Atomic Structure PDF
Atomic Structure PDF
Atomic Structure PDF
A tomic S tructure
(a) The smallest particle of a matter that takes part in a chemical reaction is called an atom. The atom of all gases
except those of noble gases, cannot exist in free state. These exist in molecular form. The molecules of
hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and halogens are diatomic (H2, N2). Phosphorus molecule is tetratomic and that of
sulphur is octa atomic.
(b) The smallest particle of a matter that can exist in free state in nature, is known as a molecule.
(c) Some molecules are composed of homoatomic atom, e.g., H2, O2, N2, Cl2, O3 etc., while the molecules of
compounds are made up of two or more heteroatomic atoms e.g., HCl, NaOH, HNO3, CaCO3, etc.
To vacuum pump
Cathode rays
Anode +
High voltage
(a) Cathode rays travel in a straight line. This indicates that the formation of a shadow when an opaque object is
placed in its path.
Shadow –
Cathode rays travel in a straight line
(b) If a light metal pinwheel is placed in the path of cathode rays, the wheel starts revolving. This proves that is
cathode rays consist of tiny particles having momentum.
– +
Cathode rays Pin wheel
(c) Cathode rays get deviated in electrical and magnetic fields. This proves that they are composed of charged
particles. Their derivation towards anode indicates their negatively charged nature. The direction of their
deviation in magnetic field depends on pole of the magnet which has been placed near the cathode ray tube.
Electric field
– + – +
Cathode Anode Cathode Anode
(g) Cathode rays ionize gases proving that they are charged.
(i) Cathode rays produce X-rays when they hit a piece of tungsten or any other metal having high melting point.
(a) Cathode rays are composed of extremely tiny negatively charged particles (electrons).
(b) The ratio of negative charge (e) and mass (m) for cathode ray particle (electrons) is a constat. This ratio is
independent of the material used in the preparation of the electrodes of the discharge tube or the gas filled in it.
Thus, e/m of an electron is a universal constant.
ch arg e on electron e 8
mass of electron = = 1.76 × 10 Coulomb/gm
In addition to the above proofs, photoelectric effect, thermionic effect and emission of beta particles from
radioactive elements also confirm that electron is an essential constituent of matter. These negatively charged
– 0
tiny particles discovered by Thomson. It is denoted by e or –1e .
Electrostatic Fluorescence
field plate screen
Electron ray
Cathode X
Determination of of an electron
e 4 –19
= 9.578 × 10 coulomb per gram. If we suppose that the charge (e) of this particle is 1.602 × 10 coulomb
–24 +
unit positive charge, the mass (m) of the particle will be 1.6725 × 10 gram. The particle (H ) of the positive
–19 –24
rays of hydrogen gas having 1.602 × 10 coulomb positive charge and 1.6725 × 10 gram mass is called a
(a) Proton is a fundamental particle of an atom. It is an essential constituent of every matter.
(b) The credit for the discovery of proton goes to Goldstein.
(c) Proton bears one unit positive charge.
(d) Thomson and Wein estimated the value of e/m as 9.578 × 10 coulomb per gram for the positively charged
particle proton.
–19 –10
(e) The amount of positive charge (e) on proton is 1.602 ×10 coulomb or 4.8 × 10 e.s.u.
–24 –17
(f) Mass of proton (m) = 1.6725 × 10 gram ; = 1.6775 × 10 kilogram
= 1.6725 × 10 quintal ; = 1837 times that of electron
= 1.00757 a.m.u. ; = Mass of hydrogen atom
1.6725 × 10−24
Mass of proton (m) in a.m.u = = 1.00757 a.m.u.
1.66 × 10−24
(g) Mass of proton (m) multiplied by Avogadro number (6.023 × 10 ) gives molar mass of proton. Thus
–24 23
Gram molecular mass of proton = 1.6725 × 10 × 6.023 × 10 = 1.008 (Approx)
(h) Proton is present in the nucleus of an atom.
(i) The number of electrons is equal to the number of protons in a neutral atom.
(j) The atomic number of an atom is equal to the number of protons present in the nucleus of that atom.
(k) Proton is the nucleus of protium i.e. the common hydrogen atom.
(l) Proton is ionized hydrogen atom, i.e. (H )
(m) Proton is obtained when the only one electron present in hydrogen atom is removed. Hydrogen atom consists of
only one electron and one proton.
– 0
6. ELECTRON (e or –1e )
(a) Electron is a fundamental particle of an atom, which is an essential constituent of every matter.
(b) The credit for discovery of cathode rays goes to Sir William Crookes while the credit for discovery of negatively
charged electron goes to J.J. Thomson. The name ‘electron’ was first given by Stony.
(c) A unit negative charge is present on electron.
e 8
(d) The value of was found to be 1.76 × 10 coulomb/gram by Thomson.
(e) R.A. Mulliken calculated the charge on an electron by his famous Oil Drop Experiment. The value came out
–19 –10
to be 1.6012 × 10 coulomb or 4.803 × 10 e.s.u.
(f) The value of e/m of an electron is known as its specific charge. With the help of this specific charge and the
charge on the electron (determined by Mulliken), the mass of the electron could be calculated as follows.
= 0.0005486 a.m.u.
= 1/1837 of H atom
(g) Molar mass of electron is obtained on multiplying mass of electron by Avogadro number (6.023 × 10 ).
Therefore gram molecular mass of electron is as follows.
–28 23
= 9.1091 × 10 × 6.023 × 10
= 5.483 × 10
(h) Electron is very much lighter than an atom of the lightest element hydrogen. The gram molecular mass of
hydrogen is 1.008. Therefore the ratio of gram molecular mass of hydrogen and that of electron is
= 1837. In other words, an atom of hydrogen (or a proton) is 1837 times heavier than electron.
5.483 × 10 − 4
(k) The amount of charge on one mole of electrons is one faraday or 96500 coulomb.
(l) The mass of an electron at rest is called static electron mass and its value is 9.1091 × 10 gram.
(m) The mass of an electron in motion is calculated with the help of the following expression.
Re st mass of electron
Mass of electron in motion (m) =
v 2
1 –
Penetrating rays are emitted on bombarding α-particles on the elements like beryllium, boron and aluminium.
James Chadwick in 1932 studied the nature of these radiation and came to the conclusion that these rays are
composed of very tiny electro neutral particles. The mass of these particles is almost equal to that of the
hydrogen atom. This particle is called neutron and is denoted by the symbol, 0n .
7.1 Neutron (0n )
(a) It is a fundamental particle of atom that is present in the nuclei of all atoms except hydrogen or protium.
(b) It was discovered by James Chadwick in 1932.
(c) It is an electro neutral particle, i.e. it does not have any positive or negative charge on it.
