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Presented to
The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Applied Research
San Pablo City Campus

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Major in Science and Technology


June 2017


This thesis attached hereto entitled “BASIC PROCESS SKILS AND

COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE” prepared and submitted by VERONIQUE M.
MARANAN in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts
in Education Major in Science and Technology, is hereby recommended for
acceptance and approval.




Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of _______


Chairman, Advisory Committee


Member, Advisory Committee Member, Advisory Committee


Member, Advisory Committee

Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts
in Mathematics, at the Laguna State Polytechnic University.


Dean, College of Teachers Education- GSAR

Registrar II

Research No. ______

Passed the Comprehensive Examination on June 2015


This study focused on the correlation of mastery in basic process skills and

attitude toward Science to grade 7 students’ performance.

From the 200 respondents 74% or most of the students are normally in the

age bracket for Grade 7 students which is 11 to 12. One hundred one (101)

respondents or 50.5 % of the total respondents are male while 99 respondents or

49.5 % of the total respondents are female.

Although many students are in the “mastered” level, there are also many

students in lower level especially in the “low mastery” and “no mastery” level who

must be aided to improve their skills and performance.

The students have homogeneity of “high positive attitude” in all the items in

the survey of attitude toward Science except in classroom environment.

Many students have “outstanding” performance in Science but there are also

many with “Fairly Satisfactory” and “Did not meet expectations” that need

immediate attention.

In correlation between attitude toward Science and students’ performance,

only understanding dimension established significant relationship in terms of

teaching strategy; all the cognitive process dimensions are not related in

terms of academic value; analyzing and creating dimensions are significantly

related in terms of Science activity; and understanding, applying and analyzing

dimensions are significantly related in terms of classroom environment.


In correlation between mastery in basic process skills and performance in

Science, observing and predicting skills show significant relation with

remembering dimension; observing, inferring and predicting skills have

significant relationship with understanding dimension; only classifying skill has

no significant relationship to applying dimension ; communicating and predicting

skills are significantly related to analyzing dimension; only inferring is

significantly related to evaluating; and all basic process skills are significantly

related to creating.

In the light of the aforementioned findings, the following conclusions are


The null hypothesis stating that the mean level of students’ mastery of the

basic process skills is not significantly related to performance in Science is

partially supported.

As per indicated in the findings, the null hypothesis stating that there is no

significant relationship between students’ attitude and performance in Science is

partially confirmed.


This labor of love is whole heartedly dedicated


Almighty God

better-half, Marco;

dearest offsprings Rangel, Monique, Miaka and Rafael;

beloved parents, German and Edita;

dear siblings, Vane, Jerome, Dhang and Vinay;

and my respected bosses, the students.



First and foremost, the researcher would like to give thanks to Almighty

God for providing her everything she needs to accomplish her tasks through His

grace and blessings. With Him everything is possible.

She would like to express her deepest discernment and sincerest

gratitude to the following people for their valued assistance, guidance, moral

support and encouragement for the completion of this study.

Hon. Nestor M. de Vera, Ph.D., President of Laguna State Polytechnic

University and chairman of the panel of examination, for his outstanding

leadership, valuable suggestions and constructive comments;

Dr. Eden C. Callo, Dean of CTE and GSAR, for the encouragement,

compassion and for the pain-staking effort in proof reading the drafts and

enhancing the researcher’s English proficiency;

Dr. Perla M. Guevarra, her adviser, for making this research possible, for

the support, guidance, and advice throughout the research project, Indeed,

without her supervision, it would not be able to put the topic together;

Dr. Eva F. Puyo whose positive criticisms and expertise gave valuable

impact in the advancement of this research study;

Dr. Elisa N. Chua for sharing her expertise, positive comments and

guidance in the validation of this research study;


Sta. Catalina National High School and Lutucan National High

School faculty and staff for being there in the times of trouble and for the love.

Family and friends for the untiring moral, social and spiritual supports.



TITLE PAGE................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET....................................................................................... ii

ABSTRACT..................................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION …………………………………………………………………… v

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................ vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................. vii

LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................... x

LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................... xi




Background of the Study.................................................................... 3

Conceptual Framework...................................................................... 5

Research Paradigm............................................................................ 6

Statement of the Problem................................................................... 8

Hypotheses......................................................................................... 9

Significance of the Study.................................................................... 9

Scope and Limitation.......................................................................... 10

Definition of Terms............................................................................ 11


Related Literature............................................................................... 14

Related Studies.................................................................................. 23


Research Design................................................................................ 31

Respondents of the Study.................................................................. 31

Research Instrument.......................................................................... 32

Research Procedure........................................................................... 34

Statistical Treatment of Data.............................................................. 35


Distribution of Students according to Age …….………………………. 37

Distribution of Students According to Gender ………………………... 38

Students’ Mastery in Basic Science Process Skills………………….. 38

Mean Attitude of the Respondents towards Science as to

Teaching Strategy …………………….. ………….…………………….. 40

Mean Attitude of the Respondents toward Science as to 41

Academic Value ………………………………………………………….
Mean Attitude of the Respondents toward Science as to Science 42
Activity …………………………………………………………………….
Mean Attitude of the Respondents toward Science as to Classroom 42
Environment ……………………………………………………………..

Distribution of Students as to Performance in Science ……………… 44

Correlation between Students’ Performance and Attitude towards 45

Science ……………………………………………………………………

Correlation between Students’ Mastery in Basic Process 46

Skills and Performance in Science……………………………………



Summary of Findings.......................................................................... 49

Conclusion.......................................................................................... 50

Recommendation................................................................................ 51

BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................... 52


A. Scientific Attitude Survey Questionnaire…………………… 61

B. Science Basic Process Skill Test ………………………….. 62

B1.Table of Specification……………………………… 69

C. Achievement Test in Grade 7 Science and Technology… 70

C1. Table of Specification……………………………….… 72



Table Page
1 Population of Grade 7 Respondents……………………………….. 32

2 Distribution of Respondents as to Mastery in Basic Science

Process Skills………………………………………………………….
3 Mean Attitude of the Respondents Toward Science
as to Teaching Strategy……………………………………………...
4 Mean Attitude of the Respondents Toward Science as to
Academic Value……………………………………………………….
5 Mean Attitude of the Respondents Toward
Science as to Science Activity……………………………………….
6 Mean Attitude of the Respondents Toward
Science as to Classroom Environment…………………………….
7 Distribution of Students as to Performance in Science…………… 44

8 Correlation between Students’ Performance 45

and Attitude Toward Science………………………………………..

9 Correlation between Students’ Mastery in Basic Process 46

Skills and Performance in Science………………………………….


Figure Page
1 Research Paradigm of the Study………………………………….. 7

2 Distribution of Students According to Age……………………….. 37

3 Distribution of Students According to Gender……………….…… 38


Chapter 1



The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, states that every graduate of

basic education shall be an empowered individual who has learned, through a

program that is rooted on sound educational principles and geared towards

excellence, the foundations for learning throughout life, the competence to

engage in work and be productive, the ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with

local and global communities, the capability to engage in autonomous, creative,

and critical thinking, and the capacity and willingness to transform others and

one’s self. For this purpose, the State shall create a functional basic

education system that will develop productive and responsible citizens equipped

with the essential competencies, skills and values for both life-long learning and


Based on the K to 12 science curriculum’s conceptual framework, science

education aims to develop scientific literacy among students that will prepare

them to be informed and participative citizens who are able to make judgments

and decisions regarding applications of scientific knowledge that may have social,

health or environmental impacts. It integrates science and technology in the civic,

personal, social, economic and the values and ethical aspects of life. It is

designed around the three domains of learning science: understanding and

aapplying scientific knowledge, performing scientific process and skills and

developing and demonstrating scientific attitudes and values.


Science process skills are the things that scientists do when they study and

investigate. Observing, classifying, communicating, measuring, inferring and

predicting are among the thinking skills used by scientists, teachers and students

when doing science. Much of the pleasure of both learning and teaching science

is experiencing science. Mastering these process skills will help use develop the

kind of science program that mirrors real science (Rezba, et al., 1995).

Science, according to Handlesman et al., as an academic discipline

relates learning the key concepts, as well as the processes of science. The

increasing value of science process skills poses a serious challenge of finding

ways to amend teaching as a means of elevating these educational outcomes.

Recent revitalization of interest in developing thinking skills has encouraged

added importance on process skills instruction.

Development of basic process skills is important as well as development of

proper scientific attitude and values. Science Education aims to train students to

think like scientists and emphasis would be expected on the development of

attitude that good scientists are able to display (Opulencia , 2011). One of the

purpose of teaching is inculcation of desirable attitudes and values (Pacia, 2014).

Shaping students’ attitudes, behaviors, and motivations is necessary today for

without these broader skills and strengths, students will be unprepared for the

challenges they, and their world, will face (Miller, 2017).

Process skills and attitude toward Science are important elements that

may influence students’ performance. According to Johnston (2009), science


process skills are significant in improving students’ cognitive development and

facilitating students’ active participation during the teaching and learning process

Attitude toward science is positively correlated with science achievement

(Papanastasiou and Zembylas, 2004).

Developing mastery in basic process skills and positive attitude toward

Science is aiming for quality students’ performance. The students’ performance

(academic achievement) according to Mushtaq and Khan (2012) plays an

important role in producing great leader and manpower for the country thus

responsible for the country’s economic and social development.

The researcher believes that basic process skills mastery and attitude

toward Science may affect the performance of Grade VII students. This study was

conducted to prove the correlation of the aforementioned variables.

Background of the Study

The basic science process skills are what people do when they do

science. Children using the same skills are active learners. They use their

senses to observe objects and events and they look for patterns in those

observations. They classify to form new concepts by searching for similarities

and differences. Orally and in writing, they communicate what they know and

what are they able to do. To quantify descriptions of objects of objects and

events, they measure. They infer explanations and willingly change their

inferences as new in formations become available. And they predict possible

outcomes before they are actually observed (Rezba, et al., 1995).


