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B.ingg. KLS 8 Unit 1

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Making Telephone Calls

Pic. 7.1 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

In this unit, you will learn to:

 comprehend transactional conversations: e.g. telephone calls, requesting,

 produce transactional conversations: e.g. telephone calls, requesting, inviting.
 read and understand written short functional texts.
 create written short functional texts.
Unit 7 - Making Telephone Calls 109
Section One:
Telephoning, Requesting and Inviting

Activity 1

Your teacher and you will talk about telephoning.

First, answer the following questions:

Have you ever made a telephone call?

How do you make the call? Using a telephone set at home?
A mobile phone?
Who do you frequently call?
When do you usually need to make a call?
Who has ever made a telephone call in English? To whom?

Activity 2

What is your phone number? Sometimes you need to mention a phone number.
How would you do it? Each figure is spoken individually. When the number of a
pair is the same, it is read as ‘double ’. Look at the examples below:

0341463293 (oh three four one four six three two nine three)
0817532747 (oh eight one seven five three two seven four seven)
0264995544 (oh six four double nine double five double four)

Now, practice saying these phone numbers correctly.

 0855 234 472 363  496 663

 567 475  0272 338 225
 770 099  496371

Activity 3

Listen and repeat the following phone conversation.

Then, answer the questions.

110 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII

Bob : Hello.
Adi : Hello.
Bob : Bob speaking. Can I speak to Mary, please?
Adi : Hm. She is not home right now.
Bob : Oh, Ok.
Adi : Can I take a message?
Bob : Yes, please. Thanks.
Adi : Wait a second. I’ll get a pen.

(a minute later)
Adi : Ok.
Bob : Could you tell her to meet Bob at 7 p.m.
in front of the City Public Library?
Adi : All right.
Bob : Thank you. Bye.
Adi : Bye.

Pic. 7.2 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

Questions :

1. Who are the speakers? Do they know each other?

2. How does Bob open the conversation?
3. What does Bob want?
4. What does Adi offer?
5. What will Adi tell Mary?

Activity 4

Listen and repeat after the teacher. Observe how the speakers open the conversation
and close the conversation. Finally answer the questions below.

Mr. Kale is speaking on the phone with the secretary of Parker Industries.
Listen and repeat

Secretary : Good morning, Parker Industries. May I

help you?
Mr. Kale : Hello. May I speak to Ms. Graham,
Secretary : I’m sorry. She’s not in. Would you like
to leave a message?
Mr. Kale : Yes, please. This is Mr. Kale.
Secretary : Is that G-A-L-E?
Mr. Kale : No, it’s K-A-L-E. Pic. 7.3 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

Unit 7 - Making Telephone Calls 111

Secretary : All right.
Mr. Kale : Could you please tell her the meeting is on Friday at 2:
Secretary : Friday at 2:30.
Mr. Kale : And would you ask her to phone me this afternoon?
My number is 356-4031.
dalam kotak
Secretary : 356-4031. Yes Mr. Kale. I’ll give Ms Graham the
Mr. Kale : Thank you. Goodbye.
Secretary : Goodbye.
Source: Richards, 1991.


1. Who are the speakers in the above conversation? Do they know each
2. What does he say to open the conversation?
3. What does he want?
4. What will the secretary tell Ms. Graham when she arrives at the office?
5. How does he close the conversation?

Activity 5

Study the telephone conversation in Activities 3 and 4 above once again. Observe
how the conversation begins, develops and ends. Can you identify the expression
to open the telephone conversation? Right you can say ‘Hello’. The response is
also ‘Hello’. Here are some more expressions you may use in the beginning stage
of a telephone conversation. Listen and repeat.

Good morning Good morning

Hallo Hallo
Hallo Siti speaking.
Hi Hi
Hi, there. Hi.
Good morning. Is it Good morning. That’s
0276 345 675 right.
Good evening. Is it 463 Good evening. Sorry. You
765 got the wrong number

112 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII

You may use some expressions in the next stage to end a phone conversation as
follows. Listen and Repeat.

Thank you. Thanks. Bye.