(d) The mass of a neutron is almost equal to that of a proton. Actually it is a little bit heavier than proton. Its mass
(m) is as fallows :
Mass (m) of a neutron = 1.6748 × 10 gram = Approximately mass of a proton
(e) Neutron is relatively heavier out of the three fundamental particles of an atom.
(f) Molar mass of a neutron is obtained by multiplying the mass (m) of a neutron with Avogadro number
23 –24 23
(6.023 × 10 ). Therefore the gram molecular mass of a neutron is 1.6748 × 10 × 6.23 × 10 = 1.00893.
(g) The atomic mass is equal to the total mass of all the protons and neutrons present in the atom.
(h) Isotopes are formed as a result of difference in the number of only neutrons in the nuclei of atoms.
(i) It is assumed that a neutron is a result to joining together of an electron and a proton. A neutron, being unstable,
decays as fallows :
1 1– 0 0
0n +1P + –1e + 0q (antineutrino)
Its half-life is 20 minutes.
(j) The density of neutrons is of the order of 1 × 10 Kg/c.c.
7. Photon γ 0 0 0 1
*Physical atomic weight unit 8O = 16,00,000
**Mass with respect to e, where e = 9.11 × 10 gram
*** unit
9.2 Unstable Particles
Properties of Some Unstable Fundamental Particles
Particle Symbol Charge Mass* Mass** Spin***
1. Neutron n 0 1.00893 1, 836
2. Negative µ meson µ– – 0.1152 210
3. Positive µ meson µ+ + 0.1152 210
4. Neutral π meson π0 0 0.1454 265 0
(i) Rutherford discovered the nucleus in an atom by α-particle scattering experiment. He showered α-par-
ticles, 2He (obtained from radium) on a 0.01 mm thin gold film and allowed them to collide with a screen coated
with zinc sulphide and placed behind the gold film. He observed fluorescence on the screen.
(a) Most of the α-particle passed through the gold film without deviating from their path.
(b) Some particles got deviated from their path on colliding with the gold film.
(c) A very small number of particles rebounded after colliding with the gold film.
α-Particles Nucleus
(ii) The following are the inferences derived from the above experiment.
(a) Most of the α-particles pass through the gold foil without deviation in their path, showing that most of the part
if an atom is vacant.
(b) Whole of the mass of an atom is confined to its nucleus, which consists of positively charged protons and
neutral neutrons. These together are termed as nucleons.
–13 –12
(c) It has been found on the basis of calculation that the radius of the atomic nucleus is 1 × 10 to 1 × 10 cm
–15 –14 –8
or 1 × 10 to 1 × 10 meter, while radius of an atom is 1 × 10 cm.
Radius of atom
(d) Magnitude of atomic nucleus = Radius of atomic nucleus
(e) Nuclear density Density (D) = Volume (V)
Since, the shape of atom is regarded as spherical, therefore, if radius of the nucleus is r, then
4 3
Volume of nucleus = πr
Ex.1 Calculate the density of fluorine nucleus supposing that the shape of the nucleus is spherical and its radius is
5 × 10 . (Mass of F = 19 amu)
Sol. ∴ Mass of the nucleus of F atom = 19 × 1.66 × 10 gm
(1 amu = 1.660 × 10 gm)
4 3
Volume of the nucleus of F atom = πr
4 –13 3
= × 3.14 (5 × 10 )
–39 3
= 525 × 10 cm
Density of the nucleus of F atom =
19 × 1.66 × 10−24 gm
525 × 10–39 cm3
13 –3
= 6.0 × 10 gm cm
ν = a (z – b)
where ν = frequency of X-rays
z = atomic number or nuclear charge
a and b are constants.
Thus nuclear charge of an atom is equal to the atomic number of that atom. Since an atom is electro neutral,
the number of positively charged protons in its nucleus is equal to the negatively charged electrons moving
around the nucleus in the atom. Thus
Atomic number = number of protons in the atom or
number of electrons in the atom
Protons 8 7 11
Neutrons 8 7 12
Atomic weight 16 14 23
(a) The protons and neutrons present in the nucleus are known as nucleons.
(b) The weight of electrons is neglected during calculation of the atomic weight, because the mass of an electron is
negligible in comparison to that of a proton or a neutron.
(c) In the nucleus of an electro neutral atom, the number of positively charged protons is equal to that of negatively
charged electrons.
16 14 23 12 17
Particle 8O 7N 11Na 6C 9F
Protons 8 7 11 6 9
Neutrons 8 7 12 6 8
Atomic 16 14 23 12 17
Electrons 8 7 11 6 9
(d) The number of protons present in an atom is called atomic number of that atom.
For example O F Ne
Protons 8 9 10
Atomic number 8 9 10
(e) Kernel : The group of all the electrons except those of the outermost energy level, is called that kernel of that
atom and the electrons present in the kernel are known as electron of the kernel.
For example, if the electronic configuration of an atom is 2, 6, then the number of kernel electrons is 2.
If the electronic configuration of an atom is 2, 8, 8, then the number of kernel electrons is 10.
If the electronic configuration of an atom is 2, 8, 8, 8, then the number of kernel electrons is 18.
13. IONS
When an atom loses electron, it is converted into a cation, while it is converted into an anion on gaining electron.
(a) Number of electrons in a cation = Number of protons - charge present on the cation
(b) Number of electrons in a anion = Number of protons + Charge present on the anion
+ +2 +3
For example Na Mg Al
Protons 11 12 13
Electrons 10 10 10
– –2 –
Cl O F
Protons 17 8 9
Electrons 18 10 10
Ex.2 What difference will appear in the mass number if the number of neutrons is halved number of electrons is
doubled in 8O .
[1] 25% decrease [2] 50% increase [3] 150% increase [4] No difference Ans.[1]
Sol. 8O Initial weight – final weight
Protons 8p → 8p
Neutrons 8n → 4n
Weight 16 → 12
Thus decrease in mass number = 25%
Ex.3 If the atomic weight of Zn is 70 and its atomic number is 30, then what will be the atomic weight of Zn ?
[1] 70 [2] 68 [3] 72 [4] 74 Ans. [1]
Sol. Two electrons are removed in the formation of Zn from Zn. The numbers of protons and neutrons remain
Ex.4 The mass of one mole electrons should be -
[1] 0.55 mg [2] 1.0008 gm [3] 1.000 gm [4] 0.184 gm Ans. [1]
Sol. The number of electrons in one mole = Avogadro number = 6.023 × 10
Mass of one electron = 9.1 × 10 gm
Therefore Mass of 6.023 × 10 electrons
–28 23
= 9.1 × 10 × 6.023 × 10 = 0.55 mg
Ex.5 The number of atoms present in 20 grams of calcium will be equal to the number of atoms present in
(20 gm Ca = mole Ca)
6.023 × 10 23 23
Ca = = 3.012 × 10
Sol. 24.3 gm Mg = 1 mole, therefore 12.15 gm = mole
(a) The atoms of the same element having same atomic number but different atomic weights, are called isotopes.
