Porject Submitted By-: Project Mentor
Porject Submitted By-: Project Mentor
Porject Submitted By-: Project Mentor
4.Santu Sutradhar(10201615071).
1. Introduction
1.1 Project Title
1.2 Project Description
2. Power Factor
2.1 What is power factor
2.2 Disadvantages of low power factor
2.3 Need of power factor controller
2.4 Types of power factor controllers
2.5 Bulk capacitive power factor correction
2.6 Demerits of capacitive power factor correction and its
2.7 Application of power factor controller
Power factor is the ratio of true power or watts to apparent power or volt amps.
They are identical only when current and voltage are in phase then the power
factor is Unity (1.0). The power in an AC circuit is very seldom equal to the direct
product of the volts and amperes. In order to find the power of a single phase
ac circuit the product of volts and amperes must be multiplied by the power
factor. Ammeters and voltmeters indicate the effective value of amps and volts.
True power or watts can be measured with a wattmeter.
A low power factor will also cause low-voltage conditions, resulting in dimming
of lights and sluggish motor operation. Low power factor is usually not that
much of a problem in residential houses. It does however become a problem in
industries where multiple numbers of large motors are used. So there is a
requirement to correct the power factor in industries. Generally, the power
factor correction capacitors are used for power factor correction.
For a DC circuit the power in the circuit is given by P=VI and this relation also
holds good for the instantaneous power in an AC circuit. However, the average
power in an AC circuit expressed in terms of RMS voltage and current is:
Where, φ is the phase angle between the voltage and current. The term cosφ is
called the power factor. Power factor is the ration between the KW and the KVA
drawn by an electrical load where the KW is the actual load power and the KVA
is the apparent load power. It is a measure of how effectively the current is being
converted into useful work output and more particularly is a good indicator of
the effect of the load current on the efficiency of the supply system.
A load with a power factor of 1.0 result in the most efficient loading of the supply
and a load with a power factor of 0.5 will result in much higher losses in the
supply system.
A poor power factor can be the result of either a significant phase difference
between the voltage and current at the load terminals or it can be due to a high
harmonic content or distorted/discontinuous current waveform. Poor load
current phase angle is generally the result of an inductive load such as an
induction motor, power transformer, lighting ballasts, welder or induction
furnace. A distorted current waveform can be the result of a rectifier, variable
speed drive, switched mode power supply, discharge lighting or other electronic
load. A poor power factor due to an inductive load can be improved by the
addition of power factor correction, but, a poor power factor due to a distorted
current waveform requires a change in equipment design or expensive harmonic
filters to gain an appreciable improvement. Many inverters are quoted as having
a power factor of better than 0.95 when in reality, the true power factor is
between 0.5 and 0.75. The figure of 0.95 is based on the Cosine of the angle
between the voltage and current but does not take into account that the current
waveform is discontinuous and therefore contributes to increased losses on the
Power factor plays an important role in AC circuits and power dissipation in the
power system is dependent on the power factor of the system. We know that
the power in a three phase AC circuit is:
𝐼= ……………………..Eq 2.2
3𝑉 cos 𝜑
𝐼= ……………………….Eq 2.4
𝑉 cos 𝜑
We know that the line loss or copper loss is the loss of power in the transmission
lines or the windings in case of machines and it is directly proportional to the
square of current (I2). The total power loss is given by:
𝑃 = 𝐼 2 𝑅……………………………..Eq 2.5
Where R is the line resistance.
That means the larger the current the larger is the line loss.
Large kVA rating and size of electrical equipment and switch gear:
It is clear that the power factor is inversely proportional to the kVA. Therefore,
the lower the power factor, the larger the kVA rating of machines and also larger
the size of machines.
In case of low power factor conditions on the power system the current will be
increased. In order to transmit this high current the conductor size will have to
be increased. As the size of conductor increases, the cost of the material,
support structure, manpower required also increases manifold, leading to an
overall increase in the cost.
𝑉 = 𝐼𝑍…………………………Eq 2.7
Now, in case of a low power factor, the overall current in the circuit will be
increased. So the larger the current the larger is the voltage drop.