Thanks. Bye. Thanks for calling. Bye.
Good bye. Good bye.
Bye. Bye.
See you later. Bye.

Activity 6

In a phone conversation, you must use special expressions if you want to ask for
something or ask somebody to do something in a polite or formal way. Can you
identify these special expressions in the model telephone conversation above?
List them here:


Activity 7

Here are some expressions used in telephoning. Match the expressions on the
right column with the Indonesian equivalents on the left. Draw lines to match

Expressions Indonesian equivalents

1. Would you like to wait for a moment? a. Maaf, saluran sibuk
2. May I ask who’s speaking, please? b. Bisakah saya tulis pesan Anda?
3. I’m sorry the line is busy. c. Mohon telepon kembali
4. Could you hang off the telephone, please. d. Mohon tunggu sebentar
5. I’m sorry you dial the wrong number. e. Maaf, salah sambung
6. Would you like to call back? f. Apakah mau meninggalkan pesan?
7. Can I take a message? g. Mohon meletakkan telepon
8. Would you like to leave the message? h. Boleh tanya, siapa yang bicara.

Unit 7 - Making Telephone Calls 113

Activity 8

Listen and repeat after the teacher.

Mrs. Sartono visits her neighbour

Mrs. Sartono : Oh, hello. Mrs. Yayah. Could I use your telephone
for a minute?
Mrs. Yayah : Please do.
Mrs. Sartono : Thank you. And is that the morning’s paper?
Mrs. Yayah : Yes. It is.
Mrs. Sartono : May I borrow it?
Mrs. Yayah : Sorry, I haven’t finished reading it yet.
Mrs. Sartono : Oh, I see. It doesn’t matter then.


1. Who are the speakers in the above conversation? Do they know each
2. How does he open the conversation?
3. What phrase does he use to request?
4. How does he close the conversation?
5. Do you think it is a polite conversation? If yes, why?

Activity 9

When you make a request in a telephone conversation as shown in Activity 8, you

need to know polite patterns. Here are some examples. Repeat after the teacher.


(a). May I speak to John, please? Wait a moment.
(b). Could I speak to John, please? He is out.
(c). Can I speak to John, please? Yes. Certainly.
(d). Do you mind if …? Wrong number.
(e). Would you mind if …? Sure. (informal)
Okay. (informal)

Listen and repeat after the teacher.

Borrowing a camera

Jenny : Do you mind if I use your camera?

Norma : Sorry. I’m using it.
Jenny : Never mind then.

114 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII


1. Who are the speakers in the above conversation? Do they know each other?
2. How does he open the conversation?
3. What phrase does he use to request?
4. How does he close the conversation?
5. Do you think it is a polite conversation? If yes, why?

Activity 10

These are some more to learn when people are requesting/asking for things.
Listen and repeat. Then act them out.

 At a school office
Cindy : Could I have some paper please?
Brian : Sure. How many pieces do you need?
Cindy : 45 pieces should be enough.
Brian : Here you are.
Cindy : Thanks.

 In a restaurant
Amel : May I have some doggy bags, please?
Niken : Sure. Wait a second. Here you are.
Amel : Thanks a lot.
Niken : No problem.

 In a flat
Amir : Sorry to bother you. Could I ask for a pinch of salt, please? I am
running out of it.
Busro : Certainly. Just a second.
Here it is.
Amir : Thank you.

Activity 12

When you invite, you also need to know the patterns for inviting somebody. Here
are some examples. Repeat after the teacher.


(a). Would you … Sure. (informal)
(b). Could you … Okay. (informal)
(c). Please, come/visit … I would love to. (formal)
(d). You are cordially invited. (written)
Yes. Certainly.

Unit 7 - Making Telephone Calls 115

Activity 13
Now, look at the following conversation. Rama is calling Andreta to invite her to
the movie. Listen and repeat.

