Overview of Software Defect Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 118 No. 20 2018, 3863-3873

ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
url: http://www.ijpam.eu
Special Issue

Overview of Software Defect Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms

N.Kalaivani1, Dr.R.Beena2
Associate Professor,
Department ofComputer Science,
Kongunadu Arts and Science College,
Coimbatore – 641029,
e-mail: kalaivhani@gmail.com
Associate Professor and Head,
Department of Computer Science
Kongunadu Arts and Science College,
Coimbatore – 641029,
Software Defect Prediction [SDP] plays an important role in the active research areas of software
engineering. A software defect is an error, bug, flaw, fault, malfunction or mistake in software
that causes it to create a wrong or unexpected outcome. The major risk factors related with a
software defect which is not detected during the early phase of software development are time,
quality, cost, effort and wastage of resources. Defects may occur in any phase of software
development. Booming software companies focus concentration on software quality, particularly
during the early phase of the software development .Thus the key objective of any organization is
to determine and correct the defects in an early phase of Software Development Life Cycle
[SDLC]. To improve the quality of software, datamining techniques have been applied to build
predictions regarding the failure of software components by exploiting past data of software
components and their defects. This paper reviewed the state of art in the field of software defect
management and prediction, and offered datamining techniques in brief.
Keywords: Software defect prediction, data mining, machine leaning.

1. Software Defect Prediction

1.1 Software Defect

A software defect is an error, bug, flaw, fault, malfunction or mistakes in software that causes it
to create an erroneous or unpredicted outcome. Faults are essential properties of a system. They
appear from design or manufacture, or external environment. Software flaws are programming
errors which cause different performance compared with anticipation. The majorities of the
faults are from source code or deign, some of them are from the incorrect code generating from
For software developers and clients, software faults are a danger problem. Software defects not
merely decrease software quality, increase costing but also delay the development schedule.
Software fault predicting is proposed to solve this sort of trouble. SDP can efficiently progress

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

the effectiveness of software testing and direct the allocation of resources. To develop quality
software, software flaws have to be detected and corrected at early phase of SDLC.

1.2 Software Defect Management

The main aim of software defect management is to amplify the quality of software by identifying
and fixing the defects in the early phase of SDLC. The various phases of SDLC are requirements
gathering phase, analysis phase, designing phase, coding phase, testing phase, implementation
and maintenance phase. SDP plays a vital role in developing high quality software. Identifying
the defects in an preliminary stage of a SDLC is a very complicated job, hence efficient methods
to be applied in order to remove them.
The main stages in defect handling includes [1]:

 Identifying the defects

 Categorizing the defects
 Analyzing the defects
 Predicting the defects
 Removing the defects

The first step is to identify the occurrence of defects in software. Code inspection, building a
prototyping model and testing are used to identify the defects in software. After identifying the
defects, the defects should be categorized, analyzed, predicted and detected.

1.3 Software Defect Prediction [SDP]

SDP identifies the module that are defective and it requires wide range of testing. Early
identification of an error leads to effective allocation of resources, reduces the time and cost of
developing a software and high quality software. Therefore, an SDP model plays a vital role in
understanding, evaluating and improving the quality of a software system.
2. Related Work
Peng He et al. conducted an empirical study on software defect prediction with a simplified
metric set [2]. Research has been conducted on 34 releases of 10 open source projects available
at PROMISE repository. The finding indicates the result of top-k metrics or minimum metric
subset provides acceptable output compared with benchmark predictors. The simplified or
minimum mertic set works well in case of minimum resources.
Grishma BR et al. investigated root cause for fault prediction by applying clustering techniques
and identifies the defects occurs in various phases of SDLC. In this research they used
COQUALMO prediction model to predict the fault in a software and applied various clustering
algorithms like k-means, agglomerative clustering, COBWEB, density based scan, expectation
maximization and farthest first. Implementation was done using Weka tool. Finally they
conclude that k-means algorithm works better when compared with other algorithms [1].
Anuradha Chug et al. used three supervised [classification] learning algorithms and three
unsupervised [clustering] learning algorithms for predicting defects in software. NASA MDP

