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Chapter 8 - Civilising The Native Educating The Nation

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Chapter 8 - Civilising the "Native", Educating the Nation

Total -4 test


Q.1) Who as a part of the Scottish missionary toured the districts of Bengal and Bihar in
the 1830s ?

A. Andrew Fuller.
B. William Carry
C. William Adam
D. Francois Solvyn

Correct Answer: William Adam

Q.2) A few important aspects about the education through a pathashala are given below.
Pick out the one that is not TRUE with respect to a pathashala

A. Classes were held under trees or even at gurus? home.

B. Teaching was oral and the guru taught only the children of rich families.
C. There was no fixed fee , no printed books, no benches etc
D. Mostly the shishyas stayed in the guru?s house and studied and had flexible timings
according to the harvest time

Correct Answer: Teaching was oral and the guru taught only the children of rich families.
Q.3) Which year did the East India Company decide to improve the system of vernacular

A. 1800
B. 1860
C. 1854
D. 1900

Correct Answer: 1854

Q.4) What was the important measure taken by the East India Company to improve the
vernacular education?

A. They closed down many local schools

B. They appointed a number of government pandits incharge of schools and asked them to
inspect the schools .
C. They introduced high fees and introduced grants
D. They allowed only higher education neglecting primary education.
Correct Answer: They appointed a number of government pandits incharge of schools and
asked them to inspect the schools .
Q.5) Name the poet who reacted against the introduction of Western education in India?

A. Bishnu Dey
B. Rabindranath Tagore
C. Amiya Chakravarthy
D. Budhadev Bose

Correct Answer: Rabindranath Tagore

Q.6) Who was of the opinion that Colonial education created sense of inferiority in the
minds of Indians?

A. Sarojini Naidu
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Rabindranath Tagore
D. Subhash Chandra Bose

Correct Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Q.7) Compelete the following words of Mahatma Gandhiji. Education in English

A. Appreciated
B. Encouraged
C. Invigorated
D. Crippled

Correct Answer: Crippled

Q.8) Some of the important points related to the ill effects of the Western education in
India put forward by Mahatma Gandhi are given below. Pick out if any statement(s) that
are not TRUE with respect to the views of Gandhiji
Gandhiji felt there was poison in this education and it was sinful.
Gandhiji wanted an education that could help Indians recover their sense of dignity and
Gandhiji urged the students to leave educational institutions in order to show to the British
that Indians were no longer willing to be enslaved
Gandhiji strongly felt that Indian languages ought to be the medium of teaching
Gandhiji felt education in English crippled Indians, distanced them from their own

A. All are TRUE except (iii)

B. All are TRUE
C. All are TRUE except (ii), (v)
D. All are TRUE except (i)

Correct Answer: All are TRUE

Q.9) The image given below depicts Mahatma Gandhi Rabindranath Tagore and a group
of girls at Santiniketan in 1940. Identify the person sitting next to Mahatma Gandhi

A. Kasturba Gandhi
B. Aruna Asif Ali
C. Kalpana Dutta
D. Sarojini Naidu

Correct Answer: Kasturba Gandhi

Q.10) Complete the following sentence. Mahatma Gandhi felt that the_______________
ought to be the medium of teaching.

A. Indian languages
B. Arabic
C. English
D. Sanskrit

Correct Answer: Indian languages

Q.11) Complete the following by choosing the most appropriate word from the list of
options. Mahatma Gandhi believed that people had to work with their hands, learn a
____________ and know how different things operated. This would develop their mind and
their capacity to understand.

A. Trade
B. Book
C. Business
D. Craft

Correct Answer: Craft

Q.12) By education I mean all round drawing out of the best in child and man- body, mind
and spirit. Literacy is neither the end of education nor even the beginning. Whose words
are these?
A. Sarojini Naidu
B. Rabindranath Tagore
C. Jawaharlal Nehru
D. Mahatma Gandhi

Correct Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Q.13) This image is the prayer hall of an important institution started by Rabindranatha
Tagore in 1901. Name the institution.

A. Santiniketan
B. Netaji Subhash Open university
C. University of Madras
D. Benaras Hindu University

Correct Answer: Santiniketan

Q.14) This is the picture of a Class in progess in Santhiniketan in the 1930s. Name the
person who started this famous institution in 1901.

