Lancet Psychiatry 2014; Background People with schizophrenia and related disorders are at an increased risk of adverse outcomes,
1: 44–54 including conviction of a violent offence, suicide, and premature mortality. However, the rates of, and risk factors
See Comment page 6 for, these outcomes need clarification as a basis for population-based and targeted interventions. We aimed to
Department of Psychiatry, determine rates and risk factors for these outcomes, and investigate to what extent they are shared across outcomes
University of Oxford, and are specific to schizophrenia and related disorders.
Warneford Hospital,
Oxford, UK (S Fazel MD,
A Wolf MSc); and Department Methods We undertook a total population cohort study in Sweden of 24 297 patients with schizophrenia and related
of Medical Epidemiology and disorders between January, 1972 and December, 2009. Patients were matched by age and sex to people from the
Biostatistics, Karolinska
general population (n=485 940) and also to unaffected sibling controls (n=26 357). First, we investigated rates of
Institutet, Stockholm,
Sweden (C Palm MSc, conviction of a violent offence, suicide, and premature mortality, with follow-up until conviction of a violent offence,
Prof P Lichtenstein PhD) emigration, death, or end of follow-up (Dec 31, 2009), whichever occurred first. Second, we analysed associations
Correspondence to: between these adverse outcomes and sociodemographic, individual, familial, and distal risk factors, for men and
Dr Seena Fazel, Department of women separately, with Cox proportional hazards models. Finally, we assessed time trends in adverse outcomes
Psychiatry, University of Oxford, between 1972 and 2009, for which we compared patients with unaffected siblings, and analysed associations with
Warneford Hospital,
Oxford OX3 7JX, UK
changes in the number of nights spent in inpatient beds in psychiatric facilities nationwide.
Findings Within 5 years of their initial diagnosis, 13·9% of men and 4·7% of women with schizophrenia and related
disorders had a major adverse outcome (10·7% of men and 2·7% of women were convicted of a violent offence, and
3·3% of men and 2·0% of women died prematurely of any cause). During the study, the adjusted odds ratio of any
adverse outcomes for patients compared with general population controls was 7·5 (95% CI 7·2–7·9) in men and 11·1
(10·2–12·1) in women. Three risk factors that were present before diagnosis were predictive of any adverse outcome:
drug use disorders, criminality, and self-harm, which were also risk factors for these outcomes in unaffected siblings
and in the general population. Over the period 1973–2009, the odds of these outcomes increased in patients with
schizophrenia and related disorders compared with unaffected siblings.
Interpretation Schizophrenia and related disorders are associated with substantially increased rates of violent crime,
suicide, and premature mortality. Risk factors for these three outcomes included both those specific to individuals
with schizophrenia and related disorders, and those shared with the general population. Therefore, a combination of
population-based and targeted strategies might be necessary to reduce the substantial rates of adverse outcomes in
patients with schizophrenia and related disorders.
Copyright © Fazel et al. Open Access article distributed under the terms of CC BY.
concerns about deinstitutionalisation,11 although broader psychiatrists from 2001 onwards. Diagnoses are based on
sociopolitical factors are probably important.12 the International Classification of Diseases, eighth revision
To address these uncertainties, we have investigated all (ICD-8 [1972–86], code 295), ninth revision (ICD-9
patients with diagnoses of schizophrenia and related [1987–96], codes 295; 297A, B, C, W, and X; and 298W and
disorders in secondary care in Sweden during a 38-year X), and tenth revision (ICD-10 [1997–2004], codes F20–F22
period to report the rates of specific and any serious and F25–F29). We used two or more patient episodes as
adverse outcomes, clarify the contribution of some part of our inclusion criteria to increase diagnostic
individual and parental risk factors, establish whether risk precision by minimising false-positive diagnoses.15 This
factors are shared between outcomes, and assess whether definition includes any patients with two or more of the
these determinants are similar to those in unaffected above diagnoses—that is, those with any two or more
siblings and general population controls. If risk factors are diagnoses of schizophrenia or other non-affective
similar to those in comparison groups, then universal psychoses.