Science process skills form the core of inquiry-based learning. To learn to

do science is to master the science process skills and to apply them in scientific

investigation (Ngoh, 2008).

As cited by Prudente (2011), the deteriorating performance of students in

the National Achievement Test (NAT) in Science and Mathematics is already a

proof that there is still a problem.

Based on the spiral progression under the K to 12 Curriculum students

who enter the junior high school particularly grade 7, have nearly mastered if not

mastered the basic process skills in science. This is very important in order for

them to execute the activities required by the curriculum and learn effectively the

competencies behind these activities.

On the other hand, positive attitude toward science is very essential.

Students with positive attitude toward science tend to have higher scores on the

achievement measures (Weinburgh, 1995).

Students’ achievement is positively related to learning goal orientation,

self-efficacy and meaningful learning (Hacieminoglu, 2015).

As a grade 7 teacher, the researcher observes the low achievement of

many students in science. This lowachievement is very evident in the periodical

assessments. The researcher opted to conduct this study to find out if Science

Process Skills are properly acquired by the students; what are their attitude

toward Science and how they may affect the students’ performance.

Conceptual Framework

The spiral progression of K to 12 Curriculum is in accordance with

Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. The level of complexity of the

Science concepts and science process skills increases the level of complexity

from lower grade to higher grade level. Students’ mastery on basic science

concept and basic science process skills must be evident after each period. One

of the K to 12 Curriculum objectives is scientific literacy. This means that

students must be guided to become independent learners by developing their

process skills, logical thinking and critical thinking skills.

This study is anchored on Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development

and Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory.

Piaget’s theory states that in order to adapt to an environment, learners

face two stages, assimilation and accommodation. According to Wadsworth

(1996), aassimilation is the first stage of a cognitive process by which a person

integrates new perceptual, motor, or conceptual matter into existing schemata or

patterns of behavior. A person can assimilate easily, if a person has similar

experiences. On other hand, a child tries to assimilate new stimulus into existing

schemata during accommodation wwhen confronted with it. If not possible

sometimes, an individual can create a new schema in which to place the stimulus

or one can modify an existing schema so that the stimulus fits into it. While

constructing new schema, one's environment affects his or her cognitive structure.

Piaget’s identifies four consecutive stages of intellectual development, generally


categorized by age ranges. The last stage, the formal operational stage, begins

around 11 or 12 years of age and allows for successful learning of abstract

science content matter.

Glencoe (1992) mentioned that the Bandura’s Social Learning Theory

justified personality as being acquired not only by direct reinforcement of behavior

but also by observational learning or imitation. The consequences to a model

engaging in a particular behavior influence the observer’s willingness to perform

that behavior.

Corollary to those aforementioned theories, the following conceptual

guide served its purpose.

Research Paradigm

The paradigm of the study focused on determining the significant

relationship of Basic Process Skills mastery and attitude toward Science with

performance of Grade VII students.

The research paradigm shows the independent variables which include

Science Basic Process skills, namely: observing, communicating, classifying,

measuring, inferring, and predicting; and students’ attitude toward Science which

include teaching strategy; aacademic value; Sscience activity; and classroom


. To measure the students’ basic science process skill mastery, a 10-item

teacher- made test for each skill with a total of sixty (60) items was constructed.

An attitude toward Science survey was also used as a tool to measure how a

student thinks and behaves toward science.

For the dependent variable the performance of Grade VII students in the

Fourth grading period is measured in accordance to the following cognitive

process dimensions: remembering, understanding, applying, analysis, evaluating

and creating. A 60-item multiple choice test was constructed by the researcher.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

I. Students’ Performance
I. Basic Process Skills in
(Cognitive Process Dimensions)
 Remembering
 Observing
 Understanding
 Communicating
 Applying
 Classifying
 Analyzing
 Measuring
 Evaluating
 Inferring
 Creating
 Predicting

II. Attitude Toward Science

 Teaching Strategy
 Academic Value
 Science Activity
 Classroom

Figure 1. Research Paradigm


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the relationship of mastery in Basic

Process Skills and attitude toward Science with performance of Grade VII


Specifically, it attempted to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 age; and

1.2 gender?
2. What is the level of the students’ mastery of Basic Science Process Skills

in terms of :

2.1 observing;
2.2 communicating;
2.3 classifying;
2.4 measuring;
2.5 inferring;and
2.6 predicting?

3. What is the perception on students’ attitude toward science in terms of :

3.1 teaching strategy;

3.2 academic Value;
3.3 Science Activity; and
3.4 classroom environment?
4. What is the level of students’ performance in science in terms of the

following cognitive process dimensions?

4.1 remembering;

4.2 understanding;
4.3 applying;
4.4 analyzing;
4.5 evaluating; and
4.6 creating?
5. Is the mean level of students’ mastery of science process skills significantly

related to performance in science?

6. Is there a significant relationship between students’ attitude and

performance in Science?

Research Hypotheses

1. There is no significant relationship between students’ attitude and

performance in Science.

2. The mean level of students’ mastery of Basic Process Skills is not

significantly related to performance in Science.

Significance of the Study

This study was conducted for the purpose of finding out the correlation of

mastery of Basic Process Skills and attitude toward Science to students’

performance that may serve as basis in developing an intervention program in

Science. The result of the research is hoped to benefit the following stakeholders:

Students. This study may encourage students to master Basic Science

Process Skills, develop scientific attitude and improve their performance in


Teachers. They may realize the importance of students’ mastery of

basic process skills and development of scientific attitude for them to find

appropriate ways of teaching the subject.

School and Community. The school may serve as motivators to

students with Basic Process Skills and attitude toward Science. The community

may be inspired to send their children to school to further equip them not only with

knowledge, but also with skills and appreciation of education for future


Curriculum Planners. This study may be of help in realigning the

curriculum with more emphasis on the mastery of basic process skills in science.

Future Researchers. This may serve as basis of future related studies

of similar area of concentration.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focused on mastery of Basic Process Skills and attitude toward

Science and how both are correlated to performance of grade VII students. It

was conducted at Sta. Catalina National High School, Candelaria, and Quezon

during the fourth grading period of school year 2016-2017. There were 200

grade 7 student respondents as basic unit of analysis (See Table 1).

This study dealt with student’s basic science process skills such as

observing, communicating, classifying, measuring, inferring and predicting. It

used 60-item test made by the researcher to identify the level of mastery in Basic

Process Skills in Science (Appendix C) and a 60-item test to determine the mean

performance of students in Science (Appendix D).

On the side, an attitudinal inventory was utilized to serve the purpose of

the study. The inventory had the following indicators, namely: teaching

strategy; academic value; science activity and classroom environment (Appendix


Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined for clearer understanding of the variables of

the study.

Academic Value as a category of attitude toward Science is defined as

students’ perception of how important Science is to their lives.

Age. This is the number of years the respondents live since birth up to the

time the study is undertaken.

Analyzing. It is defined as the ability where learner can distinguish between

parts and determine how they relate to one another, and to the overall structure

and purpose.

Applying. This refers to the ability where learner can use information to

undertake a procedure in familiar situations or in a new way.

Attitude toward Science. This is an expression of favor or disfavor of the

respondents toward an academic discipline.


Classroom Environment. This is a general term for the room and school

surroundings and facilities.

Classifying. As used in the study is the skill of observing similarities and

differences and interrelationships and by grouping things accordingly to suit some


Cognitive Process Dimensions. They are from Bloom’s revised taxonomy

identifying new levels of cognitive learning and serve as the guide in the

formulation of assessments and activities in the K + 12 Curriculum; enumerated

as remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating.

Communicating. This skill enables sharing ideas through talking and

listening, drawing and labeling pictures, drawing and labeling graphs and acting

things out.

Creating. It is the ability of the learner to put elements together to form the

functional whole, create a new product, or point of view.

Evaluating. This skill enables the learner to make judgments and justify


Gender. This is the state of being a male or a female respondent.

Inferring. This is making statement that goes beyond the evidence and

attempts to interpret or explain a set of observation.

Mastery. It refers to the level of expertise or knowledge; or outstanding ability

of a person on a certain concept, theory or principle.

Measuring. It is done by comparing an object with a standard unit.


Observing. It is the most basic skill in science done by using our five


Predicting. It is utilized to make a forecast of what a future observation

might be.

Remembering. This skill enables the learner recall information and retrieve

relevant knowledge from long term memory.

Science Activity as a category on attitude toward Science refer to the task

done by students during Science class

Science Basic Process Skills. These terms are sequenced and evolved

from Piaget’s work about developmental psychology that refer to the basic skills

necessary to produce scientific information, perform scientific research and solve

problems; enumerated as observing, communicating, classifying, measuring,

inferring and predicting.

Students’ Performance. This is the students’ achievement of the given

achievement test.

Teaching Strategy. As a category of attitude toward Science is defined as

ways or means the teacher executes the lessons.

Testing. It is one way of exposing an individual to a particular examination

in order to obtain score. In this study, testing refers to the administration of two

sets of test in determining Basic Process Skills mastery and the mean

performance of Grade VII students in Science.

Understanding. This is the skill that permits learner to construct meaning of

oral, written and graphic messages.


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literatures and studies about basic

process skills, attitude toward Science and performance of students that plays

significant role as source of information during conduct of the study.

Related Literature

Science Curriculum Guide (2012), states that the K to 12 Curriculum is

constructed around the three basic dimensions of the nature of science. The first

of these is the science content of our scientific knowledge. The other two

important dimensions are, science process skills (SPS) and scientific attitudes

and values. All these could be applied in our own locality as well as globally.

