Research12 Content Pinakafinal
Research12 Content Pinakafinal
Research12 Content Pinakafinal
and society. It is the study of matter and energy and in general, aims to analyze
and understand the natural phenomena of the universe. It has been taught to
STEM students since the implication of the K-12 curriculum. Under this subject is, 2018). This is one of the topics in Physics subject that requires much
Smith, Suydam, 2001). With its complexity, analyzation is one of the skills
needed in getting the right solution; therefore, one cannot solve a given problem
complicated into smaller parts to gain a better understanding. But what the
researchers have observed and experienced is that there are lots of barriers in
researchers have observed that affects students’ analyzation skills is the lack of
there is a time deadline, even if the person is able to complete the task in less
time. Time pressure indicates that the time constraint induced some feeling of
stress and created a need to cope with the limited time. Time pressure can
It is with this context that the researchers would want to study whether
Research Objectives
time and the analytical skills of STEM 12 students (S.Y 2018-2019) in Physics.
terms of:
1.1. Gender
1.2. Age
Theoretical Framework
Prospect Theory. The current research examines the effects of time pressure on
for both conditions in the domain of losses. Results provide qualified support for
theories that suggest increased risk-seeking for gains under time pressure.
Conceptual Framework
H1: There is a significant relationship between time constraints and the analytical
This study unveils the STEM 12 students’ analytical skills in Physics within
a limited amount of time. Thus, this study is contributory and beneficial to the
Students. The result of this work would greatly encourage students to develop
their analytical skills not only in Physics but also for other subjects and real-life
Teachers. The result of this study would guide teachers as to what suitable kind
with the subject. Furthermore, the study helps teachers in crafting the best
children in school. Through their awareness and involvement with the intellectual
development of their students, students feel boosted to do and learn more about
the subject.
analytical skills of students in Physics. This study does not include all the topics
under the Physics subject but rather focuses only on the topic about Projectile
The place of conduction of this study will be the Naval State University,
Naval, Biliran andwill only cover 40 percent of grade 12 STEM students per
This section manifests the literature review that could be utilized by the
Physics is one of the subjects taught in the STEM strand. Physics is the
science concerned with the nature and properties and energy (McBrown, 2016).
Physics has many subtopics and under it is about the projectile motion. Projectile
subtopic in physics that deals with solving the horizontal and vertical distance
together with its time, velocity and angle (Dion, 2017). Solving these projectile
motion problems can be quite timely. As Millon(2016) has stated, visualizing the
studying a problem and learning about its parts, what they do, and how they are
related to each other. This is an essential component of every topic that needs
problem solving. Henntoc(2011) stated in his book, “The Business, Power of the
Mind”, solving with correct analyzation, makes it so much easier and it produces
reading (Kirkland, 2010). However, a limitation or restriction of time can affect the
analyzation towards the given problem. Analyzation may vary depending on the
restriction of itmay lead to some things, and that restiction of the is called time
amount of time. Time constraint exists whenever there is a tie deadline, even if
the peroson is able to complete the task in less tha time. Time pressure indicates
that the time constraint induced some deeling of stress and created a need to
cope with the limited time. Thus, it is possible to have time contraint but no time
problems (Bryan and Locke, 2014) to piloting airplanes (Raby and Wickens,
problems arises from the fact that there would be hardships in analysing
mathematical problems due to the limited time provided by the teacher. In order
examination and told they had 90 minutes to complete the exam, which involved
were given the exact exam and told they had unlimited time to complete their
the exam. The results indicated that students given unlimited time to complete
the exam earned a significantly higher score than those students given a time
exams at a university. In this study, students’ time to completion was noted, but
few students worked on the test for the entire time, hence the students were not
acutely constrained. The study covered a three year period. The results indicated
that for both the entrance exam (freshmen) and the exit exam (seniors), students
who spent more time on the exam had significantly higher scores.
certainty equivalents for gain-only and loss only gambles. They show that time
pressure increases risk-seeking behavior in the gain domain. Kocher et al. (2013)
consider the effects of time pressure on risk attitude separately for gains, losses
and mixed gambles by asking subjects to make choices between pure gain, pure
loss and prospects involving both gains and losses, separately. Contrary to
Young et al. (2012), Kocher et al. (2013) find no time pressure effect on risk
There are only a few studies that examine strategic interactions under
study, two groups of subjects were given the same amount of time for the same
negotiation task. One group was told that based on the past research, the given
time was more than enough, whereas the subjects in the other group were told
that it was quite tight in order to reach an agreement. The results show that
ultimatum game under time pressure and show that time pressure has a high
game, the rate of convergence to equilibrium and payoffs are lower under high
on a learning based task, Iowa Gambling Task. They show that subjects with real
time constraints perform worse relative to those without such constraint. In order
performance, DeDonno et al. (2008) follow the procedure used by Dreu (2003),
in which a group of subjects were informed that the given time was insufficient to
learn and successfully complete the given task while the rest were told that it was
sufficient. It is shown that the former group performed significantly worse than the
latter group.