population-based strategies to improve outcomes could be In terms of diagnostic validity, schizophrenia diagnoses
considered.13 Finally, we studied trends over time for the in the Patient Register concord well with those obtained by
relative odds of each adverse outcome, and how these an OPCRIT record review and interview (generating a
values varied with changes in inpatient bed numbers. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
Fourth Edition [DSM-IV] diagnosis of schizophrenia), as
Methods shown by κ values of 0·74–0·76.16 In another study, 86% of
Study setting hospital register schizophrenia diagnoses corresponded
We linked longitudinal nationwide Swedish population with diagnoses of DSM-IV schizophrenia syndrome made
registers: the National Patient Register, the Medical Birth
Register, and the Cause-of-Death Register (held at the
National Board of Health and Welfare); the Longitudinal Men (n=14 621) Women (n=9676)
Integration Database for Health Insurance and Labour Schizophrenia 5704 (39·0%) 2846 (29·4%)
Market Studies and the Multi-generation Register (Statistics Related disorders (excluding schizophrenia) 8917 (61·0%) 6830 (70·6%)
Sweden); and the Conscription Register (Swedish Defence Socioeconomic factors
Recruitment Agency). The Multi-generation Register Mean age at first diagnosis, years (SD) 28·8 (7·8) 29·8 (8·3)
connects every person born in Sweden in or after 1933, and Income in lowest tertile 5723 (39·1%) 4026 (41·8%)
ever registered as living in the country since 1960, to their Born abroad 3639 (24·9%) 2400 (24·8%)
parents.14 Similar information exists for immigrants who Single 11 592 (79·3%) 6588 (68·1%)
became citizens of Sweden before the age of 18 years, Parental factors before diagnosis
together with one or both parents. All residents, including Alcohol or drug use disorders 809 (5·5%) 463 (4·8%)
immigrants, have a unique ten-digit personal identification Any offence 911 (6·2%) 594 (6·1%)
number that is used in all national registers, which enables Violent offence 423 (2·9%) 266 (2·7%)
these data to be linked across these registers. We selected Suicide 268 (1·8%) 202 (2·1%)
the cohort of people born between Jan 1, 1958, and Dec 31, Psychiatric diagnosis 1369 (9·4%) 872 (9·0%)
1994, who were followed from January, 1972 to the end of Born abroad 1930 (13·2%) 1108 (11·5%)
follow-up in December, 2009 (n=7 238 800). Individual factors before diagnosis
We identified all 24 297 people who had been discharged Alcohol use disorders 1047 (7·2%) 410 (4·2%)
from hospitals between 1972 and 2009 and who had been
Drug use disorders 1501 (10·3%) 600 (6·2%)
diagnosed with schizophrenia or a related disorder (other
Alcohol offence 1736 (11·9%) 169 (1·7%)
non-affective psychoses) on at least two separate
Drug offence 2156 (14·7%) 351 (3·6%)
occasions. We used the Multi-generation Register to
Alcohol or drug medication 198 (1·4%) 64 (0·7%)
identify unaffected siblings (n=26 357) of these patients.
Any offence 6507 (44·5%) 1639 (16·9%)
Every patient was linked to 20 age-matched and sex-
Violent offence 3409 (23·3%) 497 (5·1%)
matched controls. Their unaffected siblings were also
Non-violent offence 5966 (40·8%) 1501 (15·5%)
independently linked to 20 age-matched and sex-matched
Self-harm 1419 (9·7%) 1440 (14·9%)
controls. Both controls and siblings had no diagnoses of
schizophrenia or related disorders, but might have had
High (7–9) 1123 (13·0%) NA
other psychiatric diagnoses.