Skills refer to specific activities or tasks that a student can proficiently do

e.g. skills in coloring, language skills. Skills can be clustered together to form

specific competencies. De Guzman (2007) iterated that it is important to

recognize a student’s ability in order that the program of study can be so designed

as to optimize his/her innate abilities.

Science Process Skills. According to Karamustafaoglu (2011),

understanding of Science process usually refer to skills or abilities that must be

owned by the scientists on the process of scientific discovery. These skills are

divided into two groups: basic and integrated process skills. The basic process

skills include observing, asking questions, classifying, measuring and predicting.


Integrated process skills include, identifying and defining variables, interpreting

data, manipulating materials, recording data, formulating hypotheses, designing

investigations, making inferences and genralizations.

Panoy (2013) cited that the goal of science education is to develop

students’ skills and enables individuals and to apply those skills in everyday lives.

These skills affect the personal, social, and global life of individuals. Science

Process Skills are necessary tool to produce scientific information, to perform

scientific research and to solve problems.

Riovero, as cited by Coronado (2016), defines science as more than of

scientific knowledge. Science process skills should be used as benchmark in

planning lessons, however science process skills should not be presented as

separate stand-alone lesson. These skills need to be connected with important

concepts. Thus, Science knowledge serves as a background for lessons but

should not take up the main lesson. Instead, more emphasis must be given on

activities that enhance the understanding of science concepts and improve

science process skills. This implies that process skills work hard with the

scientific knowledge and scientific attitudes to help students to think


Scientific knowledge includes theory, principles and laws forming content

part of sciences. Ways to knowledge acquisition are ways to get scientific

knowledge. One of the ways to knowledge acquisition is science process skills.

Science process skills are the basic skills of facilitating learning in science,

allowing students to be active, developing a sense of responsibility, increasing the

permanence of learning and providing research methods (Erturk and Kaptan,


Science process skills as the building blocks from which suitable science

tasks are being constructed must be considered by the new national science

curricula and the way they are expressed in textbooks. To develop science

process skills. Science content taught in science classrooms should be used

(Nyakiti et al, 2010)

Science process skills form the core of inquiry-based learning. To learn to

do science is to master the science process skills and to apply them in scientific

investigation (Ngoh, 2008).

Teachers with sufficient Science Process Skills can teach efficiently and

their students perform effectively (Miles, 2010)

Attitude. Cognitive theories of attitude formation tend toward more

reasoned, informational approaches to forming an attitude. An attitude is formed

on the basis of cognition when one comes to believe either the attitude object

possesses (un)desirable attributes, or that the attitude object will bring about

(un)desired outcomes” (Hogg & Cooper, 2007,).

As mentioned in the study of Opulencia (2011) Science Education aims to

train students to think like scientists and emphasis would be expected on the

development of attitude that good scientists are able to display.


According to Yara, as mentioned by Hebrio (2013), attitude as a concept is

concerned with an individual way of thinking, acting and behaving. It has very

serious implications for the learner, the teacher, the immediate social group with

which the individual learner relates and the entire school system. Attitudinal acts

are formed as a result of some kind of experiences. They may also be learned

simply by following the example or opinion of parent, teacher or friend. This

mimicry or imitation, has also a part to play in the teaching and learning situation.

In this respect, the learner draws from his teachers’ disposition to form his own

attitude, which may likely affect his learning outcome.

Teaching and learning are lifelong process. The purpose of teaching at

any level is to bring fundamental changes in the learner. Such changes may be

in the form of acquiring intellectual skills, solving problems and inculcation of

desirable attitudes and values. Teachers adopt different approaches to help

students acquire knowledge, skills and experience (Pacia, 2014).

It is therefore in the interests of society, and the responsibility of

educators, to improve students’ attitudes toward science, and to prepare students

to live in a highly scientific and technological society. The future of our society will

be determined by citizens who are able to understand and help shape the

complex influences of science and technology on our world (Ungar 2010).

Education is no longer enough to focus only on the transfer of knowledge

and skills. Shaping students' attitudes, behaviors, and motivations is necessary


today for without these broader skills and strengths, students will be unprepared

for the challenges they, and their world, will face (Miller, 2017).

According to Zeidan and Jayosi (2015), positive attitude toward science

makes the students more interested in focusing on science process. In other

words, when the students understand the science process skills, science

becomes more interesting to them, which increases the positive attitudes towards


A highly motivated student is usually one with a positive attitude toward the

subject s/he is learning. Therefore, in order to improve students’ attitudes toward

science, faculty must motivate students, which they can do through their teaching

styles and by showing them the relevance of the learning topics to their everyday

lives. In addition, they must create the learning environment that helps motivate

students not only to come to classes but also want to learn and enjoy learning

(Movahedzadeh, 2011).

The continuing decline in numbers of students choosing to study science

requires a research focus on students’ attitudes to science if the nature of the

problem is to be understood and remediated. Starting from a consideration of

what is meant by attitudes to science it considers the problems inherent to their

measurement, what is known about student’s attitudes toward science and the

many factors of influence such as gender, teachers, curricula, cultural aspects

and other variables (Osborne and Chin , 2003).


Focus shifts to skills and values in Physics teaching, complemented with

greater research on skills and values development. She pointed out that

transferability of skills and values to many areas of life and their crucial

importance in scientific literacy and sustainable development (Talisayon, 2004).

Cognitive Process Domain. In 1956, Benjamin Bloom along with a group of

like-minded educators developed a framework for classifying educational goals

and objectives into a hierarchical structure representing different forms and levels

of learning. This framework was published as Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational

Objectives and consisted of the following three domains: Cognitive (remembering;

understanding; applying; analyzing; evaluating; and creating), Affective (receiving

phenomena; responding to phenomena; valuing; organization; and internalizing

values) and Psychomotor (origination; adaptation; complex overt response;

mechanism; guided response; set; and perception).

Each of these three domains consists of a multi-tiered, hierarchical

structure for classifying learning according to increasing levels of complexity. In

this hierarchical framework, each level of learning is a prerequisite for the next

level, i.e., mastery of a given level of learning requires mastery of the previous

levels. Consequently, the taxonomy naturally leads to classifications of lower- and

higher-order learning. In higher education, the cognitive domain has been the

principal focus for developing educational goals and objectives while the affective

and psychomotor domains have received less attention. Bloom’s taxonomy has

stood the test of time, has been used by generations of curriculum planners and

college and university professors, and has become the standard for developing

frameworks for learning, teaching, and assessment. In 2001, a former student of

Bloom’s, Lorin Anderson, and a group of cognitive psychologists, curriculum

theorists and instructional researchers, and testing and assessment specialists

published a revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy entitled A Taxonomy for Teaching,

Learning, and Assessment. The revision updates the taxonomy for the 21st

century, and includes significant changes in terminology and structure. In the

revised framework, ‘action words’ or verbs, instead of nouns, are used to label the

six cognitive levels, three of the cognitive levels are renamed, and the top two

higher-order cognitive levels are interchanged. The result is a more dynamic

model for classifying the intellectual processes used by learners in acquiring and

using knowledge. The revised taxonomy identifies the following new levels of

cognitive learning (arranged from lower-order to higher-order levels of learning):

Remembering – retrieving, recognizing, and recalling relevant knowledge from

long-term memory; Understanding – constructing meaning from oral, written, and

graphic messages through interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing,

inferring, comparing, and explaining ;Applying – using information in new ways;

carrying out or using a procedure or process through executing or implementing;

Analyzing – breaking material into constituent parts; determining how the parts

relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose through differentiating,

organizing, and attributing; Evaluating – making judgments based on criteria and

standards through checking and critiquing; defending concepts and ideas and

Creating – putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole;

reorganizing elements into a new pattern or structure through generating,


planning, or producing (Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and Writing

Intended Learning Outcomes Statements, 2014).

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy can be useful for curse design because the

different levels can help the students move through the process learning-from

mos fundamental remembering and understanding to more complex evaluating

and creating (Forehand, 2010).

Bloom’s taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives originally

developed for general educational purposes. The taxonomy was subsequently

revised to expand beyond cognitive processes and to include an additional

knowledge dimension. The revision was prompted by psychometric

measurements indicating inconsistencies in the original taxonomy, and the

revised taxonomy has been adapted for use in many disciplines (Lo et al., 2016).

The stated dimension which was the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy were

recently used and adapted by the Department of Education in the Assessment of

the Learning Outcomes of the students. These concepts are recently used to

measure the learning of the students in K+12 Curriculum since its goal is the

attainment of standards in terms of content and performance, was therefore a

critical and evidence of learning and authentic in nature (Postrado 2016).

Students’ Performance. As students progress through the curriculum,

faculty may need to find ways to promote recall knowledge for more advanced

topics while continuing to develop their ability to apply and analyze information.

Examinations with well-designed Multiple Choice Questions that prospectively


target various cognitive levels can facilitate assessment of student performance

(Tiemier, 2009).

Students’ Performance. To evaluate their academic performance in

science, achievement test is given to the students. Science achievement refers

to the accomplishment of the students in his school work. It is the measure of

knowledge, understanding, skills and appreciation attained by the students in

Science as indicated by his scores in the achievement test (Cabantuando, 2009).

Teaching competence, attitude of teacher and students, library facility,

educational attainments of parents, parents’ attitude toward study of their children,

and attitude toward their study significantly influence the academic performance

of students (Blancia, 2003).

Students in urban areas performed better than those in rural areas.

Availability of enough qualified teachers determines students’ performance

(Richardson 2008).

Communication, learning facilities and proper guidance shows positive

impact on the student performance (Mushtaq and Khan, 2012).

Students who have positive achievements are those who have positive

attitudes and they think that they are successful, sufficient, powerful, and they

have confidence in them (Kirikkaya, 2011).


