , . . . , Pg−1 ).
The set J (Cf )[2] of 2-torsion points in J (Cf ) = Cg /(1g |Z) can be described
1 1 m
J (Cf )[2] = zm = Z.m + m m = , m , m ∈ {0, 1} .
2 2 m
118 J. Guàrdia / Journal of Algebra 253 (2002) 112–132
Riemann theorem, combined with part (d) of Lemma 4.1, gives a complete
characterization of the Weierstrass 2-torsion points: they are the odd 2-torsion
points w ∈ J (Cf )[2] such that
∂θ ∂θ
(w), . . . , (w) = (0, . . . , 0).
∂z1 ∂zg
1 1
zi := Z.ηi + ηi , zS := zi .
2 2
J. Guàrdia / Journal of Algebra 253 (2002) 112–132 119
We take the point W2g+2 as base point for the Abel–Jacobi map. With these
choices, the image of a semicanonical divisor DI = 2mWk + Wi1 + · · · + Wig−1−2m
through the Abel–Jacobi map is
ug−1 (DI ) = zI ,
wI := Π(DI ) = zI ◦U .
Theorem 5.1 [6]. Let η1 , . . . , ηg be odd analytic theta characteristics such that
the function [η1 , . . . , ηg ](Z) is not identically zero and is contained in the ring of
Thetanullwerte C[θ ]. Then η1 , . . . , ηg can be completed to form a fundamental
system, and
[η1 , . . . , ηg ](Z) = π g ± θ [ηi ](0; Z),
{ηg+1 ,...,η2g+2 }∈S i=g+1
J. Guàrdia / Journal of Algebra 253 (2002) 112–132 121
D = Wi ,
Di = D − Wi , i = 1, . . . , g,
Di = D + Wi − 2W2g+2 , i = g + 1, . . . , 2g + 1,
wi = Π(Di ).
122 J. Guàrdia / Journal of Algebra 253 (2002) 112–132
Proof. By Proposition 4.1, the divisors Di have the right parity, so we have
only to check that e(w1 + wi , w1 + wj ) = −1 for every pair i = j . Let U =
{1, 3, . . . , 2g + 1}. Applying formula (2) we find that wi + wj = Π(Di ) +
Π(Dj ) = Π(D{i,j }◦U ). Hence, e(wi + wj ) = (−1)i+j +1 , and e(w1 + wi , w1 +
wj ) = (−1)2i+2j +1 = −1. ✷
Cf : Y 2 = f (X) = an (X − α1 ) · · · (X − αn ) ∈ C
be a complex hyperelliptic curve of genus g = (n − 2)/2 . We fix
dx x dx x g−1 dx
ω1 = , ω2 = , ..., ωg =
y y y
as the basis of the holomorphic differential forms and denote by Ω = (Ω1 |Ω2 )
the period matrix of Cf with respect to this basis of H 0 (Cf , Ω 1 ) and some
symplectic basis of H1 (Cf , Z). The canonical map of Cf with respect to
ω1 , . . . , ωg has a very simple expression:
φ : Cf → Pg−1 ,
P = (x, y) → φ(P ) = 1, x, . . . , x g−1 .
Corollary 7.1.
V (α1 , . . . , αg ) = det Ω1 g−1
HDj 1, αj , . . . , αj J (w1 , . . . , wg ).
j =1
Cf : Y 2 = f (X).
dx x dx x g−1 dx
ω1 = , ω2 = , ..., ωg =
y y y
then αi = x2 /x1 .
In the following two sections we give specific versions of Theorems 8.1 and 8.2
for genus 2 and 3, where they are especially simple.
J. Guàrdia / Journal of Algebra 253 (2002) 112–132 125
Note that we do not need to use any particular homology basis, since the only
effect of a symplectic change of basis will be a reordering of the values of the
ratios xk,1 /xk,2 .
(Note that the result that appears in [13] is for monic polynomials of degree
2g + 1.) The proof of this proposition is based on the classical formula of Thomae,
which we recall in the general case of a non-monic polynomial.
Theorem 11.1 (Thomae’s formula [12]). For any set S ⊂ {1, . . . , 2g + 2} of even
θ [ηS ](Z)4 = ± 4π 2 a2g+2 det Ω12 (αi − αj ) (αi − αj ).
i<j i<j
i,j ∈S◦U i,j ∈S◦U
We will now give another modular approach to the discriminant, using our
jacobian version of Thomae’s formula (Theorem 7.1).
So far, we have been using a slightly different definition of the Thetanullwerte
and the jacobian nullwerte: we have overpassed the exponential factor, since it
was completely unnecessary for the resolution of algebraic equations. But now
we want to combine our results with the classical ones, so we introduce some
notations to make all the definitions compatible.
Given a semicanonical divisor D, we will write θ [D] to denote the Thetanull-
werte θ [η](Zf ) given by the analytic theta characteristic η corresponding to D.