Medium (4–6) 3987 (46·3%) NA
The National Patient Register includes data about all Birth complications† 411 (11·9%) 240 (11·7%)
people admitted to any hospital for assessment, treatment, Data are n (%), unless otherwise indicated. IQ=intelligence quotient. NA=not available. *IQ data were available for
or both in Sweden (including secure hospitals and the few 8620 men. †Data for birth complications were available for a sample of 3445 men and 2058 women.
private providers of inpatient health care) from 1972
Table 1: Descriptive data for risk factors in patients with diagnoses of schizophrenia and related disorders
onwards, or people who had outpatient appointments with
from file-based reviews by psychiatrists.17 However, the nature or causes severe bodily harm), common assault,
specificity is only fair at best.16 Therefore, some patients robbery, arson, any sexual offence (rape, sexual coercion,
with a schizophrenia diagnosis in the Patient Register child molestation, and sexual harassment [including
will be diagnosed with other mental disorders for any indecent exposure]), and illegal threats or intimidation.20
one inpatient episode, which led to our decision to use We used conviction data because the criminal code in
diagnoses on two different occasions to define cases.18 Sweden states that individuals are convicted as guilty
Less is known about comorbid psychiatric disorders, irrespective of mental illness (ie, to be judged as not guilty
although one study showed fair to moderate agreement by reason of insanity is not possible in Sweden). Thus,
for comorbid substance use disorders in schizophrenia conviction data included people who received custodial or
(κ=0·37, standard error 0·23, p<0·001, which cor- non-custodial sentences and those transferred to forensic
responds to 68% full agreement).19 Since only about 1% of hospitals (eg, people who were psychiatrically assessed and
hospital admissions have missing personal identification were thought to have suffered from psychosis or another
numbers,20 the register has been used in a range of severe mental disorder at the time of the offence).
epidemiological investigations.19 Furthermore, conviction data included cases in which the
For our outcome measure of premature mortality, we prosecutor decided to caution or fine the perpetrator (eg,
retrieved data about causes of death for all people who died less serious sexual crimes and some juvenile cases).
between 1972 and 2009. We were mainly interested in rates Moreover, although some factors can affect sentencing,
of premature mortality, which we defined as death before plea bargaining at the conviction stage is not part of the
the age of 56 years. We focused on premature mortality Swedish legal system.24 Therefore, conviction data
because prevention will make a substantial contribution to accurately represent the extent of officially resolved
public health and to the present focus on population-based criminality in the population. The crime register has
approaches to reduce mortality and morbidity.21 Deaths complete national coverage—only 0·05% of all registered
classified as suicide included undetermined deaths convictions had incomplete personal identification num-
(ICD-10 codes Y10–Y34) because their exclusion would bers in 1988–2000.20
underestimate actual rates.22 Since the cause of death For the sociodemographic risk factors that we assessed,
register covers more than 99% of deaths in Swedish we used family disposable income at the age of 15 years
residents, including those occurring outside Sweden, the (divided into thirds) as a proxy for income, and we used
loss of information about death by suicide was negligible.23 this as a dichotomous variable (lowest tertile vs top two
For our outcome measure of violent offences, we retrieved tertiles). If these data were unavailable, we used family
data for all convictions of a violent offence during the disposable income at 16 years of age or at the youngest age
period 1972–2009 for all people in the cohort from the at which it was available. Single marital status was defined
National Crime Register, which includes conviction data as being unmarried at first diagnosis. Immigrant status
about all people 15 years of age (the age of criminal was defined as being born outside of Sweden. We did not
responsibility in Sweden) and older. Conviction of a violent replace missing data by imputation or other methods.
