Gut Health in Poultry Review

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Gut health in poultry

Article · October 2017

DOI: 10.1079/PAVSNNR201712031


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CAB Reviews 2017 12, No. 031

Gut health in poultry

Michael H. Kogut1*, Xiaonan Yin2, Jianmin Yuan2 and Leon Bloom3

Address: 1 Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center, USDA-ARS, College Station, TX 77845, USA. 2 State Key Laboratory of
Animal Nutrition, College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China. 3 Faculty of Biological
Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.

*Correspondence: Michael H. Kogut. Email:

Received: 14 June 2017

Accepted: 21 August 2017

doi: 10.1079/PAVSNNR201712031

The electronic version of this article is the definitive one. It is located here:

© CAB International 2017 (Online ISSN 1749-8848)


Although the gastrointestinal tract is frequently described simply as ‘the gut’, it is actually made up of:
(1) an epithelium; (2) a diverse and robust immune arm, which contains most of the immune cells in
the body; and (3) the commensal bacteria, which contain more cells than are present in the entire
host organism. Understanding of the crosstalk between ALL of these interrelated components of the
gut is what cumulatively makes the gut the basis for the well-being of animals and the motor that
drives their performance. Optimal gut health is of vital importance to the performance of production
animals and is synonymous in animal production industries with animal health. There does appear to
be a direct relationship between animal performance and a ‘healthy’ gut, there is no clear definition
that includes all the physiological functions of the intestinal tract, including nutrient digestion and
absorption, host metabolism and energy generation, a stable microbiome, mucus layer development,
barrier function and mucosal immune responses. The most basic function of the gut is regulating
physiological homeostasis that provides the host the ability to withstand infectious and non-infectious
stressors. This review updates our understanding of the interactions between the diverse
physiological features of the gut and emphasizes the extent of areas encompassed by gut health
and the ability to regulate animal production.

Q1 Keywords: Gut health, Poultry, Microbiome, Mucosal immunity, Tight junctions

Modern poultry operations have undergone dramatic and/or ‘enteric’ clearly relate to the gastrointestinal tract,
changes in production practices over the last 50 years. defining ‘health’ can be more problematic, making the actual
Genetic selection for high growth rates and reproductive definition of ‘gut health’ difficult. However, there is no clear
traits as well as improved management techniques and definition for the term gut health. Furthermore, from a
dietary requirements has led to increased performance scientific point of view, no one can state what gut health is,
standards in all livestock operations. However, it is how it can be defined and, most importantly, how it can be
reasonable to question whether, in the near future, measured. Interest in ‘gut health’ has, at least partially,
animal performance will reach a ceiling due to genetic increased due to the European Union ban of antibiotic
and/or physiological limits. It is with these limits in mind growth promoters (AGPs) [3] and similar policies in other
that over the last 10 years, the expression ‘gut health’ has countries/regions [4]. Whilst the precise mode of action of
entered the collective consciousness of animal industries AGPs has still not been fully established, their withdrawal
and research [1, 2]. The expression ‘gut health’ has become from animal feeds is clearly associated with increased
the standard in the scientific literature and animal pro- incidence of intestinal disorders. For example, prior to
duction industries to describe animal health. Within the 2006, necrotic enteritis was not recognized as a major
scientific literature, there has been an exponential increase poultry disease [5], but has subsequently grown in
in the use of ‘gut health’, ‘intestinal health’, ‘enteric health’ prominence to become, arguably, the most important and
or similar terms, and great interest in the development of costly disease of poultry [6]. Against this background, the
this concept. However, whilst the words ‘gut’, ‘intestinal’ livestock industry strives to increase productivity and
2 CAB Reviews

efficiency. These facts lead us to consider the structure of Performing as expected suggests that the bird is able to
the intestine, its optimal functioning and how this can be maintain an intestinal homeostasis and withstands environ-
influenced to enhance animal health and productivity. mental stressors.