(b) Isotopes of an element have same number of protons but different number of neutrons in their atoms. Hence
their atomic weight are different. For example, oxygen has the following three isotopes.
16 17 18
8O 8O 8O
Protons 8 8 8
Neutrons 8 9 10
Atomic weights 16 17 18
Protons 1 1 1
Neutrons 0 1 2
Atomic weights 1 2 3
[1] 20% [2] 80% [3] 60% [4] 40% Ans. [1]
Deuterium in 100 parts of D2O = × 100 = 20%
Ex.7 Which of the following pairs consists of molecules having same mass number ?
[1] H2O and D2O [2] H2O and HTO [3] D2O and HTO [4] D2O and HCl Ans. [3]
Ex.8 The mass number of three isotopes of an element are 11, 12 and 13 units. Their percentage abundance is 80,
15 and 5 respectively. What should be the atomic weight of the element ?
Sol. 80 : 15 : 5
Total = 16 + 3 + 1 = 20
11× 16 + 12 × 3 + 13 × 1
Average weight = = 11.25
Ex.9 If two neutrons are added to an element X, then it will get converted to its
[1] isotope [2] isotone [3] isobar [4] None of the above Ans. [1]
Sol. The number of neutrons are different in the isotopes of the same element.
(a) Isobars are the atoms of different elements having same atomic weight.
(b) Isobars have different numbers of protons as well as neutrons.
(c) The sum of number of protons and neutrons in isobars is same. For example
40 40 40
Atomic weight of three elements 18Ar , 19K and 20Ca is 40.
40 40 40
(i) Ar K Ca
Protons 18 19 20
Neutrons 22 21 20
76 76
(ii) 32Ge 34Se
Protons 32 34
Neutrons 44 42
The atoms having same number of neutrons are called isoneutronic or isotones. For example
30 31 32
14Si 15P 14S
Protons 14 15 16
Neutrons 16 16 16
Atomic weight 30 31 32
Ex.10 In two elements Z1 A M1 and Z2 BM2 , M1 ≠ M2 and Z1 ≠ Z2 but M1 – Z1 = M2 – Z2. These elements are
[1] isotonic [2] isotopic [3] isobaric [4] isoprotonic Ans [1]
Sol. M1 = Atomic weight Z1 = Atomic number
In isobars M1 = M2 and in isotopes Z1 = Z2
In isotones (isoneutronic elements) M1 – Z1 = M2 – Z2
Ex.11 Two nuclides A and B are isoneutronic. Their mass numbers are 76 and 77 respectively. If atomic number of A
is 32, then the atomic number of B will be
[1] 33 [2] 34 [3] 32 [4] 30 Ans. [1]
76 77
Sol. 32A PB
The chemical species in which number of electrons is same are called isoelectronic. For example
+ +2 +3
(a) Li Be B
Electrons 2 2 2
+ +2 +3 – –2
(b) Na Mg Al F O
Electrons 10 10 10 10 10
+ +2
(c) K Ca Ar
Electrons 18 18 18
Fluorescence of
Gold foil
ZnS screen
Source of α particles
(i) Atom is a very minute, spherical, electro neutral particle composed of the following two parts :
(a) Positively charged nucleus and (b) a vast extranuclear space in which electrons are present.
(ii) whole of the positive charge and almost all the mass of atom is confined to a very minute part at the centre of the
–13 –12 –15 –14
atom, called the nucleus of the atom. The radius of nucleus is about 10 to 10 cm (or 10 to 10 meter),
while the radius of atom is in the order of 10 cm.
(iii) The number of electrons in an atom is equal to the number of protons present in the nucleus. That is why an
atom is electroneutral.
(iv) This model of an atom is also called “solar model” of “planetary model”. This is because, the movement of
electrons around the nucleus in this model has been compared to that of planets moving around the sun in the
solar system.
18.2.1 Demerits of Rutherford’s Model of an Atom
(i) According to Clark Maxwell’s theory of electrodynamics, an electrically charged particle in motion continuously
emits energy. This results in regular decrease in the energy of that particle. On the basis of this principle, it can
be concluded that an electron moving around the nucleus will continuously emit the energy. This will result in
decrease in the radius of the electron orbit, due to which the electron would ultimately plunge into the nucleus.
An electron emitting energy and pluging into nucleus
(ii) Plunging of an electron into the nucleus would definitely mean destruction of the atom or end of the existence of
the atom. But we know that it never happens. Atom is a stable system. Therefore Rutherford model failed in
explaining the stability of an atomic system.
(iii) If an electron moving around the nucleus continuously emits energy, then the atomic spectrum must be
continuous, i.e. the spectrum should not have lines of definite frequency. However, the atomic spectrum is
actually not continuous and possesses so many lines of definite frequency. Therefore, Rutherford model failed to
explain the line spectrum of an atom.
Number of orbits
3 Electrons are absent
between two
2 successive orbits
Electron in
circular orbits
(ii) The electrons moving around the nucleus in only those circular orbits for which their angular momentum (mvr) is
integral multiple of . This is called the condition of quantization. The angular momentum (mvr) of an electron
is where m is the mass of electron. r is radius of its circular orbit, v is the velocity of electron, h is Planck’s
constant; n is a whole number whose value may be 1, 2, 3, 4 etc, : n is called principal quantum number.
(iii) When energy is provided to an atom, its electrons get excited by absorption of energy and jumps to the orbits
of higher energy.
(iv) When an electron in an atom falls from higher energy level to lower energy level, spectral lines are formed.
Decrease in energy by
Increase in energy by emission of photons
absorption of photons
+ +
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
(a) Electron jumping from lower to higher energy level by absorption of energy
(b) Electron jumping from higher to lower energy level by emission of energy
(v) The force of attraction on electron by the nucleus is equal to the centrifugal force of that electron.
mv 2
e Force of attraction
+ Ze
nh mv 2 Ze2
Note : (a) mvr = ........[1] (b) = 2 ........[2] (c) En2 – En1 = hν...........[3]
2π r r
Ex.18 An electron has been excited from the first to the fourth energy state in an atom. Which of the following
transitions are possible when the electron comes back to the ground state ?
[1] 4 → 1 [2] 4 → 2, 2 → 1 [3] 4 → 3, 3 → 2m 2 → 1[4] All of the above Ans. [4]
Sol. Electron can undergo transition from higher state to all lower states by loss of energy.
Ex.19 How much total energy will be released when an electron present in hydrogen atom undergoes the following
sequence of transition ?
[1] One quantum [2] Two quantums [3] Three quantums [4] Four quantums Ans. [2]
Sol. One quantum of energy is released in each transition, i.e. one quantum in n = 4 to n = 2 and one quantum in
n = 2 to n = 1 transition.
