First Terminal Examination, 2014 English Time: 3 Hrs. Class V M.M.: 100
First Terminal Examination, 2014 English Time: 3 Hrs. Class V M.M.: 100
First Terminal Examination, 2014 English Time: 3 Hrs. Class V M.M.: 100
Time : 3 hrs. Class V M.M. : 100
Date – 23.09.2014
iii) Write two sentences about lanterns.
B.2 Write a letter to your friend asking him to spend a weekend with you. (7)
Write a letter to your uncle telling him about your new school.
Section – C (Grammar – 30 marks)
C.1 Arrange the following words in alphabetical order. (1)
train, track, trailor, trapeze, true
C.2 (A) Identify the kind of sentences. Write ‘As’ for assertive, ‘In’ for (1)
interrogative, ‘Im’ for imperative and ‘Ex’ for exclamatory
i) Spoken words have great power.
C.4 (A) Form two abstract nouns from the clues : (treat, free, agree, king) (1)
i) ___ dom = ________________, ________________.
(B) Rewrite the following sentences changing the underlined nouns into (1)
singular form :
i) The geese made a lot of noise.
C.6 Rewrite the following sentences changing the underlined nouns from (2)
masculine to feminine.
i) The boy sat on the back of a horse.
ii) Our landlord went to the city along with his son.
c) Correct the following sentences. (2)
i) How long will we ran?
d) Use ‘going to’ and the clues given in the brackets to frame correct (2)
i) Will Sita attend the rehearsal?
Sita _____________________________________________. (not)
e) Circle the word in each sentence that tells how something is done. (1)
The verbs are underlined. (adverbs of manner)
i) Ngede hopped about madly.
ii) Gingile quickly thrust the burning branch into the hollow.
g) Frame questions to which these are answers. Use how long / will / (1)
what / where / when :
i) _______________________________________________? (essay)
I’ll hand it to you on Sunday.
b) What values do you learn from the story ‘Clever Somu’?
c) The creatures that were arguing were the lightning bug ______________,
______________ and ______________.
c) his children were upset with his idea, plan and method.
ii) I’ll race down to the store and get some sweets. (noun / verb)
d) Write the words in column A and column B that can be used to (¼×4=1)
describe the words in column C.
i) _____________ _____________ hair
Oral Assessment.
i) Test your vocabulary (5)
ii) Story reading (5)