Rama : Oh hi, Andre. It’s Rama

Andreta : Oh hi. How are you?
Rama : Fine thanks. Listen.
I’ve got a couple tickets
for the new Brad Pitt’s
film. Would you like to
Andreta : Oh, thanks. But I’m
working on an essay. I
have to finish it
tonight because it’s Pic. 7.3 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)
due tomorrow.
Rama : Oh, what a pity. Well, never mind. Some other time perhaps.
Andreta : Sure.
Rama : Bye.
Andreta : Bye.
Adapted from McLean, 1981.


1. Who are the speakers in the above conversation? Do they know each
2. How does he open the conversation?
3. What phrase does he use to invite her?
4. Where does he invite her to go?
5. How does he close the conversation?
6. Do you think it is a polite conversation? If yes, why?


Activity 1

Act out the following dialogues. Use may I, could I, or can I + a verb.

Hi there. Is it 326 400? Hi. Oh yes. Can I help you?

What’s on today please? It’s Ayat-ayat Cinta.

Oh great! Thanks for calling. Bye.

Thank you very much.

116 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII

Hello. Central Post Office. _______ to Ms. Handoko, please?

May I ask who is calling, please? Ria Mauratu

Just a moment, Ms. Mauratu. Thank you

I’ll connect you.

Hello? Hi. This is Budi. ________

to Hasan, please?
Sure. Hang on.
OK. Thank you

Activity 2
Work in pairs. Match the words on the right with the ones on the left by drawing
lines. Then act it out.

1. Can/may/could I use your a. OK. Sorry.

typewriter for a while?
2. Can/could you turn off the b. Sure, I find it very hot
radio? here, myself, too.
3. Can/could you open the c. Sorry. I’m going to use it
window? to go to town shortly.
4. Do you mind if I borrow your d. Sorry, I have to type a
motorcycle for an hour? letter.
5. Can/may/could I borrow your e. Sorry, I haven’t
newspaper? finished reading it yet

Activity 3

Act out some more invitations and various responses to the invitations.

1. Tika : Hi, Nasha. Tika’s speaking.
Nasha : Oh hi, Tika. How are you?

Unit 7 - Making Telephone Calls 117

Tika : Good. Thank you. Tika, would you come to my
sister’s party tomorrow?
Nasha : Sure, I will. What time is the party?
Tika : 7 p.m.
Nasha : That’s great. Any special dress code?
Tika : No. See you.
Nasha : See you. Thanks for calling.

2. Wahyu : Hello, Lutfi. It’s Wahyu. How are you?

Lutfi : Hi, Wahyu. Fine. Thanks.
Wahyu : Lut, would you like to drop in after class?
Lutfi : I’d like to, but I have to be home before 3.
Next time.
Wahyu : Ok. Bye.
Lutfi : Bye.

3. Cici : Hello, Mira. It’s Cici.

Mira : Hi, Ci. How are you?
Cici : Fine. Thanks. How about you?
Mira : Very well. Thank you. Ci, I’ll have my
birthday party next weekend. Could you
Cici : Oh, so sorry. My family and I plan to visit
my uncle in Surabaya.
Mira : What a pity! But, it’s OK.
Cici : Sorry Mira.


Activity 1

Work in pairs. Act out the following phone conversation.

Hi there. Hi. Tini. How are you ?

Good. Thanks. Could I borrow

your laptop, please? Two days, I That’ll be fine, Tin.

118 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII

Good afternoon. Dr. Rizal’s Yes, I’d like to make an
office. Can I help you? appointment with Dr.
Rizal, please.

Fine. Is Tuesday morning at Yes. Thank you.

five all right?

Hello. He’s not home right now.

Can I talk to Hendra, please? Would you like to leave
a message?

Ok. Please tell him Andri Sure. Thanks.

called him. Thanks.

Activity 2

Work in pairs. The following phone conversation is incomplete. Complete the

dialogue using the following cues. Then act out the conversation.

Bintang and Rumbewas are classmates. Bintang tries to phone

Rumbewas to ask him to join an English Storytelling competition
on Sunday, March, 23rd at 8 am. The location is at SMPN 1 Jalan
Merapi no 5. When she phones, Rumbewas is out. Ana, Rumbewas’
sister, answers the phone.

