Research 4
Research 4
Research 4
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1 author:
Anna Bocar
Gulf College Oman
All content following this page was uploaded by Anna Bocar on 07 January 2018.
Anna C. Bocar
Faculty of College of Arts and Sciences
La Salle University – Ozamiz
This study was conducted to investigate the most difficult item student-researchers
of Political Science 8 in La Salle University encountered when they conducted their
research study during the first semester of the school year 2008-2009. The descriptive
survey method was utilized in this study. The researcher – made instruments consisted
of open - ended questions were administered to the 14 students officially enrolled in
the subject, Political Science 8. The study showed that the cooperation of respondents
outside the academic institution is very crucial problem for student researchers. To
some extent, students felt that personal problems like time and stress management
disturbed their concentration. 66% of the respondents found it difficult to finish their
1. Introduction
According to Logan (n.d.), any time personal problems could occupy some of
the cognitive capacity and interfere academic pursuits. Occasionally, the best solution
to a problem depends on what causes it, in which case, one has to discover why the
problem arises. But in most cases, the best approach is simply to deal with the
There are several items which are considered by the student – researchers in
La Salle University as problems in conducting their research. The researcher wanted
to determine what item or items the student – researchers felt most difficult.
Similarly, in conducting a research one must have the interest of doing it. It is
a very laborious task. A research study cannot be completed when there are no
respondents. Respondents are the ones to give their perception and answers on the
issues in the study. At this point the researcher must have built a friendly relationship
with the respondents for the success of the study. But there might be a problem in
relating with others.
Dombeck and Wells-Moran (2006) claim that time management skills boil
down to awareness, organization and commitment. One needs to become aware of and
record everything he is doing so that important things will be done on time. One also
needs to commit to keep a schedule, and not wandering off when something more
momentarily interesting occurs. They emphasized that time management and
organization skills are applicable to a wide range of life tasks one might decide to take
on. As it will benefit the person broadly in what ever he/she might do.
Some students work at part-time jobs and/or are engaged in time consuming
extra-curricular activities at the university. The demands of academic assignments
almost require students to have the time management skills of a successful busy
2. Theoretical Framework
Student – researchers Encountered
Effects to Research
3. The Problem
Any investigation made is done for some reasons. The results of this study
significantly benefit the following group of people: (1) The Political Science
students as the primary group that will benefit from the results of this study as this
will help them determine the difficulties in conducting a research. (2) The College of
Arts and Sciences administrators will gain insights and will be able to develop
educational strategies to lighten the problems that the student-researchers encounter in
their research work. (3) Through this study the faculty members will be more
responsive on what help they can extend to the make the student-researchers feel
that research work is a fruitful endeavor. (4) This result of this study will enlighten
the mind of other researchers and enrich their understanding of students’ behavior
and could be of great help to them when they conduct studies on related issues.
5. Methodology
Table 1
Frequency of the Difficulties Encountered by the Student-Researchers
Qualitative Verbal
Items Frequency Description Interpretation
1.Cooperation of respondents 14
2. Time management 12
3. Stress management 11 Most Very Great
4.Identification of researchable issue Extent
and construction of research title 11
5. Financial problem 9
6. Constructions of interpretation,
analysis, findings, conclusions and 9
recommendation Majority Great Extent
7. Formatting of the text content 8
8. Tallying of responses 7
9. Cooperation between research
partners 7
The results of the study demonstrated that most of the student-researchers said
that the first four items enumerated on the table above are the items that contributed
very great extent of difficulty in conducting a research study; however, item No.1
which refers to the cooperation of the chosen respondents of the study they conducted
was felt to be the most difficult one.
It can be noted also in the results that there are two aspects to consider with
the first four items with very great extent of difficulty. The two of the items are
academic in nature (Nos. 1 & 4) while the other two (Nos. 2 & 3) are personal in
nature. To value adequate time management is more beneficial than to those who do
not. According to Dombeck and Wells-Moran (2006) time management is applicable
to a wide range of life tasks one might decide to take on. Important things get done
on time when there is proper time management. This can be done and controlled
personally by the student- researchers.
Moreover, the results revealed that out of the twenty items, nine of them
were described by the student - researchers as items which contributed the least extent
of difficulty in the conduct of research study. This signifies that these items
contributed only a little degree of intricacy in their research work.
There were only four or equivalent to 2 groups out of 6 groups were able to
finish and submitted their required research output on time. Statistically, only 33% of
the respondents successfully met the required research output. This means that the
66% found it difficult to finish their research paper.
7.1. Conclusion
In the light of this study the researcher concludes that the learning which the
student-researchers got from their class discussions and applied in the conduct of their
research work is not the very reason that results in serious academic difficulties and
failures. The cooperation of the chosen respondents beyond the academic institution is
a very crucial problem. To some extent students also felt that those personal
problems like time and stress management may disturb their concentration.
7.2. Recommendations
List of References
Logan, F. (n.d.). College Learning : Ways & Whys. retrieved October 14, 2008