Ex.20 Which of the following is a fundamental particle
[1] Nucleus of He [2] Nucleus of H [3] A positive atom [4] None of these Ans. [2]
Sol. Fundamental particle H is the nucleus of H
mv 2 Ze2
= 2 .............[1]
r r
mvr = ...............[2]
2πZe 2 z
v= or v=K
nh n
2πe 2 8
Here K = = 2.188 × 10 cm/second
or v= × 2.188 ×108 cm / sec ond
v1 n 2
v2 n1
v1 z1
v 2 z2
(c) Time period T =
2π × n2 h2 nh
= ×
4π2mZe2 2πZe2
4π2mZ 2 e4
1 V
(d) Frequency =
T 2πr
Ze2 2 2πZe2 nh
[1] v = [2] v = [3] v = [4] all of the above are correct
mr nh 2πmr
Ans. [4]
2 Ze2 Ze2 2
Sol. [1] v = v=
mr mr
[2] v =
nh nh
[3] mvr = v=
2π 2πmr
Ex. 22 If the velocities of first, second, third and fourth orbits of hydrogen atom are v1 , v2 , v3 and v4 respectively, then
which of the following should be their increasing order
[1] v1 > v2 > v3 > v4 [2] v4 < v3 < v2 < v1 [3] v1 > v2 < v3 > v4 [4] Equal for all Ans. [2]
Sol. Z is a constant, therefore v ∝
v1 Z1 11
Therefore v = Z = 1
2 2
Ex.24 What should be the velocity of the electron present in the fourth orbit of hydrogen atom, if the velocity of the
electron present in the third orbit is 7.29 × 10 cm per second ?
v 3 n4
Sol. =
v 4 n3
7.29 × 107 4
v4 3
7.29 × 107 × 3 7
v4 = = 5.46 × 10 cm per second
According to Bohr’s hypothesis
put the value of v in mvr =
n2h2 n2
r= or r =K
4π2 mZe2 z
K = 2 2 = constant = 0.529Å
4π me
or r= × 0.529 Å
Note : (a) 1Å = 10 cm
(b) 1Å = 10 m
(c) 1 nm = 10 m
(d) 1 pm (picometer) = 10 cm
If Z is a constant, then
r ∝ n2
Thus, the radius of atoms goes on increasing as the number (n) of energy levels in the atoms goes on increasing
as shown below.
r1 n12
r2 n22
r1 Z 2
r2 Z1
Ex.25 If the radius of first, second, third and fourth orbits of hydrogen atom are r1, r2, r3 and r4 respectively, then their
correct increasing order will be
[1] r4 < r3 < r2 < r1 [2] r1 < r2 < r3 < r4 [3] r1 > r2 > r3 > r4 [4] Equal in all Ans. [2]
Sol. r∝ n
+ +
Ex. 26 The ratio of radius of the fifth orbits of He and Li will be
[1] 2 : 3 [2] 3 : 2 [3] 4 : 1 [4] 5 : 3 Ans. [2]
Sol. Here n is a constant, therefore
r1 Z2 3
= = = 3:2
r2 Z1 2
Ex. 27 Which of the following orbits of hydrogen atom should have the values of their radii in the ratio of 1 : 4 ?
[1] K and L [2] L and N [3] M and N [4] 1 and 2 both are correct
Ans. [4]
Sol. [1] Ratio of radii of orbits K and L
r1 n1 12
= 2 = 2 = 1:4
r2 n2 2
r1 n1 22
= 2 = 2 = 4 : 16 or 1 : 4
r2 n2 4
Ex. 28 If a = , then the correct expression for calculation of the circumference of the first orbit of hydrogen
4π me2
atom should be
[1] 4h2 πa [2] 2πr [3] 4 πha [4] 1 and 3 both are correct
Ans. [4]
Sol. Circumference = 2πr
n2 h2 h
2×π × 2 , n = 1 , Z = 1 and =a
4π mZe
4π me2
(a) The energy of an electron is negative because according to Bohr’s hypothesis, the maximum energy of an
electron at infinity is zero. Therefore, value of energy should be negative on moving towards lower side from
(b) The energy of electron at infinity is zero because attractive force between electron and the nucleus is minimum.
(c) Stability would increase as the electron in an atom moves from the infinity distance to a distance r from the
nucleus, resulting in the value of the potential energy becoming negative. This is because of the fact that when
two opposite charges attract each other, there is a decrease in the potential energy, as attractive forces =
1 1 Ze2
Kinetic energy = mv 2 =
2 2 r
Potential energy =
1 − Ze 2
Total energy = Kinetic energy + potential energy ET = EK + EP mv 2 +
2 r
1 Ze2
Total energy E = –
2 r
(i) Total energy = – Kinetic energy (ET = – EK)
(ii) Potential energy = 2 × Total energy) (EP = 2ET)
Ex. 29 What should be the kinetic energy and total energy of the electron present in hydrogen atom, if its potential
energy is –5.02 eV
1 Ze2
Formula :- Q E= − put the value of r
2 r
Z2 2π 2me 4 Z2
ET = − × or =–K
n2 h2 n2
2π2me 4
where K = = A constant, whose values can be depicted as follows
(i) E = – × 13.6 eV
If Z is a constant, then E ∝ –
Therefore, the energy of electron goes on increasing as the number of orbits increases.
E1 n2
E2 = n12
(ii) If n is a constant, then E ∝ – Z
E1 Z1
E2 = 2
E= × Rhc
Z2 Z2
[1] Kinetic energy = × Rhc [2] Potential energy = 2 − 2 × Rhc
n2 n
Ex.30 What should be the order E1, E2, E3 and E4, if these are the respective energies of the first, second, third and
fourth orbits of hydrogen atom ?
[1] E1 = E2 = E3 = E4 [2] E4 < E3 < E2 < E1 [3] E1 < E2 < E3 < E4 [4] E2 > E3 < E4 < E1 Ans. [3]
Sol. E∝–
Ex.31 What should be kinetic energy and potential energy, respectively, of the electron in the third orbit of hydrogen
atom ?
[1] – 1.5 eV, 3.0 eV [2] 1.5 eV, – 3.0 eV [3] 1.5 eV, 3.0 eV [4] 3.0 eV, – 3.0 eV Ans. [2]
Sol. Total energy of the third orbit of H atom
E=– × 13.6
=– × 13.6 = – 1.5eV
E1 Z1 (11)2
E2 = Z12 = (1)2 = 121 : 1
n=∞ 0 0 13.6
n=5 -13.6/5 = -0.54 0.54 13.05
n=4 -13.6/4 = -0.65 0.85 12.75
n=3 2nd Excited State -13.6/32 = 1.51 1.51 12.1
Ex.33 Which of the following should be the energy of an electron present in ground state of hydrogen atom ?