Related Studies

Science Process Skills. Panoy (2013) tested a strategy that directly used

the skills that involved in each category of Bloom’s Taxonomy as the Independent

variable. He deliberately conducted the study that investigated on a new teching

strategy called differentiated strategy and tested its effect on the Science process

skills development. His study was formed with aim of helping teachers devise a

strategy that will suit the continously growing diversity among learners at present.

The skills that he had tested on his study are the Measuring, Comparing,

Classifying and Problem Solving. It proven the null hypothesis that states that

there was a significant difference between the mean gain score of the pupils in the

experimental and control groups in terms of skills in comparing, measuring, and

problem solving. Thus, it can say that still, science is a subject that requires

several strategies to cope up with vast changing learning environment of the


According to the study conducted by Akben (2015), the importance of

science literate individuals having scientific process skills and using the inquiry

method as a teaching method during lessons are frequently emphasized.

However, when the level of incorporation of this method in the books which are

the main resources for the courses is examined, it is seen that the experiments in

the books tended to be at the structured inquiry level. This can make students

acquire limited basic skills. Akben’s study was designed to make prospective

classroom teachers realize new experiments that they can develop by adopting a

critical look at the experiments in textbooks. The prospective teachers


developed experiments at different levels of inquiry, identified the science process

skills which can be developed using these experiments, and expressed the

understanding they developed with this practice. As a result of this research,

conducting the experiments included in the course books at different levels of

inquiry, the prospective teachers realized the skills that can be developed in

students, the relation of these experiments with the daily life, and the fact that

conducting experiments can increase students' interest in the course.

Learning of science is a process of construction and reconstruction of

previously held personal theories. It is a process of continually refining existing

knowledge and constructing concepts in intricate organized networks that are

unique to each child and that provide explanatory and predictive power and have

used input from outside sources (Martin, 2009).

Based on the study of Sukarno, et al. (2014), it is concluded that science

teachers' understanding of science process skills (SPS) is still low.The low

science teacher understanding to SPS have implications for science

teaching-learning activities, so that science teaching-learning activities be poor to

student teaching-learning activity development. Some implications the low SPS of

science teachers, among others: still lack science knowledge generally for

science teachers, the low of learning quality which stimulates development of

students science process skills,lack of students science process skills and the low

students mastery of science concepts generally.


Gurces, et al. (2015) did a study in order to determine using level of 10th

and 11th grade students’ science process skills. Science process skills predict

knowledge and ways to knowledge acquisition. Among students participating

different high schools, a significant difference is determined in terms of basic,

casual and experimental process skills. According to the findings of Gurces,

et al., it can be explained that students’ attending schools which are general

achievement level or acceptance order can cause a significant difference in terms

of potential use of science process skills. This situation may stem from different

instructional methods, teachers’ content knowledge and efficiency in the schools.

In comparison of 10th and 11th grade students in terms of basic, casual and

experimental process skills, it is seen that 10th grade students had higher means

than 11th grade students at all. There is a significant difference between 10th

grade students and 11th grade students only in terms of basic process skills.

Because 11th grade students solve problems based on knowledge due to

preparation to entrance of university exams, this situation may restrain their

science process skills.

Aydogdu (2015) conducted a study that showed one of the results that

indicated that overall science process skills of science teachers differed on the

frequency of use of these skills in the classroom and on in-service training on

these skills.

Akman, et al. (2012) conducted a study that revealed the effect of

"Constructivist Science Teaching Program" developed by researchers for efficient

and lasting acquisition of scientific processing skills by 6 year olds attending


pre-school education institutions. The result of the study, found significant

difference between the Preschool Scientific Processing Skills Scale scores of the

children in the experimental group who received Constructivist Science Teaching

Program and those of the children who received traditional teaching program.The

scores of the experimental group were found to be higher than the scores of the

children in the control group. This result indicated that Constructivist Science

Teaching Program administrated to children attending pre-school education

groups is effective in the acquisition of scientific processing skills.

The study of Baldwin and Wilson (2017) concluded that shared book

strategy allowed students to build both science and literacy skills to support

future science learning. The hands-on, outdoor activity allowed students to

connect talk with their everyday lives and to bridge expectations. Preschool is the

perfect time to engage students in scientific talk and scientific inquiry.

Teaching approaches in a science class can provide opportunity to

inculcate science process skills. These skills need to be realized by teachers that

it is important in the learning of science and it serve as a scaffold to other

cognitive skills such as logical thinking, reasoning and problem solving skills. It is

especially important that instruction to the task is clear and useful. Students

should be aware the science process skills that were to be acquired and they

should be guided through exploration questioning. This implied that teachers

should always give guidance throughout the experiment or lesson in order for the

students to realize they are actually learning to acquire the science process skills

(Rauf , et al., 2013).


Attitude toward Science. Attitude and self-efficacy in science as

technology as well as student achievement in science process skills were

measured in the study of Baker, et al. (2002). The study found significant

improvement in attitudes toward technology, self-efficacy toward science, and

modest, yet significant, improvements for geographic data analysis for students

who used paper maps.

Oh and Yager (2004) on their study stated that while students’ negative

attitude toward science are related to a traditional approach in science instruction,

their positive feelings are associated with constructivist science classrooms. The

authors also commented that if students are provided with too much scientific

information, they will have a more negative attitude. Thus, the authors suggested

that the learning environment should be designed in such a way as to allow

students to attain scientific knowledge and gain a more positive attitude toward


The study conducted by Hacieminoglu (2015) has findings indicating that

generally the students had low level of positive attitude toward science. This

may be brought by teachers’ different application of science and technology

curriculum and varying classroom environment.

Turner & Peck (2009), pointed out the result of the Relevance Of Science

Education (ROSE) project which recorded that interest was negatively correlated

with the United Nations comparative national index of human development. The

results suggests that children generally are or become less interested in Science

and technology when and where its education is the strongest.

The results of the survey conducted by Sanja et al. (2012) on student's

attitudes towards science and mathematics indicated that students value

demonstrations, applications and practical, hands-on experimentation, and that

after these types of classroom activities they express positive attitude towards

science and mathematics.

The study of U. Narmadha and S. Chamundeswar ( 2013), investigated

attitude towards learning of Science and academic achievement in Science

among students at the secondary level that resulted to their positive correlations.

Cognitive Process Dimension.The study of Faustino (2012) in two-group

experimental study of high and low performance, there was significant difference

in the cognitive learning outcomes of high and low students’ performance. It was

noticeable that high-performing students could provide very good analogies,

editorial cartoons, poems and slogans. There was minor difference in the

reflective responses between the two-groups because of the depth of the

students’ responses varied. The difference in the study was that the researcher

used affective domain of Revised Blooms Taxonomy. The findings from the

study suggested that the use of any cognitive strategy is feasible for students in a

regular class, the learning outcomes of the student resented in the research

though should be a sole basis for choosing the effective strategy because

learning is also influenced by the students’ level of task knowledge.


Students Performance.As found by Biglete (2013), there was a significant

correlation between students’ performance in Physics and that of reading

comprehension skills in terms of literal level, problem solving proficiency in terms

of data interpretation and level of use in Mathematics information processing in

terms of metacognitive solving and strategic approach.

Bayat, et al. (2013) aimed to define the relationship between reading

comprehension and achievement in science. Associational model was used as

a method, and 132 eighth grade secondary school students constituted the

participants of the study. It was determined that there is a certain level of

relationship between success in reading comprehension and success in science.

Teacher qualification accounted for approximately 40 to 60 percent of the

variance in average of students’ achievement in assessment. (Huang & Moon,


WendelI and Rogers (2013) in their study found out that engineering

design-based science curriculum was associated with significant science content

gains by elementary students, and these gains exceeded those achieved when

the same teachers used their school or district's status quo science curricula.

Mervis (2016) evaluated the result of 2015 Trends in International

Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and some of his evaluations included

that the international average of the role of technology was 32% that includes

use of computers in eighth grade math classes varies from 65% in Sweden to 4%

in Malta .Students with ready access to computers scored only four points

higher than those without such access. ; and eighth grade science students who

“rarely or never” miss class scored 95 points higher than those who are absent

once a week which suggests that time on task does affect how much students


The foregoing related literature and studies provide enlightenment and

direction to the course of this study. This research was timely needed to address

the decreasing performance of students in science. The methodology used

was carefully chosen to be most appropriate for questions being asked.


Chapter 3


This chapter covers the methods and procedure to be used in the conduct of

the study. These include research design, respondents of the study, research

instruments, research procedure and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study utilized descriptive correlation design. Descriptive correlation

research can be either quantitative or qualitative. It can involve collections of

quantitative information that can be tabulated along a continuum in numerical

form such as scores on a test (Knupfer and McLellan, 2001). It involves

gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts and

describes the data collection (Glass and Hopkins, 1984). It often uses visual

aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data

distribution. Relatively, the study involved gathering of data of respondents and

interpreting these data through tables and graphs.

The researcher looked into the students’ level of mastery of basic process

skills and attitude and their mean performance in grade 7 Science.

Respondents of the Study

The objective of the study was to measure the level of the mastery in basic

process skills, attitude toward Science and the performance Grade 7 students.

The respondents of the study were selected by purposive sampling.

Purposive sampling is also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective

sampling where a sample is a non-probability sample that is selected based on

characteristics of a population and the objective of the study (Crossman, 2017).

The two hundred (200) students were selected from the population Grade 7

students of Sta. Catalina National High School, Candelaria, Quezon enrolled

during school year 2016-2017. They consisted the five sections taught by the

researcher (Table 1).