Ana : Hello?
Bintang : Hello. ................................, please?
Ana : No, he is’nt.
Bintang : Can I ...................................., please?
Ana :...........................................................
Bintang :...........................................................

Activity 3

Work in pairs. Create a telephone conversation using the following cues. Then,
act out the conversation into a role play.

Lina tries to phone her father in his office. When she phones him, his
secretary answers the phone and tells her that he is out of the office.
She asks his secretary to tell him that her mother is sick at home and
needs to go to hospital as soon as possible.

Unit 7 - Making Telephone Calls 119

Secretary : Good morning, Kalbe Farma
Industry, May I help you?
Lina : ________________________________
Secretary : ________________________________
Lina : ________________________________
Secretary : ________________________________

Pic. 7.4 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

Activity 4

Observe the following dialogue carefully.

Albar : Would you like to come to a party with me?

Betty : I’d love to. Thank you very much.
Albar : Let’s make it after supper.
Betty : OK. See you later.

Make up dialogues like the example above. Use the information below appropriately in
the underlined parts.

come to a football match 6.30 at your place

go to the cinema about 7.30
come to the farewell party on Saturday
eat out after dinner
see a film tonight

Activity 5

Take turns practicing the dialogues.

1. Your friend asks you to go with him/her to the mall. You have to take care of
your baby brother because your parents are not home.
2. You call your friend and ask her/him to go with you to see a new movie. She/
he agrees.

120 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII

Section Two:
Short Functional Texts

Activity 1

Work in pairs. Answer the following questions

1. Have you ever got an invitation?
2. When was it?
3. For what occasion were you invited?
4. Why do people make invitations?
5. What do you expect to find in an invitation?

Activity 2

With a partner, discuss the following parts of an invitation you think you should
not probably miss. Please tick (V) them.

Parts of advertisement
1. Name of the one who invites ………..
2. Address of the one who invites ………..
3. Address where the event is held ………..
4. Special services ………..
5. Salutation ………..
6. Date and time of the event to be held ………..
7. Closing ………..
8. Date and time of writing the invitation ………..
9. Direction/map to reach the place ………..

Activity 3

Read the following example of an invitation card and its reply.

ada kotak berupa post card

Dear Winda,

I’m having a birthday party at Rose’s Cafe

On Saturday, Sept 6
At 7 pm
You are cordially invited.


Pic. 7.5 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

Unit 7 - Making Telephone Calls 121

Dear Indra,
Thank you very much for your invitation to your birthday
party at Rose’s Café.

I would love to come, but I regret to let you know I have to

take my little brother to the dentist’s.



1. Who invites Winda?

2. For what occasion is the invitation?
3. Where will the party be held?
4. When will the party be held?
5. What is RSVP?
6. Is Winda able to come to the party?
7. What happens to Winda’s little brother?

Activity 4

Work in pairs. Answer the following questions

1. Have you ever got a message?

2. When was it?
3. Who wrote the message?
4. Why do people write messages?
5. What can you expect to find in a message?

Activity 5

Study the following e-mail messages between two friends. Then answer the

Hi Jegeg,
You’re right, Geg. The test will be held soon,
starting from june 8. Here is some information
you need. Students are asked to have their own
stationary. No dictionary is allowed. Lateness is
not tolerated. Cheating is prohibited. The students
card must be presented. The first day is biology.
Well, I’ve got to go now. We all miss you. See you
soon. Tak egood care.

122 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII


1. Who wrote the email?

2. Who was the email for?
3. Why did the sender write this email?
4. What ought Jegeg to bring to the test?
5. What is tested on the first day?

Activity 6

Reread the e-mail messages by Bagus in Activity 5. Observe the sentences he used
in the e-mail once again. Can you identify the sentences with the pattern ‘be +
verb 3’ in his e-mail massages? With a partner, write down these sentences in the
box below.


Activity 7

Now, compare the sentences you have written in Activity 6 with the following
taken from the e-mail above. Notice the expressions in bold.

1. The test will be held soon, starting from June 8.

2. Students are asked to have their own stationeries.
3. No dictionary is allowed to be used.
4. Lateness is not tolerated.
5. Cheating is prohibited.
6. The ID card must be presented.