offence was defined as homicide and attempted homicide, The distal risk factors that we assessed were birth
aggravated assault (an assault that is life-threatening in risk factors and intelligence quotient (IQ) scores. Birth
1 year
Violent 3·5%
6·0% 2 years
crime 10·7% 5 years
Suicide 1·2%
Premature 0·9%
mortality 3·3%
Any adverse 4·4%
outcome 13·9%
Violent 0·8%
crime 2·7%
Suicide 0·9%
Premature 0·6%
mortality 2·0%
Any adverse 1·4%
outcome 4·7%
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Incidence (%)
Figure 1: Incidence of conviction of a violent offence, suicide, premature mortality, and any adverse outcome within 1, 2, and 5 years of first diagnosis in
patients with schizophrenia and related disorders
risk factors were defined as at least one of the following: Statistical analysis
small for gestational age (2 or more SD below the For between-population analyses, we estimated the
mean);25 preterm birth (fewer than 37 completed weeks association between a diagnosis of schizophrenia and
of gestation); or low birthweight (3·00–2·01 SD below causes of death, based on related work with matched
mean birthweight).26 controls,19,30 for which we used the clogit command in
We extracted IQ scores (low, medium, and high) for Stata version 12.1. The clogit command fits conditional
Swedish men who underwent IQ testing at military (fixed-effects) logistic regression models to matched
conscription.27,28 We standardised the global IQ score for case–control groups. We included two confounders
both cases and controls against the whole population so (low family income and being born abroad) for
that they followed a normal distribution between 1 and 9 theoretical reasons, and also tested whether each of
with a mean of 5.29 In cases with schizophrenia and related these factors were independently associated with either
disorders, IQ data were unavailable for 6001 (41%) men, case or control and outcome measures, respectively, in
which is higher than the missing levels in men in the univariate analyses at the 5% significance level.31
control population (85 944/292 420; 29%); this is partly For our sensitivity analyses, we also studied differences
because people with psychiatric illness are exempt from by diagnosis (schizophrenia vs other non-affective
conscription. psychoses), for which we used only ICD-9 and ICD-10
We defined drug and alcohol use disorders using diagnostic codes (since ICD-8 does not allow for
inpatient (1972–2008) and outpatient (2001–08) primary or differentiation between these diagnoses). In a further
secondary diagnoses (ICD-8: 303, 304; ICD-9: 303, 304, sensitivity analysis, we compared odds of adverse
305·0, 305·9; ICD-10: F10–F19, except for x·5) in patients outcomes in the 1972–2000 cohort, for which only
and controls. Alcohol and drug-related offences were inpatient data were available, against the 2001–09 cohort,
defined as the illegal manufacture of alcohol or illegal which had both inpatient and outpatient data. Finally, we
drugs; driving when under the influence of alcohol or stratified odds of adverse outcomes by age at diagnosis.
illicit substances; and the smuggling, manufacturing, For within-population analyses, we followed patients
possession or supply of illicit substances, and their with schizophrenia or related disorders longitudinally
personal use. after diagnosis until their first conviction for a violent
For parental risk factors, we extracted data for parental offence, suicide, emigration, death from any cause, or
immigration status (born abroad), and suicide, convictions end of follow-up (Dec 31, 2009), whichever occurred first.
of a violent offence, psychiatric diagnoses, and alcohol or Our first set of analyses compared risks of outcomes
drug diagnoses, occurring before their child’s first in patients and unaffected siblings compared with
diagnosis of schizophrenia or a related disorder to avoid general population controls matched for birth year and
the possibility of reverse causality. sex, in which we used conditional logistic regression to
As a proxy for number of psychiatric inpatient beds, we generate adjusted odds ratios. We then compared
extracted the total number of nights as an inpatient in a unaffected siblings with the general population to
psychiatric hospital in the entire population of patients estimate the amount of familial confounding. A second
with psychiatric diagnoses for each year from 1972 to 2009. set of analyses, that focused on risk factors, used Cox
Patients with Unaffected siblings General population Patients vs general Siblings vs general Patient vs sibling
schizophrenia and (n=26 357) (n=485 940) population, aOR population, aOR analyses, ROR
related disorders (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI)
(n=24 297)
Men, n (%) 14 621 (60·2%) 13 577 (51·5%) 292 420 (60·2%) NA NA NA
Women, n (%) 9676 (39·8%) 12 780 (48·5%) 193 520 (39·8%) NA NA NA
Violent offence (per 10 000 person-years) 2958 (129·1) 1005 (26·5) 9284 (19·5) 7·4 (7·1–7·8) 1·8 (1·7–1·9) 4·2 (3·8–4·5)
Men 2431 (184·1) 869 (46·1) 8590 (29·9) 6·6 (6·3–6·9) 1·7 (1·6–1·9) 3·8 (3·5–4·2)
Women 527 (54·3) 136 (7·2) 704 (3·7) 14·9 (13·2–16·8) 2·2 (1·9–2·7) 6·7 (5·4–8·3)
Premature mortality (per 10 000 person-years) 1593 (80·0) 631 (16·1) 4171 (11·0) 8·1 (7·6–8·6) 1·6 (1·5–1·7) 5·1 (4·6–5·7)
Men 1126 (102·4) 427 (21·4) 3005 (14·1) 8·1 (7·5–8·7) 1·7 (1·5–1·8) 4·8 (4·2–5·4)
Women 467 (45·8) 204 (10·6) 1166 (6·2) 8·1 (7·2–9·1) 1·4 (1·2–1·7) 5·6 (4·7–6·8)
Suicide (per 10 000 person-years) 889 (34·5) 180 (4·6) 866 (1·8) 20·7 (18·8–22·9) 2·6 (2·2–3·1) 7·9 (6·6–9·6)
Men 625 (40·2) 124 (6·2) 703 (2·4) 18·3 (16·3–20·5) 2·5 (2·0–3·0) 4·9 (4·3–5·5)
Women 264 (25·9) 56 (2·9) 163 (0·9) 31·1 (25·3–38·2) 3·0 (2·2–4·0) 10·5 (7·3–15·0)
Data in the first three columns are n (rate per 10 000 person-years), unless otherwise indicated. General population controls are matched by age and sex. aOR=adjusted odds ratios (adjusted for low family
income and being born abroad). ROR=ratio of odds ratios.