Table 1. Population of Grade 7 Respondents

Section Male Female Total

Narra 20 23 43
Yakal 13 30 43
Apitong 20 20 40
Mahogany 20 16 36
Mangrove 21 17 38
Total 94 106 200

Research Instruments

The main instruments of the study were the two sets of teacher made test

which are the Science Process Skill Test and Science Achievement Test and the

Science Attitudinal Survey.

Part I. Science Process Skills Test

The test is teacher-made and served the purpose of measuring student’s

mastery of Science Basic Process Skills. This is a test composed of 60 items

which is divided into ten item-test for every component of Science Process skills

such as observing, communicating, classifying, measuring, inferring and


The first part of the test is about observing which is composed of pictures

and diagram that students have to observe carefully. This part tests students’

sharpness in observing, specifically in using the sense of sight. The second part

which is about communicating is divided into two: Communicating with a Map,

where students are required to write the location of the object by consulting the

map; and describing the cylinder, where students are required to write

sentence/s that describe the location of the cylinder. Classifying is the third part of

the test where students need to classify the given units, by putting them in the

proper column of the quantity they measure. The fourth part about measuring is

divided into matching the instrument and the quantity it measures and solving

simple problem of conversion. The last part of the test is identifying the correct

inference and predictions, respectively (see Appendix C).

PART II. Achievement Test

The test is a teacher-made achievement test that covered the topics included

in the Fourth Grading Period and validated by selected Science teachers. This is

composed of ten item-test for every dimension of cognitive process dimensions

such as remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and

creating. In the first part which is under remembering dimension, the students are

required to recall simple information in order choose the correct answer from the

choices. The second part under the understanding dimension, the students are

asked to put the sub-topics on their main topics’ column. In applying dimension

which is the third part of the test, the students had to match information in

column A to Column B. The fourth part under analyzing dimension, students are

required to provide a word for each sentence to complete the analogy.

Identifying where the sentence is true or false is the fifth part of the test under the

evaluating dimension. Lastly the test under creating dimension is divided into

the following three sub-parts: making simple diagram showing weathering, giving

simple ways to help lessen the rate of global warming and drawing a diagram of

solar ecplise. The final form was reproduced and distributed to the respondents at

specified time upon approval of the School Principal.

PART III. Inventory on Attitude toward Science

This is a 20-item researcher made survey divided into four sub-parts that will

determine the mean attitude of students towards Science in terms of teacher’s

strategy, academic value, Science activity and classroom environment.

Research Procedure

The study involved two phases: constructing the test and survey questions by

developing the test and survey forms subject for validation and assembly of the

final form.

Phase I consists of constructing the survey form and test based on the table

of specifications and test domains. Phase II covers field test subjecting the

result to appropriate statistical treatment.


Students’ mastery in science process skills was measured through

teacher-adapted test with 60-item, multiple choice type of assessment.

Inventory on students’ attitude toward Science consisting of 20 items was

administered for the purpose of the study.

Teacher-made test of 60 items was administered to students to assess their

performance in the fourth grading period.

The tests and inventory were administered to Grade VII students of Sta.
Catalina National High School after validation of selected science teachers.

Statistical Treatment of Data

All collected data were collated for analyses. Appropriate statistical

measures were used and employed to quantify the data and to answer the

problem set for the study.

Descriptive statistics such as frequency count and percent distribution, mean

and standard deviation were used to describe the respondents’ profile.

Frequency count determines the number of respondents who were subjected

to the assessment of science process skills.

Arithmetic Mean was used to assess students’ mastery of basic process skills

and performance in science.

Mean Percentage Score was used to determine the average score in the
Science Process Skill Test and in the Achievement Test.

Standard Deviation was used to get the average of how distant the individual
scores or perception are from the mean of the tests.

Weighted Mean was computed to determine the level of students’ attitude

toward science.

Inferential Statistics of Pearson Product-Moment-Correlation Coefficient was

employed to determine the relationship of Scientific Attitude and mastery in basic

process skills to performance in Science and their significance.


Chapter 4


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data according

to the problems presented in this study.

Profile of Respondents

Respondents’ profile was described in terms of age and gender.

Figure 2. Distribution of Students according to Age

Figure 2 presents the distribution of students according to age. The 200

students have ages that range from 11 to 14 years. The youngest student in this

group is 11 years old and the oldest is 14 years old. The biggest percentage fell

on the age group of 11-12 years old with 74%. Most of the students are normally

in the age bracket of Grade 7 students.


Figure 3. Distribution of Students According to Gender

Figure 3 shows the frequency count and percent distribution of the

students’ gender. One hundred one (101) respondents or 50.5 % of the total

respondents are male while ninety nine (99) respondents or 49.5 % of the total

respondents are female. The distribution of gender in the Grade 7 students was

almost equal.

Level of Students’ Mastery in Basic Science Process Skills

Table 2. Distribution of Respondents as to Mastery in Basic Science

Process Skills

Obs Comm Class Meas Infer Pred

Score ƒ % ƒ % ƒ % ƒ % ƒ % ƒ % VI
9-10 23 11.5 101 50.5 76 38 73 36.5 12 6 20 10 M
7-8 59 29.5 19 9.5 48 24 59 29.5 46 23 52 26 NM
5-6 68 34 60 30 42 21 34 17 91 45.5 72 36 MTM
3-4 42 21 16 8 18 9 19 9.5 41 20.5 39 19.5 LM
0-2 8 4 4 2 16 8 15 7.5 10 5 17 8.5 NM
Total 200 100% 200 100% 200 100% 200 100% 200 100% 200 100%
Legend: 9-10- Mastered (M); 7-8- Near Mastery (NM); 5-6 - Moving Toward Mastery (MTM); 3-4- Low Mastery (LM);
0-2 - No Mastery (NM) Obs-Observing; Comm-Communicating; Class-Classifying; Meas-Measuring;
Infer-Inferring; Pred-Predicting; VI-Verbal Interpretation

Table 2 reveals that the biggest percentage of students are “moving toward

mastery” in terms of observing, inferring and predicting. Observing as

fundamental science process skill is essential to the development of the other

science process skills and the result may imply that students’ mastery in

observing greatly affects their mastery in other process skills.

Almost half of the students “mastered” the communicating skills. The

result may imply that using maps or graphical representations, and diagrams that

can be found in the test for this skill aid students in answering.

The biggest percentage in classifying skill is occupied by students who

“mastered” it. The result may imply that many students mastered the units used

in different basic quantities in Science as included in the test for the said skill.

Many students which occupied the biggest percentage in measuring skill,

“mastered “it. The result may imply that many students mastered the different

measuring instruments in Science and they also mastered solving simple

conversion of units.

The result reveal that there are many students who fell in “Low Mastery”

and “No Mastery” level in different process skills. This may imply that aid or

intervention program must be given to these students for them to improve their

level and achieve scientific literacy.


Students’ Mean Attitude towards Science

The following tables show the result of the survey of students’ attitude

toward Science in four categories namely: teaching strategy, academic value,

Science activity and classroom environment. Each category is composed of five

indicators where the students provide their level of agreement.

Table 3. Mean Attitude of the Respondents towards Science as to Teaching


Item e SD Interpretation
The teacher…
1. provides visual aids and other
4.8 0.7 High Positive Attitude
supporting materials related to the lesson.
2.uses intervention materials like activity
4.9 0.4 High Positive Attitude
cards on difficult topics.
3. provides activities that encourage
4.6 0.6 High Positive Attitude
working in groups.
4. makes learning easy and fun. 4.4 0.8 High Positive Attitude
5. is very helpful to students during class. 4.7 0.6 High Positive Attitude
High Positive
4.67 0.36
Over all Attitude
Legend: 4.21- 5.00- Strongly Agree ( High Positive Attitude); 3.21-4.20-Agree ( Positive Attitude); 2.41-
3.20-Undecided (Neutral); 1.81-2.30-Disagree(Low Positive Attitude); 1.00- 1.80-Strongly ; Disagree (Very Low
Positive Attitude)

The data reveal that students have “high positive attitude” in Science in

terms of Teaching Strategy. Standard deviation obtained indicates homogeneity

of Students’ responses on the indicated category of attitude toward Science.

The data may imply that students’ perception on teaching strategy is uniform.

The students perceive their teacher as someone who is helpful, uses variety of

instructional materials and makes Science learning easy and fun. The result is in

line with Cuaresma (2014), that states that since all the science curriculum

variables are significant, teachers should think of an effective teaching strategy


since different lessons needs different teaching approach. Teacher must be

innovative, creative and resourceful in teaching to maintain the attention of the

students needed in the class. The curriculum makers should continuously

check if the curriculum existing is suited to the needs of the students.

Table 4. Mean Attitude of the Respondents toward Science as to Academic


Item e SD Interpretation
1. Mankind benefits from Science. 4.4 0.8 High Positive Attitude
2. Science is essential to our daily lives. 4.5 0.7 High Positive Attitude
3. Science is one of the important steps in
4.2 0.7 Positive Attitude
achieving one’s dream.
4. He/she has to work hard to pass his/her
4.5 0.7 High Positive Attitude
Science subject.
5. Science can lead the way to a better
4.4 0.8 High Positive Attitude
High Positive
4.4 0.4
Over all Attitude
Legend: 4.21- 5.00- Strongly Agree ( High Positive Attitude); 3.21-4.20-Agree ( Positive Attitude);
2.41- 3.20-Undecided ( Neutral); 1.81-2.30-Disagree(Low Positive Attitude); 1.00- 1.80-Strongly
Disagree (Very Low Positive Attitude)

The obtained data indicate that majority of the students have “high positive

attitude” toward Science as to academic value. The data may imply that

students know the importance of Science. They also that Science play an

important role in our everyday lives. Students value Science as a very

important subject that they have to work hard in order for them on to achieve their


Table 5. Mean Attitude of the Respondents toward Science as to Science


Item e SD Interpretation
1. Science activities are interesting and fun. 4.4 0.7 High Positive Attitude
2. He/She enjoy interacting with group mates
during activities. 4.5 0.8 High Positive Attitude
3. Science activities help to improve one’s
skills. 4.5 0.6 High Positive Attitude
4. He/ She enjoy learning new things with his or
her group mates during Science activities. 4.4 0.6 High Positive Attitude
5. He/She learn more about the lesson after
doing Science activities. 4.5 0.7 High Positive Attitude
Over all 4.5 0.5 High Positive Attitude
Legend: 4.21- 5.00- Strongly Agree ( High Positive Attitude); 3.21-4.20-Agree ( Positive Attitude);
2.41- 3.20-Undecided ( Neutral); 1.81-2.30-Disagree(Low Positive Attitude); 1.00- 1.80-Strongly
Disagree (Very Low Positive Attitude)

Table 5 shows that all the five indicators resulted to “high positive attitude”.