Study the sentences in the table below. Discuss them with a partner. The sentences have
the same pattern as some sentences in the e-mail above.

Everyone was invited to the school party.

Smoking in the public is prohibited.
Part 1 of the book is being discussed now
The blackboard has been cleaned.
The party will be held on this Thursday night.

Activity 8

Fill the blanks with the word provided on the right column.
Look at the noun at the beginning of each sentence.

Unit 7 - Making Telephone Calls 123

1 Syahrudin ……… books everyday. are read
Books ……… by Syahrudin everyday. reads
2 The students ….. the teacher’s explanation. understood
The teacher’s explanation ….. by the students. was understood
3 Yoyoh ….. the experiment report soon will write
The experiment report ….. by Yoyoh soon. will be written

Do these sentences have the same or different meaning? Discuss with a partner.


Activity 1

These expressions are parts of an invitation. Put these parts in their appropriate
places to make an invitation.

 On Saturday, Sept 6
 I’m having a birthday party at ‘Rumah Makan Ringin Asri’
 There are door prizes for you.
 At 08.00 pm
 Dear Friends,
 All of you are cordially invited.
 Yatman Surapraja


Activity 2

With a partner complete the following invitation card using appropriate

expressions so that it makes an invitation. You will celebrate your football team’s
5th anniversary. Decide the place, time yourself.


124 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII

Activity 3

Use an appropriate form of verbs between brackets. No 1 has been done for you.

Making paper is a long process to do. Here is a series of process by which paper is
made. All begins from trees in the jugle.

Pic. 7.8 (Rachmajanti and Sulistyo, 2007)

First, trees in the jungle are cut (1) down. Then, these trees (cut)
(2) into smaller parts. These parts (call) (3) logs. Further, the
logs (cut) (3) into very small pieces. These pieces then (mix) (4)
and (cook) (5) in a very big container. Into the container, some
chemicals (add). This results in a mixture which (call) (6) pulp.
This pulp (press) (7) through rollers so that it forms sheets. These
sheets (dry) (8) further to make paper. Now, the paper is ready to
be processed further, for example, to be made into books etc.

Activity 4

Bak’ Iyah helps the Han family. Ms. Han wants her to do the cooking for the day’s
meal while she is away. So, she writes a note to Bak’ Iyah. Complete the following
messages. Use passive voice.

Bak’ Iyah,

The onions and garlic need to be (peel) and then (cut)

into small pieces. Then put them in the butter.
The mushrooms need to be (boil) first when the onions
are soft.Then, mixall of them. Pic. 7.9

Unit 7 - Making Telephone Calls 125

Activity 5

Complete the following messages. Use passive voice.

I’ll be out all afternoon.
The dishes need to be ....when you get home.
Then the vegetables need to be w....and c... up.
When you’ve finished that, the living – room need to be ...
Thanks a lot. Pic. 7.10
Mum (Dit.PSMP, 2006)

Source: Richards and Long, 1986.


Activity 1

Work in pairs. Think about an interesting activity you will do this weekend. Invite
your classmates to join you. Write down your invitation on a piece of paper.
Mention ‘what activity’, ‘where’, and ‘when.’

Hi Diding,
Come to my home on Wednesday 11,
4 p.m. Jl. Penanggungan 2/7. Share your
happiness at my sister’s birthday.
Pic. 7.10
Jaka (Dit.PSMP, 2006)

Activity 2

You are invited by your best friend, Wie Chiang. Here is the invitation.

Hi Ibrahim,
Please come to my home on Friday 13, at 4 p.m. Jl. Sindoro 1/6. I’m
having my party to celebrate my achievement in a National Science
Wie Chiang

126 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII

How would you write a reply to Wie Chiang if …
a. you are willing to attend the party?
b. you cannot come to the party because of a reason (give your own reason)?

Activity 3

Work in pairs. Write an invitation card to someone you know.

Choose one occasion you like. Make your invitation card as interesting as possible
by decorating it. Display your work on the wall.