Definition of Terms
Pearson’s Correlation Method- This refers to the method that measures the linear
Time – In this study, time refers to the amount of time in minutes it took the
Chapter II
Research Design
determine the extent of a relationship between time constraints and the analytical
Research Subject
The respondents for this study will be the 30 STEM 12 students of Naval
State University Laboratory High School S.Y. 2018-2019. The respondents are
Research Locale
This study will be conducted at Naval State University, the only premiere
Research Instruments
Items will be checked and screened by the Physics Instructor for content validity.
will be asked using the indicators that tests and measure the analytical skills of
the respondents- whether they can illustrate the problem, would identify what are
the given data present in the problem, and would know what formula to use.
Time was measured depending on how long have they solved the given
An examination scenario was the data gathering procedure for this study.
seeked permission from the Chairman of the Laboratory High School and the
President for the researchers to conduct the study using one period of the
respondent’s classes to answer the instrument. The data for Analytical Skill with
Data Scoring
The responses of the test will be collected and tabulated to arrive at valid
illustration, identifying the given, formula to use are each given bigger point, 3.
And the final answer was given 1 point. Based on the practice scores obtained by
the students, correct answers were categorized into three, namely: High (19
points and above), Moderate (13-18 points), and Low (0-12 points).
Range Description
followingstatistical treatment:
n= Number of Samples
x= First Variable (time in minutes)
y= Second Variable (score)
t= (√𝑛 − 2)
√1−𝑟 2
This chapter presents the result of the data gathered from the respondents
includes the level of analytical skills of the students, and part III shows the
Demographic Profile
Table 1
Demographic Profile of the Respondents According to Age and Gender
Male 19 63%
Female 11 37%
Total 30 100%
17 14 46%
18 16 54%
Total 30 100%
University. It shows that out of 30 students; 19 which comprise the 63% are
male; 11, which comprise the 37% are female. This table also shows the
frequency and percentage of the age of the respondents. Out of 30, 14 students,
which is equal to 46% are aged 17 and 16 which is equal to the 54% of the
Table 2
Students’ Analytical Scores
1-6 2 6%
7-12 3 10%
13-18 7 24%
19-24 6 20%
25-30 12 40%
Total 30 100%
The table shows the student’s scores in the given test that then measures
their analytical skills. Based on the table, out of 30 students; 12, that comprise
the 40% got a score ranging from 25-30; 6, which comprise the 20% got scores
between 19 and 24; 7 students, which is equal to 24% got a score between 13-
18; 3 students that comprise the 10% got scores ranging from 7 to 12; and 2
Based on the score, students’ analytical skill was determined based on the
midpoint score- in this case it was 15.5 or 16. Those who obtained scores lower
than 15 were considered to have low analytical skills, while those with 16 and
above score were considered to have high analytical skills. On the table above, it
showed that almost 40% of the students have low analytical skills while
Based on the categorized score, more than 16% fall in the low analytical
level category in terms of analytical skills; 24% fall in the moderate category and
High (19 points and above) Moderate (13-18 points) Low (0-10 points)
Below are tables showing the computation of the correlation of time and
the analytical skills of the students; and the summarization of its computation.