The data may imply that students are interested in Science activities; and enjoy

and learn more when working in groups.

Table 6. Mean Attitude of the Respondents toward Science as to Classroom


Item e SD Interpretation
The school has…
1.enough laboratory instruments for Science
3.89 0.94 Positive Attitude
2. classroom that permits students to do Science
3.36 1.37 Neutral
activities well.
3.classroom that turns into Science laboratory
3.13 1.41 Neutral
during Science class.
4. a library with latest Science books that can be
3.44 1.18 Positive Attitude
used as references when researching.
5. classroom that is a safe place to conduct
3.22 1.35 Undecided
Science activities.
Over all 3.41 0.84 Positive Attitude
Legend: 4.21- 5.00- Strongly Agree ( High Positive Attitude); 3.21-4.20-Agree ( Positive Attitude);
2.41- 3.20-Undecided ( Neutral); 1.81-2.30-Disagree(Low Positive Attitude); 1.00- 1.80-Strongly
Disagree (Very Low Positive Attitude)

Table 6 presents the mean attitude of the respondents toward science as

to classroom environment.

It is revealed that students have “positive attitude” toward laboratory

instruments and are “neutral” about whether their classroom is safe and is

conducive to Science activities. This may be due to the fact that the Science

Laboratory of the school is occupied as a classroom by a section of Grade 9

students to augment the scarcity of classrooms. Student-respondents cannot use

the laboratory for its purpose although it has many instruments for Science


To alleviate the situation, Science teachers have to bring laboratory

instruments to their class if needed. For this reason students see just a fraction of

the laboratory instruments of the school. Students have “positive attitude” toward

library resources which may be due to the fact the school library does not fit the

room it occupies therefore the books cannot be arranged as they are supposed to

be arranged. The situation may have influenced student’s perception since they

are not able to see all the books that they can borrow and use. In addition to this,

students who would like to use the library find it uneasy to use the school library

since some teachers without advisory class and have no place to stay due to lack

of faculty room, stay in it during vacant time.

The results may imply that there is a need to improve school facilities since

students were not able to give the highest rate for school environment.

Students’ Performance in Science

Table 7. Distribution of Students as to Performance in Science

Score Rem Und App Anal Eval Creat

ƒ % ƒ % ƒ % ƒ % ƒ % ƒ % VI
9-10 14 7 43 21.5 44 22 62 31 7 3.5 40 20 O
7-8 47 23.5 40 20 39 19.5 54 27 60 30 58 29 VS
5-6 84 42 52 26 51 25.5 37 18.5 99 49.5 45 22.5 S
3-4 44 22 43 21.5 28 14 28 14 27 13.5 34 17 FS
0-2 11 5.5 22 11 38 19 19 9.5 7 3.5 23 11.5 DNME
Total 200 100 200 100 200 100 200 100 200 100 200 100
Legend: 9-10- Outstanding (O); 7-8 Very Satisfactory (VS); 5-6 Satisfactory (S); 3-4- Fairly satisfactory (FS); 0-2 Did not
meet expectations (DNME); VI-verbal interpretation; Rem-Remembering; Und-Understanding; App-Applying;
Anal-Analysing; Eval-Evaluating; Creat-Creating

The data show that even though only 7% of students are “outstanding” in

remembering, the percentage is greater in other dimensions except in evaluating.

The data may imply that many students may not be good in memorizing but can

still perform well in other more complex dimensions. Few students are

“outstanding” in evaluating dimensions which may imply that many students find

the test in this dimension, which is True or False Test, complex. Biggest

percentage in analyzing was occupied by students in outstanding level. This

may imply that many students enjoy and find analogy test easy. There are

students who “did not meet expectations” and the biggest percentage fell on

applying. This findings may imply that many students find it difficult in matching

information. As a whole there is a need for intervention program to help these

students improve.

Correlation of Variables

Correlation between Students’ Performance and Attitude towards Science

Table 8 reveals the relationship between students’ performance in Science

as to remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing evaluating and creating

with attitude toward Science in terms of teaching strategy, academic value

science activity and classroom environment.

Table 8. Correlation between Students’ Performance and Attitude towards

Teaching Academic Science Classroom
Variables Strategy Value Activity Environment
r-value r-value r-value r-value
Understanding 0.163* 0.141*
Applying 0.248**
Analyzing 0.283**
Creating 0.243 **
Legend: ** r value is significant at p <.01; * r value is significant at p <.05

Only understanding dimension has significant relationship with attitude

toward science as to teaching strategy. The data may imply that teaching strategy

greatly influences students’ understanding as supported by the study of Adu &

Olatundun (2007) that emphasized teachers’ strategies to be strong determinants

of students’ performance in secondary schools.

The data also reveal correlation of students’ performance in the

dimensions of analyzing and creating to positive thinking about their Science

activities. This may imply that when students think positively about their

activities they can perform better in more complex cognitive domains such as

analyzing and creating. Students tend to be more creative when they have

positive outlook in the tasks they are doing.

Findings further reveal that a conducive environment may be provided

for the students to effectively understand and apply concepts, theories and

principles in Science.

All in all, the result of correlation of attitude toward Science and student’s

performance is partly in order of the findings of Godwin U. A. and Okoronka U.,

(2013) that attitude alone has little or no effect on the students’ academic

performance which could probably be attributed to other factors that affect

achievement such as abstract nature and the quantative nature of the subject.

Table 9. Correlation between Students’ Mastery in Basic Process Skills and

Performance in Science

Cognitive Process Dimensions

Basic Process Rem Und App Anal Eval Creat
Skills r value r value r value r value r value r value

Observing 0.203** 0.187** 0.192** 0.183**

Communicating 0.141* 0.142* 0.369**
Classifying 0.216**
Measuring 0.155** 0.251**

Inferring 0.245** 0.291** 0.268** 0.200** 0.367**

Predicting 0.177** 0.195** 0.258** 0.247** 0.335**

Legend: ** r value is significant at p <.01 ; * r value is significant at p <.05
Rem-Remembering; Und-Understanding; App-Applying; Anal-Analysing; Eval-Evaluating; Creat-Creating

As gleaned in the table, process skills are correlated to students’

performance in the cognitive process dimensions of remembering, understanding,

applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating.


Observing and predicting show significant relationship to remembering.

The data are supported by the findings of the study of Ranpura’s ( 2013) who

pointed out that memories can be reinforced independently of context by paying

careful attention and by consciously attempting to remember. This may imply

that memories start with what you observe and the first way to increase your

memory is to make sure that you experience the world as clearly and meaningfully

as possible.

Communicating, classifying and measuring have no significant relationship

with understanding. The findings may imply that students who communicate,

classify and measure satisfactorily do not necessarily mean that they understand

the lesson well. In order for students to construct oral, written and graphic

messages, they should know how to observe, infer and predict phenomena.

Only classifying skill is not significantly related to applying dimension.

This result may imply that the skill of grouping things is not necessarily important

to use information to undertake a procedure in familiar situations or in a new way.

Communicating, inferring and predicting have significant relationship with

analyzing dimension of performance. The findings is approximately in accordance

to the study conducted by Chebii (2011) that students with mastery in basic

process skills in Science are likely to use the information well in applying.

Table 9 farther reveals that students can only distinguish parts and determine

how they relate to one another and the overall structure well when they know how

to communicate, infer and predict well. It is supported by the study conducted by


the National Research Council Framework (2012) that once collected, data must

be presented in a form that can reveal any patterns and relationships and that

allows results to be communicated to others. Because raw data as such have little

meaning, a major practice of scientists is more to organize and interpret data

through tabulating, graphing, or statistical analysis. Such analysis can bring out

the meaning of data and their relevance so that they may be used as evidence.

Inferring and predicting skills are significantly related to evaluating

dimensions which may imply that to make judgment and justify decisions, there is

a need to go beyond the evidence and interpret or explain a set of observations as

well as make a forecast of what will happen in the future.

The findings reveal that basic process skills are significantly related to

creating dimension of performance. The results may imply that in order for the

students to form new product or point of view, they should master the Science

basic process skills. This is supported by the study of Aktamis and Ergin (2008)

concluding that Science process skills improve scientific creativity and students'


Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of the findings established from the

data gathered in the study. It also gives the conclusion and the recommendation

derived from summary of findings of the study.

Summary of Findings

1. From the 200 respondents 74% or most of the students are normally in

the age bracket for Grade 7 students which is 11 to 12. One hundred one

(101) respondents or 50.5 % of the total respondents are male while 99

respondents or 49.5 % of the total respondents are female.

2. Although many students are in the “mastered” level, there are also many

students in lower level especially in the “low mastery” and “no mastery”

level who must be aided to improve their skills and performance.

3. The students have homogeneity of “high positive attitude” in all the items in

the survey of attitude toward Science except in classroom environment.

4. Many students have “outstanding” performance in Science but there are

also many with “Fairly Satisfactory” and “Did not meet expectations” that

need immediate attention.