[1] – 13.6 eV [2] – 3.4 eV [3] – 1.5 eV [4] – 0.85 eV Ans. [1]
Sol. An electron in ground state is in n = 1 orbit. Therefore the energy of the electron = – 13.6 eV
The states of higher energy than the ground state are said to be in excited state. For example, the electron of
hydrogen atom in ground state is present in n = 1 orbit.
This means that the energy of n + 1 orbit is in first excited state, of n + 2 orbit in second excited state
and of n + 3 orbit in third excited state, where n = the energy in ground state.
Ex.34 What should be the energy of the second excited state of Li ?
[1] – 13.6 eV [2] – 30.6 eV [3] – 3.4 eV [4] – 1.5 eV Ans. [1]
Sol. Second excited state n = 3
En = – 13.6 ×
= – 13.6 ×
= – 13.6 eV
1 1 1
ν= = R × Z2 2 − 2
λ n1 n2
where is wave number
R = Rydberg constant,
n1 = Number of lower energy level
n2 = Number of higher energy level
Calculation of formula
1 Ze
En1 = – (r1 = radius of the first orbit)
2 r1
1 Ze
En2 = – (r2 = radius of the second orbit)
2 r2
1 1 1
Ze r − r
En1 – En2 = –
2 1 2
2π2mZ 2 e 4 1 1
Therefore hν = 2 – 2
h2 n1 n2
2π2mZ 2 e 4 1 1
ν= 2 – 2
h3 n1 n2
2π2mZ2 e4
Here is a constant, because for hydrogen atom Z = 1
2π2me4 –1
Thus R = Value of R = 109678 cm
If calculation, this value is 109700 cm .
1 1 1
Formula = = RZ
2 2 – 2
λ n1 n2
Ex.38 What should be the value of wave number of emitted radiation with respect to R, when the electron present in
hydrogen atom jumps from M orbit to K orbit ?
8 5 3 5
[1] R × [2] R × [3] R × [4] R × Ans. [1]
9 8 4 16
Sol. The electron jumps from M orbit (n = 3) to K orbit (n = 1). Therefore
1 1
ν = R − 2
1 1 1 1 9 − 1 8
=R − 2 =R − =R =R×
1 3 1 9 9 9
When energy is provided to any substance, it starts emitting radiations. These radiations are passed through a
spectroscope, they get split up into spectral lines producing emission spectrum. Normally a substance can be
excited by any of the following ways.
(b) By passing electric current through a discharge tube having gaseous substance at very low
When sunlight or a glowing heat fluorescent substance like tungsten wire present in an electric bulb, is
analysed with the help of a spectroscope, the spectrum obtained on a screen is observed as divided into bands
of seven colours, which are in a continuous sequence. Such a spectrum is called a continuous spectrum.
Prism Orange
Continuous spectrum
When atoms of a substance is excited, it emits radiations. These radiations are analyzed with the help of a
spectroscope, then many fine bright lines of specific colours in a sequence are seen in the spectrum, which is
not continuous, i.e. there is dark zone in between any two lines. Such a spectrum is called a line spectrum or
atomic spectrum. For example, neon single lamp, sodium vapour lamp, mercury vapour lamp, etc. emit light of
different colours and they give specific line spectra.
1 1 1
ν or =R× 2 − 2
λ n1 n2
24.1 Series of Lines in Hydrogen Spectrum
24.1.1 Lymen Series
When an electron undergoes transition from a higher energy level (n2), e.g. 2, 3, 4, 5, ..... ∞ to ground state or
lower energy level, the spectrum is said to belong to Lymen series. For this, n1 = 1 and n2 = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
....... ∞.
24.1.2 Balmer Series
When an electron undergoes transition from a higher energy level (n2), e.g. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ......... ∞ to the second
energy level n1 = 2, the spectrum is said to belong to Balmer series.
Regions of line spectrum of hydrogen atom Explanation of Balmer series (line spectrum)
on the basis of Bohr model
For the given value of n (principal quantum number), the total number of spectral lines can be calculate by the by
n(n − 1)
the expression .
Ex.40 How many emission spectral lines in all should be visible, if an electron is present in the third orbit of hydrogen
atom ?
[1] 6 [2] 3 [3] 5 [4] 15 Ans. [2]
n(n − 1) 3(3 − 1) 6
Sol. The expression of maximum number is = = =3
2 2 2
Ex.41 Which of the following should be the expression for the last line of Paschen series ?
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[1] =R – 2 [2] =R – [3] =R – [4] =R – Ans. [1]
λ 9 ∞ λ 4 9 λ 9 16 λ 16 ∞
1 1 1
Sol. ν = =R –
λ 9 ∞
(b) Bohr model can explain only circular orbits in the atom and not the elliptical ones.
(c) Bohr model cannot explain splitting of spectral lines into finer lines in a magnetic field, which is known as
Zeeman effect.
No magnetic
magnetic field
(d) Bohr model fails to explain the splitting of spectral lines into finer lines in an electric field, which is known as
Stark effect.
(e) Bohr model fails to explain Hiesenberg uncertainty principle and it cannot be applied for giving any basis to
classification of elements and periodicity in their properties.
(f) Bohr model cannot be used for explaining finer structure of spectrum and calculating intensity of spectral lines.
(d) In circular orbit, the distance r remains constant but angle of rotation will change. In elliptical orbit, the nucleus
is regarded as situated at the focal point.
(e) A circular orbit is a particular situation of an elliptical orbit, in which the lengths of major axis is equal to that of
the minor axis.
(f) In elliptical orbits, the orbital angular momentum is a sum of the following two vector number.
(i) towards the radius, which is called radial component Pr, and
(ii) in the perpendicular direction to radius, which is called azimuthal component Pk.
(g) The above two momenta are separately quantized, i.e. both are multiple of .
(h) Sommerfeld suggested that Bohr quantum number n is a sum of two quantum numbers, of which one is radial
quantum number nr and the other is azimuthal quantum number K, i.e.
n = nr + K
1 λ
ν= and c = or c = νλ
27.1 Wave Length
The distance between any two successive crests (or troughs) is known as wavelength. This is
expressed as λ (Lambda). The range of the wavelength associated with spectrum line is 108 to 106 cm. Its
common units are as follows. Angstrom (Å).
27.2 Frequency
The number of vibrations produced in a unit time is called frequency. Here, the time is taken in seconds. The
number of wavelengths passing forward in one second from a fixed point is called frequency.
27.3 Velocity of Light
The distance traveled by a light wave in a unit time (second) is called the velocity of that wave. It is represented
by c and its unit is normally cm/second or m/second. Its value is definite. For example, for a light wave, the
velocity c = 3 × 108 m/second or 3 × 1010 cm/second.