Table 3
x y 𝒙𝟐 𝒚𝟐 xy
60 30 3600 900 1800
60 29 3600 841 1740
60 28 3600 784 1680
60 30 3600 900 1800
60 29 3600 841 1740
60 30 3600 900 1800
60 30 3600 900 1800
60 28 3600 784 1680
60 27 3600 729 1620
60 25 3600 625 1500
60 20 3600 400 1260
60 21 3600 441 1680
60 28 3600 784 1380
60 23 3600 529 1440
60 24 3600 576 1500
60 25 3600 400 950
50 19 2500 361 900
50 18 2500 324 1000
50 20 2500 400 720
45 16 2225 256 675
45 15 2225 225 680
40 17 1600 280 450
30 15 900 225 300
30 10 900 100 480
30 16 900 156 220
20 11 400 121 280
of time and the analytical skills of the students. The first column-x, refers to the
amount of time (in minutes) it took the respondents to answer the given problem;
second column-y refers to the scores of the respondents in the test; third column-
x2 is the column in which each time is squared; fourth column –y2 is the column in
which the scores are squared. The last row shows the summation of all the
scores in each column and the scores are then used for the computation in
Table 4
Projectile Motion
Skills of
Shown in the table above are the correlation of time and the analytical
and its table value is 2.048 at a 0.05 level of significance. The computed t is
greater than the table value which means that the alterative hypothesis is
accepted. This means that there is a significant relationship between time and
This study aimed to discover the correlation of time to the analytical skills
Summary of Findings
Demographic Profile. The data gathered shows that among the respondents,
63% are male and 37% are female. It also showed that 46% of the respondents
Level of Analytical Skills. Based on the data, 16% of the respondents have low
level of analytical skills, 24% have a moderate level of analytical skills and 40%
Correlation of Time and the Analytical Skills. The correlation r of time and
found out that r is equal to 0.71 and is interpreted with the use of the degree of
5.19 and its table value is 2.048. Since the t value is greater than its table value,
there is a significant relationship between time and the analytical skills of the
In the light of the findings derived from the study, the following conclusions
were drawn:
equal in number.
Projectile Motion.
greater the time, the greater the analyzation of the students. It was
also found out that correlating the variables- time and analytical skills,
In the light of the findings and conclusions cited above, the following
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Bacon: Boston.
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grades 7 - 12. Allyn & Bacon: Boston
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index of solving problems. International Journal of Engineering Education,
Grasha, A.F. (1996). Solving with analyzation. A practical guide to enhancing
learning by understanding the right path. [Electronic version]. Alliance
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Gregorc, A.F. (1979). Learning/Teaching Styles: Potent Forces Behind Them.
Educational Leadership Volume 36. 234-236.
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Gabriel Systems Inc.
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into Practice, 23(1), 51-55. [Electronic version] In Melba, T. (Ed). Projectile
Motion. (pp. 45-48). Retrieved 12 December, 2011 from
Henntoc, D.K. (2011).The Business: Power of the Mind. Englewood Cliff, New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Lambdin, J.W. (2001).What One Takes in Solving Word Problems. 48(2), 57-61.
Kirkland. Hamid (2011). Investigating The Factors of A Persons’ Analytical Skills.
Unpublished Masters dissertation, University Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam.
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October 1, 2018
Dear Respondent,
Please be informed that we are conducting a study on “Time and its
Relation To The Analytical Skills Of Stem 12 Students In Projectile Motion”.
In this connection, we have constructed a questionnaire to gather information for
our study.
Your earnest participation and sincere cooperation in the study by way of
answering questions truthfully is very vital, without it, the study will not be
complete as it should be.
Kindly answer the questions in the questionnaire passionately. Please feel
assured that your anonymity and the information you will give will be treated with
the strictest confidentiality.
Thank you very much for your kind response to this request!
Appendix B
In this joint, we humbly ask your approval to officially begin conducting survey
questionnaire as the main source of gathering data that is needed in our study.
Respectfully yours,
Dear Respondents,
skills of the students. We would greatly appreciate it if you could answer this
Projectile Motion
Instructions: Read the following problems carefully. Give the illustration of the
problem , identify what are given, write what formula to be used and then solve
the problem. Write your answers on the sheet the researher has attached.
How high is the cliff and how fast is the arrow before it hits the ground?
2. Nicole throws a ball with a velocity of 20m/s and at an angle of 60o above
the horizontal. The ball leaves her hand at a height of 1.80 m from the
ground. At what height from the ground will it strike the wall 30 meters
away? What would be the height of the instant velocity were 30m/s?
playingfield. The ball is released from a point 3.50m above the ground with
How far from the point on the ground directly below the point of release
Age 17
Sex Male
Citizenship Filipino
Father’s Name
Naval, Biliran
March 2013
Naval, Biliran
March 2017
Age 17
Sex Male
Citizenship Filipino
Kawayan, Biliran
March 2013
Kawayan, Biliran
March 2017
Age 18
Sex Female
Citizenship Filipino
Naval, Biliran
March 2013
Naval, Biliran
March 2017
Age 18
Sex Male
Citizenship Filipino
Naval, Biliran
March 2013
Naval, Biliran
March 2017
Age 18
Sex Male
Citizenship Filipino
Father’s Name
Mother’s Name
Naval, Biliran
March 2013
Naval, Biliran
March 2017
Age 18
Sex Male
Citizenship Filipino
Naval, Biliran
March 2013
Naval, Biliran
March 2017