5. In correlation between attitude toward Science and students’ performance,

only understanding dimension established significant relationship in terms

of teaching strategy; all the cognitive process dimensions are not related

in terms of academic value; analyzing and creating dimensions are


significantly related in terms of Science activity; and understanding,

applying and analyzing dimensions are significantly related in terms of

classroom environment.

6. In correlation between mastery in basic process skills and performance in

Science, observing and predicting skills show significant relation with

remembering dimension; observing, inferring and predicting skills have

significant relationship with understanding dimension; only classifying skill

has no significant relationship to applying dimension; communicating and

predicting skills are significantly related to analyzing dimension; only

inferring is significantly related to evaluating; and all basic process skills

are significantly related to creating.


In the light of the aforementioned findings, the following conclusions are


The null hypothesis stating that the mean level of students’ mastery of the

basic process skills is not significantly related to performance in Science is

partially supported.

As per indicated in the findings, the null hypothesis stating that there is no

significant relationship between students’ attitude and performance in Science is

partially confirmed.


Based on the findings of the study and the conclusion drawn, the following

are recommended:

1. Since the students’ mastery of inferring and predicting skills is “moving

toward mastery” while their mastery in the skills of observing,

communicating, classifying and measuring is “near mastery” they may be

encouraged and assisted to improve those skills to higher level of

mastery if not mastered through tutorials, workshops and intervention


2. Students may be encouraged to raise the level of their performance in

Science, from level of satisfactory to very satisfactory or higher through

Science intervention programs.

3. Science enhancing and student-centered strategies may be applied by

Science teachers or instructors to improve the performance of students by

emphasizing basic process skills and by giving them group activities

that need collaborative effort.

4. School support in the areas of building more rooms for Science-related

activities like laboratories and e-classroom is needed.

5. For more comprehensive findings, further studies on the same area of

concentration may be conducted for improving Science education where

the students will be benefited.




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Letter Requesting Permission to Administer Questionnaire

Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University
San Pablo City Campus
Brgy. Del Remedio,San Pablo City
Graduate Studies and Applied Research Thesis Writing

District Supervisor
Candelaria East District


Greetings of love and peace!

I am currently working on my thesis entitled “Mastery in Basic Process Skills and

Attitude toward Science: Input to Grade 7 Students’ Performance” as a partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Masters of Education Major in Science and

In this connection, I would like to seek your permission to utilize the data gathered in Sta.
Catalina National High School through testing and survey. Rest assured that all the
data and information shall be used only for academic purposes.

I am hoping for the positive regards on this matter. Thank you very much and God bless!

Very truly yours,


Noted by:


Thesis Adviser

Approved/ Disapproved:

District Supervisor
Candelaria East District

Survey Questionnaire on Attitude toward Science
Name______________________________ Section___________________

Age________________________________ Gender___________________

Instructions: Below are statements pertaining to your attitude toward Science in terms of
Teaching Strategy, Academic Value, Science Activity and Classroom Environment. Opposite
each statement are five (5) options for your choice. Put a tick (/) under the appropriate column
that corresponds to your answer.
5- Strongly Agree
4- Agree
3- Undecided
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree

I. Teaching Strategy 5 4 3 2 1
My teacher …
1. provides visual aids and other supporting
materials related to our lesson.
2. uses intervention materials like activity
cards on difficult topics.
3. provides us activities that encourage us
to work in groups.
4. makes learning easy and fun.
5. is very helpful to students during our
II. Academic Value 5 4 3 2 1
1. Mankind benefits from Science
2. Science is essential to our everyday lives.
3. Science is one of the important steps in
achieving my dreams.
4. I work hard to pass my Science subject.
5. Science can lead the way to a better

III. Science Activity 5 4 3 2 1

1. Science activities are interesting and fun
2. I enjoy interacting with my Science group
mates during science activities.
3. Science activities help me to improve my
4. I enjoy learning new things with my
group mates during Science activities.
5. I learn more about the lesson after doing
Science activities.
IV. Classroom Environment 5 4 3 2 1
The school has
1. enough tools for Science activities.
2. classroom that permits us to do our
Science activities well.
3. classroom that turns into Science
laboratory during Science class.
4. a library with latest science books that
can be used as references when researching.
5. classroom that is a safe place to
conduct our Science activities.

Science Basic Process Skills Test

Name______________________________ Section____________ Score_____

This is a test on the Science Basic Process Skills.

A. Observing:
Directions: Read and answer each item carefully. Encircle letter of the correct
answer . Do not leave any item unanswered.

1. What can be the observation from the illustration of the energy pyramid?
a. The lion gets the most energy.
b. The plants get the most energy.
c. The energy increases going up the pyramid.
d. Both A and B.

2. Which is/are the producer/s in the illustration?

a. lion b. rabbits
c. plants d. all of the above
Figure 1. Energy Pyramid

3. From Figure 2, which phase of matter has the most closely packed molecules?

a. solid b. liquid
c. gas d. none

Figure 2. Molecules of matter

4. Observe the aquarium picture illustrated below. Which of the following is an
a. Snails and fish do not like each other.
b. More fish could live in the aquarium.
c. Fish near the top are breathing air.
d. Some fish are bigger than the other.

5. Which is NOT an observation of the

aquarium picture?
a. The plants will not have enough air.
b. There are two snails in the aquarium.
c. The aquarium is not completely full.
Figure 3. Aquarium d. Snails are not in the bottom of the

6. From the picture, which part of the flower connects the

stigma to the ovary?
a. receptacle b. ovule c. style
d. peduncle

7. Which part of the flower is connected to anther?

a. filament b. petal c. stigma d. stamen
Figure 4. Parts of a Flower

8. Which is an observation of the picture of the globe?

a. The globe is divided into halves by the equator.
b. The globe is a model of the earth.
c. The globe is tilted.
d. All of the above.

Figure 5. Globe

9. In what direction does the energy flow?

a. Clockwise
b. Negative Terminal to Light bulb to
Positive Terminal
c. Positive Terminal to Negative Terminal
to Light bulb
d. All of the above

10. Which is the source of energy in Figure 6?

a. Light bulb
b. Wires
c. Battery
d. Terminal
Figure 6. Electric Circuit

B. Communicating:
Directions: Write your answer on your answer sheet.

Communicating with a map

1 2 3 4 5 Write the location of the object by consulting

the map.
Example: box F1
1. Star _________________
2. Triangle __________________
3. Circle __________________
4. Heart __________________
5. Happy Face___________________

6-10. Describe the location of the cylinder. Answer in five sentences. Consider the
following Rubrics for scoring.

Criteria 5 pts. 4 pts. 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt.

Sentence 5 different 4 different 3 different 2 different 1 sentence
that sentences sentences sentences sentences describing the
describes describing describing the describing the describing position of the
the position the position position of the position of the the position cylinder.
of the of the cylinder. cylinder. of the
cylinder. cylinder. cylinder.






C. Classifying:

Directions: Put each of the following unit into its proper column

Meter Gram Liter Hour Celsius

Kelvin Minute Gallon Pound Feet


D. Measuring

D1. Directions: Match the instrument in Column A with the physical quantity it
measures in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.
_______1. Thermometer a. Volume
_______2. Stopwatch b. Temperature
_______3. Balance scale c. Time
_______4. Graduated cylinder d. Length
_______5. Meter stick e. Mass/ Weight

D2. Solve the following.

6. How many seconds are there in 5 minutes? _____________

7. Rafael has a 2-feet stick. If there are 12 inches in 1 foot, how long is the stick in
inches? _________

8. There are 1000 meters in 1 kilometer. A bus travelled 5500 m. Find the distance

travelled by the bus in kilometer. _________

8. Monique waited for the result of the test in 3 hours. How many minutes are there in

three hours?_____

10. Marc put 1 liter of water on the tank. How many milliliters are there in 1 liter?

E. Inferring:
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The salt added to one glass of water does not dissolve right away.

a. The water contains large amount of dissolved salt already.

b. The water is cold and it needs stirring to dissolve the salt.
c. The salt is too hard to dissolve.
d. All of the above.

2. One night, you noticed that one star is brighter than the others.

a. It is closer to earth that is why it is brighter than others.

b. The star is going to explode.
c. The star is not actually a star but a planet.
d. None of the above

3. These rocks are found near a volcano.

a. It is formed from lava.

b. It will form sedimentary rocks in the future.
c. It will transform into metamorphic rock in the future.
d. None of the above.

4. The paint of the roof fades easily.

a. It will be painted soon.

b. The sun and the rain contribute to its fading .
c. The owner of the roof will change the brand of his paint.
d. None of the above.

5. The water in the river is drying up.

a. The organisms in the river will die.

b. There will be a drought.
c. The ocean will be dried up too.
d. The water shed dried up and the trees were cut.

6. The rock has a crack in it.

a. The rock is undergoing chemical and physical changes.

b. It will turn into soil in the near future.
c. It is subjected into different weather condition.
d. Both A and B.

7. The heat is trapped inside the container.

a. The heat will accumulate and soon the container will explode.
b. Something is keeping the heat from escaping the container.
c. The container will melt.
d. All of the above.

8. You hear a loud siren nearby.

a. There is an emergency.
b. There is a fire.
c. There is fire drill.
d. All of the above.

9. The sky has few featherlike clouds.

a. There will be a storm.

b. The weather is fine.
c. It will rain afterwards.
d. None of the above.

10. There is a spot in the front yard where no plant does not grow.

a. It will be planted tomorrow by the gardener.

b. Someone may have spilled a toxic substance there.
c. I will investigate the reason about it later.
d. None of the above.