A. Sarojini Naidu
B. Subhash Chandra Bose
C. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Rabindranath Tagore

Correct Answer: Rabindranath Tagore

Q.15) The experiences of a famous personality are given below. Identify this famous
personality based on the clues given :
He hated going to school
The school appeared like a prison , for he could never do what he felt like doing
When the other children listened to the teacher, his mind would wander away.
On growing up he wanted to set up a school where the child was happy, free and creative -
a school of self learning

A. Gopalkrishna Gokhale
B. Swami Vivekananda
C. Mahatma Gandhi
D. Rabindranath Tagore

Correct Answer: Rabindranath Tagore


Q.1) Name this Scottish historian who attacked the Orientalists.

A. David Hartley
B. James Mill
C. David Ricardo
D. John Stuart Mill

Correct Answer: James Mill

Q.2) Identify this famous historian from the following clues :
He was the most outspoken and influential critic who attacked the Orientalists
He saw India as an uncivlised country that needed to be civilized
He felt that British government in India should stop wasting public money in promoting
Oriental learning for it was of no practical use.

A. Thomas Babington Macaulay

B. Wlliam Bentick
C. James Mill
D. Thomas Carlyle

Correct Answer: Thomas Babington Macaulay

Q.3) A Single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of
India and Arabia. Who said these words?

A. Thomas Carlyle
B. Wlliam Bentick
C. Thomas Babington Macaulay
D. James Mill

Correct Answer: Thomas Babington Macaulay

Q.4) Lord Macaulay emphasized the need to teach this language. Which language did he
insist to teach ?

A. Hindi
B. Sanskrit
C. Arabic
D. English

Correct Answer: English

Q.5) Which year was the English education Act introduced in India?

A. 1880
B. 1835
C. 1900
D. 1800

Correct Answer: 1835

Q.6) The temples of darkness that were falling of themselves into decay. Who said these
words about the Calcutta Madrasa and Benares Sanskrit College?

A. Lord William Bentick

B. Lord Macaulay
C. Lord Ripon
D. Lord Dalhousie

Correct Answer: Lord Macaulay

Q.7) Which year did the Court of Directors of the East India Company in London sent an
educational dispatch to the Governor General in India?

A. 1890
B. 1854
C. 1880
D. 1800
Correct Answer: 1854
Q.8) Name the President of the Board of Control in England who sent a dispatch.

A. Charles Wood
B. Lord Dalhousie
C. Lord Macaulay
D. James Mill

Correct Answer: Charles Wood

Q.9) The main points covered in the Woods dispatch are given below. Pick out any
statement if any not TRUE with respect to the Woods dispatch
Provision was made for a systematic method of education from the primary level to the
university level.
In Bombay, Madras and Calcutta, universities were opened
Grants in- aid were to be given to private schools affiliated to the government.
Indians were not allowed to be taught in their mother tongue.

A. All except (i) are TRUE

B. All (i),(ii),(iii),(iv) are TRUE
C. All except (iii) are TRUE
D. All except (iv) are TRUE

Correct Answer: All except (iv) are TRUE

Q.10) How did the European learning improve the moral character of Indians?

A. It would make the Indians realize the importance of developing resources of the country
B. It would make them truthful and honest
C. It would make them change their tastes and desires and create a demand for British goods
D. It would expand the trade and commerce

Correct Answer: It would make them truthful and honest

Q.11) Complete by choosing the most appropriate word from the following list of options.
The introduction of _____________ brought with it ideas of democracy, liberty, fraternity
among the minds of Indians

A. Western education
B. Doctrine of Lapse
C. Subsidiary alliance
D. Expansion policies

Correct Answer: Western education

Q.12) This picture is of a university that was established as per recommendations of the
Woods Dispatch along the lines of London universities. Identify the place where this
famous university stands today in the state of Maharashtra?

A. Bombay
B. Aurangabad
C. Nasik
D. Pune

Correct Answer: Bombay

Q.13) Name the college established on the banks of the river Hoogly near Calcutta by
William Carrey.

A. Serampore College
B. Bethune College
C. Vidyasagar College
D. Scottish Church college

Correct Answer: Serampore College

Q.14) Name the person who was a part of the Scottish missionary who helped to establish
the Serampore Mission

A. William Ward
B. Andrew Fuller
C. Hudson Taylor
D. William Carry

Correct Answer: William Carry

Q.15) The following image is a pictorial representation of a Dutch painter who came to
India in the late 18th century depicting the everyday life of a village pathshala. Name this
Dutch painter
A. William Carry
B. Lord Macualay
C. William Adam
D. Francois Solvyn

Correct Answer: Francois Solvyn


Q.1) What would you call a person who knows several languages ?