For a Weierstrass divisor D, we define H [D] to be the hyperplane given by the
∂θ [η] ∂θ [η] .
H [D](X1 , . . . , Xg ) := (0, Zf ) · · · (0, Zf ) Ω1−1 .. = 0.
∂z1 ∂zg
128 J. Guàrdia / Journal of Algebra 253 (2002) 112–132
Proof. We first rewrite Theorem 7.1 with the notations just introduced. It looks
exactly as before, since the exponential factors that appear in H [Dj ] and
|J [D1 , . . . , Dg ]| are cancelled:
V (α1 , . . . , αg ) = det Ω H [Dj ](Wj ) J [D1 , . . . , Dg ].
j =1
Now, we take the product of these equalities over all fundamental systems of
the form DI , and raise it to the square. Every factor (αi − αj ) appearing in the
definition of ∆alg (Cf ) appears once for every DI such that {i, j } ⊂ I , and hence
it appears 2 g 2g
− 2 times in the final product. For every fundamental system DI
we also obtain the product
H [DJ ] 1, αj , . . . , αj ,
J ∈Tg−1 ,
J ∪{j }=I
and thus, in the final product every form H [DJ ](X1 , . . . , Xg ) appears evaluated
at every αj with j ∈/ J. ✷
We can now combine Lockhart’s result with our theorem, to find relations
between jacobian nullwerte and products of theta nullwerte. We will make this for
low genera, where a geometrical interpretation of these relations becomes clear.
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This relation, combined with Theorem 7.1, gives the following formula, which
can be seen as a geometric Jacobi identity for genus 2.
Proposition 12.1.
H [Wj ](1, αk )H [Wk ](1, αj )
= ±π 2 det Ω1−1 (αk − αj ) θ [Wj + Wk − Wr ].
For genus 2 we also have a specific formula for the discriminant [14]:
∆alg (Cf ) = ±(2π)20 det Ω1−10 θ [η](Zf )2 (5)
= ±(2π)20 det Ω1−10 θ [Wi + Wj − Wk ]. (6)
i<j <k
If we take the product of |J [Wj , Wk ]| over all pairs j < k and apply Rosenhain’s
identity in each factor we obtain:
J [Wj , Wk ]2 = π 60 θ [Wi + Wj − Wk ]6
j <k i<j <k
−120 −60
= 2 π det Ω160 ∆alg (Cf )6 .
Finally, Theorem 11.2 for genus 2 states that
30 j <k
H [Wj ](Wk )2
∆alg (Cf ) = a6 det Ω1
j <k |J [Wj , Wk ]|
Proposition 12.2.
∆alg (Cf )7 = 2120a610 π 60 det Ω1−30 H [Wj ](Wk )2 .
j <k
is always even, and hence, by [7, Corollary to Theorem 2], the jacobian
Thetanullwerte |J [Wi + Wk , Wi + Wj , Wj + Wk ]| is a product of five even
Thetanullwerte θ [D 1 ] · · · θ [Dz
5 ]. By Theorem 5.1, the divisors Dr are the only
ones which form a fundamental system with Wi + Wk , Wi + Wj , Wj + Wk and
r ] = 0. We have seen in Proposition 6.1 that the divisors D
θ [D r = Wi + Wj +
Wk −Wr , r = i, j, k form a fundamental system with Wi +Wk , Wi +Wj , Wj +Wk
and by Riemann’s singularity theorem, θ [D r ] = 0, because l(Wi + Wj + Wk −
Wr ) = 0 by Lemma 4.1. ✷
With this in hand, we can now proceed exactly as in the previous section. We
obtain the following results.
Proposition 13.2 (Geometric Jacobi identity for genus 3). For every triplet of
Weierstrass points Wi , Wj , Wk ,
Proposition 13.3.
(a) ∆alg (Cf )30 = 2840 π 504 a8420 det Ω1−280
× J [Wi + Wk , Wi + Wj , Wj + Wk ].
i<j <k
(b) ∆alg (Cf )36 = a884 π 504 2840 det Ω1−168 H [Wj + Wk ](Wr ).
j <k r=j,k
(b) H [Di ](Wi ) = ±π g det Ω1−1 V (α1 , . . . , αg ) θ [D − Wr ].
i=1 r∈
/ {1,...,g}
(c) Let m = 2gg + 1 . Then
J [DI ]8 = π mg δ(Zf )g+1 .
I ∈ Tg
2g + 2
(d) Let r = g+1 ,n=2 g+1 . Then
∆alg (Cf )n(g+1) = (2π)4g(g+1)r π −2mg (det Ω1 )−4r(g+1) J [DI ]16 .
I ∈ Tg
132 J. Guàrdia / Journal of Algebra 253 (2002) 112–132
We observe that formulas (a) and (b) are equivalent by Theorem 7.1 and they
imply formulas (c) and (d).
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