Table 2: Rates and adjusted odds ratios of adverse outcomes in patients with schizophrenia and related disorders, in unaffected siblings, and in general population controls
regression modelling that provided hazard ratios (HRs) first diagnosis.32 The coefficient of this term shows the
with 95% CIs to account for time at risk. All analyses change in the odds ratio of an adverse outcome for
were stratified by sex. In adjusted Cox models, all risk each additional calendar year. In a separate trend
factors significantly associated with the outcome analysis, we included the number of annual inpatient
variable after backward stepwise likelihood ratio nights (in millions) as an interaction term to analyse
regression were simultaneously taken into account. To the association between inpatient bed use and odds
assess the mechanisms behind the risk factors, we ratios of adverse outcomes.
estimated hazard ratios, for the same outcomes and The Regional Ethics Committee at the Karolinska
exposures, in unaffected siblings and controls from the Institutet approved the study (2009/939-31/5). Data
general population. were merged and anonymised by an independent
For each outcome, we calculated odds ratios (adjusted government agency (Statistics Sweden), and the code
for low income and marital status) by year of diagnosis linking the personal identification numbers to the
in patients with schizophrenia and related disorders new case numbers was destroyed immediately after
compared with age-matched and sex-matched controls, merging. Therefore, informed consent was not
for which we used conditional logistic regression. We required.
included age at first diagnosis (ie, age at start of follow- All analyses were done with SPSS, version 20.0 and
up) as an interaction term to account for period effects. Stata, version 12.1.
Next, we similarly calculated odds ratios in unaffected
siblings versus general population controls. Finally, we Role of the funding source
produced graphs to show annual ratios of these two odds The funders had no involvement in data collection,
ratios to compare relative trends in patients and analysis, or interpretation; trial design; patient
unaffected siblings. Graphs show datapoints from 1979 recruitment; any aspect pertinent to the study; or in the
onwards (since the incidence of sibling outcomes was writing of the report or decision to submit for
low before this date), using 3-year rolling averages. publication. SF had full access to all the data in the
To test statistically for trends over time, we included study and final responsibility for the decision to submit
the interaction term between casenesss and year of for publication.
Table 3: Multivariate risk factor models for conviction of a violent offence, suicide, and premature mortality in patients with schizophrenia and related
disorders (n=24 297)
Results offence, drug and alcohol use disorders, and in men, self-
Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics of 24 297 people harm) were associated with violent convictions in patients
in Sweden (14 261 men and 9676 women) with diagnoses (table 3) and in unaffected siblings (table 4). Low IQ was a
of schizophrenia and related disorders between 1972 risk factor in men (HR [adjusted for age] 1·8,
and 2009. The mean age at first diagnosis was 28·8 years 95% CI 1·5–2·2, for a comparison between low and high
(SD 7·8) for men and 29·8 years (8·3) for women IQ; appendix pp 3–4). Birth complications, being single,
(table 1). The mean follow-up time was 9·5 years and parental suicide were not associated with violent
(SD 7·6) for convictions of a violent offence, and convictions in patients with schizophrenia and related
10·6 years (7·8) for mortality. Descriptive statistics for disorders (appendix pp 3–4). Risk factors in the com-
unaffected siblings (n=26 357) and general population parison groups followed the same trend as in the patients,
controls (n=485 940) are presented in appendix pp 1–2. but hazard ratios tended to be higher in unaffected See Online for appendix
Of the diagnosed patients, 13·9% of men and 4·7% of siblings and in the general population than in the patients
women had a major adverse outcome within 5 years of (see appendix pp 3–4 for univariate associations).