Activity 4

Work in pairs. Imagine that you will go out of town for a week. Ask your friend
to do something. Write a list what to do in your message.

For example:

Dear Lisa,
The cat needs to be fed twice a day: at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Activity 5

You are going to be back late.

Write notes to your family members.
Tell them what you want them to do before you get

Use ideas of your own or some of the jobs below.

Things to do!
• the bathroom - clean
• the dishes- wash
• Clothes - iron
• the bedrooms - tidy
• dinner - prepare


1. In pairs make dialogues on how to:
a. make a telephone call,
b. invite someone, and
c. how to request someone to do something.
Then record your dialogues on a tape. Submit the tape to your teacher.

Unit 7 - Making Telephone Calls 127

2. Write an invitation card for your friends. The occasion is housewarming
3. Write a message to your roommate. Tell her that you need to go back to your
hometown for your sister’s wedding. You need her help to water the plant and
feed the fish.


In this unit you have learned several ways to do the following: how to make a
telephone call, how to request, how to invite, how to write invitation cards and how
to write messages. Each of these ways has particular characteristics that we must
To make a telephone call, you must have opening expressions. For example,
you can say: ‘good morning’, ‘hello’, ‘hi there’, etc. Here you must consider degree of
politeness. To close a telephone call, you can use one of the following: ‘bye’, ‘good bye’,
‘bye. Thanks for calling, etc.
To request someone to do something on the phone, you can use several
expressions like ‘Could/can/may I speak to …, please’. Or, we can also use the
expressions ‘do you mind if …’, ‘would you mind if … .‘
To invite someone to a party or an occasion, we must not forget the place,
time, date. Also, mention for what occasion you are inviting somebody. Finally, write
messages to someone, you may use passive sentences.

a. Read the note and answer these questions.

Hi Ridho,
Hope you had a good day at work!
Gone to supermarket to get something for diner. Back at 6.

1. Who is it for? ....................................................

2. Who wrote it? ....................................................
3. Where did she go? .....................................................
4. When will she be back? .....................................................

b. Look at the following situations and complete each question to make it polite.
1. After borrowing a book, you want to have your student card back.
Can I have my student card back ..................................................................?
2. You want to borrow your friend’s camera.
Do you think ..................................................................................?
3. You didn’t hear what your classmate said. You want her to say it again.
Would you mind .........................................................................?
4. You’ve written a letter in English. You want your teacher to check it.

128 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII

Would you mind..........................................................................?
5. You can’t hear what our roommate is saying because of the radio. You want
him to turn it down. Would ............................................................................?

1. This unit gives me (put tick V):
new experiences.
useful learning experiences.
no useful learning experiences.
useful learning strategy.
no useful learning strategy.
2. The most interesting part in this unit is………..
3. Things that I want to study more are………………
4. Read the statements. Then, give tick (v) to yes, no, some.

Statements very well well little

a. I can make a telephone call.
b. I can make responses to a phone call.
c. I can make requests.
d. I can make responses to requests.
e. I can write an invitation card.
f. I can write messages.

Vocabulary list

Words Parts of Speech Phonetic Indonesian Equivalent

appointment noun  Janji, perjanjian
barbeque noun  Pesta di luar rumah dengan
memanggang daging
cordially adverb  Dengan hangat
encyclopedia noun  Buku referensi tentang ilmu
pengetahuan yang disusun
berdasarkan alfabet
food chain noun  Rantai makanan
journal noun  Terbitan berkala
mashed potato noun  Kentang rebus dilumatkan
dengan susu dan mentega dan
disajikan hangat
message noun  pesan
prohibited adjective  dilarang
supper noun  makan malam

Unit 7 - Making Telephone Calls 129

SNAKES AND LADDERS. Work in groups of four. Each person places a chip on START.
Throw a dice to move the chip. Read the question and answer or follow the instructions. If a
chip lands on the bottom of a ladder, move up to the top of that ladder. If a chip lands on a
snake’s head, move down to the tail. The first person to reach the GOAL is the winner.

Pic. 7.11 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

130 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII

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