As Voltage Regulation is the change in voltage from no-load to full-load
expressed as a percentage of no-load voltage and is given by:
V.R = ((V no-load – V full-load)/V full-load) × 100 ………………..Eq 2.8
In case of low power factor (lagging) there would be a large voltage drop which
leads to a low voltage regulation. Therefore, in order to maintain the voltage
drop within permissible limits we have to install extra regulation equipment
such as voltage regulators.
Low efficiency:
In case of low power factor, it results in a large voltage drop and line losses,
which decrease the efficiency of the equipment in particular or the whole of the
power system in general to decrease. In addition, as a result of increased line
losses, the alternator would require higher excitation, thus generation efficiency
would be low.
Electrical power supply companies have to bear the brunt of low power factor
by installing equipments and transmission lines of higher ratings, larger sizes and
of higher ratings. In addition they may have to install power factor correction
equipment. Thus, the power utility companies impose a penalty on the
consumers whose power factor is below 0.95 lagging in the electric power bill.
The reactive power increases the current flowing between the power source and
the load, which increases the power losses through transmission and
distribution lines. This results in operational and financial losses for the power
companies. Therefore, power companies require their customers, especially
those with large loads, to maintain their power factors above a
specified value (usually 0.90 0r higher) or be subjected to additional charges.
Electrical engineers involved with the generation, transmission and
consumption of electrical power have an interest in the power facto of loads
because power factors affect efficiency and costs for both
the electrical power industry and the consumers. In addition to the increase
operating costs, reactive power can require the use of wiring, switches, circuit
breakers, transformers and transmission lines with higher current carrying
Power factor correction attempts to adjust the power factor of an AC load or an
AC power transmission system to unity (1.0) through various methods. Simple
methods include switching in or out banks of capacitors or inductors which act
to cancel the inductive or capacitive effects of the load, respectively. For
example, the inductive effect of motor loads may be offset by
locally connected capacitors. It is also possible to effect power factor correction
with an unloaded synchronous motor connected across the supply. The power
factor of the motor is varied by adjusting the field excitation and can be made
to behave like a capacitor when over excited.
Power factor correction is desirable because the source of electrical energy must
be capable of supplying real power as well as any reactive power demanded by
the load. This can require large, more expensive power plant equipment,
transmission lines, transformers, switches, etc. than would be necessary for only
real power delivered. Also, resistive losses in the transmission
lines mean that some of the generated power is wasted because the extra
current needed to supply reactive power only serves to heat up the power lines.
The electric utilities therefore put a limit on the power factor of the loads that
they will supply. The ideal figure for load power factor is unity (1), that‘s a pure
resistive load, because it requires the smallest current to transmit a given
amount of real power. Real loads deviate from this ideal condition. Electric
motor loads are phase lagging (inductive), therefore requiring
capacitor banks to counter their inductance. Sometimes, when the power factor
is leading due to capacitive loading, inductors (also known as reactors in this
context) are used to correct the power factor. In the electric industry, inductors
are said to consume reactive power and capacitors are said to supply it, even
though the reactive power is actually just moving back and forth between each
AC cycle.
Electric utilities measure reactive power used by high demand customers and
charge higher rates accordingly. Some consumers install power factor correction
schemes at their factories to cut down on these higher costs.
Generally there are three types of techniques that are employed to control the
power factor. They are:
1. Passive PFC:
This is a simple way of correcting the non-linearity of a load by using
capacitor banks. It is not as effective as active PFC, switching the
capacitors in or out of the circuit causes harmonics, which is why active
PFC or a synchronous motor is preferred.
2 Active PFC:
An Active Power Factor corrector is a power electronic system that
controls the amount of power drawn by a load in order to obtain a power
factor as close as possible to unity. In most applications, the active power
factor controls the input current of the load so that the current
waveform is proportional to the mains voltage waveform (a sine wave).
Some types of active PFC are: Boost, Buck and Buck Boost.
Active power factor correctors can be single-stage or
multi-stage. Active power factor controller is the most effective and can
produce a PFC of 0.99 (99%).
3. Synchronous Power factor controller:
Synchronous motors can also be used for power factor correction. A shaft
less motor is used, so that no load can be connected and run freely on the
line at capacitive power factor for the purpose of power factor correction.