27.4 Amplitude
The maximum deviation of a wave from its equilibrium point is known as its amplitude.
27.5 Wave Number
The reciprocal of wavelength is called wave number. It is represented by υ .
υ =
c c υ
Q c = υλ or λ = or υ = or υ = c υ or υ =
υ λ c
Ex.42 What should be the wavelength of an ultraviolet wave, if its frequency is 12 × 1016 cycles per seond and
c = 3 × 108 m/second ?
[1] 25 Å [2] 2.5 Å [3] 0.25 Å [4] 0.025 Å Ans. [1]
Sol. Q c = νλ
c 3 × 108
Therefore λ = = = 0.25 × 10–8 m
ν 12 × 1016
c c
Qν= Therefore E = h ×
λ λ
1 h
λ∝ or λ = Here h = Planck’s constant
p p
p = Momentum of electron
∴ Momentum (p) = Mass (m) × Velocity (c)
Therefore λ = This is called De-Broglie equation
(d) The above relation can be confirmed as follows by using Einstein’s equation, Planck’s quantum theory and wave
theory of light.
But according to Einstein’s equation
c h h h
E = mc2 = h × or mc = or p = or λ =
λ λ λ p
(d) We known that according to Bohr theory, mvr =
nh nh h
or 2πr = (Q mv = p momentum) or 2πr = (Q = λ De Broglie equation)
mv p p
(e) Q 2πr =
or mvr = Q mvr = Angular momentum
Thus mvr = Angular momentum, which is a integral multiple of
(f) It is clear from the above description that according to De Broglie there is similarity between wave theory and
Bohr theory.
Ex.43 What should be the mass of the photon of sodium light if its wavelength is 5894 Å, the velocity of light is 3 × 108
metre/second and the value of h is 6.6252 × 10–34 Kg m2/sec ?
[1] 3.746 × 10–26 [2] 3.746 × 10–30 [3] 3.746 × 10–34 [4] 3.746 × 10–36 Ans. [4]
h h
Sol. λ= or
m×c cλ
= 3.746 × 10–36 Kg
h h
∆x × ∆p ≥ or ∆x × m × ∆v ≥
4π 4π
h h
∆x × ∆p = ∴ ∆x =
2π 2π × ∆p
6.6252 × 10 –34
or ∆x = m = 1.054 × 10–27m
2 × 3.14 × 10 –7
8π 2m
∇2 ψ + (E – v) φ = 0
d2 d2 d2
∇2 = + +
dx 2 dy 2 dz 2
µi = l(l + 1) ×
Here l = Azimuthal quantum number and h = Planck’s constant
Ex.47 Which of the following should be the possible sub-shells, for n + l = 7 ?
[1] 7s, 6p, 5d, 4f [2] 4f, 5p, 6s, 4d [3] 7s, 6p, 5d, 6d [4] 4s, 5d, 6p, 7s Ans. [1]
Sol. n+l=7
7 + 0 = 7s ; 6 + 1 = 6p ; 5 + 2 = 5d ; 4 + 3 = 4f
Ex.48 What should be the maximum number of electron in the possible sub-shells, for n + l = 4 ?
[1] 8 [2] 6 [3] 12 [4] 16 Ans. [1]
Sol. n+l=4 Maximum number of electrons
4 + 0 = 4s →2
3 + 1 = 3p →6
Ex.49 The sub-shell 2d is not possible because
[1] n ≠ l [2] l > n [3] n < l [4] None of these Ans. [1]
Sol. For sub-shell 2d, n = 2 and l = 2 and the values of n and l can never be equal.
Ex.50 What should be the maximum number of elements, if the elements above n = 4 do not exist in nature ?
[1] 40 [2] 60 [3] 44 [4] 108 Ans. [2]
Sol. Since, n = 1, 2, 3 and 4, therefore
px/py pz pz/py
–1 0 +1
(iii) For d sub-level, l = 2. Thus, the values of m for d orbitals are as follows.
dxy dyz dz dxz dx2 − y2
–2 –1 0 +1 +2
(iv) For f sub-level, l = 3. Thus, the values of m for f orbitals are as follows.
–3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3
(e) The total number of orbitals present in an energy level is determined by the formula n2 where n is principal
quantum number.
Ex.52 What should be the total numbers of orbitals and electrons for m = 0, if there are 30 protons in an atom ?
[1] 7 orbitals, 14 electrons [2] 6 orbitals, 12 electrons
[3] 5 orbitals, 10 electrons [4] 3 orbitals, 6 electrons Ans. [1]
Sol. The configuration of the atom of atomic number 30 is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d10, 4s 2. This will have 7 orbitals
of m = 0.
Ex.53 The orbital having n = 6, l = 2 and m = 0 will be designated as
Sol. For 6th of P energy level, l = 2 is for d sub-level, and m = 0 for dz2 orbital
[1] 2pz [2] 2px [3] 2py [4] 3 dz2 Ans. [1]
Sol. In the second or L energy level (n = 2) , l = 1 for p orbital, m = 0 for z axis, Hence, the orbital will be designated
as 2pz.
(c) If the electron spins in clockwise direction, s is denoted by + or a sign [↑]. Anticlockwise spin of the electron
is denoted by s = – or [↓].
(d) One orbital can accommodate only two electrons, with opposite spins.
(e) One orbital can accommodate only two electrons, with opposite spins.
(f) The angular momentum of an electron is not only due its motion around the nucleus in an energy level but also
due to its rotation along its own axis. The angular momentum that arises due to rotation of an electron along its
axis, is called spin angular momentum and is depicted by the symbol µs. The value of µs can be found out with
the help of the following expression.
h 1
µs = s(s + 1) × where s is spin quantum number. In this expression the value of s is always taken as
2π 2
and not – .
element in ground state are n = 4, l = 1, m = – 1 s = + ?
1 1
[1] 0 [2] – [3] [4] 1 Ans. [2]
2 2
1 1
Sol. The value of spin quantum number (s) can be + or – , because an electron can rotate along its axis either
2 2
in clockwise or in anticlockwise direction. But one quantum number depicts one electrons and thus its value will
be – for d9 configuration.
Ex.59 The all energy levels are called excited states when the value of principal quantum number is :
[1] n = 1 [2] n > 1 [3] n < 1 [4] n > – 1 Ans. [2]
Sol. All the energy states in which n is greater than 1 are called excited states.
1 1
s=+ s=–
2 2
(b) 4p2 and 4p5
n=4 n=4
l=1 l=1
m=0 m=0
1 1
s=+ s=–
2 2
In the above illustrations, the respectively values of n, l and m are same but that of s is different.
(ii) Pauli exclusion principle can be stated in other words as that “only two electrons can be accommodated in
the same orbital only when their spin quantum number is different”.
(iii) If the third electron enters in an orbital, the set of four quantum numbers becomes same for any two electron.
