Experience Problems: Time - Order Chart

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Name: Mc Lorbal Klenn C.

Frigillano Date: _____________

Time -Order Chart

Write the topic in the center square. Write events in the boxes and details on the branching lines.

Event 1 Event 2
Experience RA 11036 MHL to protect, support,
Problems assist provide necessary help

Family Promoting/Protecting

School Access to benefit government assistance

Self Mental health sector units to assist help



Event 4
Event 3
Facing Life Full of Positivity
Consult Right Away b4 it leads to
Chronic Mental Illness

Share her problem w/out I have my family to support me.

being judge by others I have a good grade
Gain advices w/c she could Trusting self
use to make wiser decisions
We have each other
Share her problems to other
and make them inspired too.
Name: Mc Lorbal Klenn C. Frigillano Date: ____________

Problem- Solution Chart

List story problems in the first column. List solutions in the right column.

Possible Problem Possible Solution

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:
1. Anxiety Disorders This treatment involves meeting regularly to
talk with a mental health professional. The
goal is to change your thinking and
behaviors. This approach has been successful
in creating permanent change in many
people with anxiety. It’s considered first-line
treatment for anxiety disorders in people
who are pregnant. Others have found that
the benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy
have provided long-term anxiety relief.
In therapy sessions, you will learn how to
recognize and control your anxious thoughts.
Your therapist will also teach you how to
calm yourself when upsetting thoughts arise.
Doctors often prescribe medications along
with therapy to treat GAD

Mood disorders can often be treated with

2. Mood Disorders success. Treatment may include:

Antidepressant and mood stabilizing

medicines—especially when combined with
psychotherapy have shown to work very well
in the treatment of depression

Psychotherapy—most often cognitive-

behavioral and/or interpersonal therapy. This
therapy is focused on changing the person’s
distorted views of himself or herself and the
environment around him or her. It also helps
to improve interpersonal relationship skills,
and identifying stressors in the environment
and how to avoid them.

Family therapy

Other therapies, such as electroconvulsive

therapy and transcranial stimulation

Families play a vital supportive role in any

treatment process.
When correctly diagnosed and treated,
people with mood disorders can live, stable,
productive, healthy lives.
Most psychotic disorders are treated with a
3. Psychotic Disorders combination of medications and
psychotherapy, which is a type of counseling.

Medication: The main type of drug that

doctors prescribe to treat psychotic disorders
are “antipsychotics.” Although these
medicines aren’t a cure, they are effective in
managing the most troubling symptoms of
psychotic disorders, such as delusions,
hallucinations, and thinking problems.

Psychotherapy: There are different types of

counseling -- including individual, group, and
family therapy – that can help someone who
has a psychotic disorder.

Most people with psychotic disorders are

treated as outpatients, meaning they don’t
live in institutions. But sometimes people
need to be hospitalized, such as if they have
severe symptoms, are in danger of hurting
themselves or others, or can’t care for
themselves because of their illness.

Treatment options for Alzheimer's disease

4. Dementia and other dementia are limited. While there
are medications available to try to improve
the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, the
effect of these medications is limited.
Physical exercise has been shown to be of
some benefit in helping to maintain
cognition. Staying engaged and participating
in social events may also be of some help. To
date, no treatment which can reverse the
process of Alzheimer's disease has been
Treatment for eating disorders involves
5. Eating disorders healthy eating together with medical care
and psychological treatment.

Some people might also be prescribed


Your health care team will work with you to

decide which combination of treatments is
right for you.
There is now an improve mental
health services in every barangay
and facilities in every hospital,
tertiary and even primary, and also
in schools and other work places.
Persons with mental illness and
disabled person are protected by
law and anyone who discriminate
them will punishable by law.

1. Persons with mental

2. Cruelty experience by
some individuals.
3. Discriminations.  Persons with mental illness have
4. Based on 2010 PSA now the right to participate in the
census 200,000 people treatment plan to be implemented
were identified to have with the help of the Philhealth to
disability due to mental consider a insurance package for
dis order. them, the right to evidence-based or
5. Suicidal increases in informed consent; right to
decades. confidentiality; and right to counsel,
6. Raised awareness of among others’.
mental illness.
7. Tortured individuals
8. Persons need aftercare
and need someone to
talk to without
judgement. There is now the right to freedom
from discrimination, right to
protection from torture, cruel,
inhumane, and degrading
treatment; right to aftercare and
rehabilitation; right to be
MC LORBAL KLENN C. FRIGILLANO adequately informed about
psychosocial and clinical
MENTAL HEALTH LAW assessments;

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