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

datasets were run by using Weka tool. Several measures like recall and f-measure are used to
evaluate the performance of both classification and clustering algorithms. By analyzing different
classification algorithms Random Forest has the highest accuracy of MC1 dataset and also yields
highest value in recall, f-measure and receiver operating characteristic [ROC] curve and it
indicates minimum number of root mean square errors in all circumstances. In an unsupervised
algorithm k-means has the lowest number of incorrect clustered instances and it takes minimum
time for predicting faults [3].
Jaechang Name et al. applied Hetrogeneous Defect Prediction [HDP] to predict defects in with-in
and across projects with different datasets. Metric selection, metrics matching and building a
prediction model are the 3 methods used in this work. In this research they used various datasets
from NASA, PROMISE, AEEEM, MORPH and SOFTLAB. Source and target datasets are used
with different metric sets. For selecting metrics feature selection techniques such as gain ratio,
chi-square, relief-F and significance attribute selection are applied to the source. To match
source and target metrics various analyzers like Percentile based Matching (PAnalyzer),
Kolmogorov – Smirnov test based matchiong (KSAnalyzer), Spearman’s Correlation based
Matching (SCOAnalyzer) are used. Cutoff threshold value is applied to all pair scores and poorly
matched metrics are removed by comparison. Area Under the Receiver Operator Characteristic
Curve [AUC] measure is used to compare the performance between different models. HDP is
compared with 3 baselines – WPDP, CPDP-CM, CPDP-IFS by applying win/loss/tie evaluation.
The experiments are repeated for 1000 times and Wilcoxon signed rank test (P<0.05) is applied
for all AUC values and baselines. Performance is measured by counting the total number of
win/loss/tie. When a cutoff threshold value gets increased in PAnalyzer and KSAnalyzer, the
results (win) also gets increased. Logistic Regression (LR) model works better when there is a
linear relationship between a predictor and bug-prone [4].
Logan Perreault et al. applied classification algorithm such as naïve bayes, neural networks,
support vector machine, linear regression, K-nearest neighbor to detect and predict defects. The
authors used NASA and tera PROMISE datasets. To measure the performance they used
accuracy and f1 measure with clearly well defined metrics such as McCabe Metrics and Halstead
Metrics. 10-fold cross validation is used in which 90% of data are used for training and 10% of
data are used for testing. ANOVA and tukey test was done for 5 dataset and 5 response variables.
0.05 is set as significance level for PC1, PC2, PC4 and PC5 dataset and 0.1 as PC3 dataset.
Weka tool is used for implementation. Implementations of these 5 algorithms are available on
Github repository. Finally the authors conclude that all datasets are similar and they are written
in C or C++ and in future the work can be extended by selecting the datasets that are written in
Java and instead of using weka tool for implementation some other tool can also be used [5].

Ebubeogu et al. employed predictor variables like defect density, defect velocity and defect
introduction time which are derived from defect acceleration and used to predict the total number
of defects in a software. MAChine – Learning – Inspired [MACLI] approach is used for
predicting defects. The proposed framework for defect prediction has two phases. 1) Data pre-
processing phase. 2) Data analysis phase [6].

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Rayleigh distribution curve is a proposed modeling technique used to identify predictor variables
and indicates the number of defects involved in developing SDLC. Simple linear regression
model and multiple linear regression models are used to predict the number of defects in
software. The authors conclude that defect velocity performed best in predicting the number of
defects with the strongest correlation co-efficient of 0.98.

Yongli et al. applied data filters to datasets in order to increase the performance of CPDP. In this
research the authors proposed Hierarchical Select-Based Filter [HSBF] strategy. HSBF is based
on hierarchical data selection from software project level to software module level. Max value,
min value, mean value and standard deviation are the four indicators which are merged together
to represent the distributional characteristic of a given project. To correct the inconsistencies in
software metrics between projects, cosine distance is applied. In this study, PROMISE datasets
and Confusion matrix are used to evaluate the performance measure. Due to imbalanced dataset
probability of detection [pd], probability of false alarm [pf] and AUC are also applied to measure
the performance. Therefore the authors conclude from the experiments, Naïve Bayes [NB]
algorithm performs better than Support Vector Machine. For smaller projects Target - Project
Data Guided Filter [TGF] is used and for larger projects Hierarchical Select Based Filter [HSBF]
is used for data selection from multi-source projects [7].
Xiao Yu et al. build a prediction model for Cross Company Defect Prediction [CCDP] by
applying six imbalance learning methods such as under sampling techniques (random under
sampling and near miss), over sampling techniques [SMOTE and ADASYN] and oversampling
followed by under sampling [SMOTE Limks, TOMEK, SMOTE ENN] [8]. PROMISE datasets
and classification algorithms such as NB, Random Forest [RF] and Linear Regression [LR] are
applied. Probability of detection, probability of false alarm and g-measure are used to measure
the performance. The authors conclude that NB performs better in predicting defects and it has a
high pf value. Under sampling method works better with g-measure.

Shamsul Huda et al. [9] studied that developing a defect prediction model by using more number
of metrics is a tedious process. So that a subset of metrics can be determined and selected. In this
research two novel hybrid SDP models such as wrappers and filters are used for identifying the
metrics. These two models combine the training of metric selection and fault prediction as a
single process. In this research different datasets and classification algorithms such as Support
Vector Machine [SVM] and artificial neural network are used. Performance was measured by
using AUC and MEWMA (Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average),
implementation was done by using liblinear tool and mine tool.