(iv) According to this rule, for any two electrons, a set of maximum three quantum numbers can be same, but the
fourth has to be different. For example, two electrons can have same (n, l and m) or (l, m or s) or (n, m or s)
Example 1s1 and 1s2
n=1 n=1
l=0 l=0
m=0 m=0
1 1
s=+ s=–
2 2
(v) This rule does not apply for hydrogen atom because it contains only one electron.
Ex.60 Pauli exclusion principle applies to
[1] H [2] H+ [3] H– [4] None of the above Ans. [3]
Sol. Since, H has one electron and H+ has no electron, therefore Paulie principal does not apply to them. However,
H– has two electrons, hence this principle applies on it.
Sol. The set of four quantum numbers are not same for the three electrons in answer 3. In answer 1 both of the
electrons have same set of quantum numbers, while in answer 2 the first and third electrons have same set of
quantum numbers.
Ex.63 Supposing that Pauli exclusion principle is not correct, if one orbital can accommodate three electrons, what
should be the respective atomic number of the second member of alkali metal family and the first member of
halogen family
[1] 16, 14 [2] 11, 9 [3] 16, 9 [4] 34, 17 Ans. [1]
Sol. (a) Sodium is the second member of alkali metal family
Na11 = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1
We know that the inner orbitals of sodium are fully filled and the outer most orbit has one electron. If inner
orbitals can accommodate three electrons each, the configuration will be as follows.
1s3, 2s3, 2p9, 3s1
Therefore, three will be 16 electrons in all. Hence the atomic number will be 16.
(b) The first member of halogen family is fluorine, F9 whose configuration is 1s2, 2s2, 2p5
Halogen has one electron less than the next inert of noble gas. If inner orbitals can accommodate three electron
each, the configuration will be as fallows.
1s3, 2s3, 2p8
Therefore, total number of electrons will be 14 and thus the atomic number will also be 14.
Ex.64 Supposing that Pauli exclusion principle is nonexistent, which of the following should be the most unacceptable
configuration of Li in ground state ?
[1] 1s2, 2s1 [2] 1s3 [3] 1s1, 2s2 [4] 1s1, 2s1, 2p1 Ans. [4]
Sol. As a matter of fact, the configuration given in 2, 3 and 4 are wrong, but configuration given in 4 is most unaccept-
able because there is one electron in each of the three orbitals and according to Paulis exclusion principle
maximum two electrons can be occupier in a orbital.
33.2 Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity
(a) Degenerate orbitals
The orbitals having same energy are called degenerate orbitals.
(b) s sub-shell consists of only one orbital. Thus, it cannot have degenerate orbital.
(c) According to Hund’s rule, the degenerate orbitals get filled by electrons having parallel spin one by one to give
an unpaired state.
(d) According to this rule, the degenerate orbitals are filled in such a way that there is a maximum number of
unpaired electrons. For example, C6 can possibly have the following two configurations of 2s2 2p2.
[1] ↑↓ ↑↓
[2] ↑↓ ↑ ↑
(e) The following two conditions have to be fulfilled for Hund’s rule.
[1] The orbitals should be degenerate
[2] The member of electrons and the degenerate orbitals should be more than one
(f) Hund’s rule is not applicable for H, He, Li and Be, because electrons in them go to s sub-shell, which does not
have any degenerate orbital.
(g) Hund’s rule is not applicable for B5 also, because there is only one electrons in p orbital. Therefore, this rule is
applicable from C6 onwards.
(h) Hund’s rule is not important for elements belonging to groups IA, IIA and IIIA.
Ex.65 Which of the following should be correct according to Hund’s rule ?
Exceptions to n + l Rule
Due to greater stability of half-filled and fully-filled orbitals, the configurations d5 ns1 and d10 ns1 are written in
place of d4 ns2 and d9 ns2 respectively.
33.4 Stability of Half-filled and Fully-Filled orbitals
The stability of half-filled orbitals (p3, d5 and f7) and fully-filled orbitals (p6, d10 and f14) is higher than that in other
states. This is due the following reasons.
(a) When a sub-shell is half–filled or fully-filled, it means that the distribution of electrons is symmetrical in the
orbitals of equal energy. Unsymmetrical distribution of electrons results in lower stability.
(b) The electrons present in orbtials of equal energy in an atom can interchange their position, in this process
energy is released, resulting stable system. The possibility of interchange of positions is highest in half filled
and fully-filled states. This provides greater stability to the system.
(c) The exchange energy for half-filled and fully-filled orbitals is maximum. As the number of electrons increases,
electron start pairing resulting in spin coupling. The energy liberated in the process of coupling is called coupling
(d) The spin of electrons in a fully-filled orbital are opposite to each other or antiparallel. The energy of the system
decreases due to neutralization of opposite spins. So fully-filled orbitals are more stable.
Ex.69 Which of the following should be the atomic number of an atom if its electronic configuration is
(n – 2)s2, (n – 1) sa pb nsa p2 where n = 3, a = 2 and b = 6 ?
[1] 14 [2] 12 [3] 16 [4] 15 Ans. [1]
Sol. (3 – 2)s2 (3 – 1)s2 p6 3s2 3p2 ; 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2, 3p2 = 14
The atomic number of the atom is 14
Ex.70 Which of the following should be the number of electrons present in X+2 on the basis of electronic configuration,
if the ion X–3 has 14 protons ?
[1] 12 [2] 14 [3] 16 [4] 18 Ans. [1]
Sol. X–3 has 14 protons, i.e. X also has 14 protons and therefore 14 electrons.
X = 14 = 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s3 3p2
X+2 = 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 = 12 electrons
Ex.71 Which of the following should be the electronic configuration of an atom in its first excited state if that atom is
isoelectronic with O2 ?
[1] [Ne] 3s2 3p4 [2] [Ne] 3s2 3p3 3d1 [3] [Ne] 3s1 3p5 [4] None of the above Ans. [2]
Sol. 16 electrons = 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p4 (Two unpaired electrons)
Excited state = [ Ne] 3s2, 3p3, 3d1 (Four unpaired electrons)
Ex.72 Which of the following should be the electronic configuration of P in H3PO4 ?
[1] [Ne] [2] [Ne] 3s2 3p6 [3] [Ne] 3s2 [4] [Ne] 3s2 3p1 Ans. [2]
(a) The space around the nucleus where probability of finding an electron is maximum, is called an orbital.
(b) An electron cloud is negatively charged and the nucleus is positively charged. Therefore, the probability of
finding an electron is maximum around the nucleus.
(c) The probability of finding an electron is an orbital is 95% to 98%.
36.1 s-Orbital
(a) Only one s-orbital is possible in an orbit because l = 0 and m = 0 for it.
(b) It is spherical in shape and thus the electron density is uniform in all directions.