A. Biographer
B. Translator
C. Linguist
D. Biolinguist

Correct Answer: Linguist

Q.2) Identify this linguist who arrived in Calcutta in 1783 as a junior judge at the Supreme

A. William Jones
B. Max Muller
C. Henry Thomas Colebrooke
D. Warren Hastings

Correct Answer: William Jones

Q.3) From the image given below, name this English scholar who learnt Sanskrit and
ancient sacred writings of Hinduism along with William Jones.

A. Max Muller
B. Henry Thomas Colebrooke
C. Nathaniel Halhed
D. Warren Hastings

Correct Answer: Henry Thomas Colebrooke

Q.4) Three Englishmen were busy discovering the ancient Indian heritage and mastering
Indian languages. One was Willam Jones and another Henry Thomas Colebrooke . Name
the third person

A. Warren Hastings
B. Henry Thomas Colebrooke
C. Max Muller
D. Nathaniel Halhed

Correct Answer: Nathaniel Halhed

Q.5) Who started the journal Asiatick Researches?

A. Warren Hastings
B. William Jones
C. Max Muller
D. Henry Thomas Colebrooke

Correct Answer: William Jones

Q.6) What does the Arabic word Madrasa refer to?

A. A mine
B. A place of worship
C. A place of learning , a school or college
D. A factory

Correct Answer: A place of learning , a school or college

Q.7) Where in India a Madrasa was set up in 1781 to promote the study of Arabic , Persian
and Islamic Law ?
A. Calcutta
B. Madras
C. Benares
D. Bombay

Correct Answer: Calcutta

Q.8) Name the important scholar who studied Sanskrit and found it to be the most
scientific language of the world. He also translated the important works Shakuntala and
Manusmriti into English

A. Charles Wood
B. William Jones
C. Max Muller
D. Nathaniel Halhed

Correct Answer: William Jones

Q.9) From the outline map of India, identify the place marked A in black circle. Situated
on the banks of Ganges, in Uttar Pradesh also known as Varanasi or Kasi where the Hindu
College was established in 1791.

A. Jhansi
B. Kanpur
C. Agra
D. Benares

Correct Answer: Benares

Q.10) From the following which one would best describe an Orientalist

A. Those who study about the animal behavior of Asia

B. Those who study about the birds of Asia
C. Those with a scholarly knowledge of the culture and language of Asia
D. Those who study about the transport and communication of Asia

Correct Answer: Those with a scholarly knowledge of the culture and language of Asia
Q.11) A person who can read, write and teach Persian is called a _________
A. Orientalist
B. Linguist
C. Munshi
D. Biographer

Correct Answer: Munshi

Q.12) In countries like India, British used this term to mark the difference between the
local languages and everyday use and English.This term is generally used to refer to a local
language or dialect as distinct from what is seen as the standard language.

A. Colloquial
B. Slang
C. Jargon
D. Vernacular

Correct Answer: Vernacular

Q.13) Warren Hastings took the initiative to set up a Madras at one of the important cities
of India and believed that the ancient customs of the country and Oriental learning ought
to be the basis of British rule in India . Which city is being referred to here ?

A. Bombay
B. Calcutta
C. Pondicherry
D. Madras

Correct Answer: Calcutta

Q.14) The image given below is that of a famous Governor General in the centre , and a
Pandit on one side and a Munshi on another side . This monument is now in Victoria
Memorial, Calcutta. Guess correctly the name of this Governor General.

A. Lord Wellesley
B. Lord Mountbatten
C. Lord Dalhousie
D. Warren Hastings

Correct Answer: Warren Hastings

Q.15) Some comments about the Orientalist Vision of Learning by the British are given
below. Select the one that is not applicable to this particular style of learning.

A. British argued that it is not advisable to encourage the study of Arabic and Sanskrit
language and literature
B. British said that knowledge of the east was full of errors and unscientific thoughts
C. British argued that the aim of education ought to be to teach what was useful and
D. British observed that Western literature was non-serious and light hearted.

Correct Answer: British observed that Western literature was non-serious and light hearted.

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