Gopi Krishnan et al. applied regression models to build a defect classifier. In this work tera-
PROMISE defect datasets and machine learning algorithms such as Linear/Logistic Regression,
RF, K-Nearest Neighbour, SVM, CART and Neural Networks are used to build a prediction
model. Two defect classifiers are developed namely discretized defect classifier and regression
based defect classifier. In this work AUC is applied to evaluate the performance of a model and
the authors conclude that there is a loss of information in discretized classifier. Regression-based
classifier uses continuous defect counts as the target variable for determining a defect module.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Xinli Yang et al. proposed TLEL [Two Layer Ensemble Learning] to predict defects at change
level. The advantages of ensemble methods are:
 Better performance can be achieved compared with single classifier.
 Combines bagging and stacking methods.

TLEL has two layers namely inner layer and outer layer. In an inner layer, decision tress and
bagging are merged to develop a random forest model. In an outer layer, random under sampling
is used to train various random forest models and stacking is used to train ensemble techniques.
TLEL is compared with 3 baseline methods such as deeper, DNC and MKEL. Performance is
measured by using cost effectiveness and F1-Score.

3. Approaches to Software Defect Prediction.

Mostly three approaches are performed to evaluate prediction models.
3.1 With-in Project Defect Prediction [WPDP]
3.2 Cross Project Defect Prediction [CPDP] for Similar Dataset
3.3 Cross Project Defect Prediction [CPDP] for Hetrogeneous Dataset
3.1With-in Project Defect Prediction
A prediction model can be constructed by collecting historical data from a software project and
predicts faults in the same project are known as WPDP. WPDP performed best, if there is
enough quantity of historical data available to train models.
Turhan, Burak, et al. [15] suggested that software defect prediction areas typically focus on
developing defect prediction models with existing local data (i.e. within project defect
prediction). To apply these models, a company should have a data warehouse, where project
metrics and fault related information from past projects are stored.
Zimmermann et al. [11] notify that defect prediction performs better within projects as long as
there is an adequate data to train models. That is, to construct defect predictors, we need access
to historical data. If the data is absent, Cross Company Defect Prediction (CCDP) can be applied.
The drawbacks of with-in project defect prediction are:
 It is not constantly possible for all projects to collect such historical data
 Hence 100% accuracy cannot be achieved using WPDP.
On the other hand, historical data is often not presented for new projects and for many
organizations. In this case, successful defect prediction is complicated to accomplish. To tackle
this problem, cross project defect prediction strategy was applied.
3.2 Cross Project Defect Prediction [CPDP] for Similar Dataset
CPDP is used in a mode such that a project does not have sufficient historical data to train a
model. So that, a prediction model is developed for one project and it has been applied for some
other project or across project. i.e., transferring prediction models from one project to another
project [10]. The drawbacks of applying CPDP is that it desires projects that have similar metric

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

set, implication that the metric sets must be equal among projects. As an outcome, present
techniques for CPDP are complicated to relate across projects with dissimilar dataset.
3.3 Cross Project Defect Prediction [CPDP] for Hetrogeneous Dataset
To deal with the inadequacy of using only similar dataset for CPDP, heterogeneous defect
prediction [HDP] technique was proposed to predict defects across projects with imbalanced
metric sets [4].
4. Software Defect Prediction Techniques
To improve the effectiveness and quality of software development and to predict defects in
software, various data mining techniques can be applied to different Software Engineering
areas. The broadly used SDP techniques are datamining techniques and machine learning
techniques are depicted in Figure 1.
Machine Learning Algorithms

Supervised Algorithms Unsupervised Algorithms

Classification Regression Clustering

Naïve Bayes Linear K-Means

Regression Clustering
Support Vector
Machine Non – linear Hierarchical
Regression Clustering
Random Forest
Logistic Probabilistic
Decision Trees
Regression Clustering
Neural Networks
Multivariate Density - based
Nearest Neighbour Regression Clustering
Polynomial Neural
Figure 1: Machine learning algorithms
To predict a fault in software various datamining techniques are applied. In datamining, learning
can be of two types:
 Supervised Learning
 UnSupervised Learning

4.1 Supervised Learning

Learning techniques are intended to determine whether software module has a higher fault
hazards or not. In supervised learning data is extracted using the target class.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