What is Gut Health Components of Gut Health

Gut health lacks a clear definition and because of the scope When discussing gut health, we are really talking about a
of scientific disciplines involved in maintaining and achieving number of physiological, microbiological and physical
gut health, no one clear definition is all-encompassing. To functions that work together to maintain intestinal homeo-
paraphrase US Supreme Court Justice Stewart Potter when stasis [14–16]. The most fundamental function of the gut
asked to describe his threshold test for obscenity in is effective digestion and absorption of dietary nutrients
Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964), the poultry industry describes [151, 17]. As the organ with the largest surface area with Q2
what gut health is by stating ‘I know it when I see it’. Since constant interaction with the environment, the gut must
we all know that the gut essentially refers to the provide an effective barrier function (epithelial lining),
gastrointestinal tract, the definition of gut health hinges which reduces exposure to environmental toxins and
on defining ‘health’. The simple definition would be potential pathogenic microbes yet allows for nutrient
‘absence of overt disease’. However, overt disease is not absorption and waste secretion [18]. A further crucial
required to affect animal production. functional component of the gut is an effective immune
To further emphasize the complexity of the intestinal system [19, 20]. The gut also provides a platform for the
milieu, one needs to understand that the gut is the natural growth of a diverse microbiota that provides not only a
habitat for a large and dynamic community of microbes that second barrier against colonization by pathogens, but which
are participants that regulate not only intestinal, but also also regulates immune development and maturation, and
systemic functions of the host [7–12]. Further, the gut provides metabolites for host nutrition [21–23]. Lastly, the
comprises the major barrier that separates the largest gut contains a large number of neurons, gut hormones
interface between the external environment and the and secondary messengers so that it is considered to be
internal milieu while still allowing molecules to be absorbed the largest neuroendocrine organ in the body and
or secreted [9, 10, 13]. Thus, the gut and its integral thus regulates a plethora of host physiological functions
components are functionally dependent for the proper [24–26].
physiological development of the host. Perhaps a more Therefore, maintenance of optimal intestinal function
meaningful definition would be defined as the ability of the (gut health) is dependent on three interdependent
gut to perform normal physiological functions and to components: (1) immune system; (2) microbiota; and
maintain homeostasis, thereby supporting its ability to (3) nutrition (Figure 1), which influence host physiology
withstand infections and non-infectious stressors. This and metabolism.
definition incorporates the underlying components of gut
health: effective digestion and absorption of food, a stable
gut microbial population, structure and function of the gut
Immune system
barrier, and effective function of the immune system, all of
which play a critical role in gut physiology, the productivity
The intestinal immune system includes a robust mucosal
of the animal and its well-being. Comprehension of gut
layer, tightly interconnected intestinal epithelial cells,
health requires the elucidation of the interactions between
secreted soluble immunoglobulin A and antimicrobial
all of these components as well as the scope of areas
peptides (AMPs). The mucosal layer consists of an outer
encompassed by gut health. New technologies and meth-
loose layer in which microorganisms can colonize and an
odologies have positioned research in ‘gut health’ to
inner compact layer, which repels most bacteria. As a
advance rapidly in both basic and applied directions.
component of the intestinal mucosal innate immune
Research will focus issues of public concerns about food
system, the mucus layer prevents gut microorganisms
safety and the use of new ‘big data’ stemming from systems
from penetrating into the intestinal epithelium and serves
biology (‘omics).
as the first line of defence against infection. Below the
Over 2000 years ago, Hippocrates c. 400 BC believed
that ‘all disease begins in the gut’ and ‘death sits in the bowel’.
Poultry live in environments full of microbes where every Immune system
day they are exposed to untold numbers of potentially
pathogenic agents through the air, water and food they
consume, and contact with house and pen mates. Thus, it is
doubtful that a broiler is ever ‘free’ of disease. We prefer to Microbiota Nutrion
define a healthy bird as one that is able to perform its
physiological functions to meet its performance standards. Figure 1. The interconnected intestinal menage a trois.
Michael H. Kogut et al. 3

