The Melting of Floating Ice Raises The Ocean Level: Peter D. Noerdlinger and Kay R. Brower
The Melting of Floating Ice Raises The Ocean Level: Peter D. Noerdlinger and Kay R. Brower
The Melting of Floating Ice Raises The Ocean Level: Peter D. Noerdlinger and Kay R. Brower
Accepted 2007 April 19. Received 2007 April 13; in original form 2005 August 1
C 2007 Authors Journal 145
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C 2007 RAS
146 P. D. Noerdlinger and K. R. Brower
(2) Dilution by streams of sea water with lower salinity. Combining eqs (3) and (4) we find
(3) The melting of floating ice. Vmelt = V2 ρ0 /ρW ≈ 1.026V2 . (5)
Existing studies often have difficulty in sorting out these cases, Thus, the volume of meltwater is 2.6 per cent more than that
so that halosteric rise is not always cleanly separated from eustatic of the displaced sea water, and the water level rises. When pure
rise. In case (1), global sea level rise results. In case (2), the change meltwater combines with the salt water, there is a very small volume
in global sea level should be very small, but local effects can be contraction, of order 0.01 per cent or less, due to mixing, but it is
substantial. In case (3), previous analyses have been based, explic- negligible compared to the increase found here. How is the volume
itly or implicitly, on the assumption that the total meltwater volume increase just found consistent with Archimedes’ Principle? That
matches that of the displaced sea water. If that were so, a salinity law refers to weight, not to volume. Although the ice displaces its
change from such melting would lead to no global sea level change own weight of the underlying liquid, it does not displace the same
at all, violating the EOS; indeed, most authors explicitly make ex- volume as the meltwater. Our analysis of sea level rise is good to
ception for cause (3). perhaps 10 per cent, because of the changing physical situation, the
combination of data from sources as different as submarines and
spacecraft, the errors of measurement in these data, the presence
Figure 2. A schematic of sea ice or an ice shelf floating. The exposed part
Figure 1. A schematic of floating ice, with geometry appropriate to an has volume V 1 and the submerged part V 2 . The densities are as denoted in
iceberg (for ice sheets and sea ice see next figure). The exposed part has Fig. 1 and the dashed line again indicated sea level. The thickness T is the
volume V 1 and the submerged part V 2 . The ice has density ρ 1 (unimportant) sum of the freeboard h 1 and the draft h 2 . The area A is not shown, as the
while the sea water or brine has density ρ 0 . slab is edge-on.
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Change in sea level from floating ice 147
3 F U RT H E R C O N S I D E R AT I O N S ; change. The next step, typically, is to correct all the values just cal-
ALIASING TO HALOSTERIC RISE culated for the melting of floating ice, which is assumed to freshen
sea water with no volume increase, rather than allowing 2.6 per cent
The sea level rise just derived can be interpreted as a form of of the freshwater volume. Thus, the freshening is ‘corrected’ to re-
halosteric sea level change by regarding the displaced salt water move the contribution from the melting of floating ice, an error. Of
and the meltwater (even before melting) as a unit. Let us explore course it is understood that one would add thermosteric effect, and
this. The mass M i of the ice is one should account for imbalances in evaporation and precipitation
Mi = ρ1 V. (8) (Davis et al. 2005). Holland & Jenkins (personal communication,
2007) have pointed out that, assuming adiabatic conditions, the la-
The mass of the displaced volume of sea water V 2 is tent heat of the melting ice contributes a negative thermosteric vol-
M0 = ρ0 V2 , (9) ume change that will mitigate our volume increase. The system of
floating ice and sea water is open to other heat losses and gains,
while that of the meltwater is ρ w V melt ; ρ w ≈ 1000 kg m . Since and thermosteric effects are commonly evaluated on the basis of a
mass is conserved, grid of temperature measurements rather than on changes of state.
C 2007 Authors Journal, GJI, 170, 145–150
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C 2007 RAS
148 P. D. Noerdlinger and K. R. Brower
Figure 3. Composite of initial and final state photographs. (left-hand panel) pre-melting and (right-hand panel) melted.
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Change in sea level from floating ice 149
Jenkins et al. (2003), Serreze et al. (2003) and the United States well as Todd Arbetter, Walter Meier, Michael Morrison, David G.
Office of Naval Research (2001) we get a timescale ∼50 yr for mass Vaughan, Andrey Glazovsky, Robert Grumbine and Waleed Ab-
loss of sea ice, that is, mass divided by mean annual mass loss rate. dalati for useful information or discussions. We are indebted to
The loss of the 30 000 km3 of the sea ice would yield a sea level Walter Munk, David Holland, Adrian Jenkins and two anonymous
rise of only 2.2 mm, we get a rate ∼0.04 mm yr−1 , which is of lit- reviewers for comments. One of us (pdn) thanks the National Aero-
tle interest. The biggest items afloat are the Ross and Filchner – nautics and Space Administration for visitor privileges at NASA
Ronne ice shelves. Their mean thickness is ∼450 m (Oppenheimer Goddard Space Flight Center, and the National Snow and Ice Data
& Alley 2004; United States Geological Service 2000, 2005). The Center for use of its library.
loss of thickness of large ice shelves is variously estimated in the
range 0.22–1.2 m yr−1 (Oppenheimer 1998; Jenkins et al. 2003).
The lifetime of the shelves would then be in the range 375–2000 yr.
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