The power factor of the total current supplied to the distribution board is
monitored by a controller which then switches capacitor banks in a
pattern so as to maintain a power factor better than a pre-set limit
(typically 0.95). Ideally, the power factor should be as close to unity as
possible. There is no problem with bulk correction operating at unity;
however, correction should not be applied to an unloaded or lightly
loaded transformer. If such a condition arises, a high Q resonant circuit is
created between the leakage reactance of the transformer and the
capacitors and high voltages can result.
Fig 2.3
2.7 Demerits of Capacitive Power Factor Correction and its
Static power factor correction must neutralize no more than 80% of the
magnetizing current of the motor. If the correction is too high, there is a high
probability of over correction which can result in equipment failure with severe
damage to the motor and capacitors. Unfortunately, the magnetizing current of
induction motors varies considerably between different motor designs.
The magnetizing current is almost always higher than 20% of the rated full load
current of the motor, but can be as high as 60% of the rated current of the
motor. Most power factor correction is too light due to the selection based on
tables which have been published by a number of sources. The tables assume
the lowest magnetizing current and quote capacitors for this current.
In practice this can mean that the correction is often less than half the value that
it should be and the consumer is unnecessarily penalized. Power factor
correction must be correctly selected based on the actual motor being
The value on the pin is read using the function pulseIn(pin, value, timeout),
where the parameters pin depicts the number of the pin on which you want to
read the pulse. (int), value depicts the type of pulse to read i.e., either HIGH or
LOW. (int) and timeout (optional) depicts the number of microseconds to wait
for the pulse to start, default is one second (unsigned long). The function
reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin.
For example, if value is HIGH, pulseIn() waits for the pin to go HIGH, starts timing,
then waits for the pin to go LOW and stops timing. It finally returns the length
of the pulse in microseconds or gives up and returns 0 if no pulse starts within a
specified time out. The timing of this function has
been determined empirically and will probably show errors in longer pulses.
Hence, it works efficiently on pulses from 10 microseconds to 3 minutes in
length. The difference is measured with high accuracy by using internal timer.
This time value obtained is in microseconds (s). It is converted in milliseconds
(ms) and is then calibrated as phase angle φ using the relation:
The corresponding power factor is calculated by taking cosine of the phase angle
obtained above (i.e., cosφ). The values are displayed in the serial monitor which
in this case is the computer screen. The display can also be obtained on a
separate display by using the serial transmission pins: Serial Transmission (Tx)
and Serial Reception (Rx) of the Arduino but that would require
appropriate interfacing circuitry. The microcontroller then based on the
algorithm then switches on the required number of capacitors from the
capacitor bank by operating the electromagnetic relays until the power factor is
normalized to the set limit.
Fig 3.2
The voltage transformer used in the power supply is designed for single phase
230V, 50Hz. It has three terminals in the secondary side, the output is taken from
the two end wires and is equal to 24V, because the voltage regulator should
have an input voltage much greater than the output voltage.
5V is used to supply the microcontroller and the 12V is used to supply Zero
Crossing Detector (ZCD).
Like any other transformer, a current transformer has a single turn wire of a very
large cross section as its primary winding and the secondary winding has a large
number of turns, thereby reducing the current in the secondary to a fraction of
that in the primary. Thus, it has a primary winding, a magnetic core and a
secondary winding. The alternating current in the primary produces an
alternating magnetic field in the magnetic core, which then induces an
alternating current in the secondary winding circuit. An essential objective of a
current transformer design is to ensure the primary and secondary circuits are
efficiently coupled, so the secondary current is linearly proportional to the
primary current.
Fig 3.5
General description:
The ‘HC86 and ‘HCT86 contain four independent EXCLUSIVE OR gates in one
package. They provide the system designer with a means for implementation of
the EXCLUSIVE OR function. Logic gates utilize silicon gate CMOS technology to
achieve operating speeds similar to LSTTL gates with the low power
consumption of standard CMOS integrated circuits. All devices have the ability
to drive STTL loads. The HCT logic family is functionally pin compatible with the
standard LS logic family.
Fig 3.7
The X-OR gate, 7486 IC DIP package is used to add the two square wave signal
outputs of the zero crossing detector circuits of the line current and line voltage.