mucus layer, a single layer of epithelial cells separates the Microbiota

densely colonized, and environmentally exposed, intestinal
lumen from the largely sterile subepithelial tissue. A subset All animals play host to entire communities of commensal
of intestinal epithelial cells secrete AMPs (defensins, and symbiotic microbes. In the intestine, there are
cathelicidins, C-type lectins), which are a key defence estimates of up to 1014 bacterial cells, which is around
against luminal microbes. Linking the epithelial cells are 100 times greater than, for example, host (human or pig)
tight junctions, which help form a continuous luminal cells (1012). Thus, the gut microbiome acts as an additional
surface and help seal the intercellular space, near the complex organ within the host, containing more than one
apical surface, from the external environment. These million genes (for comparison, this is about 40–50 times
tight junctions are formed by protein (claudins, occludins the number in the entire chicken genome [7, 33]. These
and zona occludens protein 1) complexes. In addition, microbes receive their nutrients from the host (or host’s
secretory IgA, produced by intestinal B cells, provide an diet) and, in turn, contribute essential nutrients (see below)
additional protective layer from the luminal bacteria [27]. to the host, promote intestinal development, enhance gut
Both antimicrobial host defence and homeostasis rely on integrity, provide competitive exclusion of pathogens,
signalling pathways induced by innate immune receptors modulate the regulation and function of the host immune
[28, 29]. Enterocytes express pattern recognition recep- system, and sustain immune homeostasis by controlling
tors (PRRs), including toll-like receptors (TLRs) and physiological inflammation [8, 34–38].
Nod-like receptors (NLRs) that sense conserved pathogen Whilst much of the available data regarding the intestinal
molecular signatures [30]. The TLRs and NLRs remain microbiota/microbiome and enteric health relate to
relatively non-responsive to the myriad of commensal changes associated with a diseased state, there are
microbiota during homeostasis, but during infection, injury, clear examples of the importance of the microbiome in
or another environmental insult, the PRRs initiate a cascade maintaining gut health and normal intestinal function. In
of events that contribute to the induction of an inflamma- germ-free animals (e.g. mice), both the mucosal and
tory response [20, 30]. However, occasional breeches of systemic immune systems are poorly developed and these
the gut epithelium do occur. Innate immune sensing, animals do not generate normal oral tolerance to dietary
mediated through the PRRs on the epithelial cells, lamina proteins, but these features can be overcome/restored if
propria dendritic cells and macrophages, initiate various these animals are subsequently colonized by a conventional
immune pathways that mediate microbial killing and activate or defined microbiota. This demonstrates a clear link
the acquired immune effector cells while keeping the between intestinal colonization by microbes and the
resident microbiota in check without generating an overt development of a normally functioning immune system
inflammatory response. [39]. In addition, Nurmi and Rantala [40] demonstrated that
Gut immune responses are tightly controlled to remain giving chicks the gut contents of healthy adult chickens
tolerant of the commensal microbiota, while concurrently profoundly increased their resistance to Salmonella
maintaining the capacity to respond appropriately to infection. This contributed to the ‘competitive exclusion’
harmful insults. Several cellular and molecular mechanisms phenomenon and highlighted the critical role of a ‘normal’
have evolved to contribute to effective balance gut microbiota in preventing undesirable microbial coloni-
(homeostasis), whilst attenuating damaging overreactions zation. Moreover, in humans, disturbance of the gut
or altering the metabolic functions of the microbiota microbiome through, for example, oral antibiotic therapy
(dysbiosis). The multiple functions of the gut immune is frequently associated with diarrhoea (antibiotic associ-
system (i.e. avoid detrimental responses to food antigens ated diarrhoea) typically caused by Clostridium difficile [41].
and commensal microbes, prevent pathogen invasion and Unlike the host genome, which is rarely manipulated by
translocation to extra intestinal sites and exploit beneficial xenobiotic intervention, the microbiome is readily change-
effects of commensal microbes) relies on the mucosa using able by diet, antibiotics, infections by pathogens and other
a number of strategic immune cells (macrophages, dendritic environmental insults [42–44]. The plasticity of the micro-
cells, various subsets of T cells [Th1, Th2, Th17, Treg], biome has been implicated in numerous disease conditions
intraepithelial lymphocytes, γδT cells) and molecules and unfavourable alteration of the commensal structure of
(cytokines and chemokines) to maintain immune homeo- the microbiota is referred to as dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is
stasis and protect against prolonged inflammation [20, 31]. manifested by a reduction in the number of tolerogenic
Dendritic cells present antigens to naïve CD4+ T cells bacteria and an over-growth of potentially pathogenic
present in gut lymphoid tissues, such as Peyer’s patches and bacteria (pathobionts) that can penetrate the intestinal
caecal tonsils, where differentiation of the effector CD4+ T epithelium and induce disease in certain environmental
cell subsets occurs [20, 32]. In summary, maintaining gut settings [38, 45–47]. However, despite being manipulable,
immune homeostasis, while mounting protective immunity studies in pigs have also shown that the microbiota is
to pathogens is primarily achieved through: (1) limiting somewhat resilient to change. Whilst weaning of piglets
direct bacterial contact with the intestinal epithelium and significantly influenced the gut microbiota, the microbiota
(2) rapid detection and removal of pathogens that penetrate of piglets 4 weeks after weaning still showed greater
the epithelium. similarity with former littermates than to their new pen
4 CAB Reviews