first diagnosis (figure 1). During the study period, the 2·3% of men and 1·5% of women with schizophrenia
adjusted odds ratio of any adverse outcomes for patients and related disorders died by suicide within 5 years of
compared with the general population controls was 7·5 their first diagnosis (figure 1). In men, not being single at
(95% CI 7·2–7·9) in men and 11·1 (10·2–12·1) in the time of diagnosis, being born in Sweden, parental
women. Odds of convictions for a violent offence, suicide before diagnosis, and three individual risk factors
suicide, and premature mortality rates were higher in (previous conviction for violence, drug use disorders, and
patients with schizophrenia and related disorders than self-harm) were associated with suicide (table 3). In
in the general population, with some evidence of women, not being single, self-harm, and alcohol use
familial confounding shown by the results in the disorders were risk factors for suicide (table 3). In men,
unaffected siblings group (table 2). parental conviction of a violent offence was inversely
In people with schizophrenia and related disorders, associated with suicide, and low IQ was associated with
10·7% of men and 2·7% of women were convicted of a reduced risk of suicide (adjusted odds ratio 0·8,
violent offence within 5 years of their first diagnosis 95% CI 0·6–1·0; appendix pp 5–6). In univariate analyses,
(figure 1). Some sociodemographic factors (low family we noted differences in the direction of effects in risk
income and being born abroad), and individual factors factors in the unaffected sibling and general population
before first diagnosis (previous conviction for a violent controls. Low income and low IQ were associated with
Table 4: Multivariate risk factor models for conviction of a violent offence, suicide, and premature mortality in unaffected siblings (n=26 357)
20 Violence
Ratio of odds ratios
different for violence and suicide in schizophrenia. knowledge, our findings about alcohol and drug use, self-
Alcohol use disorders, low IQ, and parental conviction harm, birth complications, and previous conviction as risk
were risk factors for conviction of a violent offence but not factors for premature mortality, and non-suicide deaths
suicide, and being born abroad was protective for suicide specifically, are novel (panel).
risk, but not for violent conviction, in patients with A fourth aim of this study was to analyse these risk
schizophrenia and related disorders. We reported new factors in unaffected siblings and in general population
findings for two distal risk factors—birth complications, controls, which is, to our knowledge, the first time that this
which have been shown to be related to violence in general has been done. The inclusion of unaffected siblings allows
population samples,35 and IQ, for which previous research familial (genetic and/or early environmental) confounding
has found an inverse relation with suicide in patients with to be accounted for, and hence any differences would be
schizophrenia.36,37 For birth complications, associations specific to people developing the illness. Since most risk
were at most modest, partly because they are related factors were similar in patients and their unaffected
directly to the disease cause.38 siblings, we conclude that no clear familial confounding
Our study of risk factors contrasts with previous exists for the effects of these determinants. Thus, even if
systematic reviews. Unlike a recent systematic review of the development of schizophrenia is affected by a genetic
violence risk factors,39 we recorded associations with self- liability, risk factor prevention and management is likely to
harm, IQ, and parental conviction of a violent offence. For lead to a reduction in adverse outcomes. This approach is
suicides, by contrast with a previous review,36 we noted informative as to whether population-based strategies can
that conviction of a violent offence and not being single reduce adverse outcomes in patients and in the general
increased the risk of suicide. Furthermore, we assessed a population. We have shown that risk factors were mostly
range of parental and criminality factors not included in similar in patients and both comparison groups, including
the suicide review. The advantage of incorporating those for drug use disorders, criminality, and self-harm.