If machine learning task is trained for each input with consequent target, it is called supervised
learning, which will be able to provide target for any new input after adequate training. Targets
expressed in some classes are called classification problem.
If the target space is continuous, it is called regression problem. All classification and regression
algorithms appear under supervised learning. Some of the supervised learning algorithms are:
 Decision tree classification algorithm
 Support vector machine (SVM)
 k-Nearest Neighbors
 Naive Bayes
 Random forest
 Neural networks
 Polynomial regression
 SVM for regression

Logan Perreault et al. [5] applied classification algorithm such as naive bayes, neural networks,
support vector machine, linear regression, K-nearest neighbour to detect and predict defects.
Ebubeogu et al. employed [6] simple linear regression model and multiple linear regression
model to predict the number of defects in a software.
4.2 Regression Techniques
A variety of regression techniques have been proposed in predicting amount of software defects
[15]. A regression technique is a predictive modeling technique which examines the association
among a dependent (target) and independent variable (s) (predictor). Commonly used regression
techniques are:
 Linear Regression
 Logistic Regression
 Polynomial Regression
 Lasso Regression
 Multivariate Regression
4.3 Unsupervised Learning

In an unsupervised learning, there is no previous information and everything is done

dynamically. If the machine learning task is trained only with a set of inputs, it is called
unsupervised learning [3], which will be able to find the structure or relationships between
different inputs. Most important unsupervised learning is clustering, which will create different
cluster of inputs and will be able to place new input in an appropriate cluster. All clustering
algorithms come under unsupervised learning algorithms.
 K – Means clustering
 Hierarchical clustering
 Make Density Based Clustering.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

5. Software Metrics
Extensive investigation has also been carried out to predict the number of defects in a component
by means of software metrics.Software metrics is a quantitative measure which is used to assess
the progress of the software. Three parameters are used and measured as depicted in Figure 2.
Assessing the
effectiveness and quality
of a software

Measurement Product Metrics Measuring the product in

different phases

Project Measuring and controlling

Metrics the project execution

Figure 2: Various parameters of software metrics

Process metrics assess the efficacy and worth of software process, determine maturity of the
process, effort required in the process, effectiveness of defect deduction during development, and
so on. Product metrics is the measurement of work product created during different phases from
requirements to deployment of a software development. Project metrics are the measures of
software project and are used to monitor and control the project execution.
Objectives of software metrics are:
 Quantitatively measuring the size of the software
 Complexity level is assessed.
 Identifying the release date of the software
 Estimation is done on resources, cost and schedule.

Different software metrics are used for defect prediction. Important software metrics are:
 LOC metric
 Cyclomatic Complexity (McCabe’s Complexity)
 Halstead Metrics
 McCabe Essential Complexity(MEC) Metric
 The McCabe Module Design Complexity (MMDC) metric
 Object oriented metrics.

6. Software Defect Dataset

The fault prediction dataset is a group of models and metrics of software systems and their
histories. The aim of such a dataset is to permit people to evaluate different fault prediction
approaches and to evaluate whether a new technique is an enhancement over existing ones.
PROMISE, AEEEM, ReLink, MORPH, NASA, and SOFTLAB [4] are the defect datasets which
are publically available to the user.
Anuradha Chug et al. [3] used numerous NASA defect datasets for predicting defects using
supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Jaechang Nam et al. [4] applied various defect datasets includes NASA, PROMISE, AEEEM,
SOFTLAB and MORPH for predicting defects by using machine learning algorithms.
7. Performance Measures
Performance measures are used to evaluate the accuracy of a prediction model. A prediction
model can be constructed by using both classification and clustering algorithms [3]. Separate
performance measures are available for both classification and clustering techniques.
Xiao Yu et al. [8] applied probability of detection (pd), probability of false alarm (pf) and g-
measure as measure to evaluate the performance of a defect prediction model.
Gopi Krishnan et al. [13] used AUC to measure the performance of a developed defect prediction
Some of the classification evaluation measures are:
 Recall
 Precision
 F-measure
 G-measure
 Mean absolute error(MAE)
 Root mean square error(RMSE)
 Relative absolute error and accuracy(RAE)
Some of the clustering evaluation measures are:
 Time taken
 Cluster instance
 Number of iterations
 Incorrectly clustered instance
 Log likelihood

8. Conclusion

At present the growth of software based system are rising from the previous years due to its
advantage. On the other hand, the quality of the system is essential prior it is delivered to end in
order to improve the efficiency and quality of software development, software faults can be
predicted at early phase of life cycle itself. To predict the software faults a variety of data mining
techniques can be used.

The key objective of this study was to assess the previous research works with respect to
software defect which applies datamining techniques, datasets used, performance measures used,
tools they used, and we classified it in to three such as based on classification, clustering and
regression methods. Finally, it is likely to extend this study by systematic literature review which
includes books, dissertation, tutorial, Thesis.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


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