mates after they were mixed at weaning [48]. These results and affect intestinal immune responses [59]. In addition, the
demonstrate that the microbiota acquired early in life gut microbiota also contributes to nitrogen metabolism.
may be a strong determinant of its later composition. The microbial metabolism of dietary protein that escaped
Additionally, it has been demonstrated that microbiota host metabolism earlier in the gut provides further
and immune system development are influenced by amino acids for egg production, maintenance and growth.
farm-to-farm differences [48]. Given that, globally, farms Therefore, whether through direct effects on immune
will experience a multitude of gut health scenarios function, or influences on microbiota composition and
(i.e. ‘better’ or ‘worse’), this indicates that there are activity, nutrition is an integral component of gut health.
multiple microbiotas/microbiomes that are associated
with favourable intestinal health. Thus, whilst these may
have common features, it is unlikely that there is a single Influencing Gut Health
microbiota/microbiome that we are striving to achieve but
rather a range of possibilities, which may be dependent on In the preceding sections, we have outlined the importance
local conditions. of the key contributors to gut health. Ultimately, the
livestock industry is seeking to promote a beneficial gut
microbiota/microbiome, with effective competitive exclu-
Nutrition sion capability and/or the ability to help shape desirable
immune responses, and appropriately robust barrier and
Host nutrition and endogenous secretions strongly influ- immune function. Whilst there are still various unknowns
ence the gut microbiota and (thus) immune system, while in this area, there are opportunities to drive gut health in
nutritional deficiencies have long been known to impair the right direction. Opportunities to influence gut health
immune function. There have been a number of reviews typically focus on modulation of the intestinal microbiome
that have discussed the influence of nutrition on host and/or (mucosal) immune function. Probiotics (micro-
immune responses [49–52] and the intestinal microbiota organisms) may be used to colonies the intestine with
[53–55]. Nutrition affects a large number of biological microbes with desirable attributes that can promote
processes vital to the immune response, including gene competitive exclusion and/or promote beneficial gut
expression, protein synthesis, metabolism, signal transduc- barrier and immune function. Prebiotics (substrates for
tion and cellular proliferation. Cellular metabolism is microbes) can help shape the gut microbiome and, in turn,
a fundamental activity that incorporates numerous path- immune capability. Synbiotics is a term used for the
ways used for energy generation and the production of the combination of probiotic(s) and prebiotic(s), which
precursors required for macromolecule production. Thus, attempt to provide favourable microorganism(s) along
immune cell survival and function is inherently associated with a nutrient source. There is also interest in exogenous
with nutrition and cellular metabolism of nutrients. enzymes (alter substrate availability and digesta viscosity),
Consequently, the dramatic increases in the understanding plant-derived compounds (antimicrobial and other
of the organization of the immune system and the factors potential features), organic acids including butyric acid
that regulate immune function have supported the close (antimicrobial, enhance gut structure and alter pathogen
concordance between host nutritional status and immunity. gene expression) and mycotoxin mitigation (limit intestinal
The dynamic interactions between the gut microbiota and damage and suppression of immune responses) for
the immune system mean that microbiota modifications application in the gut health arena. Other, potentially
probably contribute significantly to the reported effects of more novel, attempts to influence gut health through
nutrition on host immunity. As mentioned, the gut microbiota and/or immunity modulation include exogenous
microbiota derives nutrients from the host’s diet or provision of AMPs, antibodies (e.g. egg yolk), PRR ligands,
endogenous secretions, whilst enhancing the nutritional bacteriophages and vaccines. Antibodies and AMPs can help
value of the diet through the synthesis of essential nutrients supplement those innately present in the gut environment
(e.g. vitamins) and the production of complimentary and thus impede (undesirable) bacterial contact with the
enzymes (e.g. non-starch polysaccharidases). During the epithelium. Bacteriophages are specific viruses that infect
depolymerization of dietary polysaccharides, gut bacteria and replicate in bacteria, and can influence host immunity.
produce short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). Common SCFAs Therefore, bacteriophages with appropriate antibacterial
produced are acetate followed by propionate and butyrate. and immunomodulatory activity may represent an effective
Butyrate or butyric acid is the primary energy source of option to promote gut health. PRR ligands have the
colonic epithelia and has been shown to be essential to potential to be used to upregulate innate immune pathways,
homeostasis of colonocytes and the development of gut through binding to their respective receptor, and thus
villus morphology [56]. Butyric acid has been shown to promote innate defences. Vaccines can obviously be used
improve growth performance and carcass quality charac- to modulate immunity and generate responses specific to
teristics in chickens [57, 58]. It has also been reported that the antigen challenge. Better understanding of gut health
SCFAs can regulate intestinal blood flow, stimulate enter- could lead to specific mucosal vaccines that help shape the
ocyte growth and proliferation, regulate mucin production, most appropriate immune response.
Michael H. Kogut et al. 5

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