premature mortality is that it might include deaths that Therefore, population-based strategies to reduce these risk
have been misclassified and attributable to external causes factors could be prioritised as one public health approach
apart from suicide (eg, accidents and homicides). Previous to reduce violence and premature mortality.
work on premature mortality has mainly focused on However, we noted two exceptions to this finding, both
physical characteristics and diseases.40 Therefore, to our of which were for suicide outcomes. Low IQ was a risk
potentially be provided. Reliance on inpatients before 2001 11 Torrey EF. American psychosis: how the federal
might have overestimated risks of adverse outcomes, government destroyed the mental illness treatment system.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
although the risk estimates did not differ in the cohort 12 Large MM, Nielssen O. The Penrose hypothesis in 2004: patient
after 2001 when outpatient data were included. We did not and prisoner numbers are positively correlated in low-and-middle
investigate modification of risk factors through treatment income countries but are unrelated in high-income countries.
Psychol Psychother 2009; 82: 113–19.
because these data have recently become available and
13 Kirkbride JB, Jones PB. The prevention of schizophrenia—what can
solely for medication. Finally, the control participants in we learn from eco-epidemiology? Schizophr Bull 2011; 37: 262–71.
our sample might include people with other mental health 14 Statistics Sweden. The Multi-Generation Register 2004: a description
problems but no diagnoses of schizophrenia and related of content and quality [in Swedish]. Örebro: Statistics Sweden, 2005.
15 Sellgren C, Landén M, Lichtenstein P, Hultman C, Långström N.
disorders. Therefore our findings might be conservative Validity of bipolar disorder hospital discharge diagnoses: file review
estimates, since other mental disorders are associated with and multiple register linkage in Sweden. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2011;
adverse outcomes. 124: 447–53.
16 Ekholm B, Ekholm A, Adolfsson R, et al. Evaluation of diagnostic
In conclusion, schizophrenia and related disorders are procedures in Swedish patients with schizophrenia and related
associated with substantially increased rates of convictions psychoses. Nord J Psychiatry 2005; 59: 457–64.
of a violent offence, suicide, and premature mortality. We 17 Dalman C, Broms J, Cullberg J, Allebeck P. Young cases of
schizophrenia identified in a national inpatient register.
have shown that three risk factors are associated with Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2002; 37: 527–31.
these outcomes, which are the same as the factors that 18 Ludvigsson J, Andersson E, Ekbom A, et al. External review
increase the risk of these outcomes in unaffected siblings and validation of the Swedish national inpatient register.
and in the general population. A combination of BMC Public Health 2011; 11: 450.
19 Fazel S, Långström N, Hjern A, Grann M, Lichtenstein P.
population-based and targeted strategies might be Schizophrenia, substance abuse, and violent crime. JAMA 2009;
necessary to reduce the risks of violence, suicide, and 301: 2016–23.
premature mortality in patients with schizophrenia and 20 Fazel S, Grann M. The population impact of severe mental illness
on violent crime. Am J Psychiatry 2006; 163: 1397–403.
related disorders.
21 Horton R. Non-communicable diseases: 2015 to 2025. Lancet 2013;
Contributors 381: 509–10.
SF and PL conceived and designed the study. CP extracted and managed 22 Neeleman J, Wessely S. Changes in classification of suicide in
the data. AW analysed the data and conducted the literature search for England and Wales: time trends and associations with coroners’
the research in context panel. All authors interpreted the data. SF drafted professional backgrounds. Psychol Med 1997; 27: 467–72.
the report and all authors revised drafts and approved the final version. 23 Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. Cause of Death
Register. 2010. www.socialstyrelsen.se/statistik/statistikefteramne/
Declaration of interests dodsorsaker (accessed Apr 9, 2014).
We declare no competing interests.
24 Becker HK, Hjellemo EO. Justice in modern Sweden. Springfield:
Acknowledgments Thomas, 1976.
This study was funded by the Wellcome Trust (095806) and the Swedish 25 Maršál K, Persson PH, Larsen T, Lilja H, Selbing A, Sultan B.
Research Council. Intrauterine growth curves based on ultrasonically estimated foetal
weights. Acta Paediatr 1996; 85: 843–48.
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