(c) The size increases with increase in the value of n. There is vacant space between 1s orbital and 2s orbital, where
the probability of finding electron is minimum, it is known as nodal surface.
(d) The nodal surface is missing inside 1s orbital because of its proximity with the nucleus.
(e) The number of nodel surfaces in an orbit is equal to (n – 1)
z z
y y
x + x +
1s Orbital 2s Orbital
(a) (b)
The shapes of s-orbital
36.2 p-Orbital
(a) For p orbitals, l = 1 and m = – 1, 0, + 1. Thus, it can have three configurations, which are distributed in x, y and
z axes. Therefore, there are three p-orbitals, which are dumbbell, shaped.
(b) Each p-orbital has two lobes and the probability of finding electron inside these two lobes is equal. The plane
perpendicular to the axis two lobes and passing through the point where these two lobes join, is the nodal plane
of p-orbital, because the probability of finding electron in this plane is negligible or minimum.
(c) The value of nodal planes for each of the px, py and pz orbitals is same and these nodal planes are present in xy,
yz and xz planes, respectively.
(d) The three p-orbitals of a particular orbit (px, py and pz) have equal energy and therefore these are called degen-
erated orbitals.
px Orbitals
+ y +
px–py–pz Orbitals py Orbitals pz Orbitals
Shape of p orbitals
36.3 d-Orbitals
(a) For d orbitals, l = 2 and m = – 2, – 1, 0, +1, + 2. Therefore, there are five orientations and thus five d-orbitals.
(b) Its shape is like a double dumbbell.
(c) The five orientations of d-orbitals are as follows :
(i) The double dumbbell of dxy orbital are situated between x and y axes.
(ii) The double dumbbell of dyz orbital are situated between y and z axes
(iii) The double dumbbell of dxz orbital are situated between x and z axes.
(v) dz2 orbital is composed of one dumbbell and one ring. The dumbbell is situated on z axis and the ring is present
on its middle part.
The aforesaid five d orbtials can be classified into the following two categories.
(i) t2g Orbitals (dxy, dxz and dyz) – In these, the electron density is concentrated in-between the axes. These are
also called grade orbitals.
(ii) eg Orbitals ( dx2 − y2 and dz2 ) – In these, the electron density is concentrated on the axes.
Shape of d Orbitals
36.4 f-orbitals
(i) They have complex shapes,
(ii) For these, l = 3 and m = – 3, –2, –1, 0, +1, +2, +3
(iii) These have seven orientations.
(b) Weight – th of the weight of H atom
(c) Mass – 9.1 × 10–28 gram
(d) Amount of charge – (a) 4.8 × 10–10 e.s.u. (electrostatic unit) (b) 1.6012 × 10–19 coulomb
(e) Rest mass – Mass of electron = 9.1 × 10–28 grams
1 a.m.u. = 1.6 × 10–24 gm
9.1× 10 −28
Rest mass = = 5.51 × 10–4 a.m.u.
1.6 × 10 −24
The mass of an electron 9.1 × 10–28 gram is also called its rest mass.
(f) Discovery – With the help of cathode rays.
[3] Proton
(a) Discoverer – Goldstein
(b) Discovery – With the help of anode rays
(c) Mass – 1.6748 × 10–24 gram or 1.00757 a.m.u.
(d) Charge – Unit positive charge
[4] Neutron
(a) Discoverer – James Chadwick (1932)
(b) Charge – Zero (i.e. a neutral particle)
(c) Mass – 1.67 × 10–24 gram or 1.6 × 10–27 Kg
(d) Density – 10–12 Kg/cm3
(5) Nucleus
(a) Discoverer – Rutherford
(b) Size of nucleus – 10–13 to 10–12 cm i.e. 10–15 to 10–14 metre
(c) Size of atoms – 10–8 cm
(d) Atomic radius – 105 × Radius of the nucleus
(6) Positron
(a) Discoverer – C.D. Anderson (1932)
(b) Symbol – e+1
(c) Charge – Unit positive charge
(d) Mass – Negligible (like electron)
(e) Stable particle
(7) Meson
(a) Predicted by — Yukawa
(b) Discoverer – Neddermeyer and Anderson
(c) Charge – Positive, negative or zero
(d) Mass – In between proton and electron
(e) Unstable particle
(8) Neutrino
(a) Discoverer – Pauling
(b) Charge – Zero
(c) Mass – Negligible (less than that of electron)
(d) Stable particle
(9) Antiproton
(a) Discoverer – Segre
(b) Charge – Unit negative charge
(c) Mass – Equal to that of proton
(d) Stable particle
4 3 4
(10) Volume of atom = πr = π 10–24 cm
3 3
4 3 4 10 −39
(11) Volume of nucleus = πr = π 10–39 cm = = 10–15 cm
3 3 10 − 24
Thus, the nucleus of an atom occupies 10–15 part of an atom
(12) Some discoverers
(a) Positive rays – Goldstein
(b) Cathode rays – William Crookes
(c) Atomic number – Mosley
(d) e/m of proton – J.J. Thomson
(e) chanrge on electron – Milliken
(f) e/m of electron – J.J. Thomson
(f) Radioactivity – Henry Becquerel
n(n − 1)
(f) Maximum number of spectral lines =
(g) Number of nodal surfaces = n – 1
(h) K. E. = – T.E.
(i) T.E. = P.E./2
(j) Nodal Point : The nucleus of an atom called Nodal Point.
(k) Isodiapheres : The elements which have same value of (n – p) is called isodiapheres.
(l) Isomorphous : The two different type of compound which contain same crystalline structure called
isomorphous and this property called isomorphism.
(m) Substance which have same number of electron and atoms called Isosteres.
(n) Core : The outer most shell of an atom called Core and the number of electron present to that shell is called
Core electron.
(o) Promotion : The transfer of electron between subshells in an orbit is called promotion. While the transfer of
one energy level to another is called transition. After the completion of promotion the transition process is
n 2h 2 2πZe2 Ze 2 2π 2me 4
1. r= V= E=– R=
4π 2mZe 2 nh 2r Ch 3
1/ 2
n2 Ze 2 2π 2mZ 2 e 4 1 1 1
2. r= × 0.529Å V =
E=– = R × Z2 2 – 2
Z rm
2 2
n h λ n1 n2
n2 nh z2
3. r= × 0.0529 nm V= E = – Rch × E = hυ
Z 2πmr n2
1 z2 h
4. r ∝ n2 (Z const) V∝ (Z const) E=– 2
× 313.6 Kcal λ =
n n mc
r1 n12 V1 n2
5. r2 = n 22 (Z const) V2 = n1 (Z const) E ∝ – Z2 (n const) c = v/t
2πr E1 Z12
6. r ∝ 1/Z (n const) Time period T = = E = mc2
V E 2 Z 22 (n const)