F. Predicting:

Direction: Encircle the letter of the most appropriate prediction for each of the given

1. A passenger boat is over loaded with passengers.

a. The passengers are in a hurry.

b. The passengers are careless.
c. The boat might sink later .
d. Both A and B

2. Many motorists do not use helmet when riding their motorcycle.

a. Many motorists are careless.

b. Many motorists are not afraid of what will happen to them during accident.
c. Many motorists will have serious injury once they meet an accident.
d. Both a and b.

3. The girl is shaking an unopened bottle of soft drink in her hand.

a. The soft drink will spill out in bubbles when she open the bottle later.
b. The liquid in the bottle is forming bubbles.
c. The girl is playing with her drink.
d. The girl is mixing the liquid in the bottle.

4. A glass of milk was left forgotten in a table.

a. It does not taste good. c. The one who made it is in a hurry.
b. It is full cream milk. d. It will be spoiled after some time.

5. The temperature in polar region is rising.

a. It will cause melting of glaciers.
b. It will cause rising of water level.
c. It will affect polar bears.
d. All of the above.

6. The sky is dark.

a. It is night already. c. It is going to rain.
b. The sky is full of nimbus clouds. d. The sun is covered by clouds.

7. The earth is rumbling near the volcano.

a. The rumbling is caused by the volcano.

b. The rumbling is a tectonic earthquake.
c. In about two minutes, the volcano is going to blow sky-high.
d. All of the above

8. There is a strong earthquake.

a. Many structure will collapse.

b. It is caused by sudden movement of the plates.
c. It is caused by volcanic eruption.
d. It is a natural phenomenon.

9. Miaka observed that termites are present in her wooden file cabinet.

a. There is a queen termite nearby. c. Soon her files in the cabinet will be
b. The termites are eating her files. d. None of the above.

10. A plant was kept in a place with no sunlight.

a. It cannot make its own food properly. c. It cannot photosynthesize.
b. The plant will wilt and eventually die. d. All of the above.

Table of Specification for Science Basic Process Skill Test

Skill Objective Number Item

of Items Placement
Observing -Identify the observation from 1 A1
the illustration
Observing -Identify the producer from 1 A2
the illustration
Observing -Identify the most closely 1 A3
packed molecules.
Observing -Identify the correct 1 A4
observation of the aquarium.
Observing -Identify which is not an 1 A5
observation of the aquarium
Observing -Identify which is not an 1 A6
observation about an
aquarium picture
Observing -Observe a picture to identify 1 A7
a part of a flower.
Observing -Identify the correct 1 A8
observation of the globe.
Observing -Observe and trace the flow of 1 A9
Observing -Observe and trace the flow of 1 A10
Communicating -Write the location of the 5 B1-B5
object by consulting the map.
Communicating -Write sentences that describe 5 B6-B10
the location of the cylinder.
Classifying - Classify the given unit 5 C 1- C10
according to the quantity it is
Measuring -Match the instrument to the 5 D 1- 5
quantity it measures.
-Solve word problems about 5 D 5-10
Inferring -Choose the inference from 10 E 1 - 10
the given choices.
Predicting -Choose the correct prediction 10 F 1 - 10
from the given situation.

Achievement Test
Name______________________________ Section___________________ Score_____

Directions: Read and answer each item carefully.

A. For items 1 -10, encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is that part of the world between the North Pole and the equator?
a. Northern Hemisphere c. Equatorial Region
b. Southern Hemisphere d. North Pole

2. What is the starting point of the longitude?

a. Equator c. International Date Line
b. Tropic of Cancer d. Tropic of Capricorn

3. What is meaning of “G” in the acronym PAGASA?

a. Government c. Geo-Science
b. Geographical d. Geophysical

4. What is an area of land on a slope which drains its water into a stream and its
a. Ground water zone c. Watershed
b. Aeration zone d. Ridge

5. In temperate countries, it is used to grow seedlings in the late winter and early spring
and protect plants from extreme weather condition.

a. Orchidarium c. Vineyard
b. Greenhouse d. Terrarium

6. What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?

a. Oxygen c. Nitrogen
b. Carbon Dioxide d. Ozone

7. It is the layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth?

a. Stratosphere c. Ozone Layer
b. Exosphere d. Troposphere
8. It is the darkening of the sun or moon due to shadows cast to them.
a. Eclipse b. Monsoon c. Solar Flare d. Sky Light

9. It is the second brightest object in the sky and Earth’s natural satellite.
a. Sun b. Moon c. Star d. Comet
10. It is the movement of earth as it spins on its own axis.
a. Rotation b. Revolution c. Tilting d. Orbiting
B. For items 11-20, classify the following information to which topic they belong.
Write the letter in their proper column:
a. Shadows e. Tilting of the Earth h. Earth’s rotation and revolution
b. Global Warming f. Auroras i. 5th Mineral Country in the world
c. High number of g. 17.5 thousand km. j. 2nd to United States in terms of
endemic plants and coastline geothermal deposit
d. Green House - -
The Philippine Solar Energy and the Seasons and Eclipses
Atmosphere (15-17) (18-20)
Environment (11-14)

C. For items 21-30, match the information in column A to column B. Write the letter
of the correct answer.

Column A Column B
___21. Philippines is a tropical country. a. It has fertile arable lands, high diversity of
plants and animals, extensive coastlines and
rich natural deposits.
___22. Philippines is considered rich in
natural resources. b. Many jet aircrafts fly in it.

___23. There are many watersheds in the c. Sea breeze occurs at day time and land breeze
Philippines. occurs at night time.
____24. Philippines is located in the
Pacific Ring of Fire. d. It is summer at this time.
____25. Stratosphere is very stable. e. There is a solar eclipse.

____26. Exosphere is the upper limit of our f. It is cold at this time.

atmosphere that merges
into space.
____27. Land heats and cools faster than g. It is located near the equator.
____28. In June, the North Pole tilted h. Satellites are stationed in this area.
toward the sun.
____29. In June, The South Pole is pointed i. The richness of the Philippines in terms of
away from the sun. mineral resources is attributed to it.
____30. The sun was blocked by moon. j. Mt. Apo, Mt. Makiling, Mt. Banahaw, Tiwi,
La Mesa Dam, Pantabangan Dam, Angat Dam

D. For items 31- 40, identify the relationship of the first two paired words. Write the
word that expresses a relationship most similar to the relationship expressed in the first
paired words.

31. 23.5 o N : Tropic of Cancer ; 23.5 o S : ____________

32. East : Pacific Ocean ; West : ____________

33. Latitude : Equator ; Longitude : ___________

34. Mt. Apo : Davao ; Mt. Banahaw : ___________

35. Troposphere : Weather ; Thermosphere : ___________

36. Burning : Carbon dioxide ; Propellants/ Refrigerants: ____________

37. Northeast : Amihan ; Southwest : ___________

38. Day : Rotation ; Year : ___________

39. Solar and lunar: Eclipse ; Rainy and dry : ___________

40. Planet : Earth ; Galaxy : ___________

E. For items 41-50, write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is

_______41. The starting point for the latitude is the Equator.

_______42. Latitude 66.5o is the Tropic of Cancer.

_______43. Watersheds include bodies of water only.

_______44. When a piece of rock is exposed to the sun, its inner part expands because it

heats up faster than the outer part.

_______45. Meteors or rock fragments burn up in the exosphere.

_______46. Air in the surroundings move toward the place where cold air is rising.

________47. When air from land will move out to replace the rising warm air, it is called
land breeze.
________48. Direct rays means that the rays of the sun hit the ground at 90 degrees.

________49. When a light source is blocked by an object, a shadow of that object is cast.

________50. A solar eclipse occurs when Moon comes directly between Sun and Earth.

F. For items 51 -60…

F.1 Make your own simple diagram or illustration that will show the four stages
of weathering of rocks ( 4pts.). Consider the following Rubrics for scoring:

Criteria 4 pts. 3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pt.

Illustration or
diagram showing Shows 4 stages Shows 3 stages Shows 2 stages Shows 1 stage

F.2 Give 3 simple ways on how you can help lessen the rate of Global Warming

Criteria 3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pt.

Ways to help lessen Give 3 different Give 2 different Give 1 way

the rate of Global ways. ways

F.3. Draw a diagram of solar eclipse showing the correct position of sun, earth
and moon (3 pts.)

Criteria 3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pt.

Diagram or Shows correct Shows correct Shows correct

illustration. position of sun, position of sun, position of sun,
moon and earth with moon and earth with moon and earth
complete label. incomplete label. without label.

Table of Specification for Cognitive Achievement Test

Cognitive Process Objective Number of Item

Dimension Items Placement
Remembering Identify the part of the 1 1
world between the North
Pole and the equator
Remembering Identify starting point 1 2
of the longitude
Remembering Identify meaning of “G” 1 3
in the acronym
Remembering Identify the area of land 1 4
on a slope which drains
its water into a stream
and its tributaries
Remembering Identify the place that is 1 5
used to grow seedlings in
the late winter and early
spring and protect plants
from extreme weather
Remembering Identify the most 1 6
abundant gas in the
Remembering Identify the layer of the 1 7
atmosphere closest to the
Remembering Identify the phenomenon 1 8
which is the darkening of
the sun or moon.
Remembering Identify the second 1 9
brightest object in the
sky and Earth’s natural
Remembering Identify the movement 1 10
of earth as it spins
on its own axis.
Understanding Classify the given 10 11-20
information to which
topic they belong.
Applying Match the information in 10 21-30
column A to column B

Analyzing Identify the word that 10 31-40

will complete the
analogy of the sentence
Evaluation Identify whether the 10 41-50
sentence is true or false.
Creating Make simple diagram or 4 51-54
illustration that shows
the four stages of
weathering of
Creating Give 3 simple ways on 3 55-57
how you can help lessen
the rate of Global warm
Creating Draw a diagram of solar 3 58-60
eclipse showing the
correct position of sun,
earth and moon.

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