The output of the X-OR gate is the time lag between the zero crossing of the
voltage signal and current signal.
XOR gate gives output HIGH when only one of the input is HIGH otherwise gives
low output.
Fig 3.8 Waveform of voltage and current output from Zero Crossing Detector
The waveform shown at the bottom is the output of the XOR gate i.e. a positive
pulse square wave. This output is given to the Microcontroller which measures
the pulse width hence the time lag between current and voltage waveform
hence power factor.
The Microcontroller computes the power factor and gives signals to relays which
connect or disconnect capacitor parallel to the load.
3.4 Power factor Control
Power factor is measured and controlled by connecting or disconnecting
capacitor parallel to the load. The Microcontroller gives commands to
relay which connects or disconnects capacitors.
3.4.1 Relay Operation
The relays used in the control circuit are high-quality Single Pole-Double Throw
(SPDT), sealed 12V Sugar Cube Relays. These relays operate by virtue of an
electromagnetic field generated in a solenoid as current is made to flow in its
winding. The control circuit of the relay is usually low power (here, a 12V supply
is used) and the controlled circuit is a power circuit with voltage around 230V
The relays are individually driven by the relay driver through a 12V power supply.
Initially the relay contacts are in the Normally Open state. When a relay
operates, the electromagnetic field forces the solenoid to move up and thus the
contacts of the external power circuit are made. As the contact is made, the
associated capacitor is connected in parallel with the load and across the line.
The relay coil is rated up to 14V, with a minimum switching voltage of 10V. The
contacts of the relay are rated up to 7A @ 270V AC and 7A @ 24V DC.
All the capacitors are connected in parallel to one another and the load. The
capacitor bank is controlled by the relay module and is connected across the
line. The operation of a relay connects the associated capacitor across the line
in parallel with the load and other capacitors.
Fig 3.10
3.4.3 Microcontroller
Microcontroller properties:
Microcontroller ATmega328
Operating Voltage 5V
SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328)
EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328)
3.5 Algorithm:
3.5.1 pulseIn() function
The function reads a pulse (either HIGH or LOW) on a pin. For example, if
value is HIGH, pulseIn() waits for the pin to go HIGH, starts timing, then
waits for the pin to go LOW and stops timing. Returns the length of the
pulse in microseconds. Gives up and returns 0 if no pulse starts within a
specified time out. The timing of this function has been determined
empirically and will probably show errors in longer pulses. Works on
pulses from 10 microseconds to 3 minutes in length.
pulseIn(pin, value) pulseIn(pin, value, timeout)
pin: the number of the pin on which you want to read the pulse.
value: type of pulse to read: either HIGH or LOW.
timeout (optional): the number of microseconds to wait for the pulse to
start; default is one second (unsigned long), returns the length of the
pulse (in microseconds) or 0 if no pulse started before the timeout
(unsigned long)
Step 2- Check whether the power factor is less than or greater the 0.98.
Step 3- If the power factor is greater (>) than or equal to (=), the load is
resistive in nature.
Step 4- If the power factor is less than 0.98, then switch ON a capacitor from
the capacitor bank and again check the corrected power factor.
Step 5- If the corrected power factor is still less than 0.98, switch ON another
capacitor and again check for the power factor.
Step 6- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the corrected power factor is greater (>)
than or equal to (=) i.e., as close to unity as in can get.
3.6 Circuit Diagram
4.1 Advantages
4.2 Disadvantages
1. The device has short life.
2. For large system capacitors value may be inefficient, for that we
need synchronous machine whose excitation can be controlled by
3. The capacitors can be easily damaged by excessive voltage.
4. Repair of capacitors are uneconomical.
The Automatic Power Factor Detection and Correction provides an efficient
technique to improve the power factor of a power system by an economical
way. Static capacitors are invariably used for power factor improvement in
factories or distribution line. However, this system makes use of capacitors only
when power factor is low otherwise they are cut off from line. Thus, it not only
improves the power factor but also increases the life time of static capacitors.
The power factor of any distribution line can also be improved easily by low cost
small rating capacitor. This system with static capacitor can improve the power
factor of any distribution line from load side.